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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the cancellation about flooding in and that's what's happening to koreans near nancy as a battalions hope of a european tour to find your approves. all changed has reached out to the van. organize us for comments. a friend, security forces trumping down in power is the head of the olympic opening ceremony . locals are ranging that the field trumped within their. busy and 6 in a rush, i stopped the diploma. say it again,
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live it off and meet with his counterparts from south asian countries in china during dicey and 4 and ministers come friends in laws the but we're continuing our coverage of the latest trends treating the world right now . this is our team to national. i a michael question about what your about your trains neo nazi as of battalion to 9 european cities have been partly cancelled. archie has requested comments from a number of organizers that we're supposed to house the events. now, just 2 destinations remain progress and to build this for security reasons previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin. both of them, brussels and cologne, will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply with all security requirements. and this time, we are not going to hotel people with threats only the full, essentially the main, the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially,
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where i honestly enough, that's the country where not to collaborators had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the last century and we even broke the story recently where a one of these as of neo nazis, went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from hitler on his shirt. and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took the picture, posted on social media, where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean, where a young girl is smiling at the camera with the burning building in the background, so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have the red carpet rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental and berlin, the load week museum in cologne. so, i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's,
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it's really good. that's 5 reaching out for my explanation to these places and subsequently seeing them cancel their revenues for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah, this is totally shocking, but i haven't been reading any. i mean that would 9 countries or even a 7 seem to bowed out to a sodium, but haven't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out. what we did here actually funny enough from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tory in rotterdam. and they cited me negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this. due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m. o radar has decided to no longer host the controversial event. w m. o radio is not a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this neo nazi tour that was organized archie that archie
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reached out for comment from every single one of those topics actually ended up canceling their news along this tor, the only ones that didn't prague and building a villainous. we didn't actually reach out to them originally, but we have now and we're waiting for comment from them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reaction to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment, and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman as boats person. dimitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across your upfront each year. in fact, the key fishing has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazis, and on the european continent we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of the august manifestations of the key for him. just
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to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any russian. this is the quiz thing that can be in our main task to continue our work and achieve the tasks that we face the was seen use to insist that there's no nonsense in a new claim is our 1st statement. absolutely not. i mean, what if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis in ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones that, that this actually happens a parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law of actually there was a neo nazi politician rena fowler, yon, who was assassinated recently, and she had become very him from his actual the 4th thing so rapidly and see russian that she had gone to schools and scolded children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right, so altered nationalist. but even her nefarious ideology had made enemies of the
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as of neo nazis themselves because she was scolding them for speaking russian. do you guys know what discipline is in the army? if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army, it's a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism foreign. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor direction, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house at the very beginning when this assassination took place. it wasn't exactly clear who had carried this out. but since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism wide power frames responsibility for the assassination of this the neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing just such an extreme ideology ideology,
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really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really. now political risk analyst and veteran war correspondents, elijah magneer slammed the behavior of an as of member who visited auschwitz, post. busy photo with the headlight quote displayed on this closing. how can we accept the out in ouch feeds. another person standing there with the portray of kit to praising it, and it is supported by our money by the our taxes. and we supporting these people in ukraine, and we think that this is funding, or this is this need some support. there is a large population discomfort with what you are in need is all doing in ukraine and consequences of this support this. the guy that is existing between the fee
