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tv   Documentary  RT  July 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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see and about human rights and so on and so forth. what are the issues, the americans are sort of worried about, i guess all the borders of the border with the south. do you think they'll ever solve that problem or is it inevitable? but they will just always have a book. a problem with the board is the only way to solve the border is for the $96.00 to and it's constant harassment regime. change where posture on countries in central and south america. ultimately, countries in the caribbean countries and central america and south america may choose their own. passive development might choose their own allies and their own interest in terms of economy in terms of politics. united states has accept that and by accepting that, it can help to allow these countries to develop their own internal economies and structures that people will see this. ultimately, the people are leaving these places because they have been destabilized by washington. and we know this is decades long, this is from the code word periods how is least from the full to full percent to 42 percent of the have the time to also these people have no idea,
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but 0 hedge report is that the survey and here is they sampled 426 democrats. made a lot fewer than the republicans, which are $376.00. and the 341, independence amount of 1000 people. i mean, how does it, and maybe, why does it mean to take that information and just push its own narrative? i mean, it seems like that's the case, of course is. and you saw immediately after not only was the harris the 9th did, but also a judge starts. his son came out immediately putting a picture. you saw all of these big good, talking ahead influencers that are on the democratic party side, immediately get into action. mainstream media immediately went into overdrive of course, the title of the democrats and this nbc, you know, immediately gloating talking about how wonderful she is. and you saw the race already $100000000.00 just and she announced is it in order to sum of money? where is the case that coming from everyday people? right? kind of and big investors and big donors. so ultimately, this is part of
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a project to help to push it across the finish line. i don't think it's going to be successful. i think most americans are fed up with the democratic party and the administration, but it's happened that these past 4 years. but aren't you the companies where you can get details of all the stories of following this? how i'll see you again that's i'll be out by now. the in 1960 the americans rollers, the huge bellwether operation, documents, most of the, of the reading found that way online. the us army chemical,
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coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques designed to permit the quantity of evaluation of into a logical munitions of these tests formed the basis for developing offensive, biological weapons, no withstanding that in april 1972, the us britain and the soviet union assigned to conventions strictly prohibiting such developments and many cost saving less money in the 2nd year coming in super billings with action. the models you see in utah seems that all the put the she or say she can wait for the use of the billing scalable authorities. tickets the full may end, an easy, unhealthy minister, city for dealers who potty joined to find out what was going on in the mysterious number owed to us lab opened in her country in the early 19 seventies.
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surely if it was for it to do for a petition, it shuts until they go infectious diseases, which is an issue in many sales staff that the pollution never happen. most are of the larry ships program or 7 base themselves and, but they're fairly applied to give the list of all the stuff, the number to which the federalist says, mazda se, with the, was off. but so now what do you is madison's official who of them were to drive that in to me and save from my accounts a to be couldn't see the act if it is a little i redid, didn't see what that was out of the in the search so i have to,
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i told it was within schiller for them to sell for. it is the of my job that i was active into kind of an 8040 is up to 2005. when an outbreak of an unknown respiratory disease occurred in indonesia, the number 2 lamps, specialists, to the surprise of the will community, identified it easily as birds flew in this. yeah. and that's why it's been a frightening of the 2 leases. so we didn't have an is swimming to die, most of the virus right. within that move to the still it was ready to diagnose which is my question. it's if so i knew that before it's had this my breast and in my have the presence of deadly virus
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strains illegally and bolted into the country along the sitting in an easy and government officials demanded the secret number to us lab and of a pathogen samples to world health organization representatives, governor states as a government for day will make money. yeah. the per day. yeah, definitely you. it's also call me by law than what you have to put bike and but if i can that he may have missed 1000000 and us officials ignore the demands, but ordered judge and ship and double bio samples for the engine, easy and labs to the us as a staff that i did the news above all n z a much areas of greenland and with the g as a, as ever. so monique daughter, the separation of the didn't just lives in the well,
