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tv   Documentary  RT  July 22, 2024 4:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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to russian forces even enter this it was an environment, the key of which explains why it is now so determined to erase a to the, to not the last, the munitions last, just before the test, the munitions was the one was an the drum, the beeping as you can see the, the least little pace of technological evolution is striking. never before the
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druids being utilized in such numbers. and with such intensity, dozens, upon dozens, every hour, every day, just you know, to date, you know, a new and power of the way of war. that is here to stay for i'd gas v of hot seas from i to the to the then the people's republic. and that's the update at this time of the book again with more have the top of the i see again the the the
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additive because it's too much high school diploma who handles life and all it is the uh, my brother throughout he was sudden to helping a friend, lo, drums into the church. it's almost 5 fire side system. so now i never looked at
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searches as being the same. well, you can see the slide is constantly. yes. this like somebody's walk into drive and pass all lights on our outlook. we really don't have the whole phone lines. right. there's a part of life really is a said, none of the layouts are we all a lot of people are in games with their affiliated with games because, i mean, i'm, i live next to you. and like we grew up together so i'm of course, i'm your friends. but then people see day and say like, oh so you must be one of them will never save around a group of guys like it can be a group, a rough guys. why over there that look like they can kill us at any moment, but then the police officers and i feel equally scared more how may i direct you call nobody on the right. okay. the police bagley's only kind of the police. these gang in chicago is like when you get pulled over the police, you really think your life is over
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the i pulled over the as by the purple in the car and you hesitate to reach by d because and everything is going to be excused when opposite oh, you can restore, we're not going to shoot a left about around in a city party side. moving just even to police and you want to make a joke about it. i'm going to shoot you through to the
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old. so it goes to where you like to, it's not a right to keep your hands on the guys they steal the, the
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way to know it, filming it will show me what are the parameters of your wages and waiting for them to do a rap song for it so, so when i get to see it for i get someone who is which is on the rest of the rep barriers i refuse issue. sorry, yeah. okay. like somebody to get shoes and some of the face, do you have going on what the 3 people got on this for today? that way you just say i'm just saying what they gotta do it out of them by any any guys, anything like that? no. no, no, no,
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i tell you i saw them. i bet i'm leaving the boxes. no guns, no guns out the officer were you found out of going plaza? he told dollars. he just wasn't in my life. so might be ready for these on the market. every day how we live or how to police through the neighborhood like out and no sound like you're telling me also somebody could have put a face to him again. what's amazing, maybe it's i won't say they stand for some reason we call loud and order status. and the, you know, is what they can talk about the gang members or what they are. we think the like, what did they deliver?
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the change in days were, can you say of who are seeing? the appraisal for may block is little mack and lou day they talking about something, they make a sense, you know, some people just say as they call number up, the low heard that they stop put into the news. so once you start putting out hard enough filling in a day, you know, it was zane, so they got that genuine her. and also that music that, that, that home, the, one of the things i'm doing right now is trying to reveal the things that we destroyed the neighborhood. and one thing is bringing people together in awareness . half of our neighbors, family members know something about what's going on there, whether it's up to us, it's all to the police. so that's
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a good way to stop defiance. because if i could find out what's going on and stop it before somebody gets shot on her, then we went to the operator. the reason why a lot of times don't get saw is because nobody lives always don't care about us. it appeared to some business when are you trying to do it? just get us locked up? no, the gas serve and protect on a on a car while they do is patrol similar to the what's wrong with it? yeah. for the shooting the video since there's no knowing the thing about the boys . we're not gonna just be down at like 1015 minutes. i'm down and i do want us um, you know, yeah, i got to run the code already. i'm going to be down to about 15 minutes. come on.
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stop down. love me. this is my son, yvonne jr. his fresh, they came and told me, i need to come around here cause my son been an accidental bad accident. i know that was the last time i get to talk to my saw coming to have it kind of like, is it a shot at us? they thought we was coming to the game ways to retaliate on them. and we would just come into the new account with like they shot 2 people. one um, uh it was broken 2 places and the lady was shot in the bucks. and the guys that was where me was mad because i refused to let them retaliate even after that
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the the gangs are so, so internally, so for me to, during to him with its squares in the past before social media, a gang might have disrespected somebody. now, what would be perceived by most people? it's just a personal meal. slap that somebody that's immediately retaliated by social media.
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everyone knows about it immediately, and there's already in motion that someone's going to pay for that. what happens is that somebody who lives in the neighbor was just blocking a block away. they have no idea that's going on. and so all of a sudden what they thought was there was no relations going on the neighborhood. well, 2 minutes ago it became an issue, and now what was otherwise going to be an average walk, a block away from their house is now going to be something where they very well can be shot and killed the . this is my 2nd saw. that was k o to $35.00, it's land. is that a friend's name with a date? a soon to be real close. his friend we is brother, was killed somehow. some way on facebook. they got to talking about each other,
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their cousins and their brothers. so they kept going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, was coming out with this back and my brother say you disrespecting, my brother, my brother was key or just like your brother was keel. so late on that day he called my son, the land is on the phone. my baby was set up his rent as low as california was right here and backed up. and i was, well, the main name is oh man, that was walking towards his friend. that he thought was his friend sad of me and the other guy sat him as well. and then as so girlfriend for them to mo test. and then one, no one, no drugs and one even though with no games. one, no one,
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no girl was what was the 23rd half of a why is the most powerful lobby in washington dc the hand. all right, because the n r a gets all their money from the gun manufacturers, the number one consumer of guns in america. right? now is the legal consumer, any legal gun? so if you cut that consumer away, what's your do is they're cutting significant business away. now, gun manufacturers also are one of the largest investors in privatizing prison so they can make money on guns and making money on people being locked up. you know, america's based on the dollar, the,
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the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community invest. all sudden set up the progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia, routing and split, the ortiz spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the question, did you say they replaced the, the, the
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hello and welcome to spouse stuff full force here. we discussed some real in the the very best of yourself and others is an act of love. those people who seek to the privates of our rights in self defense, us to move these guys here. they need us the most. we know not what they do. it is a historical fact. every time a society has been stripped of its right of self defense, a mass casualty event has occurred and it's been in impose the business that the government that has the governments of these communities are of the size that has
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committed the atrocities for you guys with who are right on where they took away your guns. the wireless affairs continuously. every day in our cities is the only country i think over this advanced industrial nation, i can think of way this happens to happen in japan does not happen in england. that's why i don't know why they're so high up here is like, is more access to the though here is in my other places. it's like the government say, like, no the putting it out here and all that. but when we get there from the not going
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overseas and making them all that, so the government actually is putting them out here and that's what it's all about is access to guns is something else. to hide the facts, nobody's going to find out why this is happening and they can be misled into taking that to control. it does not work, it does work, it just has to be national more people get filters, inglewood, on the 4th of july, holiday weekend and the others and the being outside make us easy target hours because that's a problem. that is a problem because that stands out we to each other, just like you don't see any black people doing school shootings doing. you see all why people or somebody, you know, they are raising the wires. i revise the stuff. will you go directly to our records
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are blowing each other? this is why, why do we have the why people excuse me. black people have each other so we don't kill me. it doesn't make sense to me and all my i needed to know my record. they got no built in my medicine, getting some food, somebody for the star soon. a lot of people who are arriving finish please. and another heat is always on the car. lab.
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tons of their car stopped at the hood of my car and we like they show this so we, we've been down. i get all the way though. oh, i'm going to as i was just thinking about it again. as i'm going now, i noticed the car and to actually see somebody has gone back like this. but all i hear is pon pon, i guess the gun is, you know, bringing his hand back. and also seeing the, i guess the fire that comes out of the gun, we call the police, i'm on the phone with 911 screaming i have never been so happy to hear some colleagues here with where my phone was. it was about $5.00 oh $5.00 below the
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. 7 the street, the, i guess i'm i called and canceled on his way. really speaking is one jarvis, his son is cute. he's now considered a parent whose loss of child the gun lots. and this hiding release to parents all the time. lots to choose. the guy finished the wedding here. i'm in the 2nd. see somebody told me joseph and shot i literally ran out down the stairs outs church, and there he was. i know there's no way i'm going to come in some people standing around there and you know, there is my son who i've seen 3 hours earlier and he's fine. and now he's lying on the street bleeding. and then the,
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i'm gonna scan them again to the hospital and give his lane in the bed. he couldn't speak yet, but he read my hand and holding the hand and talking me shaking his head. and then the next morning i got a call. he didn't make it was a right. i was angry, a guy that was angry at society. i was in years over did this. i was angry, the my son died and all this anger had to process this for me before i could talk to anybody else. i just don't even leave me alone is leave me alone in my room. just let me have this conversation with myself and with god and russell to say, what do i do now? the
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farthest leg is organized, a lot of protests in the past. certainly down a dan ryan is the most radical, is the main highway in and out as cargo. so this is going to make a lot of people, man, the just so much with dr. king and is making history again to close down the day around
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with the flight the the all right, so this is his daughter. everybody remembers the model to love that man. he's been working like this. her is late for years. the
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day i cannot find them. no money putting on
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the the the, the crime scene. another one allows notice could have been
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a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president, but we can't keep losing that people out here. now gotta have more awareness about what's going on out here. all this got it. so the chair to the queue
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weapon the go to to see the
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the this asp nation attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service injected the head of the us secret service at mid the attempted assassination of donald trump wasn't on presented fiasco bought har agency and she's pages. questions about the incident and design for hot to reside. republicans demand prove that job item is fit for office and naturally made to decision to drop bottled the election. as he hasn't appeared in the public and democrats have been studying the web and insisting he's alive and well. i wonder from is you, it's going to stuff enough,
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is enough. it cannot continue like this. the country is much more important than any group of people. can as president without routes or promises to put an end to the protests of the country as he calls on the nation to counter rocks, the faithless people standing behind the fallen specifically in a terrace american n. g o. the last, just before the task of munitions was, the wind was in it. the beeping archie is the 1st media child to visit the key supplemented in the den yes republic. poplar was taken by a russian forces the while continuing coverage of the latest trends treating the world right now. this
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is our international i a michael porter. now they handled the us secret service as taking full responsibility for what she calls the agencies. most significant failure, that is the failure to prevent the attempted assassination of donald trump actually made those comments during an official inquiry into the incident to yes, as a nation attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service and decades, the secret service a solemn mission, is to protect our nation's leaders. on july, 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. kimberly she don't, the director of the u. s. secret service, which is the agency that protects presidents, former presidents visiting diplomats and other important figures in the united states is facing
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a huge amount of scrutiny. and she's on capitol hill answering questions from members of congress about what went wrong and how the near miss attempted. assassination of donald trump was allowed to have that, and that was comes i made calls for her resignation, and people are asking about why it was that this suspicious man was in the crowd. and trump was still able to take the stage. why it was that the roof on which uh the shooter mounted himself and got out. his rifle was not guarded by a secret service agent. why it was uh that that roof itself was not within the security perimeter. a lot of questions and not sufficient answers coming from. kimberly chito, it's been reported that before former president trump got up on the stage at around 6 pm on saturday, july 13th, that the local police had identified and even photographed a man who was acting suspiciously in this manner turned out to be the gunman had
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been flagged as a potential threat, is that accurate? what i can say is that the individual was identified as suspicious. so he was known to be suspicious before a former president, trump took the stage. that is the information i have received. why was he allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the crime? the detail had been passed information that there was a stretch. the detail would never have brought the former president out onto the stage. now very little information has been given by kimberly chito about what happens. she has said that this is an ongoing investigation and she simply will not answer questions when it comes to that. one fact that we have been made aware of is that no one from the u. s. secret service was fired as a result of what happened were donald trump took a bullet in the year. in addition to that,
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it has been further of note that she refused to say that the shooting and the attempt on the life of donald trump was the result of a lone gunman, which is quite disturbing. and there are many times where kimberly cheadle is being asked pretty basic questions about the investigation and about the events she refuses to answer them. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations at any point. saturday. did the secret service have an agent on top of that roof? there still an ongoing investigation. why did the secret service not? can you enter why the secretaries didn't place a single agent on the roof? we are still looking into the advanced process. did the secret service using the drones for surveillance that day. so again, i'm not going to get into specifics. there were reports that the shooter used to ground just a few hours before the rally start time. is that accurate? and i have heard those same reports and again,
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i'm waiting for the final report. how many secret service agents were assigned to president trump on the day of the rally? again, i'm not going to get into the specifics of the numbers. even more basic questions were dodged or pushed aside by this very important security official in the united states. i'm sorry, i'm not understanding your question. real simple, more gums, especially dangerous ones, have made your job. protecting people easier. is that not? right? i think at a, from every record key to this is simple english. more guns. do they make your job more complicated or less complicated? secret service needs to take into account. i didn't ask that the very i, i'm sorry. i asked simple question, which deserves a simple answer. now are the conversation, or rather the grilling of the top secret service person and the person running the secret service in the top job. and her response to the questions just doesn't have
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the american people satisfied many elected officials. many political voices of social media is full of people just pointing out that these answers are not satisfactory. we almost lost the life of a former president and a front runner in the presidential race and real answers are not being given. now of course, there are many who look into the events that happened with us president donald trump, front runner in the election, former president united states, and are asking questions if there was a political nature, the lack of security that was provided or the failure of security on that day, if there was a wider effort against the president, if this was not the work of alone world, a lot of questions have been raised and there aren't a lot of answers on capitol hill. a large johnson, the former c i on the list, n c o, a budget associate said that even though the u. s. secret service director admitted to a failure,
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that's little consolation. that's barry's building. evidence that the failure was deliberate. is it when, when you know it's one thing, if you forget, you know you've got a long list of things to do and you forget one. okay. i understand that this will stop for failing to forget one thing they denied donald trump resources they uh, they put a person in charge of the event who had from what i've been able to determine, no experience in running these kinds of details as an individual, his background was in cyber crime of the they did not have joint communications plan. so it just, you know, it's one thing after another that they failed to do. so. now at some point you begin saying was this, was this a deliberate effort to put it competent people into a position where they would fail in order to facilitate the murder of donald trump?
