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tv   News  RT  July 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, it is so good to hear our president's voice until i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day. was that silent? did the us vice president come out of hires? almost reveal that job. i don't suppose phone cool. like so the recording find hasn't been in public in several days, probably concerns about whether he's still alive and well. and the idea for this policy is to leave on the full, the safe zone isn't, you know, goes to washington and others meeting with the company, missing the bud early to realize he's not welcome to the guys that work for me. i should not be, we should not be a single one. and this guy is very sponsible for the hundreds of thousands of people in killing dogs on the is
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a p. m as far away in washington major policy and foxes, some awesome fata movie on that. then k as long why when we envision and we went to the national unity of aging. the good to have a company today for the latest global news roundup. i wrote him on the and this is the international that we have some break fee news just in this our u. s. secret service directly to kimberly chito who came on this new to new for the agencies they need to provide the assassination attempt on the form of present. donald trump has officially resign. now we'll be following this story close the, i'm bringing all the latest updates as they come in. and so as on so many americans are well aware that presence is due by now i'm actually a paid in popular, you know, almost
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a week he supposedly broke his side as wide quarterly until his campaign event for his b, b come our highest out that but this his tears statement in order only has raised even more questions about his whereabouts. mister president, thank you for calling in today. over to you. i know yesterdays news is surprising and it's hard for you to hear. but it was the right thing to do. you know, you're an amazing team, but we've got a great, great. i think we made the right decision. it is so good to hear our president's voice. joe. i know you're still on the call and we've been talking every day. you probably, you guys heard it from dad's voice. we loved joe in jail. we really do. they truly are like family. and we go there. you
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know, there are reports say look good. but i me finally address the nation on wednesday. how whether some people are still not convinced? american jealous tucker calls him, discuss the situation in a recent interview. it seems he might have seen some insight into the matter. i got a call from a source close to las vegas metro police officials, tory was advised, this trip was cut short last week, did a cobit, however, according to this short, she was secret service informed las vegas metro. that there was an emergency situation involving jo button and to close necessary street, so that poses could be transported immediately to university medical, which begin to which they begin to do in earnest and mysteriously there was a stand on order and the secret service informed local vegas p d that they were going to matter of fact, the boat is to johns hopkins, which they presume and fly and back east as soon as possible. apparently the rumor mill and the police department was the joe biden was dying or already dead.
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possibly, clearly something is going on here. obviously, i don't know what it is. now sitting off the bite and drops out, hold the legs, come off. iris says she has earned enough democrat and delegates a boat to become the policies official. normally she is this. she is ready to defeat trump. now, according to a monday night, paul of delegates, the cotton v. p seems have inherited oral biden's, diehards, as no other option has so far been pushed forward. despite the fact that house is not officially be nominated by vin democratic policy, she has already secured well over a $100000000.00 and donations for her presidential campaign and commenting on the issue the host of the human events. they pub cost. jack plus, a big says, what's happening now reveals the true nature of the us democratic policy.
