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tv   Documentary  RT  July 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
the, the uh, my brother's where he was sudden to was hoping to find a lo, drums and some charge almost by fire side system. so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, you can see the slides as constantly. yes. this like somebody's walk into drive and pass all lights on right around the we really don't have the whole time life. right? there's a part of life really is a said not to be proud of the outside. we also are. a lot of people are in gaze
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with they affiliated with games because i mean, i live next to you and like we grew up together. so i'm of course, i'm your friends. but then people see that and say like, oh so you must be one of those. whenever save around, a group of guys, right? it could be a group, a rough guys. why over there that look like they can kill us at any moment within a group of police officers and i feel equally a scare the direct call. nobody on the right. okay. called the police back and he's only kind of a police. these gang in chicago is like when you get pulled over the police, you really think your life is over the port over they as by defect when the car and he hesitates
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a refi de because of everything is going to be excused when opposite. all you can reach for, we're not going to shoot a left about around in a city party side. moving just even to police and you want to make a joke about it. i'm going to shoot you through to the old style. it goes wherever you liked it. is that
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a ride the guys they steal the he has got a permit we didn't know assuming it would tell me what are the parameters of your wages and writing for them to do a rap song for it so so when i get to see if someone
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the easy way to go on the rest of their revenue. sorry. yeah. okay, nice money and shoes and some of the space. do you have what the other 3 people got this thing today that way you just say i'm just saying what they gotta do. what i've done by any, any guys, anything like that? no, no, no. i tell them, i bet i'm leaving the file boxes. you know, the obviously we found out of going plaza. he took all of this stuff
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on the market every day. how we live or how to log out. and they'll say like he was telling me off the top i he could have put a physical on him again. what's amazing, maybe if they want to stay at a stand for some reason, we call our dataset and the you know is where they can talk about gang members. the we think that the change in days were can you say a poor city? the appraisal for may block is little mac and lived a day talking to not something they make of science. you know,
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some people just say, i think i remember up when i'm on the low, hers is a stop put into the news. so once you start putting that hard enough, filling in a day, you know, it was zane, so they got that genuine her last day and music that, that, that home, the, one of the things i'm doing right now is trying to reveal the things that we destroyed the neighborhood, and one thing is bringing people together in awareness. half of our neighbors, family members know something about what's going on there, whether it's out to us, it's out to the police. so that's a good way to stop the violence. because if i could find out what's going on and stop it before somebody gets shot on her, then we went to a new work. the reason why
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a lot of time doing this is because nobody likes to watch it. i see the pen to some fitness when are you trying to do it? just get us locked up gas serve and protect on a on a car while they do is patrol similar to the what's wrong with it? yeah. for the shoot, this video shift is doing the thing about the boys were mostly just like 1015 minutes, not down. and i do want us um, you know? yeah, yeah, i'm going to be down at about 1015 minutes. come on, stop down. i love it. this is my son on joe?
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yes. his friends. they came and told me, i need to come around here cause my son been an accident, a bad accident. i know that was the last time i get to talk to my son. coming to have a can't drive, he has a shot at us. they don't, we was coming to the game ways to retaliate on them and we would just come in to do it kind of like they shot 2 people. one um uh his um was broken 2 places and the lady was shot in the bucks and the guys that was with me was mad cause i refused to let them retaliate even that the best the
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the games are so, so internally social media got there and to and with that, where's in the past before social media, a gang might have disrespected somebody. now, what would be perceived by most people? it's just a personal meal. slap that somebody that's immediately retaliated by social media. everyone knows about it immediately, and there's already in motion that someone is going to pay for that. what happens is that somebody who lives in the neighbor was just blocking a block away. they have no idea that's going on. and so all of
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a sudden what they thought was there was no relations going out of the neighborhood . well, 2 minutes ago it became an issue. and now what was otherwise going to be an average walk, a block away from their house is now going to be something where they very well can be shot and killed the . this is my 2nd saw that was killed is 35 land is out of france. name with they assume to be real close. his friend, we is brother with keel somehow some way on facebook. they got the talking about each other, the colors and their brothers. so they kept going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. the last time you all with this back and my brother say you disrespecting, my brother, my brother was key or just like your brother was keel. so late on that day,
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he called my son, the land is on the phone. maybe it was set up his rent as though for you. i was right here and backs up. and i was supposed to meet the man that was walking towards his friend that he thought was his friend side of me. and the other guy signed him as well. and then as so girlfriend signed him 2 more test and then one, no one, no drugs and one even though with no games one, no one, no girl was the words the 23. why is the most were false lobby in washington dc.