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and i think that's exactly what happened. but it's been a day since dual binding to kid, but haste quitting the presidential race, but many people are asking where s t a us need is, announcement was made and a social media post, but she hasn't appeared in public for a few days. now. the public ends of even demanded that the white house provide proof that it was actually the one who decided to drop out of the election. i demand proof of life from joe biden today by 5 pm. he needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he is aware that he dropped out. hiding is completely unacceptable. a little while ago buttons dumped the headset of the president just recovering from cove. it which he supposedly caught just a few days before quitting the race. i meant spectrum nation that job i didn't mind resigned from the presidency to give the spotlight there. his current vp,
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carmella harris at new post has appeared on board in social media saying that she will continue working for the unity of the united states until the end of his time in office. how about the posting to legal to convince americans that he was indeed his decision to quit the race now on the, by the social media post. some spotted questioning whether he actually had the news about him quitting the election now has doug, where is biden, is now treading on the x social network with use as both things means about the president having gone missing but only americans. but also some news outlets have sounded the alarm over concerns about where your body could actually be or not. physically seeing him even address a camera in delaware, lelona, an oval office statement like it'll be j did when he dropped out in march of 1968. it is disconcerting, isn't it? right?
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they didn't even release a white house still photographs and nothing. so are we, i mean, i hope he's fine, but you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living in the weekend of earnings right now. like proof of life please. it's pretty clear from the present schedule, but he is at his beach home in delaware. that's why he's been self by slicing also being tested for krusik. 19 late last week when he was in las vegas, that is, according to the official schedule. but let's be clear about the from the very unusual circumstances we've seen given we had that statement that was posted on social media on sunday that he's not seeking re election. it is incredibly strange that we haven't had anything to just verify that. first of all, to void didn't authorize that post to be made. well that he made himself because if we look at that post, it is an electronic signature. he didn't sign it himself. and i think even though
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the president of the us apparently has co, which we told his mall symptoms, it wouldn't have been too much to have perhaps posted a short video or even a photo. because i think you can guess the people going to stop say we're west group. all right. and he says in the address that he's going to speak to the nation in the next few days and explained his decision, we still don't have a date set in stone for that. and so of course, lots of people are really questioning where the president is, whether he really is the person who controls that message that went outside. yeah, it's as if he just sent in a sick glass, isn't it? you know, i call him come into it today. but how about the west, the main stream media have they will be i said in any way or will be the ones that's curious. oh, i think that has been a little bit of dissection i to the announcement came on sunday, but i quickly moved on to let's praise kamala harris. let's get to sit democratic person on the ticket and that's we where the focus is being. and again, also it gives him the in the last few weeks,
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the amount of speculation has been on cnn and nbc and cbs about to biden's company to the facility. it is interesting, the difference that this post was made on his own personal twitter feed didn't come on the white task feed. i'm this as a say, no evidence to suggest that we definitely know joe boyd and was behind it. it was questioning anything about that, and i think that is quite interesting. happened. narrative has just moved on what we have now on the old one, these, the policies coming out and saying, well done, joe, you know, things waiting for standing down. let's get behind kamala harris. let's just give you a flavor of what people have been say. you know, it was a very, i was very sad, honestly, i think it was necessary. it's important. it's an incredibly important decision and difficult decision that he made for the country, but not, not the final chapter that he imagined and not maybe the final chapter that he
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deserved. in any event. he's been one of the great presidents of american history. he's done extraordinary things and offers, he's a great patriot and he's a great leader to make is a great leader mix waiting for green leaders and helps to raise them and nurture them. and that's what he's done with the vice president harris. and we're going to see extraordinary and unity and focus in our party getting behind president biden's choice, joe biden, who will be saying, i think by most historians, is the person that feedback authoritarianism by writing in 2000 and did his part by deciding the step down in 2004, and like cincinnatus leaving power voluntarily and going home the dividing great president and also well known, anybody say we've spoken to joe boyd and we've seen him know things very interesting. but i just want to take you down the different task a moment because there was a new site in us cool axia, monday. he's got a suggestion as to why to fight and held off for so long from announcing that he
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wouldn't be seeking re election. we know he has said he's endorsed kamala harris is cards, vice president, and he's asking for donors to give them money to her to get her across the race in november, but according to axles which has spoken to several aids close to joe biden. he doesn't have confidence, kamala harris has it in her to we not election in november. and if that's true, that's saying that's a reason why she held off, because he believed he could do facts and her. and he's no, the only one we have had no endorsement from the obama. despite the very last the statements, we've had no endorsement from chuck schumer, he's a big old one. these in the policy, and none of them yet has come out and said they support kamala harris. i think that's very interesting. i think tells you a little bit about what's that play that ways, but we're legal, our media analysts
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a lot now. and he said that it's possible that the democratic party is planning to make him a hire, isn't acting president soon to increase our chances of winning the november election. now they're talking about joe, why she's gone. is that gives a eulogy or you little you, he will be minus. she was the grade president, the president. what are you talking about? oh, what a great man he was was. wait a minute. where is he? don't worry. it's like, like you're a child, isn't your, your pet died and your parents don't have the courage to tell you that swap these god, let me say what's gonna happen next. partnership prediction of being that it can pipe sonic, i'm, i'm reading the entrails of the beast. they're going to ask joe, in some form may be and a, and a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old,
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the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button, but he will step down and the 25th amendment will take place, which means that com a lot. harris is now the acting president because as we speak here, why that weeks, joe biden is the president. he may not be running for re election in a $106.00 days, but he's the president. now if he steps down, if they turn it over then to calmer harris as acting president and she is the incumbent at people, mike, who never have even sought a vote, includes i am not interested, they're going to hit the dog whistle to play and call sound but claxon and people are going to come out of the woodwork sites. i wouldn't be a part of making the history again, like we did with black obama and people who are going to vote. people who aren't even interested. they're going to say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. the jokes, the meetings, the cat goals,
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the non sequitur, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer. and to africa now way can president william root has called upon his nation not to full victim, to the faithless fig goes the best sponsored violence across the country. i want to challenge those west point starting because straightening funding these violence to step forward, we must have nipple as a country agree to replace our democracy with at the tip, the sheep and tightening of face list. i know most people who want to use violence,
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destruction of property and loss of life as in place of our democracy. we still find president of the people in king. i have once again focused search lots of our united states objectives in africa because the president to have mean to those people, seeing that it is the u. s. for foundation, the government of can is confronting the coalition, which task we're so is this time is also concerned about the possible involvement of the organization. the, the canyon organizations receiving financial backing from the full foundation, the anti government protest in the country. some of those organizations are the cain. yes. human rights commission and the transparency international. according to government. those are the groups that have been very vocal as far as pushing the country into k, off on the key and civil strife. and as the world's largest internal funding agency, the full foundation has in the past come under the scan of government impossible,
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gold reports. and the search also tells us that it has some connections with the c, i a in fact to the c i a considered as a foundation such as the food foundation, the best. and the most plausible kind of funding comes off. also know that it middles in you've gone to the fees funding activities that a day, so countries call to us and the bad news even. and so that's because the foundation has been the subject of backlash and the left. so we saw issued by kenya's for in a phase the principal's secretary is making simple monsey it once the american foundation to, among other things supplied the government of canyon with details of office fontes, of the last year in one state to state the programs approved particularly over the last 3 months and the quiz for accountability, the government also was the foundation avail. it reported on his compliance with a non loving policy. there conduct fundamentally flounce, ford foundations,
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non lobbying, paul, i see begging the question whether your foundation has abandoned this policy and is now intent on adversely influencing the internal political and policy processes within the republic of kenya. the ford foundation has denied the kings by the considering the fact that to this is now a global issue. present utilization, allies might have an important role to play in the suspect to they might have to issue a statement as busy as the off. because in practice and to with the organization, and i will choose by the president of the all expected to use the excess to, to, to fulfill some sort of restraint. noting that their own reputations indicated at this point. and to the crate in conflict now, where russian forces continue to make it dances on the front, moscow's defense ministry, public footage of a strike using these kinds of missiles when you trade in positions in the den. yes,
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republic ross have reported heavy trade in losses, including 60 pieces of military equipment. our senior correspondent, morag guys, the f as the 1st member of the russian media to visit the nearby. it was your ration of settlement that had recently been taken over by a russian forces in this latest report. he highlights the area, he's still on the thread because of drilling. so go ahead actually it's in the easy, easy to spot. destination is where the very sky flashes i bones we do to to risk driving the vehicle. eason e resistible targets, especially here. instead, we woke the eighty's alone
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in being to his track, but preferable to the open road a deal. and he said, should it's about 2 months ago, you create the defenses. he collapsed probably makes you crazy. and troops ran from what you need to know before russian forces, even enter this deep was an environment, the key of which explains why it is now so determined to a race i to the, to not
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the class, the munitions last, just before the test simulations was the one was an the drum, the beeping as you can see, is it a drone detector? which when uh, and if the drone are you creating the drone approaches within about a little more than a half of us were killed almost a radius of the kilometer. it starts beeping they will
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very loud because they load it up to 2 kilograms of it's boots of shrapnel, of any real suicide defense is not to be seen, which is one with hiding bushes. high speed we will con, because the true look for movement. they spot, you, they go for you. the psychological effects these. sylvia surely do the
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during brief spells of clients, we move trees to ruin. buildings never fall from cover the train station of we're in a rush, but this is almost always $2626.00 cv drove the last vitality to the full ukraine was catastrophic. it's allowed russian forces to sweep beyond capturing village off to the village. and so every cranium drone, a rush and one flies right back of
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the the least little pace of technological evolution is striking. never before have druids being utilized in such numbers. and with such intensity, dozens upon dozens, every hour, every day, just you know, today to not a new, i'm terrible way of rule that is here to stay for i'd guys the of odd see from i to the to not then the people's republic. you can certainly stay with our t international for more, from the front lines of the easy stuff, victim much size the most of the blocks member states are against hungary self to create peace mission to and the you created conflict and he believes that all e u countries must follow a common year. ready in political cause,
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the statements on deck to the actions implemented by day, from guiding from mr. under funding effort and these to hungry on member stage with one single exception. they're very much we to go about decent behavior. each member stage is struggling on each foot and policy true. but as far as they are members of this club, they have to be 2 to 3 piece any particular to be as optical. so just asking for loyal cooperation and implementation call. they've come positions confident, but it is not something that you can do or not. you have to. so the foreign affairs ministers of the e sign act, we're going to take the show on the road to budapest, at the end of august, as part of the hungry 6 months presidency of the council for your opinion. but then i'm hearing prime minister victor or bon hit, the ground running on day one of the job on july, 1st running around to visit you pray, russia, china, nato. trump, as
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a by john saying that he wanted to talk to every one to find middle ground and all these major global conflicts in the interest of peace. he was firing off notes and suggestions to european brass. well guess who was making the tactile circuit. diplomats look bad, very triggering for them. and for the you even morales saying their, uh hey, well, get in line with the quote club and quote, oh, they was quote, loyal cooperation in the interest of the common positions on you foreign policy, which is apparently to keep your most about the interest of the citizens who actually democratically elected you while sitting around waiting for cold showers to stick it to russian president vladimir putin and in the conflict and ukraine. so since or bond refuses to do that, barrow technically is the one who gets to call all foreign affairs meetings in formal or otherwise has decided to just pull this particular meeting out of food
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and pass. and instead have it in the use tranquil garden in brussels. that way, diplomats, whose job is to take on board and engage contradictory views don't have to worry about being triggered by any i know the issue, which is where to hold the the informal thing, a 1st come shield. i had to take a decision. i'm to go for the next for flooding and shaking and defense council meetings, informal in brussels. when we come back from college, actually we have to countries even said that they were cool with keeping the meeting in budapest, but burrell decided otherwise, which is super democratic. he was like, well, in any case there was only really one country that actually supports or bands behavior right now. so hey, let's just make this meeting all about that. well, it's not really about all of for bonds behavior. it's about this one meeting,
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but arouse kind of actually like a spouse, you get into a fight with them. suddenly they start dragging up issues from 10 years back, or in this case several weeks back for several months and making all about everything. so the country that supports our bond and hungry is initiatives in this role as well that here which by the way, was kind of like, hey guys. so was piece bad now, is that what's going on here? yeah, apparently it is because of ro and the same breath as he held this press conference and made this announcement. as also said that the interest on russian assets is ready to be used to supply ukraine with weapons by handing over the cash to the european commission. i am dated ministers on the progress doors. the 1st tasha of 1.4 b. the is expected to happen at the beginning of august next week. how we have set to find those, the position of
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a priority military equipment once again or defends. and once again, i'm with nation for our community and also, and this is news recruitment for the ukrainian defense industry. who's the ukranian defense industry. in this particular case, are we talking about germany's ryan metal over there making weapons? as it's stock skyrocket, is certainly a big risk for europe's military industrial complex when you have a guy like, or bon running around, trying to secure a piece by law to does companies where you can get details of all the stories will fall long this out. see again, come, i'll be out by the
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the i'm action or time to welcome back to going under. i'm broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. today, a few years ago, german nazis after a peace treaty and then more declaration for britain began the deportation and mass murder of quarter of a 1000000 jews from the warsaw ghetto on holocaust trains contributing in garza today. if you accept the estimates of the medical journal, the alonzo, it's the number of palestinians killed by u. k. u. s. u weapons maybe proportionately like wiping out 5 and a half 1000000, mostly women and children in britain or 27000000. mostly women and children in the usa. millions had been left to starve with nowhere to hide his hospitals, schools and all signs of human civilization are in the highlighted by nature weaponry and to google and amazon cloud computing systems. well,