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indeed is and the population is widening. and we see the consequences of this support. this is why when we see countries like france, for example, saying i want to send true to ukraine or other states that they are willing to send some x. but this is how they tried to sneak in the war to be more involved in ukraine. it shows that this is not our war. this is not the war that europe once people are extremely afraid of being involved in another war because they have not recovered from the 2nd world war. and people who live during that era. in 193990429425. all student lives today and they were meant, but what they found stayed and the friends now with 1000 police officers were deployed on wednesday in paris to secure a stadium. i made the football not between israel and molly people expressed
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polarized opinions on how safe it is to be on the streets of the french capital right now because of the tensions over the ease ready teen playing. oh for deal to i have to say that i'm a bit scared at the moment because it's true that there's these really team and everything that's going on with that country. and the moment should up was i'm here to support my country, all our countries, and we're not afraid to be here because we have our good god protecting us. you don't have to be afraid of anyone and you don't have to be afraid of israel. all the event was an initial secure we did test before the powers olympics opening ceremony later this week and on presented secuity operation has been deployed for the duration of the games because of the tensions over the conflicts in gas and ukraine. the games i said to have attracted thousands of people for the closing rage among residents of paris, who say that due to the increase police measures, the field dropped in their own city, are cheaper to be taught. rachel mass didn't,
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has the details. when here's one, the olympic games bid. french officials plaza, this idea in regions mines that was just going to be one giant open air street party. the opening ceremony will take place throughout the entire city. 4 kilometers all along the sand river. 44000 metal and cement barricades have descended upon the city, seemingly overnight manned by some 2004 in police and military officers invited by france to police for reason streets, many of which are blocked off the cars. and pedestrians and accessible only to those who have submitted the paperwork to the french government and are granted online according to your style q r code. to say that the, that's the buttons to be found uh between uh the perfect security which is absolutely key to probably key. and there was no discussion does never been any
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discussion to put the risk a security model. so the bases how we can guarantee the security for is big data isn't and for the dates at 1st, this is also to be just for the opening ceremonies, but now restrictions are set to persist until the duration of the olympics and the paralympics, which means into september french apartment via that toddler said this week, that about 6 drones per day has been taught flying around the olympics installations, reassuring for charity in light of a classified frank senate report that was linked to the press earlier this year, finding that the anti drone system for the games was of questionable effectiveness, the linux are served as a convenient pretext. those who watch a ton of cash into francis surveillance industrial complex, particularly with his insistence on an open air opening ceremony. but you think
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that that would at least that means that they could use those tools to do their jobs and just leave people alone instead of pastoring them as well. who felt this heavy handed to security theater to the pairs games back kitchen parisians are well fenced in for miles on. look at the distress of our craftsman 44000 terrible grids blocking their work, causing cascading cancellations. going from across the street and get a job to blocking the streets of paris and preventing people from going to work to the point where they lose their jobs. turns out that even some hospital workers and trash collectors have reported they've been prevented from getting to work because as well they didn't have their games q r code past giving them access to their workplace. some furniture saying that restaurants in particular or whose motto during hopefully it was no past no place or just getting what they deserve. at this point,
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having police clients government issued to our codes during the coverage the asco, but they're angry now that the same system is being used against them. that's it. welcome to my restaurant. without the customer, it's a nightmare. there is no one left about. so here it is, all the shops, the closing, one off to the other because there is no point in staying open. handicapped people in particular are having a tough go of it and navigating the sidewalk from paris, which in many cases are not wide enough to use for handicapped people, particularly with wheelchairs and mobility issues with these barriers, taking up so much space. hey, forget breakdown st. this is basically the new will of big support, the presence introduce for the games. oh no. just like to follow up on the one we taxi drivers can't get the q r code. some customers, as you can see, have their to our codes, but they can't get through. it's so complicated. why didn't we do what everyone else did and hold integration in the stadium? there may be a reason why all the other capitals are doing it. we didn't,
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we had to do things differently because we always want to do better than everyone else. the result is that there's nobody there. it's an economic disaster. i smile, but it really is an economic disaster. the nice thing there was an enormous amount of security for too much, in my opinion. everything has been fenced off to prevent access to this thing. i wonder what about the towards the poor people and how does the manage it. now we can even access the backgrounds on the site. we can't do anything. we are in prison, dental. no, we migrate, and homeless people were deported from paris to other cities lead to government communication, published by the french sports media outlet. they indicated that this is really just all to make the gains look good by quote, temporarily hiding. those would be visible near the olympics venue. we set ourselves, we're not going to keep quiet any longer. olympic games are putting people in the streets every evening. people in hotels, c o,
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the people under the bridges affair as being evacuated, a lot of hospitals have closed and we wonder where all these people are at the moment. seems like a toss up right now to bet on who are what will be back in paris 1st, when the games are over. will it be all those displaced? migraines and homeless people or the suitability of the sand river, which cost $1400000000.00 euros to clean up and was only miraculously deemed assumable for travel on an open water events just a few days ago, despite being an open air sewer since forever. so a lot of smoking mirrors here and exactly what you might expect from a games which has turned out to have a bit of a dissociated vibe. you could say that the brain shot of month zuka bag is in the hot water around the world. the us base med tech company has been accused of
