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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the, the, the job i didn't say i have the he is courting the us presidential race and he's in dozing his v b camera that hires as a possible candidate for the november election. after the news in the donald trump slammed his former arrival, se biden's punch of also policies of longitude. the nation into a crisis and botanist um has been mon, bobby ukraine, conflicts the warrant. gazda, safety of gunnison were all and increasing domestic. give up people as the end of these e rice modified b thing, divide with america. we all had the legacy of incumbent us president as he bows out of the electro race. the
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for this is our team to national reaching, who live from our new center in moscow. i a michael question. all right, breaking news out of the wide housing right now. us president do biden says he is courting the presidential race and he has endorsed his vice president coming to hire is to become the democratic party candidate in the november election body. and it's just about the rest of his car into mice. president. he made the announcement in the letter posted on social media. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as you're a president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. but i'm doing now live by
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a correspondence from new york caleb mop and caleb is good to have you join me now . can you walk us through the latest development in the us? sure, well we have the president of the united states, joe biden, announcing he will not seek a 2nd term. he's not going to try to be re elected. ah, he's dropping out as the presidential candidate of the democrat party. and this is certainly something that many wondered if would indeed happen there been many calls for biden to do it, especially since the debate that took place. there was quite a bit of a feeling that joe biden was not up to. the job was not cognitively all. there was not prepared for a presidential election against donald trump, whom he defeated in 2020. and at this point, uh, there are many within the democratic party speaking up and saying they think this is the right thing. now donald trump,
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through is the opponents of what is or what have been the opponent of joe biden. i guess if joe biden had remained a candidate, donald trump, who is the republican nominee for president, just accepted the nom, any of his party. he gave a statement, basically, calling out joe biden for the last 4 years. and looking ahead to november years will be heard from donald trump. the statement he gave on social media a cookie joe biden was not fit to run for president and a certainly not fit to serve. and never was. he only attained the position of president by lies, fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him, including his doctor and the media, knew that he wasn't capable of being president. and he wasn't. and now look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. totally on checked in on vetted money from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency,
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but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. make america great again. now it's important to note that biden is not running for re election, but he will remain president until the new president is more in, in, in january. however, his opponents in congress, specifically the speaker of the house, mike and johnson said that he should leave. now, if he is not competent enough to stay in the race, he really shouldn't be an office. he should step down as president and mike johnson, i'm used to tie right about how the democratic party doesn't seem to have much internal democracy. here's what we heard from the speaker of the house in response to biden's decision. at this unprecedented juncture in american history, we must be clear about what just happened. the democratic party forced the democrat nominee also ballad, just over 100 days before the election. having invalidated the votes of more than 14000000 americans who selected joe by them to be the democratic nominee for
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president, the self proclaimed party of democracy has proven exactly the opposite. the parties prospects are no better now with vice president, comma, la harris, who co owns the disastrous policy, failures of the by and administrative sion as 2nd in command and a completely inept borders are. harris has been a gleeful accomplice. not only in the destruction of american sovereignty, security and prosperity, but also in the largest political cover up in u. s. history. she has known for as long as any one of his in capacity to serve. regardless of the chaos and the current whitehouse, our adversaries around the globe should be reminded that the us congress, the u. s. military and the american people are fully prepared and committed to defend our interests both at home and abroad. if joe biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. november 5th cannot arrive soon enough. and now it's important to note that
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though tomlin harris received the endorsement and blessing of joe biden to be the candidate she is not guaranteed to be the candidate. it will be at the democrat national convention that takes place on august 19th, starting august 19th in chicago, that the democrat nominee for president will be selected. uh, and at this point uh, there seems to be a lot of support for harris, but there seem to be others who don't think that she is up to the job. and ultimately it will be the delegates of the convention. the overwhelming majority of which were elected to cast their votes for joe biden, in the democratic primary. those delegates will then have the decision making power of who they ultimately pick to be the democrat party is nominated for president. ah, now it's important to look at this situation and hear what mike johnson said he was speaking about how the democratic party doesn't seem to be a part of it is very representative of its constituents. and this is bringing back memories of 2016 when the democratic national committee was revealed to have been
