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tv   News  RT  July 22, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, it is breaking news of how here, what off the international and is not enough republican state of the joe biden pulls out the presidential race vein. the monte quits his post now because he's on face for the job. meanwhile, democrats, so huddling around come a lot higher is to support her run to lead america. that's such a full, a colleague of hers shined. a spotlight on the side, show the prospect of pamela harris, making decisions about war and peace, and where to send my brothers and sisters in uniform into harm's way, is not only terrifying to us. it should be terrifying. to every american and quote, the enemy is not safe inside. tell him who with the fight is in yemen threatening retaliation. following the is riley attacked on the policy of alpha, beta killed. 6 and wounded may lead
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the bright and early monday morning he read most go and the world is waking up to a big one in washington because we stopped this hour with breaking news. us president joe biden has announced he is coursing the 2020 full presidential race. while he said he's committed to serving out the rest of his time. republicans on not having it. they want him gone right now. if joe biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. november 5th can not arrive soon enough. if joe biden does not have the cognitive ability to seek re election, he does not have the cognitive ability to serve the remainder of his time. tomorrow i will introduce a resolution cooling on common a harris to invite the 25th amendment and the seeing the duties of acting president . if joe biden cons run for re election, he is unable and unfit to serve as president of the united states. he must
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immediately resign for years, the democratic party and the washington establishment as he him what they knew about joe biden. i mean, they would go so far as to say, oh he, he's a, he could do the olympics or there's nobody sharper than him. oh, he's amazing. he knows everything. they asked all the right questions. he knows the answers. and johnson said, i would make right now that in mind one on one's with him over the years. it's not been good. and so he was asked with what, what does this warrant an investigation? and i think i think from memory, i think he said, we'll see, or something, i don't think you'll see an investigation. you can investigate what people say. and i think the problem here is something that i've talked about that and i think not enough people are talking about if he can't run for president and serve another term, how could he finish out this term? and i don't see how this man who was kicked out for not having the mental
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faculties to be the president going forward after the election. how to go forward now and stay as the president, it doesn't make sense. but it looks like a biden is expected to address the nation a bit later this week. now as is move had become widely expected. i mean, even the face of a continued denials from those that do his usual speaking for him. the news flash came across a post on the x to us 38000000 in front of it has been the greatest honor in my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. joe biden is out of the presidential race. you will not seek re election. and the democratic national convention is coming up on august 19th and the city of
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chicago. and that's where the noon on any of the democratic party will be selected and gave his endorsement to vice president campbell, a harris. now, donald trump responded to this move with some rather dramatic words, calling out the by the ministration for what he considers to be 4 years of failure . these are the words of donald trump. crooked joe biden was not fit to run for president and a certainly not fit to serve. and never was. he only attained the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basements. all those around him, including his doctor and the media. news that he wasn't capable of being president, and he wasn't. and now look what he's done to our country with millions of people coming across our border. totally unchecked and unfair that many from prisons, mental institutions and record numbers of terrorists. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency,
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but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. make america great again. pamela harris has announced she will seek the nomination of the democratic party to be the presidential nominee. on behalf of the american people, i think joe biden, for his extraordinary leadership as president of the united states and for his decades of service to our country. i am honored to have the president's endorsement and my intention is to earn and when this nomination gotten the endorsement of hillary clinton for doing so. however, brock obama has not endorsed are and robert kennedy junior, the independent candidate. he has said that it is really important that the democratic party have a real convention and that there be real debate about who the delegates and who the nominees be and that it not simply be a back room deal that it gets handed to vice president. common le harris, many americans fear that the same democratic, national committee of leads are about to rig the nominating process. again, to get
