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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  July 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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serious, but with that said, a couple of hairs does to have foreign policy experienced. but as my father used to say, is it really experienced, or is it just one bad experience repeated over and over again. all right, now, several hours before by didn't dropped off of the raise. a cold shot busing of his campaign express, complete confidence that biding would have a successful candidate the let's take a listen on this has job. i lost control of the democratic party. now he's not any sort those concerns and i want to be crystal clear. he's made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for re election waiting re election. and i think that there are those out there that need to hear it again. that he made a decision, he's going to be the candidate, he's going to be the next president. and that was time to focus on the threat that donald trump pauses and what the extreme agenda is on the other side. all right,
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so why, why didn't the wide, how ever know about biden's decision to withdraw? what do you make of it? so they know they do, they do. that's a very washington thing to say. you can't preempt the principal. and so that's just that, that was, he knew that that was a lives everybody watching it knew it was a life unless you live under a rock. you knew that, that joe biden was likely to drop out this this weekend. and so he just said it because it's not his rule to preempt the president's a big announcement. i say, all right, that's still part of the politics. now the clinton's the clintons have also endorsed it camera hire is that the democratic party candidate while praising biden's efforts to end the corporate depend they rebuild the us economy and creative new job opportunities. now is that actually what the americans will remember biting for? you know, frankly,
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americans don't care what the clintons have to say about anything. the clintons are has beens from a previous generation. nobody wants to know what they have to say. nobody respects what they have to say, nobody's going to base their own decisions. and what the clintons have to say, i don't think that cuban has had some successes during the course of this presidency. perhaps the biggest being the bill back better program and, and the something like trillion dollars that has been budget over the next 10 years for infrastructure repairs. but at the same time, inflation has been a terrible problem. the border has been a terrible problem. and these relentless attacks from donald trump have have land. and so joe biden, with those problems on the one side then coupled with the fact that he is a tired presence, old man, possibly suffering from dimension or parkinson's disease or, or some such a affliction. he just couldn't continue on. people were worried about joe,
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by the surviving the next 4 months, let alone the next 4 years. you know, you also hear or until today you heard a lot of people say, well, at least we could get him elected again. and then harris could take over, were biking to die or to result in office. that's not what democracy is all about. and so this was a good thing, even if it comes to here is cannot win this race. and the jury is out on that job. i really did need to step aside and find out now donald, from donald trump, the republican candidate has said that he will be easier to beat camera. how is that even joe biden? i wonder what to make of that? is it just, paula takes all, he was thinking something real. you know, that's just politics. he has to be very worried about these latest developments. you know, there's a stroke in washington that,
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that joe biden was literally. the only person that donald trump could beat, just like in 2016 hillary clinton was the only person that donald trump could beat, no, harris and, and trump, for the most part, are tied in the polls. harris is slightly stronger in nevada and slightly weaker in pennsylvania and michigan, but she has not chosen well she's might have been nominated. but once he's nominated, she hasn't even yet chosen a running the futures as a running mate that is strong. and those rust up states in pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, illinois. then donald trump has to be worried because he's not going to be able to make up those books. trump has been stuck for months at 46 percent in the polls. everybody who's going to vote for trump is already pulling for trump. it's the kennedy voters, or would be kennedy voters and the undecideds that harris has to pull from now. and then trump should worry about where he lands and those rest of the states. right
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now, some, some republican i'm calling of the public as a calling for by didn't to step down from the presidency as it is right now. i wonder what to make of that. how likely is that to happen? a 0 percent chance of that happening? you know, everybody keeps calling this unprecedented. it's not unprecedented. not even in our lifetime. in 1968, there was a senator by the name of eugene mccarthy. he was a peace candidate opposed to the vietnam war. and he decided to run in the primaries against president lyndon johnson's. everybody said that mccarthy didn't have a chance, but he ran against johnson to new hampshire primary. and he got 30 percent of the vote. and johnson who had already announced that he was running for re election, then withdrew from the race. he did not resign the presidency. he simply withdrew from the embrace. now that was in february of 1968 and where in july of 2024.
