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tv   News  RT  July 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the cancellations of florida again, and that's what's happening to ukraine's new natalie. as off battalion's hold of a europe tour to find the recruits in our t has reached out to the bed. organize us will come in with the news. i may be the representative of the key of regime to provide some clarity, but for some reason only they understand why they ignored our invitation to participate in today's un security council session. the un security council decided over by rochester beans to discuss with rights to lead to national security with a view of the ukraine complex. these are all expressed as deep condemnation
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over a chinese broke at agreement for unity between previous the few days and policy and functions of boss and for top the others is are to international reaching. you live from our new center in moscow. i have michael question that what you are by ukraine's new nazi as of autonomy and to 9 european cities has been pop me cancelled r t has requested comments from a number of organizations that were supposed to host events. now, just 2 destinations in a product and feel this for security reasons previously announced meetings within the movement in berlin. both of them, brussels and cologne, will not take place in ukraine or abroad. we always comply with all security requirements. and this time, we are not going to hurt how people with threats either. well, essentially the main,
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the 1st stop on this neo nazi tour was supposed to be poland initially, where i honestly enough, that's the country where not to collaborators had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the last century. and we even broke the story recently where a one of these, as on neo nazis, went to ouch wits and ended up taking a picture with the concentration camp in the background with a quote from a hitler on his shirt. and he was also there with his girlfriend. his girlfriend also took a picture posted on social media where she was seeing a smiling at the camera on the background of the concentration camp for the sort of resembling this popular mean, where a young girl is smiling at the camera with the burning building in the background, so this guy and his neo nazi pals. originally they were actually supposed to have the red carpet and rolled out for them in places like the hotel continental and berlin, the load week museum in cologne. so, i mean, i think, i think it's safe to say that it's,
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it's really good. that's 5 reaching out for my explanation of these places and subsequently seeing them uh, cancel their menus for this towards no doubt. a good thing. yeah, this is totally shocking, but i haven't been reading any. i mean that would 9 countries originate 7 seem to bowed out to a sodium, but haven't been any explanations as to why those 7 countries bowed out. what we did here actually finding out from the organizers of the, of the venue for this neo nazi tour in rotterdam. and they cited me to negative media attention as of the reason why they decided to bow out of this. due to recent developments and negative media retention, w m o radar has decided to no longer host the controversial event. w m. o. radar is not a never has been and initiate to of the event. we would only receive the guests and facilitate the event. on top of that, every single stop of this new not see tor that was organized archie that archie
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reached out for comments from every single one of those stops actually ended up canceling their news along this toward the only ones that didn't prague in building a villainous we didn't actually reach out to them originally, but we have now and we're waiting for comment from them to see why they're still willing to welcome neo nazis with open arms. donald hasn't been any of the world wide reaction to this. well, i'm sure it's actually responded to our request for comment and they said that it polish investigators are looking into the matter and were even able to get comment from the kremlin spokesman as votes person. dimitri pest calls on these neo nazi tour that was trying to be organized across europe for peach care. in fact, the key fishing has become one of the cradles of the revival of nazis, and on the european continent we're doing everything right. and the fact that the western media supports this, they're ready to support any of the august manifestations of the key for him. just to continue the war to the last who created for us. this is unacceptable for any
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russians. this is the quiz thing that can be in our main test to continue our work and achieve the tasks that we face. the west can few news to insist that there's no nonsense in a new queen is our 1st statement. absolutely not. i mean, what if, if this story that we're talking about right now doesn't prove that there are neo nazis in ukraine and the quite a few prominent ones at that. this actually happens a parallel to another story that took place in the ukranian city of the law. of actually there was a neo nazi politician, a rena fowler, yon who was assassinated recently. and she had become very infamous, actually for being so rapidly anti russian that she had gone to schools and scolded children for having russian sounding names. and she was so far right, so ultra nationalist, but even her nefarious ideology, she has made enemies of the as all the neo nazis themselves because she was