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this is prison. judging is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu propose for wednesdays applause from the us congress board and paid for by his riley lobbyist. today of the white house, he meets genocide, joe accused even by his own supporters of being demented. all that while presumed next year as president trump has appointed design is ohio, senator j. d. vons, as his vice presidential nominee, joining me from jerusalem. his veteran is rarely negotiator and middle east director of the london based international communities organization and human rights advocacy group. dr. gosh on baskin, dr. baskin. thank you so much for coming on. let's just start with whether you've seen is really, authorities fail so badly as they are now, despite the support of the european union and the united states of to israel is a. well, that's become alienated from the whole of the world except those nature of countries
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. and i think this is become recovery. individuals become alienated from large number because really citizens who no longer want this government to hold us no longer what nothing. y'all was our prime minister. it is a chilling introduction that you gave one that's quite a stunning and it's just mold in reality that we're living here in israel and palestine. and any rational person has to intimate that it seems that israel has no coherent strategy, a facing the palestinians, facing the aggression that started by from us on october 7th. and nothing else call for the total victory is something which is certainly not achievable through any military means. there has never been a military solution to these running published and in conflict. there still is no military solution to this conflict. there's only a political diplomatic solution. and nothing now has done everything possible since 2009 to avoid
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a diplomatic political solution to these already posted in conflict. i mean it's easy to blame a israel occupancy for all of that. i'll get order these right, the population. but it's not just that yahoo is a, i mean it's blinking sullivan, biting the people, visiting israel. and i mean that, and you know, to the team, you couldn't be doing any of this without the help of the united states. good. rather than just, the thing is really low over time from the beginning of the war a way back 9 and a half months ago, the united states could have been the door in a week's time into it started simply by telling israel that we're not supply you with any bones anymore to drop on gossip. and that would have put in to the war. but in the american administration of the british government and other european countries, other countries around the world have supported israel's 1st of all right, to defend itself. and north, once from us, no one wants of us to stay in power and go. so i'm, this will see and i think is the ultimate opportunity to change the reality on the
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ground. i don't think that anyone could have imagined the amount of slaughter in the mountains chilly instruction that is taking place over the last 90 and a half months. vibe is really army with american and other weapons. and then this is certainly shown us and that this is not sustainable. this has to end this war that's been going on between israel and the palestinians for more than a 100 years. now this war has to be the last 4 and 3 on that actually what, why do you think those european vessel states and the united states via and blankets of why they doing that, then if they don't like then yahoo and so they say as well, it's not a matter of not to know. i really think it in your introduction, you talked about the does. the holocaust is for is really jews. more jews were killed. one place one time on october 7th. and at any time since the holocaust and your serial was traumatized normally how big the incredible number of people killed
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in their homes, taken out of their bits, taking as hostage into casa a. but we also have the reality, the israel was supposed to be the safe haven is or was the place where we're protecting ourselves where the army protects us. and on october 7th, if i wasn't there and people were left in their shelters in the homes, in the, in the boxes and communities along it also stood calling for help and no one came to assist them. and we hear that every day is to, has not gone to october 8th yet, is really still on october 7th. and i think it is origin, a very good job of transmitting that trauma to the united states and to other european countries. primarily that how this was back in terms of perhaps a sense of guilt. going back to the holocaust, we're, nobody's there to predict the jews. we just tried to escape and that was the country that would take them. i think there's a sense of guilty or i think that there was a time a moral imperative to help the jewish people establish a safe haven for themselves. and that's not the case today in and say,
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i think we are seeing changes. we're seeing changes in the united states, maybe not at the level of the restriction, but i'm gonna charge you for americans today. i think support the cause for palestine have independence and freedom. we're seeing that across europe and civil society all around the world. as you said, israel's between isolated and israel's being brought to the international court of justice in the international criminal court. and the space in this world for is really is because of our government is going to get smaller and smaller. uh yeah, i mean, clearly uh, the october the 7th the massacres have changed to a character i've been on this show. we've talked about it. we had a former justice minister these really government honda to didn't accept what was being said back then gray zone electronic intifada. mondo eyes have been talking about what permits is now exposed. it wasn't from us that killed all those people as you say,
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the west atrocities into the holocaust in terms of numbers of debts. it was the israeli government. they've killed all those people on october. the 7th i read going, so i was just saying that so really need the evidence really points in that direction . you're one or 2 cases where we know that it has really training fire to the home where there were hostages being held by from us terrorist. there were a couple of cases, but what did you make of that? i read, i mean this is the, is really media. i mean, in the media or of country supposing sending the weapons, we don't get any of that kind of information. but these railey media clearly saying the hannibal doctrine was involved on october the 7th. we think so far as investigation of what happened on october 7th or prior to october 7th. there is the demand by the people of israel to create a national commission of inquiry heavy by supreme court judge that not in your reviews is to create but i think that there is no denial that 3000 palestinians across the border from gaza into israel on october 7th, and committed atrocities went through and open the air and use it to dance festival
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and murder. $340.00 people, burn people in their homes, a large children in front of the apparently some parents in front of children up at the end of the evidence is the role of the young girls which is invited on this show will invite them on for work so this is really paper i read, i mean your particularly interesting to speak to because of your past as regards negotiation to piece. because i think that is a big mistake to try and cover over the atrocities committed by unless we have the most cross more a red lines on october 7th, it should never be crossed. just as israel has been crossing more, we learned we need to, we need to see the inquiry that you were calling for the net and the i was not allowing to, but you were involved in a piece deal to really is get ad should lead. so there are some with us, it was a hostage, we use the exaggerate between so you would be, the idea of was discrete, joe, do you know think that there is some, is riley, it's a, we in these really stay through. so the number of
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a palestinian prisoners were released as part of the deal. that should never happen again. and that's why the hannibal directive was used on october the 7th to mass kill. so many is rarely used by the israeli army on by brittany, united to another be in union. i can, they were isolated cases that we know of that are documented where the use really barley ended up doing is readings. on october 7th, the overwhelming majority of the more than 1200 people were killed on the dates were killed by the last one. you know that it's interesting you say that because we know the discredited zach of movements, logistics. we know that the un looked into, for instance, those actual crimes that were of talked about widely in media or in the united states and european union. they would discredited shortly off to view it. well they were last week. so you wouldn't report the u. n by report issues clearly says there's no evidence for the claims. well, no, yeah, i read the report,
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it definitely says the about products here in the specs can be brought in, shown that this is not correct. this is not the heart of the matter. so it's in your thing, i'm not, you know, i'm us, you talked about last people, you're saying that like animals, they were just trying to kill themselves and political violence. they like animals . i said that they committed atrocities on october. so if it would show me the point was to copy it all stages for the hostage during oceans. there may have been the initial plan and people and from us told me that we sent 1500 of our fighters into israel. on october 7th. we expected a power for them to be killed by just really our need. we expected to capture all the bases and take soldiers as hostages, but they didn't define is where the army, they are protecting the border and they didn't go to army basis. they went to civilian communities, they went to people saying they went to most of the and they want to stay wrote dental, 14. these are towns on the border where they went in the village and they killed and they break them. they did a truck, there's no evidence of rain whatsoever. one, no evidence or re whatever,
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according to that there's of the you in lots of and i mean, i don't want to think about, i don't want to argue about this and i really don't. you either. it's, it's a very sensitive, oh no of okay. you said a moment to go to me to be, you want an inquiry. why then, or is there any authorities not having an inquiry that would prove your allegation, you know, making these allegations which are so far and substantiated. it's not about october 17th, where it is, i want to let them know implemented a policy since 2009, that sort of divide the palestinians to create a delivery device, palestinian authority, and the boss of his head, and to empower a weekend from us and gaza, in order to say to the world, we have no parking for peace. nothing you know, did everything in his power to prevent the 2 state solution from emerging. and this is why i believe there needs to be a commission of inquiry. it's not just about what happened after october, 7th, and every day since in the last 9 and a half months. but also what happened during the world of years prior when it gets you to refuse to negotiate
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a 2 state solution with palestinians for the 2 state solution. there were published indians, a majority of post and into advocated into spring solution. but we have a government to israel, which was committed to never allowing an independent published done to be established. and that's why we need a commission of inquiry not just to figure out what happened on october 7th. we also need to know why the army wasn't there. why do use where the army was defending settlers in the occupied westberg and they weren't defending israel's borders. how when the last 2 decades, the israel defense force, the idea became and is ready, occupation, police force not doing the job for which it was established and which, which we serve in send our children disturbing. but israel's army has become a protection for squares where the surplus, i want to know why they weren't on the border on october 7th. when you think about it, if there had been a dozen times and 3, it's not until the top is in the air on october 7th, early in the morning. october 7th wouldn't have happened. that's all it would have taken to prevent that massive atrocity read on the state of israel that morning. gosh, or of asking,
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i'll stop you the more from the middle east director of the international communities organization. after this break the, [000:00:00;00] the, the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with veteran is really negotiator. don't to go show and basket talk to basking. we
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were talking about the sam as we're talking about the, the, you know, most the evidence about what happened on that day. but as you said, we've seen the, the repeated breaking of a whole un security council resolutions and who knows what else as regards human rights against the palestinians for, for decades and for years, just remind us of how close you got to a piece deal back in 2012, you actually mentioned the backing of a mass buying that's in yahoo. it was a rock is really defense minister on this program will actually walk down when i was talking to him about that because he was associated with the back. if i'm us back, then just remind us of how close you came to a security establishment proposal. i'm why it uh, white broke down your agreement. the agreement with them ask you a negotiated a thorough review. recall in october of 2011 the deals for the release of his release altered you'll actually it was completed with the release of 1027 palestinian prisoners from israel. amongst them,
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there were more than 300 public standing prisoners who were serving life sentences for killing his readings. yeah, a months it was yesterday. so who are, who is the leader from us in casa, in, shortly after the success of the secret back channel, which i have established and was running for the entire time to get out. you wouldn't think of doing any more than 5 years. and i started talking with my from us counterpart interlocutor, us a comment about trying to establish a long term ceasefire, who's today? this week's present problems. sorry. who is today the spokes buzzing time us or one of the spokespeople. he's a member of the public bureau. the member of the shore account, so he's one of the from us leaders, he's a outside of god. so he left also before the war and was the primary spokesperson of the war from the route at the time. it was just on the route anymore. any, any way, and obviously some of you know, i began negotiating a long term expire. she was in it talking directly to the job really was the head of the military when from us. and because at the time,
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the man who really built the military might of from us at that time, certainly the person who was responsible for objecting and holding it actually. um we went through 4 or 5 verse for you to drop anything at that time. they were being bankrolled by the is there any government advise you to i don't know why these these really go. we're never funded from us. the use of the government allowed us to be funded from us as a new piece, a, a financial empire. it's not only $30000000.00 that nothing you know, allowed to come to god's every month. it brought him his suitcases and they later transfers. how about his daughter, financial, their partners and bitcoin, and other triple currencies and businesses around the world and companies that they own and not just the money. and of course, the whole tunnel enterprise they've worked in gaza for years that in richmond from us it was many, many hundreds of millions of dollars. if not a lot more. anyway, we were negotiating long term ceasefire
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a on the day. that is the job to receive the latest version of the test. after i have consulted with the is reading the district defensive brock. i consulted with united nations representative with the secretary general and other people about the contents of the, of the draft that we were working on on the morning that the job to receive the latest version in arabic. later that afternoon because real assessing agent came in and she was, is seen by israel has a, is um, portable enemy, well deserved to die, of israel decided to kill him. it was not connected in mug youtube or negotiations that we were conducting. i'm not sure that anyone in the is really deserted, really knew that the negotiations we were conducting were ongoing. and even that chances of scripts success, but after dropping it was assassinated. that was the end of those negotiations. and that was in november of 2012. we have no way of independently verifying that information about how much funds. but do you think there were people in the as early state and most sides and the other elements of the secret state who were
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unhappy with the deal to do help negotiate because they didn't want the 1200, the palestinian prisoners captains open of indian hostages out of going back to what i was saying earlier, the, the policy on october 7th of taking us to just because you are dealing created the president. i'm noticing not blaming you for the address of the president. there were deals that happened before the one that idea that you've been released more palestinian princes to do with us. majority of it back in the eighty's. and there were other presidents where you recognize the hannibal doctrine by some in the israeli deep state, trying to illinois look at the time the deal was made. it was estimated that 80 percent of these ready public supported $26.00 members of the is where the government voted for the deal. 3 members live boosters voted against it. nothing else supported the heavy the most out. they had edition, but the chief of police, the chief of the, is where the army troops steps the army and the most officer in charge of the file or recommend usually go,
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went to vote for it the day. the deal actually was brought home on october 18th, in 2011, was the day of celebration in this kind of. okay, so what's happened now? because of the polls show that the is really is, i mean, you've already said, then you always deeply unpopular insure might be going to jail. as soon as this reflect the conflict is over, genocide is over. what's happened that now they don't, apart from those demonstrating for their relatives who are still cap tossed, ensure in guys the most is really not protesting against the opposed to the genocide we're seeing on our phones every few seconds of most the women and children being slaughtered by the british american in new weapons or no, i think there are 2 things to take into account. what is the most is what is don't seem to humanitarian disaster, the piece where the army is created because we see the physical damage all these really media on these early television. they have shape talk, we still most sorry they have take talk. they have social media now, but it's really don't watch the same picked of channels that you do and they're not
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on from us until the ground were published. and instead of graham, they sees reading media and they trust is really media it and, and they don't seem to humanitarian suffering. but they're also reliving the trauma of october 7th, every single day. and for most is really is what's happening. garza is revenge and that's how they relate to it. we don't have a, a rational society which is looking coherently and logically what's being done because we don't see it. now people like me, i get phone calls from friends and goes to every day, just yesterday, a young woman who i hope to support her university tuition and bought her a laptop computer last year with other friends who didn't called me yesterday from the hospital. she was wounded, her mother was wounded. her cousins were wounded with her. the trip that she was living in your when eunice was destroyed all over property over blogs. this is a human story. i know this woman. i know her name. i've spoken to her. i've seen her on, on what's a video,
