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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the joe biden says, here's courting the us presidential race and he's been dozing. his vp come at a higher rate of possible candidate for the november election after the news of donald trump, loud to his former arrival of faith and abiding controversial policies of launch. the nation in 2 of the price biden has been marred by the great and complex of the war in guys that hasty afghanistan withdrawal and increasing domestic people at the end of the rise, locked by deepening divide within america. we on past the legacy of the incumbent view as president as he bows out of the electro rate.
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the what is, is our team to national, reaching july for my new center in moscow? i a michael that well following are breaking news from the white house way us president dual bided, says squinting the presidential race and he is in doors, his vice president, cabinet harris to become the democratic party candidates in the november election. why didn't it's just about the rest of hist um, as president, he made the announcement and the lights up posted on social media. it has been the greatest honor in my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president. for the remainder of my term job,
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i'd move out of the presidential race. you will not seek re election. and the democratic national convention is coming up on august 19th in the city of chicago. and that's where the noon on any of the democratic party will be selected and gave his endorsement to vice president campbell, a harris. now, donald trump responded to this move with some rather dramatic words, calling out the binding ministration for what he considers to be 4 years of failure . these are the words of donald trump. crooked joe biden was not fit to run for president and a certainly not fit to serve. and never was. he only attained the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him, including his doctor and the media. knew that he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't. and now look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. totally on checked and unfair that many from prisons,
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mental institutions and record numbers of terrorists. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly make america great again. there have been concerns about jo biden's, cognitive ability and speculation. he may drop out for several months if not longer . however, at this point, people are saying you're biting doesn't feel up to the task of running for re election. why is you still in the white house? why should we wait until january for him to leave office? if he is not able to withstand a campaign? uh, this point i didn't would you know, stay out the remainder of his time. um, but at this point uh, we have mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives saying the binding should resign immediately from the president. so at this unprecedented juncture, in american history, we must be clear about what just happened. the democratic party force, the democrat nominee also ballad,
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just over 100 days before the election. having invalidated the votes of more than $14000000.00 americans who selected joe biden to be the democratic nominee for president. the self proclaimed party of democracy has proven exactly the opposite. the parties prospects are no better now with vice president, comma, la harris, who co owns the disastrous policy, failures of the by and administrative sion as 2nd in command and a completely inept borders are. harris has been a gleeful accomplice. not only in the destruction of american sovereignty, security and prosperity, but also in the largest political cover up in us history. she has known for as long as any one of his incapacity to serve. regardless of the chaos and the current whitehouse, our adversaries around the globe should be reminded that the us congress, the u. s. military and the american people are fully prepared and committed to defend our interests both at home and abroad. if joe biden is not fit to run for president,
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he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. november 5th cannot arrive soon enough. pamela harris, as announced, she will seek the nomination of the democratic party to be the presidential nominee, and she's gotten the endorsement of hillary clinton for doing so. however, brock obama. 9 has not endorsed her and robert kennedy junior, the independent candidate, he has said that it is really important that the democratic party have a real convention. and that there be real debate about who the delegate and who the nominees be. and that it not simply be a back room deal that it gets handed to vice president common le harris as a result of bite and dropping out and concerns about the democratic party. and his lack of transparency are once again surfacing as they have before this is robert kennedy jr. many americans fear that the same democratic, national committee of leads are about to rig the nominating process. again, to get a monumentally on popular vice president,
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to step into president bite and shoes. i call on the democratic party to return to its traditional commitment to democracy and exemplify it with an open process instead of anointing. a candidate handpicked by d and c, a leads. the party should use neutral pulling to identify the candidates who can best be donald trump. that was of course r f k, alluding to the concerns about how the 2016 democratic primaries seem to be rig against bernie sanders and the overall lack of transparency and the direct accountability to the voters in the democratic party structure regarding the super delegates and other mechanisms that seem to enable the party leadership to over rule popular will at the upcoming convention. the majority of the delegates will be those who were elected because people expected them to cast their vote for joe by. and it will be those delegates that now get to decide who they will cast their vote for uh, in the upcoming convention with bite and no longer on the ticket. and the voters
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have kind of lost their opportunity to really weigh in on the issue. so is all raises concerns about lack of accountability, lack of transparency, lack of direct democratic impact by popular opinion. and will donald trump is ahead in the polls at the moment to the republican convention where he accepted the nomination shortly after the attempted assassination attempt. as donald trump uh far ahead at this point, but we shall see what happens as the democrats move toward their convention. and it remains in question who they ultimately nominate to be their candidate. now that joe biden is out now, certainly after biden's withdrawal from the race assault, an error of the home gear in american building. yeah, george sorrows expressed to support for capital harris. and as quickly and let's see the reaction from milan mosque i just like to sign colleagues on the soros for not keeping everyone in suspense about the the next puppet would be our dual body mendoza. and his vice president campbell, the hire is as
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a nominated for the upcoming presidential race hoping to impose show she still lagging behind. donald trump harris has her own special ways with words which has often raised questions about whether she's any more fit for office than homecoming boss. you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? i love venn diagrams. i really do. i love van diagrams. it just something about those 3 circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection, right? we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on the trumpet ministration improves the vaccine before after the election, should americans take it and would you take it?
