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tv   News  RT  July 22, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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funding for the sake of living, your sage is that a procedure is continued at the very low into the the it is breaking news this, our analogy international. as is not enough. republican said, joe biden pulls out of the presidential race, but they demonic he puts his poach now because they say he's on the fit for the jump. paid while democrats are hobbling around the come of a high risk to support run to lead america with some ferrying powers just blanket commander in chief would simply be a profit of the establishment. they would continue to call the shots if commer harris is president. and where have they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before. all to quote the enemy is not safe inside tel aviv,
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who with the 5 is in yemen, trusting retaliation. following b is riley attack on the for the city of alpha data that killed 6 and wounded. nearly 9. the live allowed front must go at 9 am on monday, and before we address the latest from the ongoing political circuits in washington for right now, here on, on the we kick off the news. our now reports just reaching us here at moscow that a blast has blown upon his shopping center and rushes southern region of crass no dog. i will show you pictures right here. so i wouldn't say that a major part of the building has collapsed with some local employees for you to be chopped under the rubble. i made a report saying at least 10 people have been injured. right now. the cause of explosion is unknown. here with all the international, we're bringing the updates, the very moving weekend
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the and out to the main news. all of this monday morning, the us president drove by and has announced online, but he's quitting the 2020 full presidential race. while he said he is committed to serving out the rest of his time, republicans are not having it. they want him gone right now. it is joe biden is not fit to run for president. he is not fit to serve as president. he must resign the office immediately. november 5th cannot arrive soon enough. if joe biden does not have the cognitive ability to seek re election, he does not have the cognitive ability to serve the remainder of his time. tomorrow i will introduce the resolution cooling on cameron to hire us to invite the 25th amendment and the seem the duties of acting president for years, the democratic party and the washington establishment as he him what they knew about joe biden. i mean, they would go so far to say, oh he, these are, he could do the olympics or there's nobody sharper than him. oh,
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he's amazing. he knows everything. they asked all the right questions. he knows the answers. and johnson said, i would mid right now that in my one on one's with him over the years, it's not been good. and so he was asked, what does this warrant an investigation? and i think, i think from memory, i think he said, we'll see or something, i don't think you'll see an investigation. you can investigate what people say. and i think the problem here is, uh, something that i've talked about that and i think not enough people are talking about if he can't run for president and serve another term, how could he finish out this term? and i don't see it how this man who was checked out for not having the mental faculties to be the president going forward after the election. how could he go forward now? and state as the president? it does, it make sense? but, and is expected to address the nation later this week. as his move had been widely expected, even in the face of the continued denials from those to do as usual. speaking for
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him, the newest flash came across a post on x. 2 is $38000000.00 father was an strangely enough just 3 hours after as a campaign, a chapman co chapman, cedric richmond had a show at the country. the biden is pleased to win. he has job, i lost control of the democratic party. now he's not any sort those concerns and i want to be crystal clear. he's made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for re election waiting re election. and i think that there are those out there that need to hear it again. that he made a decision, he's going to be the candidate, he's going to be the next president. and now it's time to focus on the threat that donald trump pauses. and what the extreme agenda is on the other side. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has
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been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. the democratic national convention is coming up on august 19th and the city of chicago, and that's where the noun dominey of the democratic party will be selected and gave his endorsement to vice president tom le harris. now, donald trump responded to this move with some rather dramatic words, calling out to buy new ministration for what he considers to be 4 years of failure . these are the words of donald trump. crooked joe biden was not fit to run for president and a certainly not fit to serve. and never was. he only attained the position of president by lies fake news and not leaving his basement. all those around him, including his doctor and the media. knew that he wasn't capable of being president and he wasn't. and now look what he's done to our country with millions of people
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coming across our border. totally unchecked and unfair that many from prisons, mental institutions and record numbers of terrorists. we will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. make america great again. pamela harris has announced she will seek the nomination of the democratic party to be the presidential nominee. on behalf of the american people, i think joe biden, for his extraordinary leadership as president of the united states and for his decades of service to our country. i am honored to have the president's endorsements, and my intention is to earn and when this nomination gotten the endorsement of hillary clinton for doing so. however, brock obama has not endorsed her and robert kennedy junior, the independent candidate. he has said that it is really important that the democratic party have a real convention and that there be real debate about who the delegates and who the
