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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the text and then put a note on there that could come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. joe biden says it's time possible to sit and his 1st page says nothing himself out of the presidential race, but many see the move as a defining on democratic moments. very democratic move. you either want to get out, but they do all of you get now. you said you get now. donald trump, right the colon is as he sees it as a guessing joe biden was supposed to apply the
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war many, well, i'm done, jaime condemns. thousands of americans protest against connecting yahoos. u. s. visit publish gives a rom look pulled off the p. m. oscar needs to be shipped overseas by to appeal to america. give us the tools faster than will finish the job faster on the world health organization sounds. the alarm oven, and hood that makes outbreak in dollars or has gone big and sewage bill, the things in disease is spreading like wildfire, the world tossing from the feel every hour of the day. this is odd. see the headline stories this thursday. joe biden has succumbed in this. the drill that isn't of a last day in office. the boats. he says, president of the united states twice explain his bible out from powell. now. he
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admitted to the reality that america needed someone else to lead the nation. i believe i recognize president my leadership in the world, my vision for america's future palmer and the 2nd term nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is a past the tours from new generation as the best way to unite our nation. now, there is a time in a place for a long years of experience and public life. there's also a time and a place for new voices. fresh voices. yes, younger voice or mind calling lots, of course i discussed biter most of the time. the well penal changes to the democratic tickets when the founder of truth in the media project. mr. bennett's
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one and i think that by doing pretty much set it all in his remarks. he did not want to drop out. he says, i believe that i have the ability. i have the vision, i have the plan to continue on as president and to run for re election. but i'm going to step aside because he says nothing can stand in the way of saving our democracy or protecting our democracy. what does that mean? it means i've been told i'm not allowed to run, and if i do, ultimately i'll lose in a speed abiding place this past will then for. so you, i'm passing the porch, the young, the young generation, a new voice is as a case to be, be in us leadership now is campbell, that harris indeed a representative of that new voice in politics and leadership. the problem was by me, and the problem for harris is that they have the same record in office over the last 4 years. so it's been under the binding administrative economies have the problems that, that will harris is a part of that. the number one issue among voters right now is not just economy,
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but it's also the border and immigration, couple of harris was the boarders are and it was under her watched at 7600000 people entered the country illegally. in harris's case, she has the same record to bite and has, and it's one that's going to be tough to defend. now trump, i said that the democratic parties acting on democratic m e s e attempts to swap bite in with camera. harris said really, what happened was the leaders of the democratic party in a very and democratic move. the boss is they said, i the you get out or we're going to throw you out using the 25th amendment. that's what happened. you know that you either want to get out, but they told him you get now. you said you get now in the democratic primary because by didn't was running, there was no actual primary health, no debates were held. the dmc said we won't hold debates because we have an incumbent president. the problem is, after those primary contests were been held and before the nomination is in that
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small window that the democrats removal or forced by them out. and so no primary voter will have any say in who the democratic nominee for president is it will be completely decided by superdelegates and by party bosses. one thing i think is very clear is that president biden is being pushed out. there's no real question about that. the fact is, the dnc knew what they were doing. they knew in advance about his cognitive decline . they've known for years about his cognitive decline, and they've hidden it from the american public. but let's make no mistake here. the fact is, biden was put into a debate earlier than any other presidential candidate has ever debated. you hold it 1st in order to expose bite and as having this cognitive decline every democrat in major positions came out against them. and they, they put the heat to him with donors and even celebrities like george clooney coming out and saying he cannot when he needs to step down. everyone turned on
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biting and told him he had to step down. they have forced them out. i come from scratch. wow. pool. so hose save. moles load believes putting powers in the driving seat is a far cry from a democratic move. the 1st of all, she never won a primary. she was the 1st one to drop out. uh and then miraculously, the man that she called the segregationist on stage of the debate picks her to be be paid. i believe she didn't pick her. he was told to pick her. okay. i mean, there was a report in the book that came out, not too long ago the job. i'm was curious when come on, harris insinuated that joe biden favorite segregation on that debate. so why would he pick her, i and now this unprecedented insane, has been described and you talked about with the way of, of picking her. i mean by passing the voters bypassing the primers, bypassing every thing. and just placing her in there isn't,
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it just doesn't sit right. you know, it's the democrats running on all the end of democracy. they always do that. they run on something or they, they accuse a right of doing something. and it's exactly what they're doing. this is unprecedented. this is a democracy, the way they're doing this. it's insanity, and it's not fair, it's out right? the people voted for bible are getting their say. and it seems that it was planned out that way by people above, by the school about is of prime minister benjamin netanyahu in washington, dc. right now my as he was met with a pro inside, hallowed holes of come was outside. the public sentiment was headlines with the bottom of the wall primes and charges of genocide into the us had the red carpet rolled out on the same time. many wanted him to go straight to jail, just when the child was on the scene in washington,
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i have the details of his speech. the. the new one is funding. the idea is will protest that are going on right now outside this building the 2090 israel. both testers many choose to stand with the they stand would come off. they should be ashamed of themselves and don't be fooled.
