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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the jewel by that and says that he is courting the us presidential race and even those in his vp carmella hobbies as a possible candidate for the november election. after the news advised donald from slammed his former arrival, se biden's comfortable policies of plants, the nation. the enterprises and bothers, thom has been mod, body 3 and complex the water and gas, tasty. i've gotten it done with the oil and increasing domestic top people at the end of the 0 is modified, deepening divide within america. we unpack the legacy of, of being convince us, president of the bows out of the electrical rates,
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the but you are watching our team to national, reaching you from the russian capital. hi, a michael caught you up with the latest. now the breaking news, the following, this, our us president job, i didn't have said that he's quit taking the presidential race and he has endorsed his vice president come of the hobbies to become the democratic party candidate in the november election. biden is to say about the rest of his collar and tom as president. he made the announcement in that job posted on social media. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of
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my term. for it, i'm doing now live by a correspondence from new york. okay, let them up and get up. it's good to have you drive me now. could you take us through the latest developments in the us as well? after years of speculation that this might happen to joe biden wouldn't seek re election. we now have confirmation that this has been the decision of the white house. we have a letter that was posted by the us president and which is saying that he's standing down and he's giving his endorsement to vice president carmella harris. now, ultimately it won't be up to the current president to make that decision. the democratic national convention takes place on august 19th in the us city of chicago, and that is where the party will formally decide who becomes they are now many uh, now bite and wants it to be his running mate and vice president campbell, the harris. we shall see what decision the party ultimately makes. there is
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certainly not unity around that in the democratic party. but this comes after years of speculation that joe biden is not all there, that he is not cognitively able to continue the job. and it comes on the heels of a disaster, as for joe biden, and oddly scheduled presidential debate that he had with donald trump. uh, now, all of this is certainly a big moment. many anticipated this coming 4 days even months. many were shocked at how biden seemed to be refusing to drop out um, but now we have former us president and candidate for president donald trump, who is leading in the polls. speaking. 8 up and saying that he is emboldened by this and he intends to win the upcoming election in november. this is the statement from donald trump and reaction to jo biden's announcement to cook. joe biden was not fit to run for president and
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a certainly not fit to serve. and never was. he only attained the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basements. all those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being president. and he wasn't. and now look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. totally on checked in on vetted money from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency . well, we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly make america great again. and now this is certainly a dramatic move. now biden did indicate he intends to serve out the remainder of his turn. he will be leaving office in january when the new president is inaugurated. he will not be stepping down as president. now, mike johnson, the republican speaker of the us house of representatives,
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demanded the joe biden step down immediately. because if he doesn't feel that he's cognitively able to serve out another term in office, why is he willing to serve out for the remainder of the coming months if anything, joe biden should not just not seek re election, but he should step down. that was what mike johnson said. mike johnson also raised concerns about how democratic and transparent the democratic party really is because the presidential primary was waged on to the premise. the joe biden would be the nominee and he controls the majority of the delegates that the upcoming convention. and so at this point, many are asking questions about how democratic the united states really is. people recall that in 2016 it appeared that the democratic national committee was actively working to secure the nomination of hillary rodham clinton and prevent prevent bernie sanders from being the democratic nominee. there were questions raised about
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the democratic primary and 2020. and now we have a situation where the candidate to the over whelming majority of democratic party party, you know, voters voted for in the primary will not be the candidate who ends up getting the nomination. he has dropped out. so that raises the questions, who will be deciding who the democratic nominee is, and that will be alternately up to the democratic party. the delegates and the super delegates. they will make the decision in chicago. it's what's looking to be a pretty historic convention coming up because at this point, it's not clear. harris seems to be who joe biden wants, but there's a lot of other voices in the party saying they want someone else to be there. nominate the trump camp is jubilant days the old in light of the aftermath of the attempted assassination of donald trump on which you survived. in light of a very successful convention, which many noted swayed many voters with its populous message and its message of
