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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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left the 4 digit pin for us a call. let me see distribution is continue at the very low into the and this is the show everybody. i'm rick sanchez time for the weekend review. if you want to really see something this said, take a look what happened to stage. i'm a president, he's a big president to present list. yeah. yeah. better, correct myself, but 2 incidents that are still reverberating and still shaping the future of american politics. and there's so much that's happened since i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impacts week in review. let us do this. the
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i'm telling you i've been doing this for a long time. i'm not sure i've ever seen a week like this. i mean, it is absolutely remarkable how in this last week it's like everything has changed and it continues to change. and that's what we're going to talk about. where is this going? we'll be joined by our host of the critical our on radio spot, mcfarland nixon. let us see what mister garland makes. it looks like there is, by the way, as well as politic wireless than hostile be convo couch on youtube. craig pasta de la gentlemen, thank you so much for being with us. upper upper. we appreciate as we like to save the republican convention. alright. spill nothing short of a miracle that donald trump is not dead or a horribly critical condition somewhere in some hospital. i mean, literally, if the guy does not turn his head to look at, you know, some graphics that he was talking about at the time at the exact moment that the shot is fired. i mean, he would have been hit in the head instead,
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he turn. so it is ear, look, don't take my word for it. i mean, take a look at this change here, look for that. and well, it isn't that amazing. i mean, literally, if you look at it guys, i'm sure you've already done this and, and thought about it, but i mean, he, the bullets coming like this. when he turns his head, he puts himself in such a situation so that it hits his ear. instead, i don't know where i warn you when this happened, and what, what, what, what, what, what are you thinking about at this point? pasta? you know, it's kind of funny cuz i was in west palm beach and a, a, via my guy event. literally, the lemmings americans that were ordering donald trump. i was walking in to their events, and on the table they had some gifts, and it was a donald trump gold coins, and the donald trump box. and all of a sudden i heard, you know, a lot of noise in the background and people were sounded very worried. and then all
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of a sudden we heard that the president had been shot. i mean, it was so ironic for me. i was, i got an event when it happened, the idea that he was missed by just almost nothing. and now everything that we're hearing about, the fact that this guy was only a 130 yards away in the building that for some reason the secret service just decided not to evacuate is kind of weird, right? i mean, a garden, what do you think of? yeah, it's weird and you and as many people know my background and all the force that i literally work with on secret service in uh, uh, coming up with um, plans for dick cheney's summer home. right. we had to secure a summer home, so i and, and my recollection is at the time, you know, the were, they were very thorough. they were very professional. in fact, what we were told at that time is, you know, you better watch where you go, you better stay where we tell you don't go in the wrong area because these guys
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have orders to shoot. if you're in the wrong area and they don't you, they don't know who you're going to shoot 1st and ask questions later. i've sold this by secret service. so it's kind of strange now that they got this guy in their sites that there's a crowd of people stand around pointing that hey, there's a guy with a roof and he's got a gun and secret services just done. i don't know. maybe they were busy, maybe they had a couple off the they had to finish before they did their job. yeah. you know what? i think 1st of all, we live in the most dangerous country in the world, possibly in the history of the world. you're 27 times more likely to be shot if you live in the united states than any other developed country. every day, 337 people are shot or, and, or killed in the united states. there are uh for every 100 people there are 121 weapons in the united states. let's just say so you don't have to be donald trump to get shot in this country. i wouldn't, i wouldn't put it past. as far as i see it. law enforcement to just start getting lazy after you're having all these rallies after rally after rally. i know human
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nature is just to start, start taking your job for granted. i wouldn't be surprised that they may have just done that. might take. what do you think? pasta, i don't know, rick, i can't. by that. i mean it's, i'm sorry, this is the secret service right there. they have one job, one job, but the president all calls make sure that he's not killed and it just mind boggling to me. i mean, it was so many different signs, right? we have pictures coming out of the guy, just kind of wandering around and go, yeah, around writing abilities like me. which building should i choose to shoot a point. it allows me. but people in the audience that there's a guy on the but he's got it done. um, i guess they didn't react in time. yeah. no, you, you, you're right. it just seems awfully suspicious. rick. really, i in the, the thing about it is i don't think will ever get to the truth. i think the conspiracy theorist and you know, i have a little bit of that in my mindset. they're gonna do take whatever they think and wander off in their minds when to choose whatever they choose the to do. but at the end of the day, no matter what. if i look at the way it makes donald trump look, it makes him look like i said, if he was once jesus on earth,