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this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. are to appeal to america. give us the tools faster, then we'll finish the job faster. the no, no, don't want nothing. yahoo began his fiery hour and a half long speech using incendiary and emotive language. first, borrowing words from world war 2 era us president f. d r, calling the events of october 7th, a day that will live in infamy. nothing yahoo was met with thunderous applause and multiple standing ovations. when he called for continued us support of his war effort. aid to israel, a bi partisan issue in washington the he went on to call the protesters outside useful idiots and tools of iran at one point, even
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a choosing iran a being involved in the assassination attempt on donald trump. a 1000 are gathered here outside the us capital building where and side the prime minister of israel. benjamin netanyahu is addressing the congress protesters here are demanding the arrest of benjamin netanyahu on the charges of war. crime should absolutely not have invited them yahoo to our country is a war criminal. and they should not be speaking to him. they've given him an honor that he not only doesn't deserve, but it's despicable. we don't accept war criminals. we don't host them here. that's my hopes and we just want to free palestine ceasefire. now, it's been too long. this war criminal should not have come through us soil. and 1st and foremost we said stop giving them unlimited weapons of mass destructions, an unlimited amount of our tax dollars. nothing yahoo is arrival in dc comes amid
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some of the most to multiple times in recent us political history on the hills of an assassination attempt on republican front runner and former president donald trump. and just a week later, news of the incumbent, joe biden stepping down off the democratic ticket making way for his v p. carmella harris to attend to the top. as vice president harris also wears the hat of president of the senate, where the now democratic presidential nominee should be presiding over events, such as 14 and dignitaries address a joint session of congress. but according to the harris campaign official, the new domini will be skipping netanyahu's speech, citing a campaign event conflicting with a date instead of favoring a closed door one on one with you as really prime minister, ditching the cameras and criticism altogether. still, critics say this is a tacit boy con to appease angry voters. but that it's all just ingenuous as she
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tries to distance yourself from the biting administrations politically unpopular stance on, on the complex nothing yahoo staff says the prime minister to meet with the current president joe biden on thursday biden. just back from corporate parenting in bro. but beach delaware says that he's making it his goal of his administration before he leaves office in january. so as benjamin netanyahu wrap the 3 day visit to washington dc, he is later to make one more pit stop. before he departs, the united states, the prime minister, and heading down to florida to meet with the presidential front runner, former president donald trump. at his morrow logo as it appears, the prime minister is changing his bed by talking to anybody and everybody that is a key player ahead of the november election years in the united states. over in the capital of manila, cham as a policy of flag flyers above that right there was
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a modern kid of netbios head on a stake up in saying, well, the cents a month on the feet could not be clear enough during the protest. 200 arrests were made. the code to a person of the us, william paul, to which organize the rally said his i'm thing baby views calling us and yahoo! a speech for the woman i'm going i'm even lies. honestly, i can't believe that it's just so another typical war mongering speech from then yahoo, there's a lot of lies a lot of aggression towards iranians arts. honestly, the blame game needs to and he really needs to take a look in the mirror and, and this, and just really notice that there's a lot of death and destruction that is cause i think that they've been losing this message and the truth has been getting out there, that's why you see the masses uniting behind this and has continued this day and towards international law. the i c, c, the i, c j. uh,
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it's going to make us all less safe and i think that it's getting out there, there is correct. and there are other outlets like, like yours and, and other independent outlets that are covering this and thankfully, are out there showing what's really going on the streets. there's so many organizations that are scared to report. and the ones that are reporting obviously are getting silenced by mass media. so that's why we need to keep pushing this message forward and getting the information out there. make sure we stay in the streets and gauge and stay involved and put everybody on notice. wally, is there any p m branded is a war on go also as a crash between civilization and ball, the reason locals, it in the old place, struggle to survive as the infrastructure has been completely destroyed. the wall household as a now was the polio. and there was of all the infectious diseases i running robinson's off the analysis of suing samples, produced