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putting america 1st and not focusing on foreign entanglements like ukraine. many people have noticed that it seems like the republicans and trump are pretty far ahead at this point. so how this plays out remains to be seen. the convention will ultimately decide who the candidate of the democratic party is. now there's a lot of outrage from the trump camp and from others who say, why did biden stay in so long if he intended to do this, he should have done it from the beginning to let the voters decide who his replacement would be on the democratic ticket people are looking on and seeing that this reeks of back room deals, nepotism, patronage corruption, this reeks it. every thing that those angry with the democratic party in the body and ministration have been complaining about so long. this looks like the democratic party is very much run by an internal elite and that internal elite is going to decide who the candidate is to replace by. so this is certainly a historic day. barton is not the 1st president to do this. lyndon johnson,
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very famously in 1968, he was alternately made the decision not to seek re election. there was the incident, a situation where we're thomas eagleton was the v. p candidate was for us to be dropped from the ticket when it was revealed that he had been, you know, hospitalized for mental health issues. so such things have happened before in us history. not in this way. exactly, but this is a big moment and we'll, we'll see who it is that runs against donald trump. november. all right, we'll wait to see how history is been made as it is right now, kill them up in the article, responded bringing us up to speed. they're less trust live to radio, hosting, political commenting does steve gill, steve is good to have you drive be now breaking news from the united states. the whole world is watching. what's going on right now. now by then has supported his vice president campbell, i hire is as a potential candidate for the election. how likely is that she will get the nomination and,
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and what are the possible candidates there to look at that spot from there? well, it's interesting. i mean, there's a lot done pack, but it's interesting that his audio statement did not contain an endorsement of tom a lot. but there was a letter that has come out. that endorses kamala, on his behalf, makes me wonder whether that letter came from the president's office or from come all as office. maybe she's just got a slip yourself in with around better. you'll the other interesting thing about bite and his statement is, is what was just raised. how is he competent to serve as president any longer if he's not competent to run as president? i think you're going to see a lot of conversation about that and find what you can tell with donald trump's response to this, talking about the board or the end security at the board, or the fund of illegals coming across. that's going to be their main target site on trauma harris. she was put in charge of the border. the border has not been secured . it's sort of economically, it's sort of from the standpoint of allowing a potential terrorist across the. busy to an abject total failure by tomlin harris
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with the one thing she was put in charge of. and you can tell for donald trump, that's the 1st punches they're going to be binding on every well besides camera. and are you looking at any other possible names to replace biden? i don't think so. the logistics of what they have to do, they're, they've raised several $100000000.00 that are sitting in the coffers of the binding harris campaign. they can't really transfer that money to anybody else, college gets that money and, and if they don't, whoever do, does get put it is going to be with the cash list, so to speak. and you've also had folks why james fiber and the chairman of the black caucus, one of the top leaders in the democrat house saying that if it's not tamala black voters will revolt, we're going to burn the house down. basically, she said much the same. they really don't have an option other than her if they want to even try to keep the coalition together and you know, something that's not been talked about much the last several weeks. what about all the palestinians that are confront testing what's going on and does
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a they've jump joe biden genocide. joe will come over here says the same exact policy, c j have separate from the administration to redo them from genocide. joe kilmer from all of all right. now, how can switching the candidates influenced people's trust in the democratic party at this critical time? it is, it gets hard. yeah. when you see the, the debates, there's nobody to have with donald trump. that image of him being incompetent and capable is sealed in people's minds. all of the interviews, all the press conferences, he's done since then or what his fuel, this collapse with visibility to hang onto it. and i think the questions are going to be pretty quick of what did probably know. and when did she know she has lots of surprise that once a week. how does she not see that this man was a capable of running the country running for re election? and she was hiding it, hoping they could just whistle past the graveyards, perhaps literally and figuratively, to give to november. so she's going to be subject to a lot of questions and her. busy numbers are no better,
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and perhaps even worse than joe biden, and many of these, uh, that will ground states. so the next chaos on the democratic side is if she's the nominee, who does she paid for vice president and, and what kind of scrutiny are they going to get me now? so i'm going to said that it will be easier to be. it's campbell, the higher use them be job. i didn't i, i wonder what you make of that. why do you think, why do you think you'd made that statement that way as well? again, when you look at the one thing she's been put in charge of the border, it's been a complete failure. 10, literally 10000000 or more. illegals are flooded across the border. they are creating crime issues, economic issues, health care issues. by the time they flood our hospital, our schools, it has been a complete failure and she's not focused attention on it. and she's now more than joe biden is responsible for the chaos that the border and illegal immigration is an issue that comes across a lot of issues like it is the front of the legal is coming near, breaking our laws by coming here, the money they're getting paid to be here. it's
