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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the cancellations of flooding it, and that's what's happening to ukraine. new natalie. as all battalions, hope of the european try to find recruits. our team has reached out to the event will denies us for comments of friend security forces. i'm typing down in paris. i had all the olympic opening ceremony, and locals are ranging that they feel trapped within their own city. to appeal to america, give us the tools faster. then we'll finish the job faster. as he is ready in 5 minutes, a beg for rob as far as war in gaza, he's met with
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a round of applause for members of the us congress. that's as americans protest nothing yahoo speed side visit calling him a war criminal. the what, this is our team to national reaching you live from our new center with moscow. i a michael, what you are to buy a ukraine's new nancy as of latavia and to 9 european cities have been partly canceled. our t, his a questions, comments from a number of organizers that have with, with the past due host at the event. and now just 2 destinations remain in progress . and the field is for security reasons. previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin, rock the down brussels in cologne, will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply with all security requirements. and this time, we are not going to hurt how people with threats only the full, essentially the main uh,
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the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially, where i honestly enough, that's the country where not to collaborators had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the last century and we even broke the story recently where a one of these as of neo nazis, went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from hitler on his shirt. and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took a picture posted on social media where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean, where a young girl is smiling at the camera with the burning building in the background, so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have the red carpet rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental in berlin. the load week museum in cologne. so, i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's, it's really good. that's 5,
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reaching out for my explanation to these places and subsequently seeing them cancel their menus for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah, this is totally soaking, but i haven't been reading any. i mean that would 9 countries or what you ne, 7 seem to have bowed out to a civilian but haven't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out . what we did here actually funny enough from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tory in rotterdam. and they cited me negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m, o raider, has decided to no longer host the controversial event, w m. o radio is not a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this neo nazi tour that was organized archie that archie
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reached out for comment from every single one of those topics actually ended up canceling their news along this tor the only ones that didn't probably getting bills of illnesses. we didn't actually reach out to them originally, but we have now and we're waiting for comment from them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reactions to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment, and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman as spokesperson. dimitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across your upfront each year. in fact, the key fishing has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazis, and on the european continent we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of august manifestations of the key for issue,
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just to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any russian. this is the quiz thing that can be in our main task to continue our work and achieve the tasks that we face. the west continues to insist that there's no nonsense and a new client is our 1st statement. absolutely not. i mean, what if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis in ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones that, that this actually happens parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law of actually there was a neo nazi politician rena fowler leon who was assassinated recently, and she had become very him from his actual the 4th thing so rapidly and see russian that she had gone to schools and scolded children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right, so alter nationalist. but even her nefarious ideology had made enemies of the
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as of neo nazis themselves because she was scolding them for speaking russian. do you guys know what discipline is in the army? if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army, it's a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism foreign. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor direction, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it. in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house at the very beginning when this assassination took place, it wasn't exactly clear who had carried the south and thoughts since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism wide power frames responsibility for the assassination of this, the neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing this such an extreme ideology, ideology,
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really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really. all right. joining me right hayes, arnold beverly, how political consultant, headings, national human rights lawyer, is nice to have you join yet. arnold, now the mondays a previously planned to protest, you know, against the new and nazi as of about tanya and in parts of germany and so on. were cancelled. oh, why do you think that happened as well? michael, thank you for having mean, obviously there's a change and narrative. uh, the last 2 weeks. also we've seen a lot of the development of the g o. p tickets might be a long way from ukraine, but everything is also being played as we speak. and the front of the candidate has been making phone calls already and everybody is in washington, dc. the consensus now, if anything is that we have to somehow wind down the ukraine front to do what after that,
