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tv   Perspective  RT  July 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the from july 26th until august, the 11th 10500 acetates from all over the globe will gather to compete in the summer olympics and paris france. however, present crones snap decision to dissolve. parliament has not only raise the risk of political unrest, but also security concerns for those involved with the games. this could come at a worst time as the international olympic committee is being called, hypocritical, and their banging of russian and bella roost athletes due to the ongoing conflict and ukraine, while ignoring the conflict in the middle east. at this point, one event which is suppose to unite the world in the name of sportsmanship and
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showcase the best of a country, leave a tarnished and disappointing reflection upon france. i'm sky now hughes and this is perspective. the france is known for many lovely things, but when it comes to protest, the french set the bar for creat tittie and expressing frustrations. and currently, there are many frustrated french people, frustration at the national government chaos is paired with prisons, anger, and all of their tax dollars being spent on the game. and not helping the needy or the poor areas within the city. the visits frustration. prisons have planned a massive flash mom that would fill the river scene with a human waist. at the exact moment present my crone and french mayor and had dog oh, are supposed to swim in the river and on or of the games. the plan to soil their
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leaders has gained so much momentum on social media. that elliptic officials are worried, the olympic events which will be held and the river will have to be delayed, as there is no plan, be for those events. this is just the tip of the iceberg or frustrations and controversy surrounding this year's games. so i thought i would bring in a panel of experts to give a preview of what to expect those on and off the field. we have our very own sports analyst. steve per stock has been holden who works as a sports caster and how lisky is a professor am or just uni, toronto, and author of inside the olympic industry, power, politics and activism. thank you so much for joining me. thank you, ben. i want to start with you on this. do you feel like the lympics that the olympics are still just as relevant today and important as they have been in the past. and i really don't, you know, i went through last night doing
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a lot of reading and research. no, and we were doing this today and looked back at some things. i mean, i can honestly tell you in 30 years and being in sports and, and play by play in various roles. i can honestly tell you the last time that i actually was heavily invested in the olympics. like i would say on more invest in the winter olympics and that's because of my love as you guys know for hockey, but i don't think they are scotty. i think it's changed so much. and i think specifically in our country here in the us with all the pros, boards, i think that's where everyone's attention is and, and i just don't get as excited as i used to get about it, let's say. and i'll, i'll tell you my age, i'm 53 back in the eighty's and even into the ninety's when i was really into the olympics. but in the last 20 years, i really haven't been that into the olympics in general, the summer olympics, or how would you know the olympics have always been seen as a source for diplomatic relations? however, do you feel like it's now becoming kind of more of
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a punishment if you do not go along with this a world wide agenda versus a motivation for everyone to get along as well. stealing takes a full of contradictions on that front and one president will say, politics have nothing to do with the olympics. k 2 and 6 people that politics algio and fix. and then another president will say, a, we're going to recognize taiwan, or we're not going to recognize taiwan or we're going to recognize russia. we're not going to or whatever. so it's pretty arbitrary. it's in the hands of the i o. c . they're answerable to nobody. so of course the olympics are political and sort of on the big geopolitical level and also at the macro level in perez's, we're seeing right now. oh, that's the thing, steve. because over the years, i know you've covered several different aspects, whether be the window of the summer events as well as other monumental sports events around the globe. you know,
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there's supposed to bring this huge economic benefit to city, especially obviously boost tourism, but obviously show the world how great the city is. but it also costs the city a lot of money as well. do you feel like that it's still the economic benefit today that it once was, and our city is still trying to attract, it may be as competitively as they have been in the past. the o cities are definitely bidding for that and bidding words to host the elliptic still however, i don't think it is a to an economic benefit always, depending on the city like real. for example, in 2016 uh famously lost a lot of money. they were in the whole, i think, a couple of $1000000000.00, and that's partly because they didn't really have the infrastructure to begin with . but if you're, you know, you have cities like in, in france for example, like parents or cities here in the us. that will host the coming up. the infrastructure is already there to an extent, so they will probably break even though, because historically most cities have not profited from the olympics. but it is still prestigious and an honor to host them. and it brings
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a lot of attention and tourism to the local businesses. however, in terms of the city itself, they do end up either breaking even or losing a lot of money. been this could not have been much of a surprise. i mean, everything that's going on within the french government was sort of predicted they've obviously had lots of protest over the years. do you think however, that currently because of what's going on in parliament that the french people have been able to or the french government have been responsible and carried out all of the problems that they made, which initially attracted the olympics to their land for the summer 2024. when they made this bed years ago that i wish i had the answer for you on that. i mean i, i certainly have my own opinion and i'd say no on that. um it watching a lot of the things again last night watching, you know, the way that the village is set up and, and things going on with the river. i, i don't know that they are, and i just think it's such a massive undertaking to bring all these things together. i mean, if you look back through the course of olympics, have other studies done what they said they were going to do?
