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tv   News  RT  July 22, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, the destination attempt a former president, donald trump, on july 13 is the most significant operational failure of the secret service in decades. but of, of the u. s. secret service admits the 10 to the assessment, asian of donald trump was unprecedented. vs goes by her agency as she faces questions about the incident. i'm the mom for her to resign. the slide is deafening. there's still no address to the nation from the joe barton. the day off the he quits the presidential race sizes mentees. despite he was forced out by his fellow democrats,
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made the plaza hunting around kamala harris. and just to hard run to lead america with some putting that cover is just like to monitor in. she would be a publisher of this that this one they would continue to call the shots if commer harris is president. and where have they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before. i wonder from you it's going to stop. enough, is enough? it cannot continue like that. the country is much more important than any group of people can. is president william rhodes, i promise of person in the, to the protest in the country as he calls on the nation council, right. for the things those people's dining behind the violence, specifically a notorious american india.
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the good companies today for the latest global news on this is all the international. the head of the u. s. secret service has taken full responsibility for what she calls the agencies most significant failure. that is the failure to prevent the attempted assassination of donald from now, she made those comments during unofficial inquiry into the incident. this as a nation attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service. in decades, the secret service, a solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. so that's why we're down to odd c carlos, autumn, kaylee multi new has been closely following the hearing kind of metropolis. i
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thought i should've been satisfied america is good to the tv, probably for all. so what, what has the question, i know the secret service revealed and can you take us through the data itself as to whether the public has any closer to finding out the whole truth is sure. well, a mid calls for her resignation. we've heard testimony from the head of the u. s. secret service. now she's said that they are still examining the advance process and how decisions were made. but a lot of questions are coming up. she's being asked why, there was no secret service agent stationed on the roof, where the shooter, thomas matthew crux, was able to mount his rifle on fire at donald trump. furthermore, um, she would not disclose the number of agents that were sent out to protect donald trump on the fateful day when the us as a nation attempt happened. in addition to that,
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there is questions about how it was that tom and ms. matthew groups was able to get onto this roof, which should have been in the safety parameter of the security parameter around where trop was speaking. why was this room that, that someone could easily get up on and, and shoot at donald trump from why was it not part of the security perimeter? why was it not basically, you know, locked down? why was he able to climb it up? and why were crowd members are learning the secret service about what was happening? and yet the uh, the former president was able to just take the stage regardless about the fact that crowd members were pointing at this individual. saying that he was, he was suspiciously climbing up the roof, etc. now, um, she was asked all these questions and the answers she has given, as needless to say, not been satisfactory years. some of what we've heard it's been reported that before former president trump got up on the stage that around 6 pm on saturday,
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july 13th, that the local police had identified. and even if photographed a man who was acting suspiciously in this manner turned out to be the gunman had been flagged as a potential threat. is that accurate? and what i can say is that the individual was identified as suspicious. so he was known to be suspicious before a former president trump took the stage. that is the information i've received. why was he allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the con? so i appreciate the question, i'd like to make 2 points. if the detail had been passed information that there was a stretch, the detail would never have brought the former president out onto the stage. now in her testimony, she pledged full cooperation with further investigations into what went wrong,
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but as the interrogation from various members of congress continued, her language got more and more vague. ah, she basically didn't have answers and the public was doing in and watching from home because they wanted answers. she didn't have those answers. here's what she had to say. at any point, saturday, did the secret service have an agent on top of that roof? sir? i'm sure, as you can imagine, that we are just 9 days out from this incident and they're still an ongoing investigation. why did the secret service not? can you enter? why the secretary of state and place a single agent on the roof? we are still looking into the advanced process. was it that building within the perimeter that should be secure? do we agree with that? of the building was outside of the perimeter on the day of the visit, one of the things that you said, i believe in an interview that there wasn't an agent on the roof because it was
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a slow proof. is that, is that normal and do you fear that that immediately creates an opportunity for future would be assassins to look for a slanted roof? i mean it, this is a huge question that every american has. why was it a secret service agent on the roof? and there have been reports that agents were supposed to be on the roof, but it was hot that day and they didn't want to be under is. can you answer any of those questions directly? there was a plan in place to provide over watch and we are still looking into responsibilities and who was going to provide over watch. so the american people want answers. it's pretty clear that in order for donald trump to narrowly avoid assassination binding shot just in his ear very close to his head and to have crowd members shot down and killed by the sniper, others to be injured. in order for the events to have happened, the way they happened to it is very clear that something went wrong in those security protection that the former president had on as
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a former president of the united states as a front running presidential candidate. you should have had better protection. something clearly went wrong with the testimony from the head of the u. s. secret service doesn't seem to really be giving many answers as to what went wrong. a lot of outrage among the american people. social media is buzzing with people calling for her to step down because they don't like what they're hearing. that's very interesting. they the candidates keep an eye on that, maybe still just got a slap on the wrist. we'll see how that pans out. thanks again for your time. well, many of americans have found it suspicious, but by didn't, has yet to suffers from an address to the nation has been delayed to an unknown data rate to this thing. now his written memo coordinates course, came just 3 short hours of his campaign. co. chapman said richmond a show of the countries biden, isn't it too with it has job. i lost control of the democratic party.
