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tv   News  RT  July 26, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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probably gonna make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think . the terrorist 3 interrupts with anger as thousands of protesters demand as really, as they've seen banned from the olympic games, citing the ongoing on slots on gaza. obviously we were watching for months to make sure that everything was going to up and property. and today, it's all to accept buyers damaging infrastructure and the legs. the bomb threats passed a giant shadow over the 2024 summer games being hosted by france. the world's female sporting events gets off to a rocky start. it doesn't take long for fingers to be pointed at a well tested escape goes russia and the tension spike in the jordan
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valley where palestinians diffuses rarely, settlers of depriving them of clean water and other vital necessities. the original rubel live in moscow. this is our t international. we start in the french capital where discontent and anger have filled the air and the city of love and the run up to the olympic games. crowds have been taken to the streets of paris in protest. the, well, some are taking a stand against you have been 6 stream security measures that limiting their movements. others have gathered to protest. participation of the is rarely seen. they've criticized now. placement certainly sanctioned. the countries like russia are fired from taking part by is really actually not only get a pass, but even additional protection, including their own security detail. we are here today. uh,
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we're more than a t as a see sure. and sign it all cool. to do this process, because today we wanted to show that many people in 1st and 1st of all again, you'll need to do something professional to one of the things that people don't understand it don't like about just the only thing is that, is there a solution applied towards central uh for the ukraine, but uh, number, but uh, z is highly often allowed to go compete if you only peak with this flux. we see here in paris, a lot of the security and surveillance measures such as the drones, such as the cure codes to answer some zones. also they use it. i don't use that that basis to say to people that can go to 0 the games. so for us, uh, this is why we are again, so i don't see that so awesome. i am at this meeting today to show my dissatisfaction with the fact that these really athletes a present as the olympic games and from which has become to have human rights,
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liberty equality and for tennessee. a large part of these is really nice place our roles and soldiers of the genocide o r d f. which map does seem to send women and a huge number of children? i think that their place is not in paris today in protest, railway attack, suspected bomb threats, and they cancelled a press conference not quite the opening ceremony. the paras olympic committee was hoping for, but it is the one that got a mirror, a hours before the games kicked off. french transportation was plunged into complete chaos. an airport has been closed due to a suspected terror attack while the railway has been paralyzed by cable fires. local authorities are climbing sabotage after ours and the tax effect of the high speed train connecting london and paris. sol disrupted the plans of an estimated 800000 travellers, the director of francis high speed rail line, i commented on this series of unfortunate events. obviously,
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we were working for months to make sure that everything was going to up and property. and today, it's all to accept rails power lies throughout the country. as he said, some 800000 individuals have the transport interrupted the sick lo fi as they move paving stones onto the truck cables. and also that potential tara threats that was cold in the fossil add port. so really the transport network has been hit incredibly badly and already been investigate. this is starting to look into what happens. and people question will, who's behind this? because this is being described as a series of coordinated attacks and it probably won't surprise aids to say at the top of those who are likely to have done it. the thing is pointing towards russian . this is senior individuals we've been from suggesting that russia was behind this
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why at least signaling russia could be behind. this would make it stop patasha time . what about it? because watching athletes who are not participating, not feeling fixed as russian athletes, apparently be less and to speak opening ceremony, which will take place on friday night. so they're not going to this army. and that's why when the media now asking that question, particularly are supposed to be in a soon fonts, russia is unlikely huffines'. are you worried that this is the act of russia or malicious? actually, i don't know, tyrus creek we, i mean i cannot said the shower. i maybe can be also professors in french people. okay. so some suggestion then perhaps they could be adulthood. it same story. and she talked to her about the whole class. and that's because this is fully been fonts for the black folks. they are new for creating chaos, particularly in protests,
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where they go in and smash things up. and they have a huge networking fonts. and potentially there is legs in the id that they could be behind this. but then let's move on to the very put minutes like a movie to faces, accusations that are being flung around and at the moment this comes from is, well, this is for me, is ready for administer. he says the face spoke to the account, the policy and fonts recent weeks to tell them that or ron was planning some things big. let's have a listen to what they had to say. the sabotage of railway infrastructure across france ahead of the olympics, was planned and executed under the influence of iran access of evil and radical as long as i warrant my french counter parts to feign. so during this week, based on information held by israel, iranians are planning terrorist attacks against these really delegation and all the limbic participants increase preventive measures must be taken to fort their plot. the free world must stop you ran now, before it's too late, before any facts have really been established, hey,
