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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to prospect bullhorn john peter, a little here we discussed some real news. we're trying to really be able to bring the conflict in ukraine to it in given the forces arrayed against him. drum says he would end the conflict before being inaugurated. what would his deal look like? to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, jordan, samuel, we in budapest, he is a pod cast forensic apple, which can be found on youtube and locals. and in merrill tests, we have marble, j. he is and award winning journal as an commentator or a gentleman crossed up rules and the fact that news can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated quite,
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let's kick it off with george included as well. it's becoming real, george, i mean, you know, we have heard that from said throughout the campaign that he would end the conflict and ukraine in 24 hours. he's even given a call the recently before he was an ongoing rate. and if he is victorious and november, um and looking at the convention, um, there's a, there has been a lot of, there hasn't been a lot of commentary about few wasn't there. and a lot of the old neal cons, very well known individuals lives, chaney and bill crystal ball, ryan, and many, many others like pens. they weren't in there. j. d. vance, was there, mike pompei, or was there as well. i think you get my drift here. you know, trump is his election prospects are looking good. um and so we have to think hard about the reality that he may inherit this for the binding started say. that's exactly right. and um,
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from has been quite skillful in maintaining and i'm big usa as to what in the 1st that is what exactly america 1st really means. but in the 2nd place, how if you will resolve this problem that it in ukraine because it goes and yes, there are other people like a j d vans. they take it to me in the might of us we, we focus on america's problems. we don't waste our resources on the peripheral issues such as your crime, but there are, oh is where there new such as you get a powerful congressional, cham and like michael, my cool and their idea of america for us is what we go in and we own like bite me give you credit and the tools to finish the job. so that is that, yeah, yeah, the, you know, what trump will do is very different from the little button book. he will actually
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help ukraine when this will. well, that's completely the opposite of what uh, trump has been saying there's a trump has been gliding by without having to exactly spell out. i mean, they've been various papers written by people associated with the american 1st policy institute like going frederick flights and uh, keeps catalog. um, but the trump is not working those to any of those plans. so yes, he says he is going to end this in 24 hours, but it's never any given us some idea of how exactly that will be accomplished or what exactly that you know, final got off of uh, anything of the will will look like. yeah. line you, i think it was on friday, they drove had a conversation with the, the now illegitimate president of the grange, zelinski. and the read out from both sides was kind of boiler plate them. it was an excellent, perfect tell about all of his with his drug, like sikes,
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to say that they made it sound like there was a lot of agreement, but nothing, nothing, nothing was specified. no details where's best buy, for example, endorsing the, the china and proposal or a of an african proposal or reacting to a boot. and you said repeatedly about how many goes agents because i know the details were given except really weren't agreement. that's, that's not encouraging. well, they were in agreement to the idea of trump waiving his magic wand, encouraging a solution for everyone, including the landscape, but nothing, nothing for us as much detail as because i don't think so because of the details at this point. you know, random, i'll see you soon because if your insurance gets position, probably a very wary of trump. you know, it's a, it's, it's a little bit like shaking hands with a demo. you know, one minute from can be a for the next minute. you can be your biggest enemy if, if you just don't react the way you was needed, you to rattle the time and respect his particular requirements when it,
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when it comes to media or whatever. so i think i'm probably listen. liskey is trying very carefully amazing. simply had a conversation because, you know, everybody is now just assuming that we're gonna have trump in the white house. and he's now going to have to live up to this, this declaration you made a long time ago. these gonna fix you crazy and 24 hours and nobody actually really believes that, you know, the russians have been taking very suitable restore approach to it that i think the official statement was let us know. they were gonna stick, you know, and trump made the statement before about fixing them, at least when he was president. the fact, you know, it's sort of them hacks like me who actually look at them at least and say, well actually, if you have not done what you did with this well, and i'm given israel the, the impetus and the status that you didn't go and show in the trunk comp. elizabeth took in regards to abraham accords and shifting the capitals and acknowledge the