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but there is no precedent for, for president resigning the presidency just because he decides to not run for re election. all right. now, hopkins, switching the candidates at this critical point impacts the trust that people have for the democratic party a the build up to the election. i think that this is democracy and asterix. the democrats have promised that they would have an open convention that this would not be a coordination. and indeed, in the 1st round of building at the convention, the so called super delegate still has elected democratic officials who are automatically made. delegates would not vote. and so if there are other people who elect to throw their hats into the rings, there would be a vote of all of the elected delegates, not the appointed delegates, to me, that's democracy in action. even if at the end of the day come over here is wednesday as a nation, at least democrats and democratic representatives had the chance to choose their
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domini to or why not the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman has said that the next step to be looked into right now is an investigation into why the political establishment had kept, kept the biden's uh, state of have secret and he didn't from america. and then the 1st instance, the what, what do you make of that? you know, this is also a very american thing to. ready it's literally only recently in the last uh what since ronald reagan was president, that americans are even permitted to know about the president's health. john kent. john kennedy was a notoriously poor healthy separate from addison's disease, which nobody even knew until after he died. a 100 years ago. president woodrow wilson had a stroke and couldn't even speak for the last year and a half of his presidency. and his wife cared the cabinet meetings and with the acting president without the american public,
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even knowing. so really it's only since ronald reagan began showing signs of dementia that the people became concerned about transparency around the president's health. you know, joe biden is of an older school of politician, one that is less transparent. one that is less willing to be honest about what's really happening behind the scenes. i think the fact that he was able to at least partially successfully cover this up for so long is going to change the way future presidents release information about their own health. all right, now by then dropped off of the presidential race via eletta that is posted on social media. why didn't they see an announcement that he made by himself for something that's crucial something that's important? yeah, that's a good question. and i'm not sure that there's a clear answer for it. we do know that bite is going to address the nation at some point this week, wednesday, perhaps thursday. we also know that the presidential historian john mika is the one
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writing speech. so uh yeah, it's sort of remains to be seen. we don't even know if it was biting himself that route this open letter that was released on social media today. messages out there of course. but i think that the speech writing experts are the ones poring over all this right now. well, we have to leave you here now, john to rack who is the hostile but with a blow us. thank you so much for your time. thank you. the pleasure. thank you. a great well as us president joe biden says he is quitting the president so raised our gaze, donald quarter examines the reasons why his campaign has come to this logical conclusion. joe biden's re election campaign will no doubt go down in history as one of the biggest embarrassments on record is the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border control and more asylum off for the drums. i really
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don't know what he said at the end of this is who they don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay you. and by the way, my son was not a loser, was not a sucker. you're the sucker! you're, those are ensure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do with what if we finally, b, medicare, take you, president, 5, i'd fight in this debate. disaster was far from the end of it and his attempts to explain away clear signs of mental degradation only added to the ridiculousness of it. all. i wasn't very smart. i decided to travel around the world a couple of times. i don't know how many times zones, it's not an excuse, but an explanation. the president did not have a great night, as you all know and many of you reached out during the can't the, the debate,
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the present had a cold. he had a hoarse voice. you won't hurt it, that's why he reached out the writing was so clearly on the wall that bite and had lost his marbles. that even the main stream media had a band at him. the same people who tried to downplay his ailing cognitive abilities for so long, president feels well and that this year's physical identified no new concerns. he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. we don't have a plausible explanation for what happened to the president. 2 weeks ago, he should undergo a cognitive test to put the this issued arrest, this version of 5 and, and will actually, analytically is the best buys and ever. and joe biden couldn't respond to any of those lies. in fact, as a new york times that he spent much of the night with his mouth agape and his eyes
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starting back and forth, he couldn't, in fact check anything, donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. then out the door went by his allies and the democratic party, who began calling for him to throw in the towel. while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone. i believe it is time for him to pass the torch. and in doing so secure his legacy of leadership by allowing us to defeat donald trump in the upcoming election. perceptions are absolutely ruling and things like this. in a campaign, he looks very frail, his voice is very soft, it's not robust. and again, it is not how i perceive that it's how the american people perceive it. what i stressed to the president is, this isn't just about you. it's not about loyalty. it's about being pragmatic. what he needs to do is show to the responsibility for keeping that seat and positive.
