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tv   News  RT  July 26, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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common ground the scores of foreign fighters are killed in a russian strike on a mercury camp in hawk call f. according to russia's law, school purges p, f think gets routed and the negotiating table followings, loving their pollutants. june piece proposal is the key every james. now he legitimate leader has the maturity enough to talk about peace. then there's that piece offer posed by the russian president a month ago. and key up should better hurry up, because you crane is not going to be offered anything better to this for sure. also i had on the program, demonstrators poor a rivers of faith, blood in washington, dc, and protest to the is really prime ministers visit to the u. s. a family of u printing and refugees flight for their child to they say was abducted by swiss.
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authorities immediately after birth, we hear the story directly from the little girls parents most of the day and most go on, you know me on this is didn't use our on the bar to the internet. we begin with news from the front lines. the russian defense ministry stays up least $44.00, and the luxury instructors helping killed in an earth strike like top and heart comp city. dozens of ukrainian soldiers also reportedly lost their lives in the high precision is calendar, a ballistic missile strike. the targeted forces, including most foreign mercenaries, had taken shelter in a construction company building on an industrial side in the key bustle, brawn reaching to mean loss. the united nations security council convened
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on thursday, under russia's presidency to disco stretch to international security. moscow was in boston or to the you and spoke about the quote senselessness of ukraine's current formular for ending the conflict, but sleet and the bench instead, kias must seriously consider the russian president's proposal. to bring it by piece, i just assume you the, you just recently q of authorities promoted the pseudo peaceful so called the lensky formula as the only foundation of settlement appealing to them. it makes no sense from both the standpoint of elementary logic and the reality is on the front lines. so we have many questions and maybe the representative of the key of regime can provide some clarity. but for some reason only, they understand why they ignored our invitation to participate in today's un security council session. if the key every james, now it legitimate leader,
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has maturity enough to talk about peace. then there's the peace offer proposed by the russian president a month ago, and keep should better hurry up, because you crane is not going to be offered anything better than this for sure. russian ambassador. and eventually i made it clear that russia has been willing to negotiate from the beginning. and this idea that there is now this is a wednesday window, etc. this is not matching reality. the president of ukraine at this point has no constitutional claim on leadership. uh, he, at this point is trying to melt western countries for as much as they possibly can, while the lives of his people are perishing on the battlefield of each day. meanwhile, he's sold off half of ukraine's agricultural lands to foreign corporations. now, western members of the security council made a point of saying and their remarks that they simply couldn't sympathize with or show any support for russia or acknowledge any of what russia was saying,
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not unfamiliar. pretty typical. here's what we heard. a few countries have deepened their support to russia. today i'd like to focus on china, the dpr k, and a ron's military support to russia that is directly contributing to russia's war against the frame of the china so called no limits. partnership and large scale support is propping up the russian defense industrial base. the overview, the today's meeting on the issue of a weapons transfer for us to the crane is relevant instead. as for example, this causes should adverse in depth rest of the illegal reference procurements from the dpr k and the were in trend of enhancing military cooperation. did you come young in moscow now? the us representative made a point of lashing out of china and blaming they zhang for the conflicts. and the
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chinese representative took issue with the us representatives. words pointing out the china has never taken advantage of the situation or provided any legal weapons that they exercise at strict control over military items in accordance with the rules of the united nations and the international markets. china re bought it the allegations from the united states very effectively. here's what the chinese representative said before the council will climb a g o roughly crane. foreign ministers currently visit in china. foreign minister bank held talks with him and heading definitely exchanges of use on the ukraine crisis. we know that 40 minutes are collab upset that ukraine val is china's views, and has carefully started the 6 point understandings proposed by china and brazil on the political settlement of the queen crisis and the 2 green is willing and ready to engage in dialogue. any negotiation with russia, they're crank, crisis accurate against the backdrop of historical complexities and practical realities. it is an essence interruption of security dynamics in europe, china had no part in creating this crisis, nor it is a part of the conflict. china has not provided we for weaponry to any party to the