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lessons. how in north dakota all these things, you know, perhaps the october 7th events wouldn't happened because i linked the to, you know, think when you go back to and you're going to pick a picture. i think october, the 7th was a huge circuit breaker sitting for, for the palestinians. i'm part of that was that they go sold down the river with the obama codes by everybody, including the harps, you know, so i think he's in a pickle and i will in myself to his proposal, months ago or wherever it was years ago that he was so ukraine wouldn't die because he would just tell it up and say, right, you know, have any more, might the end of us funding and not more or less would be the silver bullet. but it's actually a bit more complicated than that. and i think, i think what we're seeing reality is that he will pull off a seesaw in his 1st week and office. but taking it further from that, it's going to be very, very difficult. because there are a whole bag of complications the which was the initially when he made those
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statements. one of which this has been mentioned by georgias daddy bones who doesn't give a tooth hurts about you crying. i'm but is 6 thing up the rest right now to will say, well, i'm in china. and so that complicates things even further with russia, signing any sort of a piece deal in ukraine. you know, there's lots and lots of news now, and that's always a good copy of that we mentioned on this program and you can have as many ideas and proposals as you want. but there for us, it isn't at the table. we've been in it just say, hey, let's just do 2 of the georgine, you and i pointed out in the past. and maybe it's a um, a material detail. but when trump has said, you know, he wants this resolved before he is, and now get ready to this kind of interesting to me. maybe it's a reach, but i've always felt and i've always felt that there was a mistake on the part of his movement. is this the call despite who's wards in the
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distance and south of from it. and he doesn't want this war on his watch. he has a lot of other things he wants to do. it maybe that's just read a reach and then reading into something that isn't their thoughts. well, i think that's right. i mean, it was famously, i think daniel patrick moynihan uh, told richard nixon just as he was taking office in january 1969 the, unless you bring this war and via tom to it in, in no time. and so this will be known as nixon's war, but until then it has been johnson's will, and i was going to be nixon's well, and that's in fact what happened. the nixon wasn't able to bring this war to in the media conclusion. alex was, he then got blamed for the war and i think trump consciously or unconsciously. it is thinking along those lines that he notes. i'm a tool and the democrats, or very, very good at political marketing will say, hey, this is drums. war. trump has made a hash of this trunk problem is that he would bring this to an end. he hasn't
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brought it to an end is actually even worse than he was. it's trunk floor. so he, he wants to get this office planes, but it's a little bit easier to send them down. now. um the, the issue of, well, you know what? and then their suggestions of this from being the boss and their suggestions of this from this fred flights and that keeps kellogg road was paid before the might of thought. and so, as far as it is, is that, well, what are they going to do is go to zelinski and say, well, unless you show up for a peace conference with russia, we're going to cover all of your assistance. and then they go to the russians and say, well, unless you show up to the strong points and, and clearly indicate that you want to end as well. we're going to double our assistance to ukraine. so they think that they've been very queued um. but then the, even if this happens, even if the, you know, and that's possibility of a, they get this conference going and that's pro. and so that's getting realizes that
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the days of it is based on process without russia are over. i think you've come, willing says that if we have a conference and roster has to attend, but even if that happens, then where do we go from here? yeah, you may want to put a ceasefire in place. but what would be the points of that? the one selling point that i think trump has the, which is all involved, fish from buying is that he doesn't care about nato. and so the whole issue of, oh, where, you know, the daughter nato, for ukraine. you know, every country has a right to decide little in joining a control. doesn't care about that. so that at least could be both on was yours. ok . they get hold of more. so george of the market right now, nato is going to do whatever the west wants at the end of the day, at the end of the day. that's what it's going to be. they can, they can have all of their p, r, and they're complaining and trump proofing and all that. but once the word is out from washington, nato will follow. but that doesn't make things simple. go ahead mark. now, i mean, it will naturally be around to,
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i mean plants here pretty small. people certainly much smaller people to me, photos of them. so i'm out running this up. it's a say that is main service on a self destruction cost. i think um, i don't think some would have any problem me going don't history being the capitalist who bought that about you know, he, the pro comp score is that whichever way he moves, he's going to come from a film collision with you or is there is so many signals, now the americans are heading to the trade will, here of trump on phones. now want to hike up tires with china effects on a whole lot of goods, right across the well known with china, but with the europeans as well. and it's, it's done that wiggle room that they have the leverage. so you said that, you know, america basically is nathan nathan was america. if he has a massive ton from an sense to present scalar, you're not only having nimble aid from america. you have a mental aid from nato, and you from the big class individually in europe. that could be