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validations, ranging from discrimination to being a facilitator of cyber crime. nigeria has ordered the tech giant to pay up $200000000.00 for the trust filing use that data with outcomes said malaysia and singapore has had issues as well say, but the social media companies, platforms, are rife, we fees fall, the company is not doing enough on its own. ready interviewed out hom, full of content, all day correspond into my my each a has the details met and facebook currently under fire following recent troubles in south east asia. that's as they allegedly failed to regulate their servers in the region, but to concern an increase in fraud and malicious activities. saw the criminals often explored e commerce and social media platforms due to the on the limits the. these platforms provide facing bound somewhere and stems remains the most pressing issues in
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southeast asia. single port ordered specific social media platforms to actively take action against scans, including offer in a secured payment option for marketplace users. but according to the countries minister of state for home affairs matter has been pushing back against the government's requests. natasha has consistently pushed back against image is recommendations for them to put in place. they've got to come back. e commerce scans on facebook searches very fine uses against government issued id and offering a secure payment option for marketplace. uses a meta suspect to do right by your uses. the situation is similar in malaysia, the country is asking social media sites to tie in their safety regulations, whether it be a facebook, whatsapp, or tip top. on top of that, it also previously sued meta a modest response which has been sluggish and unsatisfactory, has not met the urgency of the matter and has led to increasing public concern as
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quickly as there is no sufficient cooperation from matter. the malaysian communications and multimeter commission has no option but to take definitely took steps or legal action against meta as a measure to ensure that people are secure and protected in a digital sphere. this legal action is knocked out of the blue according to malaysian authorities, as meta continues to fail to safeguard it's platforms. according to the malaysian communications, n multi media commission, facebook in the country has been flooded by offensive content relating to race. religion, as well as of course scans either way met or refuses to take action. these issues are not unique to asia. they extend to offer to as well, by jerry, a country that has one of the worlds the highest number of internet users is accused the meta of not complying with the countries data protection laws. and has announced at 220000000 dollar fine on the company just recently made
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a party show immediately and 4 with stopped the process of sharing what's app users, information with the other facebook companies. and 3rd parties until such a time. when users have actively involuntarily consented to each and every component of the liberties metal parties in 10 to exercise with respect to the information of the data, subjects met a parties. she'll pay a penalty of $220000000.00 us dollars. but it's not just about stabbers, are still in users data without consent. any field, the meadows activities have contributed to human rights abuses against if you'll pills to grain community. even before the outbreak of the conflict, the northern, easy o, b, a civil society organizations and human rights experts repeatedly warrant that made a risk contributing to violence in the country and pleaded with the company to take meaningful action. however many to ignore these warnings and did not take appropriate mitigation measures. even after the conflict had broken out,
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is there reported that meta has failed to stop the spread of contents advocate in hatred and violence against the grands has you'll in hate even further, especially when you consider that facebook is a major source of information for many locals so how long will it take for meta to finally get off the type of horse? admit it's wrong, doings, and care about the safety of its users that we spoke, we definitely charles lim handled the security operation center. right, so is job and university. he believes the bet to use us will continue to full force commas because the social media company makes all the minimal efforts to secure which platforms ramp up. trust being, you know, good the size many, many times that they have been, you know, uh, of every know, you know, these people are individual or both. but of using the own to scan
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people, you know, they have to introduce some measures. my, again, those managers are not actually effective. it may have been criticized very, very strongly. so i don't think the manager us throwing out because again, when you talk about them and i think they will actually prioritize, it will uh, money or finance map out. see, all right, so i'm up is already passed if i and you can listen to this video conversation in the us. and again, you can see that this is this map. there's actually at the end of the day, it's about the, all the camera on our eyes, you know, all the accounts. and so if people are actually using social media are not careful enough. they will be tied into disclaimers. and so again, because of the many more things they do, because they probably already buys,
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you know, money over the safety of people and get trapped into these matters of the multi pull a. well this for getting ties in south east asia, russia stop diploma instead of get live. rob has met with his kind of bugs from china, had solved asian countries, ideas in foreign ministers conference, and allows the the, i said to get love it all the house. the torso with is kind of bots from lauzon, with colleagues from the other c and countries. easy agenda was rounded off by a meeting with china. as for administer for the diplomats emphasized the need to
