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tv   News  RT  July 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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wonderful, yes, let me see if this is to change it to you, but you're going to the destination attempt. a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service. in decades, us a secret service admits a mission failure to protect trouble, but then shows up for a congressional coiling only to be called out time and time again. for a phase the box. you're full of shit today. you're just being completely dishonest or lying. i just, you're being dishonest here, this committee, these are important questions that the american people want answers to, and you're just, you're just dodging trending now. where is joe biden? suspicions swirled a us president may have met his makeup, even a phone call, but he supposedly was towed on his not convinced americans by and is alive and well
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. disqualifying the policy with the union as to argue what has to have some contributors now hungry. a script of its right to host the use next leading over ukraine conflict. that's the punishment from budapest, looking to find a way to face, which is a power of the truck from the blocks official policy, the well, the american president is m. i. a room is on fire that he's in a hospital or has already kicked the bucket. will tell you what we know me just a moment here on out to you, but to kick off this i was program for right now. it was the quote, the most significant operational failure in decades. well the head of the u. s. secret service got grilled on capitol hill monday. kimberly, she told arrive to answer questions before a congressional committee of the agencies inability to prevent an assassination
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attempt on donald trump. and while in her opening statement, she said the buck stops with her. the rest of the hearing, she was completely unprepared for steve fascination attempt, a former president, donald trump, on july, 13th is the most significant operational failure of the secret service. in decades, the secret service, a solemn mission is to protect our nation's leaders. on july 13th, we failed as a director of the united states secret service. i take full responsibility for any security lapse of our agency. kimberly she don't, the director of the u. s. secret service, which is the agency that protects presidents, former presidents visiting diplomats and other important figures in the united states is facing a huge amount of scrutiny. one fact that we have been made aware of is that no one from the u. s. secret service was fired. as a result of what happened were donald trump took a bullet in the year,
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she refused to say that the shooting and the attempt on the life of donald trump was the result of a lone gunman, which is quite disturbing. very little information that has been given by kimberly chito about what happened. she has said that this is an ongoing investigation at any point. saturday. the secret service have an agent on top of that roof. there's still an ongoing investigation. why did the secret service not? can you answer? why the secretary sit and place a single agent on the roof? we are still looking into the advance process, the, the secret service using the drones for surveillance that day. so again, i'm not going to get into specifics. there were reports that the shooter used to ground just a few hours before the rally start time. is that accurate? i have heard those same reports and again and waiting for the final report. how many secret service agents were assigned to president trump on the day of the rally?
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again, i'm not going to get into the specifics of the numbers. more gums, especially dangerous ones that made your job. protecting people easier. is that not right? as i think adds it from every record key to this as simple english, more guns. do they make your job more complicated or less complicated? different service needs to take into account. i didn't ask that the very i, i'm sorry. i asked simple question, which deserves a simple answer. okay. you say you're fully cooperating with this committee on july 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. has the secret service provided this committee a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? yes or no. have to get back to you on that. that is a no. have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on july 15th yes or no. i would have to get back to you as a know, you're full of shit today. you're just being completely dishonest to have you
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provided on the miranda's within the secret service. i would have to get back to you that is a know you are being just honest or lying like i just, you're being just honest here with this committee. these are important questions that the american people want answers to and you're just, you're just dodging and talking around it. and generalities people are asking about why it was that this suspicious man within the crowd. and trump was still able to take the stage, why it was that the roof on which uh, the shooter mounted himself and got out. his rifle was not guarded by a secret service agent. why it was uh that that roof itself was not within the security perimeter, a lot of questions and not sufficient answers coming from. kimberly cheats all, it's been reported that before former president trump got up on the stage at around 6 pm on saturday, july 13th. that the local police had identified didn't even have photographed a man who was acting suspiciously in this manner,
