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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  July 21, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, you're welcome to world to part, to many in the west where she's a country to be a score and no come down and above all for years. but to my guest today, this isn't there were some phenomenon, but something that watson and leaves have cultivated and weaponized since the great schism of christianity. why, what purpose does it serve?
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or to discuss that i'm now enjoy and by the, the time as wasteful edition, and also are off creating was a full be a, from the great religious scheduling to add to pretend hysteria as the town is great to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. thank you and can you for inviting me? are now in your book, you argue that it was a full, b is not just the expedient political tactic, but something far more structural and fundamental. you suggest that it's part of the west, west for its own identity. the design to win late or russia have served the roles of involuntary sparring partners for the west. which is, you know, also in a way, doing the west a favor because we all grow sort of frustration both on the collective and individual levels. so i wonder though, why do you think this favor isn't being appreciated and why hasn't been lasting for
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so long. as i tried to explain that in my book, that's a very young girl history, a 1000 years of the story and the prism choice. so for me, i use very deeply rooted in the history and the highest can be explained by the 1st 40 just curious more between the catholic church. so let's say and abuse on time. so the orthodox a child show at the end of the a set time $0.09 or beginning of $0.09 or use it. and paul goes, charles degrade. then the officers, keith smith, the 11 so essentially why? because it seems to start am i so quite so identity as your mention of all the rest because the legit team with that just to make the stand by do that was
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based on time and by read the cost of do not produce as capital and rome had disappeared from the scene since fireball essentially is. so if those are kind of rebellion against their lead, you to make the change or did you did that ample. that, that, that's why it uh, for the, for the west. just it's, i mean, not the already just problem, but don't so funny because one how to try to be coming to the bed and drive the whole identity against the orthodox and the visual guides here. what i found very interesting in your book is that you actually claim that uh, the west quest for an identity here that has never been found. so your argument is that the west has never been able to find its identity and historically is a rather provocative statement because the west one through the classical a greek and roman periods. this is where christianity found its home. you know it
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west, through the rain is science, it's still cleans uh, the exclusive rights to all kinds of enlightenment be political, economic, gender relations, etc. what makes you believe that the western identity has never been found? the worst of identity is most people is not what this might be, but because you have great the sauce, you have to try and share this time. yeah, i was at the beginning though, the, these are the quite fast but also the german. but then you know, the, on your section for sure. so it was, it was always, most people i love to do so small just because they lever wait. and then and i, they to deep, right. it is my people when you do is you and all the stuff it is. yeah, that's the 1st thing. and the 2nd that's why. because because of just if you go to the west, maybe or with a lender,
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me. so it towards the end me was the ducks in terms of hurry jones was that sort of a busy day or so because based on the time, then after that after the collapse of bees on down there. but this, in me has been found with georgia. yoga says, is the c u, i am a just do a need to maintain this my people identity together. if i can summarize like that just now you mention in the bulk of the separation of the roman empire into western and eastern byzantine pars, and it wasn't historically, it wasn't the only uh, let's say, a religious question. it became a religious question later. but uh, at the time of separation, it was also philosophical question, the statehood question. because these 2 parts, former parts of the roman empire treated dikes function in a very different way in the west, expand as to the conquest,
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forceful in position of its rules. its morality onto all other peoples and the best investments in the empire expanded through integration without demanding, strong, demanding off of, you know, change a world view or change or for religious affiliation. i wonder if we're seeing um, sort of this uh, this division being replayed once again in history. because if you look at the russia as russia right now, it's a federal state, but it's a very, you know, um, diverse state and people are within at least very, very different lives, not only religiously, but also taking a logically economically, etc. but the west demands uniformity. within it say within this community and we should say that every empire is beginning at the beginning is stopped, is comp, these are concrete link and bottom to it being worship cause for so,