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we've already got lots of people decided to take the narrative of whatever direction they won't do using political motivation to suggest to they think is behind the attacks but when you look at the media, what is quite clear is the headline, is russia, did it russia did it while she did it. and it who, instead of perhaps focusing on waiting for the investigation that will then resonate the people and, and stick in their minds. i mean, the rush of fact uh, is also okay. and, and not the aspect, i mean, detained, watson, citizen, accusations of being a spies will quite cold. who took us through us. yes, that's why this is a 40 year old russian citizen who is lived in front spruce for a decade training there. and one of the most prestigious things to do is to go don't blue to be a chef has been working, is a chef. and apparently he was arrested just a few days ago. and he has been accused with posting something big, not to terror attack, but something big to cause chaos during the olympics. so if he is found guilty,
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if you place it up to 13, he is in jail. so this is a really serious offense. is a miss kiddo good nationals as a said 40 year old chef a by he's known to some people who should because he actually took part in a fairly big tv show. had they put him to the us version of the bachelor with women trying make him fall in love with them propose. and that was back in 2019. but apparently the whole time he was at despite and coughing deep under cover for russia. so trained to be a chef on a tv show, all at the same time is receiving apparently wages from the crumbling and electronic give you a sense of how the media is covering something that really does seem to be a bit far fetched, a foam or russian reality tv chef and suspected spy was nabbed in front of the he reportedly bragged about and the ledge to plot to cause may have met the paris olympics during a drunken rent,
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grass and off has been living in france for 14 years and was 1st exposed when he got drunk and was kicked off a plane that was due to take him from his stumble to paris in may. the 40 year old chef was today named as carroll. agree as an off, a former love show heart throb, thought to have become an f. s b asset. i mean is pretty good cake if you can get it, but apparently asked about drunk, couldn't run, but you heard about that. his name is the old domain, and the french secret service is radiant. his property and apparently have found evidence to colleen to the fact that he is actually an and cover agent. we have heard from dmitri pasco, this is the criminal spokes person who has described this as being to his case. i think we could all agree with him on not that it's curious, but he said he was waiting for more information from the parish authorities in relation to that particular case. and some of the tory escape, it's been accused of mishaps occurring at the front olympic event. russia has been the favored suspect and our ron has been designated
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a likely corporate by none other than israel lorraine in foreign ministry. officials were quick to dispute the accusation and pointed out that as well as the one flaunting the olympic charter that is based on friendship. and the piece of the accusations and hatred of the minister of the child killing regime of israel against the islamic republic of iran. in the 2024 paris olympics is a desperate attempt to divert the public opinion of the world from the genocide and gaza. such accusations are against the charter based on peace and friendship of the olympics. and another example of the zionist regimes, non adherence to universal and international norms and values. the sports caravan of the islamic republic of iran will participate in the paras olympics with dozens of athletes and national champions. so we spoke with fluid is that a political communications professor at the university of toronto says there is overwhelming support to band is really olympic athletes because they are direct
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participants in the gaza. mastercard, this is a general and is a good practice. whatever goes wrong anyway, the end of all day putting you on. if you're on the outside here who was a speech at the us congress a couple of days ago, he mentioned it on 16 times sliding come off in the 52 minutes. the one to the man i 0 is i think one of the aims of the so nothing here in washington is to a source of water, let you down and gives it some support from the united states. and given the fact that everyone is paying attention to progress around 6. so this is probably the, the tools for, for these various tests expense and in paris are not supposed to be this. you have the major request by enormous many human rights organizations. a 2 bath is right,
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so some kind of sort of takes a because is right, these are comments in new genocide and most of the people that came from israel as ethics actually members of the army, they themselves engaged in disciple that such as this the number of obama has endorsed vice president carmella harris for the democratic presidential nomination. harris receives the backend in a personal phone call from the former president and his wife. hello. hello. hey there. uh your phone together. i can have a recording of the unexpected phone call appeared on the vice president's ex accounts, and i like it, 2 incidents, a camera man was there to capture the entire conversation between the former us presidents and the democratic front runner through the selection as well as