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turned out to be the gunman had been flagged as a potential threat. is that accurate? and what i can say is that the individual was identified as suspicious. so he was known to be suspicious before a former president trump took the stage. that is the information i have received. why was he allowed to take the stage with a suspicious person having been identified in the con, the detail had been passed information that there was a stretch. the detail would never have brought the former president out onto the stage. now the conversation, or rather the grilling of the top secret service person and the person running the secret service in the top job. and her response to the questions just doesn't have the american people satisfied many elected officials, many political voices. social media is full of people just pointing out that these answers are not satisfactory. we almost lost the life of a former president and
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a front runner in the presidential race and real answers are not being given. now of course, there are many who look into the events that happened with us president donald trump, the front runner in the election, former president united states, and are asking questions if there was a political nature to the lack of security that was provided or the failure of security on that day, if there was a wider effort against the president, if this was not the work of a loan, well, a lot of questions have been raised and there aren't a lot of answers on capitol hill. logic corresponding, that kind of opened, right? that from new york, while we're also talking to a large johnston, he's a former c i a, i know this and he says that even though the secret service direct to take responsibility that is growing evidenced a failure may have actually been deliberate or is it that when, when you, you know, it's one thing, if you forget, you know, you've got a long list of things to do and you forget one, okay. i understand that this was stopping for failing to forget one thing. they
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denied donald trump resources they uh, they put a person in charge of the event who had from what i've been able to determine, no experience in running these kinds of details. as an individual, his background was in cyber crime of the they did not have joint communications plan. so it just, you know, it's one thing after another that they failed to do. so. now at some point you begin saying was this, was this a deliberate effort to put in competent people into a position where they would fail in order to facilitate the murder of donald trump? and i think that's exactly what happened. well, joe biden to power the brakes is silent and soft, the quitting the presidential race. the americans left and ride, remaining confused with many. ah, asking. where is a man? is the big guy actually alive?
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abiding the surprise when he calls into come a lot higher says campaigned event which gets the vp calculating and raises even more questions or mr. president. thank you for calling in today over to you. i know yesterday's news is surprising and it's hard for you to hear. but it was the right thing to do. you know, you're an amazing team, but we've got a great, great. i think we made the right decision. it is so good to hear our president's voice. joe, i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day. you probably you guys heard it from dad's voice. we loved 0 in jail. we really do. they truly are like family the other way. and we go there for the 4 minutes. right? i mean, are you buying it?
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lot of people online and not convinced it's a sampling of what's on the minds of americans. a people saying fake voice. why just the audio with the video or something certainly seems to be off. meanwhile, republicans have demanded the white house provide proof that it was in the 5 biden's own decision to drop out of the presidential rights. i demand proof of life from joe by them today by 5 pm. he needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he's aware that he dropped out. hiding is completely unacceptable. well, guess what? that deadline is apparently come and gone and surprise the prize. so hash tag where is items trending on x with the uses. posting some logical names in the form of missing posts and reports of note here to portly cancelled 9 trips shedra old over the next 2 weeks. now, not just ordinary americans, but even news outlets are also sounding the alarm. but haven't listen to this. american journalist tucker calls and discussing all of this in a recent interview. it certainly seems that taca might know something. i got
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a call from a source close to las vegas metro police. if it's the story was that barton, this trip was cut short last week. did a cobit, however, according to this short, she was secret service informed las vegas metro, that there was an emergency situation involving jo button and to close necessary streets. so that post can be transported immediately to university medical, which begin to which they begin to do in earnest. then mysteriously there was a stand out order and the secret service informed local vegas p. d, that they were going to medive rackaboto st. johns hopkins, which they presume and fly him back east as soon as possible. apparently the rumor mill and the police department was the joe biden was dying or already dead. possibly. clearly something is going on here. obviously, i don't know what it is. even the very unusual circumstances we've seen when we have that statement that was posted on social media on sunday that he's not seeking re election. if we look at that post, it is an electronic signature. he didn't sign it to himself. and i think even