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that's not the purpose of the conversation. but this is coming from. i own the, you know, and sure enough, uh, label to your clients offline minister was in china. how and he conceded, you know, pretty much that we need to talk and then scheme self. somehow, the talkers all name that no one on him that this was leading nowhere except 2 additional deaths and stuff. and it's time again to, you know, talk peace. and next time we got to do this which would involve rush off. well that, that's okay. by surprise. so this is the same thing as a one i've been saying all the while you talk about peace between 2, you know, conflicting parties and you're calling them to the table. what kind of piece is that was? it's a, it's a game of cynicism and even boys johnson. remember, boys, johnson is the government floyd. nice. don't bully exactly. you know,
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so i'll get to the 4th at the, the, for the 1st and submitted statements again, 10 days ago. oh, yeah. you know, going and know, finding himself walking into trumps, which that's, i guess we should definitely talk about, you know, the stocks now. department. those people who understand is that the situation is not as it was in april 2022. and so russia as the 4th uh on the ground factual predicates which uh will have to be taken into account if and when those stocks take place. but we standing farms claim that we will resolve the issue in 24 hours. now let me ask this question. this as of new, new nazi as of the gauge on or on all of that with its ideal, the jeep. why is this so difficult to get rid of this ideology? when everyone understood what they stood for the past and the history and so on and nobody really wants to book,
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why is it difficult to get rid of that ideology in the 21st century or obviously uh it deals with um education. and to the extent this ideology is useful to powerful interest, most interest setting to you know, motion of resources and that you wouldn't people's brain in a way that somehow the rehabilitate what id or g ive been condemned in your own bed . uh, and to the extent you know, uh, in western europe, people have been exposed to dispatch fraud that you know, never again and for good 3rd of the population there at least a good 3rd. i would hope this was the final draw up to hear that, you know, the very thing that we had been taught and told was the dregs of history is now being rehabilitated. and we have financing it, even though you know, we are cutting also from cheap energy supplies. and on top of it, you know,
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we're dumping down by financing those very, just like, and then you will duration of decisions inside the outage. so this is something that's getting reading now to a point in europe, at least, you know, in western europe, maybe less. so in some central european countries like the czech republic or the baltic country for historical reason. but in western europe, they've had it. and this is, this is the end of the line. but again, it goes ideology is like tech series. i mean, these line, which has nothing to do with these line, is continually stoked. you know, in a way as a, as a tool. it's a tool to destabilize and to create a company to discipline in some people's perception of reality or religion. and so it's this whole divide and rule and um, when you needed to reactivate it through the, we've seen it in uh, in ukraine, in the wake of the made on the use the school books. and they are the labor and all those young mines in the town, they mean to weapons. this is,
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you know, the where the, the pen is mightier than the following stuff. you know, and we've seen this site and, but she's like, uh wrong. but when you know the, the radio, the 1000 hills, no me called in, they, they were creating a narrative, you know, pregnant with violence. and when the time came, almost became like a subliminal message. and people went on an accurate on it the same thing. well, the saying that the, the german hostile, the planned as of events realized the mistake and had to cancel some of the planned events. a sure, i guess i actually pretty, pretty much think they got a call from i on up from maybe like, you know, people around she was saying and over here and we're starting drawing down on this narrative now. so we caught, you know, of all things have a public event hosting, you know, such unpalatable characters because you know, those people, uh, they don't really change the stripes. i mean,
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we've seen it when they were invited the us congress for side shows, you know, what's going on there, you know, they, they assume completely the ideology and to the next time they are being somehow fated or the convinced that you know it's, it's all weights all of them. okay, and obviously this wasn't going to be a difference in germany. so, but now as i said, because the narrative is slowing but short, he's changing and fading away. you know, this is all the media do with it is somehow showing you a way in a very subtle way, you know, by, by dropping haynes then, you know, here and there until next thing, you know, everybody forgot to button what happens unless you don't see those out yes, completely. it's, it's, uh, it's always something to behold, to be honest, how you can, she wouldn't be human brain like this, but we still have to have more heads waiting, you know,
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tend to in progress and feel knows what they are saying about the a check, dwayne l will will go the same way by canceling. well, why do they still have their own that well too much for your europe are, is very diverse, and this is toby, go perception of stuff in advance and they're good at that. and so obviously those 2 countries, especially, they don't use the multi countries, they'll be the last one to leave the asylum, you know, so that adult in the light off on their way out. but uh, you know, it will happen progressively. i mean, if we were to expect a change and now it seems to happen systematically abruptly in all the countries we look almost for suspect with that has to be some kind of a, you know, multi layered shifting narrative. and so those countries, you know, are still somewhat standing god, you know, the last born hold of this uh, unfortunate sequence. but so you all later, if you say what time they also going to follow suit and then get,
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well hold on that. i'm not into the mind of the some of the people, not all of them, but some of the people on the street will still offer those ideologies. but at the usual level, they will get to mabel with that, you know, so that's good. it's my yes, i really wish we had more time to talk about this title. definitely have political consultant and international lawyer. thank you so much for your following me. thank you. great. a 1000 police officers were deployed on wednesday powers to secure a stadium that made the football match between each roll. and molly, about people expressed polarized opinions on how safe it is to be on the streets of a french capital or right now because of the tensions over the east ready team plane. oh, for the good. i have to say that i'm a bit scared at the moment because it's true that there's these really team and everything that's going on with that country at the moment should up was i'm here to support my country, all our countries and we're not afraid to be here because we have our good god