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i don't know the answer to that either, but i sure am looking forward to seeing how it all goes there. i mean, one of the things i really thought was great was the eiffel tower in the backdrop, the volleyball, of course there. and i think a lot of the things they have set up are cool, but in terms of your question again, i would say no to that, scotty. i don't think they have well and how and you know, between present a crone actually dissolving parliament and throwing this government to chaos, as well as some of the terms we've seen on green friendly policies, which they have actually pro, to the one that comes on mind. is this installing ac units? when they said at 1st there was going to be no air conditioning because they did not want to put the carbon footprint. and then obviously all these countries, including the united states that we're going to bring our own a. do you think that the olympic committee, the i a see actually deserves all of the controversy that it's being that is being given right now? so yes and most so absolutely. um and it's from my perspective,
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it's a good thing to see increasing critique and i've been getting for this for more than 25 years. and as have a lot of other little bit critics. and every year we see increasing numbers of protesters, of grassroots groups that are organizing on environment issues or any poverty issues of the criminalization of homelessness, all sorts of social issues, social impacts, and they can all make impacts the, the cost of tax payers. so yeah, more, more is good in terms of protest and raising go to awareness of the downside of deal with ex. oh, but that's the thing doesn't take away from the assets. so that's why i'm, that's my question to you. how it is, because do you feel like in any way? well, yes, those causes are probably very, very well deserved. does it take away where people are more focused on those that have nothing necessarily with the assets who has spent years training for? is it fair necessarily to mix the 2?
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i think the view is around the world can do 2 things at the same time. i think they can be, had their awareness raised about social and economic environmental issues and at the same time, appreciate and value the work that's gone. the dedication of the athletes i said, will save. you've talked a lot of these assays, when you're doing your interviews with them, do they often bring up some of these issues that are being protested, or do they more focused on their support when they're talking with you to? well, i think it depends on what the issue is. specifically, mostly they're focused on their sport. but when it comes to, for example, russian athletes and bella, russian athletes being banned from participating in terms of the ceremonial aspect in terms of having their flag in their anthem play. they have to participate as new drop is. they have a lot to say about that and then a lot, lot of other rapids are also, you know, kind of for that as well, due to the conflict going on and ukraine. but that's very hypocritical,
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because we could say the same about a lot of other conflicts going on where you could make the argument that us or israel shouldn't be allowed to have their flag, or anthem plated as well. if we're gonna, you know, it should be a blanket rule. if you're going to be, can, you know, if you're going to enforce they should be consistent. but personally, i don't think any athletes should be punished due to what their government or leader does in terms of uh, being involved in conflicts because sports and, you know, conflict such as war should not be a mixed it's, it's a totally separate issue. so yeah, they're very vocal about issues such as well that and what's interesting about see, i know a lot of, uh, ex, a sports coverage of it. sometimes try to avoid the politics at least in years past . but this year it seems like they cannot avoid it. hence why we're going to go to break, and when we come back, citizens are calling on the olympic committee to ban israel while this author and guys, a continues plus after complete ban of the 2022 winter olympics, the russian delegation will once again compete. however, will they be treated fairly and accepted like all of the other athletes. so we'll
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continue our discussion to handle that 1st after the break, the to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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have games? dan has a drug with conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the afghan lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to predict the independence fee a mere of a dentist in doors to homage turned for help. though russia waits, the rate is considered their deal. political adversary, this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half gans in august 1839. the invaders occupied couple and brought their henchmen to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed any resistance, thus is deli. they slaughtered all i have gained man who had reached the delta and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims to 1841. a general uprising against the british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general