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yeah, the rules of the game have changed when see to, if i d, safari accused american scientists of conducting illegal research on engine easy and citizens administer was followed. and a criminal case was brought against a nevertheless, a wave of indignation. this went through in an easy uh let me concept because we do need service for you this, the one, the easy to interpret this way. first or some of what i see to put too much to, to do stuff for them. wish to well a cheat in the store. i mean, you can see it is probably the easiest way to get the only information we have, or we require an arrow to relates to naturally occurring infectious disease when you will, the cost of the white glove service can you custom. but it is because of the same issue. so basically this today we're going to the visit the military
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hospital. we're not going into the hospital because it's a restricted area. and we're going to talk about the tribe ration cooperation between the luger laboratory and the drug, georgia military and the how young recruits in georgia when they 1st came into the army. they were sent here. this document discovered by jeffrey silverland in georgia, list the country's hospitals, way us defense experts conducted research. it contains the following. volunteer, dest won't be promptly reported to the military hospital, i'll be the, the study will be, can, doug does, according to the protocol engine compliance with the regulatory requirements of georgia in the us department of defense. silverman trying to tell the world about these dangerous experiments to see what kind of diseases and what kind of community
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they have. they are designing ways that they get sick, they can help them. but the, they're also designing ways that they people who have immunity, they can have a virus that is stronger than their immunity bodies investigation into the victims of the gullibility band test was never published by any major europeans on us. publication struck a science. so gonna initialize what i want you show, then you provides you here as near the slip to an east bit tiny and like what your mysql was you? he is like one hampton, the only think i thought it for a while to interest here is that on youtube and concerning a hold of them for next year. sort of math even though it is concerning, is are down here. but it was easy. you guys to, you have to be, i have to mention is 0. is that the use of any, what any uh you put it was really what they can use, but they able to show additional and then let me see. so i can show
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silverman believes luca buys and his activities in georgia resulted in sporadic anthrax outbreaks in the region. which i saw michelle pulled out picture day and pretty much a bit off of so she should the she'll pull a the should the guy gutter should do this vehicle. is it the air to mama? got you guys. we have an tracks in georgia where we don't have it and tracks only it's sample and the laboratory we have and tracks and the walls and herds of cattle in the soviet union, the deadly disease was practically eradicated. in the caucuses livestock was vaccinated. and you use the image and again, i'm a new, it's just other people. but a goal is by any to this continued until the early 2, thousands. when american military biologists arrived in georgia and they stopped the vaccination program. the government didn't in order to see how the end tracks would evolve in new generations more resistant to antibiotics and which is
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ultimate use as a biological military weapons controls you be able to just get on with that stuff we've got as far as you know, the scholarly stuff, simple style with the visual minutes of them. yeah. and you said the top industries, there's no that's actually she, i'm not going to the g less able fellows. it's help you at least one years in 2014, according to the national center for disease control and public health. some 60 people contributed anthrax and georgia infected numbers of gross and most recently people of even being towards on morning t. v shows. how do identify the disease as symptoms? do you? this is the little advantage. maybe she has, nobody really sells it. every year the number of infected people grew alarmingly. every year, so many drawers and farmers and shut pressure, getting sick with anthrax. and they study this their blood. well, this is a new strain. maybe we can weapon this strain. the, uh,
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the holidays. uh that was to put a stove, some nose with us as long i elbow work because you know, use bull roosting us store. this is going to move since it opened the official conductor, got the plumbing for the oil mixed uh no bushes and it's good for to which one last time. see, it's not be spelled wrong. ball gary in general is to us as one is being writing about us bio labs for over 10 years. today the investigation has led to crime in shortly before the pen into the united with russia, americans have begun to acquit the form a anti playstation such as of saw some of what you watch them last on. so the kinds of fun you what it says that you're running going good school, go through, know, we'll send you new and you're clear on sort of 6 when we saw it. and for them, they can do a lot of 30 cuz i'm dying and stuff that's completely of of that i'm oh,
