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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 25, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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the, the the hello and welcome to cross top where all things are considered on peter lavelle. clearly the republican party has rallied around there now many in former president donald trump. but that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy trunk was world once fluid happen again, the
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cross talking trump. i'm joined by my guess, larry johnson in tampa. he is a managing partner for burg associates, a former c i, a analyst, and the us state department counterterrorism official. also in florida, we have tom the long ago. he is the publisher of gold goats in guns, blog, and newsletter and, and like jacks. and we crossed to daniel mcadams. he is the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity. alright gentlemen, crosstalk rules and effect, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate danielle, let me go to you 1st and like jackson, i know a lot of things are happening right now, but let's say one issue at a time. and the republican convention in milwaukee was kind of a love fest, you know, republicans are not actually known for that. okay. but it seemed to have a good atmosphere. obviously there was unity around having trump is the nominee. but if you look at the speeches, there's a lot of disarray when it comes to foreign policy and what it means america 1st. i mean having, i know it was a big convention hall, but having nikki haley mike palm pal, uh, tucker, carlson and j. d. fans,
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and the same room, kinda odd, go ahead. it is odd, and i think, you know, part of the unity and this is by no means dest assist, suggest as conspiracy theory. but part of the unit, the unity was brought about by the fact that someone almost killed the former president trump. and i think that a and his response to it, which was a, um, i mean i conic response. it was an iconic photo iconic response. it really cemented him in as a tough guy. i mean, it's sort of reminds me of a break. and then of course, we saw with a couple of, you know, what, right after it happened there was that reprise of the reagan speech when the balloon popped. and he said, you missed me. i mean, that's, that kind of a reagan magic. and i think that carried through the convention, the problem with america 1st one policies is a meaningless term. yeah. you know, you have all the neo cons coming under. wouldn't that would work. now say, well, what america 1st means is that we have to deter the rest of the world. we have to
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project our power. it's a meaningless term. and so the new concept climbing onto it, because that's what neo cons do. they'll be whatever you want them to be as long as you hire them. and that's the big danger. because trump is not a, an idea is guy. he's not a philosophy guy. he's. uh huh. that's not how he works. he's not a policy guy. well, you know, the larry, i mean they, they the choice of j events while i welcome it. it's not as straightforward as is a supporters say, i mean, he's a hawk on china hawk on iran tie one. obviously the issue of, of ukraine is what he differs from so many of the neo cons. what different so make for his, for him being vice president. i mean, couldn't this, trump say you are headed the border? and that's it. no foreign policy as well, of the bands as young man with a know some of the some of the views he espouses, i don't think are really grounded in some of the let's call a long time,
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a logical commitment that you know, he's going to have to take over the world. what's taking place right now is the republican electorate. there is very, very much of a guest going into foreign wars, a good friend of mine. he was a deputy assistant secretary of state and the counterterrorism bureau now lives in iowa. and he's in the iowa iowa legislature. he went around to a meeting that chuck grassley had one of these town halls to the very 1st question . and it was not just what it was multiple, whatever i want to know is quote, why the hell are we spending all of this money in ukraine when we've got needs here? yep. that's where it was. and it is, it's people like grass, they and others that are compromised they, they try to sell it out. but this is helping us build jobs cuz we've got a factory over in the east iowa, this building 155 millimeter shelves. so that what i'm saying is there's
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a separation that's growing between the republican base and trump is still smart enough that despite all of his bomb bass did. yeah, we're going to do this and we're going to go, you know, punch him in the face if they don't do what we say when it gets down to actually making the policy decisions, he recognizes it's a lose or does it get united states more aggressively involved and formed wars. yeah, tom, it's very, it's very interesting because the democrats, again, for the 3rd time, they decided not to have a primary. they're just the anointing someone. but the republicans did have a real primary, a real democratic one. and larry is absolutely right. the base is very clear when it wants and doesn't want, but we don't have that that there will necessarily represented within the party. and unfortunately the people around trump. well, i think that that is, that's changing is like um, what's the bestbuy? the big bands i think, is, is in st. louis at the very least,