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a huge game change that could, that could be, you know, pretty amazing that could stop every say and get people to focus. mine's got in those articles that i think you're referring to, but the meetings on the phone go sorry. between to lensky and trump. there were a couple of little, tiny details and gentlest photon. one of them was the full key regions, you know, which are and, and, and the disputes and was a, so then you would give them up. it's written the message, this is out of the question. those lensky in no way could get those readings up, which then throws the spotlight back on so lensky and how he come over night in my view, go from being a friend to the so withdrawn. and the reactions of that was going to be, well, you are the problem now. so you have to go, you know, and, and the problem is lucy's golf course is that is due to me see, you know, you mentioned earlier, there is not the person anymore. yeah. how much lower than that go on for when you have these international piece conferences and where russia,
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what are the video bridge showing our viewers very clearly health problem. ag drums problem is i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on from and you quite and stay with our to the only 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars repossess more than a 137000000 americans are facing financial hardship because of medical. then in america, we do have a welfare system in place to help people who are struggling financially, but it's a conditional system. you have to prove to the government that you truly need help . the simplest way, like explain the basic income, is that is like social security. for the rest of us, a basic income would be a monthly payments that would go to everyone. just a $1000.00 a month,
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no strings attached as a user here, but i would like them maybe i don't know. i just won't go crazy. the reason that i am a fan of guaranteed income because it is this idea that everybody is deserve. and then just by virtue of your being here, the what is part of it that the employee would post good isn't the the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the as the
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welcome act across the old woman's. i'm beautiful though dear. we're discussing some real news. okay, george, i need to go back to you. so come question in peace. don't worry to credit. you might think though, we should remember that. okay, more of it, you know, it looks at it very with any varies with a very sober mind, but or biden's entire ukraine policy has not been so, but it's been extremely reckless and people are attached to this. i mean, it's pax americana, it is maintaining, had gemini, the, made the effort to inflict the strategic defeat on russia is just as real now as it was for years of charge. so that's exactly right. and i think that's where the problems are going to arise for, come, because the republican party, along with the democrats, um, supports this war. and i mean by the republican, but being a big, large proportion of it. let me so like when,
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when that's 61000000000 dollar package, but ukraine was passed a few weeks ago, but basically, you know, the, the senate republicans softly congressional republican supported it. so that's really a trumps problem. that if he does go down this month, if he decides to bite the bullet and the spend that goes along and says, well, this, this war and you brand, it makes no sense. i think it makes no sense for us to wage war against russia. we need russia as an ally against china, which i think probably is what he really thinks usually goes up to speed consistently think that says, way of 16. so therefore, let's you know, this has nothing to do with our america with our interest. let's just bring it to an end. he is going to come into conflict immediately with him to the congressional republicans, and they are very unhappy about it because the input they and that it was. well now say we need to do give you a crime, everything it needs to get the job done to the feed bruship. so ultimately he's going to have to build
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a good construct. this problem that his own party is deeply divided on this issue and a fruitless river. let's remember who's of his own speaker. you know um michael, mike, but he doesn't. you know, mike johnson, he's the one to push that. $61000000000.00 back is for you. great. so you're going to keep him happy. is it so it's going to be very difficult for him. and you mentioned about the impeachment. yeah, that's a real possibility. i mean the lead people like lindsey graham and, and michael mccaul and all the rest of them. they're not just going to sit still and, and watch. uh you, ukraine was, they said, oh we, you craze being sold down the river. we're getting food and everything will be of george. we see the russia gate rearing its ugly head. you can no rush. it gave him a get. okay, this is already up in the mix right now, martin, you know, it's interesting when we, when mike from peo may actually spoke at the,