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conflict and has not and will not do anything to profit from it. now, one of the special guests who opened the meeting was the former foreign minister of austria. and when she spoke, she emphasized the flow of illegal weapons and the danger that this conflict and the policy of western countries just sending and most amount of weapons to ukraine poses to the countries of the european union. in the long run. here is some of what she said when briefing the council about the long term consequences of this in flow of weaponry, to a very, very, notoriously corrupt the country. those europeans asking for more arms to brains ignore the nature of straightening. the ukrainian arms mark has marked the marks, the corruption might increase new business opportunities for those driven us. it was the induction of the arms trade 3 t in not 2016, which marks of tiny point in the international communities efforts regulates the
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global trades and conventional arms and to promote peace and security. on the present here are aware of its shortcomings, some signs, but then they'll try to find and that's when it comes to the tremendous inflow of weapons into ukraine, which started in spring 2014. the diplomatic concerns was on a need to contain the global flow was quickly events of so overall we had a situation of the security council where russia raised some very serious concerns pointed to the possibility of resolving the conflict diplomatically and western leaders continued with their accusations. stonewalling the entire conversation pretty typical for a un security council meeting regarding the conflict in ukraine. somebody is really prime ministers 1st overseas trips since october 7th is continuing in the us. been human, nothing you met with vice president campbell lahardo some thursday who's likely to
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secure the democratic party's nomination for the top job next week. he's also scheduled to sit down with republican presidential nominate donald trump. later this friday. well miss horace urged israel to agree to a us back piece proposal. so i think the scale of civilian casualties and counseling she out of the release office really hostages and relief for the suffering of people in the end tables a top priority. while also emphasizing that a 2 state solution was the only last thing we just defined. our as also stated on her support for is really steadfast. from when i was the young girl collecting funds to plant trees for israel to my time in the united states senate. and now at the white house, i have had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of israel to it's security. and to the people of israel. i've said it many times, but it bears repeating. israel has a right to defend itself. and how it does so matters. well,
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it's benjamin netanyahu mad software. officials in the whitehorse, protesters poured rivers of faith blood in the streets of the us, comfortable in under up the demonstrators and calling for an end to the war and gas, which has to in the lives of over $39.00 size and policy in the into, according to local health officials was israel 6 more funding from the us to continue it's military operation in gas, a china has been brokering a unity agreement between policy and functions, particularly foster. i'm come us on well, many middle eastern countries have hail the deal is realized, dismissed it. boeing to destroy militants, industry, mazda and for ta, signed an agreement in china for joint control of gauze after the war. instead of renouncing terrorism bells to mean liter him with would have boss embraces the motors of from us and reveal his true face. in practice. this will not happen because the commodities and will be crushed. a bus will be able to watch over guns
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or from a far israel security will remain soley in israel's hands. well, some details the agreement was signed not only by the too long time arrivals, but also by a dozen other palestinian critics. according to the deal come us will form parts of the government for postwar guessing. the functions also aim to create an independent palestinian state with east jerusalem as its capital. the chinese foreign ministry spokesperson emphasized the fatal shooting has always supported the palestinian peoples right to sovereignty. the question of palestine is at the heart of the middle east issue. china has no selfish interest. it's on the question of palestine. we value morality and stand for justice. we always firmly support the palestinian people in restoring the lawful national rights and the people in the middle east and taking the destiny into their own hands. china will continue to implement the global security initiative and make great to contribution to peace
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and stability in the middle east. wilhelm us and for helping freedom for quite some time, just under 2 decades ago with a photo of war for control of palestinian terry trees. now as a result from us took over a gas where as far to regain control of parts of the west bank. well, we spoke to the director of middle east studies at the university of oklahoma. and joshua lambert's, he's of the view, the nothing yahoo government will ignore the chinese lead purples of israel plants to stay in gaza. the united states and europeans have said that israel must withdraw from casa and institute a 2 state solution. that's what president biden said, that the only solution that was not to return to a status quote, but to move ahead with the 2 state solution to the palestinians are trying to position themselves with this unity government to be able to provide a government for gaza at the end of this conflict, but of course,