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a long name results over now to our middle east view. i see if we're, if enough enough for the details. there is no safe place in dogs, arms local se, as the idea of continues is offensive. symbols tenuously in various parts of being placed with bombs and missiles of fall from the only front mountains of brushing, garbage and lakes of sewage. the dozens, leave them on pose a serious health hazard. and this is not just a potential threat. it is already a reality to dr. nasir from come out at one hospital in guys as news has just received a new patient. yes, another one with severe skin disease and that's one of the, in the last months of the war, we have noticed the spread of skin diseases and i'm little bacterial diseases, viral diseases and fungal diseases. fear that some of them have normal spread. so it was never here before, according to the un, more than 300000 tons of garbage have
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a mast and guys over the 9 months of the war so far, to major waste distribution size. but the when and the local government used and had access to before october, a currently unreachable due to fighting under restrictions of movement imposed by these really military law. the oldest is helpful to us and our children. we have mosquitoes sit on his day and night and there's also an insight that can cost, but houses and children, the smell and the mental states are exhausting us. adults can handle it and measuring how it is for the children. international organizations have been warning for months that a severe sanitary situation will this proportional things packed children. officials have reported that there are already at least 1100000 cases of infectious disease in gaza. and no, no, no separate from garbage and sewage diseases like mosquitoes and flies as you can see it, showing them. yes, we wish we could sleep from the mosquitoes biting us all nights and the garbage
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suffocates us. we wish someone would clean it. oh, the smell is suffocating us. sewage pools are expending, has to send taishan infrastructure, has been severely damaged. the health, some of the temperatures have aggravated the situation. attracting disease, carrying rats, mice, cockroaches, and flying insects, making it easier for infections. describe most gardner and the 2nd the video, much more. we live in shelters, we're forced to live in shelters. all the infrastructure and gaza has been destroyed. as you can see, the sewage leaks into our homes. our homes were demolished in bond and burned. so we are forced to live in shelters, which are also bombed and burnt. i know about and it's not. our houses are destroyed and we are staying here in schools and our situation is below 0 and i can look at the little children. newborns have no immunities, they are sick and them. and my daughter is a year and a half old ive been. she's sick, if there is nothing, no immunity this, the sewage is killing us and the mosquitoes are killing our system. where do we go
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and fax, the largest piece organization in holland has released the report war and garbage and guys. um, it uses satellite imagery and open source investigative methods to visualize the expense to which gaza is drawing in and trash. the findings have revealed over 225 waste locations across the street from massive hundreds of meters high piles, to small dump sites. all becoming huge, boiling pulse with a deadly super fast and chains and microbes. when we die from rockets and those who don't die from the rockets die from the academic, all our streets, or garbage and sewage, because israel destroyed the entire infrastructure. we appeal to the world to the era because a lot of countries into the entire nation of muhammad and the world to stop this war. and not enough of this war until when would you want to exterminate the entire palestinian people? because of the rock is don't exterminators the diseases will. the world health organization has registered a spike in case they don't have
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a type of space and diarrhea and gaza. the writers are concerned about the escalating recess of color risk, right? the conditions, the agents just say a place to ideal for such outbreaks and this poses a threat not only for the gaza strip. gaza isn't the world away. the palestine enclave shares a 60 kilometer frontier with israel, with no barriers to hold to the spread experts. so you can painters, illnesses could easily cross these boulder as well as the boulder with egypt, which raises concerns that together as cartoons hygiene crisis could potentially escalate into broder regional health emergency roofing ocean i. r t reporting from jerusalem for jane ties watson per the the highest measure the syrian encounter, bought by shaw outside in the criminal in all smiles on a halt. felt trying to say it goes the path, sat down. i'm glad of that puts in all the seas. counts of all about the state of
