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tv   News  RT  July 24, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the says florida doesn't want that extra them put the notes up under that the headlines right here were not to international as a plane erupt in flames after a failed take over time. didn't the bolt capital? 22 are killed and the sole survivor, the pilot is hospitalized. and 2 people, the wounded as a pause, car explodes at the north of moscow. a police say an improvised explosive device close to applause. the investigation is ongoing. that they seem to belong to this country. do you think it right there is a cross? can your attentions continue to erupt? a police flashing with us? he government protest as you're going to a gas to disperse the crowds at a spill demanding the nation's president. step down and finally, joe biden has been cited to the arrival to board apples once coming off to his days
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long absence on social media speculating why the commander in chief, missing an action. the big stories are on the road today a new time because perfect to this house kick off right here or not. so we'll start in a pull where a plane crash apparently has happened. i wouldn't have said the jet was taking off . they say it's suddenly flipped with the when hitting the ground is we understand that wing tip cause the plane to erupt into frames. we cannot report the 22 bodies have been recovered, including 4 people that were on the ground, open out their engine shot. i'm actually has more details on the flash to please around 11 am local time involved monitoring in the fall when to pull trombone flights the sort out a line scattering 19 people on board, including the fathers and shooting team members as well as the technical stop clash
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during the t, as we speak to a local police as well as fire 5 pills off on the lawn, reports know also suggesting that the pilots may have. so why this crash the pilot has been taken to the hospital. but how the crash to plays. the reason behind it, all of those details, of course, are weighted and we've keep track of this developing story. hard to russia where an explosion has ripped deposit parked the car in the northern part of moscow. a police say to people that the owner of the vehicle in a passenger had been willing to police, investigate all the latest details right now across life lock correspondence. steve sweeney standing by for us with the updates on this story. i know you've got a few more details, steve, over to you. yes. so have in this residential area in a north of moscow, an improvised explosive device, designated destroying i call in the call park, just behind the wounding 2 people
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a month and a woman eye witnesses describe having a huge explosion around 6 30 am this morning. the 1st people that arrived on the scene to apply at 1st a vote. they described a woman with facial injuries, but they said the mind had multiple serious injuries. both of these legs i believe to all by, as we see, sorry, i'll believe to being ripped off in the prostate described him lying the block and then being treated in the hospital for the injuries. now, in the early problems of wednesday morning rush and media copied reports that the alleged victim was and drug total. the show of who is the deputy director of the special communications said for the russian defense industry. now we've since so congress congress occasion on that we reached out and actually spoken to the like victim who was found safe. and well, i'm not the least bit surprised. i've never owned
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a land cruiser in my life. i don't even live in that area. the i have somebody in yeah, let's not, let's not, we've just lost a single day with us all these. i see sweetie. it's been a breaking news story now for the last number of hours. yeah. steve, it's all right, right. if you, if you got a few more details over to you by all means bring us the latest. yes. so it seems very much that this was a case of mistaken identity. the alleged victim of power, the has the same name bought on have served in the russian ministry, but whoever placed this improvised explosive device a seems to have very much targeted the wrong person. now there's a lot of speculation, again that this was a targeted attack that nobody has claimed responsibility for the blog so fall. but
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you'll recall that the ukranian intelligence chief carol, but don off gave a media or interview in which he listed what he described as legitimate targets for such attacks. these include people associated with the special military operation. the list was broad enough to even include a good list of cause targeting june. this is against the geneva convention against international crew. a loan is deemed to be, i will crime. but this will be a reminder, of course, all of the assassination of daddy ado. going to the goodness and daughter of the philosopher alexander, to gain in the most go region. now, russia's investigative committee, they have opened a criminal case. experts and investigators and emergency services are still working at the scene to determine exactly what took place here. so all right, i'll corresponding there. all of these are steve sweetie. thank you. right over to can you now with a, a gas and st. 5?
