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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  July 21, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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the hello, you're welcome to world to part, to many in the west where she's a country to be a scorn, no doubt, and above all feared but to my guest today, this isn't, there were some phenomenon, but something that watson and leaves have cultivated and weaponized since the great schism of christianity. why, what purpose does it serve? or to discuss that i'm now joined by the the time as wasteful edition on author off creating was a fabia from the great religious skills. want to add to pretend hysteria as the town is great to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. thank you and can you for inviting me are now in your book, you argue that it was a full, b is not just the expedient political tactic, but something far more structural and fundamental. you suggest that it's part of
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the west, west for its own identity. the design to win late, or russia has served the roles of involuntary sparring partners for the west, which is, you know, also in a way, doing the west a favor because we all grow sort of frustration both in the collective and individual levels. and i wonder though, why do you think this favor isn't being appreciated and why hasn't been lasting for so long? as i tried to explain that in my book, that's a very young girl history, a 1000 years of the story. and the prism twist, or probably i use very deeply rooted in the history and the highest can be explained by the 1st 40. just curious more between the catholic church in rome. i'd say then there be some time the child, the darks, a child show at the end of the a. so the $59.00 century beginning of $0.09 for music. and paul called charles
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degrade then to do those keys there at 11. so essentially why? because since the style is of course the identity as your mention of all the rest because the legit team they just to make the stand by that was based on time and by read the cost of do not produce as capital. and rome had disappeared from the scene. seems fireball. essential is. so if those are kind of rebellion against their lead, you to make the change or did you connect ample at the time? that's why it uh, for the, for the west. just this. i mean, not only already just published, but also because one how to try to become the deeper bed and rep, therefore, identity against the orthodox and uh, based on parts. uh,
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what i found very interesting in your book is that you actually claim that uh, the west quest for an identity here that has never been found. so your argument is that the west has never been able to find uh its identity and historically is a rather provocative statement because the west one through the classical greek and roman periods. this is where christianity found its home. you know it west, through the rain is science and still cleans uh the exclusive rights to all kinds of enlightenment be political, economic, gender relations, etc. what makes you believe that the western identity has never been found? the worst of identity is most people is not what this might be, but because you have great, i do have people that falls to try and shrub this time, yards at the beginning though the, these are the quite fast, but also the gentleman, the audio section for sure, so it was,
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it was always empty, but i'd have to do so small just because they never wait and then and i, they to deep reduce my teeth are ready to use use all the stuff. it is. yeah, that's the 1st thing. and the 2nd, that's why, because because of disney, if you go to the west, maybe or with a lender, me. so it was the, i mean was the ducks in terms of party jones, was that sound of a busy day or so? because the bills on time and after that after the collapse of bees on down there. but this in me has been found with russia. the says is the, the, the, the, you, i am a just do a need to maintain disparity, but i don't the teeth together if i can summarize like that. yeah. now you mention
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in the bulk of the separation of the roman empire into western and eastern byzantine parts. and it wasn't historically, it wasn't the only uh, let's say, a religious question. it became a religious question later. but at the time of separation, it was also philosophical question. the state hold question because this 2 parts, former parts of the roman empire treated dikes tension in a very different way in the west, expand as to the conquest, forceful in position of its rules. its morality onto all the peoples and the best investments in empire expanded through integration without demanding, strong, demanding off of, you know, change a world view or change or for religious affiliation. i wonder if we're seeing a sort of this uh, this division being replayed once again in history. because if you look at the russia as russia right now, it's a federal state, but it's a very, you know, um,
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diverse state and people are within at least very, very different lives, not only religiously, but also taking a logically economically, etc. but the west demands uniformity. within its night, within this community, and we sort of say that every empire is beginning at the beginning is stopped these comp, these are conch wearing and button to it being worship, cause for so, you know, let's say in the, from the 16th century to the 19th century. ready you know, i went back all great new territories on the books. the big difference is that trust shot as the great this new sure. you where the junk bins inside didn't seem to pin hoots and bar, which was not the case of the, of the west or more problems. the code is a some,