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donald trump tells us, i said that would you take it. i'm not taking it on talking about the significance of the passage of time frame the significance of the passage of time. so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community by time magazine, and has already a really the new call by showing camera harris steph again, while biden is leaving the scene. a pretty good cover in the same style was issued the. ready after the 1st presidential debate between biden and from alex cross, now live to academy can be so attacked, priest of a hell of a tree. suffice good to have. you enjoyed me now that thank you for having me. thank you to get the welcome. now,
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why didn't has dropped out from the presidential race via, let's have posted on social media, but why don't we see him making an announcement live? why just the letter? i think the letter, of course, is due to the cognitive abilities of, of, of friends invited his inability to really express himself. i think there was the fear that he would even bunch, his own exit from the race. and from that perspective, nomination as the candidate for president, for the democratic party. so instead of speaking to the nation, as it should have done, which would have been the right thing to do, is simply drafted a letter and posted it on twitter, which has now gone by or i think 153000000 people have seen it. now, and i think that that's doing part to his board debate departments and all of his support performances in the past years. not just yesterday by that and said that he was not going to quit the race. so why did he change his position just now,
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but this is why would see this as really abrupt this was very abrupt, but i think that there was a concerted effort behind the scenes. we had lead reports just this past week that nancy pelosi had secretly also been saying to biden add to a high democratic officials that biting should step aside. there were many other big donors of the democratic party, but many other democratic leaders, both in the d. n c and into the democratic party as both senator representatives and other political officials basically thing by didn't had to step aside for the stability and longevity of the party. and of course if they had any prospect to win in november. and so i think that this was the combination of all of that. and i think it came on a sunday with a rather low in the news cycle. ended up taking the internet and the news news media by storm tests that are all right down the slides. his cognitive capacity,
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which can happen to anyone how good by then stands on foreign policy issues such as new creed and gaza. which a lot of people have seen as a disaster. how could they have contributed to his fall in the pre. busy ratings i think they all combined that his knowledge is falling approval ratings. but also his, his clear, the clear indication that he likes any real leadership. that this was a, an administration of mrs. leadership. the fact that this ongoing atrocities and genocide against the policy and people were just going on for 9 months now has been able to gone, gone on, not only on a bed, but with continued aid and military support to israel, the ongoing arming and funding of the nazi regime in yet, which of course has been committing atrocities since 2014. the united states has now deeply, deeply invested itself, along with its nato allies in pursuing the path of war with the russian federation
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. something that many people, even scholars and legal thinkers have really said, is the combination of this us a foreign policy that's leading toward a 3rd world war is extremely dangerous. and of course, we have ongoing political and social and cultural instability within the united states that has led to the moment where most americans view joe biden in a negative light. you have had someone that has not made their lives better, but has made their lives much worse. and i think that the vast majority of americans are today breathing a sigh of relief. that at least he's stepping aside. i but i don't know what comes after. i mean, now pamela harris has been sort of anointed on democratic me or a party that calls himself democratic. and i think that this is something a very concerning for many americans. today, we're here in the comments to people are concerned. we cause the democracy. why the make a democratic move? not biding, hasn't doors, the vice president cabinet. how does that get there? but other than that, there's
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a potential candidate such as hillary clinton golf course. we know biden is the president, he's one pressing. the convention is coming up. there are powerful forces within the party. we don't know how things are going to turn out at the convention. how do you think you, as far as foreign policy would change, is either of this women becomes president eventually what? let's create a scenario here. i mean, it's either hillary clinton or cumberland hires where it's a winning the presidency. it would be a doomsday scenario that many people are predicting because not only would they intensify the war against the russian for the ration which the united states has been pursuing in the, by the administration. but they would deepen their commitment to israel. they would continue to pursue resume change against other countries that do not counts out of washington like patrol assets of governments in damascus in syria. they would continue to pursue a. busy footing with you and they would continue to pursue a hostile relationship with china and the dpr game and in latin america and ask for
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golf course. they wouldn't defend their positions, they're against the countries that want to pursue a multi polar pad. and so i think that it's deeply concerning if either of these 2 women will have very bad track record the domestically, but also in international affairs. if either of them is nominated and you know, god forbid elected waiting for a real painful situation. internationally that could turn into a hot board, and that's what i really am concerned about me. now hopkins switch taking the candidates in the democratic political party at this critical time, influenza people's trust in the democratic party, as well as their desire to vote for the party of the elections. i think people such as broken in the democratic party quite honestly and from what i'm hearing on the ground. many people are deeply concerned about not only the lack of democracy within the democratic party and the opportunity to select