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and most just really is don't have those kind of contacts where they actually know human beings getting closer to the mindset, like with a genocide next door, which they are perpetrating all we it with the weapons from britain to you as long as you exist, i mean should, should have country like that exist on the face of the earth. i totally my, those, the estimates from the nonsense thing, which we equate to 27000000, wiped out mostly women and children in the united states. that's what we're talking about. if you killed 27000000 people in the united states, i don't think the question of whether another country should exist as a legitimate question. i think the question is whether or not this conflict has a legitimate reason to continue and shooting. the parties be sitting down with the help of our allies in the region and around the world to resolve this conflict. we've been killing each other over our right to exist for a 100 years when they seemed right to exist. my name is really simple. simians, the fact that we have failed to negotiate a deal that would enable august to live in peace and security and dignity is the
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fault of both sides of the complex here in the international community that has allowed us to go on with this complex for so long without forcing us to reach a solution. ok, the weather is realize the right to exist as a cause because i know you the yellow is really politicians. how mosque they also for the 2 state solution. but you know that many increasing numbers. suppose the ones that its solution is it now time to look at a one state solution. instead, all the time was before october, 7th, october 7th, to prove that the one state solution is totally not viable. i actually thought for years before october 7, that the 2 state solution was dead and we need to find out the solutions. and i was talking to a large number of israelis and palestinians. i'm sitting round tables and trying to come up with all kinds of ideas of veneration in consideration in hybrid models. but one of the big surprises of this for is that the 2 state solution is back in front of us in countries that have been talking about a 2 state solution for 30 years, but only recognized israel are beginning to turn around and also recognize the
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state of palestine and that needs to happen and well, the recognition of palestine doesn't end the occupation. it does remove the veto from israel on the question the palestinian statehood. there is an equation here that's perhaps simplistic, but the equation is that impose themes will not have freedom and dignity if it will, doesn't have security. and this really won't have security and posted installer, freedom and dignity. that's not to say that the palestinians is where these all don't deserve freedom, dignity and security they do. but there's an equation that we're talking about between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea. there are 7000000 is ready, jews and 7000000 posted in arrows. and no one is going anywhere and the possibility of their living together under one democratic circular state. there's no real. well they said that in south africa famously and therefore can get the most dangerously, but it's not the same situation is here. we're not talking about a small minority that controlled a large majority that didn't have any political rights here. you're talking about
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to people's, on the people numbers that both claim a territory of their home claim that they give their identity. okay, well just now returning your identity, demographically, that's changing and lots of is rarely have left until october, the 7th, and i'll give you a call. know how many are we using? and we know that 22000 of arrived in israel is neuberger. and since i saw, i saw the figure, but we know that how many uh, left the same way we do. uh, but demographically, we know where the population is headed. view your disability, demographic question here. it's not a battle of the mean. it's the fact that there are 2 people here in a territorial claim. we just their own and boat, people's need to continue to live here in both people's need to find when a wall doesn't having the right to live here. okay, just smiling between the river and the c one sentence, everyone living between the river and the sea must have the same right to the same rights. that's the basis of it in 2 separate, 2 separate places, aging state,
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prevent dates. okay. well just finally being critical of what is relas done of the icpc investigating the genocide, do you see any prospect from your a bug style hirings for genocide? so the idea of what's happening and gaza, look, the question of genocide is one that the international court of justice has moved. israel is in violation of the convention of genocide. and then if you looked at the convention in the breaches of the convention that have been done, but usually people include that we're talking about gender started to your according to the convention, there's spring mass of chewing in gaza, but there is no genocide. there's total destruction, there is the intent of israel to come, not attempt this realistic, seated and destroying all garza but there are more than $2000000.00 people living in the us and we don't have gas chambers and the ovens burning. but these and israel is not dropping and atomic bomb and gulf of israel is not going in and plowing people with machine guns in picks, that they make them take like the nazis did to the jews in europe. this is not an
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actual genocide. it is a breach of the genocide convention. let's be real here. if this were wanting to commit genocide, we would have a 1000000 dead palestinians, not 40000 did published indians. and that's way too much and there's no justification for it. i mean, it is a war crime that is realized when committee and gaza ought to be clear about that. we have cross narrow red lines and israel's committing more prizes, garza but it's not really a genocide showing baskin. thank you. a. thank you. and that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences to those bereaved by what many believe is a u. k. u. s a u, i'm genocide will be back with a brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch, why will i social media resort sense and we will country and add to our channel going underground tv on the com to watch new and old episodes of going underground
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sees after the assassination attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service. in decades, the head of the us secret service at mets, the attempted assassination of donald trump was an unprecedented fiasco. ma agency, as she faces questions about the incident and be mindful, hard to reside. republicans denied the proof that joe biden is fit for office and actually made the decision to drop off of the election. as he hasn't appeared in public, and democrats have been circling the wandering,
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insisting he's alive and well. the last is just before the test of munitions was the one who's gonna be the drug. the beeping from ortiz, the 1st me to try it out to visit with kids such with, mentioned that then yes, for public after we would take it by russian forces. the by this is, are the international reaching. you live from my new center with moscow? i have my golf course. the other had all the u. s. secret service has taken the full responsibility for what she calls the agencies most significant failure. that is the failure to prevent the attempted assassination on donald trump. i should make those comments during an official inquiry into the incident. the assassination
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attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th, is the most significant operational failure of the secret service and decades. the secret service, a solemn mission, is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. this kimberly, she don't, the director of the u. s. secret service, which is the agency that protects presidents, former presidents visiting diplomats and other important figures in the united states is facing a huge amount of scrutiny. and she's on capitol hill answering questions from members of congress about what went wrong and how the near miss attempted. assassination of donald trump was allowed to have that, and that was comes i made calls for her resignation, and people are asking about why it was that this suspicious man was in the crowd.
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and trump was still able to take the stage. why it was that the roof on which uh the shooter mounted himself and got out. his rifle was not guarded by a secret service agent. why it was uh that that roof itself was not within the security parameter, a lot of questions and not sufficient answers coming from. kimberly chito, it's been reported that before former president, trump got up on the stage that around 6 pm on saturday, july 13th. that the local police had identified and even photographed a man who was acting suspiciously in this manner turned out to be the gunman had been flagged as a potential threat. is that accurate? what i can say is that the individual was identified as suspicious. so he was known to be suspicious before a former president trump took the stage. that is the information i have received. why was he allowed to take the stage with
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a suspicious person having been identified in the crime? the detail had been passed information that there was a stretch. the detail would never have brought the former president out onto the stage. now, very little information has been given by kimberly chito about what happened. she has said that this is an ongoing investigation. and she simply will not answer questions when it comes to that one fact that we have been made aware of is that no one from the u. s. secret service was fired. as a result of what happened were, donald trump took a bullet in the year. in addition to that, it has been further of note that she refused to say that the shooting and the attempt on the life of donald trump was the result of a lone gunman. which is quite disturbing, and there are many times where kimberly chito is being asked pretty basic questions
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about the investigation and about the events she refuses to answer that we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations at any point. saturday. did the secret service have an agent on top of that roof and they're still an ongoing investigation. why did the secret service not? can you enter? why the secretary of state and place a single agent on the roof? we are still looking into the advanced process to the secret service using the drones for surveillance that day. so again, i'm not going to get into specifics. there were reports that the shooter used to ground just a few hours before the rally start time. is that accurate? i have heard those same reports and again and waiting for the final report how many secret service agents were assigned to president trump on the day of the rally. again, i'm not going to get into the specifics of the numbers. even more basic questions were dodged or pushed aside by this very important security official in the united states. i'm sorry, i'm not understanding your question, real simple, more gums,
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especially dangerous ones, have made your job. protecting people easier. is that not? right? i think ads from every record key to this a simple english more guns. do they make your job more complicated or less complicated? secret service needs to take into account. i didn't ask that the very i, i'm sorry. i asked simple question, which deserves a simple answer. now are the conversation, or rather the grilling of the top secret service person and the person running the secret service and the top job and her response to the questions just doesn't have the american people satisfied many elected officials. many political voices of social media is full of people just pointing out that these answers are not satisfactory. we almost lost the life of a former president and a front runner in the presidential race and real answers are not being given. now of course,
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there are many who look into the events that happened with us president donald trump, the front runner in the election, former president united states, and are asking questions if there was a political nature to the lack of security that was provided or the failure of security on that day, if there was a wider effort against the president, if this was not the work of a long world, a lot of questions have been raised and there aren't a lot of answers on capitol hill, lard johnson, the pharmacy i'm less than c o, but just to see it says that even though the u. s. secret service director admitted to a failure, that's little consolation, as there is growing evidence that the failure was deliberate. is it that when, when you, you know, it's one thing. if you forget, you know, you've got a long list of things to do and you forget one, okay. i understand that this is stop for failing to forget. one thing they denied donald trump resources they, they put
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a person in charge of the event who had from what i've been able to determine, no experience in running these kinds of details as an individual, his background was in cyber crime. and they, they did not have joint communications plan. so it just, you know, it's one thing after another that they failed to do. so. now at some point you begin saying was this, was this a deliberate effort to put in competent people into a position where they would fail in order to facilitate the murder of donald trump? and i think that's exactly what happened. well that's been a day sitting still by didn't declared, but his quitting depends additional race. but many people are asking why is key of the us leaders announcement was made on the social media post. but if he hasn't appeared in public for a few. busy years now, republicans have even
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a demanded that the white house provide proof that it wasn't, in fact, by this decision to drop out of the election. i demand proof of life from joe by them today by 5 pm. he needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he's aware that he dropped out. hiding is completely unacceptable. a little while ago biden's doctor has said that the president is recovered from cobit, which he supposedly called just a few days before quitting the race. i've been spectrum, they shouldn't, that do my didn't my to resign from the presidency to give the spotlight to his car and v b come a lot higher as a new post has appeared on by the social media saying he will continue to work for the unity of the united states until the end of his time in office. how about the post seemed to do little to convince americans that he was indeed has decision to create the race. now on the body, the social media post, the people started questioning whether he actually heard the news about him
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quitting the race. the house dog where is bided, is now treading on x. social media with use as posting means about the president haven't gone mistake. not only americans, but also some news outlets of sound of the alarm. well, the concerns about where your body could actually be not physically seeing him even address a camera in delaware, lelona, an oval office statement like it'll be j did when he dropped out in march of 1968. the it is disconcerting. isn't that right? they didn't even release a white house, still photographs and nothing. so are we, i mean, i hope he's fine for you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living in the weekend of burning is right now. like proof of life please. it's pretty clear from the present schedules that he is at his beach home in delaware. that's why he's been self by slicing also being tested for krusik 19 late last week when
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he was in las vegas, that is, according to the official schedule. but let's be clear about the from the very unusual circumstances we've seen given we have that statement that was posted on social media on sunday that he's not seeking re election. it is incredibly strange that we haven't had anything to just verify that. first of all, to void and authorize that post to be made. well that he made himself because if we look at that post, it is an electronic signature. he didn't sign it to himself. and i think even though the president of the us apparently has co, which we told his mall symptoms, it wouldn't have been too much to have perhaps posted a short video or even a photo. because i think you can guess the people going to stop say we're west group. all right. and he says in the address that he's going to speak to the nation in the next few days and explained his decision, we still don't have a date set in stone for that. and so of course,
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lots of people are really questioning where the president is, whether he really is the person who controls that message that went out spite nads . if he just sent in a sick glasses and that, you know, i call and come into it today. but how about the west, the main stream media have they reacted in any way or are we the new ones? that's curious. oh, i think that has been a little bit of dissection i to the announcement came on sunday, but i quickly moved on to let's praise kamala harris. let's get to sit democratic person on the ticket and that's we where the focus is being. and again, also it gives him the in the last few weeks, the amount of speculation has been on cnn and nbc and cbs about to biden's company to the facility. it is interesting, the difference that face post was made on his own personal twitter feed. it didn't come on the white task feed. i'm this as a say, no evidence to suggest that we definitely know to void and was behind it. still questioning anything about that. and i think that is quite interesting. happened. narrative has just moved on what we have now. our old grandees,
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the policies coming out and saying, well doesn't show you good one for standing down. let's get behind kamala harris. let's just give you a flavor of what people have been. say, you know, it was a very, i was very sad, honestly, i think it was necessary. it's important. it's an incredibly important decision and difficult decision that he made for the country, but not, not the final chapter that he imagined and not maybe the final chapter that he deserved. in any event. he's been one of the great presidents of american history. he's done extraordinary things and offers, he's a great patriot and he's a great leader to make is a great leader mix waiting for green leaders and helps to raise them and nurture them. and that's what he's done with the vice president harris. and we're going to see extraordinary and unity and focus in our party getting behind president biden's
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choice, joe biden, who will be saying, i think by most historians, is the person that feedback authoritarianism by writing in 2000 and did his part by deciding the step down in 2004, and like cincinnatus leaving power voluntarily and going out. joe biden. great president to know so well. know anybody say we've spoken to joe boyd and we've seen him know things very interesting. but i just want to take you down the different task a moment because there was any saw it in us cold axia monday. he's got a suggestion as to why joe biden held off for so long from announcing that he wouldn't be seeking re election. we know he has said he's endorsed kamala harris, he's current vice president, and he's asking for donors to give them money to her to get her across the race in november, but according to axles which has spoken to several aids close to joe biden. he doesn't have confidence, kamala harris has it in her to we not election in november. and if that's true,