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nominees be, and that it not simply be a back room deal that it gets handed to vice president connell. a harris, many americans fear that the c in democratic national committee leads are about to rig the nominating process. again, to get a monumentally unpopular vice president to step into president, bite and shoes is all raises, concerns about last well, a time magazine, the heart of the press almost like it was expected brand new called the right, the vice president, a higher striving in bite and basically, gone outside the democratic lawmakers of foss, 2 and daughter. however, former hawaii democratic congresswoman pulse the gap, it is cold out how it is possible domination, saying she would be dangerous of the prospect of pamela harris, making decisions about war and peace and where to send my brothers and sisters in uniforms into harm's way is not only terrifying to us, it should be terrifying to every american knowing that we would all pay the price
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for her dangerous actions and dangerous decision. everything you've heard me say about hillary clinton. the queen of warmongers can also be said of commer harris. there should be no question in your mind that if comma is allowed to be our president commander in chief, she will be the maid servant of this queen of warmongers, the head of this elitist cabal of warmongers, that has gotten us into this place. they're the ones who've been calling the shots behind jo biden's presidency. they would continue to call the shots if commer harris is president. and where have they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before. someone like kamala, who literally can even secure the border, even though she's the borders, are who talked about foreign policy, like it's a dr. seuss word soup, you know who, who just are competency, i'm sure as a, as
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a d a when it comes to busting people for marijuana charges and things like this where he does she, she obviously is famous for in california. i'm sure she can handle these kind of things when it comes to foreign policy. she would be, i believe, an absolute tool, the deep state of even worse then than bite. and why i even know if it's worth you can have worse invited as drove eyes and steps aside. we unpack is current term that has been mod by controversial policies. i mean for example, support for the conflict in ukraine, the war and gaza and a host of domestic concerns. and with a nation divided, what is fight and legacy? let's break it down now with all to saskia. type in full. yes. joseph sob item junior has set rack, hold off direct quote. so he won from winning the most votes as a cost in the us presidential election, to being crowned the least popular president in $70.00. yes. which given he took
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over from donald trump. well, that's no mean feat. so how did the 81 year old, full, so far? well, breaking promise of the promise isn't the best stops on this january day. my whole soul is in this, bringing america together, unite in our people united in our nation. and i ask every american to join me in this cause po for us on it's clear the by to mr. ation as it won't be in the healing palm. it pledge to be, instead, once in office, the president took every opportunity to run to rage and to smith, a huge chunk of his own electorate. this magnet through the threats the brick and mortar for democratic institutions is also
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a threat to the character varnish. trump is a threat to this nation. there's no question that the republican party today is dominated driven and intimidated by donald trump and the major republicans us. and that is a threat to this country. our church from my good friends, losers. i don't respect these major republicans. the mag republicans though just threatened our personal rights and economic security. the threat to our very democracy and the media in the us and beyond, took inspiration from the president swats painting trump as the 21st century fuel. huh. which of goals or proved photo ground for a scene that will surely go down in the history books? take a look what happens over the me. but it's not just a home that buying didn't have stopped in stability,
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discontented division as a vector and politician in 2020, he promised to quote a new era of relentless diplomacy. well, for you as well. no, we've seen really is relentless bloodshed. remember his assurance that the withdrawal from us kind of thrown off the 20 long his would be face an would to me, the tell yvonne is not this out of the north vietnamese army. they're not and they're not remotely comfortable terms of capability. there's going to be no circumstance for you to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the of the united states, from afghanistan to images all day us helicopter, hovering over the embassy and coupled to desperate a bound to ask hands, clinging to american pains as they just let the capital to thousands of the trade,
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translators, and interpreters who believes the allies when they were promised american visas. the people like me who served in uniform and of get us down, looked our out again, allies on the eyes and verbally and in writing made these people a promise that since they served alongside us in our moment of need, should they find themselves in duress because of that service, we would stand by them in their moment of need and see them to safety. and for the better part of $300000.00 plus people, we have not kept that promise to the deadliest attack on american servicemen since 2011. not to mention the billions of dollars was submitted to equipment just left behind. now turning off was the walt relentless diplomacy in action with the dentist on to barcode the plummeting ratings the
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follow back to the issue resolved, incompetent, and strode his way. well, none of that humbled job, i didn't really even dump into spirit fresh off with that feeling. yeah. he just went straight into the next. we're going to stick with ukraine and all of the allies to stick with you crazy. as long as it takes to, in fact, to make sure that they are not defeated, an estimated 500000 ukranian lost his way to an economy. on the brink of default, a population crisis on the horizon and russian forces gaining ground daily for ukraine. biden's promise seems to have been more a case of death than anything else. a test made all of them all trust trust given this whole tragedy could have been stopped at a number of tons for the for the yes, for both the russians to evade you. frame with talk of nato expansion.