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a terrorist national security issue, because we don't know who's coming yet. it's an economic issue when the illegals are taking the jobs from honest, decent, hard working american citizens. so it isn't just illegal. immigration is an issue, is an umbrella that covers a lot of other serious issues. and now as it is right now, how good by didn't stands on, on foreign policy issues such as ukraine and gaza? how could they have contributed to his following approval ratings? besides the fact that he has have charlie's everyone a seen, well what, what do you think is responsible for that? a blow? first of all, he's been painted from the beginning because of the financial ties that he and a 100 by and have had to the corrupt ukrainian regime. we've sped hundreds of billions of dollars, bolstering the price to the inside of this conflicts and, and just this weekend president. so let's give you trade and say, look, you know, with the likelihood that donald trump is the next president, we're going to move forward. we're trying to negotiate
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a resolution with russia. donald trump is having an international impact as he did with nato, when he said, pay your share or we're going to pull back and they suddenly started paying their dues to what did they know he's having impact before he's even elected president. the job i had trouble, harris. i haven't been able to achieve while they've had the rings about me. all right, not in the far in the russian foreign ministry. suppose woman has suggested that the next step should be an investigation into why the and. 3 you can pull the degree establishment previous me tried to hide biden's health issues. i wonder what to make of that. but you have a 1st about 14000000 people voted for buying in the, in the democratic primaries that have been held over the last 7 months. because each other candidates out of the race made it clear that he was the choice, the only choice. so, you know, he really doesn't have an option at this point to point the finger at anybody else other than than himself. they bates, the state. and now they're having to eat it. and i think that the,
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the problem they have from the international standpoints is nobody knows pamela harris, you know, does anybody really think she could go toe to toe with 30, with see, with him don't lose, even with our friends and allies. you see at that level and stature, you know, a few years ago when i yeah, george w bush picking a b b c was funding for somebody with robbie to us and ended up with dick cheney. and clearly has brought it to us that strength of character, that experience that strength. does anybody really think that campbell harris has brought the task? all right, we have to live here now steve, gal and radios show host and for the to go come and tell you. just thank you so much for your insight. thanks, mike. i'm sure we'll talk soon. right now. we're keeping our close eye on the breaking news. this hour has us back today. joe biden has bowed down to the electoral res. as he stepped aside, a he, we unpack his full year to mazda, bye, often controversial policies, with the support for the training and conflict, and the relentless, valid thing,
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guys that i've been rising us domestic coincides that within the nation. um president, we divided what is biden's legacy? that's a big one. here is our d soft catch a now what the break down into the fact of the let up to this point in full? yes, joseph, fall by doing junior has set right, cooled off direct quote. so he won from winning the most votes as a cost in the us presidential election, to being crowned the least popular president in $70.00. yes. which given he took over from donald trump. well, that's no mean feat. so how did the 81 year old, full sofa? well breaking promise of the promise isn't the best stopped on this january day. my whole soul was in this and bringing america together,
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uniting our people united in our nation. and i ask every american to join me in this cause of 4 years on it's clear, the bite administration has not been the healing bomb it pledged to be instead, once in office, the president took every opportunity to run to rage and to smith, a huge chunk of his own electorate, this mag or thread. so threats the brick and mortar, our democratic institutions is also a direct to the character of our nation. trump is a threat to this nation, but there is no question that the republican party today is dominated driven and intimidated by donald trump on the major republicans. and that is a threat to this country, which microsoft has miger friends, losers. i don't respect these major republicans. the mag republicans don't just threaten our personal rights and economic security, or
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a threat to our very democracy and the media in the us and beyond. took inspiration from the president swats painting trump as the 21st century. feel ha, which of goals or approved thoughts all ground for a scene that will shortly go down in the history books? take a look what happens over the but it's not just a home with a bite and has stoked in stability, discontented to vision, as a vector and politician in 2020. he promised to quote, a new era of relentless diplomacy. well for you as well. no, we've seen where it is. relentless blood sheds. remember his assurance that the withdrawal from us kinda start off to 20 long his would be safe and would delay.