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scolding them for a speaking russian. do you guys know what the discipline is in the army? if there is no discipline in the army, them, there is no army, it's a rabble. i cannot call them ukrainians. if they do not speak ukrainian, then let them call themselves russians. why are they so crazy if they are such great patriots, then show your patriotism foreign. no one gave her the right to open your mouth, nor direction, or any other unit of the ukrainian army. so just off, if you think there are none of our supporters involved, then you are deeply mistaken. so think about it in response to my message, you can contact the one or the white house at the very beginning when this assassination took place. it wasn't exactly clear who had carried this out. but since then, a neo nazi group by the name of national socialism, white power frames, responsibility for the assassination of this neo nazi politicians. so it's really like an example of how we're seeing just such an extreme ideology ideology, really caving on itself and begin to cannibalize its own adherents. really what
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the un security council has conveyed to with roster presiding to discuss threat street to national security of the roster. then bassett, a to the us investment in advance. yeah. a spoke out about these tests. listen to so if you 3 in the car, in the formula for ending the conflict, he's a t f must consider moscow's proposal to restore peace. the same you, the, you just recently, key of authorities promoted the pseudo peaceful so called the lensky formula as the only foundation of settlement appealing to them. it makes no sense from both the standpoint of elementary logic and the realities on the front lines. so we have many questions and maybe the representative of the key of regime can provide some clarity. but for some reason only they understand why the nord, our invitation to participate in today's un security council session is the key
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every james. now it legitimate leader has maturity enough to talk about peace. then there's the peace offer proposed by the russian president a month ago. and keep should better hurry up, because you crane is not going to be offered anything better than this for sure. russian ambassador and eventually i made it clear that russia has been willing to negotiate from the beginning. and this idea that there was now this is a wednesday window, etc. this is not matching reality. the president of ukraine with this point has no constitutional claim on leadership. he at this point is trying to melt the western countries for as much as he possibly can, while the lives of his people are perishing on the battlefield each day. meanwhile, he is sold off half of ukraine's agricultural lands to foreign corporations. now, western members of the security council made a point of saying and their remarks that they simply couldn't sympathize with or
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show any support for russia or acknowledge any of what russia was saying, not unfamiliar. pretty typical. here's what we heard. a few countries 50, been there support to russia. today, i'd like to focus on china, the dpr k, into ron's military support to russia that is directly contributing to russia's war against the frame. a china so called no limits partnership and large scale support is propping up the russian defense industrial base. the overview, the today's meeting on the issue of a weapons transfer for us to the crane is irrelevant. instead, as for example, this causes should adverse in depths versus illegal reference procurements from the dpr k and a war and trend of enhancing military cooperation. did you come young in moscow now? the us representative made a point of lashing out of china and blaming days yang for the conflict. and the
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chinese representative took issue with the us representatives. words pointing out that china has never taken advantage of the situation or provided any legal weapons that they exercise. and strict control over military items in accordance with the rules of the united nations and the international markets. china rebut it the allegations from the united states very effectively. here's what the chinese representative said before the council will climb a g o roughly crane foreign ministers currently visiting china. foreign minister bank held talks with him and having definitely exchanged some use on ukraine crisis . we know that for him, it is for collab upset that ukraine valley's china is bused, has carefully started the 6 point understandings proposed by china and presented on the political settlement of the queen crisis. and the 2 green is willing and ready to engage in dialogue. any negotiation with russia, the crank crisis, occurred against the backdrop of historical complexities and practical realities. it is an essence interruption of security dynamics and you're trying to have no part in creating this chrysler, nor it is
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a part of the conflict. china has not provided we for weaponry to any party to the conflict and has not and will not do anything to profit from it. now, one of the special guests who opened the meeting was the former foreign minister of austria. then when she spoke, she emphasized the flow of illegal weapons and the danger that this conflicts and the policy of western countries just sending and most amount of weapons to ukraine poses to the countries of the european union. in the long run, here is some of what she said when briefing the council about the long term consequences of this inflow of weaponry to a very, very, notoriously corrupt country. those europeans asking for more arms to your brains, ignore the nature of straightening. the ukrainian arms mark has marked the marks that corruption might increase you in business opportunities for those driven us. it was the adoption of the alms trade 3 t in not 2016,