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a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into president, bite and shoes is all raises, concerns about lack of accountability, lack of transparency, lack of direct democratic impact by popular opinion. and will donald trump is a hat in the poles at the moment to the republican convention where he accepted the nomination shortly after the attempted assassination attempt. as donald trump uh far ahead at this point, but we shall see what happens as the democrats moved toward their convention, and it remains in question who they ultimately nominate to be their candidate. now that joe biden is out well, time i guess he and his heart off the press, have a look at this almost like it was expected. it's brand new cover has vice president higher striding and while button is basically already gone outside democratic will make as a fast to endorser. however, a former hawaii democratic congresswoman policy guy, but his cool about hires as possible domination, saying she would be dangerous of the prospect of pamela harris,
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making decisions about war and peace and where to send my brothers and sisters in uniform into harm's way is not only terrifying to us, it should be terrifying to every american knowing that we would all pay the price for her dangerous actions and dangerous decision. everything you've heard me say about hillary clinton. the queen of warmongers can also be said of comma harris. there should be no question in your mind that if comma is allowed to be our present commander in chief, she will be the maid servant of this queen of warmongers. the head of this will lead us cabal of warmongers that has gotten us into this place. they're the ones who've been calling the shots behind jo biden's presidency. they would continue to call the shots if calmly harris is president. and where have they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before. that's altogether,
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or they're basically saying that come on, the higher is, is going to be the made. so for the warmongers, well that's normal with a lot to contribute to call john out joining us bright and early on this uh, 8 am our program live from moscow. very well. welcome to your call. what do you think of this made? i mean, here we are, you and we were sitting back watching this whole kind of crazy political circus in washington. but what i want to ask you does this uh, cuz in america make any difference for the dialogue. the can be expected with confidence in washington. i mean, what, what is beijing's expectations right now is they watch this ongoing side, cuz i think a bedroom is bothering, watching with amusement. i mean, they're waiting for the dust to settle in the us election so far. we have a circus. we had a fail assassination of former president donald trump, and then we have bite me despite his lack of mental capacity to say the presidency that everybody knows about refills to step down, refuse to gave up his nomination,
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and he had to be pressured by members within his old party, including former president obama, to withdraw his nomination. i mean, this is, this is west, has nothing to lecture the world about democracy and it was a liberal look and election. i mean, when everything is done in the bathroom dealing like we have seen this weekend might and did not want to go buy it and wants to see re nomination. yet. his tardies pressured him to step doc, was this, everything is happened behind the back door that was minimal. but like im, uh, like input it, well we have is the people who barely supported joe buys me. mix out the news to the press, the, but further pressure on him. now as for pamela, here is campbell, here is not a very popular standard. the g d. c. in fact, doing 2020 democratic primary. pamela pare harris, who is pony single digit c,
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who is pulling like 3.5 percent, you know, just barely above. and, and you, john, so let me reason that i fight and became the president is because did so you didn't want sanders to win. and the only reason bite and shows campbell here is because pamela pose no threat to fight. and now we are in another situation where the democratic party just one issue in this very unpopular, i would say bad candidates, a visa, or a presidential nominee or not. the whole point was shoot, sorry to jump in. but you remember by that is that a number of years ago my vp is not only going to be a woman, she's going to be a black woman. i mean, he was talking like this wasn't a so, but she, you know, her parents, i think her father's in the car b, and i think the mothers from india. but they like the cooler and african american, which is entirely not true. but let me ask you about foreign policy. okay, cuz america, okay, well, what about 750 military base isn't about 80 countries worldwide right now. so
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a huge military footprint worldwide. when it comes to america's foreign policy, do you think it's only up to the guy or the girl in the oval office or do you think there is a power behind the throne? an incognito power, behind the curtains, that is directing america's foreign policy. what are your thoughts? well, i don't think anybody believe by this tale and the sides. you lacks of mental capacity to do so. i mean, fight and is a perfect candidate both a deep state and i don't think tamela harris will be any different. i mean, policy wise, campbell harris is not significantly different from bite, and in fact, during the entire bite and presidency rambler. hairs tamela harris, appearance is more like a joke. i mean, every time he appears in public see up here she is on, she's high on drugs. how can we expect her to lead america into a different direction? yeah, yeah. i think it's at that point and you're not alone with that sentiment. carl.
