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tv   News  RT  July 26, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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or could have been the next president over tank, keep losing people out here. the the streets of paris are riddled with anger. now the thousands of protesters, dom on that is really asked deep sleep called me off for coming unlimited games. so i think the own government wants built on top of you see we were working for months to make sure that everything was going to up and property. and to date it's all to accept. plus the games hosted by power to tear off to a roof seesaw as damage to problems vincent prop john suspected bomb threats cost to us from shot to over the world premier supporting a button and it doesn't take long for the thing gets to be pointed out to tried and tested scape goat washed,
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sham off one. yeah, a 100 minutes pre roll, but a significantly changed the pulse of the country, both domestically and globally. ties with west and partners broke both sides. these can want the cancer obligations for you and have a mrs. for the thought and national it is great to see you as are welcome to this fridays program. while typing the, the, our while paris is often held as close as the city of love. it seems that at the moment, this content and i'm got, so it'd be out of the french capital in the run up to the olympic games. crowds of people have been taken to the streets in protest. the
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some no pools have come out to take a sound again, sneak stream security measures that is on which are limiting the movement, but also have gather to protest. the full participation of the is really team space pointed out, but i teach research and science and countries like ross. so for example, a mode i'm taking part yet is really asked me to not only get a cost, but even additional protection including that and security we are here today. i, we're more than 8 the see sure. and sign it, or call me to do this protest because today we wanted to show that many people in partners a new proposal. again, you'll think you said something unprofessional. so one of the things that people don't understand, they don't like about this. the only thing is that, is there a russian upset for central uh, for the ukraine, but uh, number, but uh, the use highly often allowed to go to the joining peak with this flags. we see
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here in paris, a lot of the security and surveillance mission are such as drones, such as the cure codes to answer some zones. uh, also they use it at a 40 that, that basis to say to people that can go to 0 the game. so far as this is why we are against so awesome, i am at this meeting today to show my dissatisfaction with the fact that these really estimates are present at the olympic games and from which has become to have human rights, liberty equality and for tennessee. the large part of these is really athletes are also soldiers of the genocide o r d f. which matt does seem to send women in a huge number of children. i think that there place is no 10 parish to date. well, those per testers has not gone unnoticed by the end of a palace. but in the pop, surprising ton of offense, some french officials back, she joined the crowds, voicing concern about as well as participation in the olympics. as the countries
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buttons continue to form on casa archie contributor rachel most and brings us more . it was accordingly off on the summer olympic games on friday night here in paris, french president. imagine that quote has basically suggested that he would just like everyone to calm down, try to behave and keep quiet about politics during this 2 weeks show, explicitly called for a truce on all politics, both foreign and domestic. see play. yeah, good luck with that 1st started the game. so my pulse of the anti establishment left france and bound party and member of parliament for the department, hosting the olympic village and the state default. so one of the main menus hosting sports like track and field and rugby kicked off some political football of his own between himself and israel. we are a few days away from an international deadline that will be held in paris, the olympic games. and i'm sure to say that no,
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these really delegation is not welcome in paris is really athletes are not welcome at the olympic games in paris. and we must use as deadlines all the levers we have to create and mobilization. so pope's comment suddenly had the political class here in france, all freaking out accusing him of drumming up potential security issues around israel's presence at the game, saying that he risk creating a sort of munich, 1972 olympic vibes. hm. what's interesting about that is that russians were explicitly banned from this competition and competing under the flag, their own country by the international olympic committee, and on its own web site. the committee concerned for old russian athletes like crazy, arguing that backlash as a result of the ukraine conflict with in danger, russian athletes outside of their country. so security could not be guaranteed. but it sounds like that's exactly the case, which is really athletes at these games. french interior ministers at all done and
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i know said that the government would deploy the g, e, g. and so the m beat price per is tactical unit to guard is rarely athletes around the clock during the games. i guess that means where there's, well, there's a way. so this same m p laptops also wrote a piece for the french press media path underscore is a whole lot of double standards when it comes to olympic politics. the olympic games are non neutral events. history shows that they have always been a major center of international diplomacy from 1962 to 1992 south africa was excluded because of its apartheid policy. these really anthem and flag should not be raised to the olympics, as long as israel continues to come in war crimes and gaza and to intensify its illegal colonization of the westbank. international law is not variable, geometry,