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harris's and presidential campaign goes into full swing. she gave a speech on the suffering of the people of gaza. the vice president emphasized that she would not be silent about the situation in the enclave. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. whether the piece support for guys, it may be a surprise to people who support palestine. her statements came after a crowd of pro palestinian demonstrators protested the canada and her pro israel policies in houston just a few days earlier. let's take
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a look at her recent stands on tel aviv harris's husband is jewish and has been leading an anti semitism initiative since october 7th. she's also received campaign funding from major jewish lobby such as i pack, and the vice president has repeatedly spoken out in the favor of israel. right, well that's across live now to independent us senate candidate for new york, diane, sarah diane, good to have you on the program with us. what do you make of pamela harris's newly expressed support for gaza? i don't know. i actually am not. i don't know what to make of it. is it just opportunism because i think it's clear frankly that the majority of the american people i do not support mass killing of civilians, particularly women and children. and we saw the large, uncommitted boat in michigan, minnesota something similar and even here in new york state, they didn't cover it. but there was a quote of
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a blank vote of 12 to 13 percent in the democratic presidential primary. so it could be just opportunism because this certainly is a different tune than she was thinking not so long ago. it certainly is a she has basically spoken out in favor of the palestinians and does a but at the same time she met with benjamin netanyahu. when he was there in washington dc, she's also widely known for supporting israel. what, what is the vice president trying to achieve by these recent actions? is she trying to get support from everybody? it may be, i have to say, i'm actually much more concerned because i'm not sure how much comma la harris actually exists or what she thinks. but her a selection of who is going to help her choose the vice president eric holder, the former attorney general, who you may remember justified the drone showings, the extra traditional assassinations,
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even of american citizens. i think that is very troubling. as was his presiding over the fast and furious program where they were sending advanced weapons to mexican drug cartels. so the fact that she has someone like this just involved in helping her to select a vice presidential candidate may tell us a bit more about her child this evening. next, the vice president also did not attend that session of congressman is really a prime minister. was there and made an address saying that she was campaigning. do you think that was a deliberate slot but was not already what are your thoughts on that? i think she wanted it to appear as a deliberate snob. i'll point out that apparently j the vans trump's vice presidential running mate also wasn't present and i'm not sure why that was. uh, so again i, i don't know we saw how harris was created in houston by pro palestinian protestors
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. do you think that pro guys of voters will change their minds about harris as a candidate after these recent statements, or do you think they can see through it? i don't know. i think probably they're not going to change their minds. i think the most of the pro palestinian motors that i know of are actually planning to vote for jill stein. they feel that they don't have a choice. otherwise. some of the so called mainstream presidential candidates that everyone seems to be uniformly aligned with the idea that it's real can do whatever it wants. and you're not supposed to call that genocide, even though the international court of justice release their finding back in january is palestine a key issue in the upcoming le elections or, or do you think voters are more concerned about domestic issues and, and the, the, the voters who support palestine are more of a minority the ones who support talestine strongly
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enough to vote that way. it may be 10 to 15 percent of the democratic vote. that's a guess from what i saw with the uncommitted. so i guess you could say that's a minority, although i do think it is much more of an issue with them. they allow, i've been told the 2 major issues are the economy, the hyper inflation and the mass immigration problems. all right, we're gonna live with their diane's their independent us senate candidate. diane, thank you. thank you. well, i'm in brewing tensions. the top chinese and american diplomats are boys to discuss mutual concerns in the area of security during the upcoming audio and talks in portuguese loss. here is china as foreign ministry spokesperson announcing the meeting between long e and anthony blink. because i told you, tell you in the united states has deployed nuclear weapons on the territory of non nuclear weapon states in nato,
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and allowed fighter jets of these states to carry and drop nuclear weapons. which is a clear violation of the treaty and an obvious act of nuclear proliferation. it is likely to lead more countries to follow suit, which will actually hinder the nuclear arms control process, increase the risk of nuclear conflict and undermine global strategic stability. we urge relevant countries to a band and the cold war mentality and 0 sum game. abolish the nuclear sharing arrangement, withdraw the large number of nuclear weapons deployed in europe, and not replicate the nuclear sharing arrangement in the asia pacific region in any way. china statement comes on the hills of us president joe biden's remarks during his televised explanation for stepping down from the 2024 presidential race. he outlines the main direction of washington's foreign policy and the claims as watch has been one of the most peaceful in us history. despite calling to strengthen the nato alliance is defense capabilities and treading into that cold war mentality.