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this idea that you live in that they, they promote and a lot more than republicans from a, by the way that we live in a democracy. and the people are the ultimate arbiters of sovereignty. and just as in america, and we are fighting to protect our democracy, by the way, we're protecting our democracy from donald trump, who's the biggest threat to democracy. but this guy won't, we don't like him anymore. so we're just gonna remove him and we're going to pull us money and we're gonna pull his delegates. and then actually the, to me the most. the most interesting thing that i see is when you watch all these, these delegates, all these delegations are coming out. now, perhaps carolina has decided they're buying commer harris and new york says they're buying come wires in each delegation circle. this is like watching the election results in north korea because what, what do you mean? the delegates are suddenly for cala harris. the delegates were voted for by the people of the democrat party of x. 14000000 people or something voted in this selection. and suddenly their votes don't matter anymore. and it led to a sudden turns in us part of things in recent months,
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an overwhelming number of americans say they don't believe in the current state of u. s. democracy a survey has revealed that 72 percent of american citizens used to think of the country was a good example of the local c, but have since changed them lines now us about because it is also not so popular around the globe. and some of you are paying countries more than 60 percent of people said the us is no longer a good example of a democratic country. washington as partners in asia, south korea and japan also showed similar results. now majority of respondents in the middle east and north africa said the u. s. has never been a good example of that. obviously, however, popular as a visual seems to be unaware of those concerns. as they assessed the world looked up to american leadership and i've seen it again going around the world. there's
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a desire, there's a service for american engagement, for american leadership. even though we have disagreements with countries, they still want us in this and, and, and even leading to try to get to a better place. we lead in democracy, right? we lead in the freedom of the press and what that looks like, you know, only one country on earth can provide the kind of leadership. but this moment to manage. and only one country can consistently provide the power, whole combination of innovation, ingenuity, and idealism. and a free mind, free enterprise and free people. and that's the united states of america. why does those live out to form a n y u professor michael, right? so all them for us to run jam bose seen it done this part of a lead research of interrupted research and communication center that is a long so i that was a gentleman. thank you both for joining me. that was this,
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the something today is the united states. what's going on in this right now, as well as apparently, is, is the united states democratic. but michael, if i may start with you, i mean, they think that some key officials in the us government are trying to hide important facts about the current need to ship from the public and what, why would they do that? yes, i think we're looking at a case in which we may have seen effectively a kind of palace to in the democratic party and the switcheroo of one candidate for another. all behind closed doors, especially very conspicuously in the case of biden's apparent disappearance of late 5 days have gone by and we haven't seen a single video or any kind of physical evidence that he's still alive,
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let alone run it, running the country. so this whole, this whole monster of the democratic party has been spewing at us for years that they are the protectors of our democracy, is be lied by the fact that they have apparently no regard for life, so called democracy. and they're willing to, to undertake a sort of back room legerdemain to put their uh, to change candidates in, at the last uh hour. yeah, it does seem like uh they can do whatever they want when i can see now being joined with uh, by the uh, guy. but the hood, he's doing this now. he is a pool of the nigerian president. so aspirant out of the thanks for joining us. now we took vehicles about the united states, we took him out how by then just ducks out, head didn't really confront him. but we do now know that he will make an address
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tomorrow. but i do want to sort of going on as he might in this know there's about him, this actually took place somewhere else in the world that can say for example, optical or age adamant. how would washington react? would it issue condemnation? impose sanctions? is quite unusual. to see what's going on, what are your thoughts item or as oh, certainly, you know, the american assistive one was something a victim. it just buffet i need to fit another country is usually dumped as democratic on to do for me on the institution. i'm sold and so for the books in my book the nigeria. yeah. what's the time? oh president, we'll see for some periods of time, you will need to see some of the been coming from was officially from the us. but the, but if the one i'm going to discuss tones about if i needed your dependent because you see a lot more points to be like an idea. yeah. well, when it happens to them,