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and does not suffer from double standards. otherwise, it becomes no and void. all this controversy around israel's olympic participation comes on the heels of a non binding advisory opinion issued earlier this month by the united nations international court of justice, demanding an end to israel's occupation of gaza. and finding that israel had breached several international laws, including the prohibition on segregation and apartheid activists are now pointing out the i o. c has a very specific precedent of exclusion on precisely those grounds. important, the ice j advisory opinion mandates the building be sufficient with ben israel. the i o. c. has a policy prohibiting apartheid and systematic discrimination. necessitating the battle governments engaging such practices to isolate has confirmed that israel is guilty of these actions. and why one israel to participate violates the i o. c. charter, ignoring the palestinian. and when the committee's request will permanently stain the paras olympics and every member of the olympic community activism around
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israel's gaze, participation has been spilling over into the street and the stadium where the countries soccer team played on one stage. when asked about all this on friday, the tv president, a menu item back home, basically just fall off israel's participation onto the i o. c. i just run the assets a welcoming over the country. they must be able to compete, because that is what the limpid movement has decided. they will do it in front of the responsibility is to ensure security and i condemn with the arguments, felton, this all of those who in some way put these aspects at risk and simplicity, threatened them with sort of that they say fail. but as they added to, to the potential for political may him, as a result of israel's presence in france is pretty wild. it's tough to argue the israel has made any effort to dial down the drama and provocation for these games. when one of its 2 flag bearers for the opening ceremonies as former european
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champions, you joke us, peter paul check caught hosting on social media. some signs bombshells tested to rain down on gaz. uh like they were just football is about to be tossed out at a kid sports camp. they even show like you to the president of the is really olympic committee paid visits to his really service men who have been perpetrating massacres in the gaza strip. the most serious violation was committed by the israeli flag bearer at the opening ceremony of the olympics, who had put his signature on a missile and posted the picture on his account on social media with text reading, a gift from me to gaza. the same ukrainian born is really olympian ended up scuffling with palestinian solidarity protesters in japan back in april and apparently couldn't even be bothered to change 1st into something a bit more tangible than his official national geo kit before you know, taking it out to the parking lot to potentially get down with some israel palestine
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mortal combat action on the other side of the world. having these games back in may, the i o. c reaffirmed its quote, strong position against the politicization of sport, the fundamental principle of the olympic charter. in reality, their selected application of that rule has effectively just made leveling the political playing field, a sport unto itself at these games as well. protests right away, attack suspected bomb threats on a cancelled press conference. won't quite the opening ceremony. the paris sullivan peck committee was hoping full, but a all the one that it got man hours before the games all set to take off. fonts has been plunged into total tails, and a half port has been closed due to a suspect to terror attack. while the railways paralyzed by table, find local authorities according sabotaged off to all send a tax effect to the high speed train connecting london paris. on one of this huts disrupted the pounds of an estimate of 800000 travellers. the director of the
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french atlantic got this high speed, well 9 commented on this series of absorption into them. obviously we were working for months to make sure that everything was going to up and property. and to date, it's all to accept. call to charlotte, you've been to joins me in the studio with more. i'm i'm, it's all i know, but she said she would have been from for very long time. you know, the city know that it loves to host defense. they thought this was the time to sign, but it seems that it's been a bit some piece sofa. i think move in a bit bumpy. i think you're being quite generous. that's as scared rails power lies throughout the country. as you said, some 800000 individuals have the transport interrupted this signal fi as they move paving stones onto the truck cables. and also that potential tara
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threats that was cold in fossil apple. so really, the transport network has been hit incredibly badly and already the investigators are starting to look into what happens. and people question will, who's behind this? because this is being described as a series of coordinated attacks. and it probably won't surprise aids to say at the top of those who are likely to have done it to the thing that is pointing towards russia. this is senior individuals. we've been from suggesting that russia was behind this wiley, c signaling. russia could be behind this more latent, sabotaged attack will apparent. it's because washing athletes who are not participating, not be lympics, as russian athletes. apparently being less active the opening ceremony, which will take place on friday night. so they don't come to this army. and that's why when the media now asking that question, particularly if the sports minister and fonts, russia is