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i feel the i was smoke cause damage, right. is class with police. it's uh well now the 1st timing of what the last 5 weeks of heavy confrontation is that the protestors who have been demanding the president when able to design knowledge, been squaring off with pro government groups. with the support from nairobi all to you is kind of someone today how sweetness, another day, or for lightning, but those between the citizens and the police officers. yeah, i the capital city of nate will be and across the different cities in the country. now the young people are state of the month, they are not financing saying that the government of the day must school that the government is not listening to the voice of the young people. the government is not the cd to the cause of the people that were helping coordinators for good government and lowering the cost of living. the able to date was to finalize the transportation. so therefore, we saw a number of young people in the line being the own,
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the main road that had to the international airport of, uh, looking at, uh, of course, uh the government produces some of the because we have seen police offices . um, you seem to have this kind of stuff to try and be costly, closer to godaddy, and to quote uh, some of them was shooting uh, in the, on the quote to dave, you able to see a number of people really getting window to here. and uh, what came out of town load today, is that up in cold during the unpaid government properties? oh yeah, that'd be navigational is that the government's phone side of the young people, of course, in the motorcycle to come on this drop, the ongoing process. and so it was a class between, um, i'd say government wrote this kind of the federal government was down the kitchen between them. so the police officers seeing you need to auction duties. wow. to be spot everyone that was here in the cd out of court today. they've seen,
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but on the peaceful, state business activities in the capital city, where a number of people use their shops of big shopping center as high school markets will close for the fields. i think i'm in protest and of course the people are saying this is even one of this topic is that they use things so that the government, the voice is the cold. recently, even outside the president. uh uh, we've been through the controversial for and months being a bit of a default, which was a native new the see that uh, the tod post city to me so frustrated to myself that they didn't belong to this country. they uh they said it to myself, of course they say um uh they are from move. that is up to what is happening. i bet you've heard of been through the country police. i know big deal just if you as the see i do can hear that does a lot being able to i just hope they do that the police officers part of you seem to be surprised. they do these parts of the crowd. therefore, as a result,
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even the president, when you'd be some means of the members of the members of the company, it does seem to be pointed to some of them what this means, that for the pain that it is the start they do, the government is not see any government due to the court. and of course when this is the president, he said that the these products are being funded by the dimensions of the charity organizations, such as the ford foundation. because uh these, uh, these products are being organized uh, organ you've had the homeland way young people. and it is not clear where that good thing, this whole system of funding. definitely the kitchen, mounted by the president saying that he thought instead of giving his vision for the ford foundation, funding a piece of property on the from uh, uh, tucson, strongly, again, its allocations of the president buddies, the, the, i guess of course kinda stuff. but part foundation has come up clear things about
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the daily split, the democracy of this country, and then not funding. uh they, i'd say government prostate. i would leave it at that point because it gives us a in the air. i'm able to get the reset to be keeping you posted, of course of everything the top in my name is the motor channel. the news from the capital city alternate will be ok. so apparently he's actually alive and well up the days of hunkering, joe biden. finally pops up for a ride back to his washington, h q. as after american social media was trending with a missing post. and hash tag is the big guy was absent for days. that was, you know, by declared over the weekend that he was dropping out of his bid for a 2nd time. the announcement was made and a post on ex without any address to the nation. by the way, had many people wondering whether or not it was actually his own decision as the president, right, the same forwarding have forced one in delaware. it's a head of
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a plan speech at some point today. no off the biden's name was scratched off. the ticket is vp campbell. a higher says she's not well and enough support from democratic delegates to become the parties. official nominated president and harrison says she's ready for the fight. i had and according to monday night pulled up delegates the car and v p seems to have inherited all of biden's, diehards as no other option has so far being pushed forward. despite the fact that harris is not officially being nominated, she's already somehow secured over a $100000000.00 and donations to funding have potential presidential campaign. i am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of the mouse delegates to say we are running a people power campaign and because we are a people powered campaign, that is how you know, we will be
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a people 1st president people, 1st presidency kamala, well good luck with considering will the 90 percent of all of us stop the started working with her and 2021. yeah, they old with they resign, they failed. why? the report say working for her life was missing and so i made all the twist on the unless tons and us politics and recent months and overwhelming number americans now say they don't believe in the current state of american democracy in his don't me saying it by the way it's just new sort of a revealing that 72 percent of us citizens used to think the country was a good example. but apparently, if now it changed that my with appalled also shows how people abroad feel about the current state of affairs in america. is pretty harsh to be honest with you and some european countries of a 60 percent said the us is no longer an example of
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a democratic country. i mean, even washington's palm is and asia, south korea, japan, they're not buying it either. many of the respondents in majority of which, in the middle east or north africa, had an even stronger reaction. well, as usual, as part of the own, blissfully unaware of top officials in washington. i've seen it again going around the world. there's a desire, there's a thirst for american engagement for american leadership. even though we have disagreements with countries, they still want us in this and, and even leading to try to get to a better place. we lead in democracy, right? we lead in the freedom of the press and what that looks like, you know, only one country on earth can provide the kind of leadership that this moment to manage. and only one country can consistently provide the power, whole combination of innovation, ingenuity, and idealism. and a free minds,