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we finally have somebody at near, at the, near trump that same. yep, no, you can't. but start, let's, let's take some wins where, you know, it's like the end of the day. you can't really ask for everything and trump is now talking about what we have. we have no responsibility is i want and that's an important distinction. now, you know, we, can we go for the try back to in talking about the middle east as well. of course not, there are much different real issues to the united states in the middle east. but let's start there the, the, the bigger big question now is whether the new your accounts are on their way out or not. and it was very clear that the so that the donor class for both parties wanted nikki haley. yeah. and either joe biden or some equivalent substitute that would just continue the existing policy and. and then the shooter missed an hour and a different world trunk can do it every want. and you know, there was no unity for i saw the are and see when i looked at it,
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i saw the see the hatred from karl rove and jeep ram and the rest of it were, they were absolutely see you. then i've looked at that or some tire are and see in the way it was that way. it was staged and laid out and everything else, trump was supposed to be there, folks, period. he was supposed to be there. it was supposed to be a funeral. and the anointment of nikki haley, so that we wound up with, i don't know, some terrible sits right now. we get this like weird thing with the democrats going on as it was going to be their candidate. and i'm still, i'm still just laying odds that it was supposed to be here. hillary versus hailey. that's what i, i scope out and back in february. and that's what i still think is on the table for the 3 weeks in chicago. well, in daniel can, can, i mean, how did they move forward? i mean, you know, the, the, the advantage we have with trump is that he was president at one time. okay. so we know what kind of decision making process easy as or doesn't have. and i mean, but who's going to be in his cabinet? okay. we can have j d fan squared. oh, that's great. but mike pompeo,
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it head of defense. i mean, how is that gonna work? yeah, and you're seeing the same people come come back around and we will probably get to this. i don't want to blow the whistle too soon, but you know, the, even the ukraine situation we had you, i'm sure that all the, all 3 of you gentlemen saw the proposal put forth by general kellogg and fred slides that came out a few weeks ago about about last month, i guess it was, and this was supposed to be the great achievement of becoming a trump foreign policy team. and the 3 of the 4 of us who, who follow rush are pretty well and you can pretty well understand this. d o a d o a completely. because it's an insane. it's not even minutes light, it's flips like pre mintz gets its, uh, you know, it consists of the us going to rush and say, i'm going to you great and say, hey, if you sit down at the table and talk, peace will give you more weapons. and going to russian saying, if you don't sit down to talk piece, we're going to give you create everything we've got as if we've not been doing that . i know for the last 2 and a half years or so. it is absolutely de away in the,
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you know, the us just wanted to over to recruiting forever. this is actually if you, if you bite on this piece of rancid, uh, you know, uh, meet uh that actually could take him down and you know, better than i do. uh, peter, at home would. it would be like if you took a est to the poor copy of a, of the mask agreements home and said, hey, we want, this is going to be great. yeah. but where, after all, we all have to remember that one of trump's impeachment trials was over ukraine right now. and he has, he hasn't forgotten. that was really fascinating. is there, there is a pro this project 2025. yeah. now trump has said all the, you know, this is divorced himself from it sorta, but then he said, i wish him well, but, but the reality is there are some people involved with that project who were in trump's administration, hoover and personnel issues. and the less than, say,
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learn from the 1st term was they should have cleaned house, they didn't, they allow too many neo cons to many of these people with other agendas in and so there prepping it. so trump is actually engaged in, some must cut her off. go right now. what he's doing is he's been disavowing any knowledge 2025. never heard of it. it's stupid idea. but if he with, they're going to hit the ground and they're gonna got the bureaucracy that, that is one thing that's going to happen with larry larry, i brought up the, the, the ukraine impeachment issue for a reason. i mean, what's to stop them? they've been to impeach him for doing that as well so that they will not. i think it's unlikely that they're going to have the democrat majority in either the senate or the house. okay. if they write that, you know, if they hang in there, that, that will be the one safeguard. but is it the same time, you know, they uh, what do i need from, sorry to interrupt blurry, but i mean, the lindsey graham would be on board for that marco rodeo. that would be on the