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protecting us, you don't have to be afraid of anyone, and you don't have to be afraid of israel. probably event was on the initial security testing before the party. so let me fix opening ceremony later this week on the unprecedented secuity operation that has been deployed for the duration of the games. because of the tensions over the conflict in gaza and ukraine. how the games are set to have a truck to thousands of people. but our closing rage among residents of power is to say that due to the increase police masses, the fuel just dropped in that old city. the night it was all about these roles. prime minister had been given to nathan yahoo in washington dc at the moment as he was met with applause inside the congress. but outside the protest raised with demonstrators calling out war crimes and charges of genocide or
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the us government. welcome to the yahoo with open arms. while at the same time it may need protest this wanted him to go straight to do. let's take a look at how the so called a day of rage unfolded. the new one is funding the ideas of protests that are going on right now. outside this building. the manchester menu choose to start and when they start or come off,
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they should be or shame of themselves. this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. to appeal to america. give us the tools faster, will finish the job faster, the don't, don't a well now let's trust live now to job list robert in the cash. ringback robert is good to have you join me now. now that nothing. now it says that the i d f is doing everything possible to avoid civilian casualties. the assassin actually corresponds with reality from your assessment. you know, is it doesn't at all. and of course, we know that that isn't the case, even at the heights of the terror of isis in the middle east. and it's worst 2
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years. it killed $18800.00 civilians, according to the united nations, israel. and the period of 9 months is killed according to the cause of health ministry. the statistics that are accepted by the united nations around 40000 people. but if you accept the lancet report, which was published in the medical journal, then perhaps that figure is actually a lot larger and around a 186000. and of course, the vast for fortune of these people are siblings of about 70 percent of them are women, children and the elderly. of all the reported gaps. we're talking about 14000 children that had been reported by the cause of health ministry over that killed by the israel leaves in every single one of these military operations. we know. busy from the admissions called israel east themselves, who spoke to outlets like 9 as a 7 to mag. as the openly stated that they could kill
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a 100 civilians from one high level and as target they say. and if they don't get the mass target, then they just throw their hands up in the air and say we made a mistake. so of course david the letter and it goes out they've manufactured abandon and forwarding to israel's talk, human rights organizations that sell them all the evidence points towards that. i mean, just anybody with the ability to go on their twitter accounts or instagram or wherever else has that they want to log into on social media. it will be able to see the bodies of children lined up every single day of ideas rarely and onslaught on the gaza strip. and of course, this has been dumped and genocide. the international court of justice ruled it plausibly a genocide. they're pursuing the case of israel committing genocide the i see, see if the pending now arrest warrants for annette. and you know, we don't know where that is was and how long that's going to be delayed. but those calls were made by the chief prosecutor of the i,
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c. c. for know what the rest were and products and yahoo. so of course, israel is definitely a merger and civilians just in my own extended family alone. we've lost over a 120 people who are all civilians. so this is just their ridiculous claim. of course, i'm really sorry for your loss. i see has made us understand there. now while nathan, yahoo gave a speech in congress that was a massive protest outside. and that is in addition to millions of voices from around the world, taking against what a lot of people of color masika and some people in genocide in guys. that's why, why is the us government so insensitive to these calls from around the world and even its own citizens, as well as evidence that the us congress and those who were sitting there and congress and applauded a record number of times i've heard some people say it was 58 times other people are claiming that 70 times that they weren't bloody. but if you listen to the
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speech, i'd say a good proportion of that speech, a good portion of it. a large percentage was taken out by a round of applause continually going it go to the point and you just shows a clip to where nets and yahoo have to tell them no, don't applause. listen to the because they are literally applause in every single time he paused. so when he paused in the middle of a sentence, they just start clapping because that's what they're pasted. they're paid by a pack, but obviously their front end, a lot of them ultimately by a pack a packet used to sit in, you know, the shadows and finance campaigns. now it's openly bragging about a 100 percent of the people that they back get into office, and they'll throw tens of millions of dollars at small level campaigns as well. just to push someone out, use an anti israel voice as we saw with him on the phone. then in the democratic party, however, there was a portion of the democratic party congress,
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members that did not arrive. i would argue that it's more than a position to ness and yahoo and the stance that he's taking some words, the democratic party themselves, and not really an anti israel stance is some of those people that didn't appear or pro israel. so when we're looking at the us congress, at least in many of those senators, the showed up as well. we're looking at people that are basically paid by lobby groups. so of course they're, they're going to show often, and that's how the us political system works. you know, sold to the highest bidder is how these politicians are elected. whether it's by big farmer, by uh, the oil industry, by the pro israel low b or other is the weapons industry. for instance. that's who buys these elections. essentially in the united states on the truck campaign has been given a $100000000.00 by israel's riches billionaire. miriam, 8 or 10, was to allow the annexation of the west bank, which is a violation of international law. so we have,
