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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  July 21, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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just a lot of credibility and you know, the trump space is very united and it's very strong. so it's going to be quite a good life attempt by the democrats to try to win this back. i mean short of shooting because there's not much they can do. i really don't see a path forward for them. they don't have a strong enough candidate this late in the game. and now the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman has suggested that the next steps should be an investigation into why the american political establishment tried to hide biden's health issues. i wonder what to make of that bill. so i totally agree. instead of many americans, we wonder why the media was so complicit as well. now they're actually surprised that he was so, but every one you for years, but he was declining and you know, his mental decline was quite obvious and quite public. on the so yes, there absolutely should be an investigation into that there should also be an
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investigation into donald trump's assassination. and the lack of vigor that the secret service had in protecting him. and the was that a direct result of the by the hearse of industries and was there some, some slots that went on that that happened that may have caused that? so all of this needs to be examined. and i believe hearing some already started regarding the secret service as far as hiding biden's mental competency. that's happened before they hit that they did that with reagan as you recall, his mental candidacy, right? at the end it was much known that nancy reagan was of, was quite, you know, pretty much running the, the white house. now you have a, you know, you have joe biden and you have hunter, vide neville, people. i'm trying to run some of the, the white house, so yeah, it's going to be, i think it needs to be looked into, particularly has correction and the corruption, the joe biden committed around his attempt to have this war with russia. i mean,
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binding to ministration on those tickets for world war 3. american people don't want that. they don't want to be enemies with russell. they don't want enemies to be enemies in china. they want economic stability. so that's those kinds of hearings and investigations to kind of review that corruption of all we have to living here now are to contribute to tile. read. thank you for your inside here. thank you. but also yours, president, do abiding, says hayes, quitting the presidential race are dave donald court exam is the reasons why his campaign has come to this logical conclusion. the 1st incumbent us president ever to drop out of the race in the run up to the general presidential elections. jo biden's, re election campaign will no doubt go down in history as one of the biggest embarrassments on record. each of the, the total initiative relative to what we can do is more border patrol and more
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asylum off for the drum. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is to the i don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay him. and by the way, my son was not a loser, is not a sucker. you're the sucker you're those are ensure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do is uh if we finally b, medicare, take you, president 5, i'd fight in this debate. disaster was far from the end of it. and his attempt to explain away clear signs of mental degradation only added to the ridiculousness of it. all. i wasn't very smart. i decided to travel around the world a couple of times. i don't know how many time zones. it's not an excuse, but an explanation. the president did not have a great night. but as you all know,
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and many of you reached out during the can't the, the debate, the present had a cold, he had a hoarse voice, you will heard it. that's why he reached out the writing was so clearly on the wall that bite and had lost his marbles. but even the main stream media had abandoned him. the same people who tried to downplay his ailing cognitive abilities for so long presidency all's well and that this year's physical identified no new concerns . he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. we don't have a plausible explanation for what happened to the president. 2 weeks ago, he should undergo a cognitive test to put the this issued arrest, this version of the abiding. and it'll actually, analytically is the best buy the ever. and joe biden couldn't
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respond to any of those lies. in fact, as a new york times that he spent much of the night with his mouth agape and his eyes starting back and forth, he couldn't, in fact check anything, donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. then out the door went by his allies in the democratic party who began calling for him to throw in the towel. while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone. i believe it is time for him to pass the torch. and in doing so secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat donald trump in the upcoming election. perceptions are absolutely ruling and things like this. in a campaign, he looks very frail, his voice is very soft, it's not robust. and again, it is not how i perceive that it's how the american people perceive it. what i stressed to the president is,
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this isn't just about you. it's not about loyalty. it's about being pragmatic. what he needs to do is show the responsibility for keeping that seat and positive. that responsibility is to get out of this race with little to no political or media support. left financial aid, went out the window as well. hard heading party donors began to lose faith, even writing a letter calling for bite and to withdraw his ticket. we respectfully urge you to withdraw from being a candidate for re election for the sake of our democracy and the future of our nation. but it doesn't take a story and to recall that biden's problems, pre dates, the selection cycle, mr. president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner in blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the?