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you know, let's say. ready in the, from the 16th century to the 19th century. ready you know, i bounce back all great new territories. i know but, but the big difference is that trust shot as big way to get this new kind of says, you really john spins inside, didn't seem to pin hoots and bar, which was not the case of the oh, there were still more problems the, the code is a some that's the recent kind of these issues. the 19th century, cronies issue is an example of that never tried to integrate the new people's in to down rick. but the just apply the, apply the wide to west on the, everybody, you know, and distinctly different ways. that's the reason why see, so let's say, oh, i thought guys, you know, things like that,
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which was the case of the russian with, able to do that. if you look at the present, the american boy, you see all of your sex on police, that's exactly the same. that's why or so the night and states news or this was because each is able to request it's able to but to about to, to make the victoria or the back the ground. ok. sorry. watch. uh yeah. and also share your or the contractor destroyed. but he's unable to convince the people to join them. does that make it the core principle of their western identity? being able to uh, come in and enforce or subjugate other people regardless of what happens later on. just this demonstration of brutal floors being able to
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conquer exactly because jerry's interest, they're kind of on the condition affected you. it does the wisdom by you as a bold, gold boy or don't wives. so the, the, the, the western flows have to do with the pain. ready a think a way of thinking she lives or the science. your source of the, you know, is so much higher than everybody else. that the risk as the white, the domain name to, to, to get it to be so from up to, let's say, backed up, which is not the case of order or the basis of all the cd because ations. and that's why the west is. so let's say q 2 twin boys. it's for no worries any to everybody as rich as much as we
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said their case so fresh um or even chinese. ready oh, those are due to zation, the arabs, the d b u n g, a few centers of the said the beginning of the is lot of books after that that this topic that's not the west. you know. and we can see, you know, how or abuse this big shawn's also so strong and steam patriarch, the workers, right or so. now the. ready states and the rest of the world cannot exit that only the country is reese also to be on the wrong thing. they cannot accept the idea of where people are there each. absolutely, but there we, i think what they cannot accept is i'm just multiply dougherty but that other countries have their own identity and i liked him days with the west. that identity is pretty solid. i mean, it may not be as progress if it may not change every decade. it's route and usually culturally and historically,
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but it's 3 def firm. i wonder if that even though would solve is the biggest uh, sort of psychological or metaphysical challenge to the why the, to the west that other countries can be themselves with, you know, the good and the bad part is that they, they have yeah. yeah. so we mentioned, for instance, a go, you guess the sister of c colors use who, who is i, liars, the deep sea shit of the human being. and i think that that's what that, that's what i think in the deep position, the deep sort of the west on the west, on miles that the, there is disrupted, you know, to be god, but still be the only delegate of good and just having the power to impose and to applies the other people to share
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w o 0. and that's this. so it'd be worth. and then i see when i, i speak with my colleagues here we go in and do us with the wrong databases. they also convinced the to do to process to have the right that's the sort of what the don't the down not the way of dealing with conscious of these kind of thinking. and that's the problem that's, that's why it was sort of the worst. every action is based on the kind of, uh, good, good and evil to know all or the either as so are you still returning you then? so for you to kind of us, you know, i'm allies to describe of for tray more to middle, good, and the, we all,
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we are the only home on those of the word and all of the piece of all these, like we all these agree read, read this down to us, so that's why why shot knowledge i last use good to you knows china. i was in the country all the axis of evil. so that's very as well as do things like that. but that's the case. i say, well, uh, what is also the case. uh right now mr. mitten is that we have to take a very short break, but we will be back in just a few moments state you and the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to worlds of parts. we have the, the tongue, a swish politician, and also all creating was the phone bill from the great, the religious google to add to put in the history of wisdom,
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the tongue. before the break, he mentioned this almost hysterical reaction that and you, mentioning of, you know, modest common sense cooperation with russia gets. you also make a point in the book that a meeting that the russia might be right even a little bit, even a little bit on something is perceived as an attack on the west deepest identity. and i think that very much uh describes the condition of a malignant narcissism, which is ultimately an implant tile condition. it's a child condition, you know, the condition that the child for a child is part of the psyche has. but the problem with it is that it's not really prone to any transformation. it demands only what it wants. and if it doesn't get one of the ones that wants to burn everything down, that would not love anyone else exist. um, the question that i have here, if you agree with this analogy is um, you know,