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the tele bond is not the south, the north vietnamese army. they're not in, they're not remotely comfortable terms of capability. there's going to be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the united states, from afghanistan to images of a new west helicopter. hovering over the embassy and coupled to desperate a bound to ask of clinging to american pains as they just let the capital to thousands of the trade, translators, and interpreters who believes the allies when they were promised american visas. people like me who served in uniform and have ghana. stan looked our outgoing allies on the eyes and verbally and in writing made these people a promise that since they served alongside us in our moment of need, should they find themselves in dress because of that service. we would stand by
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them in their moment of need and see them to safety. and for the better part of $300000.00 plus people, we have not kept that promise to the deadliest attack on american servicemen since 2011. not to mention the billions of dollars was submitted to equipment just left behind. now turning off one of them for the walt relentless diplomacy in action. but the dentist on tobacco the plummeting ratings the follow back to the issue resolved incompetent and strode his way. well, none of that humbled job, i didn't really even dump into spirits fresh off with that failure. he just went straight into the next we're going to stick with the crane and all of the allies usually stick with ukraine. as long as it takes to in fact,
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make sure that they are not defeated. an estimated 500000 ukranian losses later. an economy on the brink of default, a population crisis on the horizon, and russian forces gaining ground daily for ukraine. finding this problem, it seems to have been more a case of death than anything else. a test made all of them all track trust. given this whole tragedy could have been stopped at a number of tons. the key for the yes, for both the russians to as a new frame, with talk of nato expansion afterward, he rejected every opportunity for peace in ukraine, including a deal to end the war. just 2 months after it broke out. now the war is deep into his 3rd year. with no end in sight. hundreds of thousands of people are dead. hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in
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smoke. without bloodshed apparently didn't say shape, vitamin d relentless diplomat and power though he decided to aid and abet as well in a source of palestinians, not just by so telling, tens of thousands of weapons, but also by shielding. paid me nothing. y'all to from the course of public opinion on the course of oh no, we've made a physician clear on the i c c. we don't think the, we don't recognize that your sections i see see the way in spring and exercise. and in the section i, c, c will criminal lawrence discredited i. c j and rulings on pool. simple genocide dismissed us warnings of gauze of becoming a graveyard of children on a heated instead on shipment,
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off the shipment. all this combined has really already solved to accelerate america's reputational on the financial decline. surprise, price, joke, start. king, conflict and betraying allies don't do much for instilling trust. and neither does webinar using the greenback. i think that that's, that's important in the more we've used sanctions to more countries look for ways. okay. when gauge and financial transactions that don't involve the dollar flushing the bill for that president escapades. american tax pass who are feeling the pinch on the economic home front without about 40 percent saying that they have become poor and defined and inflation has run rampant. rising from 1.4 percent to a height of of 9. a fact recognized while you'll accept bite and himself who's
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being pretty footloose and fancy free when it comes to things like data on statistics. you know, present this has of run. we've had in terms of creating jobs and bring you down to fractions 9 percent where i can't office 5 percent. i think and placement has gone slightly up as far as a 9 percent when i came in and it's now down from about 2 percent and also running run pundits, migration with vitamin, practicing an open door policy that's led to an estimate of 10000000 people just watch across the board or under his administration. no questions off a policy which is always the unimaginable. it is managed to bring together base the democrats and the republicans groups to joe. but in this pretending to finally do something about the board the but in fact it's all for show present by that has a band and obligations to provide people fleeing persecution, violence and authoritarianism with an opportunity to seek refuge in the us. it is