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as we've just heard, nothing you know, said no way, we're going to appoint who rules gaza and we're going to stay there as an occupying force. so this sets up the west versus is a palestinian. so it sets up israel versus the palestinians, and in a sense, the west versus israel and really push the palestinians to come to some kind of formal agreement which they have done. and that is extremely important because um, because otherwise they are going to be sitting ducks if they are divided and they're fighting amongst each other nothing. yahoo can steam roll them any doesn't have to regard them in any kind of serious way. i can tell the story to bring you today the death toll from london slides in. so if you could top 500 people, the u. n. wardens over half the about to have already lost their lives following
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what's being described as a deadly it's months slide in the african countries history. last week. heavy rings in the nations go fast zone led to a mass of london slide up the weekend, which then calls to a 2nd month slide on monday. the u. n. c. military and office sees the more than $15.00 and people need to be evaluated. so you feel being government propose a rescue from russia and allow will always be friends. that's the message from the southeast, asian nations. foreign minister says russian culture part of parts and a regional conference in the cum freeze up at all, ortiz, political correspondent, people are picking off, isn't in the n t n. and brings us the latest. on the 2nd day of lab, or on the trip to alice's in full swing as the country calls the 57th meeting of the foreign ministers. oh, i see on now, even though russia is not a member of the association that you have quite a long standing in special partnership. in fact, earlier today, elaborate cement,
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we'd be for administered office member space and also had a separate one. and one meeting with the circus for administer. thursday was quite eventful as well. lab ropes held various talks every 30 minutes or so, including the trilateral meeting with the foreign ministers of china and allow us here are a few examples of what was said. this is the 1st meeting that we have these kind to discuss for your time to attend c, n 4 in foreign ministers, meeting law and china and russia. i have enjoy of our mutual interest. i see on the use virginia chicago and is one of the most important elements of the emerging more just a multi polar world. the association was and still is the core of regional efforts aim to ensure stable and secure non align development of asian pacific. because
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russia in china is large scale potential, as well as moscow invasions participation in bricks. and the seo can influence positively. both i see on and cooperation with its members in order to settle global and regional issues within the scope of the un charter principles in their entirety budget. and will you tell me to hedge him on the internet to release him and protectionism? so you have no flooded humidity and threatened to break ties. china and russia are both leaders of the imagined alliances in the asia pacific region kind of has taken over the retaining 10 in shape of the shanghai corporation organization. if i have all the 3 sides comments trends earlier on thursday, a lab ropes also met with the foreign ministers of indian, easier cambodia, east timor, and roommate. frankly, it's not very often that important ministers spend several days at the same location in this sense. allowance is different, which perhaps only goes to show the rising economic and political potential. often both i see on as an organization and southeast asia, in general,
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the forced abduction. that's what a family of ukrainian refugees say happened to their child immediately after her birth in switzerland. there's not a big legal fight to have their little girl returned to them from the swift authorities. parents redeem on christina. say there please have fallen on deaf ears and both in europe and country and in their home nation of ukraine. calling the reasons given for the baby being taken into care as faults or to her their story. first of it is not, i don't know what to do who to appeal to so that someone who would help because it should be stopped urgently. i don't even know what to call it. children a being seized, an o e u countries. it's so scary. how can you do something like that? according to the russian for our ministry, there are $255.00 cases of ukrainian child abductions from the parents by special services. the biggest number of cases falls in germany with 71. such incidents
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registered the imposing come 2nd with 33 others. following the store to brush a special military operation and ukraine. but demon christina fled odessa with his son and relocated to switzerland, where they received refugee status. as soon as they arrived, christina found out she was expecting twins according to redeem occasionally the swift medical stuff with of the couple, whether they intend to keep the babies or give them away. but the demon christina didn't pay much attention to this. writing it off as miscommunication due to the language barrier as they had always communicated through an interpreter. during christina's pregnancies with social services began to prepare the family for the possibility of the children being taken away. because those not sure when we started talking about twins, we were asked by the gynecologist whether we were planning to keep the children or give them to someone else. at 1st we thought, well,