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i'm a 1st president this century report to the american people with united states is not a war anywhere in the world. but one could claim that washington walks right up to that line, half an hour before the bite, and the speech us central command reported on its attack on the m and claiming it targeted to a rainy and back to this, the muscles that propose the threat to us security and merchant vessels ongoing reads, the crisis has seen a constant exchange of fire from both sides. well, let's also take a geographic look at washington's attacks on the middle east and africa. add a this year yemen rock and syria have all been us then come targets in the last 6 months, according to its own reports. while the united states africa command continues its ground and air operations in somalia, or we spoke was political commentator inactive as jonathan foster, whose opinion is that both democrats and republicans are back in the war machine
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for the sake of military industrial prophets. unfortunately, biden has always had a bit of a pension for gaps. hard to tell if this is really a gaffe or just an outright lie. sadly, he's always had a pension for those as well. there's fundamentally no difference in american foreign policy between democrat and republican. whatever makes you, having the congress sent it to the cetera. it's all just seems to be and listen, drive for war, for the prophets of these military contractors and weapons manufacturers, us and com. hit to control missiles in. yeah, i mean, i mean, back in june there was an air strike in syria that killed at least one person to go on and on. but of course, perhaps most atrociously is this war and ukraine, which sure american boots are not, are not on the ground, at least not officially. but america has been to that, you know,
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supplying weapons to this war and training for this war for 2 years. and even going back is as recently as 2014. so if that's not involved in a war, i don't know what is going on to the dispute and jordan valley where tensions are on the rise with palestinians accusing jewish settlers of sabotage. they claim that under the protection of the idea of the settlers are depriving them of lice. most basic necessity is like water and a bid to drive out the locals are the middle east bureau chief maria, from ocean. i visited the area and offered an insight into what life therefore a palestinian has become a life and a desert comes with its challenges. but for the palestinians, farmers who have to confront jewish settlers and these really forces the struggles . multiply daily mohammed leaves in the jordan valley, just an hours drive from jerusalem in the region that is internationally recognized as a legally occupied by israel, by local standards mohammed as well off manage and
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a heard of 100 sheep. but today he's filled with worry. he complains that israeli settlers have damaged the pipes, the deliver water from a nearby springs, anything during the last. the tanks that quickly running dry, taking any, most of the spring, has become a dangerous gamble. as settlers now guard the area and prevent the sheet from reaching the vital resource, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. had elected the attack when you go get water level, when you go out with the shapes the door, when you drive from the area to jericho, they watch you and attack your car. they also attack when you're going to pray. they sometimes come at nights if, if they ride horses through the fields or residences, freaking people out, women and children, and that the up a how much says settlers can trespass on private property and even still animals. he shows us a video that supposedly documents the crime and the food age. we see some local
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arab man trying to confront settlers who are allegedly taking the sheep away, saying gauge and the conversation and film with can do little else as really forces . any advice will kind of the attack us. the army protects them on the siding 70 percent with the jewish settlers and 30 percent with the palestinians. but these people were fully supported from the settler. took our shape saying one ship was better than another. the army facilitated the snips. and now the video captures the army firing from the home was backyard, and asked the family describes as purely up for vacation. here is really forces are a company in the south or is who again come to close to the houses. tensions are rising, and it's not long before those armed. begin to use their guns showing that we feel anxious and fearful. their main goal is to displace us just replace us with is really settlers salt and how much wife makes us some tea. the families still
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have some water, but they can say for how long they will be able to last without buying more from the market, which is expensive. for the sake of an experiment, we pour some liquid onto the burning ground and wait. before the tea, they've been ready, they will to evaporates pleasant valley, alaska. we need support to see on our land by the water and we've been here for 50 or 60 years, not just one or 2. we must state, we are the ones rooted here. they came to us, we didn't go to them, they should leave. we invite the family to accompany us to the spring. they refuse out of safety concerns. the kids volunteer to take us with the adult. stop them insisting it isn't safe. we go on our own stick on which fence is painted and the colors of these really flags near the water. we spot 3 to seth or is watching
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palestinian kids swim. and also a group of activists from an is really civil project opposing the occupation at the palestinians request. they provide at protective presence to help prevent potential violence. light 0 thing is to protect the finance. here from you can see here joyce, theories the trying to make the ethnic cleansing and seeing the barrier feet in the territory of the army. they control the army, they control the police, they come to the car, all the, all the system is working for them. we approach those who die goals, terrorist, they are willing to speak and insist they pose no threats to anyone in the area or beyond. or if i ask a direct question, do we want our students to leave this area? this is what they say. what,
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what problems do they make? the young men struggle to formulate an answer and then bring up guys where it becomes clear and they make no distinction between the milton group based and gaza. 100 kilometers away, and local palestinians, all palestinians. in the end, they express the essence of the conflict. they believe these land is bears. it's not. you think it's a 0 where we are right now. officially, israel doesn't see these territory as israel, but an area it's runs under the defense ministry, civil administration. and it's really body that overseas daily communication with palestinians in the west bank they never because because of the consequences you any
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more right now if you us our discussion, he's a dead and much like the decades long palestinian is really conflict which appears to have no resolution inside this resilience community stands on the land of an ancient families thinking village that shares its name, a village that has faced the pain of expulsion in the aftermath of a 6 day war in 1967. today, locals and acts of a se, the shadow of displacement looms once more as jewish settlers, one palestinians to faith this territory. but this time, the community, his spirits burn brighter than ever. they declare they want to leave whatever the cost of an ocean at all to reporting from the lane in the jordan valley this day with our 2 international up next tunnel and visions we take you to come
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talk, go. one of russia's lots are populated regions were, indigenous groups live in harmony with nature 16th to preserve centuries old traditions, and by the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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is it possible to get lost in time? well, come to come chuck a and see for yourself. here's several unique ethnic groups are remaining in their own bubble of sorts surrounded by these beautiful landscapes. we've come to see how the natives of rushes, far, far east lives and preserve the ancient additions and culture. and if we've come this far, we know that it's going to be worth the journey here here, here and


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