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he is now god involved and everybody is talking to him. yeah, no, listen, let. let's talk about that. the optics for donald trump right now are nothing short of phenomenal. i mean this guy was doing an attack and then with blood on his face in a rocky like stanson moment, fished in the air, he raises it and yells, fight, fight, fight. as his followers, chit usa usa, i mean, come on, and there's nobody in hollywood, it could have written something this, this, this good for that situation. now let's compare it though, to something else compared to his opponent. president biden said that the nato summit would be his crowning moment. hello sir. let's let him do this, cuz this is where this is going to be. his come back. he would show the world that he's a strong and capable leader, and that was going to be the message that would supposedly come out of this summer . instead. this is what came out about something. i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she's not
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qualified to be president. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination bases. i'm a president, he's a big president. present lose the problem. i give you the mike, and even then he did it, and even then he called them president lensky. he left out the z. you know, but the truth about it is this. when you have cognitive decline, it doesn't improve. it's not like you can wait a couple weeks later, you know, it's kind of like spoiled milk. you can't put it in and say, let's put it back in the refrigerator and come back in a couple of days and maybe it'll be better. the milk is boiled, it's only going to get worse, and that's the story on joe, by the spring, and everybody knows the story of the big story, i think, to me with biden is in 2019 um, your whole unit, castro, or one of the castro brothers from texas. yeah. what's your address?
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this issue addressed it and said hey, you know there's something wrong with this guy and they attacked them. this is not new. the media, the democratic party has been hiding this. and now they are in a thinkable situation, and they put themselves in a situation because they attacked those of us. who said, legitimately, hey man, this guy has a problem and we've heard from the supporting russian box or whatever, where and now they've got to deal with reality. why they still are garland they. yeah, i got something for your nbc is present. it less to hold sits down couple days ago with finding ask some questions that were obviously written and sent to him by the staff of the president at the white house. the questions are so obviously staged, it makes less to hold look so stupid. i know lester, we came up together. we were hired on the same day by nbc we. i came from miami, he came from chicago. i mean, this is shameful that he does this, but what they watch watch do your point,
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garland watch what lester hold asks in this interview. if you were to have continue to run in and be officially nominated, what happens if you have another episode like we saw during the day? what happened and what else? what happened is if, if you have another performance on that part that on that level, you see what i mean. pasta. he's making it sound like it was a one time incident since then. he's called is a wednesday. bolton, he called his vice president, she vice president trump. i mean if that's the question is you'd be asking him, but he's not. that means that he's playing into this narrative, but he had a bad night. oh, i had a bad night. i mean, just be honest with the american people. right? yeah, absolutely. and that information you just dropped to about less the whole. i didn't know that that is really powerful and it really shows you what the main stream media is. job is nowadays it's,
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it's just pure propaganda there this the nod refers of the ruling class, but at the end of the day, rick and girl, and i think this is the, the, the, the eyes, all the attention paid to joe biden is a little bit of distraction of the bigger problem, the bigger problem is, is that the democratic party is a dead party. nobody wants to come out and take the mantle here from joe biden to get wiped out by donald trump. i mean, these guys are stuck in 2016. they have no original ideas anymore. they're not connected to the working class. and they're just a dying party right now. and i think that's what they're trying to hide with this whole situation. and if they put anybody out there to take the reins from donald of, excuse me, from joe biden, they're going to wait as long as they can to shield your candidates. for many criticisms you don't think of, you know, i don't know say you disagree with me a little while ago. i think i'm going to take you on on this one. um i just donald trump is still available and i think you couldn't make the argument that my 4 year old granddaughter could be the joe biden at this point. so putting on another