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and i've been speaking to for my colleagues and friends in the united states and, and they're all, they're all kind of lost right now. and they will understand that the democratic run establishment has been lying to them and now reactions coming in from around the world. because that we've all known the biden's been sick for a long time. meantime, the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman is a hot of a suggested. the next step should actually be an investigation into why the american political establishment previously tried to hide biden's health issues. and that sounds to us, mainstream media now says the president's decision has nothing to do with his health concerns. i mean, is it just me i just can't believe the amount of b s that comes out of washington these days. do you think more people are waking up to the lives that keep coming out of those? inside the beltway? i mean, they reside by it and it shows up in public can make a speech. the problem is plain to see for everyone,
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everyone who is out server of american politics and the bike news objectively the worst prize us president, you know, 21st century. i mean, the way his watch, he laughed to fully supported the general side of is rose carrying out in all sides, wrenched his waging a proxy word in ukraine that threatened to bring a possible new see a war in the work in the world. in the 20th 21st century. i mean it's a good thing that he just keeps gone, but assemble affairs is not any better. yeah. yeah. i think it's a fair comment as well call. i mean, you know, i've run out of time that, but i'll just close this with the comment. you know, there, there is the dentist, one byte and go now, but we still got 3 plus months until november, but my question will be, you know, who's at the hell and who's driving this ship right now, and who's going to be driving it for the next 3 months, carl, next time we talk, we will assess that as well to contribute college are always a pleasure. thank you, right. well,
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that's the us president drove by mr. is quitting the presidential race ought to use donald quarter examines the reasons as to how the old come to this joe biden's re election campaign will no doubt go down in history as one of the biggest embarrassments on record, the, the total initiative relative to what we can do with more border patrol and more asylum off for the drums. i really don't know what he said at the end of this is who they don't think he knows what he said. either i made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company can not have to pay you. and by the way, my son was not a loser, is not a sucker. you're the sucker you're those are ensure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i have been able to do with the, with the coverage or excuse me, with the dealing with everything we have to do is uh if
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we finally be medicare take the president 5, i'd fight in this debate. disaster was far from the end of it. and his attempt to explain away clear signs of mental degradation only added to the ridiculousness of it. all. i wasn't very smart. i decided to travel around the world a couple of times. i don't know how many times zones, it's not an excuse, but an explanation. the president did not have a great night, as you all know, and many of you reached out during the can't the, the debate, the present had a cold. he had a hoarse voice, you will heard it. that's why he reached out the writing was so clearly on the wall that bite and had lost his marbles. but even the main stream media had abandoned him. the same people who tried to downplay his ailing cognitive abilities for so long, president feels well and that this year's physical identified no new concerns. he also goes on to say that he continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations. we don't have
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a plausible explanation for what happened to the president. 2 weeks ago, he should undergo a cognitive test to put this issue to arrest. this version of abiding to handle actually, analytically is the best buys and ever. and joe biden couldn't respond to any of those lies. in fact, as a new york times that he spent much of the night with his mouth agape and his eyes starting back and forth, he couldn't, in fact check anything, donald trump said, and not only that, he missed one way up after another after another. then out the door went by his allies and the democratic party, who began calling for him to throw in the towel, while the choice to withdraw from the campaign is president biden's alone. i believe it is time for him to pass the torch. and in doing so secure his legacy of
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leadership by allowing us to defeat donald trump in the upcoming election. perceptions are absolutely ruling and things like this. in a campaign, he looks very frail, his voice is very soft, it's not robust. and again, it is not how i perceive that it's how the american people perceive it. what i stressed to the president is, this isn't just about you. it's not about loyalty. it's about being pragmatic. what he needs to do is show the responsibility for keeping that seat and positive. that responsibility is to get out of this race with little to no political or media support. left financial aid, went out the window as well. hard heading party donors began to lose faith, even writing a letter calling for bite and to withdraw his ticket. we respectfully urge you to withdraw from being a candidate for re election for the sake of our democracy and the future of our nation. but it doesn't take a historian to recall that by just problems pre dates, the selection cycle, mr. president, can you tell us?
