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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 25, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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as many american companies are sponsors of the international olympic committee, of course, they won't go against their sponsors and sort of sponsors put pressure on them. they work on assignments. and of course, there's also the fault of our federations because we need to work in the international reno. we had several heads of international associations. they didn't have to leave. they had to defend their position of independence. i don't know why they ran away. it was necessary to defend the position of independence and protect the athletes. and what has been done against israel now is that the athletes of israel are not to blame. and the athletes are russia and bellingers are not to blame. but this is nonsense. these are biased decisions, and today the international olympic committee has turned into such a private club, the fulfills tasks for it, sponsors. that is why declared that all the money that is earned of the lympics should belong to the athletes. and the president of the international olympic committee should be chosen by the countries, not the members. it should not be
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a close club because the international olympic committee exist, thanks to the countries. there should be no other question. the country should choose a democratic president. and the international olympic committee should work in the interest of the countries. the right you can get from the details of all the stories we're following on r t dot com. i'll be right back. second stop. i'll be off by the the hi everybody ever. sanchez, this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about of the
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israeli prime minister. benjamin netanyahu arrives in america the reception so far . so pretty. this is direct impact on rick sanchez. let's do this. the, you know, it's funny because there's not one single person in the united states, except for maybe the president of the united states who has as much access to us politicians as does the prime minister of israel. think about this for a minute. all right, stay with me here. the leader of israel, i'm like any other american or any other world leader can simply pick up the phone and say, i'm coming to the united states. and i want to give a speech to congress. and you know what, the responsive from congress, from our elected officials, from our leaders from our government? yes, sir, but of course sir,
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it's not is we'll look is, is a great partner for the united states. i totally get it and degree and what they've achieved in business, and then technology is incredible. and on my visits there, i have found the people to be smart, fun, extremely honest. but what is real government? specifically as prime minister is doing right now by massacring reportedly more than a $100000.00 civilians, including children is a branch too far, too cool, which is why his visit is causing protests even before he gets there and gives us page the my grandparents survived the fall is going up, i was told that we should never let anything happen again. that's why i'm here today. protesting that in genocide of the policy and people and calling on our
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government to me not in the arms embargo in israel and said no more weapons, city is really miller, the funding the we cannot be funding. that's crazy. and then those are powerful words, by the way, the fact that our politicians get both bought and rolled by as rarely as politicians. it's embarrassing, it's embarrassing for us, you know, as americans, i mean if you're living in the us, you may not know what you may not feel it, but, but let me show you how the rest of the world sees this situation where the united states provides a heroes, welcome for a guy that the united nations and the international criminal court has declared as a war criminal, responsible for a deliberate mass genocide of the
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the i wanted to show you that because that's the way it's being covered in india of all places while you will never see coverage like that in the united states. now here's what's weird about all of this. nothing else visit is happening. at the same time the democrats are rolling out their new presidential candidate. remember, he was essentially invited here by the republicans, not the democrats. so one of the demons now doing their hiding literally hiding carmella harris is a just like mr. trump numbers shot up after his assassination of deb when he was
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getting a whole lot of attention. obviously, harris has numbers had been shooting up in the last couple of days as well because she has been getting all the attention. so now with mr. biden, out of the raise, the polls the shot up, and it's pretty close to being apply right now. and, you know, here's what the numbers look like. i mean, this is pretty darn close. wouldn't you say 46 to 45. suddenly mr. trump is up by one or used to be up by 4 or 56. now the corporate media, i should tell you, is making a big deal out of this part. it came out in the last 24 hours. let me give you some advice. i'm a cover and us politics now for the better part of the last 30 years. and i can tell you that these poles that you're seeing right there in the midst of this transition. so this is not a big deal. ok? polls are not about one or 2 reads in a moment of time. the way we always should look at polls is, wait, wait, at least
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a couple of weeks to be able to recognize what the actual pattern, what the trend is. that's what poles represent. not picking one out and saying a hot look who's winning. right. however, it is interesting to see how right now. harris's handlers are keeping tomlin harris away from the net them yahoo! a visit as much as they can, because they know that young an aspect, voters can't stand nothing. yeah, these are the same voters who don't like by and by the way, and they're still not sure about harris. the last thing democratic party officials made is to let those voters find out, find out just how tight here it says with a pack. the as really lobbying group who buys politicians, like most people buy cheap toilet paper as for harris, has family relationships. this is interesting. her husband is jewish, and he is pro is well. but guess what? her step daughter, ella em off is a model reported like doesn't identify as jewish and as even been known to express
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pro palestinian sentiments. she could be in trouble. so even embarrassing, like ronald reagan's daughter patty davis, remember that maybe you don't, but she was. sounds like her handlers are still trying to sort this one out like what are we going to do with the step daughter right? in the, in this whole idea of hiding a potential us president from the media and the public well of for and head of state is in town, seems horribly dishonest to just to see. but, but for some bizarre reason, republicans are not pointing that out. why right there instead of continuing to talk about joe biden? here's tom cock. he goes on cnn to complain about how joe biden stepped down. i mean, i can't help but wonder why in the world is he still talking about bite and when he should be talking about harris? just last week. yeah, and you had nancy pelosi brock obama, george clooney, hollywood moguls, wall street bankers, all working behind closed doors to bring on bearable pressure to bear on joe by.