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person, regardless, obviously a michelle obama, george clooney candidacy or something of that nature. i think it could be pretty powerful. i think it's a push back a little bit on the, on donald trump. what do you think calling? well, you know, it all depends on how you look at politics. if you look at politics through the lens of the person who's out there only, well, you know, maybe you can find yourself a super model and stick them out there. maybe that would work. the reality is this, when it comes down to it, there's a reason that joe biden and the democrats were driving well before the assassination attempt. and before the debate, there were those of us who had predicted board that, that they would lose because people vote on their day to day lives. and let's face it inflation. it has been fed the by the ministration has been a kept to pastor feet in the black community. the thing that i've heard the most wide there a lot of black people that probably want to stay whole summer going to vote for trump is day to day. you know,
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a lot of work in the west. people here. it costs too much money to buy stuff. when i go to the market. i got a wife and 3 kids. a friend of mine has a us um, a business and he talks about how much more it costs now for gas, for is non movers and trucks. and, you know, things like that, those things are what people vote on my what my point my, you're not looking good for the democrats. my point is this uh vitamins so bad right now. i think this is the point i was trying to make to craig bite and looks so bad right now that he almost has to be replaced. and anybody that replaces a, we'll do better than he's doing. uh will it be enough to be dropped? i don't know, i'm not willing to say i, i've been in this business long enough to see a lot of things that i thought wouldn't happen suddenly happen. so well, wait and see. let's take a break. when we come back, let's talk a little bit about judy vance and talked about what that does to this uh, this equation with the new ticket about trump advance. and maybe a little bit about of his wife, which i think is fascinating. if you guys heard her talk yesterday,
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i was impressed. we'll be right back. the the they are probably her, my little sister store to the model girl to i got you. no problem seem to them out of the know nothing 30 minutes us out in the drive i showed my brother through he
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was cited to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo that police, you lose the, there's another crime. same another. this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the guy we're back with craig foster, how to do law, unless you on a gringo as his name and call them jar dula. and there is a dead smiling face speaking and smiling face growling nixon's joining us as well. gentlemen, it's always a delight to have this conversation with you. i'm wondering what you're thinking. a g vance. he's the running mate. now for donald trump officially,
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a lot of people thought that might happen. it did. vance received a very warm reception of the republican national convention. why? well, because right now, anything that trump touches literally is i big, i think was you, craig? i mentioned this earlier and i think you're absolutely right. anything that trump touches right now is viewed very positively. take a listen. j d the area is the fact that the bands used a hate truck one saying that he would rather vote for his dog before he boats. for trump or hillary clinton, people are saying, all right, look, people change their minds. i don't think it's having that big of an effect. in fact, i don't think anything right now at the urgency is having an effect. i don't see
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a lot of uh, disunity possible exception is that the confrontation between gates and mccarthy. but other than that, it looks like a love fest. no, i mean, am i wrong? what do you think there are pasta? i think you're right. i mean, they get i the other day, the great van joe and said, you know, a boat couldn't stop trump, but a virus stopped by didn't. and he said that the democrats are falling apart, but the republicans are coming together. and they are, i mean, yeah, it's the way they have this guy, ged beds painted like the working man. remember he was one of the only senators. they show up in ohio at the actual east power steering rack in the lakes and the waters and show people what's going on. his stance is on ukraine to change his dances on donald trump of change. yeah, but to me rick, this is very, very scary and i know the libertarians out there just running all over the place, screaming, i mean, you gotta look down the rabbit hole to see who, judy vance is. this guy has pies to peter steel and pile into your we're talking
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build the bird right now. so when you look at a gene events on the surface, he might looks like the working man out there. a lot of people are comparing him to attempt to retain that to, to, to send that to me at taylor that got rid of that got to work with them. right. you see the names out there, rick and stuff. but when you look deeply at who j d dances, this is a scary, scary. yeah. not much of crime in corporate corporate test. corporate tests. yeah. a guy who's got yeah. of all money, money, money and doesn't give a crap about the working man. and yeah, he's gonna have to find a way to somehow overcome that. you know, up there is news on the by the front as well, and i'm not sure we mentioned this, but we probably should. adam shift came out yesterday. garland polosa came out yesterday. they said, look, you gotta, you gotta get out of this that you gotta get out of this. the polls are absolutely horrible. 14 states where he's now losing where he won for so and then all of a sudden brighten has cove. it like, i don't know. i,
