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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the, the in the headline 0 and i'll change the national drove item, so it is time to pass. but for the cold, for a younger generation to lead america in his 1st speech, things quitting his re election campaign while the trunk for the meantime is not letting us type of record. his presence married. the 2nd term nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. very democratic move . you either want to get out, but they told him, you get now. you said you get now the
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woman who welcome the i the condemn. thousands of americans protest against them. and joe will states the site visit. congress gives a round of applause, is off of the prime minister office, full mobile, to be shipped over to appeal to america. give us the tools faster, and we'll finish the job faster. also in washington, the director of the epi, i beer, is off the track. so the congressional hearing looking into the attempt on the drums life, talking about russia's interference and us selections. on the details are from the, from the we are looking at a busy one line up for you this hour. here we are now to international broadcast on our correspondent standing. so joe biden has said, come, you know, speech reminiscent of a last day in office. the 46 president of the united states tried to explain his
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bile from power. he admitted to the reality that america needs somebody else to lead the nation. i believe i recognize president my leadership in the world. my vision for america's future. palmer, the 2nd term. nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is a pass the tours from new generation as the best way to unite our nation. now there is the time and a place for long years of experience and public life. there's also a time and a place for new voices. fresh voice. yes, younger voice. i think that biting pretty much set it all in his remarks. he did not want to drop out. he says, i believe that i have the ability. i have the vision. i have the plan to continue on as president and to run for re election. but i'm going to step aside because he
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says nothing can stand in the way of saving our democracy or protecting our democracy. what does that mean? it means i've been told i'm not allowed to run, and if i do, ultimately i'll lose in a speed abiding place this pass. so they have to see you. i'm passing the porch, the young, the young generation, a new voice is as a case may be in us leadership. and that is camera that harris indeed a representative of that new voice in politics and leadership. the problem was buying me and the problem for harris is that they have the same record in office over the last 4 years. so it's been under the binding, the ministration of the economies had. the problems with that will harris is a part of that. the number one issue among voters right now is not just economy, but it's also the border and immigration. cala harris was the boarders are and it was under her watched at 7600000 people entered the country illegally. in harris's case, she has the same record the bite and has, and it's one that's going to be tough to defend. now trump,
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i said that the democratic parties acting on democratic m e s e attempts to swap bite in this. kimberly harris said really, what happened was the leaders of the democratic party in a very and democratic move. the boss is a said, either you get out or we're going to throw you out using the 25th amendment. that's what happened. you know that you either want to get out, but they told him you get now. you said you get now in the democratic primary because by didn't was running, there was no actual primary health, no debates were held. the dmc said we won't hold debates because we have an incumbent president. the problem is, after those primary contests were been held and before the nomination is in that small window that the democrats remove or force by them out. and so no primary vote or will have any say in who the democratic nominee for president is it will be completely decided by superdelegates and by party bosses. one thing i think is very
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clear is that president biden is being pushed out. there's no real question about that. the fact is, the dmc knew what they were doing. they knew in advance about his cognitive decline . they've known for years about his cognitive decline and they've hidden it from the american public. but let's make no mistake here. the fact is biting was put into a debate earlier than any other presidential candidate has ever debated. you hold it 1st in order to expose bite and as having this cognitive decline, every democrats in major positions came out against them. and they, they put the heat to him with donors and even celebrities like george clooney coming out and saying he cannot when he needs to step down. everyone turned on biting and told him he had to step down. they have forced him out. i will talk to the more less cross live now to talk show host steve multiple for more details on this. i steve, appreciate you joining us here. the late hour. i know it's just off the one hand where you are right now. always a pleasure to get you on this program, but listen, i mean, it seems to have been biden's swan song right now, but, you know,