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more or less moving to riggs things against bernie sanders. this also brings back memories of 2020. and there were a lot of questions asked about how binding was able to just kind of become the candidate i made the co would lock downs and everything that went on. and now it's pretty clear that the candidate, the got, the majority of the votes among democrats in the country, joe biden is not going to be the nominee. and there will be some kind of elite group that determines who is the nominator and many are looking on saying this doesn't look like democracy. that doesn't look like transparency. so we have a situation where it's not clear yet who the democrat nominee for president will be . donald trump just accepted the nomination of the republicans, the leading in the polls coming out of a very strong convention and surviving and attempted assassination. so the 2024 presidential election proceeds the boat is set to take place november 5th. we will see who the 2 candidates are when it comes down to it. donald trump will be the
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republican candidate, and joe biden will not be the democratic candidate. but why that leads for that? we're sure now that said, joe biden would not be the candidate, but who will be? we'll wait to see can i'm up in our tea correspondent. thank you for bringing us up to speed. a wireless cross now live to scotty, india with use host of us 360 views probably is good to have you join me now. the whole world is watching the breaking news from the white house. some people are surprised of us. uh no surprise. but just yesterday biting said that he was not quitting the race. so why does he change his position so quickly? what are you hearing and what are you seeing? what we're seeing is a historical moment for sure this has never happened. nothing closest to it was 1968 with lyndon b johnson. what happened to him, but he just dropped out of the race on his own. what we're saying is a burden basically, of a soft crew happening within the democratic party in here in the united states. as
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we speak, horsberg, it's very rare to hear the work who in a western democracy. but i don't think that's what we're dealing with right now, because what you're finding within his own party, as you accurately pointed out, just yesterday, biting his time and time again said on national television in the papers and interview that he was going to be in this race and he was going to make it to november and he was going to be a re election was his goal. and now all of a sudden a change will is change because those that are considered to be the most powerful within the democratic party, that would be brock obama. that would be nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, they've all decided that he no longer can be at the top of the ticket, mainly because they saw that he was probably going to lose the house in the senate as well. so it together, they have pulled together the power of the power people and it told joe biden, for whatever reason, he is not going to be the candidate his guy. we're getting this piece of paper today that is exactly opposite of every thing the job i it has been the same for
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the past few weeks and now it was a bargain has supported his vice president cameron to hire is as a potential candidate for the electronic book his choice is one thing, the convention is coming well old as well. you to melt into what will be the outcome, but how likely is it that she will get the nomination and besides ha, what are the other possible candidates that can be constituted? will make no mistake that going into this guy convention, the democrats have even their chances of meeting donald trump, with his high popularity following the assassination attempt, were already continued to shrink. going into a splitter convention, there is going to be very difficult for them. so the question is, if you keep calmer, harris to the top of the ticket, you are still able to use all the funds that have been raised up until now and abide in harris campaign for what for that ticket to continue in to november. if you go with somebody knew you were going to be starting from a fundraising point of 0 or as close as you can be in politics today. and they're
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going to have to start a new raising money. that's going to be very hard. i don't know at this state of the democratic party today, if anybody wants to attach their name to this party, considering the disaster that obviously has led to deprived the sitting present in united states. who is supposedly the most popular elected president, most vote guard and 2020 of any present ever in history. just had to sit down at the urging of the leadership with his own party. i don't know if anybody wants to be attached to that sort of administration or have that sort of a shadow on their future. well right now, besides the, by the ends of the clintons have also endorsed harry's as a democratic party candidate, cloud praising bivens efforts to end. the end of the coven depend damage, rebuild the us economy, and create new job opportunities. what it is that actually what the americans will remember biding for at this point. but i don't remember biden as being the sitting