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that's the recent cause. these issues are 19th century code edition is an example of that level. try to integrate the new people's in to down rhetoric, but the just apply the applied to do do why to west on the every. but did you know and distinctly different ways. that's the reason why see, so let's say, oh, i thought guys, you know, things like that, which was the case of the russian with able to do that. if you look at the present, the american bar, you see all of your sex on bodies. that's exactly the same. that's why or so the night and states news or it's was because it's disabled to request it's able to. but to about to make the victoria on the back the ground. ok. sorry. watch . uh yeah. and also share your organ contractor destroyed. but he's unable
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to convince the people to join them. does that make is the core principle of their western identity? being able to, uh, come in and enforce or subjugate other people, regardless of what happens later on, just this demonstration of brutal force being able to conquer. exactly, because jerry's interest, they're kind of on the condition of substituting those the wisdom values of both of those or the ones. so the, the, the, the rest of you guys have to do with the pay. ready i think in williamsburg game, she lives on the science is source abroad, you know, is so much higher than everybody else that the west has the white, the domain name to, to, to get it to be supplemented, let's say locked up,
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which is not the case of order or donations of all the cd diseases. and that's why the list is so let's say 12 or 3 bose. it's 4 numbers to any, to everybody as rich as much as we say that the case so fresh um or even chinese or, or those to do decision the, our i, d, b, u n g, a few centuries of the, at the beginning of the is lot of books after that, the stop it, that's not the west, you know. and we can see, you know, how or this, uh, this uh, conditions also so strong and steam. i took him to work as to why or so. now the united states and the rest of the world cannot accept that. for me,
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the country is reese, also to be on the wrong thing. they cannot accept the idea of where people are there each. absolutely. but they, we, i think what they cannot accept is not just multiply already, but that other countries have their own identity and i liked him days with the west . that identity is pretty solid. i mean, it may not be as progress if it may not change every decade. it's ruth and usually culturally and historically, but it's 3 dis firm. i wonder if that in and of itself is the biggest, uh, sort of psychological or amount of physical challenge to the why the, to the west, the other countries to being themselves with, you know, the good and the bad part is that they, they have yeah, yeah, so we mentioned, for instance, go, you guess the sister of the colors use? where's the latter is the, the deep sea shit of the human being. and i think that that's what that,
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that's why i think in the deep position, the deep sort of the west on the west, on miles that the, there is disrupted, you know, to be god, but still be the only delegate of good on to stop having the power to impose and do applies the other people to share w o 0 and that's this new. so it'd be a be worked. and then i see when i, i speak with my colleagues here we go, the people in the west, when we have wrong databases, they are so convinced to do to process to have the right, that's the sort of what the don't the down not the way i'm conscious of this kind of a lot of thinking and that's the problem that's,
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that's why it was sort of the worst. every action is based on the kind of uh, good, good and evil to know all or do you guys so are you still returning? you then, so that you kind of us, you know, i'm allies to describe of for tre more to model good. and we all, we are the only home on those of the good. there is all of the piece of all these like we all these agree read, read us down to us. so that's why, why shot knowledge? i last seems good to you knows china by one and or the country all the axis of evil. so that's very as well as do things like that, but that's the case. i say, well, uh, what is also the case. uh right now mr. and mrs is that we have to take a very short break, but we will be back in just a few moments stitching the,
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the welcome back to worlds, a portion of the mid tongue,
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a swiss politician and officer of creating was the phone being from the great, the religious google to add to put in the history of wisdom a tongue before they break you mention this almost hysterical reaction that, and you were mentioning of, um, you know, modest, common sense cooperation with russia gets. you also make a point in the book that meeting that the russia might be right even a little bit, even a little bit on something is perceived as an attack on the west deepest identity. and i think that very much describes the condition of a malignant narcissism, which is ultimately an infant tile condition. it's a child condition, you know, the condition that the child or a child is part of the psych it has. but the problem with that is that it's not really prone to any transformation. it demands only what it wants. and if it doesn't get what it wants,