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count the outside a difference in southeast asian efforts at raso stump diploma also model the organization's role in developing a more multiple of weld now and china. i see i'm a do was was an issue. i see on is one of the most important elements of the emerging more just a multi polar world. the association was and still is the core of regional efforts aimed to ensure stable and secure. non align development of asian pacific is about russia in china is large scale potential, as well as moscow and visions, participation in bricks and the seo can influence positively. both i see on and cooperation with his members in order to settle global and regional issues within the scope of the un charter principles in their entirety, laptops looking sharp who has been constantly holding meetings roughly every half hour throughout the entire day, holding negotiations, signing agreements,
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it's remarkable how much energy and style and this 9 has he's met with the foreign ministers also allow us indonesia, china bruning, as you see more and more. and this is only throughout this one day. it's been so busy that we journalists to, we haven't had the time to actually ask him some questions. hopefully, that will change tomorrow because we are expecting some statements to come from the foreign minister following all the stocks fuzzies also sets to meet with his 3rd discount or part. it's actually quite rare that certainly a level of spend several days at the same location in this sense, on his for and trips in this sense allow us is difference and 2 nights, 3 days. and it's no wonder why russia and i see on the do have quite a special partnership, plus both i sound as an organization and in southeast asia in general, are gaining more political and economic influence. so indeed,
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it's quite busy here and allow us of course, we'll be here as well. i'll make sure to bring you all the latest details and now to you gunned, our police have detained. at least 45 people are made to prep. my protest against corruption in the national capital of the president of the east african nation has set a foreign powers. are all to meet, lead to blame for the unrest that demonstration had 2 bad elements. elements. number one was funding from foreign sources that are always meddling in the internal affairs of africa for the last 600 years, slave trade, colonialism, neo colonialism, genocide, economic exploitation, etc. well, those involved should know that you can to, is not in the colony where those shallow schemes can be deployed. the wide spread, the protest that was witnessed in new band on the 23rd of july 1024 is deeply rooted in the quarter up soon. and they put on the cod 6 where you know, close while expressing
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a dell for us creations over um quoted up to being the leader evaluation and the government to anita sheets and the members of parliament. and i for people with the young people this quote as well, at the center on the all that nice online at the top, at the e k. yeah. as when on the streets of quotes they were met. we did this on the phone for these funded they have been military presence in the capital city of come find the way young people might seem to the bottom of the building, stupid be shown. and of course the experts that the prescription in the government . but the met with a lot of resistance of, from the police officers on the military who are listed a number of them over 45 people out of the 42. how being hot arrested by the police and the 4th. uh, that'll be inside for posting public news and find the stop on the most, most of us that i should be get their rights to participate in trying to in a they have your gun done constitution. so what we so you said they won't be so on
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tuesday was the young people of course, expressing themselves. uh the uh, the mundane for the ability from the government. if we just because of poor legal for 5 weeks for the time, hold it up, the lifestyle of them by the front. i mean for the accused of not spending the public funds, the that i to a, to solve the problems that are aiming, the country. it will say the 1st to read from the sent him in the sofa. they've gone and president to you where he looked almost 70. when he said that, the products that we've made, the products that we're being told that my team, you know, to do mystic purpose. he said that these profits have mix, showed up from 48 degrees. we'd say that might a middling feed to the internal affairs of the country and such as you've done that . and of course, such sentiments are also a quote on how to from the neighboring president of the country. you can, you know,
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have president. we have moved to steve named mary, due for an a t piece of funding. the process that we witnessed in kenya where young people to get to this the, the monday before the compatibility funding for the whole, the whole of the own government weakness, nickelodeon, we have 14 countries out of using them for 9, shown on imposing that. ideally these on the african i'm didn't know when the president said that they put in countries, i'm going to do the kind of fuels, right. you know, we, and of course you have a way to because he said he, we give up for this conference, giving details all 5, these kind of questions that he made, that 4 entities are to blame each of the properties that the witness copies of the content and that is the update. now we'll see you again with more story. is that top of the hour by now
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the the in 1960, the americans launched the huge bellwether operation documents. most of the, of the reading found that way online. the us army chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques designed to permit the quantity of evaluation of intimate logical munitions. these tests form the basis for developing offensive biological weapons. no withstanding that in april 1972,
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the us britain and the soviet union assigned to conventions strictly prohibiting such developments. and many ca, seamless money and support this 2nd year coming in super village school with action . the model you see in utah seems the put the she or say she can wait for the use of the building, scalable authorities. tickets the full may end an easy and health minister city if i deal so potty trying to find out what was going on in the mysterious number to us lab opened in her country in the early 19 seventies. surely if the less for me is to do for a petition of the shots until we go infectious diseases with isn't ition me, the sales staff that the pollution never happened. most
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of the larry ships program was 7 days themselves and


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