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affairs ensued, noticing the escalating technicians in the region. so i thought to find the rest of the data over as well. busy welcome highlighting the meeting coincides the ac is out of a city on the establishment of the russian saving diplomatic ties with this. but as soon as get is out, it's a claim of the west. some press, it's been a routine to release a report, but it links the evaluation of the libyan currency to escape when an ethical, an illegal printing campaign of the nose. now, the outlet ledges that some of those back most of the men didn't buy rush. i've asked, was it to libya while old? this is based on quote, 3 sources. familiar with the mazda navy? all the cool goods on the say that the dean, all the exchange for american dollars on the black market,
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and to be spent in the region. well, we broke it all down with most the abraham. i'm the executive secretary of the african legacy foundation. i'm a former libyan governments, folks, i'm the so same either vote high. i think there's no foundation to believe it's such reports cannot be trusted as it is gathered and made up by sources which belong to the financial, globalized system of capitalism based in the west. it's in their interest to point fingers at russia, china, even india and the other huge. what suspects which the west 3 gods. b as their competitors, and any libby, as everyone knows was been tell a 2011. when natal bombarded that every part of it, libya was the richest african country paid copies of the country was destroyed,
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the army was dismantled. uh oh. you had fee of was a weird i attacked the man made truth. one of the biggest economics projects in the country and in the region was part of the also destroyed at the libyan assets which mount to $360000000000.00, an international bank with seas unfrozen. they remain to be unaccessible for live young people into the now 14 united states that the main generates of income and libya is o u, as we all know m o. u is fully controlled by western quarterback abrasions. and when the income inch is generated, it goes by international or no federal financial controllers in the west. the libyan center on fact, is the only china that can come out to be managed and they've been center of the
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bank is in the hands of the americans. and the british, the goal please there, of libya which supported the libyan do not for a long time has been weakened a greatly after 2011. the whole situation that nato introduced into the country, including economic, oregon related security relate to go to take it literally to lead to the, the evaluation of the libyan do not. this is the same script, the same script that was implemented in iraq that was going to be implemented in the city that was implemented enough kind of stuff. and so my yeah. and from a neil could always point to view in been as well as well without submitted to intervention. of course, in this case, the multi photo world is for the ties in south east asia versus pump deputy might say your level has met with council pause. of course, the reason that the f c n 4 minutes is conference in last. among those,
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several bands with indian is 4 minutes up the pad, detailed pro, tools for holding future consultations between the nations ministries ross is the phone mess that also met separately is kept developed from louse, which is the host nation top different lives. we're also in the mix from cambodia and east team of the russian and allows farm is also held quite as well. tools with ed corley from china. this is the 1st meeting that we have this time to discuss for your time to attend us in foreign, foreign ministers meeting loud and china and russia have enjoy a mutual interest. i see on the do was virginia chicago and is one of the most
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important elements of the emerging more just multi polar world. the association was and still is the core of regional efforts aimed to ensure stable and secure. non align developments of asian pacific is about russia in china is large scale potential, as well as moscow invasions participation in bricks. and the seo can influence positively. both i see on and cooperation with its members in order to settle global and regional issues within the scope of the un charter principles in their entirety. well, frankly, it's a big mystery to me. how certainly elaborate does it. i mean, we force, you're on the same plane, i'm roughly twice and younger than him. yet i'm super jetlag. it's too hot. it's humid. but lab ropes looking sharp. he has been constantly holding meetings roughly every half hour throughout the entire day, holding negotiations, signing agreements. it's remarkable how much energy and style and this man has, he's met with the for in minnesota. so, so allow us indonesia, china bruning,