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a candidate that best represents their interest. but also in the transparency for the decision making that goes on behind the scenes within the democratic national committee. and sort of how the democratic party functions in, in terms of nominating candidates. but also in terms of his financial resources that it gives to certain candidates in terms of the air time that it provides. there's of many, many questions that have arisen, especially since 2016 that the democratic party is conf. busy by and the lead that is splendid and maintained by a powerful donors and they do not out allow anyone else access into their inner circle. and so i think that people are really concerned, and of course, by them stepping aside, it is a good thing. but the immediate appointments are the anointment, i should say. oh pamela harris, do the the presidential nomination and her saying that? sure wouldn't great. well, if he's anointing her, she's not gonna work for it in order to work. great. he needs to go back to every state and get the votes that she would need to get the nomination, but they're not going to do that. and once they get an insight dealing will reveal
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that the democratic national committee is re, uh, for powerful figures that are supported by the big donors and you know, what many consider the deep state. and of course, the, the merger of a lot of financial, military intelligence interests the relocated will never come through that the people would one now some top republicans and now calling for binding to resign from the presidency. how likely is that to happen? i don't think that that's likely to happen at this point. i think that this was a big enough sure. busy uh too many people calling for him to step down from the race for the defend potential nomination, that he will just remain for the next months that he's in office. i mean, he will leave in january regardless. so from now until january, about a half a year, so i don't foresee him stepping aside. i think that he can continue on. and as many people have noticed by that it hasn't really been in
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a powerful leadership position throughout all of his presidency. it's his elite team around him that has really been doing a lot of the work in terms of domestic and foreign policy. i think that that will just continue until january. but i do think that the democratic party itself right now is in a very precarious position, and my prediction is they're going to lose the white house and many senate and representative seats come november. right? we'll have to living here now. so, so violently he kept making research as thank you so much for your insight. thank you. now we're keeping a close eye on the breaking news this hour has us president joe biden has bowed down to the electro race. that's the steps aside. we unpacked his full year to mazda bye, often controversial policies, with the support for the crating and conflict in the relentless balance in gaza. i made rising us domestic, coincides with a nation on peace, eventually divided. what is biden's legacy? here is our d soft guy taking over the breakdown and 2 of the factors that lead up to this
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point in full yes, joseph sob item junior has set rack, hold off direct quote. so he won from winning the most votes as a cost in the us presidential election, to being crowned the least popular president in $70.00. yes. which given he took over from donald trump. well that's no mean feat. so how did the 81 year old, full, so far? well, breaking promise of the promise isn't the best stopped on this january day, my whole soul was in this breaking america together, uniting our people united in our nation. and i asked every american to join me in this cause for 4 years on it's clear, the bite administration has not been
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a healing bomb. it pledged to be instead, once in office, the president took every opportunity to run to rage and to smith, a huge chunk of his own electorate. this magazine through the threats the brick and mortar for democratic institutions is also a threat to the character of our nation. trump is a threat to this nation. there's no question that the republican party today is dominated driven and intimidated by donald trump and the major republicans. and that is a threat to this country. part smart strong is margaret friends, losers. i don't respect these major republicans. the mag republicans though just threatened our personal rights and economic security are a threat to our very democracy and the media up in the us and beyond. took inspiration from the presidents watts painting trump as the 21st century fuel. huh. which is both approved photo ground for
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a scene that will surely go down in the history books. take a look what happens over the me, but it's not just at home and up by didn't have stoked in stability. discontented division. as a veteran politician in 2020, he promised to quote a new era of relentless diplomacy. well for you as well. no, we've seen really is relentless blood shirts. remember his assurance that the withdrawal from us kind of thrown off to 20 long his would be safe and would delay the tale. bon is not the south, the north vietnamese army. they're not in, they're not remotely comfortable terms of capability. there's going to be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of
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a embassy in the of the united states, from afghanistan to images of the us helicopter, hovering over the embassy, and coupled to desperate a bound to ask hands, clinging to american pains as they just let the capital to thousands of the trade, translators, and interpreters who believes the allies when they were promised americans visas. a people like me who served in uniform and of ghana. stan looked our out again. allies on the eyes and verbally and in writing made these people a promise that since they served alongside us in our moment of need, should they find themselves in the rest because of that service. we would stand by them in their moment of need and see them to safety. and for the better part of $300000.00 plus people, we have not kept that promise to the deadliest attack