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though the president of the us apparently has cove, it, we told his mol, symptoms, it wouldn't have been too much to have perhaps posted a short video, or even a photo. because i think you can guess that a lot of people going to start say, with west group. all right. and he says in the address that he's going to speak to the nation in the next few days and explained his decision, we still don't have a date set in stone for that. and again, also it gives him the in the last few weeks, the amount of speculation has been on cnn and nbc and cbs about to buy things copeland to the facility. it is interesting, but given that this post was made on his own personal twitter feed, it didn't come on the white task feed. i'm this as a say, no evidence to suggest that we definitely know to void and was behind it. still questioning anything about that, and i think that is quite interesting. have a narrative who's just moved on what we have now. our old warranties,
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the policies coming out, the say, a well done joke, you know, some things waiting for standing down. let's get behind kamala harris. let's just give you a flavor of what people have been say. you know, it was a very, i was very sad, honestly, i think it was necessary. it's important. it's an incredibly important decision the and difficult decision that he made for the country, joe biden, who will be saying, i think by most historians, is a person that feedback authoritarianism by writing in 2000 and did his part by deciding the step down. i just wanna take you down to a different task a moment because there was a new site in the us called axiom, and they got a suggestion as to why you bite and held off for so long from announcing that he wouldn't be seeking re election. we know he has said he's endorsed kamala harris, his current vice president, and he's asking for donors to give them money to, to get her across the race in november, but according to axles which has spoken to several aids close to joe biden. he
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doesn't have confidence, kamala harris has it in her to we not election in november. and if that's true, best thing. that's a reason why she held off because he believed he could do braxton her, and he's not the only one. we have had no endorsement from the obama, from chuck schumer, he's a big old quantities in the policy. i think that's very interesting. i think he tells you most about what's that play here? well, no surprise republicans taking the opportunity to, to address democratic voters basically urging them to a bond in the party. and here apparently is the top reason why a nicer old member, joe biden as not just a quitter, which he is. but one of the worst president's the united states of america, but my friends, combo harris is a 1000000 times worse. and everybody knows that we were discussing this with legal and media unless lie. and although he said it's
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possible that democrats are planning to tote and hires into the defacto president soon so they can increase our chance of winning the november election. where is he? don't worry. it's like, like you're a child in your, your pet died and your parents don't have the, does the courage to tell you the floppies gone, everybody that to see on western tv don't know what they're talking about, their tap, dancing and patting, and pretending to know what's going on, believe me, when i tell you this, nobody knows what's going on. let me tell you what's gonna happen next. they're going to ask joe, in some form, maybe in a, in a, a piece of paper with letters from a magazine like the old, the old hostage notes. maybe somebody pretending to be jo button. but he will step down if he steps down. if they turn it over then to calmer harris as acting
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president and people might who never have even thought of voting includes. i am not interested people who aren't even interested. they're gonna say, yes, i'm going to do this, but every thing she's ever done. the jokes, the meetings, the cat goals, the non sequitur, nobody cares about that. it's going to be a game changer. select sticking with wondering about where the state of american leadership is. 9, the president biden vice president hire as well. the us secretary of state greeted that man, ride the as he is ready. prime minister arrived in washington. my name is ivan. yahoo was scheduled to meet with president by and later today, but apparently that spring council look alive they'll be no b. s. f hugs for baby today. and so that's a shift our attention to that of gaza with a desk told has risen in the southern city of hon, unit to 70 with a $200.00 wounded as a result of the id f on slot on that area. or israel renewed is offensive on monday, just trying to tearing off the mouth is on display across social media. they talk