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which marks the turning point in the international committee, just efforts the, regulates the global trade and conventional arms and to promote peace and security . our presence here are aware of it shortcomings some signs, but then they'll try to find us when it comes to the tremendous inflow of weapons into ukraine, which started in spring 2014. the diplomatic concerns was on a need to contain the global flo was quickly abandoned. so overall we had a situation of the security council where russia raised some very serious concerns pointed to the possibility of resolving the conflict diplomatically and western leaders continued with their accusations. stonewalling the entire conversation pretty typical for a un security council meeting regarding the conflict in ukraine while ukraine, suspension of russian oil supplies to hungary in slovakia is unacceptable under the mountains. to blackmail that's according to slovakia is interior administrators
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instead of his country would not allow itself to be victimized by key. if a dental croak, we have never refused to help you cranes. and even after the change of government, we continued to provide humanitarian aid. the only thing that has changed is that we refuse to continue to support military conflict by supplying weapons, and we call on russia and ukraine for peace negotiations. the suspension of oil supplies is a gross violation of the association agreements between the you and you crane. we cannot tolerate this, and we will use all available means of european law to protect our national interest. i consider this step by ukraine as in comprehensible and i refuse that store vakio. and the slovak people serve as an instrument of revenge in this war, me was russia, is the largest private oil for nuke oil with shipping food, or through a pipeline across the green, entire treat. this lavaca and hungary,
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both of those e. u member states were granted exemptions from an e u wide band on russian oil imports introduced in 2022. was lavon problem minutes the robot fits. so how the phone call with pays the dreamy and come to bob saying that breakfast la, that will not be a quote, how speech to ukrainian or russian relations. meanwhile, both the past and practice lab, i have reached out to the european commission over the situation. but their response was quick as a block side of the didn't see a, the immediate oil supply risk to the you also the hon. gary and for administer, threatened to stop you funding to ukraine on to key every humans, the tacit of russian crude were heard from a formless move out from minnesota. who shared his thoughts on the issue you gain has signed. and the association agreement with the european union.
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so in the most uh is the, is the bonded to buy by a european law, or at least at least the, this is 3 d to and bones. really angela vakio. so arguing that you gain a has, it has uh, damaged or damaged as not for the 5th street, d and the that the you would have been your yeah, sure to. yes. a brand new day to the age the what is the situation would let me go to you then? it would mean that 1st uh, both hungry and so vakio. i came and knocked and, and wide from europe information and they have in,
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in this. so it. ready ready is going picked 2nd uh, even this is this onset offer or not on so we would have information on how to get in. so what i can request is showing that the policy of the on the west of the collective west. and uh yes, uh uh, and the sooner you gain, again, deresa is, uh, is, uh, i just wanted to go complete against russia and uh, some delivery. so some guy to see, i'm gonna and, and so back. yeah. uh the,
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to see this conflict. the ride to the us now, it was all about eas, wells, 5 minutes that been 10 minutes in yahoo, in washington dc at the moment as he was met with applause inside congress. outside i protest, raised with demonstrators calling out war crimes and charges of genocide. the us government. welcome nathan, yahoo with open arms twilight, the same time. then he protested as wanted him to go straight to jail. let's take a look at how the so called day of rage on folded the new one is funding the ideas of protests that are going on right now outside this building the
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manchester. many jo started with us. we are sure of themselves. this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. to appeal to america. give us the tools faster. we'll finish the job faster. the go don't don't along the optimization. yeah. who speeds social media use as noted that he received up last in the us congress more than the leader of north korea king don't own received
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during a recent address in his own country. and the west calls came down on a dictator and the guy who was applauded more than 50 times during his almost hour long speech. while the north korean leader during his last speech was uploaded 10 times in the half an hour. a journalist rubber, the unluckiest set of nathan. yeah. who was constantly greeted with applause because people in the us congress web page to do so. as well as evidence that the us congress of those who were sitting there and congress and applauded or rank for a number of times i've heard some people say it was 58 times other people are claiming the 70 times that they weren't flooding. but if you listen to the speech, i'd say a good proportion of that speech, a good portion of it. a large percentage was taken up by a round of applause continually going, it goes to the point and you do show the clips to where nothing. you all who have to tell them no, don't listen to me because they are literally a pausing every single time he paused. so when he paused in the middle of