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you know, it's just, this is, don't know what it's talking about. you oh good. and then of course we don't know maybe the condition in the midst of debates where the 1st been a 100 hold on for is useful for the week. i've been but she knew it would be like um, oh, come on the highways. i saw the you disappear from where the to no explanation on if somebody is asking it from another person to another country, they want to say 0. so i believe uh, the standard is one i gave you. in pure one is just vision into the important event that is taking place in america. yeah, sure. it is astonishing how how they act, pressing was our main to and to you now. should us partners be worried about that future relations with the washington that made this political instability in the us right now? uh, it is not question of good the only,
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but it is a question off of balancing that relationship. the yearly part of the must in and uh, i mean say from the perspective of india we don't, neither one people are not by boulevard. i mean, it is. the problem is that the, you know, that's the, or the art at all the talk process. but people believe that the do the bullet, a lot of beloved frida gates are sold. it does come to the situation where the for example, say a say they, us nativist, particularly the us. they cannot access that. an independent country like india, kind of have an independent wind policy. it just simply means that i'm really, this is, this is i think these example has to be followed by other countries. that it is, it is not necessary to what all the ac one basket at bulldog would be. there is something wrong. it is, it will be all lives just cannot be paid on someone's wheels. i think that is a,
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what is the funding policy change all that is required from on the part of the nations. yeah. but it's, it makes it important. the model is what made to and to you if it go back to unless it's a little bit about come out of harris. i mean, she's sort of getting so much over whelming support. now we know we see from the democratic party they, then it is what i mean before by that and now says uh, yeah, withdrawal approval, roy, things look really quite low. how is this happening as well? you know, there's just a lot of um, to carry underway and there's no sense of honesty or, you know, any sense that the democratic party and the whole unit party regime of that it operates, has any real, shall i say, you know, they're disingenuous to the max they, they,
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they don't care whether you buy their double speak on gas lighting or not. they just completely ram it down your throat and they're pushing this candidate now as if she's uh, has some popular appeal, whereas she was completely disgraced in her presidential run recently. she got demolished on the debate stage and she has no real record to, to uh, to recommend her whatsoever her whole career has been failing upwards really. and that's exactly what we see going on. best way this regime operates. this is basically a pass soccer. see that is ruled by psychopaths and the psycho past, promote other psycho past who have absolutely no conscience and they have no. their confidence is not the real issue. the question, is there a total and complete a loyalty to the regime?
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whatever it does and to the, to your other guess point. exactly. uh, the united states has been foisting its leaders on other countries via visa v. c. i a cruise for decades. and yet it runs around claiming to be the bastion of democracy when in fact it violates democracy all around the world on a regular basis. yeah, very well said indeed i did as i made to and to you now, williams just seen some recent ripple survive. see, before you came on, we showed it to our view as a research report, so that people around the globe thing, the u. s. has lost its place as a leading democracy. why do you think this has happened of this issue is that democracy is being defined you so many places, especially within the total community as a classical colonial divide are really stuck in a situation where you have
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a system. oh gods. where do we not fix it? for them and tell you it's what drives it, says them, we're not really going to get up to the one. this concludes, especially in africa. where is the democratic $16.00. how come you see in the crisis use what i mean for the initial because the, with the move uh what, what the question does editing shoes didn't locked it out in the, in the polls. so nobody would want to accept this kind of democracy in the 2nd place. this whole point, what type of democratic system and democratic institutions is on the system to continuously to, to the principal rich. the demographic itself has been established within the own system. if you look at the national system, well it was this w,
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please do more searching because, well, what is up on india? is it clear that just the democracy in page where's you want to go to the countries government? it was told to own you from to, to support the deductible's like in the age of rather for, for the full about 25 years. but even just the name down around the country where they don't like the glare of those. that there's something that is on to dickens. so there are people can see about the whole comfortable democratically. and that is why so many wonders the texting that's just yeah. indeed had published in data for the same if i made so then to you. you told a little bit about giovanni before, but you know, that's what the us position is. i mean, they keep insisting that the was looked up to american leadership despite the public saying otherwise, what are your thoughts on how they just insist on this a rhetoric this is the, i guess we already,