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so you can probably imagine how easy it was for the republican national convention to rip biden's credibility to shreds. president biden has become the symbol of in america in decline. this may be our present, but it does not have to be our future. we can replace the by it inherent risk of all with a president who is strong and smart rather than sleepy mc nile. or in her case, clueless and embarrassing. it was pretty clear how things were set to go down even before by made his exit. political bookmakers said that there was an over 60 percent chance that the president would make the decision to drop out of the race. and that should come as no surprise since biden was talking about retirement as far
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back as 2020. like i told brock if, if, if i reach something where there's a, a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll develop some disease and say i have to resign a hi tested positive for cobra. 19 this afternoon, but i am feeling good and thank everyone for the well wishes. for so long there were so many indications that an attempt to secure a 2nd term for bite and would end in disaster. and yet it took the main stream media and democrats until biden spent nearly 2 hours, not making any sense on international television, and is debate with donald trump for them to finally see how wrong they were. all right, let's dig into this across live to talk show hosts, females, but johnny goes right now steve is good to have you join me. we have the last couple of days and weeks. we've been talking about this day in day out now here we
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off the 1st how respected was bought is move to quit the election. let me ask about 1st as well, i don't think anybody expected it to happen today. i mean, it came totally out of the blue, just yesterday there was indications that his people said he was going to hit the campaign trail starting this week. and of course that's, that's not going to happen. and in the middle of the day after the morning shows after the morning, new shows meet the press face, the nation. all those shows is when this letter came out. you know, i was in shock that this was it because to me he lets things slip. he makes mistakes and he says things he shouldn't say. so for him to do an interview a day before the announcing he has called it and say, well, the only thing that could drop me out of the race or make me drop out is if i get some kind of sick this. and then boom. lo and behold, he's got cold, but he also said that com a will be a great president. he said that talking to
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a black audience just a day or so before the cove it. so to me, all these things added up. these were slips that he made, but look, this is, this is where a lot of people that the democratic party wants this to be, because they know joe biden just didn't have a future in beating donald trump. but i find it interesting that in the, in the letter, the 1st letter that he told everybody, this is the praise com a lot, harris, but he didn't endorse or by. it was a subsequent post that endorsed by comma la hours for president. so i don't know why that wasn't in the 1st letter. i find that kind of strange, but nonetheless, this is where we are. well right now, well, what will come to the issue of who, who can likely be the replacement, but let me just a few hours ago, biden's campaign manager said that biden was not going to quit. but remember days ago, weeks ago, every opportunity the president says a he is not quitting the right. so why did by the end changes position now. and uh,
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i think it was only a matter of time. i think the pressure, uh, you know, it's what for rock obama wanted, in my mind. well after bomb it in my mind, pulls the strings and calls the shots that didn't sit well and doesn't sit well with bite and his family. but i think nancy pelosi changed her mind. hakim jeffries, the minority leader in the, in the house chuck schumer, than but the majority leader in the senate, all of them came around. all of them said biden, you know, it's time, it's time. and i believe that was from pressure from the rock, obama and the polls and the reality of the situation. but by me and brock obama reportedly, you know, sometimes class you don't get along all that well. and they, he and his family, i believe, presented step rock obama could put that pressure on him to, to step out. but finally, i don't know, some deal was cut,
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some convincing was done. i don't know what it was behind closed doors, but you could bet joe biden and hunter biden said to their dad and the husband, it's time. and that was a hm. now, barton has apparently supported his vice president can with a higher as a you mentioned it earlier as a potential candidate for the election. how likely is it that the show will get the nomination and what are the possible candidates that that well, 1st of all, money is a big issue. okay. and whatever money they have built up, as far as i know from what i hear, i'm not a lawyer or a campaign finance lawyer. but what, what, what i hear is the money can be used, can be spent by a different candidate who would come in out of the blue. it has to be biden pamela, that ticket. so she could use the money that they already have what the convention is a month away. if buying in doors is pamela hours. it's probably going to become
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a lot higher. so let me also point this out. we hear so much about the black vote in black women voting and how important that was for buying and the democrats, the face screw, pardon my language, pamela harris, out of the nomination, and put in a, a white person. i'm a white, male or white female might even be worse. how will that stick with the black community? i mean, that just wouldn't make any sense. um, so i think she's good. i, i think it's good to be her. as far as other people. yeah, for the governor of california. devin newsome. yeah. whitman, the governor of michigan. you have no even the governors shapiro of pennsylvania. they're looking at a bunch of governors. and one of those will probably be the vice presidential candidate with the ticket with com a lot. stop conspiracy theorist and people really out there are say she'll pick hillary clinton. i doubt that she'll pick michelle obama. i doubt that. but i think
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it will be one of the aforementioned governors. she'll be at the top of the ticket, and i think that's the best they could do at this point. now, how can the switch of the candidates at this critical time influenced people's trust in the democratic party, as well as the desire to vote for that party at the election? let's say i'm sorry, so i get cut out for a 2nd. say that again. i'm sorry, i'm asking about this switch in candidates now, because before now everyone knew it was going to be by the but now there's a switch. so how would it impact volume for winds, but for us that people have in the democratic party? well, i think democrats who vote democrat wanted this. i mean, poll after poll after poll. imagine 6070 percent of your own party when they were polled, said biden, should drop out. he's not capable. i mean, so i think the, for the, for the most part, they'll be pleased with this. and i think democratic voters despise donald trump.