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obviously he's got what 6 more months left holding the reins in the white house. i just wanted to ask you, off the top of my head, what was your 1st reaction to his speech? well, i mean we, we knew what to expect. we were told what to expect, the media and others got the snippets of the speech leading up to the speech. but i felt at certain points that maybe he was gonna say, i've done, i'm handing the rain so to come on now. but of course, that wasn't to be, he still started talking about what he was going to accomplish in a go about his business for the next step, 56 months, whatever it is, and to the middle of january. and you know, it's a, it's a concerns, a lot of people, because again, if, if is all party, if the, on the powers in his own party didn't think that he had enough in him mentally and physically to run for another term. then, you know,
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we only have to assume that it probably doesn't have enough mentally and physically to finish up this term. so a lot of republicans are calling for 25th amendment, but the problem is it has to come from the vice president and the president's cabinet to start. and that's just not good to have that. yeah, yeah, i hear you, steve. i want to ask you about that post, you know what some days ago, when, by the way, this post on acts. you know, there are reports at the time that he may have been involved in a medical emergency. it seemed weird to some people that you know, because typically like it'll be j, you know, the present is, you know, when you drop out of it, when you don't have it running for the 2nd time, you know, it's a, it's a big deal. it's an address to the nation that never happened. it was, it's kind of mysterious post on the x that a lot of people said he didn't even write it. he didn't even sign it. the your eyebrows go up at all when you saw that post on x. and why did he say all that during the speech last night anyway, but it is a lot that does it make sense? luck. yeah,
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yeah. he biden's family was in the room with him there today. you didn't see it during the speech, but after the speech, the pictures and the video showed the family watching and then hugging him and the whole thing. i mean, that was joe biden. there's no doubt about that about a medical emergency. i don't know. it was weird that you know, at, at 2 o'clock eastern time on, on sunday afternoon to get that news out of nowhere. after he said that he was in it and, and his campaign it said starting tomorrow starting next week he's going to be doing this and that and the other. and then all of a sudden i'm out and i agree with ben vince one or we heard from earlier and your interview with him. yeah, he was forced out. yeah, there's a report that that chuck schumer, the senate majority leader and nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house, played good cop bad cop with him. and basically said we could do this the easy way or we could do it the hard way. so there's absolutely no doubt that he was told to get out. yeah, yeah, i mean, i would,
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i would have to concur with you on that. it does seem to be the general theme of it all. you know, hey, look, oil fair and 11 more and i guess in politics as well, steve. i mean, the strange thing is, you know, you go back to the 20192020 primaries come out of hire has had a couple of a sudden, i mean, she really was like the most unpopular thing and yet now they're presenting her as the most popular thing and the best thing since sliced bread open to you. let me let me tell you something. first of all, she never won a primary. she was the 1st one to drop out. uh and then miraculously, the man that she called the segregationist on stage of the debate picks her to be be paid. i believe she didn't pick her. he was told to pick her. okay. i mean, the idea of there was a report in the book that came out, not too long ago the job. i'm was furious when come on, harris insinuated that joe biden favorite segregation on that debate. so why would he pick her? i and now this unprecedented insane, has been described and you talked about with a way of, of picking her, i mean,
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bypassing the voters, bypassing the primaries, bypassing every thing. and just placing her in there, it just doesn't sit. right. you know, it's the democrats running on all the end of democracy. they always do that. they run on something or they, they accuse the right of doing something. and it's exactly what they're doing. this is unprecedented. this isn't democracy. the way they're doing this, it's insanity. and it's not fair, it's out, right? the people voted for bible are getting their say, and it seems that it was planned out that way by people above my to save us. and before i wrap this up, and i appreciate you saying that i just wanted to ask us or a pole in the past 2436 hours, some people said he was skewed, but some people. so saying the fix is in because this pole apparently showed come a lot higher is already having a 2 percentage point lead over donald trump. some people said, well, they were pulling more democrats than they were. republicans in this of
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a did you see that? did you hear that? what do you know? well, there, there was several polls that came out today, and trump has a small lead in each one. cnn's poll, you know, how they describe it a by a trump has a 3 point lead overall, the cnn polls. and they call that an significant or, or we have an inability to decide who's leading because it's within the margin of error. well, of course you can say trumps up by 3. it's within the margin of error, but the way they phrased it was like, oh, don't look at it because it's a number within the margin of error. well, the media's gonna do everything, everything, everything, everything they can to to paint carmella harris as the brightest smartest, most qualified person to leave this country. and it's the opposite. yeah, well said austin, closing statement from the veteran, tokyo steve most about joining us while i went out to the international a great pleasure, my friend. thank you very much. thank you. my pleasure, roy, thank you. thank you. well the multi poder world is a head. russia is foreign minister has arrived in los for an i. c. and plenary
