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tv   News  RT  July 23, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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of the the the
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the the
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how many was the you know, where you were trying to live with your government. i'm apologize to you and i'm done in 3 years because i'm so scared of. i'll walk down to see where a slight bully is going to keel or and i'll be this gary, who is a friend not too long ago,
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she died was the time people don't use the i so the industries like the next day i've seen a lot of down the street with the
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by 20 to 34 years. so it's like 2000 sale of 2000. and so that's why they called us out. right? correct. not always. those are those on the noun. that's why we came up with ameristar, right? because we lost mo status is to go val, it's been us. oh, no, no, no, no, no, because nobody off is doing this for everybody doing this so they can do the one who gave me way is more trouble than what the
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the, the homeowner block. what all mind? letting me know my to lose. they say my problem didn't get model in my pocket for a good job, but just delta gave what i mean, what you're going to tell me what i got paid, even though my telephone no boss was due last week. i'm paying like a wedding. yeah. sacrifice. did they all live my life cycle 5? i was like,
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i am engaged the, the, the welcoming the warmest to so many people have lost. they live out here at the store is still got crime scene criteria from last year. something that happened up there got to stop and got to see a learn about before they learned how to game so. so now i'm making people ready for all the goods that they got on the games. a real doesn't realize. so the game
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is just a really a sign and manual for the next stage, because after you play the game so long, you're gonna want to go once you get your gun and be on your mission and then you're going to be ready to kill. it looks very easy to pull us are going real life in the video game and wants to start it's addictive, is the rush is the high pitch and costly want. so that's why i be so many shipments because once we see so far is good so far as person, you know, go care of us from nobody else or the next person or the next person or the next person to be out interstate. and even last night, brother, there was a car coming off. as i looked through the list, you see the past is a part of the place you to say, i'm not that a so it was i soon as soon as i've seen it simultaneously, when i look up to tell my brother, then he gotta, you gotta go get the soon so i ran over to check this policy
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and solve it. so the, the, the, we are not again for the community, your brothers identify simply as my black toner territory. we cause to try the soldier has always been on the phone with him, felicia. he is a young person that states because he's the daily i got that name
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a long time ago before i guess on, i guess on the outcome of the every day. i nonsense you guys, but when it happened that when i got an ssl and you got sat right in the door without knowing me, i ran jumped otis and closed the door. somebody won't let willis i want to answer some like that problem. i really don't know, i really one pen and cents. i was sent into much of the police came into the store instead of them trying to focus on. so they came up in my face pushing me right we. i was trying to explain to him that the guy who was shot was land down on the ground. but this officer failed there. he just had to take me there. and he grabbed me up in an egg area and
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went to try and arrest. so me that everybody went to the offices from the moment they came in. did this, do me, is the one that would make the one no blow at another times. know if i'm only like where you hit it. i move, i can get back up and walk and i study gas for brand. so it's not like i would go down those as most scary as far right. the we lose the way you have a lot of them am. i know, you know, i used to be struck so once upon a time, everything had a repercussion. it's not no repercussions right now for what these young guys are doing right now is more about the tribes. everybody got,
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they only charge now list section and everybody holding down this section and the best way they can fill out, but i'm like, look that up and know where they pull up and then we pull up all the while. really know is going to be able to, i just don't watch the video. they said it'd be, danny, got tell me what's happened with the people who did this to you. so do you know who they were? no. i mean, the street talk and people say things, the things happen to people who say have some things about them. but like i was you, i wanna know i was still in the hospital at the time. everything was one number. so definitely get and the right way the right way. i mean, right, right. the fan is on a case all he go there and he that is why mommy's it as you go. so not that we
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also bring value it not value may not the, the the source the store because the model good. i got you. no problem saying that i will out of the know, know if any arguments us on the drive i shall try to sign when she does have war and the mario and make me model terms, the meal tv, the address on the site. and that's just like one of the tragic things that happens in inglewood. you know, we've got a lot of upcoming stars and a lot of people that and pass like hailing the, you know, one minute man on the same next man. and you have some tragic about the
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visiting or a ramp. you mentioned the south side neighborhood of englewood, late in the day. she had it for the boss to take her home. she was standing near a 15 year old boy. we're dark colored s u v rolled up and opened fire. the teenage boy, the intended target is rushed to the hospital bills for bon, sadly, kalen borger, so lucky the
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. to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the look the last of the day? you have a lot. i got here like 3 times and my back the day taking and out of the day about my sign or whatever late that alone is satisfied. don't don't know where i just know i hit the ground. i hit brief. i looked at a sad, it was came outside of grandma, whatever. and she's having like, no, no gas or she like the soon as i get up, i get the finish shop pays. i'm a firm and i felt i had the tip of pittsburgh last came, trying to grab me on that. okay. let me uh see on the hold. yeah. are you sure. um yeah, the tell me i gotta wait 2 more minutes. what does it be
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up uh for the 4th of the issue that are saved and i was just gonna let this pass out like that immediate point. this thing of john john saying he wants to talk to the guy, carolyn q, but he wasn't to charge you little bit more about the situation the, you know, so oh boy. okay, that i'm on that as a girl. is that right now? i'm a little older, so i think of a different, you know, you gotta stop at a point. you gotta be things in place to get these