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what can we do ultimately? because russia, china, and you know, more than a 100 other countries will not give up on the right to leave on this planet on their right. to be who they are, but it seems that the very fact of existing, a living out of your own life is already perceived as a, you know, as essential threat to the people in the west or to the politicians in the west rather, go, i think you're i'm is your, the, your child, the safety side, you know, just asking for more and more and more, you know, things are gibson so, and it is, is completely correct. if we can apply that to, to the west on my and you know, and the way of caustic and that's a good, they're good the image books. because uh, as we, as we said, uh, 10 centuries. now since the renaissance season seems the conquest offer of a solid come berries. charlotte, you know, mary's job, i just find, you know,
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you know, do starting go from the restaurant, cause immunization disputing goes to your, to sort of the, the, what the all calm in the ways that's very difficult for the rest of people to think differently. and you know, in that sense, russia is the perfect. oh good. ok. it is because chuck is so big when you look on the box and every westdale, most of your patients are jo policies have as a map of okay, well do you see the so big country, the last, you know, wrapping up the rest of the row and the king that the best, the for them, the police night to me, i just took all the time and then this is not the only thing. i mean, i think it's not just a matter of size, but if there's anyone who has been to russia or china would see that there was some
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per trail of those countries is very different from realities. these countries are actually trying to give the people, you know, an ample degree of public goods. it's not just about the size, but it's also about the services that i provided for the people as well. but, you know, do a diesel truck but to lead by the size, but also by what does so let's say countries like russia or china can provide to, to do to the rest of the market in terms of to manufacture or good. ready physical goods there to so in terms of spirit asana, civilization of or the principles of believing. and that's why it's so dangerous, for instance, you know, the value is, okay. actually russia is proposing. ready let's age arrested, the gender of the woman and man, and not as know,
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not your piece. i do energy. this kind of thing is passive is very dentures for the rest best. why or? so that's another case for awful fighting against a why shot shot and, and then the see disease because the about a boat rucker, the 2 competing jobs or p color me of that to our results. but also in terms of mine, most these on the mind. ready no, uh, do you mind kind s as in, so the best right now the tensions also so hard because the west is now into rebuttal. re in terms of she does it be more of a pregnancy because she was, you know, i, i sometimes have a feeling that the west is fighting not only with the roster in china but actually is trying to fight with reality. and one example of that would be this very curious phenomenon between our observing and the west, one history,
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even the deepest history, you know, like centuries back is judged by today's morals. and i wonder if that sort of and that kind of stick more. eliza is another example from essentially escaping reality . the then the west is trying very hard, not to be a rule to in the present day where sure, you know, it's a preaching developed by this influence as waiting and it's waiting on because the rational or china are aggressive. but simply because west and bull additions, i'm not doing been jump and governing as they are supposed to be doing for me and the plug that comes from the let's see, probably there are these other companies, at least go a lot of doors and you know, that's the worst good you know decide for the more quest. in fact, is that those types of democracy that's of 5 to impose the so called the words base
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all the which is not exactly they look like cheek, because that's a, or they're quite cheek way to impose its phone by use to products, you know. and that be sort of in the lines of uh, which is known by target and stuff. and that's why you're more than seems to centuries through, through sensors with the di christy. challenges a some of the world do. you really just don't do us the rest on by the sort of you yes, let's do the holidays and for peace. kept it at least the value of thinking you have to all the time to have new back is to do the new markets. it could be a mattress for industrial, for the service is all fine is but also back to so i do use the markets for the neighbor was limited to physical goods,
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but also i just so that's why the phone for the more the most extremely stressed to those, do you believe all the rest of them is they can not uh, you know, accept to be limited. they have to be telling me please come query new markets in terms of music kind of goes. but the song on the internet to oh, so even though it's ideas and this i think something very strange. now you mentioned the idea of democracy and we just had a major european parliament elections. there was also which if i were, you know, a, a west and petition and would have been quite disturbing for me, especially when it comes to friends in jerome. and, and because i think what it shows is that this strategy of a, me teasing governments also, you know,