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session. i feel good. i put off the visit is expected to last until july, the 27th. let's learn more right now and course live to i'm little boy, it's one of the a good fit to cut off. now joining us from allow so yeah, going to exciting times ahead with this flourishing multi polar world. what we uh, what are we expecting from these uh, i see on section of the will definitely, rory, it's not very often that's 4 minutes to elaborate off spend several days in the same location during these 4 and trips, but looks like allowance is going to be different to days tonight, rather 3 days, quite a lot of activities and meetings are planned both as part of the a c on summit in general, but also lots of one and one meetings are scheduled like the one with the it'd be for me to solve allow us, of course, the 4th posting side, which is scheduled for a later on thursday. the 40 minutes. welcome body of room. a. now is timor and lots
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of others. and it's no wonder, given the rising influence, both of the 8 and as an organization and to asia as a region in general. but perhaps among the more anticipated meetings is the one where before and minister of china also set to take place later on thursday. and the one with thirty's chief diplomat, that's scheduled for friday. of course we'll, we'll be here and allow us as well. and we'll be keeping you posted on all the latest developments looking forward to it. i'll political correspond, you go to this one. no, thank you. well i see it was messed with a clause inside the hallowed halls of congress out side. the public sentiment was headlined with bands of war crimes and charges of genocide. it's all about israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is visitor stays side, had the red copper rolled out, but at the very same time, many wanted to give him the boot out of town. a joyless manila child was on the scene in washington with these details. office
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the you want is funding the filters that are going on right now. so i just building the thoughts of many choose to start based on what they should be ashamed of themselves. this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civil to appeal to america.
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give us the tools faster, then we'll finish the job. the no, no, don't listen. nothing. yeah. who began his fiery hour and a half long speech using incendiary and emotive language. first, borrowing words from world war 2 era us president f. d r, calling the events of october 7th, a day that will live in infamy. netanyahu was met with thunderous applause and multiple standing ovations. when he called for continued us support of his war effort. a to israel, a bi partisan issue in washington the he went on to call the protesters outside useful idiots and tools of iran at one point, even if choosing iran a being involved in the assassination attempt on donald trump. thousands are
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gathered here outside the was capital building, where inside the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu. as a drafting the full congress hop, protesters here are demanding the arrest of benjamin netanyahu on the charges of war. crime. it shouldn't absolutely not have invited them yahoo to our country is a war criminal. and they should not be speaking to them. they've given him an honor that he not only doesn't deserve, but it's despicable. we don't accept war criminals. we don't host them here. that's my hopes and we just wanna free palestine ceasefire now, it's been too long. this war criminal should not have come through us soil. and 1st and foremost, we should stop giving them unlimited weapons of mass destructions, an unlimited amount of our tax dollars. nothing yahoo is arrival in dc homes. i made some of the most to multiple times in recent us political history on the hills
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of an assassination attempt on republican front runner and former president donald trump. and just a week later, news of the incumbent, joe biden stepping down off the democratic ticket making way for his v p comma harris to attend to the top. as vice president harris also wears the hat of president of the senate, where the now democratic presidential nominee should be presiding over events such as 14 and dignitaries address a joint session of congress. but according to the harris campaign official, the new domini will be slipping nothing yahoo speech. citing a campaign event conflicting with a date, instead of favoring a closed door one on one with you as really prime minister, ditching the cameras and criticism altogether. still, critics say this is a tacit boy con to appease angry voters. but that it's all just ingenuous, as she tries to distance herself from the bite and administration is politically unpopular stance on the complex nothing yahoo staff says they want that the prime
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minister to meet with the current president joe biden on thursday by then just back from target florentine in robust beach, delaware says that he's making it his goal of his administration before he leaves office in january. so as benjamin netanyahu wrap the 3 day visit to washington, d. p is slated to make one more pit stop. before he departs, the united states, the prime minister, and heading down to florida to meet with the presidential front runner for president donald trump and his moral motto as state. here the prime minister is changing his mind talking to anybody and everybody that has a key players ahead of the november election year in the united states over in the capital a manila, cham well, it's not yours are up to the other. and the b. b riley is something damage, right? to swap the palestinian flag for an american one and then towards the star spangled