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oh that us up. all gods. i knew for space. well the for the payment for the washing . you amazing. the was jim, uh, lose a is a shop phone. yeah, those were seeing the disclosures go us to those emails. all nice plus short submitted concepts showing 1000 any miles. so newport charging for a month system deluxe swimming. lets see annual leave ups. you go to templates on now, 1st of all, let's go ahead but ok, so down the, tell me what the gym of, of, of ship them with on the bulgarian general is began to the investigation over 10 years ago when she went to georgia to fill in the report on an american bio labs work was just now spread it out number because i just don't seem we okay on the book items, way much, but down your name, please tell me your boss because they're still visible
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college. so give me both the questions that i don't know, but the self government, which is 2 girls are fun to watch the most cook choose if the sheep down the guys will swim. oh gosh, the passport from the goods on zillow, because which was fun to see and up. i drove off a new suit. another city swelled clear um, best buy g. i'm and living thing now, cuz i is the clearly the republican party is rallied around their nominee in former president donald trump. but that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy prompt was world once fluid happen again, the us
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authorities had something to hide. the during the investigation, the bone gary and generalised on us. a real sensation. the who knew that i asked him around, so here's your list. grove is in understanding most goes duty got what the additional quite so, but i thought it was dish, but on this quote to produce 12 involved those put new marks to schwab. the emitter know is a 3rd shorter look somewhat of thoughts cross. and when you pull my different screen, the mid on the minutes name of hosting, while i just put a nice professional, know these come let us to though. so even with google, it ups not old. you know, so long as i'm know,
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little spill or some sort of shorts. noah to ward so wasn't besides what the board along the is going to deals because our storm uh, maybe cost to the formats for new. sure. almost immediately the identity of someone working at the bio that under the cover of the us diplomat was discovered. when does notice, that's our door to the court or they are, but don't was according to my internet to your causeway. so what the end of the, when you search mills or assignments, it's ryan, me and 2 more walks to is these are checks and us a call when i'm searching my screen button ground them joshua bust said he was a us diplomatic and denied any connection with the bios center, this is boxed and a photo taken as an awards ceremony for u. s. military stuff and deluca on social media bus doesn't hide. his ties with the u. s. department of defense is military and scientific specialization is insects as
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deadly disease carriers and joshua boss to live. so it's up to us leveled the i'm what's going with the development across club agenda is to move but have to go with knowing that i'll be sonya docket. dunham bolton, adults stores to uh no. um good boy will put it in does not change it. doesnt gulf coast don't start all stories to ops and deals with the kids. what else that i was trying to do more than i think it was huge. contained that it says that it was don't let me move from its stories at the last sort of thing and bill of that cannot also know up. but it's to me to confirm that it's an improve model of the goals bomb showcase to the unit 731 museum in hobbin. and i just did. it's still not some of the know for well center. i'm bottled water is starting us out on saying, and now we're showing it now for schools to sort of most of your new national products ducks building is wired, so i'm guessing she knew she was lose it because because most of the products i
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used to print out so you come at a task for them and when you come that says 3 to protect the police. those are concerned with their to cause a was move you. um, a student is soonest to sort of 2 days to get this document look that as i gave them the pledge you must do it so and you'll just sort of show reading of what that does. documents, landline be searching. and here's what's not something that i feel comfortable as to fix to, to the test um here. yes, just let's do read the same level to mean i need you to know so the bus and that but as you to sway soon you, if you to do judas of course. uh if i could i get your vehicle. is it? uh, simply run your computer on your mobile watch. um, watching the 4 inch it is and was advised, what was that? i'm would go fi in noticing. so think of things don't go on a little bit the vanya origin that was posted. i know it's a federal case and of goodness dining basically on, on your rich some most of the former lawyers and some dozen times for numbers,