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at the convention trying to, um, uh, uh, take on or uh, uh, appropriate to himself. what america 1st is, which is definitely the complete, diametrically opposed to what someone like from and, but from what we know of advance, but there were other people around johnny rad flip robert o'brien, rick right now. so i don't see them going along with the trunk of vans. they shouldn't hear. i mean it's, we can say there's this going to be congressional resistance, but even within his, with ministration. if he's thinking about mike pay or marco rubio. oh, i don't know. i would think that the, the, the, the impeachment process will be set up in january. he's got some problems. he definitely has some problems which he, he couldn't possibly soto and visions around when he made this a read over simplistic statements. but you credit your credit isn't going to be results in a day of a week for or,
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or i think and model. so i think it's going to be a long standing issue, a sorta inside of trump and his mood ministration. what was interesting for me about the conference is the 3 brits who turned up. i'm not sure if i just trust and boast, johnson what really shocked me. and i really did open mind jewel just listening for withdrawal. i could not believe pizza. how much time? some gave to burst on some of the restaurants rebuilt. this with the british press of the wrong articles and the independence saying basically the lowest johnson is more or less convince from that. so he needs to can continue to campaign with ukraine against russia and the front of the even gets pressed covers the fact that the boy is still in some good at the time. to talk to him. it gives you an indication, but he's not quite so gone. how and quite so binary. now on you kind he was before he's prepared to work with the other people are on the well to
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a very close to ukraine is i always don't to the golf. to be honest landscape, i really have to pick up. people just have a big that's really how can you hide just thing boy, just, just to go around the well, just basically, you know, promote seeing your cravings. let's get these. not the old one. he's not either, but where is that still going to and you know, i think it could go either way, but it's, we might, we might be surprised. we might be surprised, but actually trump reaching out more to who's a lives you know, onto how to find a diplomatic solution which gives him still the price. i'm the and the, the, the international prestige they need to wear this thing about the whole thing of your credit for me is you have this relationship between a trump on 210. and one has to ask this question. what's it based on? is it based on from one thing to do huge business in the countries that creates another as a real control of real estate, whatever. or is it just an operation, or is it the wrong by do the russian secret service of goals so,
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so things on from the he's worried about age. it's really amusing how this continues, but i just don't see how it so i think, you know, george, i think it's kind of more common sense. i mean, why should the united states and rush should be enemies? why over here? what? yeah, of them sort. so that's exactly right, and i think that's the look instinctively trump on this stuff, but when the cold war came to an end and the book, but the well what, what, what's, what's this of the photo? um, i don't think that there's any real um relationship between from russia and i think it was the least steven co and your supply down. you know, trump is actually one of the few kind of leading businessman in the united states or has been made a lot of money in roster a another. you know, he's talked about various projects building a trump uh, base level really uh pull that off. i think that he does see brush up
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as a potential ally against china. he believes in brands believes that china is a looming threat and, and that's, and they basically have to have to mobilize them really alliance, but extensive, you know, it's, it's still worth having, you have to mobilize it against the china. i mean, i think you would like to downgrade the europeans, you know, as well, look at where we will contain russia. but you do that, that, that's your task. another idea of europeans that you know that that's what you need to focus on. we will focus on china, is that what we, we will reorient though, so those 2 contain china in asia. i think that's what he would like. the ukraine is just as old a message here, which is, you know, you can either way, it has to be resolved, but, um, you know, the, but it was like, so, you know, we can take the oregon and so far is johnson. so, you know, oregon goes through the trunk because yeah, yeah, yeah,
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trump told me he's going to bring this to an end not full of confidence that he knows as though he's going to bring it to and then um and then the bar is done. so says yeah, i'm absolutely confident gonna drop those up to do with you craig. so what does that deal is if joseph looked from just sent, that tells you his name to lock, you does what they want to hit. or if i'm able to was gonna come to an end to the test to bring it to an end. hidden by, by the time is in order to write the bar is johnson says, you have to go guy trump season is with us on the nato. he's going to do your dirty the wrong is the made disappoint to everyone. and i think that's right. yeah. my brain, you know, so we've talked about what barnes johns and things and ged vance and maybe what trumps. and they came out and thought about watching the russians care about any of this conversation. yeah, that's a very good point. um, but i think that the, if you look at the, i see all of patient and you go back long enough when there was a possibility of russia in the european union and america coming closer together