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board for that. one on wednesday is like a weather rain in a hurricane. okay. just which, which way he's getting blown is uh oh, no pun intended. there larry. uh, do you guys keep going? yeah. but, but uh, do they have a knowledge one of the guys involved with the 2025 projects he's knowledge. is that how the world did they have that? eric, she and the she a marolla running around the at a see, you know, the, so they, they, they do at least this time around, trump understands and he understands some of the corruption with the money that's involved. so, you know, i agree, i think tom is exactly right. we can, hey, to out of 3 ain't bad. to quote me love the jump in there, tom, go ahead. we gotten it before we go to the right. one i was gonna say is, you know, it is, it's not even just project 2025 and one. i understand there are 2 groups. there's the heritage and project 2025, and there's a f
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b i that's also doing the exact same thing. taken resume is getting ready, figuring out what to do. they're talking to the office of mothers, management and budget in a variety of other things. they understand the personnel is policy and you know, trump the 1st time around didn't have a transition staff. there's no one expected them to win. and so he entered the net and that's the vipers and didn't have control, didn't have a real majority in the senate, didn't have, you know, he, you know, it really was a man on the island. and then the only people he could trust with a spot where people like derrick cushion or his daughter, well we have, we have the good and the go to a break. we have, we have to go to a break hard break here. i just want to know why nikki haley was there. okay, we gotta go to a break. and after that break, we'll continue our discussion on trump state without the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the stuff for the summer shift for the picture such as you go with the russian color, the vehicle. is it the economic model?
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have us the kinds of what it means. different products come and see if it doesn't take you to testify this thing and say ok, given the new months, so i was unable to complete the compliance. i'm bill gage battles of developing bio chemical weather's inside of the guns. good to watch the news. the solution, you know wasn't cheaper to use the white glove service cost, but he's because of the savings just of the welcome back across black, where all things are considered. i'm peter in the middle to end you were discussing donald trump,
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the okay time before we went to the break, we were talking about uh, a potential, i guess it would be human resources policy. you rightfully pointed out to be the 1st trump administration. they were grossly unprepared now. they hopefully hip learn their lesson if he were to be elected. and if he were to be inaugurated, remember there are 2 different things. 2 very important things in our season right now. but tom, there was the, you know, the, the inter agency consensus that's not going to change much. well, let's go ahead tom. well, it, it very much coat and i think before the break and your ask you about why nikki haley was there while she was sent over to the land to be terrible. and then she was almost right. i think honestly, trump center there to embarrass or and to put her on an island and then you know, and actually kill her political career more than anything else if you want. my honest opinion, i remember watching that just gone. yeah,
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you're so roughly unprepared. it's not funny. i know i really it, it again, i watched a very interesting video for about a year ago with the couple of kids were in the trump administration or now who were, who are explaining what they're planning on doing with 2020 or 2025. and they talked about their wins and like it was, they're like, oh my god, i don't when there's somebody going to stop us from doing this. like, what does the military going to show up at our office door and tell us to stop by getting yeah, cuz they finally figured out how to do it. that seems really to get it done. and then they just did it. you know, and, and they're like, oh we, i guess we can do this and it, it, it, this i live by the be honestly die by the pre. ok. now, you know, and what i like to call davosto is very good at manipulating the bureaucracy they do it and you, they do it in the british with the civil service. they do it in the united states. and so, you know what, you learn how the rules of the bureaucracy works. you know, the, the, the world could be oyster. yeah. that's,
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it sounds like communism to me. i don't. that's exactly what it comes. yeah, daniel, what will it again if i were to come to pass to trump is elected, he is a know the writing. will ukraine be the litmus test for him in foreign policy? i mean, i think the ukraine is an easy one because that's all on button. this is biden's baby. yeah. the republicans voted for the money more than voted against the money. isn't on any forwarded venture that i've seen in a while, but this is, this is biden's baby. so it's a very easy way for him to divorce himself inviting. he doesn't likes to lensky even despite their phone call last week. it's an easy when you're already seeing people pulling away from the claim policy. i mean, as long as you should've seen the running on the wall about a half a year ago when he didn't used to addicted to the grist that was coming his way. so yeah, i think i agree with tom on this, this isn't room with every on this is an easy 1st when for him to, to pull back 1st,