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would never, ever, ever go anywhere near donald trump. so i think it will not hurt them as a party. i think it will help them as a party, an independent voters who thought that i can't vote for this guy. he can say is own name. again, not his fault. i think, you know, we don't, you know, it might help the democrats overall. on the other hand, pamela harris is a caricature in the eyes of many republicans, overwhelmingly. and i'm sure a lot of independents of maybe some democrats, she's known for her laughing. she's known for her word salad statements that make no sense repeating herself. and what is she done? she was put in charge of the border. and the border has been a disaster. so it's going to be very interesting going forward and will be a be a debate, pamela, and probably in september, the 1 to $5.00 was supposed to be a wow, i can't wait. who else is really a group picture to you badges,
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but of course we're just creating scenarios. now. the foreign ministry spokeswoman has suggested that the next step would be an investigation into why the american political establishment tried to hide biden's child's issues. what do you think about that? well, it's funny you, you say that because the speaker of the house. speaker johnson was asked about that on cnn earlier today. i happened to watch it. and um, you know, he brought up how for years the democrat party and the washington establishment has hit him. what they knew about joe biden. i mean, they would go so far as to say, oh, he could do so he could do the olympics or there's nobody sharper than him. oh, use amazing. he knows everything. they asked all the right questions. he knows the answers. and johnson said, i would make right now that in my one on one's with him over the years, it's not been good. and so he was asked with what does this warrant an
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investigation? and i think, i think from memory, i think he said, we'll see or something, i don't think you'll see an investigation. you can investigate what people say. and i think the problem here is, uh and something that i've talked about, and i think not enough people are talking about if he can't run for president and serve another term, how could he finish out this term? i think that's 1st of all, i think it would help cala harris on that for her. but i think if she, if 5 resign today from the presidency and she became the president, she's running as an incumbent. that would help her give her a more grabby task, and i don't see it how this man who was checked out for not having the mental faculties to be the president going forward after the election. how could you go forward now and stay as the president? it does it make sense? so i would hope that not to help calm a lot, but for the good of the country,
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i would hope that he would resign or the 25th amendment would come into play. but that would take common life and the cabinet to do that, and i don't think they would ever do that. me now when it comes to bindings, the state of health, any one can be saved. so it's, it's not a problem. it's not his fault that it can happen to anyone at whatever point. well, how could biden spends all these dances on foreign policy issues such as your trade and gaza, how people have contributed to his folding approval ratings? uh well i think i think uh, i think most of it was was, was, was bent though i don't, i don't think the american public is focused on biting stance on ukraine to be honest with you. i mean, there are people in the republican party especially, but i don't think that's the issue. i think biden's problem and it's covers problem restaurant is the economy is immigration, is a whole host of issues that 5 hours are married to each other and marry to those
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issues. so again i, i think we over us, we now we know that the progress of radical wing of the democratic party and some states that have a heavy part of the palestinian populations and support of the or against these real. let's put it that way. it matters to them, but to the overall american public. i don't think there's a hall by the fields this way about gaza. i can't vote for him or i will vote for him. same with ukraine, maybe even lesser on ukraine. but again, it's that the, the, the issues that people talked about, i hate to sound cliche is i think at the dinner table at the kitchen table, how could they survive? how could they improve their lives? how could they do better? and finding harris have a lot to answer for along those lines. all right, as it is right now, the whole world is watching what's going on in the united states. and if you listen
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to how the politicians outside of the united states are reacting well, how do you think you're reading what's going on? and what's the us, how is it going to influence or impact politics, policies in other parts of the world? a? well, that's a good question to be honest. i mean, this just happened that i haven't heard any, any foreign leaders or anything. i think the 1st test may be, or the 1st indication, or a 1st interesting aspect of this as far as dealing with foreign leaders. benjamin netanyahu is either on his way or he landed here in the united states. he's scheduled to have a meeting with biden, and then on wednesday address the a joint session of the congress. so i don't know why do you know how that will affect it? i would imagine that a joe biden stays in office to the end of his term, which i assume he will do. um, i don't think it's going to affect foreign policy or, or anything else. i think under their breath, if not publicly,