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paying lip service to the greatest ideas and not doing anything to actually realize them in practice. and i think it's exhausting itself. people or people at large, don't want that anymore. if you see the results. okay, let's do your elections. you can see the go in thought this of this will cause booker these boxes. and why are they also j? because they are not accepting anymore discount due dallas. so now we are losing the understanding that's the western lights are complete, the connected from the law by the people from the usual base of the ordinary nations. and that's the biggest challenge each for you know, for instance the, the public on banking. ready nitrous data about trying to about this, a january 6 rebellions are gauge the institution, you know,
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in fact that's, that's a, a just a note. so if i get people very angry for us to do to see that download. busy oh, download. no, they cannot express the surveys because nobody wants to know what the big game was the wishing. when y'all one came in download and test for me, the biggest challenge for the rest of the shows be, are we what do you in the, for the great energy. but as, as far as we can see it, this substituting must be the case. ready we mention carl young here, a great country man before and he's uh, well known for the concept on the shadow. splitting off. yeah. certain parts that you don't like about yourself or your society and you know, projecting it on to others. and it can be an effective, a tactic for
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a little while, but long term it's not sustainable because at the end of the day, you're getting project as much as you want. but the problem with it is that the own in our problems, domestic problems don't get solved and they accumulate to a point when they become irreconcilable. when you know collective psyche is become too hot to charge them of people get, you know, very, very and distressed. do you see anything of the sort coming in the west? how do you seeing this conundrum off? you know, you know, projecting all the bad things on to other countries. i'm not the upside to sign your own populations will be solved by western politician. there are to do what is interesting and good. good. good. so drop or small to do to quote is called you and what is interesting. i didn't know the west has the lot to guides effect on the g o
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o mentor. this is for instance for so trump yeah, these are phobia. so in terms of security that's a disease like what does your. ready do for guys a dock or a good feel good. and in that sense, i think there is a kind of secret g called to check, treat to a problem. the problem is when you have such a disease, you are not aware of it because it all, everything is okay. you all are, although you, this is the case for russia is by doing good just us butting practice. that's really t rush as truth and nobody but the dispute in goldsboro, a lawyer is so disturbing that you know, or now the other for the sense that they're your kids. but it, you shouldn't say that. and that's, that's part of how to do in the how to, you know,
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of these kind of thing. that's why i think for many drugs color the color is speaking or because he or joe buddy, trinity speaking, i think the so let's say this uh, a position between the rest of the world and russia and china and folder of your boxes. the was not stopped, you know, so in the, i think the no sort of domestic because i don't see and that is kind of way of thinking, no, let's go back for instance, due to mcquaid. now i felt that they were, you all can, you know, we'd stop negotiation, 3 grand in the, in the you and yeah, but if you don't have to pay 100, the, there was an estimation of this just a bit 140. beyond this of the laws you know,
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to pay as you please, there is no money or the western countries are very in depth. and then they have to pay $140.00 of that out just to pay for crating. it at least so that's completely realistic. but that's the way of thinking slow on the, on the other health, maybe that is the reality check that the west has need. and because i can tell you i'm being, you know, half ukrainian myself. i know the few cleaning and people can bring anyone, you know, him in connection with reality. not necessarily as through a positive j. m e is but the that that is even if that is what they want to, they can have a. yeah, no, no, that's the. busy part of the really to check if we come one day, i don't know when the t 3 come one day any way you are right. well we have to leave it there, but it's been
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a fascinating conversation. thank you very much for that to you and thank you for watching hulsey, sir. again on the walls of parts. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the, the, the,
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what is the part of the visit that the employee would post good. isn't the deepest view of us and bidding the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without pieces. let's go out of the, across the headlines and quote, a new dangerous phase of confrontation. as is ready, we'll planes, bowman, oil refinery in the port city of alpha, the data in yemen. 3 people that killed a nearly 90 a wounded as a regional tensions have brought salt from holding his 1st campaign in raleigh. since it's brushed with depth a week ago. but i'm not going to lead a blossom to buy the administration for re making the country into a full and state that has some cold software update. era is blamed for boss


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