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tv   News  RT  July 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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we know that it's going to be worth the journey the another ukrainian kamikaze tune flies above us seeking. i'm searching as the current in focus retreats are the senior correspondent, the gov. this the fossil pound of students in for the 2nd time ever since russian falls is controlled inmate. and also is on the bottom of a t. now see many names in utah unto china, but it's open for georgia. i'm accessing major tenants on the countries routing policy on retirement is full to quite security services which say the financing for the coming from the government officials, ukraine. the
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fly from oscar. this is our t in 30 minutes of news news. so now i saw this out with developments across the front lines in the russian forces have managed to gain a foothold in this too deeply important village of progress located to the west of the town of archer today tonight. but just in may was under keith control. now i'll tell you, is that senior correspondent, what i gather the visits at the time for the 2nd time, 2 months ago, as you came in to slid from uh to the, to the it was more or less than tot since then you create, you know, tillery has reduced it to rob of the rubble and ton is being ground into dust that 3 few minutes. another ukrainian kamikaze tune
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flies above us seeking and searching the we spend more time hiding the moving, but it isn't so one sided just outside or to the, to the russian to know for ages, reek their own destruction. and i want to in fact send them we are striking targets . on average, we use $10.00 to $15.00 drones per day. we weren't both on infantry and moving targets or the tanks armored vehicles, which usually worked 8 at night. there is a payload for every occasion. and to tie and cool heads fragmentation, bombs, high explosives, retiring the positive bung, cuz and more that those a, this is an incendiary, munitions based on its flammable mixture. it's summer time now or so. so it is
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useful for burning, so that there is less foliage, less cover, and better visibility, as today, they start south by softening up the enemy, the news west and south of alternating. the russian forces on the offensive every day now they push the ukrainians back further than they did, you know, months in 2023. this is today's 1st the so the just uh yeah, the, the just bought the budget done was due to new york. george, you knew before just even though the guy named are going to go to the we were to full would come on post to talk to battalion, come on the person,
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the overseas. every you sold today. they all breaking ukraine's last few lines of defense outside the village of to my feet. the for the, the real result of the sort do post like the words that are all just always good luck to share the should. food should the decision just book the sold tubes, his men, the news, every one of them to todd does everything possible to keep them safe and pushing the time when you see it as a a donald relates and weighs. it does. 6 the across the front lines,
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the toilet seat of ukrainian troops is full and boots of ation and skills have degraded but they compensate with an abundance of artillery and drones be these never easy to every day we advance at least a 100 to a 150 meters, the tasks set by the senior chief to take out the enemy's defense site is carried out. however, the assault troops holding uh, they have a fighting spirit. everyone is ready for the motherland. for russia, we're for feeling the tasks set by the supreme commander in chief lease is just one of sold by one battalion pushing beyond a ga to now. there are dozens and dozens more. every day. the momentum, his undeniably shifted and key of berlin london and washington knew long to speak of victory on the battlefield. more i'd guys do you have archie from
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virginia to not send me a split public? so this all the, in some us neo nazi as over time, are looking for condense, plains the salt brigade is touring europe to recruit one of them to raise cash for the fight against russia. the french media has only embraced the coolest conveniently located, then very open neo nazi affiliations. we came to all people in europe because they are our voice. seems the rope here. they're described by as all scrolls prize and the front state media had your full sense of them as soon as quote pop in or just simply popular this in line here in europe now seems to be that yes, the group is the successor of as off with really inconvenient links to new nazi is and that they're trying to sweep under the rug. but it isn't neo nazi itself, this new group. well, if that's the case, then why?