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those foreign leaders who met with him saw him in action recently and even maybe a little further back. they said, well, what is what's going on here? so maybe it's a, a sigh of relief. but america's policies aren't going to change that much. uh, certainly, yeah, it's not until the end of the, of the, the binding presidency. and, you know, a comma gets in and the democrats get in and take more power. i know they're more pro palestinian than, than biden and, and, and i think the train would stay the same. but if the truck gets in, things will change certainly with ukraine and, and i think that we would become more pro israel. so it's a, it's a mixture, but right now i don't see anything changing and i think that the world leaders friendly to the, to the united states said it had to happen. all right, well, the living here now steve mill, but balls, bug. thank you so much for your insight every single time we keep watching to see how things play out. thank you. absolutely. thank you. my appreciate here,
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right. as well, that is the best time to set me up with buffy down. what more story is at the top of the hour, just as a few minutes from now, stay with our team to national the
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as a how are they a cps? because they can scroll, so i'd be search and then use familiar email fewer which is great to fit into the rules. the non c theory of racial superiority finish style, 4 years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration camps. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to in prisons daily. well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest really to get over the fields. i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied to go and finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level, if the ship did utility and i gave you an idea, i'm not sure cisco snyder the stuff. so young congress that, i mean,
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you would find in disease forced labor to which you have by the wording formulas. what was the last it also need? you know, what's the deep it to you that the, it's a 0 moves do it off with those who put in these 9, push the 6 up a give you what feel it through to create the, those thousands of customers of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you look on here, you know, wanted to do this be a good idea of what they're going to see. to release the apartment, they decided to do, please don't just do it, but this is danielle was booked at the wound along the as the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just because it shows you a few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the one with the for wonderful, so normal and so for that it's not the only thing that is on so squared ma'am. that's why little do you much really watch the words you're telling which isn't going to do with me as one of the windshield and what else don't you just send them a thumbs here in a field box? and you will have in here when you push up the issue of the,
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of them, but there's a lot of move up just to move. 0 easy lives, mysterious of women. so when you go into the deal is make up the bell. i don't yeah . post the by the other words so, but i use the obvious thing and then use wasted on me 58 and i maybe cause it please go ahead and i'll just communicate that. maybe we could go up, nothing like mines, but it just those we have them. we have such all push mojitos to ya. you're losing a deal in space, but i don't think he will definitely stays for little each of the. but your move is a new to us by these, these pretty big news. the i'm saying is that, but then it goes through the image is the one in the other will be missing. the guns thing is, um, unless of course the movies is always in line and it's not old on the side of these things like that. but now i'm sort of the,
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with the end of world war one. the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people. on the day of the sea bass at t festivals. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm to start in northern india seeing base as outright defiance. general reginald
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dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announce the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre went down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the sense for war to
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united states as fostered extremist and t russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian de ashcroft and at least to the canada united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere. and it doesn't matter what these groups say or do it will support them if it is, the groups are causing patriot and chaos within the target country. the yellow again might done on the she's the sick bounce kate dillard instead of do well, i suppose for the middle, i know my so for this is up and if it was so easy just to keep all the way of reaching to get ca, uses anyone and anything if there's a religion the,
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the jewel by that and says that he is courting the us presidential race and even those in his vp carmella hobbies as a possible candidate for the november election. after the news must donald from slammed his former arrival, se biden's comfortable policies of plants, the nation. the enterprises and bothers, thom has been mod, body 3 and complex the water and gas. tasty. have gotten it done with the oil and increasing domestic top people at the end of the 0 modified deepening divide the within america. we unpack the legacy of, of being convince us president of the bows out of the electrical rates. the.


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