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or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner in blaine's you directly. what's your response to that, sir? the? so you can probably imagine how easy it was for the republican national convention to rip biden's credibility to shreds. president biden has become the symbol of in america in decline. this may be our presence, but it does not have to be our future. we can replace the bite in harris come off with a president who is strong and smart, rather than sleepy
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n c nile. or in a hurricane clueless and embarrassing. it was pretty clear how things were set to go down even before by made his exit. political bookmakers said that there was an over 60 percent chance that the president would make the decision to drop out of the race. and that should come as no surprise since biden was talking about retirement as far back as 2020. like i told brock if, if, if i reach something where there's a, a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll, i'll develop some disease and say i have to resign. i tested positive for cobit 19 this afternoon, but i am feeling good and thank everyone for the well wishes. for so long there were so many indications that an attempt to secure a 2nd term for bite and would end in disaster. and yet it took the main stream media and democrats until biden spent nearly 2 hours, not making any sense on international television in his debate with donald trump,
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for them to finally see how wrong they were. meantime, just a few 100 kilometers of florida's coast. the chairman of the russian state dom i met with cuba as president in havana and commented on biden's decision to drop out the write. these down sydney understood the president of the united states of america cowardly fled the election campaign today. realizing that no one would elect him, people like button should be held accountable for the sanctions for the in least more than ukraine for the destruction of the economies of european states. from all the united states is doing to the cuban people. look forward to showing up, we have to stop a lot. and then his deputy is that a pair of monuments in the capital city, including a soviet one during told the cuban president signed russia for it. supportive cube, or on the efforts to end the economic blockade of the island by washington. a boat politicians highlighted the relations between russia and cuba,
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but developing dynamically and continued to do so. for the russian or state duma. chapman's being hopefully busy. earlier on saturday, he visited in nicaragua to hotels for the countries president. during the meeting, daniel ortega said that the true nature of name has been revealed simply by its sanction policy towards russia to reaffirm once again but sold every seed between russia, nicaragua, we see the huge number of sanctions that need or has in both and russia and with these imposition of sanctions, they've shown their true face. they have shown themselves as bandits. while speaking of collaboration between nicaragua and russia, there's a joint police training center connected with moscow. as soon as the complex opened in 2017, over 2000 trainees from 13 latin american nations have graduated from that. we heard from political scientists. i'm on demand as every of us. and he says, southern countries are afraid of such relations because the world has gone. multi
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polar, the wisdom countries feel free of the betterment of the nation should because they themselves stop russia, right? many you were being leaders, even in the european parliament, have called on and rush uh, uh, as a pariah asked if they were different from other european countries. so we have, we can forget that there are these type of sentiments, of, of, of, of deep seated. seen before, we or even of other european countries with russia and they need this, they need this in europe to escalate, to support the narrative of their propaganda on things like nato. a lot of multi power world on there isn't going to have to happen and it's never in nobody's interest for everyone in the world to just be with one partner in the case of the us. so in the case of nato, which is controlled by the us, right? these are the types of encroaching that has happened, will make russia top to other countries and in english, multiple the world,
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which is what we all want to see more, more uh, more than anything, even beyond of any type of political ideas or opinions, right? multiple, the world is a safer world or 2 of the middle east hotspots, not basically that of the red sea where for suspected who the drone boat to be destroyed by the us military, dependent on the side, they quote, presented an imminent threat to coalition forces. both sides of the tensions that are up to the following reasons. the idea strikes on yelman's biggest port now who the officials have threatened the israel with direct retaliation. the beloved sea suddenly lost the main city that the enemy relies on as a capital has turn to an area of fear and concern. the enemy is not safe inside the city that they call television. well, these are the attack on humans, the alpha, beta port on the stuff that i blew up a fuel refinery. and storage depot. according to the who is the lead is ready, is really an appliance targeted, not just the country's economy,