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present who was forced out by his own party and resigned 59 or 4 months before his election day. it doesn't matter what job i did. well, i think he will be remembers, for the horrible pulling out of afghanistan. but ultimately, when it goes back down to the history, we're going to be looking at the events of today will mark the legacy of joe biden . at, regardless of what he does, not much else will be talked about because this is so historical. and it's going to be interesting every day from here until november will be a changing new cycle. now what for a former us president bulk obama thoughtful, who by didn't previously so as vice president has got me up staying from and dozing, any potential candidate? what are you reading to that? of course you mentioned he's name area, but what does this mean? what, what do you make of it? a rolling this morning, access was reporting that job item was going to stay in this race because he was still feeling like this was like 2016 when brock obama got behind. hillary clinton instead of dividing and he was still very bitter over that. he felt like he was
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pushed out in 2016. he was not going to be pushed out today. well, 10 short hours later here he is pushed out. and so we're hearing that obviously, hillary clinton's name is coming back in, even though yesterday she supposedly endorsed joe biden. but obviously things have changed within a 24 hour news cycle. you're still, you're still hearing people to judge who did a fundraiser last night with comma harrison, massachusetts, over 800 people attended. but they only garner $2000000.00, lot of money probably to you and i not a lot of money in a political. busy election campaign. the other number here is devin newsome. once again, young blood looking to potentially have a really hopeful future within the democrat party this you wouldn't be tarnished by this. does he want to be seen as one of the people that pushed out joe biden? i don't think so, so there's a lot of shuffling around right now as to whether anybody's going to joint or do they just that comment here is continue to headline this ticket and potentially look at a vice president. the only person i'm gonna say this time is name again,
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the only person who could be a real challenge at this stage of the game and get the democrats united and engaged again would be michelle obama. the question is, does she want to leave her? cuz she home in the hamptons and her and her job with the netflix to go into the white house and get into the middle, the political battle that we're in right now. and that's a big question. now, some top republicans are now calling for by didn't to resign from the presidency because they say the argument is if you, if you're not capable of being the candidate, then how do you run the presidency? how likely is that to happen though? well, here's the thing, if you're not in and that's a very and that's an excellent point that we should be questioning right now. but listen by the middle declined to not just happen overnight. this has been going on for years. it actually confirmed everything. the republicans have been pointing out on multiple levels that were just seen as being political planned or rushing this information. and it turns out it was absolutely true. and so now the trust do those
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in the media, those that are in politics, the democrats that were sent to by them was great. all law has. why does this absolute collapse in chaos? there shouldn't be a mistrust of anybody that it does need to, to the mainstream media or to less politicians because they obviously lied the demo now. so how can you transfer they're going to say, going forward? and i think that right there is going to be a real question that democrats are going to have to earn. so not only do they have to find a headliner for their tickets, they're not to figure out, are they going to be able to garner americans trust in time to get their votes? come november, know that the, how get and switching the candidates at this critical time in sure lines of people's trust in the democratic party. what do you make of this? i think is a real sad day in america. i'll be honest with you. i'm not necessarily a joe biden fan at the same time he had garnered the majority of delegates needed to secure the nomination. they had a chance and they wanted to have him. busy out peacefully, they could have done that all year long, and yet they never surmounted
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a campaign to him. the reason why i think by him probably should resign right now is because it was worth a land. doug president a bit or president that still has the power and he still does stuff for the next 5 months. i'd be very weary of any decisions that he's making, what he's doing, and especially when it comes to international policy, what he's going to be because i'm hoping that there will be a very fine tooth comb and they'll be definitely a, a looking glass on every action that he does because you can't question the man or he knows he's out of office. that makes him very dangerous to everybody else in the world. and now the rush, it and foreign ministry spokeswoman has suggested that the next step to be taken right now should be an investigation into why the american political establishments previously tried to hide biden's health issues. i wonder what to make of that. it's the same thing that i think every american should be calling for. it's probably in the back their minds even though very few want to say it right now. there should be