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that's saying that's a reason why she held off, because he believed he could dfacs in her. and he's not the only one. we have had no endorsement from the obama, despite the very last the statements. we've had no endorsement from chuck schumer, he's a big old one. these in the policy, and none of them yet come us and said they support kamala harris. i think that's very interesting. i think tells you most about what's that play a little while of body and has delegated to the head. so the us treasury and state departments. his authority over the rebuilding prosperity for ukraine's at which includes regulations on support for the country and the seizure of russian assets. and that's according to a document posted on the white house website. we spoke with legal and media analyst, alonzo. he said, it's possible that the democratic party is planning to make coming to hire as an
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after president soon to increase our chances of winning the november election. and now they're talking about joe, why he's gone. it's like it's a eulogy or you little you. he will be minus, she was the grade president, the president. what are you talking about? oh, what a great man he was was. wait a minute. where is he? don't worry. it's like, like you're a child, isn't your, your pet died and your parents don't have the courage to tell you that fluffy is gone. let me tell you what's gonna happen next. partnership prediction of being that it can pipe sonic, i'm, i'm reading the entrails of the beast. they're going to ask joe, in some form, maybe and a, and a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old, the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button, but he will step down and the 25th amendment will take place, which means that com
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a lot. harris is now the acting president because as we speak the here, why the weeks joe biden is the president. he may not be running for re election in a $106.00 days, but he's the president. now if he steps down, they turned it over then to carmella harris as acting president, and she is the incumbent at people. mike, who never have even thought of voting, includes the mind interested. they're going to hit the dog whistle to play and call solve the klaxon and people are going to come out of the woodwork sites. i wouldn't be a part of making the history again, like we did with black obama and people who are going to vote. people who aren't even interested. they're going to say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. the jokes, the meetings, the cackles, the non sequitur, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer after the ukrainian conflict now, where
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a russian forces continued to make it that is on the front. moscow's defense ministry published footage of a strike using these kind of missiles on the trade in positions in the den. yes, drew a pop up rush that reported heavy ukrainian losses, including 60 pieces of military equipment. and i, senior correspondent, broadcast b f as the 1st member of the russian media to visit the nearby auto regina about a settlement that has recently been taken over by russian forces. in this latest report, he highlights the area is still on the thread because of drones overhead. actually it's in the easy, easy to spot. destination is where the very sky flashes i bones we do to, to risk driving that vehicle. he said he resistible targets,
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especially c. instead, we will. the cities alone and dangerous trick, but preferable to the open road. beyond is that you did not 2 months ago, ukrainian defenses here collapsed. politics, you credit in troops ran from what you need to know before russian forces even enter this it was an embarrassment, the key of which explains why it is now so determined to
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a race i to day to not of the class the munitions left just before the testing munitions was the one was an, the drum, the beeping. as you can see, is it a drone detective? which when uh, an f b b drew the crating of the drilling approaches within about
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a couple of hours and a half of us were killed almost a radius of the kilometer. it starts beeping they will very loud because they load it up to 2 kilograms of explosive shrapnel. and the only real suicide defense is not to be seen. which is one with hiding bushes. s b, b who car because the druids look for movement. they spot, you, they go for you. the psychological effects to ease. sylvia
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surely do of the, the during brief spells of clubs, we move trees to ruin. buildings never fall from cover of the train station where in a rush, but this is almost said to $2626.00 cv drove the last vitality to the full ukraine was
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catastrophic. it's allowed russian forces to sweep beyond capturing village, often village and for every ukrainian drone, a russian one flies right back. the the least little pace of technological evolution is striking. never before have druids being utilized in such numbers. and with such intensity, dozens upon dozens, every hour, every day, just you know, to date, you know, a new and terrible way of rule that is here to stay for i'd gas v of odd sieve from i to the to the then the people's republic and the way from the fund lies, not the you. you stopped up. mike says most of the blocks member states are against hungary,
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self dictated piece mission to and the ukraine conflict. and he believes that old e u countries must follow a common european paula to go a course of the statements on deck today. action implemented by day home, guided from mr. under funding effort and used to hungry on member stage with one single exception. very, very much we need to go about decent behavior. each member stage is struggling on each for the info to see to but as far as they are members of this club, they have to be to the, to reduce any particular to this optical reduce asking for loyal corporation and implementation called they come positions confident, but it is not something that you can do or not. you have to. so the foreign affairs ministers of the e sign act, we're going to take the show on the road to budapest, at the end of august, as part of the hungry 6 months presidency of the council therapy in union. but then i'm hearing prime minister victor or bon hit,
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the ground running on day one of the job on july 1st running around to visit ukraine, russia, china, nato. trump, as a by john saying that he wanted to talk to every one to find middle ground in all these major global conflicts in the interest of peace. he was firing off notes and suggestions to european brass. well guess who was making the capitol circuit. diplomats look bad, very triggering for them. and for the you even morales saying there, uh hey, well, get in line with the quote club and quote oh, they was quote, loyal cooperation in the interest of the comment positions on you for a policy which is apparently to keep your mouth shut about the interests of the citizens who actually democratically elected you while sitting around waiting for cold showers to stick it to russian president vladimir putin and, and the conflict in ukraine. so since or bond refuses to do that,
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burrell technically is the one who gets to call all foreign affairs meetings, informal or otherwise, has decided to just pay this particular meeting out of food and pass. and instead have it in the use tranquil garden in brussels. that way, diplomats, whose job is to take on board and engage contradictory views don't have to worry about being triggered by any i know the issue, which is where to hold the. the informal photographers concealed. i had to make a decision for him to go for the next footing and shake and defense council meetings, informal in brussels. when we come back from college, actually we have the countries even said that they were cool. with keeping the meeting in budapest, but burrell decided otherwise, which is super democratic. he was like, well, in any case, there was only really one country that actually supports or bands behavior right
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now. so hey, let's just make this meeting all about that. well, it's not really about all of for bonds behavior. it's about this one meeting but arouse kind of actually like a spouse, you get into a fight with them. suddenly they start dragging up issues from 10 years back. or in this case several weeks back for several months and making all about everything. so the country that supports or bon and hungry is initiatives in this role is lakia, which by the way was kind of like, hey guys. um, so is piece bad now, is that what's going on here? yeah, apparently there is because ro and the same breath as he held this press conference and made this announcement. as also said that the interest on russian assets is ready to be used to supply ukraine with weapons by handing over the cash to be here again,
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commission didn't ministers on the progress stores the 1st tasha of 1.4 b. the is expected to happen at the beginning of august. next week. we have set to find those the position for priority military appointments once again or defends. and once again, when do sion for our duty? and also on these as news recruitment, the full day ukrainian defense industry, who's the ukranian defend in this industry. in this particular case, are we talking about germany's ryan metal over there making weapons as a stock skyrockets? it's certainly a big risk for europe's military industrial complex when you have a guy like for bon running around trying to secure peace and to the middle east now, as benjamin nothing. yeah. who is going to washington maybe may need hoping for a meeting with joe biden. pocket stands, galvan has called these ready prime minister,
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a terrorist demanded that the will bring him to justice. you had cable the ears really, guys and terrorist and it won't criminal all demanded from the international communities that in india, who should be brought to justice for his crimes and the inside mazda the nation, as well as the whole world, should immediately play the fonts in stopping this oppression that he may have a special committee has also being created to the end of 5 pro done for me as well as well as from western firms that support the v and bind their sale in pakistan. is i'm about also promised to send more than a 1000 tons of relief supplies to policy and by the end of the month of august and 1000 have diplomatic relations with ease. roland does not recognize it as a country doctor studded even voted against the creation of israel back in 1947. they had all the practice done that's got is done use for myself, my job. as called for joint action from our countries to pressure ease, roll into ending and the watering gas, the middle eastern countries,
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the shirts step up, they should the bottom of a gruff fisher form of each end up at the end of the church, especially as the is there any going above the discomfort is part of the major eastern politics and all those countries are actually kind of feature that score. unfortunately, they have their own lesser than uh, is there nothing they can just, uh, the see to do this he towards this perfect to them and to the national best. so i don't think so that there will be a kind of pressure from the, from the actual community as well. and so me to listen, come to the last step. part time is mobbing behind the channel came back to me with the permit fees bid out of country. let me that some other countries to put some kind of pressure on those are the government and on the western order as well. so the 1st the responsibility and the 1st priority of them is the, the signature, middle eastern, the mysteries and governments over there shouldn't be too. uh,
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some of our former printer lines are kind of finance report is on the back porch and put it under the pressure so that they can resolve this issue. and then the rest of the community can uniform the bridge behind us. so you update this alex, you can get further details of all the stories we're following on our t dot com. thanks for watching a bite on the,
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the the the
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the the how many was the, you know, where you were trying to live with your government? apologize to you and i'm done in
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3 years though. my daughter has not been outside to work because i'm so scared of. i'll walk down to see where a stray bullet is gonna kill her. and i'll be holding my daughter. that is something scary. who is a friend not too long ago. 2 she died with the talk to you all would use the industries like of the i'll say the next
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day next day i've seen of the down the street with the . c the by 20 to 34 years to like 2000 sale of 2000. and so that's why they called us out, right? correct. not those. those are those on the noun. that's why we came up with ameristar, right? because we lost mo status is to go back to the us. oh no, no,
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no, no, because nobody off is doing this for everybody to on there. so they can do the one who don't give me way is more to than what i read the the,
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the home on the block. but all mind letting me know my to load, they say my problem model in my pocket for a good job, but just delta games. what that means, what you're going to tell me, what else or what god created, even though my telephone no boss of july was with them. things like a with a gas sacrifice. did they all live my life cycle fi light really nice. i am engaged the, the, the welcome, the
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corner store. many people have lost. they live out here at the store is still got crime scene criteria from last incident that happened up to you got to stop and got a chance to see a learn about this before they learn how to walk games this out. now, i'm making people ready for our goal is to take out on the games real goods and realize. so the game is just a really a training manual for the next stage, because after you play the game so long, you will want to go, once you get your gut and be on your mission and then you're going to be ready to q . and let's say it's easy to pull us right in real life in the video game and wants to start it's addictive, is the rush as a high pitch and costly want. so that's why i be so many shoes because once we see so 1st, so far as person, you know,
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go care about. so nobody else or the next person or the next person or the next person to be out here and even lost my brother. it was a car coming off as i looked through the list here. i see the past is a, had a part of the place you to say i'm not that a. so it was i soon as soon as i've seen it simultaneously, when i look up to tell my brother, then he got out. he got a gun, they get the soon. so i ran over there, checked his policy and solve it. so he was gone, the, the, the, we are not one of the community, your brothers. i didn't fast simply as my boss is all corner parts here tour and we
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cause to transfer the soldier has always been on the front of our young brothers. looked up to him, felicia is a young prince that street. thank god he says here billy, i got that name a long time ago before i guess on. oh gosh, i lost my live. that's the outcome of everything. i'm not sure you guys but where they, when it happened, when i found the ssl janessa wright and slow the door was open on the brand, jump over this and closed the door. somebody won't let go this. i'll go on and throw some like that problems. i really don't know,
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i really want pain and sense i was paying attention once you the police came into the store instead of them trying to focus on. so they came up in my face pushing the right way outside, trying to explain to them that the guy who was shot was land down on the land. but this officer failed there. he just had to take me down and he grabbed me up in an egg area and went to try and harassing me that everybody's been told offices from the moment they came in. they didn't do that. so. yes, sir, he wonder with me the wide one? no blood and nothing comes to know if i'm only like way use it. and i can get back up and walk in and i study gas for brand. so it felt like i would go down those as
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most scary as far, right? the sway lose low, right? yeah. the way you have a lot of them a know, you know, i used to be struck. so once upon a time, everything had a repercussion. it's not no repercussions right now for what these young guys are doing. right now is more about the tribes. everybody got, they only charge now list section and everybody holding down this section and the best way they can fill out. but i'm like, what happened? no way they did not fill out the political and then we pull up on the why already know is going to be able to, i just don't want to be the go tell
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me what's happened with the people who did this to you. so do, but you know, he's, i, what i mean, the street talk and people say a thing, they have things happen to the people who say have some pain about them. but like i was you, i wanna know i'm still in the hospital and i have to tell them everything was going on, but definitely get and the right way the right way. i mean it is only case all he go though and he that is like mommy's, it has all the go. so now i don't feel done by the, on the novel may not really on the search the story k model girl. and i got you no problem saying that i would love to know if any arguments us out in the drive. i sure like to sign with her. she does
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have one demario make me a model term. you know it's easy. yeah. just one. the son killed that just like one of the tragic things that happens in inglewood. you know, we got a lot of up and coming stars and a lot of people didn't pass like hailing the, you know, one minute. now on the same next menu here, some tragic about the visiting or a ramp. you mentioned the south side neighborhood of englewood, late in the day, she had it for the boss to take her home. she was standing near a 15 year old boy. we're dark colored s. u v rolled up and opened fire. the teenage boy, the intended target is rushed to the hospital. phil sir bon,
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sadly kalen vocational lucky the release of come to the russian states. never as one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the send the 6595 and speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen closer to
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the hello and welcome to the cost of full horses? here we discussed some real names the look the last in the bag. you have a lot. i got hit like 3 times. they actually got a bill in my bag the day taking it out of the day about my son or whatever leave that alone is satisfied. don't don't know where i just know. i hit the ground. i get off and get up. i hit brief. i looked at the side it was came, i tried to grab whatever sheets huffman like no, no gas or she like the soon as i get up, i'll get the film
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a shot. payson was fun and i felt i had to pick up this book. last came, trying to grab me. all right. okay. let me uh see on the home. are you sure um yeah, the the ground. oh, tell me, i gotta wait 2 more minutes. will ambler does it be up uh for the, for us to issue the chaise and i was just gonna let, how does this sound like that? the immediate point, the thing that john john saying he wants to target the guy, carolyn q, but he wasn't to target these of them were the other way to do it as well, sir. i do start the most of the long some people are oh great. okay. then i'm on that as a girl,