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elton stone left couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the $16000.00 invaders who had begun their march from google made it to the british position in general about the defeat of the royal army caused in norm is damaged to the prestige of the british empire throughout the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the arrest. peebles resistance to the colonialist, it just failed the races. smith of the european invincibility, the more expensive. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. file several opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you,
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go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the welcome back. now, there is rarely been in olympic game that was not affected by conflict in another region of the world. however, this year, the international olympic committee has rolled that athletes for the russian or bella version at passport, must compete only as individual neutral assets, teams of athletes with a russian or bela version. and passports can not be considered as a to actively support the work cannot compete. there seems highly targeted, considering russia is not the only country currently abroad and conflict. so let's bring back our panel to discuss sports and the list. steve christ august sports
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cats are been holden and how long the escape professor am, are just at unique tramonto and author of inside the olympic industry, power politics in active and thank you so much for joining us again. i was there with you on this been and let me talk about how the fact that in the past, like i said, sports broadcast has never gone into politics. you cover sports, but more and more in today society you're having to get the politics, especially if you're an international sports broadcaster, you're right in the middle of it, you're still have to become very much influenced or know what's going on geopolitically. so let's focus on the athletes 1st. been, do you feel like those athletes from countries that are in broiled and regional disputes are being treated fairly by the i a see this year? you know, i don't, and i, i don't know that they have been since all this started. i mean, you, steve and i were to gather when all this stuff started and we know what happened to us and in an aspect of our lives. so i don't agree with that at all. i,
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i've said it going back to 2022. when the winter olympics were going, when the russian hockey team played, they play the winter olympics as the olympic athletes of russia, all the other winter olympic app lease for russia were able to play. and i don't think it's fair because of what their president is doing. they have nothing to do with this. i mean, if they're over there taken time off to go fight and get involved in and then i have a different opinion. but now i think it's completely unfair think, but, and i'm an american, i got a flag on my told i served in the military. i loved my country, but back in we were in afghanistan often there was no pushback or us was that is not my thought about last night. was that because of social media? because of what you talked about, scotty, the geo political stuff and how everything is tied in now. and, and a lot of people say, a stick to sports, but sometimes we can. and so i, i think it's completely unfair. you know, the, the world junior hockey team for, for russia, they were supposed to host the event. they got that poll,
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i understand that. and it was a slippery slope that was in the country of russia. and so i think that's a different category of involvement. i think for these athletes to go participate in the olympics and represent their country. i think that is something they should be able to do. it doesn't matter to me what their president is doing and what he's doing to another country. do i favor it? i don't absolutely favorite i'm against it, but yeah, we should be able to participate for all the work they put in their commitment to their country and their commitment to what they've done. and that's trying to, when it will impact metal was the thing helen from where you say, i know that probably you're more focused a lot on more of the social as she issues they've done having they do ceiling big however, do you think they've some countries are treated differently when they're involved in that conflict versus other call other countries when they're involved. is there an equal standard across the board to know this a long history? is that not being in a close standard? and one of the classic examples going way back in history, the 1936 not see
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a lympics as those have now being called held in belvin and the negotiations between hitler and his studies and the i a c and the american olympic committee and so on. and they all kind of got together and said, oh it will be okay. we want to go after the jewish athletes. everyone will be safe and then fast forward to search e and pollution. assuring the will that l g b, t, q athletes and sustains, would be safe. and there's just so many inconsistency so many double standards as you mentioned. so that's why it's, it's hypocritical for the i see to say we don't want to get involved in politics that up to the next in politics. oh, that's the thing, steve. do you feel like the olympic athletes when you talk to them, have more empathy towards each other based on their countries and therefore treat