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a sentence, they just start clapping because that's what they're pasted. they're paid by a partner going on. obviously they're threatened a lot of them openly by a back, a packet used to sit in, you know, the shadows and finance campaigns. now it's openly bragging about a 100 percent of the people that they back get into office, and they'll throw tens of millions of dollars when we're looking at the us congress at least and many of those senators that showed up as well. we're looking at people that are basically paid by lobby groups. so of course they're, they're going to show up and, and that's how the us political system works. them, you know, uh, sold to the highest bidder is how these politicians are elected. whether it's like a big farmer by the oil industry, by the pro israel law, be or other is the weapons industry. for instance, that's who flies these elections essentially in the united states,
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away from the united states. katara kentucky have well come to china broker unity agreement between policy. the instructions, particularly for tom and tomas. but while some middle eastern countries have video, israel has landed with a valve to destroy him. us. a moss and foot tossed, signed an agreement in china for drawing control of gauze after the war. instead of renouncing terrorism bell assuming liter, i'm working with a boss. embrace system that are so from us and reveal his true face in practice, this will not happen. and because the commodity reason will be crushed, a bus will be able to watch over guns, or from a far israel security will remain solely in israel's hands. the agreement was signed not only by the to a long time arrivals, but also by 12 of the palestinian groups. according to the deal, a mass will fit in part of the government for post war gazda, of a function also able to create an independent palestinian state with east jerusalem as its capital of
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a chinese foreign ministry spokesperson emphasized that beijing has always supported the policy team in people's rights to sovereignty, us would have been peace. the question of palestine is at the heart of the middle east issue. china has no selfish interests on the question of palestine. we value morality and stand for justice. we always firmly support the palestinian people in restoring the lawful national rights and the people in the middle east and taking the destiny into their own hands. china will continue to implement the global security initiative and make great to contribution to peace and stability in the middle east. i'm also in fact, i have long been feuding just on the 2 decades ago. the 4th, a war for control of publishing and territories. as a result of mazda became the leaders of guys out why we're on top, got the west back. during the conflict, an estimated 600 people were killed. now we've heard from joshua atlantis,
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director of middle eastern studies at the university of oklahoma. he said that israel will make every effort to remain in gaza, of the palestinians are specifically trying to bloss um, a unity deal. they're trying to block the is really government and their efforts to create some sort of a collaborative structure against house to the interest. because israel plants to stay in gaza, the united states and europeans have said that israel must withdraw from gossip and institute a 2 state solution. that's what president biden said, that the only solution that was not to return to a status quote. but to move ahead with the 2 state solution to the palestinians are trying to position themselves with this unity government to be able to provide a government for gaza at the end of this conflict. but of course, as we've just heard nothing, yahoo said no way. we're going to appoint who rules gaza and we're going to stay
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there as an occupying force. so this sets up the west versus the palestinian. so it sets up israel versus the palestinians. and in a sense, the west versus israel and really push the palestinians to come to some kind of formal agreement which they have done. and that is extremely important. because otherwise, they're going to be sitting ducks if they're divided and they're fighting amongst each other. nothing. yahoo can steam roll them any doesn't have to regard them in any kind of serious way. now they had all the international box and the association has slammed the west and opened his organizers. so i'll be olympics saying that they are both of beholden to american and he's when you sponsors in an exclusive interview with r t he of the size, but politics have no place in sports. the