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they have to make us believe in the family kind of dream and all those things, what they don't understand is that the emerging ward as broad as india is not the free media. the confidence of in the eyes has improved, increased substantially. the last 30 years. we, you know, we just, and with the full media explosion with the, of the black lice, my america and moving to the us, you know that things are all not right. the with the us democracy, the democrat though they probably couldn't find was on board the board the last couple of years. it was not looking very nice. it was at least at least, but there is a perception that to me is a bump as being it, although they're trying to stop mr. brown, but by google. so there are issues with their mental that they must know. and so you can be the most critical to use that. what do you think is right? so it will be can come all the way from us. thank you. one barely seen bucket star
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know if we get out there is they need, is it all for us? even if you will be able to decide what does that i bought the park on yours, they gave us do back, you start divide, press the want to install the new spot and the new that the box. so those are the things you by the name of care. so these are the problem. so you can, how many go the engine many the or system is the finally, you know, the people getting question because the work is getting a more awful this day in the board and see if the door to solve. that is why such questions? and i think having to go cannot any more syllables those the, they're going to be empty words. yeah, very interesting. what brought to him indeed, you know, we talk about corruption genuine, but what sort of question that's so strong to mind, especially with biden dropping out and come out of how it's sort of taking uh, the rains if you like, michael if i mean so, and so you know, i keep asking about, come out of how to say, but i mean, there's a full, so she's come in with over
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a 100 as many and more than a $100000000.00 in campaign funds in just the last 24 hours on the last couple of days, i mean, it isn't legal for hesitating the money previously sent out for biden's campaign, or why didn't you get somebody from? well, yes, i mean, that's a very big question. the federal election commission, the f, b c of the head of the fcc has said that there is an you can't just transfer money from one candidate to another. but we're going to see that it, in fact, they'll get away with it because to deliver. there are these deep state democrats. we run the unit party and it will effectively override any kind of resistance within the bureaucracy to make sure that this money transfer takes place. with up rather seamlessly and without any incidents. so yeah, but let's just kind of run rough shot over the rules of the fcc would definitely um uh for a basically file, a kind of
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a complaint against this kind of ledger domain where they're pushing some money from one candidate to another. as if it's, you know, a matter of course it is and it's actually illegal. so what we'll see what happens in that regard and back to the other points of your guess, which i concur with entirely. you know, the sooner the american empire falls, the better for everybody in this world, including americans, i should say, because we're being taxed and as our, our taxes are being used to murder people around the world in, in, in russia and ukraine, and in the gaza strip. and this is just, it's got to stop the us and power the sooner it falls, the better for everybody worldwide. now john would have to leave it that very interesting. indeed. sunday we have run out of time. so i will take this opportunity to frankie or for my new car. and while you professor, am i correct? who was full and i didn't put it as a supplier. i the and i'm proud to run down both senior jenna's partner and lead
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research on a robot tv such and communications and a gentleman as always. i pleasure. i thank you again to my knowledge. sticking with the wondering about where the state of the american leadership is, the is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has arrived in washington. now the 2nd comes as the id f, as in full sync policy, used to flee from the city of han unit in southern gaza. we had previously labeled a save, so interested in, you know, need the president by the know, the pre hazardous or even the us secretary of state and blinking green to the is there any problem is upon his arrival, benjamin netanyahu was scheduled to meet with president by them later today, the report say that's been cancelled now, not only us officials but also regular citizens. this is to welcome the is really
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prime minister to the american capital. a group of protesters will see near the us comb with waiving palestinian flags and the holding bomb is in describing missing yahoo as a war criminal 7. so it does say they are unhappy that the us and by the name of the yahoo, one who is responsible for killing tens of thousands of people in gaza. i'm here because uh, net and yahoo, the orchestrator of genocide in gaza. we're here because this guy is a murder, he's of able evil mean person. and he's been invited by our table, mean congress to come and speak. i'm protesting. the nothing you hope is it to the united states. this guy is a war criminal. you should not be, we should not be hosting or criminal. this guy is very responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people killed in gaza. and i really think that we should not be accepting people like that in the united states. we're here because it's absolutely
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ridiculous and m yahoo is welcomed into our city. the city of d. c for billions of dollars goes to israel and to be funding the people's me absolutely. discussing that, our congress welcome says here as he continues to kabbage on the side of the house . i mean, people, it is with most of the bottles, it needs a leader of the policy and national initiative. he said, mr. yahoo is desperate to gain more support from the us. i think because everybody is showing go here from him since he is through the terminal. and. busy anybody will need someone feel embarrassed, although the united states administration has supported them actually and has criminal acts of genocide in gaza and is continuing to support him while he is trying to kill any possibility for peace in the region. and to can i need for somebody to find a student, students or so that meant building in the west bank. and so the process of