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them fairly compared to the general public in the attendance as well as the administration they lympics did they give each other empathy knowing that if well this year, my country might be beloved for next year. it might not be so therefore let's just compete against each other, $1.00 to $1.00 and forget the politics as well. i think it depends on which aspect you were talking about where they come from. for example, i'm thinking about wimbledon, which is going on right now. and a couple of years ago, due to this conflict with russia and ukraine, russian athletes and bella, russian to not compete at all. then the next year they decided to let them complete . but as new trap leads, again, just like with the olympics. no flag, no anthem, if they went um, but you know, uh we had players like no big joke. ridge come out against that, supporting the russian out, please. because he knows what it's like to be ostracized. as we know now that job, which is infamous for a lot of controversy. but then we had other players like the world, number one, the women's side, he goes to be on tech, who's published, say that wimbledon, you know, did not, they should,
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they should have held that ban up. and then made the example out of these russian athletes. and so it depends on who you talk to. but again, i agree with both helen and, and then they have power seats is undeniable here. and the double standard. and you know, all these out, these work work their whole life to get to a certain point. and they shouldn't have that taken away due to something they have nothing to do with just because of where they were born. was interesting. we're talking about complex, obviously military conflicts or have any regions. i wanna talk to also specific issues that are happening been there's still a controversy that remains regarding the use of certain drugs by athletes. after several years of debates, we still don't have an answer. shy, kerry richardson was left off the us olympic team because she tested positive for t h. c, which is a chemical founded marijuana. do you think the sports community feels the rules regarding the use of recreational drugs, like marijuana by athletes? are outdated, considering the continuation continued legalization marijuana around the globe? that's a tough one. i mean, i think you that's why, why did you with it?
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i need you to handle it man, or i understand that i don't know what the number is. got a, you may know, but i think it's in the 30s of how many states in this country in the united states were marijuana's legal. and i'm not, i'm not a medical expert by any means. sometimes i pretend to be when i'm doing games, but i say that tongue in cheek kidding, but i don't know that marijuana gives you a performance enhancing edge. when you're talking about competing in sports. i mean, i think it's clear that cocaine does drugs like that, that are stimulates, cat stimulates can. um, but it's, it's something that i think is, is to me, it's almost patty for what they did to her richardson as you referred to. and i don't know that that's i have to see the list of banned substances. i suppose. i don't believe that. then all of that should, you know, should factor into her not being able to compete me olympic. so i think uh, i think it was a petty thing they did and, and, and i take it away. i think that might have been political. i mean, we're talking
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a lot about politics and sports and, and she is one of the best in the world. so who knows what the, what the make of that, but i think they need to do something to, to have a you know, change to that, that rule or universe of what such as term. then the opposite, cuz you got steve. chris talked, i was there was legendary lynn figures somewhere michael phelps. i know he's her hero, told a us house panel that the olympic games may unravel if sports doping is allowed to continue. this session was followed revelations and reese weeks at the top. chinese swimmers are scheduled to compete next month at the paris summer olympics tested positive repeatedly for performance enhancing drugs. nothing's been done. do you expect the olympic committee to take the issue up and roll one way or the other? or is this being done by to many countries who will fight behind the scenes a yeah, i really don't have any face in the i a see to, to, you know, do anything about this, but because like, like ben said, it's very selective when they choose the band should carry richardson for something
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that is definitely not a performance enhancing drug. if anything, it makes you a lot more mellow and i don't think she would ever want to smoke weed, you know, before a performance. however, what michael phelps is saying, when he talks about the chinese swimmer specifically, they were using a band heart medication i believe, which can help regulate their heart rate and therefore increase their performance. so that is a p d which should be punished. i think those athletes should be dealt with and, but i also, he seems to allow that, but then ban shakira richardson for canada. so it doesn't make any sense. the inconsistency is glaring and i don't have any faith that they will do something about it. but i definitely agree with michael phelps in terms of something that is actually a p d. right. well, and so how long you've been speaking of the progress that exists on both social as well as how each countries treated one versus the other. what is the right way? is there a way that the olympics to do this? that would be fair across the board? and what would be your top suggestion?