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it wants to burn everything down. it would not let anyone else exist. um, the question that i have here, if you agree with this analogy is um, you know, what can we do or ultimately because russia, china and you know, more than a 100 other countries will not give up on the right to leave on this planet. and on the right to be who they are. but it seems that the very fact of existing and leaving out of your own life is already perceived as a, you know, as a central threat to the people in the west or to the politicians in the west rather . well, i think your, i'm is your, the, your child, the serve, discharge, you know, just asking for more and more and more, you know, things are gibson. so under is the scope, the key code. if we can apply that to, to the wisdom my. ready in the way, of course, thinking that's
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a good the image, but because of, as we, as we said, since centuries. now, since the renaissance season seems to conquest offer a solid very challenging america by just finding out, you know, do starting of the worst concrete immunization, this feeling goes to your, the so the, the work all calm in getting the res, that's very digit code for the rest of the people to think differently and you know, in that sense, russia is the perfect. oh, don't ask me because worship is so big when you look on the box and every westdale and most of your patients are all jo policies have as a map of the world. and you'll see the so big country the last no way i think of the rest of the rug and the king that the best, the for them, the police 9 to me,
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i just took all the time. and this is not the only thing. i mean, i think it's not just a matter of size progress. anyone who has been to russia or china would see that the there, watson, per trail of those countries is very different from realities. these countries are actually trying to give the people, you know, an ample degree of public goods. it's not just about the size, but it's also about the services that i provided for the people as well. but, you know, the teachers are, try not to leave by the size, but also by what does. so, let's say countries like russia or china can provide to, to do to the rest of the world. not in terms of to manufacture or good, you know, physical goods. there's also in tons of spirit of civilization, of all the principles of believing and best wides. so dangerous, for instance, who no value is. okay. actually, russia is proposing, you know,
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let's age arrested, the gender of the woman and man, and i know the know not to work. yes, i do other g, these kind of thing is passive is very dense or us for the rest best, right? or so that's another case for overall fighting against the english. i've tried enough and then the adults who disease because the about a but rather they to compete in jobs or p color me of that to our results. but also in terms of mine was vision of the mind. ready or do you mind kind and then so, and that's why now the tensions us or so hard because the west is now in the refinery in terms of choosing the moros or pregnancy because as one, you know, i, i sometimes have a feeling that the west is fighting not only with the roster in china,
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but actually is trying to fight with reality. and one example of that would be this very curious phenomenon that we are now observing in the west one history. even the deepest history in all like centuries back is judged by today's morals. and i wonder if that sort of and that kind of stick moralism is another example from essentially escaping reality that the west is trying very hard. not to be a rule to in the present day where sure, you know, it's a preaching, developed by this influence is waiting and it's waiting on because the russia or china are aggressive. but simply because western politicians, i know daniel been dropped him learning as they are supposed to be doing. so yeah, the hub then comes from the, let's see, probably the better of these other companies, at least with a truck or story. and you know, that's the worst good you know,
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decide for the more quest. in fact, cuz that those types of democracy that's of 5 to bowers, the so called draws these all the which is not to exactly they look like cheek. because that's a, or for quite to equate to in pause. is phone by use 2 products, you know, and that's the sort of thing the line of to which is. busy my target and that's why you know, it seems to centuries through through sensors with the d. christie chatted as a some of the world. good. you know, really just a lot of the rest on by the sort of the yes, let's do the holidays and for peace. capital is the values of thinking you have to all the time to have new back is to develop
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new markets. it could be the markets for industrial for the service is all fine is but also back to so i do use the markets for the limited to physical goods, but also i just so that's why the phone for the more the most extremely stressed on those do you live out the rest on this. they can not, uh, you know, accept to be limited. they have to, to be totally clear from querying new markets in terms of kind of goes back to so on intellect row. so even though side yes. and this, i think something very strong. now you mentioned the idea of democracy and we just had a major european parliament, the elections. there was also which if i were you know, a western collision. it would have been quite disturbing for me, especially when it comes to friends in germany,