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a likely health plans. are you worried that this is the act of russia or malicious? actually, i don't know, tyrus creek we, i mean i cannot said the shower and maybe can be also professors in french people. okay, so some suggestion then perhaps it could be, i don't turn it same story and she talked to her about the hall, latham. that's because they say scorpion fonts for the black box, they are new for creating chaos, particularly pro chests, where they go in and smash things up, and they have a huge network in fonts. and potentially there is legs in the id that they could be behind. this, but then let's move on to be a very put and it's like a move to face accusations that are being flung around at the moment. this comes from is, well, this is from these ready for minutes that he says the facebook to back home to policy and fonts and recent weeks to tell them that iran was planning some things
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big. let's have a listen to what they have to say of the sabotage of railway infrastructure across france. the head of the olympics was planned and executed under the influence of iran access of evil and radical as long as i warned my french countered parts to feign so during this week, based on information held by israel. uranium is, are planning terrorist attacks against the israeli delegation and all the limbic participants. increased preventive measures must be taken to fort their plot. the free world must stop, you ran now, before it's too late. the software, let's be clear before any facts have really been established here, we've already got lots of people decide and to take the narrative or whatever direction they won't be using political motivation, suggest to they think is behind the attacks. but when you look at the media, what is quite clear is the headline is russia, did it russia, did it, russia did it. and it, instead of perhaps focusing on waiting for the investigation that will then resonate with people and, and stick in their minds. and i mean,
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the rush of fact uh is also okay. and, and not the aspect, i mean, detained to boston citizen, accusations of being a spies will quite cold. who took us through us. yes, that's right. this is a 40 year old russian citizen who is lived in front spring for a decade, a training there, and one of the most prestigious things to do some food on blue to be a chef has been working, is a chef. and apparently he was arrested just a few days ago, and he's been accused with posting something big north to tara attack, but something big to cause chaos during the olympics. so if he is found guilty of se, but you still have the 13, he is in jail. so this is a really serious offense. is a miss kiddo? crashing off as a said 40 year old chef one of by, he's known to some people who i should because he actually took part in a fairly big tv show. had the equivalent of the us version of the bachelor with women trying make him fall in love with them propose. and that was back in 2019.
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but apparently the whole time, he was actually a spite and coughing, deep undercover for russia. so trained to be a chef on a tv show, all at the same time is receiving apparently wages from the probably another to give you a sense of how the media is covering something that really does seem to be a bit far fetched. of a former russian reality tv chef and suspected spy was nabbed in front of the he reportedly bragged about in the legit plot the cause may have met the paris olympics during a drunken rent grass and off has been living in france for 14 years and was 1st exposed when he got drunk and was kicked off a plane that was due to take him from his stumble to paris in may. the 40 year old chef was today named as carroll. agree as an of a former love show, heart throb thought to have become an f s. b asset. i mean is pretty good cake if
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you can get to it. but apparently after that drunk couldn't run, but you heard about that. his name is the old domain, and the fridge. secret service is radiant, his property, and apparently have found evidence to colleen to the fact that he is actually an under cover agent. we have heard from dmitri past cope. this is the crime, the spokes person who has described this as being to his case. i think we could all agree with him on not that it's curious, but he said he was waiting for more information from the parish authorities in relation to that particular case. well, talk about commitment on taking a long game teneo training to become a south feeding all these miles are. and in order to be foiled up the last minute before the opening ceremony is even started. that was all to saw that defense be joining me here. thank you, charlotte. what is the new one? yes. since the crew in new shot which sol, president mohammed, but the lives of pro military leaders take power since the country has been paying