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is that right now? i'm a little older, so i think of a different, you know, sometimes you gotta stop at a point. you gotta be things in place to get these of the grandma's house, best or ever uh like the 1st house that we really lived in was the one the most showing this out of all of us. it was me so i can see what other cousins. so i grew up here and she was a short answer man. out of out of nowhere, she just shot a flight was taller than every one and it was all in the she always like same song, so love to be in front of the camera. stuff while i, teen girls get, you know,
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do it again. i started taking photos on her and like we had one of our 1st photo shoots on the end of this block and i just would take pictures with her. you know, she was on the way and then she finally started to take it serious. she went on tv and a tv show. coming to the studio. i see 2 people working on my daughter was doing her hair. the other one is 6 and how close i came in and just like i just looked at this and i couldn't believe it. i just looking at looking at how she was looking to help facing like i get off away and as such as he sits in the studio and taking pictures of her my, the daughter i took a bunch of pictures and i don't know why the i had to choose one and caitlin was the one that i chose simply because she was
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fabulous of the cat walk per ad who was making next. and so beauty was just an explosion. she just came miles and everybody gets in the sense of looking at this beautiful girl walking like a super model professional model of the kind of was and then it was sold and then people side class. and i knew that i made the right decision, the never stop coming around because that's all she talked about. i don't think i'm a li, uh when i'm making a promise, i'm gonna be back on problem. so i'm not only we always go be friends or family. so don't, don't know the words that her soon as i make it,
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i'm coming to the song coming back to the father. my flag is one, the only wife faces on the south side. but one of the loudest voices for social justice, the society had to recognize caling because she had made it somewhere she had reached some goal. she had doors open, she had been acknowledged and recognized by the modeling community. although k lanes of loss is a huge, huge, a more thing if you will, of the potential that she was moving into she is a symbol of the abortion that goes on every day. we only talk about abortion is
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a woman, a clinic for guess what? when ever a life is not allowed to reach has potential it's an abortion. and we allow the insides of the path to 15 minutes to a bright light like i was going for a while i was on for the white lights. like a white wall really is like, i don't like suicide like has this to as my own the
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my dad called me said kaitlyn i get inside. sell out the car and just and just with scream, somebody at this apartment is up here and yell down asking me what was wrong. and um, i'm assuming that um they called, they called the police army officer to offices, walked up on me. and i was very cautious. so that i, i guess i probably looked like i was on drugs or something and had his hand on his, on his, on his revolver. and i just kind of looked at them and just i was able to just kind of get it out. so my daughters just guess, i guess he called it in to check on it and came back and the officer had tears in his eyes. finally get to the hospital that
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walk a sudden she had passed away the wish that i hadn't seen that. and i just try my best not to think about that that that that the, the johns, i've never met because the media wants to make out it john, so i'm with the reason for kayla's death and even her family believe the same thing is i'll see you that is he a little more time fire with made it didn't take
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a long time to get a long time nozzle made me very upset. go somewhere and then come 1st. the police king. no police can take me to the doctor said they ask stupid questions. love disappear, friends and anonymous man, a name like they like the you know, think about some like katelyn and all the different things that come to know about her. there was an occasional shooting that is so, you know, rocks the conscience that people sort of take. no. but otherwise there's this sort of like, you know, mean effect is going on here. most people can't get their arms around the, the notion that their child can't go to the store because they get killed on the way there. and i don't think that the public ever fully appreciates what that does
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to a human. we have this group, this large group mentally there, i'll look in the world is changing not for the better because they're living in this bunker. and i don't know if there's any doctor in the world and wouldn't agree that many of these children are suffering from p t. s d, because the environment they're in. there's gunfire all the time. everybody passed to everything and never know it is bodies of bands of us. so we just tell me to to know how to load of on, on a, anything like that. like how we deal with kayla, you know, follow the database. it's also they still in to the,
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to the school. thank you so much. the the constant threat of learning violence creates a discord in so many areas of our lives and my life in the life of my students that it interrupts the educational process. and oftentimes, it's not even the ad providers perpetrated against my students is the fear back survivors be perpetrated against their relative sort of their, their close family members. so the violence permit it to that goes it seems a ripple effect. the bmw of both
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the 95 percent of the brothers algae on the street. we want to demonize and call gang bangers, 95 percent of them want alternative to be able to take care of themselves, take care of their family, you know, have a kind of drive, have a job to go to have a place to live and i keep telling chicago and other cities, the power in our cities is being shut down and buried in our streets. we are destroying killing and locking up potential that can help turn around chicago. the ferry i'll just do like single, the
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red light turning on hey, just a moment to possibly myself cooking time from being a see a level wage needs and making some change
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the the, the, the destination attempt a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service in decades. the head of the us secret service at nights the attempted assassination of donald trump was an unprecedented fiasco. ma higher agency actually phases, questions about the incident and be mindful hi to resign. republicans denied and prove that joe biden is fit for offers and actually made the decision to drop off of the election as he hasn't appeared in public. and democrats had been circling the wanda and instead of taking he's alive and well.
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the last is just before the test, the munitions was the one who's gonna be the drug, the beeping the from ortiz, the 1st me to try it out to visit the key such with, mentioned, but then yes, for complex after, let's take it by russian forces. the others is, are the international reaching you live from my new center with moscow? i a michael question. i had all the u. s. secret service has to get the full responsibility fee for what she calls the agencies most significant failure. that is the failure to prevent the attempted assassination on donald trump. i should make those comments during an official inquiry into the incident to this as
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a nation attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service. and decades, the secret service, a solemn mission, is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. kimberly she don't, the director of the u. s. secret service, which is the agency that protects presidents, former presidents visiting diplomats and other important figures in the united states is facing a huge amount of scrutiny. and she's on capitol hill answering questions from members of congress about what went wrong and how the near miss attempted. assassination of donald trump was allowed to happen. and now this comes, i made calls for her resignation, and people are asking about why it was that this suspicious man was in the crowd
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and trump was still able to take the stage. why it was that the roof on which uh the shooter mounted himself and got out. his rifle was not guarded by a secret service agent. why it was uh that that roof itself was not within the security perimeter. a lot of questions and not sufficient answers coming from kimberly, she told me it's been reported that before former president trump got up on the stage at around 6 pm on saturday, july 13th, that the local police had identified and even photographed a man who was acting suspiciously in this manner turned out to be the gunman had been flagged as a potential threat. is that accurate? what i can say is that the individual was identified as suspicious. so he was known to be suspicious. before a former president, trump took the stage. that is the information i have received. why was he allowed
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to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the con, the detail had been passed information that there was a stretch. the detail would never have brought the former president out onto the stage. now very little information that has been given by kimberly chito about what happened. she has said that this is an ongoing investigation and she simply will not answer questions when it comes to that one fact that we have been made aware of is that no one from the u. s. secret service was fired. as a result of what happened were, donald trump took a bullet in the year. in addition to that, it has been further of note that she refused to say that the shooting and the attempt on the life of donald trump was the result of a lone gunman. which is quite disturbing, and there are many times where kimberly cheadle is being asked pretty basic
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questions about the investigation and about the events she refuses to answer them. we are fully cooperating with ongoing investigations at any point. saturday. did the secret service have an agent on top of that roof and there still an ongoing investigation? why did the secret service not? can you enter? why the secretary of state and place a single agent on the roof? we are still looking into the advanced process. did the secret service using the drones for surveillance that day. so again, i'm not going to get into specifics. there were reports that the shooter used to ground just a few hours before the rally start time. is that accurate? and i have heard those same reports, and again, i'm waiting for the final report. how many secret service agents were assigned to president trump on the day of the rally? again, i'm not going to get into the specifics of the numbers. even more basic questions were dodged or pushed aside by this very important security official in the united states. i'm sorry, i'm not understanding your question, real simple, more gums,
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especially dangerous ones, have made your job. protecting people easier. is that not? right? i think ads from every record key to this a simple english more guns. do they make your job more complicated or less complicated? secret service needs to take into account. i didn't ask that the very i, i'm sorry. i asked simple question, which deserves a simple answer. now are the conversation, or rather the grilling of the top secret service person and the person running the secret service and the top job and her response to the questions just doesn't have the american people satisfied many elected officials, many political voices of social media is full of people just pointing out that these answers are not satisfactory. we almost lost the life of a former president and a front runner in the presidential race and real answers are not being given. now of course,
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there are many who look into the events that happened with us president donald trump, the front runner in the election, former president united states, and are asking questions if there was a political nature to the lack of security that was provided or the failure of security on that day, if there was a wider effort against the president, if this was not the work of a long world, a lot of questions have been raised and there aren't a lot of answers on capitol hill, lard johnson, that pharmacy i'm less than c o, but just to see it says that even though the u. s. secret service director admitted to a failure, that's little consolation, as there is growing evidence that the failure was deliberate. is it when, when you, you know, it's one thing. if you forget, you know, you've got a long list of things to do and you forget one, okay. i understand that this was stopping for failing to forget one thing they denied donald trump resources they, they put
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a person in charge of the event who had from what i've been able to determine, no experience in running these kinds of details as an individual, his background was in cyber crime of the they did not have joint communications plan. so it just, you know, it's one thing after another that they failed to do. so. now at some point you begin saying was this, was this a deliberate effort to put incompetent people into a position where they would fail in order to facilitate the murder of donald trump? and i think that's exactly what happened. well that's been a day sitting still by didn't declared, but his quitting the presidential race, but many people are asking why is key of the us leaders announcement was made on the social media post, but he hasn't appeared in public for a few days. now. the public ends have even
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a demand that the flight house provide proof that it was in fact, by this decision to drop out of the election. i demand proof of life from joe by then today by 5 pm. he needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he's aware that he dropped out. hiding is completely unacceptable. a little while ago biden's doctor has said that the president is the conflict from cobit, which he supposedly plug just few days before quitting the race. i've been spectrum that you shouldn't, that joe might in my to resign from the presidency to give the spotlight to his car . and v b come on a hire. as a new post has appeared on by the social media saying he will continue to work for the unity of the united states until the end of his time in office. how about the post seemed to do little to convince americans that he was indeed has decision to create the race. now on the body, the social media post, the people started questioning whether he actually heard the news about him
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quitting the race hash tag where is bided is now treading on x. social media with use as posting means about the president haven't gone missing. not only americans, but also some news outlets of sound of the alarm. well, the concerns about where your body could actually be not physically seeing him even address a camera in delaware, lelona, an oval office statement like it'll be j did when he dropped out in march of 1968. it is disconcerting, isn't that right? they didn't even release a white house, still photographs and nothing. so are we, i mean, i hope he's fine for you can forgive people for wondering if we are really living weekend and burning is right now. like proof of life please. it's pretty clear from the present schedules that he is at his beach home in delaware. that's why he's been self by slicing also being tested for krusik 19 late last week when he was in las vegas, that is,
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according to the official schedule. but let's be clear about even the very unusual circumstances we've seen given we had that statement that was posted on social media on sunday that he's not seeking re election. it is incredibly strange that we haven't had anything to just verify that 1st of all, to bite and authorize that post to be made. all that he made himself because if we look at that post, it is an electronic signature. he didn't sign it to himself and i think even though the president, the us apparently has co, which we told his mall symptoms, it wouldn't have been too much to have perhaps posted a short video or even a photo. because i think you can guess a lot of people going to stop say will west group. all right. and he says in the address that he's going to speak to the nation in the next few days and explained his decision, we still don't have a date set in stone for that. and so of course, lots of people are really questioning where the president is,
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whether he really is the person who controls that message that went out spite. yeah . does. if he just sent in a sick glasses and that you know, i call and come into it today. but how about the west, the main stream media, have they reactivated in any way or are we the new ones? that's curious. oh, i think that has been a little bit of dissection i to the announcement came on sunday, but i quickly moved on to let's price, tamala, harris. let's get to the democratic person on the ticket. and that's we where the focus is being. and again, also it gives him the in the last few weeks, the amount of speculation has been on cnn and nbc and cbs about to biden's company to the facility. it is interesting, the difference that this post was made on his own personal twitter feed. it didn't come on the white task feed. i'm this as a say, no evidence to suggest that we definitely know to void and was behind it. it was questioning anything about that. and i think that is quite interesting how the narrative has just moved on. what we have now, our old grandees,
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the policies coming out and saying, well doesn't show you good one for standing down. let's get behind kamala harris. let's just give you a flavor of what people have been say, you know, it was a very, i was very sad, honestly, i think it was necessary. it's important. it's an incredibly important decision and difficult decision that he made for the country, but not, not the final chapter that he imagined and not maybe the final chapter that he deserved. in any event. he's been one of the great presidents of american history. he's done extraordinary things and offers, he's a great patriot and he's a great leader to make is a great leader mixed way for green leaders and helps to raise them and nurture them . and that's what he's done with vice president harris. and we're going to see extraordinary and unity and focus in our party getting behind president biden's choice, joe biden, who will be saying, i think by most historians,
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is the person that feedback authoritarianism by writing in 2000 and did his part by deciding the step down in 2004, and like cincinnatus leaving power voluntarily and going out, he drove by doing great president and also well known. anybody say we've spoken to joe boyd and we've seen him know things very interesting. but i just wanna take you down to a different task a moment because there was a new site in us called axiom, and they got a suggestion as to why joe biden held off for so long from announcing that he wouldn't be seeking re election. now we know he has said he's endorsed kamala harris, he's current vice president, and he's asking for donors to give them money to her to get her across the race in november, but according to axles which has spoken to several aids close to joe biden. he doesn't have confidence, kamala harris has it in her to we not election in november. and if that's true,