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extremely disappointing to see the binding administration severely restricted access to asylum. today's actions are dangerous step in the wrong direction. when you succeed in getting all chinese from across the aisle to united games to, you know, it's time to hang up, your boots. always to full his job. i didn't, has been at the home for years, which might well go down in history for being the beginning of the end. so the u. s . m. par and americans looking at the diplomatic and economic waste on rules by the policy is up to $46.00 president of the united states. well, they can only be forgiven for saying, come back, come on, come on my heart rate. but i live across the live to legal and media. i live little to have an idea and
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insight into all of it. lot. it's good to have you join me right now. just you today just yes, today by that and said he wasn't going to quit weeks. i remember with we've had discussions time and time again where he re emphasized the fact that he is in the raise and he's going to bid from what happened. why did he change his mind at this point? i love your innocence. i say that to, to quote couple of harris, what can be unburdened by what has been. and if you understand what that means, year is a one. let. let's bring everything back to speed. and 1st, if i could, my dear friend, let me ask you to suspend everything that you know about radio. let me throw everything away about what should be, what makes sense? because the 1st question is, is he going to step down as president?
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do you think he can make going into by january the 20th of 2025? in this position? that's number one. if he is at a loading dock, so to speak, the see does he have the time to just absolutely run roughshod would executive orders. and remember when he said, i'm not going to, i'm not going to a pardon 100 while i change my mind. what are you going to do about it kicked me out and the issue that is what happens in 30 days at the convention? now? no, she is the presumptive candid. let me remind everybody that when she was running for office, she couldn't fall 2 percent state. she dropped out coming on harris because nobody liked her. now, let me also say that may be terrific and with all due respect to, uh commentators you're going to be hearing if you think that this is smooth. sadly, for donald trump, you don't know how this thing works. you do have no idea. first of all,
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she is going to be saying, i'm a woman, i'm a black woman and i'm going to, she's going to do everything and to re send it to a portion and into whatever it is. whatever herb herb herb herb focus will be. they're going to try to tell her your job is to, to be the borders are, what are you going to do? i'm the vice president. i did what i could, they wouldn't let me ok, fine. then later on they're going to say other things to such as, and you said you were going to even be a highs are well, go do the best i can. she doesn't have a record. she has to chill or responsibilities in a bush. joe biden is record. so what donald trump has to do is call her not coming to harris, but the republicans. now, are the democrats in chicago going to be happy with this? do they figure look, there's no way by the way, i've got to say something. there's a stroke that is, that is repeated that you cannot possibly have
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a black woman stepped over by somebody else. god forbid up to and including hillary clinton. i know, mike, i know what you think what? no, i haven't been drinking. i'm talking to the other doctor you bye. till would be good . actually moving into this. so it's going to be a free for all. but right now, here's the thing to the 1st of course you got us in question. who is the comment for me? is there a couple, is there a democratic shadow government that pulls the, the levers, whatever may been, how many people went to, to his home and dollar words at the white house saying, joe, you've got to quit and joseph? no. obama is it. you've got to quit know, even george cody, even rosie o'donnell match, right. my even rosie o'donnell and barton said no. so where's this power? he basically went like this to everybody. now, he didn't step down because he and i'm and i don't mean to mock him. i really don't, he's not stepping down because he's a, you know,
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i think for the betterment of the party, a probably be good. know he's doing it because he is intellectually cognitively a narrow, logically, unable to do this is that this is not a strategic move on. here's part why he went this far. i have no idea. let me also say something that many of us who listen very carefully to joe by since 2017, when he gave his favorite famous corn pops speech, that skid or die out of me. i've been wondering, or are you paying attention? and they said, oh, that's joseph joe. that's just joe. so let me say something in conclusion. i, because i know we're going to run out of time. donald trump, be careful. because if you think you're gonna walk into the white house, if you think that your bumps from got a date gone from your brush with depth, from dodging a bullet from, from your router,


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