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no, he's not. and he's hurt those concerns. and i want to be crystal clear, he's made a decision and that decision is to accept the nomination and run for re election waiting re election. and i think that there are those out there that need to hear it again. that he made a decision. he's going to be the candidate, he's going to be the next president. and that was time to focus on the threat that donald trump pauses. and what the extreme agenda is on the other side. it has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. and while it has been my intention to seek re election, i believe it is in the best interest of my party in the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. for his death loss to us debate and proof of the gains, donald trump just pressed joe biden on his fitness for office. full of bravado
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biting declared that only the absence of divine intervention could compel him to bow. you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump. will you stand the premises? lord almighty confront sounds. i don't think anybody's more qualified to be president for women's race. i mean, for more money cannot. so joe, get out of the race. i gather i some florida might is not coming down well biden's exit sized up controversy to say the least. i'm wondering how he's hoping for a 2nd to vanish so quickly suggesting it smells i can do now. these kosa as a aggravated by bite of opposites as the breaking news was released online now the amount of the foot by the into hole power until the end of his is also on the top
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of everyone's minds every day. america is also raised concerns online to a role that creates a lens off the buy them shopped out of residential ration you was means pops up questioning whether it was his decision or deep powers word. what kind of coaches said crazy on social media, suggesting that it was behind the of the prominent democrats, including full, the president, bar rock. obama falls off the stage. now with the now he has endorsed his vice president, come out of hire us to take over the break, pushing for democrats, back and on the nation. because the 2nd in command has expressed hood rapids, you to bite him surprisingly in boston's say, how great of a person he was. i'm deeply grateful to the president and the entire biden's family . i 1st came to know for his inviting through his son bo, as we worked together, but would tell me stories about his dad,
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the kind of father and the kind of man he was. and the qualities ball revered and his father of the same qualities. the same values i've seen every single day in joe's leadership as president, his honesty and integrity, his big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. and his love of our country and the american people may low false news has sounded the concerns about, well joe biden could actually bait public. haven't seen any live image of the us present since his withdrawal from the race was a mouse. and then that's a posted on social media. not physically seeing him even a dresser camera in delaware, lelona, an oval office statement like it'll be j did when he dropped out in march of 1968. it is disconcerting, isn't it? right, they didn't even release a white house still photographed nothing. so are we, i mean,
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i hope he's fine for you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living weekend of burning is right now. like proof of life please. to buy went out and joined the buy onto the car. so when i saw the bessie here was a pseudo, so it was good to see you and i do 1st sign, just do it to me. so where is joe biden? has there been any i know information out there? is he hiding? well, it's pretty clear from the present schedule, but he is at his beach home in delaware. that's where he's been so far isolating of they've been tested for conflict. 19 late last week when he was in las vegas, that is, according to the official schedule. but let's be clear about given the very unusual circumstances we've seen different, we have that statement that was posted on social media on sunday. that is not seeking re election. it is incredibly strange that we haven't had anything to just verify that 1st of all, to void and authorize that post to be made. well that he made it himself. because
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if we look at that post, it is an electronic signature. he didn't sign it himself. i think even though the president, the us apparently has cove it. we told his mol, simpsons, it wouldn't have been too much to have perhaps posted a short video or even a photo. because i think you can guess a lot of people going to start say will west group. all right. and he says in the address that he's going to speak to the nation in the next few days and explained his decision, we still don't have a data set in stone for that. and so of course, lots of people are really questioning where the president is, whether he really is the person who controls the message that went out. and i'll put this in some contacts. we have had and weeks and weeks of speculation, weeks and weeks of the media and democratic supporters and donors saying you have to stand on joe. you know, the person to take us through to the election in november. and he has been thrive. there's no, no, no,
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i am going to be the person that seeks re election all be present again in november . and here we have in the matter of a couple of hours, a statement basically saying i'm stepping down, i'll tell you more, to least to date. it feels unusual. it feels problematic and different, all of these questions by his cognitive abilities. i think it's only fair that some people are saying, hey, we won't move from the president of the united states, and i have to just clarify the situation that we are at. and again, no date set at this moment for the address from job items. yeah, it is, if you just sent in a sicknesses in a, in a icon, come into it today. but how about the with the main stream media have they will be at said in any way or are we the new ones? that's curious. oh, i think that has been a little bit of dissection after the announcement came on sunday, but that quickly moved on to let's praise kamala harris. let's get to sit democratic person on the ticket and that's we where the focus is being. and again,