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that's saying that's a reason why she held off, because he believed he could do facts and her. and he's not the only one. we have had no endorsement from the obama, despite the very last the statements. we've had no endorsement from chuck schumer, he's a big old one. these in the policy, and none of them yet has come out and said they support kamala harris. i think that's very interesting, i think, tells you a note about what's that play a little while of body and has delegated to the head. some of the us treasury in state departments. his authority over the rebuilding prosperity for ukraine's at which includes the regulations on support for the country and the seizure of russian assets. and that's according to a document posted on the white house website. we spoke with legal and media analyst alondo. he said, it's possible that the democratic party is planning to make coming to our as an after president soon to increase our chances of winning the november election. and
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now they're talking about joe, what he's gone is that gives a eulogy or you little you, he will be minus. she was the grade president, the president. what are you talking about? oh, what a great man he was was wait a minute. where is he? to pick, don't worry, it's like, like you're a child, isn't your, your pet died and your parents don't have the courage to tell you that fluffy is gone. so let me tell you what's gonna happen next. prediction prediction of being that it can pipe sonic i'm, i'm reading the entrails of the beast. they're going to ask joe, in some form, maybe and a, and a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old, the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button, but he will step down and the 25th amendment will take place, which means that com
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a lot. harris is now the acting president because as we speak here, why the greeks, joe biden, is the president. he may not be running for re election in a $106.00 days, but he's the president. now if he steps down, they turn it over then to come out of harris as acting president, and she is the incumbent at people. mike, who never have even sought a vote, includes i am not interested, they're going to hit the dog whistle the play and call sound, but clocks and, and people are going to come out of the woodwork sites. i wouldn't be a part of making the history again, like we did with black obama and people who are going to vote. people who aren't even interested. they're going to say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. the jokes, the meetings, the cat goals, the nonsense orders, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer after the ukrainian conflict now, where
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a russian forces continued to make it that is on the front. moscow's defense ministry published footage of a striking, using these kind of missiles on the trade in positions in the den. yes, the republic ross have reported heavy ukrainian losses, including 60 pieces of military equipment and senior correspondent broadcast b as, as the 1st member of the russian media to visit the nearby auto regina about a settlement that has recently been taken over by russian forces in this latest report, he highlights the area is still on the thread because of drones overhead. actually it's in the easy, easy to spot. our destination is where the very sky flashes i bones we do to to risk driving the vehicle. eason e resistible targets,
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especially here. instead, we book the eighty's alone in dangerous track, but preferable to the open road. beyond . he said to the agent 2 months ago, ukrainian defenses here collapsed products you credit in troops ran from much of the to the before russian forces. even enter this it was an environment, the key of which explains why it is now so determined to a race i to the,
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to not to the class, the munitions last, just before the test, the munitions was the one was an the drum, the beeping. as you can see, is it a drone detector, which when uh, an if the drone are you creating,
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that'd be the drilling approaches within about a little more than a half of us were killed almost the radius of the kilometer. it starts beeping. they will very loud because they load it up to 2 kilograms of exclusive shrapnel. and the only real suicide defense is not to be seen, which is one with hydrogen bushes s p v car because the druids look for movement. they spot you, they go for you. the psychological effects, the eas, sylvia surely do of
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the, the during brief spells of clients, we move trees to ruin. buildings never fall from cover the train station of we're in a rush, but this is almost said to $2626.00 cv drove the last vitality to the full ukraine was
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catastrophic. it's allowed russian forces to sweep beyond capturing village, often village and for every cranium drone a russian one flies, right back of the, the leasing pace of technological evolution is striking. never before have druids being utilized in such numbers. and with such intensity, dozens upon dozens, every hour, every day, just you know to day to not a new i'm terrible way of rule that is here to stay for i'd guys be of ought see from i to the to the then the people's republic and the way from the fund lies now the you, you stop. different mike says most of the blocks member states are against hungary . self decay at peace mission to and the 3 and conflict. and he believes that only
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you countries must follow a common european paula to go a course. the statements on deck to the actions implemented by day, from guiding from mr. under funding effort and used to hungry on member stage with one single exception. they're very much we to go about decent behavior. each member stage is solving on each for the info. this is true. but as far as they are members of this club, they have to be to date, to reduce any particular to be as optical. a asking for loyal corporation and implementation called the come positions, confident, but it is not something that you can do or not. you have to. so the foreign affairs ministers of the e sign act, we're going to take the show on the road to budapest, at the end of august, as part of hungry, 6 months presidency of the council therapy in union. but then i'm hearing prime
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minister victor or bon hit, the ground running on day one of the job on july, 1st running around to visit ukraine, russia, china, negro, trump as a buyer's arm, saying that he wanted to talk to every one to find middle ground in all these major global conflicts in the interest of peace. he was firing off notes and suggestions to european brass. well guess it was making the tactile circuit diplomats look bad, very triggering for them. and for the you even morales saying there, uh hey, well, get in line with the quote club and quote oh, they was quote, loyal cooperation in the interest of the comment positions on you for policy, which is apparently to keep your mouth shut about the interest of the citizens who actually democratically elected you while sitting around waiting for cold showers to stick it to russian president vladimir putin and, and the conflict in ukraine. so since or bond refuses to do that,
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burrell technically is the one who gets to call all foreign affairs meetings. informal or otherwise has decided to just pay this particular meeting a booted pass and instead have it in the use tranquil garden in brussels. that way . diplomats, whose job is to take on board and engage contradictory views. don't have to worry about being triggered by any i know the issue, which is where to hold the. the informal for the 1st come shield i had to make a decision for me to go for the next or flooding and shake in defense conceals meetings. informal in brussels, when we come back from college, actually we have to countries even said that they were cool with keeping the meeting in budapest, but burrell decided otherwise, which is super democratic. he was like, well, in any case there was only really one country that actually supports or bands
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behavior right now. so hey, let's just make this meeting all about that. well, it's not really about all of for bonds behavior. it's about this one meeting, but browse kind of actually like a spouse, you get into a fight with them. suddenly they start dragging up issues from 10 years back, or in this case several weeks back for several months and making all about everything. so the country that supports or bon and hungry is initiatives in this role is lakia, which by the way was kind of like, hey guys. um, so was piece bad now, is that what's going on here? yeah, apparently there is because grow and the same breath as he held this press conference and made this announcement. as also said that the interest on russian assets is ready to be used to supply ukraine with weapons by handing over the cash to the european commission. i am dated ministers on the progress stores,
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the 1st tasha of 1.4 b. the is expected to happen at the beginning of august. next week. we have said to find those the position of a priority military of women once again or defends. and once again, i'm with nation for our duty and also, and this is new recruitment, the full day ukrainian defense industry, who's the ukranian defense industry, in this particular case, are we talking about germany's ryan metal over there making weapons? as it's soc skyrocket, is certainly a big risk for europe's military industrial complex when you have a guy like for bon running around trying to secure peace and to the media is now as benjamin. nothing. yeah. who is going to washington maybe may need hoping for a meeting with joe biden partners. tense government has coal. these ready,
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prime minister, a terrorist demanded that the will bring him to justice variable, the ease really days and saturdays, and won't criminal all demand from the international communities that in india, who should be brought to justice for his crimes and the inside of mazda a nation. as well as the old world should immediately play the pots in stopping this oppression that a man or special committee has also been created to attend to 5 pro done for me as well as well as from western firms. i support the l. a. v. and buying their sale in pakistan is i'm about also promised to send more than a 1000 tons of relief supplies to policy unions by the end of the month of august and 1000 have diplomatic relations with ease. roland does not recognize it as a country doctor started even voted against the creation of israel back in 1947. they had all the practice done that's got is done use for myself, my job. as called for joint action from our countries to pressure ease, roll into ending of the water and gas. the middle eastern can base the insurance,
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step out the insurance form of a dropped fisher form of each end up. and then the mature pressure is the, is there any going above, the discomfort is part of the major eastern politics and all those countries are actually kind of feature that so unfortunately they have their own record in, uh, is there nothing they can just uh, the see today is the fee towards this contract to them and to the end of the messing with this. so i don't think so that there will be a kind of pressure from the, from the actual community as well. and somebody that lives in countries or not stuff like that is mobbing behind the agenda came back to him a different that's, he's been out of country. let me that some other countries to put some kind of pressure on. those are the government and on the western order as well. so the 1st responsibility and the 1st priority of them is the, the signature, middle eastern for dentistry is and governments over there shouldn't be too. uh,
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some of our former printer lines are kind of finance report is on the back and put it under the pressure so that they can resolve this issue and then the rest of the community can uniform the bridge behind what about so you update this alex, you can get further details of older stories we're following on our t dot com. thanks for watching a bite on the the
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the the i think it's invested in india right now. it goes on a role as well. i mean, there is no, nobody wants to be left behind. oh, we have some of the most successful multinational companies i knew in what the same company is. i'm not me this kind of money in china. and i think as a woman, i always felt i was a bit of a full, efficient and bully that there was people or they would just reach in for me to feed me to, you know, i mean, you mentioned the fact that, i mean most of my career i've spent positioning in deal because i worked with foreign bags and a lot of what was trying to bring scott pertaining to the, to hello and welcome. my name is i know from kids make them to my show in this
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double and an uncertain will of today the focus now more than ever is on india bought a guess today is the former country head of at sbc in the next president of the federation of in chambers of commerce and industry may not allow kid. why isn't indian banker chartered accountants and business executive. she was not only the 1st indian woman to get an m, b, a from harvard business school, but also the 1st woman to lead a foreign thing in india. and she has served on various boards and has been involved in the numerous role as an advisor for the indian government, including the prime ministers, trade and industry council, and 2013. she was awarded the pod must read, one of india's highest civilian honors for her contributions to trade and industry . nina is a strong advocate for ginger diversity in the workplace and is deeply involved in philanthropic activities,
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particularly in the fields of health care and sanitation. coming in a lot of good. we thank you in such an honor to be here with you today. no, i'm so happy. i'm so happy that you have come. you come from a legacy family. what was it like growing up? well, i would love to say that i was fortunate to have of a progressive parents of father and mother who delighted in the achievement of mine . and my sister who went on tools to become india is needing golfer and his students one of into is needing a coaches in gauze and that are janell warranty. and in my case, my sort of trajectory much more into the finance of my father was the you of an insurance company. so she took the golfing gmc was enough absolute because fanatic . and i took his financial jeans. oh, and i think the listen for a lot of us is how important father is in the she a thing of us goes as we go up itself and just lift mothers,
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it's left to y to families because the funds are busy. they're working, but i put together a book i knew from co t women and paul. okay. their voices, the stories and almost with one voice. every one of these women itchy, was the biggest influence in their life. was that father's? and what was the strict in his teachings annoyingly to you, or was he affectionate to loving? how is it a man of great integrity, very busy, affectionate, but not physically, demonstrably. so, but to boys who is there for me? and though i had a lot of influences the that was a not content in nature. so, so at every stage of my career, particularly, i wanted to go off to do an m, b, a at the harvard business school of uncouth religion detractors and sort of tried to influence my mother into, you know, she's just 22 years old and i'm going to send her off to the us, you know, she's never come back, go. she get married to a phone, i know,
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and it has all of this nonsense. and i, luckily, luckily had a father who understood my aspirations for myself and the mother who didn't let any of this get in the week. and the good part of it is because i had all these needs here. it's kind of how it was going to be a waste of money and time that so i was out to prove them wrong to do it wrong. so it's head sometimes to have those negative influence or yeah, because they can become big positives and like, and you're the 1st one to go to harvard business school. how is it being in and then women in less than 1982. huh. well, you know, i didn't go there knowing i was the 1st step one month into the school haven't start to that was someone to the office and i thought, oh my god, those men. exactly. okay. i don't know what have i done and they was, they gave me a little check and they said you were the 1st indian woman and you know, the business school is amazing. so, so that's how i know about it. when i was there in the eighty's. so this was 90 to,
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to a to, to it was very little news in india and for the television, those, these new highlights on newspapers. the only reporting on india was about fathers and floods and poverty. and we have a scene as a nation of sneak thomas and effects on not for what we are going to do. so there's lots of energy in time and my thought to mention to educating my classmates in to what we are about and the to jesus that they used to be taught at the harvard business school. and the 2 and a half cases that they had at the time. where is this, how hopeless jumped out the window and i'd be, haven't had to leave and deal in the days when we would because with the cetera directions to fire change regulation act with indian companies are foreign companies were not allowed to hold more than 40 percent so it was a very negative treatment and understanding of india, even at the business school today. that same business school has a research center in india and what's new cases. and then some of the important
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clauses happened on indian cases. i mean, most of my career i've spent positioning in deal because i worked with foreign bags and a lot of our workforce trying to bring capital into into. and it used to be in a post story trying to settle the in the story. you know, 2550 as it goes. what do you think the perception change? because i can get to new york, they're becoming more educated about to deal with both. but most certainly the lack of tools that need it after to and read to became a lot of quite unfriendly to find, just happy to, to, to the the, the big change in 1992. i mean in the opened up yes. and with that opening came a marketing of india abroad, the desire to bring capitalists into india, both in terms of what we call for an institutional investors into our capital markets. but only for the foreign direct investment companies being actually invited to come in. and with that change, i think we've been able to ensure that those that have come has made good money,
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have stayed hill over, have some of the most successful merchant actually companies they knew into what the same company is. i'm not me, this kind of money in china. we look at the success stories and some things like you need either in india, interest on div us and the scale of the engine operation, which is, you know, using the a quarter of what's needed globally. or even banks like i worked with with india, i was amongst the top 5 even when i will see you of the bank of top 5 and the h as me see system in terms of profit and performance. i'm equally to do, you know, maybe rising to be amongst the top 3. so the subsidiaries that are in deal in successful m. n c's, a very important subsidiaries of the multinational companies and the success stories i've watched by others who see what it is they can do it. so can we, right? and so we can get more and more the excitement to come in and invest in our story.