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by new rules both domestically and abroad. no. may has full to move away from washington a parcel, but instead of looking eastwards to new pump ships with mine who stood at the helm of last year's advance notice that each pulsing day brings his country closer to full southern or what it has been a year since the national council, for the preservation of the nation under my leadership, has decided to take the destiny of our country in new jersey into our own hands. victims of the situation, or if people have joined a new march, inspired by the cnsp, transforming the crew to tie into vast movement of national liberation and to be conquests of popular dignity that this information is true. but the neo colonial organs, since i'm ready to compatriots, control someone's place according to the statement of my brother present, you bring him to or you will not divert us from our triumph and march toward socrates. no state or interstate organization will dictate to us to contact, to be health north agenda in terms of strategic or diplomatic partnership. and those defense assess about the even if the return of the machine please reaches will be dissolution. it will have to provide the evidence before it's too late,
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or marched towards full incomplete sovereignty isn't stopping exactly a year ago today. melissa coo and folded emerging. the several sections of the armed forces. nouns that have these power in present moment presume was moved from office to defense and security forces have decided to put an end to the regime. you know, this follows the continuing deterioration of the security situation. poor economic and social governance. all external partners are asked not to interfere,
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land and air borders are closed until the situation has stabilized. the economy. community of west african states, also known as a cost, was locked in favor of these developments in se, unless even mapping off a possible motive seem to vincent. if diplomacy fails, what can a sign of the haul it into position the cruelty this would have? are you to pursue to the goal, to prosecute position on to the pools? the new sharing government has to date, gather the necessary evidence to prosecute the post president and his local and for an accomplices before the competent, national and international forties for high treason and undermining the internal and external security of new year. while the crew was largely condemned to internationally including by tuesday code, is that the united states phones, the roku in union, and therefore he says military significant see all the cities since the national and regional populace as a way from the wish to make it clear through these facts,
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and that's the long tail of colonialism, is reaching the end as alternatives to wisdom control. and c'mon, to have much to the younger generation in developing countries as needed to know loyalty told mazda and nothing to lose over to the pulse victim of service. or do you know what the macro reply to the authority of this country new share does not belong to you? new share belongs to france. i'm. it's not up to you to suggest any solution. it's mcgraw on the exam as of history because he didn't know that while they were having their revolution, we had already circumnavigated the wills. the new government wasn't kidding. quickly kicked off at school. mcculler lies the fronds and to create the present saw for you as soon as the legal. it's the voltage submitted to cooperation, deal with the united states for that 1000 american armed forces personnel to leave the country. and so in the united states strategy in the region into this, the rain progress, i mean, it goes to the 10,
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everything presents in the territory of the republic of news yet is illegal. it, while it's all the constitutional and democratic rules, which would require the sovereign people not to be through its elected officials, to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army on his territory. the move uh they train say pivots away from the listed towards russia as a security cooperation partner. not only that's seen the american diplomats more of fee, so it's, it's ms. adrian said the own country to try to tell them what they can have, talk to 6 with. and she did it all with a condescending tone and the lack of respect. and that's, according to me, she is need is easiest show to the with that a small country in africa can choose the phone distance. sure. they pop in the german government regrets the desire of the american government to deny the solving the german people the right to choose that partners and the tops of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. the american state in our
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soil doing nothing while that's her skilled people and burn towns. it is not a sign of friendship to come in are so, but let the terrorist attack us. we're seeing what the united states will do to defend itself lice, because we have seen ukraine and israel, the dist on me. we have decided to take our destiny into our own hands with us a hell of lines we malley, jr, and routine of fast. so have decided to quit for more and effective partnerships in favor of sincere partners such as with russia, china, and took. yeah. and then that the notes where they move towards reshaping regional cooperation in the hall modeling z and looking a fossil founder, the alliance of the health states. this formation has marked a significant deviation from pulses yates, of his aims, not only as could lift of defense, but also as a deeper and more integrate to consideration among the city member states. information. however, as ways a number of concerns, particularly from the they are quite firm in their view on how do you want to