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annexation into reality, this non represents of fascist government. i don't think when he planted this visit to expect exactly this scene in washington, but the news that are instrumental to bring down any kind of put a sense on the sides of the united states to stubs, if that have been awarded that this happened incandescent was on the supposed to them with $20000000000.00 or for the military equipment they gave them on the bombs yet is not satisfied. and he wants a car, the blinds to continue his mess. of course not only and guys of the but also in the us. and while they is writing pm is a cost they have to, i'm think way cheaper and what is, well, joe biden pass input functions are wasting no time anthony, on his, on since combine with tide is from for mediation, seems to be bridging his long divides beijing has amounted to gather over a dozen for the tool fashions that have agreed on the comprehensive national unity . this is,
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this is an important historical moment for the palestinian liberation cause. china appreciates the efforts made by all parties towards reconciliation and sincerely congratulates them on reaching an agreement and signing the important beijing consensus. only when all factions in palestine speak with one voice can the voice of justice be louder only by joining hands and advancing side by side come the cause of national liberation. achieved success. garza is an integral and inseparable part of palestine. shall the international community should support the palestinian factions in forming an interim government on the national consensus, so as to effectively controlled as a and the west bank. oh, it's a, is a truly historic turn. if everything goes according to the plan and bows and it is ro allows this to happen, different palestinian factions including rivals, fact off the currency,
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rolls palestinian authority from ramallah and how much that controls the gallons a sweeping deed agreed to put the differences and divisions aside and form and national unity governments. your ring talks in beijing that to end the tongue. tuesday was the aim to manage power, steering affairs, and most importantly, to govern post for a gaza. it offers an answer to the burden question on what will happen to the palace, student and clave on the so called they after after the war. that many key pos king right now here is what have most representative has to say about disagreement. today we signed an agreement from national unity and we say that the path to completing this journey is national unity. we are committed to national unity and we call for it, punishes between your thoughts on how and how miles has been brewing since 2006 when have mass one, palestine in elections, and to control over the gas us. 3 vows things start off from there. but you have to
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understand the major crucial differences have always been there. and the thing is that spots off adopted a more pragmatic approach towards is ro, it has a number of economic and security arrangements. we've tel aviv while have mas rejects old dealing with the state of israel and supports as violent a resistance. we aim to liberate old palestine. many states, by the way, have tried before to bring the rivals together, including commercial original powers like old jew ready to needs a nature. but it seems that have only china that let me remind you also a broker, the historic deal between iran and saudi arabia. finally has succeeded to move things forward. yes, we also here are some less optimistic coleman. so source and holes and the palestinian file has shared his staff. this is with r t saying that a mass is not the power that you would rather wants to trust. and you have to remember that this is not for the 1st time that to have minus sign such an
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agreement with boss off we sold that in 20112017 in cairo hand in 2022 in l g area. then the 2 sides agreed to and there are differences and divisions and get through noises. but as you know, nothing happens after that, the source has also told r t. the mazda doesn't want to be held responsible for rebuilding garza after the war. a hand hens a one's a to raise some funds probably from china and be to have other partners with them to tackle the crisis that will clearly and surely come off to the war and guys. um, meanwhile, israel has already reacted to the news furiously. and here's the country's foreign minister. let's take a listen. i'm austin. father signed an agreement in china for joint control of gaza after the war. instead of rejecting terrorism, mahmoud abbas embraces the murderers and rapists, of whom us revealing his true face. in reality, this won't happen because how mazda is rule will be crushed,
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and the boss will be watching gaza from afar. israel security will remain soley in israel's hands. it's really prime minister benjamin, antonia who has repeatedly said, even before this agreement, that's his goal is to destroy have mass and that he strongly opposes him. us taking any part and playing any role in the postwar guys of administration. so yes, this is a very positive initiative. if only it works. well, that's all for me for that i, as always, is great to have your company, mike, holding mazda. of course it will be with you at the top of the outside, but you owe a very good thing the we live in a truly terrible world where children are preyed upon adult.


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