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we kinda ignore the role of money in this, but it isn't balancing for the united states that so many round pauses were given to nets and yahoo, when he made up blatant lies when he was insulting americans who are actually using their 1st amendment rights, you know, these are their rights under their own constitution to protest and to be a full, whatever they choose to. and he's there in front of the congress elected officials . so essentially that using these people are being foreign agents are useful idiots or an enemy nations in the united states. and he's getting round of the forces for that. so, i mean, it's the mass came off with nets and yahoo address the congress. and also another thing was be alluded to nuclear weapons, which i don't think many people call it onto in that speech which is extremely dangerous. and he also received an a round of applause from members of congress
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when he said this, all right, not moving out, who accused the guy, but if you run of the organizing protest against him and it's, and yet it also wants to join forces with the us to pre 8 and the lions against iran. how successful do you think it will be with that? the initiative? all phase? well, this has been the initiative from the beginning of the, by the end. the ministration is also what the former trump administration tried to do as well if they wanted to form a, you know, he's pulling at what the abraham a lion style. that's what he's calling it after donald trump's circled abraham accords in the middle east. and this, of course, was a project which led to october 7th because of the fact that the finding the ministration was trying to put together what many were cooling in the past few years. the arrows, nato, where it was going to combine all the governments in the region with israel
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and the united states backing it in order to carry out actions against the or on the board. they say defensive alliance against it on, obviously to oppose iran. and it runs policies in the region. and so this ended up leaving some what we have today. and the october 7 attack launch by hand. that's the reason i say that is because somebody didn't, administration was pursuing the saudi normalization. it wants to the power of nato, as well as once it is abraham alliance to and it completely ignored the palestinians. so did donald trump's former administration as well? they completely ignored the question of the palestinians, and they felt that they could just subjugate them forever and that they wouldn't do anything. and they just sit by us, they were killed, they're living sanders gets worse. you know, there's a higher guest total in the west bank, then it's a got to the point before october 7 where it was the highest death toll since the early 2 thousands in the last thing. and none of this was properly addressed it. there was never a push to try and find a,
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an actual solution for the palestinian question in palestinian state, put in because they ignored this. and they focus solely on attempting to form this alliance against bureau and, and undermined it on which is an integral part of west asia, which you cannot ignore, yukon simply a form it out of existence. this like was a catastrophe, original war. so this was always the policy and this is led to the disaster receipt today in palestine. that's the reason this is happening because of this policy, which of course nothing yahoo is promoting. all right, we have to living here now. thank you so much, brother in law, cash, joyless. thank you so much for your insight. great, thank you. thanks for holding. all right, have a significant player in the international arena. you ron, gets a fair share of attention from media. but most of the time that information comes
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from the outside, but we have an opportunity to hear from, for ourselves, the perspectives of the ronnie and the god. yeah, and counsel member or council member hire to the raw fee on a visit to russia. and he shares his views on his country's eruptions and democracy . it's relationships with russia and the west, as well as the ongoing war in gaza. the mall allow me to 1st and foremost begin by saying that he runs elections are democratic and free. in fact, it's been the people of the as law, mac republic of you, ron, who have constantly and invariably decided who goes into the parliament and who becomes president. this is a requisite for democracy yet also that this is a requisite for free elections to be the people might come in and go out and his excellent see mr. position. john is our next president, and he fits in the profile of the as long as a public of you runs democracy. of course,
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with his own views and approaches. he runs leadership of the people every ron and all the groups in iran will welcome and support the person who wins the election. so the new into hot water heater onto it. and these lumnick revolutions and the loud cry of the uranium nation in the head. wind of unilateralism is there, sad and distressing as it is. we see that the main western powers do not see the world within the same criteria. they adopt double standards move. you see countries that move along the lines of the interest of the united states, even if they do not hold elections, even if they do not fit the profile of democracy. they become friendly countries for the united states. however, independent sovereign states, no matter how democratic they are, no matter how they resort to polls, they will be threatened. i mean the target of their criticism and shaft eyes meant . this is
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a double standard. and we don't value that on the wake and conscience of the human race does not buy into the logic of double standards and una lateralism. ok. so then in the law, this law me that's how do your ron has shown that it is committed to international principles. and at the same time, it is committed to peace and sound relations between different clips and countries . not only in the muslim world, but also globally be at the same time, the islamic republic, every run 6 justice and we'd like to confront oppression, including bi extremist groups. we have a shared experience. we fought against the terrorist movements in syria together. how about we also need to stand tall against a terrorism and against the genocide that is ongoing, unfortunately, and gaza is what we need to oppose the incorrect logic that some of the world


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