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of the last house or uh, like the 1st house that we really lived in. was one the most showing this out of all of us. it was me so i can see what other cousins that live grew up here. and she was so short as a man out of out of nowhere, she just shot a flight was taller than everyone was all legs. she always like sang songs. i would love to be in front of the camera. stuff while i, teen girl. yeah. yeah. yeah. good, yes. as far as taking photos on her and we had one of our 1st photo shoots on the end of this black. and now just to take pictures of her, you know, she was on the way. she finally started to take it serious. she went on tv on
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tv shell, come into this 3. um i see 2 people working on my daughter was doing her hair. the other one is fixing how close i came in and just like listen this and i couldn't believe it. i just looking to look at it as you're just looking at facing like i get off away and visit to the city of studio and taking pictures of her my, the daughters. i took a bunch of pictures and i don't know why the buyer to choose one. was the one that i chose because she was fabulous on her ad next. and beauty was just an explosion. she just came miles and everybody in the sense of looking at this beautiful girl walking like a super model,
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a professional model of the kind of was. and then the people side class. i knew that i made the right decision. the never stop coming around because that's all she talked about. i don't think i'm really when i'm making times, i'm gonna be back. sometimes i'm not only we always go be friends or family. so don't, don't go with the word as soon as i make it, i'm coming to the song coming back to the
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father. my flag is one only why faces on the south side. but one of the loudest voices for social justice society had to recognize caling because she had made it somewhere she had reached some goal. she had doors open, she had been acknowledged and recognized by the model and community. although k lanes last is a huge, huge a more thing if you will, of the potential that she was moving into she is a symbol of the abortion that goes on every day. we only talked about abortion is a woman a clinic for guess what? when ever a life is not allowed to reach has potential it's an abortion. and we allow the or
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the size of the bright light like house on for a while i was on for the white light really is like, i don't like the my dad called me so carolyn had gotten side sell out the car and just and just with scream, somebody at this apartment is up here and you know, down asking me what was wrong and um, i'm assuming that um, they call it,
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they call the police on me. and the officer to officer, wrapped up on me. and i was very cautious so that i, i guess i, i probably looked like i was on drugs or something and had his hand on, on his, on his revolver. and i just kind of looked at them and just i was able to just kind of get it out as a month to just get shot. i guess he called it in to check on it and came back and the officer had tears in his eyes. finally get to the hospital that walk a sudden she had passed away. i wish that i hadn't seen that. and i just try my best not to think about that
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that on that day, the johns i've never met because the media wants to make out at johnston was the reason for kayla's death and even have family belief. the main thing is i'll see you, that is he had little more time probably with me to didn't take a long time long to nozzle made me very upset cuz i'm there that come 1st of all these king no police can take control of that. i said they access to because that's what they should have been and on, on, on like man
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a name like they like the you know, think about some like kalen and all the different things that come to know about her. there's an occasional shooting that is so, you know, rocks the conscience that people sort of take note. but otherwise there's this sort of like, you know, mean effect is going on here. most people can't get their arms around the notion that their child can't go to the store because they get killed on the way there. and i don't think that the public ever fully appreciates what that does to a human. we have this group, this large group mentally there, i'll look in the world is changing not for the better because they're living in this bunker. and i don't know if there's any doctor in the world who wouldn't agree that many of these children are suffering from p t. s p because the environment
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they're in. there's gunfire all the time. a standby tassel every day and never know they have bodies of the bands of us. so we just kind of needed to know how to have on, on a, anything like that. like how to deal with kayla. know all of the papers also they still in to the, to the, the the,
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the constant threat of learning violence creates a gift card in so many areas of our lives and my life and the life of my students that it interrupts the educational process. and oftentimes, it's not even the ad providers perpetrated against my students is the fear of act, somebody's being perpetrated against their relative sort of their, their close family members. so they're violent, permeated echo was, it seems a ripple effect the both the retirement of 95 percent of the brothers out here in the street. we want to demonize and call gang bangers, 95 percent of them. one alternative to be able to take care of themselves, take care of their family, you know, have a kind of drive, have
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a job to go to have a place to the, to keep telling chicago on other cities. the power in our cities is being shut down and buried in our streets. we are destroying killing and locking up potential that can help turn around chicago. the ferry, i'll just do like single, the light turning on hey, just a moment. i'm gonna be possibly myself cooking time. so being that way and making some changes
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to the what is part of the blog? is it a portable posted? isn't the deepest you of us entered in the word or is it something deeper or complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go products. i am excessive, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously . why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get
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anywhere else. what are the plans that you have? the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say the the additive because it's too much who handles life and all it is the
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buckets where he was sudden to helping afresh alone. drums into the church almost by fireside system. so now i never look at searches as being the same. well, you can see a slide is constantly us this like somebody's walk into drive and pass all lights on right around the we really don't have the whole time life. right. there's a part of life really in the said.


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