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and even russia becoming of nature. let's think he's our dealings, his rule ideology is that russia should be both aware. it should be integrated more, you know, so from a business point of view, from a group, this group point of view from a piece point of view, i don't, i don't believe put in as a whole month, or i know there was so many people in the 3rd and a small to me on social media for that, but i just don't buy it. i never saw a kitchen name, but keeping martin, i mean, i mean, you know there's, there's the anesthesia is to all of this. i mean, um, um, if you look at it at a distance the, i'm good was very kind of a much of a liberal when he started out then in this chain. why? because the west is a club in russia is not invited certainly thing. but i mean, what do you do if you're not invited? okay, you have to go your own way. yeah. but i think doesn't put, it must have to think, well, i think i go today, is there a way long? got a loan. yeah. well yeah, i mean, nor did we even had the, the, the, the foreign minister loved it all for you just that you can actually me something i said you when the come. but this, in part of the,
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comes like the new grain started. this is going to be a breach covering and generation generations. george. yes, i think that that's right. i do think the russians would like the, the, to a written to some kind of, uh, no mallet the normal races but still trade trade. yeah, exactly, but it's not, it isn't going to happen any time, any time really in the foreseeable future. and i think that's because one of your has decided to do with your business. i'd have to mobilize itself, mobilize that entire, go to europe in continents against russia, is done it without any real concern for its own interest. but it is what it is mobilize any style, going to be very, very difficult for all that has happened. i'll throw, you know, all of sending all of this and military assistance in order to kill russians. it's going to be very difficult. oh okay, what do you really mean if let's,
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let's go back to the good old days of the good old days will be scale elmwood colon . the bar is the old, you know, on get on the bill and the young boots and just isn't going to happen. and, and then they go back to it and let me get them. i think you some ideas i've got hopes along the russians that maybe we can do that, but that's just not all a large me finish it up for the last 30 seconds. go ahead. i think the take away now. so for me, for the last few days, looking at all these huge events is the holistic news from brussels that live on the land is now going to have another 5 years in part. what does that tell you about health and stuff? that's a european solution to a european problem. good luck. and she's already re buying your fist on the table and talking about, you know, getting more gun, who would china, and employing more, but money off to good money into the ukraine. black hole, you know, it is so many people of said to me on social media,
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this is fantastic news because it means in a long time it's going to be some sole resolution in the countries and much else more. you know, other, you know what's, what's stuck with it. unfortunately, but cops only yours. you're a bit stuck and we'll see if the republican party is stuck on. we heard a lot of good things, but a lot of bad people still hanging around when i think my guess in budapest, in mary america, ash and i would course, i want to think i'd be worse for watching you. c r t c. and next time we member across doc was the
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the old wanted to come here since i was 121. my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me, but then i came and then i was like, i don't remember when i go home. i've never been happier in life than i am here. so i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay who worked as a chef and now raises goats and makes cheese in the countryside series. like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i . us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safer atlanta higher life than living here.
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the it's the is 2 things we love in this country, its cache and freedom. but anybody that's ever been poor here can tell you that in america, if you ain't got no cash,
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you ain't got no afraid of shackle jack. i'll do a job that explored you shackled to a good interest, right? this actually dr. shackled to medical bills for ailments, so they could have their own student loans, their default. they know it's an oppressive in this heartening state of affairs. that leaves people doing whatever they can just describe by because they don't have any other choice and that's not freedom. but the universe of isaac income can give you afraid of lots of free freedom to go back to school, to learn new skills, freedom to take care of, and aging parents. the freedom to start a small business to freedom, to leave an abusive relationship. the freedom to just not have to worry about money every single 2nd of every day. the


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