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a question. and even if there is not an official investigation to it, because there's not much investigate, it's out there in the plain to we have tvs, we have the, the, ours, we ever quarries, we have the internet, thanks to al gore. we can actually see that time and time again, we were reassured by those that we're supposed to trust both and leadership in the media that joe biden was of sound mind despite him for being upstairs despite him mixing up names despite him actually taking world leaders and insulting them by calling them someone else. that's what he's done for the past 2 years, 3 years. and the only reason i've always said, well, i felt like the democrats did not have him step down earlier. was because of their lack of trust and faith and commer harris. well now they've been pushed basically into a, into a corner, and they're going to have to make a decision. if this is a smart move 4 years ago when that picture to be vice president, potentially, she could be there nominated for the next 4 years, or probably have to living here now is cutting you now. here's
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a host of the 360 views. thank you so much that we're keeping a close eye on the breaking news this hour has us president joe biden has bowed out of the electro race. now as the steps aside, we unpacked his full year to mock by often controversial policies with a support for the ukrainian conflict and the relentless violence in gaza. i made rising us domestic, coincides with the nation, not presidents li divided what is by bins. legacy here is all these sites get taken up with the breakdown into the factors the let up to this point in full. yes, joseph fob, item junior has set cold off direct quote. so he, one from one of the most votes as a cost in the us presidential election, to being crowned the least popular president in $70.00. yes. which given he took over from donald trump. well, that's no mean feat. so how did the 81 year old,
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full, so far? well, breaking promise of the promise isn't the best stopped on this january day, my whole soul was in this bringing america together, united in our people, united in our nation. and i asked every american to join me in this cause for 4 years on it's clear the by to mr. ation as not being the healing bomb it pledged to be. instead, once in office, the president took every opportunity to run to rage and to smith, a huge chunk of his own electorate. this magazine through the threats the brick and mortar are democratic institutions is also a threat to the character varnish. trump is a threat to this nation. there's no question that the republican party today is
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dominated driven and intimidated by donald trump and the major republicans. and that is a threat to this country from you as my friends, losers. i don't respect these major republicans. the mag republicans though just threatened our personal rights and economic security are a threat to our very democracy and the media in the us and beyond. took inspiration from the presidents watts painting trump as the 21st century fuel. huh. which is both approved fall, tell ground for a scene that will surely go down in the history books. take a look what happens over the me, but it's not just at home with the buying didn't have stoked in stability,
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discontented division, as a vector and politician in 2020. he promised to quote, a new era of relentless diplomacy. well for you as well. no, we've seen really is relentless blood sheds. remember his assurance that the withdrawal from us kinda start off the 20 long his would be safe and would to me the tell yvonne is not this out of the north vietnamese army. they're not in, they're not remotely comfortable. terms of capability, there's going to be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the united states, from afghanistan to images of the us helicopter, hovering over the embassy, and coupled to desperate a bound to ask hands clinging to american pains as they just let the capital to thousands of the trade, translators, and interpreters who believes the allies when they were promised american visas. a
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people like me who served in uniform and have ghana. stan looked our outgoing allies on the eyes and verbally and in writing made these people a promise that since they served alongside us in our moment of need, should they find themselves in duress because of that service. we would stand by them in their moment of need and see them to safety. and for the better part of $300000.00 plus people, we have not kept that promise to the deadliest attack on american servicemen since 2011. not to mention the billions of dollars was submitted to equipment, just the hind now tiny opportunity for the walt relentless diplomacy in action. but the kind of still on the ball co, the plummeting ratings that followed the accusations of incompetent and strode his way. well, none of that humbled job,
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i didn't really even dump into spirits fresh off with that failure. he just went straight into the next we're going to stick with ukraine and all of the allies to stick with ukraine as long as it takes to in fact, make sure that they are not defeated. an estimated 500000 ukranian losses later. an economy on the brink of default, a population crisis on the horizon and russian forces gaining ground daily for ukraine. biden's problem, it seems to have been more a case of death than anything else. a test made all of them all trust trust given this whole tragedy could have been stopped at a number of tons for the, for the yes, for both the russians to evade you frame with talk of nato expansion. afterward, he rejected every opportunity for peace in ukraine, including