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pretty much on each. the issue was going to start a new suit out there to put them in there, and they do know that it means wish to increase the nature of ones you have a demick was understood in march 2021. when russian ministry of defense representatives acquired documents from a ukrainian lab, the specialist was studying pathogenic insects and pass a gen infected bud migration study of the a slip other homeless. do you buy it for you, future period? also, the unit also let you know as much as before, any of us are going to choose me give you a shift. you don't see it was a couple things. you'll know 3, but i still don't wanna do that. then this cut order deep cigarette bishop or something others, what is new cause the collection an analysis of via materials containing strains of highly toxic pathogen. this was carried out as part of projects. you be 3, you be 5 and you'd be 6. i'd rather that you're probably the special report, the come with us, the most people i'm going to be able to describe who just the,
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what goes on with this, but the computer is session and you how to get them. it's just the crane. the, the full project is studying age 5 and $1.00 flu in migrate. we birds, which has a 50 percent vitality rate and humans u. s. military experts studied new causal disease and ukraine. nation. the plague versus south florida. it's a 2 since i saw it in 2021 crime e and fishermen sounds at the alarm. the coast of lake sea vouch was strewn with. then they'd come to crimea from odessa, where for several years us programs have been studying the spread of pathogens among birds. at the do you think that the reason why it asked me to go with his skin yesterday?
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it dias by his name is what makes the most of the consortia, you know, the man, the really in yet need of this and you might as you come out and they go, he's getting it from. i live in a yeah. long as george will it still under the account, sir? ok, even though it was in your mouth. so it was a multiple me deal when you go to 0, a companion to go and get disclosure. i suppose most to quote re last over there. it's a complaint i'm going to get you to go to is i've got the list number. i'll get you to go to the titles and last 2 bottles in, you could only single pole would show up on a windows key all next 30 minutes is the bottom one. some of those to do is meet. that is good to experiment and not meet those. come down and use a scout in your don't judge also though it's close to nothing else. push while is, is because there is a charge by slid step into into $22.00. the russian military published a township secret documents on large scale us some of the tree biological programs in ukraine at the before of, uh,
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less than or the point of time and send you on the stuff to it. but i'm all of the sales, but he must on the new, you still offer emails. com. and you also shop. i'm gonna share. it's a cool. okay. and because the us probably back are large short usage cuz i used to combine even blake and the which shows the chestnut combine, has a couple of properties. just different guides. yes. or, or see if you have the heads up. right. and that's good. that's me. so that's and then you call them and see how much the profession there is. this correspondence between black and beach and ukraine's health service, notifying them of experiments to study the crime in congo fee virus which, which as to, to keep the refilling at the ministration. a niche 1st to frontier secure 1000 show . of course the problem becomes fairly kafka, but it was almost $200.00. so clearly to pronounce, black and beach is the main equipment supplies, the pentagon by the color of the, the d, t r, a agency, and the infamous for did treat to the bar trees to
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a huge customers. there's a reason why d t r a received a contract from the us department of defense to study a new strain of corona virus, along before the pandemic stats. that the cross opening on you are going to do with lots of course, and you does have to do with us don't. will that kind of the smoke of and difficult subjects? i'm not sure nimble the table and presentation or allows you to meet or not with them. granted entry was a slave and i'm with them. you can find the bullet can reach up or show up by the kentucky will not. and they see it though in the face, and they submit the one that was that i was missed and they split onto my stuff is that i was doing it and they slipped on it. but i give them a step, judging by the documents of the appearance of us, scientists from organizations directly link or working for the pentagon and ukraine . tens of thousands of people were subjected to secret experiments to the very single got a cisco and as little as show you showed us. but to do that, i thought,
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fog store green skin grass than you folks do. still that simple. but the nicola conducts as up with miss a few months of teaching, you've gone to the, uh, the menus to the store, but one that has to come out on the 3 of those happy. so itself. sure, still, but i so do you a number of or so a for a month or a city it was me for much like it is the 0. gosh, it's a sold you to a new it's latrice me or 2 of the not so easily try this to over a couple of these can plus no, i'm with these boys on the brought to an us the russian ministry of defense revealed the money making scheme but depending on the secret programs were close to inspection sees him was, am i used to organise the shop? so please can do the rush of us here in the morning and, but it shows which cannot shoot on you presently didn't stop to restrict me to someone who was supposed to show jefferson's on the phone. but the sooner that the record is confirmed by the some of the money received by hun to bite and control