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i'm thinking that she was about to drop your say what garlic. oh, absolutely. you know, that's a, remember a few minutes a few. uh, the days ago, joe biden mentioned that at, in the event that the doctor came up with some kind of an issue that they, that you know, a medical issue that he needed to drop out, but he's considered dropping out and, and bingo, he gets go with boy, that's a of the viruses chase them down. all of a sudden it's not okay. i'll give you a hand to your buddy. i'll give you, give you a life what. but in reality, i think what's going on now with it, they, they know that at this point unless something changes the, the, any hope of getting the white house is gone. but they understand that if they have a really unpopular candidate running, that people will stay home that people, if, if you've got a bunch of people that are like, well, i know we have no plants, they'll stay home. and then the down valve, that ticket will be a naya lated, right? they have job, i. yeah, i think that's the point i was trying to make. do you, craig? there's 2 kinds of people in the states right now. there's people hate president
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trump, ex president trump, pardon me, soon to be president dropped the way it looks. but there's a big, there's people hate the guy. and there's people who like the guy, that's america right now. buying will not get the people that love truck to suddenly vote for him. the only way to change that equation is to get somebody other than buy them to at least compete in that arena. and i, and i think that's what's happening right now. by the way, i mentioned to you a little while ago the situation at the republican imagined. and i did think this was interesting. let me just show it to you and let me get your reaction because they're still lives on a guard and the republican party. you know the bushes, the chinese, the corporate is the, the mccain's, the war hawks. and then there's the new guys were war mag. uh, i think dates is more of a mag a guy here is confronting kevin mccarthy. let's watch it. what niners are you speaking tonight?
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if you took that stage, you would get paid off, you would get food, office the you would get rid of the stage, you shut up. and by the way, who are you? uh, wow, interesting moment played great. i know the whole republican conventions all come by. all right now, but underneath all of that, does that still exist? you think you, i think you reference that just a minute ago, craig, that there's still some of those people in the republican party who are not like drunk and maybe a little more like jenny vance concern you. i do don't even know who you are, rick. let me tell you this much stuff like that. there was other times i don't know about you. and i think, darling, we might have the same feelings that i have that like this is what we wanted to see in the democratic party. this is what we thought we went to get in 2016. we would,
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we are touring in the fraud squad where they would squat at the time a o. c. they're going to fight for our values. i mean our, our perception of what bernie sanders would do back then it's so different than what he's actually doing today. he's still perpetuating and saying that bided was one of the best president and modern times. i mean, so for me, i look at this and i and i start the cry. this is something encouraging. if you're a populist right and every day work or, you know, i'm saying you're seeing the old guard. yeah. getting pushed out by the new guard because mccarthy is much like, you know, an establishment. yeah. publican like, like mitch mcconnell and whatnot. you know like a lindsey graham, he's all about big business, big money. nothing really for the workers ever got brought to the floor. so when you see this here, yeah, you know, it is a fight, it is a little puzzle, but it's encouraging a think to a lot of people and as a democrat, i just feel so mad because this is what i want it. i want it that's i want it a oh see, yelling at at mama barry, go,
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you're done. you're never gonna see the gabble ever again. we're here to replace you, but we didn't see that in there. we saw the democrats capitulate their masters. capitulation, that's a good word. and i think you, regardless, i think he's absolutely right. i think, i hope you, i'm, i'm not giving away the goat here, but i think he's right. i think what we're seeing in the republican party is what a lot of people wish would have happened in the democratic party. it's healthy politics. it's healthy just to have this. it is healthy that in the, in a party that there people that say, i don't agree with the leadership, i strongly look. you look at some parliament resistance. we've all seen it. the people are throwing fits, rolling around in the aisle. you literally see these parliaments in some countries where people are fighting and some people look at that is, oh, that's terrible. i think it's healthy. i think it shows that there are people who actually believe in something. and they believe it enough to get angry to get emotional look at the democratic party, there's a bunch of people all standing there talked about. um they don't really have to say
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is like something or rather blah blah blah, january 6, warren's. yeah. they don't have anything else to say china, china, china, iran, iran are on war, war, war and institutional crap. i agree, by the way, before we go, i gotta show you something that's kind of fab. notice that it's a video that came out of the republican convention. so as we all know, rudy giuliani was once one of the sharpest and most courageous us politicians considered. so by millions of americans now talk about a fall from grace and fall. he did this week as he to, i mean this, this is iconic, almost, which is really juliani trying to walk into the g o. p convention. the