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afterward, he rejected every opportunity for peace in ukraine, including a deal to end the war, just 2 months after it broke out. now the war is deep interest 3rd year, with no end in sight. hundreds of thousands of people are dead. hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars have gone up in smoke without bloodshed apparently didn't say shape, vitamin d relentless dip. come out and power though he decided to aid and abet as well. and it's suicide of palestinians, not just by supplying tens of thousands of weapons, but also by shielding beeping us and you all to from the course of public opinion on the course of, you know, we made our position clear on the i c, c. we don't think the we don't recognize that church diction. hi,
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i see. see the way in spring and exercise. and in the section i, c. c will criminal lawrence discredited. i said jane rulings on pool. simple genocide dismissed us warnings of gauze of becoming a graveyard of children unheeded. instead on the shipment of the shipment, all this combined has where they are and you start to accelerate america's reputational financial decline. surprised surprise joe. start king. conflict and betraying allies don't do much for instilling trust. and neither does webinar using the greenback. i think that that's, that's important in the more we've used sanctions to more countries look for ways. okay. engage in financial transactions that don't involve
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the dollar for taking the bill for that president escapades. american tax pass to a feeling the pinch on the economic homefront with the 40 percent saying that they have become poor and defined and inflation has run rampant. rising from 1.4 percent to a height of, of 9, a fact recognized while you'll accept bite and himself who's being pretty footloose and fancy free when it comes to things like dates up on statistics us know, presidents had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bring you down to fashion was 9 percent. when i came to office 9 percent, i think inflation has gone slightly up as far as a 9 percent when i came in and it's now down from about 2 percent. also running around pundits. migration with vitamin, practicing an open door policy that's led to an estimate of 10000000 people just
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want to cross the border on his administration. no questions off a policy which is on always the unimaginable. it is managed to bring to get that base. the democrats and the republicans group to joe biden is pretending to finally do something about the board the but in fact it's all for show present by then his abandoned our obligations to provide people fleeting persecution, violence and authoritarianism. with an opportunity to seek refuge in the us, it is extremely disappointing to see the biden administration, severely restriction access to asylum. today's actions are dangerous step in the wrong direction. when you succeed in getting all chinese from across the aisle to united games to, you know, it's time to hang up, your boots always to full his job. i didn't, has been at the home for years, which might well go down in history for being the beginning of the end. so the u. s . m. part and americans looking at the diplomatic and economic waste on wards by
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the policies of the $46.00 president of the united states. well, they can only be forgiven for saying, come back, come on, come on my heart breaks. we have some independent investigative journalist a christopher lee. now he says that americans a breathing, a sigh of relief is biden's name is taken off the presidential ticket. natalie is falling approval ratings, but also his his create a clear indication that he likes any real leadership. that this was a, an administration of mrs leadership. the fact that this ongoing atrocities and genocide against the policy and people were just gone for 9 months now has been able to gone, gone on, not only on a bed, but with continued aid and military support to israel, the ongoing arming and funding of the not too busy in yes, which of course has been committing atrocities since 2014. the united states has
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now deeply, deeply invested itself, along with its nato allies, in pursuing the path of war with the russian federation. something that in many people, even scholars and legal thinkers have really said that is the combination of these us a foreign policy that's leading toward a 3rd world war. it's extremely dangerous. and of course we have ongoing political and social and cultural instability within the united states. that has led to the moment where most americans view joe biden in a negative light view here as someone that has not made their lives better, but has made their lives much worse. and i think that the vast majority of americans are today breathing a sigh of relief that at least see stepping aside. i, but i don't know what comes after. i mean, now pamela harris has been sort of anointed and democratic me for a party that calls itself democratic. and i think that this is something very concerning for many americans today. with just
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a few 100 kilometers off the coast of florida, the chem and of the russian. the state duma met with cuba as president in havana and commented on by this decision to drop out of the these down sydney on this, the president of the united states of america cowardly fled the election campaign today. realizing that no one would elect him, people like button should be held accountable for the sanctions for the in the least warning ukraine for the destruction of the economies of european states. for multi united states is doing to the cuban people. with direct toll the cuban president time russia for supporting cube or, and highlighted most of those efforts to en washington's economic blockade of the island nation. both politicians highlighted that relations between russia and cuba, developing dynamically discussed the implementation of certain project as well as trade and tourism issues with the russian estate too much heaven has been busy. leo on saturday, he visited nicaragua at the hotels with the countries,