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you know, it just seems to me the attack on bite and seems wrong headed almost patty, given that he's. he's an old guy, he's frail. he's out of the race, by the way, because you haven't noticed mr. gotten. even worse for cotton is the fact that his party, when a trump and vans are still ahead and almost all the polls and this america 1st message that they're putting out there is extremely popular with most americans. and certainly with almost all conservatives. why distract from that? anyway, there is one lawmaker who is willing to do the unexpected in an extremely courageous speech in front of his colleagues, most of which are bought off by the way, by the is really government and their money. this one senator, sharing his truth about that then you know and declaring that he will boycott netanyahu's speech. mister netanyahu's war has been carried out with our war
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plains, our tanks, our guns, our bonds, muscles, and bullets. it has been carried out in a manner shockingly inconsistent with the principal of proportionality. i will not be attending prime minister netanyahu, i was address tomorrow. while i welcome a constructive discussion on how to end this conflict in achieve lasting peace and security for as really some palestinians. i'm not interested in participating in a political study by the way you can expect. no, you can be guaranteed that 8 pack will now try to destroy sen. peter welsh, a vermont by smearing him. they will now call him an anti semite for saying that even though he's not, and then they will donate tens of thousands, maybe as much as a $100000.00 to replace them with another canada they're choosing who says what essentially they want to hear. by the way, while welch is pushing for peace,
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the us state department is pushing for more war in a bizarre, bizarre reaction to a piece gesture by china. where it's attempting to hold talks to try it and the fighting in the middle east spokesperson matthew miller. this guy's a piece of work. you've got to see that it's actually expressed anger at china for even daring to talk to the organization. that is royal says it's a war with we have not yet reviewed the text of the so called beijing declaration. of course though, we will do that but, but as we have made clear for months of from us as a terraced organization, something that we obviously made clear before october 7th. but when it comes to, to governance of gaza at the end of the conflict, there can be a role for a test organization. i mean, just sick thinking have tortured the logic in what he just said is, is well claims. it is at war with hamas, which has about what,
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5 to 10000 people in it, even though they've killed a 180000 people. a mazda said on many occasions, by the way, and look this up. they'll take my word for it on many occasions that it is willing to release the hostages and sit down for talks. that's how i'm off the bad guys. right. but matt miller says that they can't have any conversations with them because they're a terrace organization. so what are they saying? there's no way then to end the fighting, this thing could go on for another 100 years that right? as long as you just stay there tears, so we can talk to him, we're just gonna kill him, kill as many people who may be associated with them. what state department doesn't want peace and because they didn't want peace in the rock when it was offered to them, they certainly aren't against any type of peace for ukraine. and you know, where else the state department and its military contractor friends and their corporate friends don't want peace then as well. yeah, sorry, that's a fact. let me come back. we're going to be talking to on your power bill who has
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written a book about that very topic and is a journalist. she's an offer you coverage venezuela. she's really smart and i can't wait to talk to her stay right there. i'm going to be right back, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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[000:00:00;00] the, hey, welcome back, everybody. i appreciate you joining me now. and i've been looking forward to this is on the a parent though. she's recently come out with a new book. it's called corporate cool. gosh, great the little ration great title and couldn't think of
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a better title. a look at the attempted over throw of the elected government a venezuela, an intervention which was conducted by the united states. now this is interesting because maybe it's about one that's gotten as much as the tension world wise world wide as perhaps it. sure. right. so i gotta tell you anybody out there, anya, who has followed our state department's actions. i mean, there was a, there was a cool in ukraine in 2014. that's the reason that ukrainian governments there. that's the waves and the russians are angry about it. there, you know, we, there was a cool that the, but the shop around and around, which is why iran is a disaster to this day. not really, but that's why we've had problems with a ron. because of that cool. back. whenever it was cool in guatemala, that ended up killing 200000 people. this is that state department of the united states of america going into places and basically for meant include, because they don't like the government and they've decided they're going to change . the government may be good, maybe bad, but what the hell are you doing?