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on american servicemen since 2011. not to mention the billions of dollars was submitted to equipment. just the hind now turning off one of the walt relentless diplomacy inaction with the dentist on tobacco. the plummeting ratings that followed the accusations of incompetence tried his way. well, none of that humbled job. i didn't really even dump into spirits fresh off with that failure. he just north straightened to the next says we're going to stick with the crane and all of the licenses stick with the crime. as long as it takes to, in fact, make sure that they are not defeated, an estimated 500000 ukrainian losses later, an economy. on the brink of default, a population crisis on the horizon and russian forces gaining ground daily for
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ukraine. findings promise seems to have been more a case of death than anything else. a test made all of them all trust trust given this whole tragedy could have been stopped at a number of tons. p for the yes, for both the russians to evade you frame with talk of nato expansion afterward. he rejected every opportunity for peace in ukraine, including a deal to end the war just 2 months after it broke out. now the war is deep into his 3rd year, with no end in sight. hundreds of thousands of people are dead. hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in smoke. without bloodshed apparently didn't say shape, vitamin d relentless dip. come out and power though he decided to aid and abet as well. and
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it's suicide of palestinians, not just by supplying tens of thousands of weapons, but also by shielding beeping us and you all to from the course of public opinion on the course of no, no, we've made a physician clear. on the i c. c. we don't think the we don't recognize that church diction. hi, i see. see the way in spring and exercise. and then the section by c. c will criminal lawrence discredited. i. c. j rulings on pool, simple genocide dismissed us warnings of gauls are becoming a graveyard of children and heated instead. um, shipment off the shipment. all this combined has really are nissan to accelerate america's reputational financial decline. surprise, price, joke, start. king, conflict and betraying allies don't do much for instilling trust. and neither does
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webinar using the greenback. i think that that's, that's important in the more we've used sanctions to more countries look for ways, okay, engage in financial transactions that don't involve the dollar. first thing, the bill for that presidency, escapades american tax pass to a feeling the pinch on the economic home front with a 40 percent saying that they have become poor and defined and inflation has run rampant, rising from 1.4 percent to a height of of 9, a fact recognized while you'll accept bite and himself who's being pretty footloose and fancy free when it comes to things like data on statistics. you know, presidents had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bring you down. inflation was 9 percent. well,
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i can't office 9 percent. i think inflation has gone slightly up as far as a 9 percent when i came in as now down from about 2 percent. also running around pundits migration with vitamin, practicing an open door policy that's led to an estimate of 10000000 people just want to cross the border under his administration. no questions off a policy which is on the list beyond imaginable. it is managed to bring together based the democrats and the republicans grouped to joe. but in this pretending to finally do something about the board the but in fact it's all for show a prison biden's has abandoned our obligations to provide people fleeing persecution, violence and authoritarianism. with an opportunity to seek refuge in the us, it is extremely disappointing to see the by an administration severely restriction access to asylum. today's actions are dangerous. stop in the wrong direction. when you succeed in getting all chinese from across the aisle to united games to,
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you know, it's time to hang up, your boots always to full his job. i didn't, has been at the home for years, which might well go down in history for being the beginning of the end. so the u. s . m. part and americans looking at the diplomatic and economic waste, lords, by the policy is up to $46.00 president of the united states. well, they can only be forgiven for saying, come back, come on, come on in my heart break. all right, let's trust live to john kerry. yeah. cool. former us intelligence officer and the host of the with the bill as john is good to have you. how drive me right now now by the in the has supported. yeah. by didn't have supported his vice president cameron to hire is as a potential candidate for the election. how likely is it that she will get the nomination? well,
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what's the very quick pace of democratic party endorsements that we've seen just in the last several hours? i think it's actually likely that show when the democratic nomination, even if that is bad for the democratic party and it weakens the democratic chances against donald trump. all right, now we know the body. there's one passing above the convention is coming, the other possible people, politicians who uh, within their and then of course we know how that game is going to be played one way or the other. what other possible candidates are there? oh, there are several that are very strong, for example uh, josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania. it has been mentioned a number of times before he was elected governor. he was the attorney general of pennsylvania. christian whitmore, who was the very popular and experienced governor of michigan has been named the number of times and the governor bras, year of kentucky has been named a number of times. the problem is that none of them have any foreign policy
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experience. but with that said, a couple of harris does to have foreign policy experienced. but as my father used to say, is it really experience, or is it just one bad experience repeated over and over again. all right now, several hours before by didn't dropped off of the raise, a cold chuck passing of his campaign express, complete confidence that bite in would have a successful candidate the let's take a listen on this has job. i lost control of the democratic party. now he's not any sort those concerns and i want to be crystal clear. he's made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for re election winning re election. and i think that there are those out there that need to hear it again. that he made a decision, he's going to be the candidate, he's going to be the next president. and that was time to focus on the threat that


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