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all said give them the in the last few weeks, the amount of speculation has been on cnn and nbc and cbs about to biden's company to the facility. it is interesting, the difference that this post was made on his own personal twitter feed didn't come on the white task feed. i'm this as a say, no evidence to suggest that we definitely know joe boyd and was behind it. it was questioning anything about that, and i think that is quite interesting. happened. narrative has just moved on what we have now, r o, grande's, the policies coming out and saying, well done, joe, you know things one for standing down. let's get behind kamala harris. let's just give you a flavor of what people have been say. so you know, it was a very, i was very sad, honestly. i think it was necessary. it's important. it's an incredibly important decision, the and difficult decision that he made for the country, but not, not the final chapter that he imagined and not maybe the final chapter that he
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deserved. in any event. he's been one of the great presidents of american history. he's done extraordinary things and offers, he's a great patriot and he's a great leader to make his a great leader mix waiting for green leaders and helps to raise them and nurture them. and that's what he's done with vice president harris. and we're going to see extraordinary unity and focus in our party getting behind president biden's choice, joe biden, who will be saying, i think by most historians as a person that feedback authoritarianism by writing in 2000 and did his part by deciding the step down in 2004, and like cincinnatus leaving power voluntarily and going out a so drove by doing great president and also know anybody say we've spoken to joe boyd and we've seen him. nothing very interesting. but i just want to take you down a different task. a moment because there was a new site in us called axiom,
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and they got a suggestion as to why to bite and held off for so long from announcing that he wouldn't be seeking re election. now we know he has said he's endorsed kamala harris is code vice president, and he's asking for donors to give them money to her to get her across the race in november, but according to axles which has spoken to several aids close to joe biden. he doesn't have confidence. tamala, harris has it in her to win that election in november. and if that's true, that's saying that's a reason why she held off because he believed he could do paxton her. and he's no, the only one we have had no endorsement from the obama's despite a very lengthy statement, we've had no endorsement from nancy pelosi. we've had no endorsement from chuck schumer. he's a big old quantities in the policy. and none of them yet have come out and said they support kamala harris. i think that's very interesting. and i think tells you
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most about what's that play? yes. really is addressing. uh, i mean somebody should die st cuz i wouldn't have to have you on the the hour again, sooner to actually have lots of information for us. so thanks again for the updates on to use the cost when that shot be asking. all right, then. okay, so let's also talk about all day just now. the former us marine cool intelligence officer, scott ritter says that so what happened? the bible had been planned in involves items as financially and his was a soft 2 gigs to let's take this what's taking place. right now is not democracy. it's the opposite of democracy. you know, the democratic party held a primary um there, which close to 15000000 registered democrats voting across the country. selected joe biden to be the candidate for the presidential elections to be held in
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november. and the aftermath of june 27th, a debate between joe biden and donald trump, the establishment of the democratic party. democrats supporting main stream media immediately turned on jo, by mid it's interesting that they picked that moment because is bad. this has to be performance, was it was, it is worse performance and in fact it was far from it. the joe biden has been showing clear size of cognitive, a decline for more than 2 years, physical decline. in fact, uh, 2 weeks prior to the debate into g 7 summit in italy, there were several very embarrassing displays of this cognitive and physical decline. so why did they pick this moment? uh, june 27th, to begin. what is in effect a soft cool. um, because the primary was overnight. uh, because uh the establish would be able to put comedy harris at the head of the
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ticket without subjecting her to the scrutiny of the democratic party. what we're seeing here is not democracy. this is a very difficult time for the united states where you know the processes of democracy where the voice of the people are supposed to resonate are being ignored . and instead the establishment of the money, the political interest, the money, special interests, are selecting, who will be on the ballot as opposed to the american people. a lucky man and time magazine is hold off the press. so it was like, it was expensive, it is new color has the harris sliding in while biling is basically wording gone, but it says the enrollment is where a falls to enroll. so how well form a hawaii democratic congresswoman tulsa gamma is pulled out houses possible nomination. same feed, be dangerous. the prospect of comma harris,
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making decisions about war and peace and where to send my brothers and sisters in uniform into harm's way, is not only terrifying to us. it should be terrifying to every american knowing that we would all pay the price for her dangerous actions and dangerous decision. everything you've heard me say about hillary clinton. the queen of warmongers can also be said of calmer harris. there should be no question in your mind that if comma is allowed to be our president commander in chief, she will be the maid servant of this queen of warmongers. the head of this elite is cabal of warmongers. that has gotten us into this place. they're the ones who've been calling the shots behind jo biden's presidency. they would continue to call the shots if commer harris is president. and where have they let us to the brink of war with multiple countries in all parts of the world. and closer to the brink of nuclear war and armageddon now than ever before. well, joe biden has induces vice president to become the democratic nominee and the
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upcoming presidential race. kamala harris has her own special way with was, which is also in raise the question about whether she is an evil fit for office, an upcoming boss, a hair on the table. and we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community, they are a children of the community. so you claim is a country in europe. is this next to another country called russia? russia is a bigger country, russia is a powerful country. russia decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. so basically that's wrong. the freed on the innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. she kept people in prison be on their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of california. you think you just fell out of a coconut trees?