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i mean 1st goes the money. and when the money goes to more is over, doesn't matter who you bring to the table. what do you think about that larry? because, i mean, you know, you, all of us have noticed that russia gate, uh, i don't know what iteration is of it now is a, is rearing its ugly head. but it has a lot less effect than it used to, obviously. but you know, who lost you crane that's good to be cited and there's a lot of new accounts on the republican side that will say that as well. how is trump going to have to deal with those people? so here's the problem to trump this. so transactional, he's not guided by any kind of vision, philosophical, it'd be illogical. so for example, yeah, he's going to try to withdraw from ukraine. this is the same guy that blew up the ins agreement. so really to kill the nuclear controlled with respect to intermediate nuclear weapons. and that's going to be back on the table front center
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. and what russia is going to be doing is the kind of thing that sort of touches trucks, hot buttons where this, okay, we're going to build these, we're going to create a challenge and trumps natural instinct as well. oh no, you can, i could do it better and he's got to come back and then there's this real trump is emotionally more connected to the it is riley project then by and that's going to be there is something that will tempt him to expand it because he falls into the we're going to the then a ron is responsible for what's going on in palestine. yeah. and so it's a divorce in from that. so the problem i have with, you know, much better than but than buying. but still there is no core philosophical set of values guided him other than his make america great again. yeah. well, it's a tom i, i don't understand how i'm backing in funding and genocide and gaza is america
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1st. it's always been a mystery to me and i think it disgrace as well. but that's another issue here where, you know, you have not only the inter agency consensus, but you have, you know, donor a consensus on this as well. i mean, you know, getting, getting past the, the awful bite and legacy is one thing, but perpetuating it is another tom now agreed and it's, this is going to be a very difficult that is really guys, it is real god. so is going to be the big issue, right, that trumpets have to face and i'll be honest with you. i expect is opposition to make it is problem. and i'm going to point directly towards my normal, my normal villains, in this case, to be the british. the one getting i didn't notice is just to go back to ukraine forest johnson saying, hey, okay, so let's get time to give it up. that's a very interesting tell that tells me that you know, the, that,
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that the traditional british rendon is trying to closing up the trunk to get into his orbit for the, the election after the election. and as always, you know, these don't always with those people. it's always about, you know, savvy, everybody in the back of the, at the right moment. so i'm, i'm a little, i'm, i'm watching that angle on this very carefully and i don't have a good answer. that's fine. well, i don't think i can say is that trumping netanyahu do not get along, and that's wrong, absolutely despise netanyahu, and that's a good sign. well, okay, but i don't. i don't think any of us have, have the answers. that's why we're doing this program. yeah. because i'm genuinely interested here. yeah, daniel, you know, one thing that trump campaigns on, and i think it's a fair thing for him, is that he didn't start any new wars, but that's, that's an accomplishment for an american president. okay. but now he's good. when hair it is, again, he's elected and he's and now you rated to wars. um, is he going to be saddled with them? is it, you know, and then what is the power of the presidency if the president can't change american
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foreign policy? the executive, that's the only constitutional role really has of any substance. everything else that just window dressing. but you know, there are 2 things. the 1st indication is actually not that bad. and then you'll remember a couple of months ago trumped in an interview with an israeli newspaper, where he said on the one hand finished the job. but on the other hand, he said this is taking too long. it's messing you guys are looking bad. the whole world is pissed off to you and that's his instinct in that he doesn't like the fact that the, this whole is rarely project of taking over of, you know, of ethnic cleansing and gaza is very much driven by a strange ideology. it's driven by some sort of a of a religious fervor or something. trump doesn't like that sort of thing. it doesn't make sense. it's not a winning view. so i think there's a kernel of hope in that. in this tom said, nothing. yahoo and trump hate each other, which is another important thing. so i think there's a, there's, there's a colonel there of hope. okay, well, you know, larry,
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i liked the phrase and it's been a quite popular in this program. why is it is every election we have we end up with john mccain. yeah. of the because that's where the money is. well, the money, you know, this is, this is about keep the, the feeding and care of the military industrial complex. and all the members of congress are so compromised by the money, just the amount of dollars that are required to run for congress anymore. you know what? we're talking $5.00 to $7000000.00 and that's cheap. so the, to do that, hey, gotta have access to these corporations, they write checks. so a lot of us foreign policy really boils down to that. what, what's interesting about trump though, is i do have a friend senior guy in the intelligence community who was set up in on certain decisions like the one where they were, he was being pressure to bomb the syria and the way out of an alleged chemical