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and right now in gears on the road, i mean, there is no, nobody wants to be left behind the be a really beautiful point in all history, which the muskrat with both hands. i totally agree with you. what you went into banking hope chauvinistic, was the enlightenment when you started. well, you know, i, i have to see that icon seen that i was discriminated. ok in any way. i think the business school degree helped me because it was sort of the top of creative energy of good. i was also fortunate to be working in investment banking. me where you kind of sink or swim based on the dance you do. it's very obvious which has succeeded, was it don't. so it was hard for bosses to dispute what you had done because it was your dean and nobody else could really came credit for it. so i think for these factors helped me. if at all there was sort of strain which was much more of an india in the corporate world, it was
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a hierarchy. and that tends to go more to age. so if you'd be young, was creating more of a challenge and trying to move it into which was a better dr. see, to get rewarded for which one did not for the age, which explained to him the company was fuzzy. more of a challenge than now begin to think. so what was your driving force? what was it that does make you go for it? i just felt every time i met other people and who was successful in good, i did with many less seem to know me. and i would often think when, if he or she would do it in prison more he's been, she's been why not i, what does it take me to be there? the big driving force, of course, often was the nice is the people who would say, oh, i mean, you know, she's human. so she's a lightweight or the own codes and had said in the past that education is we. so and then she, in time she was to get them married. so it's the nice heroes at every stage that i
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guess have elizabeth competitive. i paid a lot of sports out of the out there to you to is your favorite is good, but i, i paid basketball for the school for the state. i played badminton for the school in state. uh so, yeah. so primarily those 2 games. but then when did i gave them up soon after college. oh, but the competitiveness of knowing what it seems like the women who stayed with me and i think that drove it to that it was always a little bit of i can get the if i want to, if i will cod until i there was always encouragement at the homefront to help me drive myself into directions that i felt really important for me to all, to do dealing with feelings in early stages of your life. very bad, very bad. think because you feel as juvenile and you're ready and secure. and unsure of you know, says as a young person who may not show it to me,
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but he just thought i'd vc of feels like this has to collapse. this is doing, steve, and i think is a woman's, i always felt i was a bit of a vision. and boy, they were people are, they were just reaching for me to feed maybe towards, you know, i mean, the mention the bank. so you felt that you sort of let down all of them and kind of not just yourselves and that put a hell of a lot of stream on one. so i see if i hadn't had that i might have had more fun than i had. the pleasure to see is in the process. but uh, i think at the end of the day i learned at the, again, my father was a big thoughts with an influence to really help me understand that celia was always the list going forward of it. it was only a feeling if i didn't know and within lesson. and some of the most interesting turning points in like 3 of a points with which look like. feel like when i look back actually shaped, which was a very important mix,
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still victims for myself. how is the banking and carpet in the scene and get changed over the past few decades of how i go about. i mean, look, when i entered the industry, we made of fortunes on federal dilution, which was companies i knew they shares in india and going out today. it's absolutely the way we want companies to come into india. when i started my career, we did not have to stock exchanges. the bomb based off the exchange was refusing to change with the times to improve us had issued the ideal of setting up a new stock exchange. and hence you for the in this seat. yes. come up because we just could not get the order to change. so the initially came in and so we took them on based off the exchange and that for the moment stuff has changed to change . we had stocks, shares certificates, which will buy it up invoice. you put in move fort myers because of the people that
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to which has been the whole stock exchange corporation of india. maybe had every certificate had to actually move and can just visit with mode. and we have a lot of scans as a result. and you know, this will take it so difficult screwing around with it was so much that was different. but we were able to bring a lot of change of views with the difficulty that we between 400 cars and to the, you know, the 1000 towards us from an l. i see it show that market has already absorbed. so the scale of what we are able to absorb to be an adult with a name deal because people like you and me of putting money into the stock market and putting it into mutual funds. and these funds now buying these shares, right? which otherwise, we used to wait for the foreign capital to buy. i remember that we were looking to do a 100 deal bund,
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4 lines in the seas when i was at morgan sandy and no other firm had done this in india. and we struggled to make sure that it could get off the ground and believe your lines could really do it. and it did, but from day to maybe up to date, in terms of the dental insurance that's happening in the markets. it's. so it's not just in a quick story for us, we need to do more. but the success of our capital markets, the scales on banks and i, c, i, c, h, e, a, c, v is banks today and did not exist as banks, right? when i started my career, i see i see i was a project finance institution. immediately put the money in, read the bank due to in terms of equity. yeah. you know, because i work for a bank, we didn't invest in stock. so my principal of this was no conflict, so i only have invested in mutual funds. i didn't trade on the stock market. and what do you think are the advantages of india as an insect that today? the advantages of,
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i think the biggest advantages derives from the high savings rates and the lot punchy me. but also from the fact that we now have what can i launch, max, me. and this is particularly true of the private sector banks. the strength of the i, c i t as each day of c's actually is particularly hundreds. these banks coming to the system. also the scale of a state bank, the window, and the public sector backs. uh, if at all i have some of his vision and seeing that it is absolutely the id, the banking system. it is that we have to 3 quarters of a banking system is with public sector banks. and i would certainly like to see some of that shareholders do it sort of dilute down either from what was being promised as some private died division or to the group of the private sector. it doesn't have to meet some shrinkage on one side. can be 2 growth and the other so that we get a little more balance into the system. but so this, this principle of bags today,
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the law not performing assets or in very good shape. so next question is very important for me personally. what you'd indian to invest in today to be there tomorrow. yeah. i think it's an investment even, you know, of course it's not about investing abroad. and these fortunately, limited money, budgeted school abroad. i think for each of us, it is uh uh, at one level, of course, if i can move you from financial markets, it's education, it's our culture out. it's everything that is the south side of india, which actually is football foot in a global context. i mean, it goes north for bollywood and before we even known for anything we were doing the financial mulkins quite honestly. yeah. i mean, even in china and russia, you name these countries in india was known for the film was it was making oh for odd for i think it was a non becoming a soft file. means we were known that oh yeah. for them like snake john was in india and they thought they didn't send in my is only about dancing that on the
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freezer things that uh yeah, it is. and before the good excited them about india was it's poverty and send them . oh yeah, it's uh, you know, it's the exact point and they said something like the use of to do the. yeah. yeah, i'm doing the classics. they what amazing, but. yeah i, i feel that the send them off in the and it presented outside should be send them up in the afternoon. yeah. i'll probably either tell them that is coming to it. is it? does it mean yes, a lot more thoughtful. and it's so important because it is a fortune of what india is today. yeah. and i think if we can continue to invest in all of it, of course general is what you would find design invest into w h to model. yeah. so i think we have the state. ok, so even though it was the land in short supply and just the sure special population . but we have to have, i think about and support. and so the idea would be, you know, maybe a 3rd in real estate heard and ditch instruments. i put in the equity and
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a little bit in maybe the commodity markets like food, etc. so you end up with this balance portfolio. and i would say it's best to do it from mutual funds, and that's what's really happening. people are investing to fix. and that goal of money is helping in do because even when do with capital went out, this is the flows time in history. that wind blew this capital markets reacted with money when dealing in deal. we did not see our stuff markets did because we had enough of domestic savings coming through these ships and the buying that is happening into our mutual funds. so our mutual funds through the gap before it and as an opportunity to buy a share price as fit. and this is what we call in the mature market. it's domestic saving, domestic money, which is fair, has been profile pa markets. we're not over dependent on foreign capital it the more how much is the role of the government and doing that, i would like to say it's really, there's
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a lot of companies that companies have to do with a system of markets to grow up and government can shout from the rooftops, but in my company's going to where it's no markets won't go up, but the government creates an ecosystem for the companies to do it. right. the government has to create an ego system where it's regulations don't keep jumping and changing, which makes it hard for them to one end, the corporate sector to people, but also for investors to have to understand the tax and the payments. and we did a lot of shopping and changing which put all foreign capital because they just put an understand our taxes beyond the point. and there was too much litigation, their own tax, which means a lot of foreign capital unhappy. and we do have some dependency on private equity, which is money that comes in in large chunks into our companies, and then going to need for institutional investors investing here. and we have to say good bye to the james. like for the phone at the time the tax mess we caught us
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headed into with retrospective taxation and hardware reputation be created for us as with the practice, we could come in with rich retrospective tax. so visa, hard lessons and lessons been known by us and which i'm sure we've been on seasons in deal. some governance rule has to be about fan is a just is a quick resolution of problems lending a hill to things that are not so happening. being able to solve for that uh, making sure that they play a very fast system that we do create an on even playing fields full in favor of some use of the others. and so they knew that corporate just do what they do best, which is the run they companies, they make sure that they create with the make sure that they're good community spirited corporate. and if they don't do it right, one of them. oh, you make sure that they get find that it gets to to add that they didn't, the justice system has appeared with so what government in this and not
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institutions, which would be the strength of it and get tomorrow one to so how important is the corporate is social responsibility initiative, the csr. so it's very important. i think when csr 1st came in that to be taught who, how did it come in? just as human as legislation of having said that. there was a village tradition among indian companies in giving yes. like does realize that they have for very long, even without regulation, you know, being give us into society. what did change was when became a regular nation, that those that weren't in there had to know thoughts with 2 percent of their profits into areas that were important in terms of community and community development. i think it gave a whole new focus to the rig companies for themselves. and many companies initially just wrote checks to enjoy,
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then they began to feel to be shipped to more. so the engagement of companies in actually monitoring and working down at the grass roots began to change. and in fact, one of the areas i'm working in now, which is inside edition with the ministry of drinking water and sanitation so that you can just send additional coordination, which is an in june which i started. and what we're doing did is with the corporate sector of going in and adopting models, images down at the grassroots basic government has said, we don't need your money. if the corporate, we don't need to money, we have enough money sitting in the system to help these villages become model villages. the ones you're in the corporate sector to adult. these villages to make sure that we can take all of the boxes one goes into a model village and bid. you can just make sure the execution happens. we've had the 1st incorporates come forward in this program. they've adopted these villages
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to make sure that they become one of the villages and the next phase of the program . we have another 54 parents coming in saying, hey, we like the success of what you've seen. this is a top public private partnership. we would love to play a role to hasn't come and spend money in sending station in water, in the villages. it'd be bulkhead or the village is the sound effect, cheese or the villages that are open to us. and so it's a national program. and i think this is what we want, that every citizen enrico predicts the responsibility to make sure that money that needs to be spent in particular ways and then money that's sitting there and getting spend, get spent. so tell us about the invest in addition coalition and the impact it has had. so my work is really sanitation for 2. it impacts women in a very big way. as you can imagine, what day is such an important subject for women. but the area we work, it is really more to do with the bringing what was initially this like product
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missions, program and i started and decided it is going to just 6 months before the prime minister announced the switch. why that mission? so just to look at, re moved from behavior, change and toilet building seemed better. and let's make sure people use them. you get them to make the toilets, but now it's a lot about treatment that what goes into the, to and it needs to be treated otherwise goes right back into the feed, a ride back into our water bodies right back into our rivers untreated. and it's the same mess. mice will let people who missed the gulf in the 1st place. yes. for the treatment side of it is very important in the government or the huge program on that too. and the mommy's on the along the ganges. but also at each village level how, how the seat, the rece, the comes from the door and how do we recover water, how, which is called the resource recovery program at no cost increase management. i mean the last, the, every way, it's also just thoughts. it's something that if we can,
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donal, it can be viewed, it can be used for fewer, it can be used for recycling. it can be used in methods which we have yet to discover. but what do we do? are we just it? and we way rather than collect it in a way that they can be used. so this journey for and is going to be a very important one on how the cover and reciting, waste everything with that switch, whether it's water, whether it's plastic, so that we can really have a clean, hygienic, in deal. one way beyond fully sick all the time with women benefit in particular though, because if the caregivers feel the ones left to stay at home, it'll cost at 600 and the other ones have to fetch water for miles. and at the end of the day, just of the proud of the nation, we have because it would be a keen and green in deal. so apart from your father,
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who has been your own mortgage on mentors or if i may ask you what so many for me because to life one doesn't just learn from one person. yes. if every person one comes in contact with, i mean i learned from my executive assistant who at the height of the rides and bomb be made, and we've only been advised not to come to office and i was in the senior road. i don't have to walk off the we go to office to find that my executive assistance that and should come from bend of for, you know, november all the way down to the 4 to ill and leaving a tier to a child with a neighbor. and i was like, what on earth think you're doing help? but do need the chief search was, hey, i put you would be here and you would need me. i mean, i was like this. she had every excuse not to come, which is here. and people like huh. i think it's an individual who brings it all to that lady. oh the no. i think people just bear with me
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a little i'm sure. i'm sure. yeah. but i don't think it's when we chatted, but she had the hardwood boss. she would have not done that. i would like to hear the heart of the bush may have color to fill that side but, but so what i've been, i was like, you might think twice about what am i trying to do coming to office? i mean, i came and checked that came with my think good. so if i have to run back home, i'm going to get back of and wondering why i'm doing this. and i mean, look at the lesson. she said, so i think we did lessons every day from so yeah, but so the baby would save all i know your goal is, you know, and you see and you come back with the such enforcement of thoughts of what you want to be. so yeah, i think mentors as many maybe having to do the thinking that a lot of kids. right. thank you so much and thank you for watching and joining me next week for another dripping conversation and let's go to the products,
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almost the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the destination attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure. a secret service in the head of the us secret service that makes the attempted. assassination of donald trump was an unprecedented fiasco. ma agency, she faces questions about the incident and demands for hard to resign. the republicans denied and prove that joe biden is fit for offers and actually made the decision to drop off of the election. as he hasn't appeared in public, and democrats have been circling the want on,


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