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a deal to end the war, just 2 months after it broke out. now the war is deep into his 3rd year, with no end in sight. hundreds of thousands of people are dead. hundreds of billions are tax payer dollars have gone up in smoke without bloodshed apparently didn't say shape vitamin d relentless dip. come out and power though he decided to aid and abet as well. and it's so, so of palestinians, not just by so telling tens of thousands of weapons, but also by shielding beeping us and you all to from the course of public opinion on the course of no, no, we made a physician clear on the i c, c. we don't think the we don't recognize that your section i see see the way in
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spring and exercise. and in the section i. c. c will criminal, lawrence discredits i. c. j rulings on principal genocide dismissed us warnings of gauze of becoming a graveyard of children on heated instead, on the shipment of the shipment, all this combined has really, or any thought to extend the rate america's reputational financial decline. surprised surprise. joke starting conflict and betraying allies don't do much for instilling trust. and neither does webinar using the greenback. i think that that's, that's important in the more we've used sanctions to more countries look for ways. okay. and when gauge and financial transactions that don't involve the dollar flushing the bill for that president's escapade. american tax
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pass who are feeling the pinch on the economic home front without about 40 percent saying that they have become poor and defined and inflation has run rampant, rising from 1.4 percent to high all the 9. a fact recognized while you'll accept bite and himself who's being pretty footloose and fancy free when it comes to things like data on statistics us know, present us has of run. we've had in terms of creating jobs and bring you down to fractions 9 percent. why can't office 9 percent? i think inflation has gone slightly up as far as a 9 percent when i came in. and it's now down from about 2 percent. also running around pundits migration with vitamin, practicing an open door policy that's led to an estimate of 10000000 people just want to cross the border under his administration. no questions off a policy which is on always the unimaginable. it is managed to bring together based
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the democrats and the republicans, groups to jo, biding this, pretending to finally do something about the board, the but in fact, it's all for show present by then here's a band and our obligations to provide people fleeing persecution, violence, and authoritarianism with an opportunity to seek refuge in the us. it is extremely disappointing. just see the binding administration severely restriction, access to asylum. today's actions are dangerous step in the wrong direction. when you succeed in getting all chinese from across the aisle to unites against you, you know, it's time to hang up, your boots waste for his job. i didn't, has been at the house for years, which might well go down in history. so being the beginning of the end. so the u. s . m. par on americans looking at the diplomatic and economic waste on rules by the policy is up to $46.00 president of the united states. while they can only be
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forgiven for saying, come back, come on, come on in my heart break. but let's cross live now to cuz i'm a t c and it cannot make a member of the bible and advocate a national union input traffic from party. cause i, it's good to have you join me right now. so i know your button to make the right. i know you've been following this development, but how, how, how expected was it con, setting the bindings move to quits, the res. so what, what that you're reading from it i've, we've also these coming, i think the benefit from was the beginning of the aides, the way he performs for disability. it actually get, it started his main. so i mean, mission that goodness team. they did not remove him because he's old. they have always known that he's out. they loved to move you because it's feeble. they always
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know that he's feeble in fix the past 4 years. they have been show it to him from the media. they've been shooting informed me that his press secretary actually became his mouth. he wasn't speaking for himself. so for the past 54 years, a go by and his being controlled by some people establishment. and they said people who controlled to either send people that they moved here now because they feel he's no longer useful if you see the database was actually maybe the plan to expose him and remove here. they have always known that he wasn't going to perform whether the debates and the good to the move you, and that's how they removed you. so this has been playing, although it was coming. in fact, many people have predicted these moments we are predict at this moment. i remember last time we know is here with you, mike. we spoke after the debate and then i said that could be the beginning of the
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ed for by did and j is just, well, some people call this the cool way within the party. is that what you're calling it? and this is a cool because it is done by a few people is in a democratic environment at president is removed by the people a by that is being nominated by the people at the democratic best of which is for biden. they actually wanted him to be the candidates these november. so he was actually moved by the democratic support. his. he was removed by the establishment . so he is a cool, i guess by the end here for that to the cool. so those people say that so this is a cool now by didn't, has endorsed his vice president and come of that hire is to be his replacement to as the candidates of the democratic party in the coming elections. now how likely.


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