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when the same for gave was training here in france last year, didn't meet the video of that training problem. the french investigative media outlets media to describe one train is having the nazi s s love. busy chat to you on his head and a photo of the same guy with a swastika flag. then they hit jack, part of heil hitler salute. hitler arts, a whole po for re various nazi ss division and looms like they were some kind of hit the rice stem collection. and this covered at least half a dozen of these trainees. and then more recently, there was this decorated member of the group who had hosted photos of himself with his awards before apparently kicking off his own little personal european tour with his girlfriend earlier this month, they hit a alphabets, of course, took a photo of his girlfriend posing there and then set it to the sound track of a song called the baby is on fire. so why don't this guy's followers,
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which also likes, at least one of the osh with stripped photos, just happens to be a rehab center in here that treats as all fighters k. no, who isn't a fan of this guy's post. so i'll switch in promoting content and symbols associated with nazi ideology in this unique place violates the memory of the victims, which is an unacceptable and morally reprehensible act. it is also a crime under polish law. therefore, we will inform both the post prosecutor's office and the embassy of ukraine in warsaw about this painful incident related to hate speech. if the perpetrator is indeed a ukrainian soldier. such an act on the grounds of the museum is also an unacceptable lack of respect for the memory of those who liberated the camp in january 1945, as among the soldiers at the 60 a sylvia army, they were both russians. andrew craning ins. okay, so it turns out that obviously it is not open minded about naziism what a surprise,
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but it looks like meta, facebook's parent company has been tolerant in instances like for example, when a guy is doing a hitler salute to really drive home the nazi 5 from the ass off flag that has standing right beside, but no, no violations of community standards there. apparently, others have been a bit less generous though. since the green sashes, gangs have been acting as neat as brothers and numbs and the proxy war against russia. the categorical imperative never again, on that place here in germany for a limited time until the next time. events by the as office obligate. have also been announced for the 25th and 26th july in germany in berlin. the most saving stories from the front garnished with soldier huma will be offered for 20 years. in homework for 15 use, the proceedings will go to as off anyway, as our re branded continues on its whitewash and tour. and european governments
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collectively shrug, which i guess is still a step up from actually overtly praising ukrainian. nazis like we seen in parliament in canada and in britain, russia low ways, styles running into negotiated pieces the frame, but needs more details of that's the criminal reaction to the wood out of basing the implants for mrs. and q is ready for adults to sit on the, on each of the ukrainian side is willing and ready to conduct the dialogue in negotiation with russia. negotiations should surely be rational and substantive and even that achieving adjusting lasting piece. yes. so this last monday, the visit as he over made a statement with a twist accused previous narrative of its readiness to quite to the bitter end. so there's getting claims and claims ready to discuss terms. and so it's a little bit about that later this year. however, the russian for missing noted,
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there's problems with semanski is track record. what did you have any moon yet? first, there is no trust in zalinski. nobody believes him. everyone knows that he's the person who can turn around everything. who can like, who can give up on everything. so he gave all his people throwing you create new citizens to some form of alter, full sacrifice. nothing was done, neither violence get and hasn't ministration more by westman sponsors to cancel the law. prohibits in ukraine to negotiate with russia. so we are a lot of words exactly opposite to the previous ones. as for dates, we don't see them at old dominion stats, but i just state linda black, the queen info unless it came during his 1st visit to china. so this is the author of the conflict of wanting to beijing to neighborhood abouts and the chinese piece initiative in tools with it as far minutes. a q has confirmed it made the statement, but claims that it's russia, which is not ready to thoughts with her in russia. and ukraine quickly began days
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off of the conflict started. but it came with the truth on the table in a spring of 2022. when the deal was ordering, drafted, and initials. later that year he adopted a little prohibiting tools with russia as long as a lot of inputs in is presidents. outlets change in june comes at the same time rushing as long as, as continue on the back of the field. must go for his pop, has outlined conditions full piece we think is key to living on bus example rose yeah. has on as one of those kind of the country holding a neutral status to buy for more or less. that's called a live man. so you gotta put the can either finish. she's editor of m b like to guess it was a pleasure to see you as thought to if you don't mind, when we go back to 22 is where the legacy assigned to decree. you may remember. so
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prohibits and ukrainians from discussing peace specifically lee with the black they may pose in with all this in line. i mean, having told from calais but we're heading towards some of the landscape. how come they move forward with really discussions when they've already something put this degree down? yeah, very interesting. the very everything happened rapidly on monday. the full name that's flying to china and starting side of the negotiations just few days, an hour before on the same time. is it s t r. so suddenly bracing the wheel tool also directly with the russian president. of course that is illegal in the green nowadays, and i'm deal that is changed. we cannot expect anything serious that is correct. that the, the, the, it's funny, he predicted control. so how can you open even
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a discussion of the role china is of course here. very interesting because mr. boulevard has so many funds, blaming china from supporting russia to be in, in, in the green and ok. so now we see cool buying in beijing, which is obviously a mistake to very different direction where there's the same government has to be moving whole these times and year. so the interesting event in general, which also could use it, is the same time when another western import into more funk that gets to move people out will do is really for president fluids to washington. so what is on the table? that is a very interesting question but, but certainly after the us as a nation up there, but tall, lots of things are changing rapidly. yeah, yeah, it's, it makes it. why is it important that it's a very mixed well, but we live again,