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trying to change somebody else's government? and that's the question. the world asks. most of us americans are most americans. unfortunately, we don't, they don't know about this stuff, but i gotta tell you your topic. it's fascinating the, the, the cool that we apparently tried during the trouble administration in venezuela was almost, in my opinion, laughably horribly carried out. am i wrong? no, you're not. and it could be easily, as you've said, it'd be a comedy script. it could also be a thrill or a drama because there are so many compelling characters. but this corporate to that was conducted against venezuela in 2019. was the unprecedented, as i say in the book, because it was the 1st time that the us government, while they're known for overthrowing other governments, particularly in latin america. this was the 1st time that the us actually declared
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a mission accomplished before the regime change had taken place. they just got out and put the car in front of the horse and said, we recognized the shadow government and venezuela. when actually nothing had changed on the ground and from under the leadership of poor advisors, such as john bolton, in particular, who really drove this. and that analysis is based on all of the trunk era, biographies or memoirs that i read. john bolton's memoir, mike pumping his memoir mark as for the defense secretary, they all talked about trying to convince trump to make this policy a change. and that they thought that if they just announced this government that, that would cause the actual government in venezuela to fall in force that didn't. and here we are 5 years later. and the only accomplishment of the school was really to lose millions of dollars worth of venezuela's international assets. and in that regard,
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they succeeded. it's so bizarre cars listen to what you just said. the whole people around the world are listening to this and getting it one day, washington decided that they would proclaim a new president of a country much you can do, but you can't just whole give a speech to the state department like like, palm pal and bolton and others did and say we now have decided the new president of country x, the government as well. any culture, the new president of country x is stolen. so what the hell made them think they could get away with that? i suppose it wasn't material who hubris and that's really the downfall of any empire is once it becomes too big for its own, for its britches. and. and in this case, what you said is exactly true the rest of the world to recognize the precedent that this policy set. and that's why the vast majority of the world countries did not
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recognize the us imposed shadow government in venezuela. they the other than 50 countries that are basically all of the u. s. allies, north atlantic treaty allies in europe and then close latin american countries that are under us domination, through military bases and various agreements. uh, those are the countries that recognized this make believe fantasy government and the rest of the world, including the major powers in the world. russia, china, india, turkey. ron, these are countries that are going to be very powerful moving forward. south africa countries. oh yeah. heavy oh yeah, 3 and, and the rise the economies and these countries said look, if it's venezuela today, it can be any single one right tomorrow. and i know for a fact that is what they thought because the, the, those are with the diplomats that i spoke to while covering the school said to me, i'll never forget one of the reasons i got this smile on my face is, is that was let's take the dog,
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i'll never forget. i was on the air covering the story and they there, there was a news conference at the white house and palm pal came out and he said that he had a very important announcement about that as well. and, and he said, we are here to announce that we are now recognizing the new leader of that as well . and he called them guido. but oh my god house is this like a comedy show? i mean what, what the hell am i watching your? he actually called him guido, i don't know if that's in your book, but if not, it probably shouldn't because it's right then and there, you know, it's a bunch of drunks in a room somewhere or any is who said, yeah, here's the plan. well, we will get a new president in there and what's his name? oh, i don't know. who cares? i won't even know and his name, but he didn't even know the guy on. yeah. you know, he didn't, and trump himself was not impressed with quite a was only initially didn't even want to release the recognition of white at
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a wonder his name, but was only convinced to do so by mike pence, who had a phone call with one guy. no, the night before this policy went into action and convinced the trunk that he was worth endorsing. but according to reports that came out, just months later, trump was walking around the white house, calling a guy though the beto or work of been is waiting for activity, recognizing that all the good looking military men, those were trumps words, not mine. according to john bolton standing behind, but there. oh and yeah, here we are. it's it's 2024. and venezuela in the coming days will actually hold presidential elections. monroe will likely win, but it's worth noting that the main candidate running against him and wound up gonzales was actually a functionary working in the venezuelan embassy and el salvador during the 1980s. at the time when us was running a dirty war on el salvador in the region actually in nicaragua as well. and he was
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someone who because of venezuela, was tightly allied with the us and participating in that policy at the time was involved with those crimes along side, elliot abrams, the man who actually was appointed venezuela. a on boy under trump's administer the criminal. so a criminal exactly. the convicted, criminal, convicted criminal. yeah, this is the guy who we chose to run that as well as policy. this is not. so it's interesting though that you're saying i'm fascinated, but the way that you're explaining trump, like, like trump, basically was busy with other stuff. so he let these guys do this whole that as well, a thing. and then once they had announced that and were into it, he went to them and said, what the hell are you guys doing? it sounds like he, he was not happy with this. then as well and cool or whatever the hell these guys are trying to do down there. know, according to mainstream reporting, including in the washington post that wasn't the case. but one to that,