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the can i, right? because the n r a gets all their money from the gun manufacturers. the number one consumer of guns in america right now is the legal consumer, any legal gun. so if you cut that consumer away, once you do is are cutting significant business away. now, gun manufacturers also are one of the largest investors in privatizing prison so they can make money on guns and making money and people being locked up, you know, america's based on the dollar, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the stuff for the machine for the picture. such as you go with the machine color the vehicle, is it what to model have us do you want me to do for this next time and see if it doesn't take your test. so we get the new outside of the deal. one gives us a compliant, the mortgage goes up developing bio chemical weapons inside of the guns. good to watch when you're away from cheaper to use. what's the, what's the soonest cost?
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but he's because of his sanctions the very best of your self and others is an act of love. those people who seek to deprive us of our rights of self defense us the more they need us the most. they know not what they do. it is a historical every time a society has been stripped of its right of self defense, a mass casualty event has occurred and it's been imposed. it's,
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it's the government that has the governments of these communities are of the societies that have committed the atrocities for you guys with who are right on where they took away your guns. the private servers continuously every day in our cities is the only country i think over this advanced industrial nation, i can think of it this happens to happen in japan. does not happen in england. that's why them either. so high up here is i just want access to balance out here is in like out of places, it's like the government say like nadine putting it out in a level where we get in front of me not knowing overseas and making them all that.
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so the government actually is putting them out here and that's what it's all about, is access to events. to hide the facts, nobody's gonna find out why this is happening and they can be misled into taking that to concentrate with the software. if it does work, it just has to be national. more people get your finger were on the 4th of july, holiday weekend and the others and the being outside make us easy. tar yes, that's a problem. that is a problem because at the same time we kill each other, just like you don't see any black people doing with school shootings. doing. you see all why people or somebody, you know, they are raising revising. when you go direct to our records
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are blowing each other. this is why the why do we have the, why the excuse me, back people, hey each other. so we don't kill each other. it doesn't make sense to me and all my my made it go to record. they got no built in my medicine, getting some food. somebody pull it up in our system. a lot of people who are arriving in this place and another heat is always in
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a car lab. they say the trunk and their car stopped at the hood of my car and we like they show this so we, we've been down. i get all the way though. oh, i'm going to yeah, i was just thinking about it again. as i'm going down, i noticed the car and to actually see somebody, him going back like this, but all or he was pop, pop. i guess the gun is, you know, bringing his hand back and also send this a fire that comes out of the gun. we call the police, i'm on the phone with 911 screaming. i have never been so happy to hear some colleagues here with where my file was. it was about 5 hold 5
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the . 2 the street, the i guess i might involved in can't really speak then is there in jarvis his baptism is cute. he's now considered a parent whose last child the guidelines and this relates to parents all the time to last. it shows the guy finished the wedding here. i'm in the 2nd. see somebody telling me jonathan shot. i literally ran out down the stairs. that's church and there he was. rainbow, there's no way i'm going to come in some people standing around there and you know, there is my son who i've seen 3 hours earlier and he's fine. and now he's lying on
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the street bleeding. and then be able to scan and get into the hospital and he was laying into bed. he couldn't speak, he had to read my hand, holding the hands and talking me shaking his head. and then the next morning i got a call. he didn't make it was a right. i was angry guy that i was angry at society. i was saying is over did this? i was angry that my son had died and all this anger had to process this for me before i could talk to anybody else. i just tell me, leave me alone is leave me alone in my room. i just let me have this conversation with myself and with god and rest. so to say what i do now,
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the office like as long as lot of printers in the past. certainly down to dan ryan is the most radical, is the main highway indianapolis, cargo. so this is going to make a lot of people, man, the so much for dr. tean is making history again, to close down the day around with the flight.
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the, the right. this is his daughter. everybody remembers the model. he's been working like this tacitly for years
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day and cannot find them no more the putting on monday the the the crime scene. another one allows notice could have been
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a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president, but we can't keep losing that people out here. now gotta have more awareness about what's going on out here. all this got it. so the
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chair to the killed the go to to see
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the show seemed wrong. just don't you have to safe house because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the 1918, the countries of the west won the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside and sign the humiliating armesis of little girls. great britain and france, and a delay wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919,
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their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greece as the main striking force. seeking to make others realize its aggressive plans for an intervention, provo, mass, indignation among the turkish people. the national liberation struggle was led by the experience of general mustafah come all as a 3rd in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation. and the alliance with russia, which acted as a united front, with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922. the 3rd so army won a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doomed living art. and within a month liberated all asia minor from them, the impressive success of the circus army force the west to make concessions. in 1923. the loss on these treaty was signed. turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia
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manage to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for millions of the press on the planet the lease, i would have to be honest. nobody's telling me that he was part of this, but i'm gonna forward it to bill, but it's sort of still the best method from the umbrella dealership within the voice of this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job which she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of secret us lives in ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we use to test biological weapons play. the


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