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because i think what it shows is that this strategy of imitating governments ultimately, you know, paying lip service to the greatest ideas and not doing anything to actually realize them in practice. and i think it's exhausting itself. people or people at large don't want that anymore. if you see the results of the last 2, your elections, you can see the going up as of the so called but these boxes and why are they also, jay? because they're not accepting anymore, just kind of, you know, we are losing their own understanding. that's the worst of the lights are complete . the collected from the law by the people from the usual base of the ordinary nations. and that's the biggest challenge each the, you know, authority says the, the political baking united states about trying to about this
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a january 6 rebellions are gauge the institution. in fact, of this test of, uh, just to let. so if i get people very angry for us to do to see that down. no, no. oh no, no, they cannot express the services because nobody wants to know what they are thinking was the wishing would be all one to then download and test for me. the biggest challenge for the rest of the additions to be we would keep in the form of the green energy, but as, as far as we can. so sid, this substituting must be the case as to what we're measuring. carl young, co grant country man before and he's well known for the concept of the shadow,
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splitting off. yeah. certain parts that you don't like about yourself or your society and you know, projecting it on to others. and it's going to be an effective, a tactic for a little while, but long term it's not sustainable because at the end of the day, you can project as much as you want. but the problem with that is that the own in our problems, domestic problems don't get solved and they accumulate to a point when they become irreconcilable. when uh, you know, collective psyche is become too hot to charge them. the people get, you know, very, very distressed. do you see anything of the sort coming in the west? how do you seeing this conundrum off, you know, you know, projecting all the bad things on to other countries. i'm not the upside to sign your own populations will be solved by western politician. yeah,
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i think what is interesting and good to go to the right person. the quote is. ringback called you and what is interesting, i can know the west has the lot to guides of pet damage of all, most of this is for instance, right. so 12, yeah, these are phobia. so in terms of the chart to that, so this is like or the phobia as you. ready do for guys of the doc or the program and in that sense, i think there is a kind of secret g called subject trip to a problem. the problem is when you have such a disease, you are left aware of it because it all, everything is okay. you all power of are you. this is the case for russia is just typing against us button in practice, that's rarely to russia as strict and nobody but the dispute english bar. i know, yeah, you saw the style being that,
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you know now here for the sense that the roku but in addition to say that as that's, that's sort of how to do in the how to tell you know, of just kind of think that's why i think for many drugs, chico, logically speaking, or make or the or jump, a teacher knew, speaking i think to so let's say this uh, a position between the west on the well and russia and china and other of your bod, 50 was not stopped. you know? so, and i think the most sort of domestic because i don't see and then it is kind of way of thinking, no, let's go back for instance, due to mcquaid. now i have heard that, do you ok? you know, we'd stop negotiation, drink, good, grand in the same day. you and yeah,
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but if you know the have to pay $100.00 the, there was an estimation produced yesterday. $140.00 billions of dollars you know, to pay as it is. there is no money or the western countries are very in depth of them and they have to pay $140.00 of that just to pay for crating. it at least so that's completely realistic. but that's the way of thinking slow and the other half. maybe that is the reality check that the west have need. and because i can tell you and being, you know, half ukrainian myself, i know that the ukranian people can bring anyone, you know, him getting connected in the best reality. not necessarily as through a positive j. m e is but the that that is even if that is what they wanted, they can have it. yeah. no, no, that's the, that's the quote of the really good check. we've come one day,
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i don't know when the teachers come when they any way that we are right. well, uh we have to leave it there, but it's been a fascinating conversation. thank you very much for that to you and thank you for watching, helps to share again on was a part the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the white glove i live right in, quote dangerous, and then 2 is the wrong one, day's right to use a rapid escalation in the region off is when you were playing ball and a more refined rate in the am and ripples is leaving 6 killed a modem, 80 wounded us presidential. norma named donald trump. old his 1st riley sent his brushwood desk a week while the maga, lita bloss,


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