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due to some language barrier or interpreters mistake, we got something wrong. we thought that the translation was wrong. we asked, well, is that a question? initially we said we know 100 percent that we will give, but of course we had no idea they could be in operation. so vance and very no i see that the question is whether you will keep them for yourself. that is not about seeing the pregnancy to full time, but keeping them for yourself with the cell, the children, to someone. it was a hint, as far as i understand, we were in shocks course before we faced it. i had not heard that such a thing exists, a tool and such an atrocity was happening in the world. our interpreter said to me, you know, i have what i would cool information. i was still pregnant at the time. she told me that when you give birth, i'm worried that you grew could be taken away. the point of what our interpreter
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was saying is that there is a fluid party involved some woman, she was saying, what shot for any trouble? well, when i gave bus and off the woods to this day, we have not seen this interpreter anywhere, although we quite often met her before. in the 4th month of pregnancy, social service employees came to us. they begin to put psychological pressure on my way. they told us to prepare for the fact that after the children's 1st they would be taken away from us, or that we would be moved to some kind of hospital and professionals would help us . they would always say that it would be hard for us to raise 2 kids. i also have a disability, and at the time we arrived in switzerland, i still had some problems with my hands. i had neuropathy of a traumatic nature, but jim claims the distress from these interactions with the social workers lead to christina, suffering and novice breakdown, internal bleeding, resulting in the loss of one fetus. the surviving baby nicholas was born prematurely deem reached out to the social worker they had interacted with during
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christine this pregnancy. holding her responsible for the tragic events that unfolded and responds to walk a report in the couple to child welfare of the ortiz and the family will stoled the traces of hire when will found in the child's bus theses. so i told the social worker that i was going to complain about her actions, but she complained to child protective services and they opened the case. and literally the next day we were informed at the hospital that synthetic harowick was found in the babies 1st bell moving team. and chris to give them says that no official evidence was provided to prove these claims. i immediately asked them whether these tests wouldn't aquatic substances were taken from all new born children, especially since i had a difficult pregnancy. and the child was born prematurely. is the test for narcotics really the 1st to pre print test to take? but no one has seen this test to this day. it was all just words. it's not in the
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case file, but demon christina say they gave the quote, the negative drug test results, which the quote itself confirmed. initially there was a suspicion of drug use which was later dismissed. but according to the couple the course didn't stop the, all the pre text stuff is coming up. so we waited for 2 and a half months for these tests in court. we showed all these documents, but they were not satisfied with them. they already began to come up with other reasons, not to return the child. all of a sudden they were acting on surprise and saying, what does this have to do with harrowing? almost as if it was the issue to begin with, like this didn't play a role. they started saying again, the reason this whole thing happened is because they wanted to help us, even though we didn't need the help. ridiculous arguments started to be thrown around. for example, i'm going to quote now it's literally how it was set. the reason why we didn't get all the water back is that there were few millimeters of baby formula left at the
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bottom of the bottle off to her feet and it's for demon christina, what also told in quotes that they do to collect to is being removed from the cat and relocated to a foster family, the couple was given specific times to visit the child twice a week for 2 hours on any difference, etc. but as time pause whistle sororities began to reduce visitation times swiss ortiz provided the family with a lawyer to assist in be uniting with a child. but the couple say he has failed to deliver. our lawyer is a local swiss person, he's paid by the municipality. well, this lawyer, she never advised me about anything. i didn't suggest anything. he's just like a mouthpiece for them. when they need to tell us something she writes to us, that's it. she doesn't answer my letters or my questions. they are delaying this in every possible way so that the child learns their language and becomes more like them human rights activists to on a patch which, which has shed light on
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a troubling standard practice within juvenile services, web focused floors are allegedly provided to such families and need it on you for your stroke smith. these are not their own attorneys, their lawyers from the sole children's panel which consist of specialist and the u . k. they provide attorneys from the list who can receive 25000 pounds and payments every 26 weeks from the government will be delayed. and because they want to stay on these lists, they will never go again. social services. if they do anything to counter them, they will be removed from the list. parents can choose their own lawyer, but those lawyers aren't from the children's panel and donut their stem care proceedings. they genuinely have no idea what to do. it's a very specialized field. one of the keys goes to court and the court grants these 26 week care orders, each attorney from the list earned 25000 pounds for their services. naturally, such attorneys are keen to be on this list because the government pays well being on the list guarantees a good income throughout their career. social services receive about 3000 pounds