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right now. let's go, let me think about you create the internet and see it will says talks about. so we'll shifting the narrative if we'd like, we'd like to invite to russia to negotiations. and so it sort of the nature of this . yeah, i could, i was in china. why is this happening now? do you think that little bit to courses or that are afraid or is it because rushes so dominant in the bustle fields? you know what i see this uh, washington's policy, which is behind the crate turn ease of bottles that they are not in charge. they do what these ordered from the western. so go deep state and they are all quite comforted by them. it seems 2014, when the by the war they'll create a conflict which was started in the by the vice presidency and obama residency. so the whole grain is connected to binder and non with the binding is all it's the moral list already meet the 2 areas where the white house is with the director
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. and interestingly, when it doesn't go through the washington, he wants to meet the tall man. so so why know it's a very important question and what i see that what, what the truck and the other closer with the wind in the washington is bushy east, accused by a rat. everything with the trunk east when the middle east end support the swell. and as we have seen, exist the october 7th that the west has such a huge problems to do. oh, do have 2 different phones, 2 different wars. and now the, the, the s as a nation deals with black people usually uh, so to time to end the bindings war, you know, crane. i think that is something which is now writing for us. and um, maybe even this government, the regime in cuba,
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which has stopped pushing these biters more in print, they still trying to get at least some kind of bar in the future crane but, but obviously for the russian side, are they willing to negotiate with the 0 ascii of ministers, or zaleski himself, is a very big question. and i think the answer is no. yeah, stuff seem like because i don't see the slight case by now by time, but we don't have to leave it that the honest put didn't finish. chief it is a thank you sir. so much for your time. i a thank you. but now the bottom drops of our size and political leadership in america, the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu arrived in washington for so, but did not receive the will. most welcomes the
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this is against the warning dogs that gathered inside the congressional office building in washington. they spoke out against the is waiting pm on the us moving aid to israel, the devastation lawson for about half an hour before capital police moved in and made a risk that they are staying. so i said, because as the idea of has fullest policy is to lee from a tax in the southern gauze and city of hong eunice, which was fantastic, labeled a safe. so interestingly enough, need the president biden v p. iris or e with us secretary of state and blinking, going to the is ready prime minister when he arrived. well, not exactly a welcome back, but the bottom a right there means that won't criminal stays here. and if i wasn't clear enough arrests, maybe i was spelled out as well. and present it says on the live it that he was even invited to washington in the 1st place. i'm here because the netanyahu,
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the orchestra leader of genocide in gaza. we're here because this guy is a murder, he's of able evil mean person. and he's been invited by are able mean congress to come and speak. i'm focusing on the nothing you hope is it to the united states. this guy is a work criminal. you should not be, we should not be whole single or criminal. this guy is very responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people killed in gaza. and i really think that we should not be accepting people like that in the united states. we're here because it's absolutely ridiculous and then yahoo is welcomed into our city. the city of d. c for billions of dollars goes to israel and it should be funding the people's me absolutely. discussing that, our congress welcomes is here as he continues to kabbage on the side of the house. i mean, people of that, oh yeah, we spoke with won't. so similar, i get all the,
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all the said co addition, who told us why he's organizing yet another demonstration against that. then you are completely outrage that the united states government has extended this invitation to a work criminal. a work criminal who is responsible for genocide was wanted around the world for his work, right? this is an expansion of the policy that the by the administration has pursuing since october 7th. and of course, in 10 minutes us administrations for decades past, giving billions and billions and billions of dollars of bombs and missiles, bullets to massacre civilians, calamity residential neighborhoods, bond hospitals, bonds, schools. the idea that benjamin netanyahu would be invited to give a joint address and address to a joint session of congress. this rare honor is a complete outrage and implies in the face of the public opinion, the united states. so tens of thousands of people are going to be coming to washington dc. tomorrow they're going to be joining a demonstration at 11 am,
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and 3rd in pennsylvania avenue to demand that rather than being welcomed and protected by the us government. the benjamin netanyahu will be arrested for his crimes and gossip quartz then so it's, he is out in georgia, the country's security services have a fulton and a fascination attempt only georgia routing policies. hon chapman, was his primary some pointed out latin days before. but one of you being commission of cold to a lot about the possible era, in fact, in the state, when he warned me about the terrace attack, he actually talked about it. he just said that polarization would be the one who fired the bullet. as you know, polarization doesn't shoot boats killers, do this was not a warning from the european commissioner personally, he was used as a messenger to provide relevant information. of course, all of this is disturbing. some people do not like the position. georgia is taking in relation to the war. there are dangers in such conditions. right. i'm doing now
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to discuss the topic with correspondent quotes at donald the to see assassination attempt. they say, what do we not? well, the 1st thing that's interesting to understand is that this comes just about a couple months after the george and prime minister claims that an e. u commissioner had threatened him with political red retribution. essentially that was if the georgia in parliament was going to overturn the president's veto of a very controversial a for an agencies bill turned law, which the parliament did in fact overturn that veto. and that now requires organizations that make over 20 percent of their income from abroad to report the a source of that income to the georgia and governments, according to the prime minister of that same commissioner, told him that he should be careful after there was an assassination attempt against the slow back prime minister actually, and in terms of this recent assassination plot against the founder of the georgia dream party, this is something that the prime minister said was organized by the same forces