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that responsibility is to get out of this race with little to no political or media support. left financial aid, went out the window as well. hard heading party donors began to lose faith, even writing a letter calling for bite and to withdraw his ticket. we respectfully urge you to withdraw from being a candidate for re election for the sake of our democracy and the future of our nation. but it doesn't take a story and to recall that biden's problems, pre dates, the selection cycle, mr. president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blame you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the?
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so you can probably imagine how easy it was for the republican national convention to rip biden's credibility to shreds. president biden has become the symbol of in america in decline. this may be our presence, but it does not have to be our future. we can replace the by it inheritance, come off with a president who is strong and smart rather than sleepy mc nile or in a hurricane clueless and embarrassing. it was pretty clear how things were set to go down even before by made his exit. political bookmakers said that there was an over 60 percent chance that the president would make the decision to drop out of the race. and that should come as no surprise since biden was talking about retirement as far back as 2020. like i told brock if, if,
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if i reach something where there's a, a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll develop some disease and say i have to resign. i tested positive for cobit 19 this afternoon, but i am feeling good and thank everyone for the well wishes. for so long there were so many indications that an attempt to secure a 2nd term for bite and would end in disaster. and yet it took the main stream media and democrats until biden spent nearly 2 hours, not making any sense on international television, and is debate with donald trump for them to finally see how wrong they were flawed . donald trump is how this 1st riley said this brush with death. a week ago the mob leader was met with a heroes. welcome from a packed crowd inside an arena in michigan. i like this place. you know, america,
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47 presidential hopefuls sound of the alarm. the countries on the brain just highlighting inflation on the energy prices and the march of migrants across the nation, the southern border. he also slammed the main stream media. any political arrival for demonizing him may what they do is miss information and this information and they keep saying she's a threat to democracy. i'm saying what the hell that i do for democracy. last week i took a bullet for democracy where that's at the attention to the centrally located between from support as it needs detract us, what the mainstream media blamed for staring up there is possibility the, the
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right there. you can hear them say notes on the support as venting the wrong. go ahead and taking the form message avoid fighting the valid fits from 1st through his heart in the ring to become president. back in 2016, the usual suspects published a new of down being headlines against him to now we'll discuss this with steve gil full. i enter governmental affairs director for the us state representative. that he said that as more details emerge on the incident, more questions must be asked about why the secret service fails to prevent the assassination attempt in the 1st place. there will be and should be a complete investigation. and the more we are learning about this whole disastrous, catastrophic, nearly more tragic episode. the worst that get this kids parents called the police an hour or 2 before the shooting to say they were worried about their missing 20 year old, who had left the house with a gun. what did they know about his intentions that we should have no or that the
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police should have followed up. and again, when you look at the lack of security here, violating every protocol imaginable side of the head of the secret service, you have already been fired and probably prosecuted. she is not quit, she's saying she's digging, reveals them. and again, it's the conspiracy after the fact to try and cover their rims. they started off trying to, you know, blank the local police force. so the local police forces are wait a minute. our old detail was 7 officers who were charged with traffic duty, not protecting the president, dr. setting the security guard or. and again, this shooter was only about a 130150 meters from the president. that is extremely close. if you haven't a rainy and breath that the secret service, as they were aware of, thanks when somebody 500 yards to do nearly half of a mile away. and with a real cyber could have taken a shock with much more deadly intense, nothing that they are saying at job. and it needs to be a full and complete the investigation on. what does everybody know?
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and when did they know it? the biggest global tech out to eat in the history is affected meetings, causing chaos from airports to hospitals, wasn't on intentional crash, or as they said, just a glitch. well, maybe around the world barons buying the lots on fridays compete. the meltdown started with a so called florida update by american cyber security from crowd strike for the microsoft windows operating system are to corresponding don't mind my each. i covers what the mainstream had to say. but many aspects of that size that this could not have been, it does not have happened without the direct intent. let's imagine you're at the airport ready to board your flight except that last minute you end up stranded there with everyone around you in a sudden frenzy the
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well no big deal. it was just an unexpected global i. cheap prices that no one seems to be able to fix. that was the reality for most of the world this past friday. airlines were rounded, in fact, over 2000 flights were cancelled in the us alone. hospitals were on hold, banks named trouble. broadcast was unable to reach their audiences. emergency service is not working. and similarly, no one was exempt. it all started with the floods software update by americans, cyber security for crowd strike. this is not as secure as the incidental cyber attack. the issue has been identified. isolated and the fix has been deployed.