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proceed. i mean, does on the come forth with the constitution, the me share, it was difficult to date and now be straight up about that we are united in condemning the actions that are taking place in the share calling for the immediate release, present by zoom, our economic and security partnership with the share, which is significant, hundreds of millions of dollars depends on the continuation of the democratic governance and constitutional order. the american response of the way companies is to contrast with socrates. would that so far the nations including russia to to and the united are in the rates which welcome to union city need is with open arms. in fact, the lead is to put the ambridge at marks by monday. c u. s. state department, stop official plastic in the face. they say that it's the government to refrain from engaging with ron and russia and wave objectionable to washington if she wanted to continue the security relationship with the united states even off to the
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who is threats and sanctions. if new z pursued relations as a nation, it quickly changed their minds about condemning new sheets and try to negotiate. in our discussions, i confirmed the intent of the united states to redeem security and development corporation and faces reciprocally as the cnsp take sections. have made clear to the cnsp that we want to be a good partner again, but the cns be has to be a good pulse mode to the united states. even it costs, which had before threatened to use military force, i think is a monday and for team. the fossil seemed to have recognized the sensitivity of the new blocks aspirations. we're just waiting for the 3 member state. so i must repeat for all important members of echo was and without them it is going to be more difficult to deal with many of the challenges facing the region. the pool in the z on july 26th of last year, the succeeded in being possible in the to the french and you have submitted for the
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defense agreement in the country for the past 12 months is it was expected to fall into further chaos because the width is african countries have not both to be just to choose is necessary to govern themselves. jay has please indebted kat southeast asians largest economy is rebooting it's energy ties with moscow. at least according to media reports of to i'll hate us of 10 years apparently. and tanisha might be looking to once again purchase russian oil. so bring my has it, but the state controlled oil refinery to me that has mocked russian oil for aids for a potential purchase in the oil to now the company itself has no i but do not know confirmed the reports, but officials and to call to set that, that was quote, no plan yet to import oil from boston shoals, plus the intonation trade minister did make the point, but if they want to push ahead with such a plan,
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they would not be in breach of any international. no. well, let's discuss this now with energy, no ac spot c on part of hooton's. great to uh, how do you with us? i mean, a very interesting story. i know that it's just speculation at this stage until we get confirmation from our side. but if it does turn out to be true, would you be surprised? i'm what's your reasoning for this such an interest? is it just diversification? okay, uh thank you. uh, so could you hear me? yes, i can hear you dan. can you hear me now? okay, uh yeah, that would be the the instead of this, uh, uh, yeah, unfortunately i would like to those 30 so sorry, 8 about my big problems. so i have since 2013. uh, we just bought the g. i study vs the in beverly and also our study and something to
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switch gears because you'd be. so i tried to give a better perspective about the uh, doing business with us. yeah. and also we, uh you got this from the perspective of asia as part of the global so. so uh back to your questions. uh, actually uh, if we look at the doctor, so i have the doctor right now. so there is a gap between the productions and consumption of guess and guess it is. yeah. because thousands of it gets to be this. yeah. last year it's above $100.00. 1650 barrels. thousands per they. and the progressives is only about $600.00. so there is a good one in a house, or above 600 gifts that must be fulfilled by there is a government named by me to live in
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a jeep needs. it is. yeah. the question is how the edge of government are providing the gifts will fill these gifts or energy gaps getting these? yeah, there is, there is a solutions that the government campbell, sort of diversified is introduced. blast, not only from the middle east, but also from graphs. yeah. that is a good, good perspective of which one is from edison government power for the government with regards to the supply. i guess the blow from columbus. yeah. the slavers it by the by the politics of 3 and active. so it is a government this morning, fixed, all 3 electives. my mobile mobile, a point 6 with regard to the energy supplies. so there's some government offense up to 10. feel that it's all category based on the domestic temperature based on the
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particulars construct. this is your default phillips. it's and it'll get it's what sample policy got to and also for molly's yeah, i'm just the citizens. yeah. then can i ask you, i mean, i'm, i know the president joker said in twinge twins too, but he might a little try for indonesia to become like china and india, which is basically by discounts in the russian crude. then sell it at full price to europe. do you think indonesia 0 can't this and thinking you know what, what partners with russia and ass? yeah. in t 20 we thought historically good relationship. this could be a big opportunity for indonesia. it's a business model, right? yeah, uh yeah, thank you. uh, actually the policy also is a government is to try to explore the oil to other companies but not using the up can make any some of the price categories of.


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