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banner that you want to protest. just the rest of the old throughout the day and know craig k, a ton of who is the us screen body coach trap us and share their views of those on the street. so i told him that in y'all it was speech full of war mongering and lies. that was the stars and stripes slipping towards that just a few moments ago in those pictures. honestly, i can't believe that. it's just so another typical war mongering speech from then yahoo! there's a lot of lies a lot of aggression towards iranians. it's honestly the blame game needs to and he really needs to take a look in the mirror and, and this, and just really notice that there's a lot of death and destruction that is cause i think that they've been losing this message. and the truth has been getting out there. that's why you see the masses uniting behind this and his continued disdain towards international law. the i c. c, the i. c j. uh, it's going to make us all less safe. yeah, and i think that it's getting out there,
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there is correct. and there are other outlets like like yours and, and other independent outlets that are covering this and thankfully, are out there showing what's really going on the streets. there's so many organizations that are scared to report, and the ones that are reporting obviously are getting silenced by mass media. so that's why we need to keep pushing this message forward and getting the information out there. make sure we stay in the streets, they engage and stay involved and put everybody on notice off of the secret service . got roasted by congress, the director of the f. b i with the next one in the hot seat. us little make us to christopher, re, to task over the assassination of the time that nearly cost trump his life. and despite promising to cooperate, the investigative chief seemingly failed to comply. why was present dropped not kept off the stage? we don't know the answer to that. here's the problem. we're all 13 days, emergency services, unit personnel were posted into the windows on the 2nd floor of the a g r building that they left there to go pursue the person that they spotted
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crooked. that was many minutes before present to know trump took the stand, were law enforcement resources diverted from the protection of president trump to john bolton. as a consequence of concern that mister bolton might have been the target of, of a rainy and malign efforts. and that's really a secret service decision. i don't, i don't know the answer to the counter cyber didn't take a shot until after the assassin as attempted to shoot the former president and others. you got 8 shots before the the counter sniper shot, the shooter us with that protocol. and you get that fixed and somehow 2nd guessing the very difficult act and decision it takes for a counter sniper to kill another human being in that situation is all happening in seconds. so 8 shots. yeah. and that was after you've been seen for 20 minutes, are you that thank you to well, many in the public were not impressed with what they saw on capitol hill at the
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house judiciary hearings. many felt that the f b, i, director, was almost mumbling as he answered some of the questions. but from what we've heard, we have gotten a more clear picture of what happened on july 13th when donald trump based and the attempted assassination. now the 20 year old shooter apparently flew a drone to the side of the rally, 2 hours prior to the shooting incident. and in addition to that, he had his car rid up with what the f b i is describing is relatively crude explosive devices that he could have detonated remotely. so he could have essentially turned his car into a makeshift car bomb. now what was particularly interesting was they noticed that the shooter who almost took the life of former us president donald trump was the exact same distance from president trump that lee harvey oswald was from former president john f. kennedy, whose life was taken when he was in an open car in a parade in dallas, texas, and 1963. now the f. b,
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i directors spoke about allegations that iran is applauding against us president donald trump, in retaliation for the murder of general cost himself. the money was killed by donald trump. and in addition to that, the f. b, i emphasized that the united states was in what they were calling in an elevated threat environment because so many possible threats. terrorist attacks and assassinations are at this point being explored by law enforcement. this is not simply a normal moment in american politics. this is a moment where there are a number of threats being pursued by the american security service. one issue that came up was the mental fitness of president joe. by that recently announced he would not be seeking a 2nd term in office, dropped out of the presidential race. now the f. b, i, director ray was interrogated about whether or not he had detected anything regarding biden's cognitive abilities during their meetings. when did you notice
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his decline or in my interactions in my role, all my interactions with the current president been completely professional. right . but i mean has the cognitive decline, i don't send you to the joint professionally, just maybe not picking things up as quickly as he used to. again, i don't meet with him very often, but what you're describing is not something that i've observed during my interactions with. i mean, we had it observed so often that the ranking member, mister shift on this committee said that he could no longer continue as a candidate. and so, since you're the f b i, director, i was just sort of wondering like, who's running the country, concerns about russia allegedly possibly meddling in the upcoming election also took place on capitol hill during the grilling of the up the director. this is a familiar narrative and was from american politicians and the american political establishment. and it seems like we are gearing up for yet another election season