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free enterprise and free people. and that's the united states of america. and i mean, do you think people are still buying that kind of rhetoric is gotten so old already, and we spoke to a panel a guess about, you know, really what is happening in america these days. a disingenuous to the max that they don't care whether you buy their double speak on gas lighting or not. they just completely ram it down your throat and they're pushing this candidate now as if she's uh, has some popular appeal, whereas she was completely disgraced in her presidential run. she got demolished on the debate stage and she has no real record to, to uh, to recommend her whatsoever. her whole career has been sailing up where it's really and that's exactly what we see going on this way this regime operates. this is
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basically a pass soccer. see that is ruled by psychopaths and the psycho past. promote other psycho past who have absolutely no conscience and they have no their confidence is not the real issue. the question, is there a total and complete a loyalty to the regime? whatever it does, united states has been foisting its leaders on other countries via visa v. c. i a cruise for decades, and yet it runs around claiming to be the vast gen of democracy when in fact it violates democracy all around the world on a regular basis. how can we know the condition of the missile? where the there's been a 100 hold on for is useful important to wicker been but she knew it would be fine . yeah. oh, come on. the hobbies i saw the image you disappear from where the to no explanation,
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the little girl. well, what is happening to is it just like love you guys? did you want to go to the government to own you filter to support the like you need your brothers support a new bought a total of 25 years. whatever the don't like doing that is something that is on to dickens. so there are people couldn't see about the whole comfortable democracy and that is why in so many one do the clean up system complex situation where the for example, say a say they, us lady list, particularly the us. they cannot access that. an independent country like india, kind of have an independent policy. what they don't understand is that the multi word as broad as humanly the 4 system is finally, it will be getting question because the work is getting more baffled this day in
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the body shop. the door to solve his wife's questions and i'd be happy to go cannot any more syllables though? the building will be empty, lloyd. oh, dear road. yeah. bad timing. baby against a backdrop of very uncertain political leadership in america. the prime minister of israel, benjamin and jo arrived all of a sudden adults in washington, but did not receive teresa. the warmest of welcome on the right, that's a pretty impressive throw. now frankly, i protest as against the war and gods gathering inside the congressional office building in washington. they spoke out against the as ready, prime minister, and the us military aid to israel. the demonstration only last about half an hour before. yeah, you guessed it, there they are there the cops making numerous arrest? well then yeah, it was
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a side trip. comes of the idea has been forcing palestinians to flee from attacks and the southern gals and city of con eunice, which of course, as you well know by now was continuously labeled as a safe zone. interestingly enough to look at the picture on your right there on either president biden or however, as even the secretary of state. and he blinked and i know of them when to that washington at board to greet the as ready, prime minister when he arrived. not exactly a welcoming match. the banner right, the rates will criminal stand here. if i wasn't clear enough arrest netanyahu was spelled out as well in protest as a quite, apparently livid that he was even invited to washington. in the past. the i'm here because netanyahu the orchestrator of genocide in gaza. we're here because this guy is a murder. he's of able evil mean person. and he's been invited by our able mean congress to come and speak. i'm focusing the nothing you i hope you get to the
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united states. this guy is a war criminal. you should not be, we should not be hosting or criminal. this guy is very responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people killed in gaza. and i really think that we should not be accepting people like that in the united states. we're here because it's absolutely ridiculous. and m yahoo is welcomed into our city. the city of dc or billions of dollars goes to israel and it should be funding the people's me absolutely. discussing that our congress welcomes is here as he continues to kabbage on the side of the house. i mean people we spoke with both of them. all right, of the onset co addition, who told us why he's organizing yet another demonstration against that. then you a completely outrage that the united states government has extended this invitation to a work and all were criminal who was responsible for genocide and was wanted around the world for has more crimes. this is an expansion of the policy that the by the administration has pursuing since october 7th. and of course,
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we can make us administrations for decades past and just giving billions and billions and billions of dollars of bombs and missiles as bullets to massacre civilians, calamity residential neighborhoods, bond hospitals, bonds, schools. the idea that benjamin netanyahu would be invited to give a joint addressing address to a joint session of congress. this rare honor is a complete outrage, and it flies in the face of the public opinion, the united states. so tens of thousands of people are going to be coming to washington dc. tomorrow they're going to be joining a demonstration at 11 am and 3rd in pennsylvania avenue to amanda, rather than being welcomed and protected by the us government. the benjamin netanyahu will be arrested for his crimes. that gossip are shifting gears a bit here on, on the international that the plumbing under the yellowstone national park in america perhaps has some issues i know. and for its very regular ruptures of water and steam from d. 0 is just like old faithful seems like it was a bit of a clog in the pipes this time, but has to be cleared. have
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a look the . yeah, it's way bigger than normal. that, that the bloss drive aspect that is getting more than a blog and for essentially the whole belt troubling below head towards scattering for the cover with rocks writing down and what's normally a very common walk among those springs. according to the yellowstone national park, the website, the key is, is activity is now back to normal, until it's not of the right now to the calls that in ukraine by russian forces have conducted a series of abstracts using a 5500 bottoms. it's according to other nations, ministry of defense ministry, stating that suicide. the 4 or 5 address targeted a temporary diploma position of your credit in troops off of the mission and the russian crew were time to buy. meanwhile, your friends are for my top general godaddy illusion he has given his 1st speech as