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that i share in the book is that you may recall there was that real embarrassing moment. one white, oh, actually tried to have a military uprising and failed miserably. was left in the street with a phone pressed against a view or looking afraid probably on the phone with mike pompei were bolt and and that night i went on tucker carlson show on fox news. and his show was very a sort of against intervention intervention. and as well at that time and went pretty viral and tucker actually told me following that. com following that, that clip that trump called him after that show and told him that he knew that he shouldn't listen to john bolton. that if he did, he would be in world war $34.00, and $5.00, that he basically kept him around to be tough, but that on this venezuela issue it became clear that bolton was wrong. and this is not only based on my reporting that i share. there, but like i said, i want him to pose that after that moment. trump was extremely disappointed in his,
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in his advisors there, but i, i'm worry rick, because something i know you'll understand well, is that very similar to the israel lobby, actually the cuba, venezuela, ex pat lobby is very strong in the united states. so even if our leaders might have to the right understanding of, of the policy and might recognize that our regime change policy is doomed in venezuela, there is still this, this influence that i worry about coming out of florida. that is hard to hard to uh, stand up to. yeah. and that the, you know, that's a shame because of that as well. and community in south florida and the vet as well . and people in general are just some of the most wonderful, most industrious smart is their abilities, their achievements, the country has a great history. and rather than finding a solution that doesn't involve calling everybody who doesn't agree with you a communist. but the us plays into that, like we, we, we,
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we constantly go around the world. and we, for many, these arguments, these disagreements, these so called revolutions as we call them. and we, the people who were using don't even know they're being used by us because we just want to get their money or the oil. and, and it just seems like, what is, what was the exact, the perfect example of that all my vent as well. and friends, i hear them say things that i go, oh my god, i wish you knew the truth. like, oh yeah, yeah we, we love the state department. yeah. yeah, going very kill this guy killed like i started a war to my relatives. okay. or whatever. it's like, no, they're not the state department, these things, the state department does. they're not doing them for you. they're doing it for them. oh, you get my drift. yeah. yeah, i'm with you 100 percent in venezuela is a very good case because it has the largest oil and on tap goal deposits in the world. and the blueprint that i lay out, the, the tactics that they use in terms of propaganda, economic war and hybrid regime, change wars. it's a playbook that they use against other countries,
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whether it's iran, russia, china, and ultimately it's failing. and so that's my message to americans, is that we need to have a common sense foreign policy. if cubans and venezuelans want to participate in that, they have to accept that they are coming it from the prospect as americans. we should be approaching the country with our interest not over turning a government so that they can go back and be power a powerful in their home country. that is not my job as an american citizen to, to back that project. if you're here in the united states, you should be looking at venezuela in cuba or any of these countries with, well, how can we just come to a mutual understanding and mutual mutually beneficial agreement? because that's, that's the only foreign policy that is going to succeed in the future. but the best thing about, i think your book is even in the title of the word corporate. because that, that's the differentiator. if, if, if, if it was the american people who had said, we really want to do this and that as well, because it's really important. and, you know, we gotta get this guy out to put this guy. you know, it's not being done by the american people,
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it's not being done for the event as well. and people, it's being done by corporations who want that oil that's in venezuela and all those other deposits that exist there. and as soon as we figure that out, the better will all be including that as well and the united states. so i rest with that. thank you on you. you are the light to talk to. i can't wait to pick up your book. it sounds like a good rate. thanks for having me, rick. it's nice to see everyone the. all right, that's our show. remember, always to look outside your own box troops. you know, they seem easy sometimes. oh yeah, there's no juice. don't live in boxes. look peeper. i'm rick sanchez. i will be
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looking for you next time. the the stuff for the story. so i'm a ship for the such as your dog with the machine called the should the get our daughter should do this vehicle? is it what to model have us for this problem next time and see if this doesn't fix it. testify this thing in the next 2 weeks. ok, even though is the new much so that i'm going to be moving to california. each developing bio chemical weapons inside you can use the solution, you know where some cheaper to use the white glove service,
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the customer of the different bodies because of the center state, the cancellations off floating in. and that's what's happening to you creams? neo nazi as off battalions, hope of a european to define your fruit. archie has reached out to the event organizers for comments is really expresses deep condemnation over a chinese broker, the treatment for unity between and previously if you didn't policy to in the proxy advice and for top. and my jury, i impose is a 200000000 dollar fine against the us base social media company and mehta for


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