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in which a possible can you receive from russia will be the focus of much of the rhetoric from the american political leads and government officials. we says that the russian government continues to want to influence and in various ways interfere with our democracy with our electoral process. in fact, just in the last few weeks, we announced a significant disruption of a generative a. i enhanced social media in a box farm, essentially of the russians. now at this point, we do have a response to the hearings from a former president and presidential candidate donald trump, and he responded that he was not impressed out at the f. b. i should stop sweet talking, the congress, the commented on biden's cognitive ability. and from there he said that the f b i director christopher re should resign. so that was the reaction from donald
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trump and across social media. it was very clear that many in the us public, we're just not satisfied with the answers they heard from the up the director just as they were not satisfied with the leader of the secret service. who stepped down after a particularly harsh interrogation on capitol hill on monday as well as i kind of just mentioned right, that the f b i, director has blamed russia for interfering in the upcoming us presidential election . the russians on passive to america rejected that advising officials in washington to get a reality check and perhaps, well, look within. once again, attempts to play the russian card to justify their own failed activities are obvious. it is understandable that the representatives of the administration wants to distract the attention of ordinary citizens from their mistakes and the numerous internal contradictions of america which have noticeably worse. and recently. we categorically reject the insinuations against russia to find those responsible for
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the problems of the united states. we recommend mr. ray. take a look at his reflection in the mirror. the while the bricks group of nations is gaining momentum worldwide. and riley's the global south with new leadership of relations between the members sites. india and russia are progressing at speed. the west has been trying to get in the way of that and its efforts are apparently in vain. that's according to the russian charge. the family in india, romano, bubble skin who gave us that exclusive and the one is i'm on the same coast. let's see. we have been saying this in russia since ancient times. if the western countries criticize you, that means you must have done something right. as far as india is concerned, the western countries are trying to protect their authority. forgetting that their colonial rule ended in the last century, india became a world superpower and follows its diverse and sovereign foreign policy issues with
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western countries denied this multi polar reality. putting pressure on india is mistake, a very big mistake. russia historically is a stable and continuous partner of india. it is important for both of us to maintain relations with each other. the wes wants to trick 1500000000 people. this will never happen. the elephant is not afraid of barking dogs or can they either the rigs represents the objectives of the majority of the world and the global self . it has expanded because many countries are interested in. this is because bricks is based on consensus. we respect each other. we respect diversity and we emphasize the need for democratic principles and global governance effects, so that growing developing countries in asia, africa, and latin america, which contribute a lot to the world economy would turn from blue takers into rules makers. someone in opposition to the political background of the bretton woods system. we create
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independent mechanisms for cooperation, free from utah, lateral sanctions, or double standards, among which are the new development thing, parliamentary form, economics, strategy, energy dialogue, energy research, cooperation, platform, anti terrorism, cyber security, education, science, working groups, a bricks and technology transfer networks. there are a lot of institutions related to space, cooperation, as well as creation of joint payment systems. so brooks provides an opportunity for equitable partnership. it has a strong role to play in the world and its importance will be growing larger. you know, i rush as far minnesota as i get off put off is currently allow us and he says they're up to 30 more countries looking to join bricks plus but already is new as members, iran saudi arabia and the u. a. a, some of the biggest energy power players in the world and it does make $11.00 to it's the 27th he going green agenda. is that about saving the planet or about
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taking the power away from the oil content? isn't the in 1960, the americans are always the huge bell with the operation documents, most of the, of the reading found that way online the us on a chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960 directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques
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designed to permit the con.


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