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but the goal was to get the people of yeah, well it's also it's a strong and so carried out by f fifteens and f 35 that came in response to what they called hundreds of food. the attacks also exciting to have a aimed only kind of use that it was only aiming at the military targets. however, obviously you can see that a lot of civilian infrastructure was also destroyed. and the following footage on a young man, a television shows, i severely injured, people receiving treatment and then overwhelmed hospital. the address though so far is up to 6 more than 18 have been wounded. and the idea of attacks resulted in a wave of anger a month news. thank you. we emphasize to everyone with airbags and foreigners and everyone on earth that we are standing steady with our brothers in gaza and will never back down. and we call upon the missile forces to counter with a response harder than our attack. jimmy leslie automotive, a shabby, none of this will stop the many people will, the, you have any leadership or on military in missile forces from targeting these really entity. the m in the military will respond in
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a stronger way against the sensitive areas within the zionist entity. inside tell of even jessa media, can you fly? you know, anything we attending the american is really aggressive, but they weren't still past from all strikes and defense of guns that we have been under attacks. ag is so yesterday strikes when stopped boston would stop us from striking is really in the american top. it's all make us stop defending garza and now codes. we want to tell them that whatever they do, we went back down as we were speaking with the professor. political science of holloway university of mike had both are awesome. he said it's got to end this vicious circle of violence. the war in gaza must be stuck with these guys that a c q. then the proxy wars on vicious sort of conflict with it. i mean, we are talking about it in the nation is politics in rational actions, but is read if it is rational politics, we would anticipate eh,
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trajectory toward space, because peace with in gaza or seas funded in garza means long term interests for ease with long term security for ease right now is, is they're getting age and a more and uh, in the event of the war war 3, because stupid powers have interest in the agent have alliances in the region. so i am ready to submit speak if that's a, a crisis continues on in the same project 3, then there will be a comprehensive regional more and possibly a 3rd ward. meanwhile, and gaza. it's not only will that kills you and agencies and palestinian officials
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report that the polio virus is spreading across the enclave. and the director of the world health organization had this to say, a 6 environmental samples of variant political virus type 2 had been detected from con eunice and darren by law in gaza. w h o, the ministry of health units, f u n r w a. and partners are conducting the risk assessment on the scope of polio virus spread and the necessary response to stop any further spread. including prompt vaccination campaigns prior to the conflict. polio vaccination rates and gaza, or optimal a ceasefire is essential to allow and effective response apparently is a highly infectious virus and controls paralysis. and even death is found in the sewage, water flowing and gauze, or refugee comes in severe over crowding in those shelters and inadequate sanitation of the main contributors of the disease spreading. we've discussed this
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issue with, with an epidemiologist and a public health position basically explains how dangerous polio is. we're talking about what is called but seem derived all the also this is not the wild type. we had the sea in israel and several other countries that throughout the years it goes to or i'll call you of i've seen can you dates back? of course these carriers, it's on a risk in the schools because of the really very, very dire sanitary situation. now in gaza, these can spread, we must have a total of explanation, a campaign, especially for those. well, the most probable we're talking about a babies that are not vaccinated. there might be time condition. the in guys is very, very severe and we need to talk not just about diseases like infectious diseases
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. we need to talk about to access the proper nutrition uh air we need to talk about shelters. is we need to talk about climate change and the heat that is also made to reflect on right now. and also the rebuilding the health care system together. so the war against the people of guys are continues all the way since last october, the 7th. and we're going to have a bit, a bit of analysis, say, let's go underground now with an option for time c and his guest is the go to show on basking to assess exactly what is the state of affairs now for the palestinians among garza and even yellows continued the hello and welcome to the cost of full born. here we discussed some real in
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the nation or it has to welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. today, a few years ago, german nazis after a peace treaty and then war declaration for britain began the deportation and mass murder of quarter of a 1000000 jews from the warsaw ghetto on holocaust trains to dribbling in garza today. if you accept the estimates of the medical journal of the line, so that's the number of palestinians killed by u. k. u. s. u weapons, maybe proportionately like wiping out 5 and a half 1000000, mostly women and children in britain or 27000000 most.


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