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per week for care in the u. k. even parent has an attorney, they don't even need to attend court hearings, state attorney speaks and acts on their behalf. this attorney is paid by the government and no one cares about the parents perspective. and well, according to the scheme that's in place for children, most of the women who love to greatness refugees. this is an easy outlet for the children's social services. everything is done according to standards that are only fulfilled on paper and not for the good. the real good of the children, and of course i even have photos of girls with bruised faces. little girls, just 3 or 4 years old, their photos, sometimes parents pass them to me because at meetings they for them to have these children. and there are of course, many photos of children with bruises and not only that. so as i told you earlier in the most frequent week terms are migrants and refugees from the very beginning. these people, most of them do not know the language or the laws of the countries in which they are judged from the very beginning. illegal accusations are thrown at them, which they don't understand at all. christina,
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but them both ukrainian citizens also sold assistance in that home country, but say they would tend to weigh. we received an answer from the ministry of foreign affairs that the swiss have the right to do what they are doing. we appeal to human rights authorities and ukraine to the ministry of foreign affairs and ukraine to the police. we petitioned everywhere. we inform you that the 1980 convention is not applicable to your case of child removal to the measures taken by the confident authorities of this waste confederation can not be qualified as a muffled removal or maintenance of the child. the couple claims they have been receiving letters about court proceedings that they were unaware of, supposedly these trials have already taken place and they elected the attended them, but only on paper that would be another meeting we thought your presence. and i emphasize again, we did not even know that it was scheduled. gotcha. is we found that only officer to passed and we just received another one. again, just on a sheet is
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a full paper. it's just a matter of fact, a human rights activist who is now helping the family planes. she knows the reasons behind the actions of with both ortiz stone so that there is an offer. what in order to bring the child to such a stay that he will say at the end of $26.00 weeks or at the end of this ongoing decision to get the child to say that he does not want to return to his parents and just say i feel good here and this is over in elder child, they would say i already go to school, i feel good here. i have a good new family and i no longer want to return to either my family or my parents . the goal is to never returned to children through all the challenges that have persisted for them over the last 2 years. there appears to be no relief from sight . nevertheless, despite the ongoing struggles, the demon christina, holding on to hope for a bright future for the whole family, you know, every 2 weeks here in archie, be inland visions, teen jets, off baltimore,
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to bring into the international spotlight are rarely seen partners today. it's the loan, the fire, the kind of leading beauty of come shop. it's a face for the lights, and it starts the russian states. never as one of the most sense community invest in most all sense and up the sooner the better must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on rochester routing and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say a request which is the same as the beginning of it says, the read the united states of america has officially declared this driving for a freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colonists headed for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent, american indians were deprived. the bare land. local residents were driven into
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reservations given the worst agricultural territories. while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of by some native americans lived by hunting these wild animals, colonists slaughtered the bison, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army general phillips sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. the only good india is a dead indian, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of debts is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. having been the majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population today,
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the the, is it possible to get lost in time? well, come to contract and see for yourself. here's several unique ethnic groups are remaining in their own bubble of sorts. surrounded by these beautiful landscapes, we come to see how the natives of rushes, far, far east lives and preserve the ancient traditions and culture. and if we've come this far, we know that it's going to be worth the journey.


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