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was carried out by a trio of tying cod tillery and a half or so is just minutes off of the idea for this. you had an evacuation order all that according to kind of thing and officials, total loss of life in the yank flavor since october, now hoping 39000 with over 90000 wounded. as of course, not including the bodies under the rubble about 9 months have completed, destroyed gases, invest dropped and leaving local is just struggling for survival in a day to day basis. let's get details now. without me least, bureau chief there is no safe place in dogs. on local, save as the idea of continues is offensive. symbols tenuously in various parts of thing, place bombs and missiles of fall from the only front mountains of brushing, garbage and lakes of sewage. the dozens leave them on pose a serious health hazard. and this is not just a potential threat, it is already a reality to dr. nasir from come out at one hospital in guys as news has
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just received a new patient. yes, another one for severe skin disease. and that's one of the, in the last months of the war, we have noticed the spread of skin diseases and i'm little bacterial diseases, viral disease and fungal diseases and abnormal spread. so it was never here before. it's worth mentioning that phone guy generally do not infect people except those with weak community and it is now spreading in a massive way. according to the un, more than 300000 tons of garbage have a mast and gaza over the 9 months of the war so far to major waste distribution size. but the when and the local government used and had access to before october, apparently unreachable due to fighting unrestricted use of movement imposed by these really military law. the oldest is helpful to us and our children. we have mosquito sit on his day nights and there's also an insight that can cause browsers
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and children, the smell and the mental states are exhausting us. international organizations have been warning for months that the severe ascent, it's always situation well, this proportion of the impacts children officials have reported that there are already at least one point. 1000000 cases of infectious disease in gaza. sewage pools are expanding, has the sanitation infrastructure has been severely damaged. the health, some of the temperatures have aggravated the situation. attracting disease carrying rats, mice, cockroaches, and flying insects, making it easier for infection. this is fred most good and the 2nd the video was much below. we live in shelters, we are forced to live in shelters. all the infrastructure and gaza has been destroyed. as you can see, the sewage leaks into our homes. our homes were demolished bond and burned, so we are forced to live in shelters, which are also bombed and burnt facts. the largest piece organization in holland has relieves the report war and garbage and gaza. it uses satellite imagery and
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open source investigative methods to visualize the extent to which gaza is drawing in and trash. the findings have revealed over 225 waste locations across the street . from massive hundreds of meters high piles to small dump sites, all becoming huge, boiling pulse with a deadly soup of pathogens and microbes would die from rockets and those who don't die from the rockets die from the academic, all our streets or garbage and sewage. because israel destroyed the entire infrastructure, we appeal to the world to the air. and as long as the countries i'm going to the entire nation of muhammad and the world to stop this war. and not enough of this war until when would you want to exterminate the entire palestinian people much because of the rock is don't exterminators for diseases will the world health organization has registered a spike and cases also have a type of a and diarrhea and guys on the writers all concerned about the escalating recess of color, risk reading, conditions, agents, and say,
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a close to ideal for such outbreaks. and this poses a threat. not only for the guys us treat gaza, isn't the world the way the palestinian enclave shares a 60 kilometer frontier with israel, with no barriers to hold to the spread experts. so you can painters, illnesses could easily cross those boulder as well as the boulder with egypt, which raises concerns that together has cartoons hygiene prices, could potentially escalate into broder regional health, emergency roofing ocean i. r t report in from jerusalem's. he says they must obey the u. s. foreign policy chief has taken a hunger res, worldwide peace submission to find a settlement to the conflict in ukraine. joseph burrell slamming victor auto buttons. initiative saying it falls outside the blocks. official narrative being a gauge the parade publishes are to be a union and disqualifying the policy. would it be
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a union as the parties well has to have some consequences? the statements on deck to the actions implemented by day from godaddy for a mr. under funding effort and used to hungry thus far, they are members of this club. they have to be to do to reduce any particular to this optical phase, not something that you can do or not. you have to. so the foreign affairs ministers of the e sign act, we're going to take the show on the road to budapest, at the end of august, as part of the hungry 6 months, the presidency of the council for your team. but then you're a prime minister, victor, or bon hit, the ground running on day one of the job on july 1st running around to visit ukraine. ross, a china named room trump as a by john saying that he wanted to talk to every one to find middle ground and all these major global conflicts in the interest of peace. he was firing off notes and suggestions to europe, brass, well guess who was making the cocktail?