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the president. during the meeting, daniel ortega said that the true nature of nato has been revealed via its sanction policy towards russia. were reaffirm once again but sold every seed between russia, nicaragua, we see the huge number of sanctions the native has imposed in russia and with these imposition of sanctions, they've shown their true face. they have shown themselves as bandits. what's making about collaboration between nick i, we're and russia, there's a joint police training center connected with most ago. and since the complex open in 2017 over 2000 trainees from 13 latin american nations have graduated from there . and we heard from political side as of the ministry of us and he says that southern countries are afraid of such relations because the world has gone. multi polar of the western countries feel free of the betterment of the nation just because they themselves stop russia. right, many of you were being leaders, even in the european parliament, have called on and rush uh, uh, as
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a pariah. actually, they were different from other european countries. so we have, we can forget that there are these type of sentiments of, of, of, of deep seated sooner formula, even of other european countries with russia. and they need this, they need this in europe to escalate, to support the narrative of their propaganda on things like nato. a lot of multi power world on there isn't going to have to happen it, it's never in nobody's interest for everyone in the world to just be with one partner in the case of the us. so in the case of nato, which is controlled by the us, right. these are the types of encroaching that has happened, will make russia top to other countries and an increase from real estate. ready world, which is why we all want to see more, more, uh, more than anything, even beyond of any type of political ideas or opinions. right? multiple, the world is a safer world. right? to the middle east. the whole sport. now we're talking about the red sea because
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the way it's a, as we understand now, the numbers are full, suspected who, the drone boats have been destroyed by the us military. kind of go on, said they quote, presented an imminent threat to a couple of asian forces and outside the tensions have a ruptured following reason. i the strikes on yelman's 2nd biggest port and now with the officials are threatening israel with direct retaliation. below m. c. shouldn't allow the main city that the enemy relies on as a capital, has turn to an area of fear and concerns. the enemy is not safe inside the city that they call television. it's a 2nd. do you try to attack on cameron's alpha beta port on saturday? blew up a fuel refinery and storage depot the, according to who the officials are. is there any israel that target is not just the congress economy, but the goal was to scatter and intimidate the people of yeah,
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that's all so far. it's 6 more than 18 people have been with. these are all sorts of stripes were carried out by a 50 and f 35. let's say you came in response to hundreds of alleged who's the attack tools or claim to the military type. it's however severely infrastructure like cranes that the 4th were destroyed in the right. the idea of the types and surprisingly, resulted in a large wave of anger amongst the low news. thank you. we emphasize to everyone with arrows and foreigners and everyone on or somebody that we are standing steady with our brothers and gaza and will never back down. and we call upon the missile forces to counter with a response harder than our attack. jimmy, let's meet automotive a chevy. none of this will stuff, the many people will do. you have any leadership or on military in missile forces from targeting these right? the entity, the m in the military will respond in a stronger way against the sensitive areas within the zionist entity. inside tell of even jessica media can you fly and note anything we attending the american is
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really aggressive so they wouldn't still pass from all strikes in defense of guns that we have been under attacks. ag is so yesterday strikes wouldn't stop boss and wouldn't stop us from striking is really in the american targets or make us stop defending guns and now codes. we want to tell them that whatever they do, we went back down. we heard from a professor of a political science of halloween university. i must have much of both ross and he uses it to end this vicious circle of islands. the war in gaza must be still. it will be in guys a secure then on proxy wars or vicious sort of conflict with it. i mean, we are talking about it in the nation is politics in russian is actions. but either way, if it is rational politics, we would anticipate eh, trajectory toward space, because peace,
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we're in gaza or seas funding. garza means long term interests for is a long term security for ease. right now is, is they're getting age, you know, more and uh, in the event of the war war 3. because super bowers have interest in the agents have alliances in the region. so i am ready to submit speak if that's a, a crisis continues on in the same project, 3, then that would be a comprehensive regional more and possibly a 3rd ward or a shifting now to the ukraine consulate where all senior correspondent, what does the of is the 1st member of the russian press to visit a settlement and the donuts republic that had been under ukrainian control. he
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walks through the district which still remains unsafe because of the threat of overhead dry. the, i to dates in the is easy to spot. destination is where the very sky flashes, i bones we do to risk driving the vehicle. he said he resist the both targets, especially c and said we will. the eighty's alone in being to his track, but preferable to the open road. beyond. he said, should it's not 2 months ago, ukrainian defenses here collapsed, panics, you credit in troops ran from what you need to know before russian forces,
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even enter the deep was an embarrassment, the key of which explains why it is now so determined to erase i to day to not the last, the munitions last, just before the test, the munitions was the one was an the drum, the beeping. as you can see, s p o car because the druids look for movement. they spot you,
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they go for you. the psychological effects, the ease, sylvia. so during brief spells of clients, we move trees to ruin. buildings never fall from cover. the train station of 2 days ago. we're in a rush bus. this is who most was said. oh no way less than $26.00. 26 at cv drove the loss of i to the to the for ukraine was catastrophic. it's allowed russian forces to sweep beyond capturing village off to be.


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