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log down those are the mock is split the i o. c, excluded the international boxing association from the list of recognized federations. how can this affect international boxing in general menu? the lo um is the box international. boxing is an independent international association or just work at the olympics or boxes compete. there was boxing at the olympics, but the international olympic committee uses these statements to scare of the national federations, so that they withdraw from the international boxing association to try to create a start to create a parallel association. but they will not succeed. because the idea today works in the interest of athletes and national federations. today, the world cup has become much more important than the olympics. everything is much simpler in our boxing. it's just, it's such a statement by the international olympic committee means only fear for boxers. and of course their attitude is terrible. the fear of international olympic committee
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president thomas bock himself, he couldn't do anything. there were 3 congresses when they announced to me that i had to leave. and when we even held 2 elections in a year and 2 congress's and into congress is out of $204.00 countries, only 8 countries were against the rest, supported everything. and of course, they understand that the pressure they exerted on countries, including by sending letters, did not work out. and so they made such a conspiracy out of fear. as you know, boxing is the founder of the olympic movement. and they don't want us to become members of the olympic committee for fear that we can restore order there. as we did in boxing, our main task is to defend the interest of athletes. so that app please perform under their own flag and anthem, because that's what an athlete is going for, not for metals or for prizes. that's all secondary. today we are the only
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international association, the protects athletes. they say that these athletes are against competing with athletes from belarus and russia. this is an obvious lie. the international boxing association has shown on this and those 2 world cop has passed and all athletes want to perform. and there are no conflicts among these athletes. so on the contrary, we demonstrate that there should be no politics in sports or sports begin politics and sports should unite people. they create pressure, send letters, call the national olympic committee so that they can create pressure on the federations. so the federations leave the i b 8 to date that has all been unsuccessful. there are about $200.00 countries in the ivy a today, and no one is going anywhere. so this person, the company, is my town, the thought, despite the fact that the aisle seat has been taking steps and imposing sanctions against your association. for a long time, the number of national federations registered in your association has actually
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grown with a school. how do you explain this, this email? you know, uh because i'm gonna stuff systems that i'm everything that the international of boxing association earns. all this money is given to national federations. for example, over the past 3 years, we have given more than 30000000 dollars to national federations, directly to athletes. and at the world championships. today we have metals made of pure gold. the metals correspond to the name of the metal. we have a women's prize worth $5000000.00, men's prizes worth $10000000.00, but here's one example, the swiss national federation a year and a half ago, their leadership sports officials announced that they were leaving the ib immediately. the boxes caused a scandal announced to calmer as i removed the leadership and returned to the ib a sport does not want to see this dirty politics. sport does not want to see these
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. he knows who destroys sports, but on the contrary, they want to unite and come back. this is one such example where boxes demonstrate that we are here for world peace. and we urge that sport showed on the contrary, encourage everyone to unite instead of conflicts taking place in the world. it is better to let sports take place everywhere. and i'm not going to be to and that's what i'm all over him. yes. tell us why did western sports organizations exclude russia from big time sports because of the conflict in ukraine, but the conflict in gaza has had no consequences for israel. we see is really athletes in paris. now, what's what the inconsistency is that can fit them. ok, and you know, uh if they showed us go to see what needs to call and leadership of the aisle seat thomas box himself. his dream is for russia and bowlers to compete without a flag or not at all. this is the 1st reason, and the 2nd reason, of course, is that they need to earn money in front of their sponsors. today. israel,
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as well as many american companies, are sponsors of the international olympic committee. of course, they won't go against their sponsors, so the sponsors put pressure on them. they work on assignments. and of course, there's also the fault of our federations because we need to work in the international arena. we had several heads of international associations. they didn't have to leave, they had to defend their position of independence. i don't know why they ran away. it was necessary to defend the position of independence and protect the athletes. and what has been done against israel now is that the athletes of israel are not to blame. and the athletes are russia and bellingers are not to blame. but this is nonsense. these are biased decisions. and today, the international olympic committee has turned into such a private club that fulfills tasks for the sponsors. that is why i declare that all the money that is earned of the olympics should belong to the athletes. and the president of the international olympic committee should be chosen by the countries .


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