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russia though, avoid a decay all saying that is thanks to itself sufficiency. while most of the world, especially the wes relies on the same digital systems, the most sanctioned country. russia has made its missions to be as independent as possible. of the situation with microsoft once again shows the importance of input, substitution of for, and software, primarily critical information infrastructure facilities across strike is a big deal. it works with microsoft, amazon, youtube, and many others. so it's no longer that the world round to hold for a few hours. pro stripe is also the same company that helped to revive a russia hate movement in american politics in recent years. from claiming that moscow in a few years, to secure donald trump's 2016 presidential when so a legend that russia has into your ways artillery program later, the company admitted that it had no evidence to back up as bold accusations and
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even retracted his statement on russians had seen the ukrainian military and although proven to be false, these obligations play the huge part in popularizing the american, the company, old as in mind knowing that the firm was caught lying before. one biggest question was the crisis really just the flawed update to the largest, the disruption and id, and so such a globally id. all these networks and applications are designed in such a way that they are on slow on a distributed environment. so that even if it's a situation, if anybody buys to interrupt, patrick will be uh, secure the space off and part of that slow. but this time this has actually this stuff in the inside of bills. so that's why it is a, one of the biggest kind of is that option and i'm, i'm not, i'm not denying that could be a cyber attack because of the big don't complete floating substitute of some of the big things. and i, i'm very confident that this is,
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this could be some state of sponsor that this isn't very coordinated and argumentative ex, who so many people find that this is not only a dentist to microsoft, but it does actually send it back to you. what's called the global economy. cross stripe type relations to american intelligence services should naturally have other stays, questioning their work with them. and after what happened this friday would hold them madness and panic around the flow was lost. our roommate on phase due to its digital independence, the maybe the need for more autonomy will become a, i'll think of discussion for other nations. but i see a big this our, you can get details of all the stores are following on r t dot com. i'll see you again at the just a few minutes. the sense world war 2,
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united states has fostered extremist and t russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian d. as for 10, at least in canada, the united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere in the world. it doesn't matter what these groups say or do. they will support them if it is, the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. joe again might done on the choose the scale of sort of do well, i suppose, what is the list? so if it just means that the printer was using just $50.00, let me see. i see i use is anyone at any time if there's a religion the,
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the cost, the cost of a cps, it costs the school. so i decide to and then use email huge of the degree to offend when to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style. for years of caribbean ssl, all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons pretty well, you know simple. you'll need to choose the median venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest is really to get over the fields. i'm assuming people's going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupant of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly looked as if the ship did utility and i get my id and not sure it's just the snyder stuff. so the youngest,
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i mean yeah. what the simon disease forced labor to achieve by the warden. so for me, yes. what was the last, it also means you can see that that it's a deep, it almost human off. what does it put in his name? push these things up and give him a few on the do it cuz he does it to those thousands of customers of crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look on here, you know, wanted to do this because 90 in the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do just have to do, please don't. so you can just because you put it as being yet that was put in the middle of the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the now you need your research deployed here, sir, to nancy kim's in the book. and that's just me very the, it's the only showcase use the thing. so i'm just going into the ways that the boys, the probably the most name that will be for them imagery of assess florida doesn't want that extra them. but, and that's
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a program that we're talking to you all, that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? show your identification. we should be very careful about the personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the demon the robot must protect his phone, existence was on the, is
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the lease of russian states never as tight as on one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense of the same assistance must be the one else holes question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say even closer to
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the job i didn't says he is quitting b u. s. presidential re said he is in dozing. his vp come of the hours of a possible candidate for the november election after the news. but donald trump nom his home arrival, say vital controversial policies of launch the nation into prices. the provider and stuff has been mod, via ukraine, complex to the war, and gather face via gun assembly. and these proceedings, domestic people. as the end of this, the rise, bob, mike, deep things divide with in america. we all pass the legacy of the incumbent. you as


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