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the countries knew ambassador to the u. k. described russia as an extra central threats and suggested that advanced military technologies should be tested on his nation's battlefield. he also said ukrainians need to give up some fundamental freedoms in order to survive. society must agree to temporarily give up a range of freedoms for the sake of survival, moder wars. unfortunately, our total, they require the efforts not only of the army, but also of society as a whole. politicians can and should mobilize, society brought to me with the landscape. soc zillow, wish me earlier. they say around mid reported tensions between them as always, new off and spoke about a dire situation for ukrainian troops facing advancing russian forces. there was also a ramp and speculation that the former top general could challenge the landscape of leadership of the country. meanwhile, mobilization remains in full swing across to craig and some people are literally dying not to be sent to the front. so many reports now have been coming in of many
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losing their lives during attempted river and board across the well commenting on those needs was to the head of the sort of institute in vienna. alexandra monica, and she said, westman investors are involved not only in testing weapons in ukraine, but they're also using the state for biotech, texting ground as well. if you think about ukraine, meso sets of lights, of the west indies, especially the united states. you also have to think about the big in west us, like for example, black rock already heavily invested into your premium states in order to get the profits out of this war on the one hand. and on the other hand, you also have felt wherever you, some transunion is due to companies supporting the war. and ukraine in favor of the west was wants to test the products there. and unfortunately, the, with the service of the cold when it's about um, testing um,
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new product. so new measures, ukraine on subterranean um, few months that far ukraine is unfortunately, also as you're testing ground, not only for western weapons, but also for westbound biotechnology. the all that soldiers, all the infamous, neo nazi as all fatality. and i'm looking for cadets, ukraine's photo soul brigade is tore in europe right now. the trying to recruit volunteers and raise as much cash as possible. the fight against russia. and the french media has warmly embraced that cause, conveniently overlooking the very open, neo nazi affiliations. we came to all people in europe because they are our voice. seems the rope here they are described by as us calls prize and the front state media side you fall sense of an as soon as quote, popular, just simply popular this in line here in europe now seems to be that yes,
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the group is the successor of as off with really inconvenient links to new nazi, isn't that they're trying to sweep under the rug, but it isn't neo nazi itself, this new group? well, if that's the case, then why? when the same for gave was training here in france last year. do the meet the video of that training prompts the french investigative media outlets. media, how to describe one train is having the nazi s s logo tattooed on his head and a photo of the same guy with a swastika flag. then they hit jack part of file hitler salute, hitler arts a whole po for re various nazi ss division and looms like they were some kind of hit the rice stem collection. and it's covered at least half a dozen of these trainees. and then more recently, there was this decorated member of the group who had hosted photos of himself with his awards before apparently kicking off his own little personal european tour with
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his girlfriend earlier this month, they hit a alphabets, of course, took a photo of his girlfriend hosing there and then set it to the sound track of a song called the baby is on fire. so why don't this guy's followers, which also likes, at least one of the osh with stripped photos, just happens to be a rehab center in here that treats as all the fighters k no who isn't a fan of disguise. post, so honest with promoting content and symbols associated with nazi ideology in this unique place violates the memory of the victims, which is an unacceptable and morally reprehensible act. it is also a crime under polish law. therefore, we will inform both the polish prosecutor's office and the embassy of ukraine in warsaw about this painful incident related to hate speech. if the perpetrator is indeed a ukrainian soldier. such an act on the grounds of the museum is also an unacceptable
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lack of respect for the memory of those who liberated the camp in january 1945, as among the soldiers at the 60 a sylvia army, they were both russians. andrew craning ins. okay, so it turns out that also it is not open minded about naziism. what a surprise, but it looks like meta, facebook's parent company has been tolerant in instances like for example, when a guy is doing a hitler salute to really drive home the not c 5 from the as of flag video standing right beside, but no, no violations of community standards there apparently, others have been a bit less generous though. since the green sashes, gangs have been acting as neat as brothers and numbs in the proxy war against russia. the categorical imperative never again, on that place here in germany for a limited time until the next time. events by the as office obligate. have also been announced for the 25th and 26th july in germany. in berlin. the most epic
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stories from the front garnished with soldier huma will be offered for 20 years and how much for 15 use the proceedings will go to as off anyway, as our re branded continues on its white washing tour. and european governments collectively shrug which i guess is still a step up from actually overtly praising you for any and not fees like we seen in parliament in canada. and then for me to have a quick side note for you, because the chinese foreign ministry reporting ukraine is ready for peace talks, it's off the meeting with cabs, for administer a criminal and spokesman dmitri pest golf says p, as reported at sutton readiness for peace negotiations, well, it is in harmony with moscow's position. the prescott that ad, however, the most, i was not aware of any of the details. i think that russia has never refused negotiations with you. frank. this is software. the
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. a hi. acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the russian states.
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never as i've started as soon as the most sense community invest ingles, all sudden set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t smart net keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request which is the the .


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