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so the diplomats look bad, very triggering for them. and for the you even morales saying there, uh hey, well, get in line with the quote club and quote oh they was quote, loyal cooperation is in the interest of the common positions on you foreign policy, which is apparently to keep your most about the interest of the citizens who actually democratically elected you while sitting around waiting for cold showers to stick it to russian president vladimir putin and, and the conflict and ukraine so says, or bon refuses to do that very well. who technically is the one who gets to call all foreign affairs meetings in formal or otherwise has decided to just pull this particular meeting out of do to pass. and instead have it in the use trifles garden in brussels that way. diplomats whose job is to take on board and engage contradictory views. don't have to worry about being triggered by any i know the
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issue, which is where to hold the. as the informal thing for skunk shield, i had to to take a decision to go for the next footing on chic and defense council meetings, informal in brussels. when we come back from college, actually have to countries even said that they were cool with keeping the meeting in budapest, but burrell decided otherwise, which is super democratic. he was like, well, in any case, there was only really one country that actually supports or bands behavior. right now, so hey, let's just make this meeting all about that. well, it's not really about all of for bonds behavior. it's about this one meeting, but carouse kind of actually like us out as you get into a fight with them. suddenly they start dragging up issues from 10 years back. or in this case several weeks back for several months and making all about everything. so
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the country that supports or bond and hungry is initiatives in this role is well that yeah, which by the way was kind of like, hey guys. so was piece bad now, is that what's going on here? yeah, apparently it is because of role in the same breath as he how this press conference and made this announcement. as also said that the interest on rushing assets is ready to be used to supply ukraine with weapons by handing over the cash to be here in commission. i updated ministers on to proctor stores the 1st tasha of 1.4 b. the is expected to happen at the beginning of august next week. how we are set to find those, the acquisition of a priority military equipment once again or defends. and once again, i'm when do sion for our community and also, and this is new recruitment for the ukrainian defense industry,
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who's the so you for rainy and defense industry in this particular case, are we talking about germany's ryan metal over there, making weapons as stock squared rapids is certainly a big risk for europe's military industrial complex when you have a guy like, or bon running around, trying to secure peace. it's freezing and practically a no man's line, but one in an easy and scientists studying paleo geography of this and petersburg state university get up traveling more than 30000 kilometers to get all the way to antarctica and back shared with us the details of his journey to the bottom of the war, a process that i'm a participant in the 69th russian antarctic expedition. i would like to say that i am now leaving for my journey to antarctica. most people never even dream of reaching the antarctic. but for getty, with them on an innovation,
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scientists studying polio geography at saint petersburg state university, his journey to the south school is one he will never forget. so, the philosophy of the world is all already inside and thought the addy historic oliver was. what's the police usually look new to all righty and on saturday. so went down to empty this problem. there we'll, we'll get the problem. most of jerry obama made his name as the youngest innovations scientist for which the antarctic, the journey was made possible by joining the 16 9th russian antarctic expedition. the team left from st. petersburg in march and exploring to region one or 4 months expedition. for jerry, as a scientist, the trip turned to be a lucky ticket. he had already set foot on the arctic. so this journey was another check on his fucking list. and his expedition was full of surprises. when i was in
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the station uh progress, everything is easy. uh, going very easy and what realization is really easy working most is really easy. twice because i'm uh human and also do this. and every auto region is really open range and like uh soon. so i know is very less uh, what do i, what we didn't want that big kind of what a sensitive program we did is really working very well. and, and then the last asian, challenging, also like no was epsco station. you have to go by have almost like 40 minutes. 40 minutes is really one of the illness direct from medical center. i had to go through fairly, sending a scientific to pull up scientists. so and so i think of jerry's presence in the group is a new page in the media and rushes bilateral relations. the mission is the 1st research trip from any media and awesome countries using a russian government, facile a journey. jakarta has got behind the government,
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the government about this on behalf of the government, we support jd expedition. we see that it is still ratifying the needs of the students of the searchers to collaborate with russia. why don't have being and even the embassy helped facilitate communication in between. we also joined research lab and there's an open cooperation with the rush officer. consultants can research center on campus in indonesia during the expedition gary duct, deeper into the shape of the earth's surface. and the process is that formed at the information will later be used in the new of russia. at last of antarctica. it's a unique opportunity gear is usually proud off, but for a man who grew up in a tropical country, the real shock, what's the weather is really challenging because who you work in on that the. where is the situation to play with? the same practice is really is really cool. maybe the cool does. there can, i can imagine. so he's really challenging for everyone. worked with the visa out of
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the region. and the most important things that is really good experience because you can handle in the extreme climate in with how you work with your specialist. usually an extreme climate is a really good one. now gary is back in st. petersburg to continue his education. and even if he doesn't want to admit it, getty has become an inspiration for many young innovations in following their dreams. they're big and i think the whole reporting from jakarta for our t. yeah, in today's the, by the way, is a back on the market to stop buying russian oil again off of your credit and confident kicked off of chicata cub. but it's not the type of russian energy but refused to join the western sanctions against moscow. but now it looks like indonesia will join the ranks of china, india and turkey resuming the other consumption distribution entry from the russian federation. this is.


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