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you would give the i a see to avoid controversies because the olympics aren't going anywhere but to avoid future controversies, words that becomes the story and focus on that instead of the athletes and the games that are going on as well, in terms of the doting that's administered by a lot of the world and he doting agency and then list of band drugs is by just as inconsistent and has just as big a double standard as every other aspect of the olympics. and so the other guest to write that on there are drugs on that list of band drugs that do nothing in terms of performance enhancement. and yet, the athletes get bend sometimes one year, sometimes 3 years in outrages, decisions and they have very little re cause they can go to the code of arbitration for support, which i've written an entire book about intensive. it's inconsistencies, it's pretty much useless as an arbitration tribunal because it does not rely on
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past decisions. a different panel looks at every different case and i've documented dozens of unfair cases of us. canadian estimates from all around the world where one gets off and the other gets a band to so that would be a, a beginning step for the olympics to change so that the, the ducking situation was cleaned up. which really, on the other hand, is this move to have the, the enhanced games where drugs are doping is actually allowed. and that may or may not happen next year. any one actually has publicly said that he's going to continue. he's a retired australian swimmer, but that sort of turns the whole thing on it's his like imagine having games where everybody is up to the gills in. whatever just just are on the new or offended means or whatever, whatever enhanced is performance. and i think the sad part all of this is it,
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all of these assets are mentors. these are goals that younger children are watching when their sports and what are they actually, what lessons are they learning in order to be successful in their support and maybe them to one day competing the olympics. the per stock has been hold on how let's do . thank you so much for joining us on our olympic preview. special a. thank you. thank you. the origins of the olympic games date all the way back to 776, b. c, at a place called olivia the site where worshippers gathered to honor the various gods . the olympics in fact, were created 200 graces, most famous god, zeus, and continued until 39380. what after 12 centuries and for a few das is the 1st a christian band, all pagan festivals. it would not be for nearly 1500 years until baron appeared. de cooper, 10 a frenchman would resurrect the game harbour today. i don't think the baron would be very proud of the hosting job his country is doing for the olympic games. as
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most of the controversy surrounding this year's summer games are man made and could have been avoided if only wisdom had been used by leadership. the games are supposed to be about, the athletes involved have spent their entire lives preparing for this competition . the lack of respect to being shown for the competitors and by those in charge both with in the olympic organizations as well as the political leadership of the host country, is not only insulting to the athletes but to the rest of the world. but hey, that is just my perspective. that's all we have for today. in the meantime of find me on x at s and a perspective and let me know yours by using the hash tag perspective. the next time the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the is it possible to get lost in time? well, come to kentucky and see for yourself. here several groups are remaining in their
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own bubble of sorts, surrounded by the beautiful last samples of the ancient traditions and culture. and if we've come this far, we know that it's going to be worth the journey the, [000:00:00;00] the i'm action or it has to welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world, from the u. a. today, a few years ago, german nazis after
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a peace treaty and then more declaration for britain began the deportation and mass murder of quarter of a 1000000 jews from the warsaw ghetto on holocaust trains contributing in garza today. if you accept the estimates of the medical journal, the lines of the number of palestinians killed by u. k. u. s. you weapons maybe proportionately like wiping out 5 and a half 1000000, mostly women and children in britain or 27000000. mostly women and children in the usa. millions have been left to starve with no way to hide as hospitals, schools and all signs of human civilization are in i, elated by nature weaponry and to google and amazon cloud computing systems. well, this is prison. judging is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu prepared for wednesdays. applause from the u. s. congress, board and paid for by his riley lobbyist. today of the white house, he meets genocide, jo, accused even by his own supporters of being demented. all that while presumed next year as president trump has appointed design. and so i will send that to j. d vons


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