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weapons tech and trump says things are not to do that. and the problem he had, the 1st term was he surrounded himself with people who were in. i'm almost forcing him to do it this time around. let's pray that he gets people that will be, is a little more cautious and say, is this really going to serve our interest in no time in looking at the transcode campaign? you know, he makes a lot of speakers. i thought his speech it they are and see the 1st 5 minutes of it were absolutely brilliant. the rest of it was boiler plate but given what he said on the stump because he learned anything. i think he has. i think, you know, i think from post near death experience is not the same person. and i think we really have to, we have, i don't know what that we've seen that person yet. and i think that that's just normal. then we have to ascribe normal human, you know,
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i don't know reactions to even donald trump, those kind of a lot of, it's such a larger than life, almost cartoon like figure. um. and i hope that it makes him more determined to do the right thing as opposed to scared about doing the right thing. i don't know hoping, but generally speaking that's the way it works. so i was reading some, you know, so, so i hate to do mind reading or anything along those lines, or even engaging amish as i called you. but that's kind of what i do. so i don't know, has he learned something? i think so. i think he has learned the, the depth of the depravity, the that animates the people that he's right in opposition to trying to make america great. again, that's what i, that's the way i read. donald trump, how about you? what that that looks like. i have no idea daniel, what do you think is trump learned anything as well? the one thing that's more important than that, i think is that the world has changed significantly since 2016. good 2017. but trump took off as we have the rise of the global south now, which is a significant formidable factor. the us cannot project power like it could when
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trump took office the 1st time that was the last remnants of the old empire. so the world has changed. you want to, you want to go to war with china. you're going to lose, you want to take on it, run. you're going to blow up the middle east and you're going to lose. we've already lost and you can using all the force of nato. so the reality is on the ground have changed the world significantly since the 1st time truck took office. well it's, it's really interesting. we have, we, we, um, we have uh, with trumpet what the world and trump inherited in 2017, when he was a new, all you rated. and one that he would have in 2025. the world has changed a lot. you're absolutely right. but i wonder if donald trump has been able to absorb that change, and at the end of the day gentlemen, it will be key who he surrounds himself with. and that's one of we will all reconvene, hopefully before that. and we'll talk about that. we're gonna leave it on that point there. gentlemen. i want to take my guess in lake jackson and in florida. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at ortiz. so you next time, remember the prospect,
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the, the life of this day one been even the convention was being drafted in early 19th. the united states was very clear that different not take any action that would affect the economy that did not allow climate negotiations to make progress. and they did not take strong targets based on this fashion based on this product,
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the emissions that all the kept that i can defeat and camp and what the responsibility on china and india and other developing countries the the of wanted to come here since i was 121, my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying as long as gonna look around. i was gonna see if it was for me, but then i came. and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier in life than i am here in russell the i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay who worked as a chef and now raises gods and mix cheese and the countryside can like chat,
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who's been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safer at land, higher life than living here. the, the chess willis. i am the. nobody's telling me that a humorous item. this was the 4 digits of yellow, but it's sort of still there about some of it from the umbrella data. so within the what it says, this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job, which she's been working for almost a year and
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a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us labs and ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we use to test biological weapons play. the 1st step is that then they saying that she's the real quick. it was say, we shift anybody on the have to escalate to expedite didn't exceed the shape. what the, he and the she was up before the ukraine, you know me, retreated them stuff, trying to remove all materials and documents but they filed the only thing that i needed to send the record is not the way i chose to renew the restored one for to your card, but you can go to the number of weeks approval. he wouldn't go to the court. just finish this guy still doing you. when the abandon lab investigators found evidence of operations with deadly viruses and paper with a test on


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