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well, joe biden would go from the president. is it like there's also important it's bank, tim asian, about what will happen to us support so you cleaned on top, son is posted. this says mainly tools shows products and messages and calls from random is that i was going by the phone also. what is the legacy will continue getting american funding? meanwhile, the republican bodies, but the problem has promised to stop the go and call it in one day if he wins the election, his running mate, j. d. but as also opposes continuing the confidence saying he will not tolerate unless was sponsored by the american taxpayer quite as well as live. now to tell in the world correspondent i'm the lucida, that i always good to see a so and really interesting times right now. now the buttons certainly so drop
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style, the presidential race, many people have res, couldn't says we sold that sincere. it'll mean that by i saw it this morning when i woke up. i was on social media, but i was talking about the u. s. foreign policy might change. how do you see the us dollars on the you can call it potentially changing, and then you've in the near future. for sure, if uh tom, uh, can we, in these elect from the, for him fall, the 6 of the us can change maybe very or either kind of uh, because uh, like prompt, uh, what we said uh, he's, uh, interesting in the development of the uh, economy and a 3rd of american people not to increase or so forth, any conflict outside the us, this is very important for them for making the also a lot of comments about the nato and the environment of the us in the natural. so
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it's very, very far off. i believe that the, the for him politics of the us can change and also in ukraine and you couldn't have conflict. yeah. honestly, you know, there's so much going on in the usa right now. they've got their own problem. let's do think that to bite installs on foreign policy issues such as ukraine could. this is called completed to is declining approval ratings. yes, i think yes, because a lot of americans, i think now are so that's a all these involvement of the us. so all these funding, these uh, web fonts that the us uh gave to ukraine where it was less. and i'm sure that's a lot of taxpayer of the us start. so thinking maybe our monet can be use better for us and not for uh for improve such conflict like you,
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ukraine. indeed indeed does see that the that seems to be the message coming from the trump. com, but. 2 not comfortable, so vile, but if he becomes present, he will stop the ukraine conflict in one day on the day. in your opinion, do you think that's even plausible to expose about maybe nothing. when they bought the, you know, now or ukraine, it's defending, it's addicted to the funding from the us. if us are stopping stop this phones stop to give money to ukraine, your weapons to ukraine. practically, the ukraine quality point of defense and the landscape, especially the landscape, can not be able to continue this fight against that extra. and maybe they can before set to seat as a table with their action authority and legacy. 8th of for a piece. yeah,
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actually that is going to be my next question. also. first of you all, the students turned away on their conversation to sit down on a table and you know, be diplomatic in books, diplomacy, whatever the name of the always a pleasure speaking to you on the cd time will correspond and thank you for your time. thank you. thank you. well, i still don't know sizes now to 10. yeah, my present william root has cooled upon his nation now. so full savings, the faces they just have sponsored in violence across the country. i want to challenge those west point starting because stretching funding these violence to step forward, we must have netflix as a country agree to replace our democracy
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with at the tip top shape and tightening of face list. normally, most people who want to use violence, destruction of property and loss of life is in place of our democracy week. so i'm president of the people in kenya have once again focused search lots of our united states objectives in africa because the president to have mean to those people. seeing that it is the u. s. for foundation, the government of can is confronting the police in the past square. so is this time is also concerned about the possible involvement of the organization. the, the canyon organizations receiving financial backing from the full foundation, the anti government protest in the country. some of those organizations are the can nash, human rights commission, and the transparency international according to government. just those,
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all the groups that have been very vocal as far as pushing the countries into chaos on the key and civil strife. and as the world's largest angel funding agency, the full foundation that has in the past come under the scan, no, governments impossible the reports. and the search also tells us that it has some connections with the c i a back to the c, i a considers foundation such as the food foundation, the best, the most plausible kinds of funding comes off. also know that it middles in you've gone to the fees funding activities that a days the countries call to us and the bad news even. and so that's because the foundation has been the subject of backlash and the left. so we saw issued by kenya's for in a phase the principal's secretary is making civil moans if it wants the american foundation to, among other things supplied. the government of canyon was.


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