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i've said this about button and i don't take any joy and reporting that biden is an old man who can put a sentence together. and i'll say the same thing about originally i feel bad watching that. i don't want to go out that way. i hope i never go out that way and i hope somebody in my family grabs me and said, dad, let's just stay home and play dominos or something. that's that. what are you guys think? i mean, listen, we're all going to get back. i'm sorry, go no good. try that drivers credit. you're good. started. yeah, i was gonna say we're all going to be there one day. right. we're all good and yeah, we're all gonna, you know, this will be a moment where we fall down. we don't know what happened, maybe juliani laughed it off and said whatever, but the difference is they're not trying to make him the president. right, the loading and still come to the dinner. good boy, just not letting them pick what they're going to with the guests are going to eat or drink these there, you know, as an honorary member to see what's going on there. still including him, they're entering him for the work they did. we're all going to go,
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and i'm not alluding to the point that this is a powerful guy in the republican party. i'm just saying, i love this guy when he was the mayor of new york and when he was a da and when he took down all those, my fields was i thought this is one of the greatest politicians in the history of our country. and to watch them now it just makes me sad. that's all i'm saying, you know what? i mean girl and it. yeah. and i got to add this. i did, you know, i be, you know, a box on the left, not the biggest fan of rudy giuliani but here's the point about i thought he was treated unfairly because when he tried to work with, with donald trump to find out, you know, the, the, the the last year that they were doing against drop out a ukraine, and they went after giuliani and they use los air against him. they charge him with all kinds of china cups. everybody knows they dug into his face. they took rudy giuliani out because he tried to help defend donald trump and what i believe was a legitimate defense against welfare. yeah, they've got to add, you forgot this. they dismissed the tried the they dismissed the charges against
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stroke. right. um, for the document taste which i mean geez, you know, it's like a, somebody smiling, don't drop everything. he touches the riggle. but that's what i think the big story is though. rick really, really quickly. we call it's talking about it's the difference of treatment from the democrats against the republicans and the republicans against the democrats. yeah, i don't see the republicans out there saying they wish the joe biden will die of cobra. so if you see a lot of democrats with this fox would be, let me ask you a final question. i think it's up to 5 seconds. so yes or no. do you think barton, well, before we have this joe again a week from now? i will have step down. read, craig, 1st you yay or nay. now you have to wait until the convention. interesting, and you, garland? yes, i would go. yes. i think he's gone before the end of the weekend before the end of the wow. okay, that's what the, the that's, that's what a corporate thing tells us. thanks guys. what a great conversation i felt like we were somewhere at a bar having an adult beverage. this is fantastic. thank you for your intelligence, your wisdom and for your personalities. i appreciate it. that's our show. remember,
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always to look outside your own boxes as we like to say around here, doctors don't live in boxes to does everywhere. look for it. i'm rick sanchez. we do. we'll see you next time. all the the all wanted to come here since i was 121 my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying as long as gonna look around. i was
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gonna see if it was for me, but then i came and then i was like, i don't remember when i go home. i've never been happier in life than i am here. so i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay who worked as a chef and now raises gods and makes cheese in the countryside, can like chat who's been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safer. atlanta tire lies, then living here the what else? they just don't you have to safe
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house to come and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the most people i know they laser 8 hour job and go home and relax. but i have about 3 or 4 more hours to go. so i just keep my clothes, change my clothes, the 1st job, go to the 2nd, and this keeps an evening from wanting to go home. what's the book about this town where it is free to shoot you
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a piece of mailbox? it was, it was um, each oh yeah, i have listened to some of that one with you of the need. so you didn't have to maybe work as hard to get by. you did uh maybe spend more time with your loved ones while you still have them. margaret, this is my grandpa sister. she came off a horse in a curve and i found her on the bank. and over here is my grand great grandmother in great grandfather. here it's pays full, i really lock it up here and then since my family's buried here, how this feel like i need to come up here and take care of this.


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