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as you see more and more. and this is only throughout this one day. it's been so busy that we journalists who haven't had the time to actually ask him some questions. hopefully that will change tomorrow because we are expecting some statements to come from the foreign minister following all these stocks. but he's also set to meet with his cert discount or part. it's actually quite rare that certainly a level of spend several days at the same location and in this sense, on his for, and trips in this sense, uh, allow us is difference and 2 nights, 3 days. and it's no wonder why russia and i see on the do have quite a special partnership, was both i sound as an organization in southeast asia, in general, are gaining more political and economic influence. so indeed, it's quite busy here and allow us of course we'll be here as well. i'll make sure to bring you all the latest details that we're all visiting comes. i'm in las vegas funding, promising contact in the region all teams. rebecca,
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nothing to prove. as the story of russia, i said, partnership has seen over 3 decades offered for relations with multiple playing a big part in many areas, including politics, economies, security, culture and agitation, relationships, strengths, and when both sides formed a strategic partnership. today the partnership is still going strong, as russian president flooded. therefore, being highlighted during talks with law president, hong one sees sol lift in may 2020. before this meeting was especially important for us in with last folding, the ops and chairs this year, we could actually build this the 3 issue we have been effective and proactive in working together on the international stage, including within the united nations where we use that are promoting a strategic partnership with the association of southeast asian nations as a major foreign policy priority for us. i see on has substantially expanded the agenda,
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dealing with our joint efforts after allows assumed its chairmanship within the partnership. tourism is something that russia and i found would like to highlight the latest project team in spending tourism business, the russian language training and experience exchange, especially for the younger generation. the russian language has taken the interest of pos, in countries with the help of social media. then a big change happened in 2023. with the 2022 russian foreign policy concepts. it's now port selby's asia, including i say on at the top of it's a shop has civic strategy. that's a huge step up from the 2016 policy, which didn't even manage an asset as reflected by the investigator off the russian federation to offset russia strongly supports the pivotal principles of resistance and tragedy and unity. they are of particular importance nowadays, when the same countries that instigated the ukrainian crisis pursued their policy
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of division and confrontation in regional processes and structures. the rushes joins. initiatives have deepened into mutual understanding and collaboration with a z and member states contributing to peace and progress in the asia pacific region . the partnership between russia and also that also shut lights into the ongoing g all pull up the goals, triple lens, the space, russia, just like many other awesome members is worried about i side policies and containment efforts that could harm the region. that's why russia strongly faxed us central and regional matters and sees it as an independent player in the growing multi polar world. but with us, i am showing the world not to take the region for granted. some old western blogs are trying to throw a wrench in the works. as for this, russian foreign minister said again, laptops called out needle for expending its military presence in the drive pass the
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big thing, get rep. since we also have the center regional system, where you move in for us to, to, to not to put of nato's military structure is moving into the pacific with the obvious aim of undermining d. c on centric architecture, which has for many decades been built on the principles of equality, mutual interest and consensus, silica zane, listen to this, if you can sales, the relationship doesn't only bells on bilateral ties, but that leaves the terrorist attacks that happened in most school. this year, a broad us plan to issue a slowly day or 2 statement against terrorism, expressing support for russia. this statement is quite something since i see on rarely issue statement on this level for non member states. a 30 year friendship surely has impacted both russia and asset. without a doubt, this partnerships has enormous untapped potential looking.


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