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that were behind the assassination attempts, both on donald trump and the slope, our prime minister, so anyway, showcase it. so how do we, i mean, you go to the security service instead of anything. that's right. the prime minister speech himself came along side actually an official statement from georgia security services, which said that this assassination plot was financed and organized by former george and politicians residing in ukraine. and the state security service is investigating the facts of preparation of criminal activities in georgia, including the murder of busy, the varnish, really honorary chairman of the georgia dream party, organized and financed by former george and government officials and former ukrainian law enforcement officers. the purpose of these criminal actions is the over fluid stayed power by destructive forces, amid the unrest in the country and the weakening of power. and apparently, the plotters goal was to stage a violent crew that with the stabilize the states. and already the security forces
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are investigating georgians. that recently were returned from the fighting and ukraine. it's also important to understand, but just recently rushes for an intelligence agency said that the united states was looking to sponsor some sort of regime change in georgia later this year around the time of the george and parliamentary elections. yeah, it's actually quite interesting when i, as you know, we've been following ahead on, on see what has been protests throughout tbilisi and the level of georgia that seems to be a rift between georgia and the west. i mean, what can you tell us about by risk in particular and the process, and i say, well, what's interesting is that the west has been supporting these protests. and that in itself is a bit ironic because they're against a, for an agencies bill that we actually see in the european union. they have similar legislation there. and in the united states, their legislation has actually harsher penalties. spend what has been turned into law in georgia. itself and nevertheless,
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i mean brussels has already penalized georgia for this saying that they're going, they're suspending the, they're putting potential a session to the european union. they froze another $30000000.00 payments to the country's defense ministry. for its part, washington announced a new sanctions policy against georgia and said that it's not going to hesitate to a sanctioned individuals in the future either. so of course, all of this taken together has made george's prime minister reconsider his country's relationship with washington. because after all, i mean it's united states that has been funding and sponsoring these n g o, as in the country that have been responsible for the sort of political payoffs that we've seen there. so it's going to be interesting to see the outcome of the investigation when the security forces there actually get to the bottom of who was responsible for, for trying to organize this assassination in. it sounds like terrorism to me. i mean, in any form, there isn't, as i mean, doesn't really matter if you buy out
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a building in a city or if you're a, you know, funding and used against the government. disgraceful. indeed, definitely. with that, thank you so much on cheese. don't know, colorado was a pleasure, but i'm close a home here in the russian capital. an explosion has ripped apart a part of the car in the north of moscow. please say 2 people have been wounded. the suspect has managed to flee the country, foot tank here, as according to russia's top security official, the to have information that the criminal is already and to the key. can we somehow extradite him? can we catch him there? we work on this with the turks. let's see, the name of the suspect has not been released yet, no one for us. and it has also identified that the vague who, the suspect arrived in the tennessee seeing here is being searched by investigators . i've cost one of those things to any fall. this report from the scene haven,
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this residential area in a north of moscow, an improvised explosive device, designated destroying. i call in the call park just behind the wounding 2 people a month on a woman i went. it says describe having a huge explosion around 6 30 am this morning. the 1st people that arrived on the scene to apply at 1st a vote. they described a woman with a facial injuries, but they said the mind has much more serious injuries. both of these legs are believed to hold, as we see, sorry, i'll believe to being ripped off in the prostate described to me lying the block and then being treated in the hospital for the injuries. now, in the early problems of wednesday morning rush and media carried reports that the alleged victim was and drug total of the show of who is the deputy director of the special communications said for the russian defense industry. now we've since so
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congress, the cation on that we reached out and not she's spoken to the like victim who was found safe. and well, i'm not the least bit surprised. i've never owned a land cruiser in my life. i don't even live in that area. oh, i have somebody in seems very much that this was a case of mistaken identity, the alleged victim of power and the has the same name bought on have served in the russian ministry. but whoever placed this improvised explosive device a seems to have very much targeted the wrong person. now there's a lot of speculation. again that this was a targeted attack that nobody has claimed responsibility for the blog. so fall. but you'll recall that the ukranian intelligence chief carol baton of gave a media or interview in which he listed what he described as legitimate targets for such attacks. these include people associated with the special military operation. the list was broad enough to even include a jet, and this of course,
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targeting june. this is against the geneva convention against international notice deemed to be i will crime. but this will be a reminder, of course, of the assassination of daddy ado. going to the goodness and daughter of the philosopher alexander, to gain in the most go region. now, russia's investigative committee, they have opened a criminal case experts and investigated and emergency services all still working at the scene to determine exactly what took place here. well, i wrote this up, this news, i do check out all to comp, some great stories that i will be back in 30 minutes. the
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the, the clearly, the republican party is rallied around there now many and former president donald trump. but that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy prompt was world once fluid happen again.


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