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firms found his way back into the democratic party funds funded himself. judging by his laptop, photos also did nicely out the secret pendulum programs. the us journalist, georgia license revealed a ukrainian scheme to withdrawal millions of dollars from the us bunch of favoring one political party. they have more money and power in washington than saudi arabia and us. that's why they're setting up the graph, like bring them up for people like joe by some 100 bytes and they're doing all these things and make sure that money goes back. in terms of drafting, campaign contributions stand with the last assess, just for the comes in samples, appreciate your response to the new orders and a multiple sort of competing young bill and booked it on the scale off deduction, nevada was the professional fish to do it. so it seems of the federal government that comes in, so it's just me and bolts and i know some of them died sufficient but the most on
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your but on the other exiled us here. suntrust in the ocean. um good. almost 90 some templates corvalle. uh when you just get those to stick them fine, you could go to uh, put avoided. thanks experimenter. i mean, even though it just means desktop, but on the pulse to combine you from the chick you doors mean his desktop bottom. it says uh, the thing is when you can just browse most of them put down your, you know, pseudo and. a nipples too, but those pictures. uh, but the, only those toilet novel mazda sent it won't go to google is x amount of watch. it's a print, the one i'm in 2022. when the weight of evidence of us, some of the 3 biological programs had exceeded any reasonable limits. deputy secretary of state victoria newland, for the 1st time admitted us specialist well working in ukraine. ukraine has a biological research facilities which is in fact we are
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now quite concerned russian troops. russian forces may be seeking to gain control of so we are working with the ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of the russian forces should they approach based on recover documents. it's known over 20 labs of working on the united states programs in ukraine alone. they're all around $300.00 similar sentence. don't sit around because whatever happens behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue at the un security council. special meeting of the sales that is up to the level of support interest. the shrub of the voice in various receive mode would be to be ideal if they do much invitation with us for water. and we don't bill us to set up a bunch of them so i'm just not gonna, i'm gonna dispute the product. notice we're starting
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a new one because the co boost novel doing if you get the chance at least point, then you could just continue squarespace to those starting to put them in any ability stores. they're like, excuse me, he will not move village against them, but they didn't use both just it was a company deals go for a muslim, tequila is in storage use recently such confidence in the us and its allies belong the final resolution. citizens of other countries probably haven't heard of the russians attempt to publish the facts. independent journalist and the results of the investigations instantly detailed on major internet platforms. the viola marjorie's topic was effectively banned by those able to control the information john's. the ukrainian escape continues to kill some 10 in rich others on east point 0. the bill gets caught or yeah. and was that whole single muta, induced, and that's the one you brought up as a new put off of the senior with jim eagles at our store on august did all the,
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all the boys google, it'll keep cutting glass. but the, she's good just in front of off the front on the news in the song julia was doing. if we would split it to us, is this nevada now? paul gods store a suit. you have a strong nicole jetson. i'm that i need a new book 10 or get you to provide me a thought i reduce this off because here's the sheets in unit d. c does the most of the machine you spend this month. i mean, the costco rupture present to the 20th is in the the
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facing in pens, criteria from the u. s. law make as the director of the, at the eye feels to answer a number of questions during a hearing on the attempted assassination of donald trump. the why was present truck not kept off the state? we don't know the answer to that. here's the problem. we're a 13 days emergency services unit personnel were posted into the windows on the 2nd floor. the ag are building that they left there to go pursue the person that takes part in as he's running a prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaks before the us congress washington is swept up in mass pro policy to, in demonstrations against the ongoing war. and guys.


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