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tv   Inland Visions  RT  July 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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the, the the, the, the noise is so
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i made a simple occlusal, that you know, still enough assistance to a city is and you might be just just throwing this, does me go by speech or read it with me that in the show, then you've got a test plus it suits or exceed millions of dollars, and if a gust of it is not the same, nothing zillow be from the dining chip, your the midst of options i chose is the most of the noise, mid dining beats, a domino and a door. as i mean piece gate is there's nothing else that i live, the district just, i'm going to need because i possibly of those that are sourcing on students because i would say put out of my teacher scale. and i think this could be anybody else to bid support at the beast, 90 israel, and the within the pool. this needs to cause the tumble because you know, for sure see to you because of the nature of, presumably in your book, i guess so. but most of the history of the the total value of the 10 biggest gambling contract in russian sports is $10100000000.00 roubles
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a. yeah. we have the most in july 2023. we are for those that started. but and you know that it's a fit and knowing it's don't step as us or do you need to go smoothly. but we want people to put in the work more than just or just monthly. total doctors are fast on most agreements and you will the complexity of the sort of people, shirts as a patient because you know, no, i'm pretty, it, them really pursue me as major pick on the book. may just keep going, thoughts and actually pull because i see, i mean, and book makers click on the door to nice to cancel. i can actually add an honestly just quote, i guess, and that those are distributing superstore to those we just, i guess go support, pick them up on them. now support level of what they did the 1st little movie. i'm actually sitting here. lydia, you could, we could us that they also, it must be of some of the cities before which, i mean affility never leaves and was this is the same thing
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as i should do to assist the discipline of former shops from the commission because you know, both the wish list is in the article as well as i was gonna say, usually come a little window visual, but for doing that ocean beach bicycle video. this is jessica to the just if i were to college because i didn't control solution. you'd have to define it. then we just couldn't when you have to design your style, but you get all the goodness, the beauty, quit the sugar and you've said it was like a what is it that can you go to the show come today to didn't get to the story typical in utah, she is like from the low to just thing and for cash. uh, what should i have? farmers machine was less than the pediatrician. so i propose window and i'm so we're going to use your lots of people voted on. i'm just you to tell us what's new enough and just to support the dislike of this to finish with the deploy for retail
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store and the front didn't have a skill in russia. 15.3000000 people best on sports at least once a year. there was 6600000, active gamblers who bed once a week and 2022. russian spent 879000000000 roubles on beds 25 percent more than 2021. in 2023 expenses will exceed 120 and roubles. the musty february 2023 people based on suppose world wide, apart from countries where the best thing is prohibited. for example, kentucky and showing up. but that doesn't stop. chinese gamblers formula using billions on filipino websites through vpn and proxy servers. books. a girl cars ask a little, dina, unplug a baggage stove, lumber, sending the switch to the router, should thinking they should have new stuff. cool. bookmakers click on is
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a at the bottom. you guys need for the platform. it'll shift ok. 2 and then you'll start soon yes, click on the sure because i need you cause a temple dido level much. 2 i disagree because control my to build a specialty the, because these things don't just happen in russia. american, the sports channel is then pads became notorious in 2019 by winning more than a $1000000.00 on bets and less than 2 months. and he got arrested because of the best thing. no, it was about his reaction to losing on social media posts threatened physical violence against many athletes whose games he'd best on. but at last, ty will enter your home while you sleep and said that your neck open, i will kill your entire family. everyone you love will soon cease to name just a few of his threats. the 25 year old american completely lost it by losing beds. that society and 3 example of how gambling addiction can know. totally empty
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a bank account, but also break the psych a by say that i get it because they need to do the adult swim over the evil. so the, you go through this is read that as a condition as this hey, we need to initial or look like you've just to make, look somebody like a great the stuff to me. i'm actually my name is nice. the name of what the right invoice that you want that to me in the month of those to 50 percent. so the whole the schedule is to know i used to book the book on the minus of sports. it is uh with the textbook. i mean, is this new uh, you have, could you me for me to, you know, let's just go from one of those sales or can we just put the go to new content goes away into the booth with multiple a strand this much. you can get the go ahead and release them and publish it, but it's a couple of you to just do it to the proposal stage. we'll just come on the appraisal, refer you to the appraiser on it's of the little stuff it's it does,
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i can chew with the children excited for structuring emotion stuff. you've given you lift shift us as a football champion the best. so if you had football player in 1972 mazda, the response of the ssl international class, sports functionary, coach and columnist, advocates the bookmaking activity to be used to benefit national sports. reach a should give us money for boosting in the pro. the 2 will $350.00 come toward a stage, the most adult. shes a team. can you hold the village of of bullshit ticket in june, but it looks spectrum. we'll go ahead and dump it. those are my wish really did you really on the is that a pull up by yourself that i need to do to my email with dates its sort of a few. so it should only me is bullshit from bullies to the system said about 2013 . put your basketball to deal with some spots me. i'm a big jump in mcdonough. so he's still to me much it broke the risk. i'm
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a lucas. the get the style, the degree gotten a little fish burrow high. cha goober, another free to know that somebody's you continue ship out of nobody. and so think we got them. the zillow cool stuff can approaching. you comfortable? the garbage april. the child by 3 jenkins cooked up front and those blogs wasting all this stuff to jail and just see what i can overboard. some of the pictures michigan uses optics that were to go out of my much sunny assembly set on the move . got the field media, but i am going to consume bubble in 2003. i was managed by larry holmes had a beautiful starting of my career. and basically when the guys contract expired, the contract was sold made for the manager, that there was no way i can get out of it. so my brother, who's an attorney, to say this one way out, you'll have to keep training in don't fight. it's
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a one year, one more year you'll be done. be crushed is the worst thing you can ever do to somebody is crush. a young person is drain this, the number one flow in the world. you understand how it feels when he exclude his from ice national competition. so i mean, you understand or that this to dedicate your life to sport and then find out default length of games or, and world championship that you excluded because of some passport issue. or because of political issue, of course, let me tell you something big. oh so much deep with a justice for i'm of the one thing i would never do it destroy a child's drain. you suppose to let a child explore their own dreams, their own thoughts, their own realities. what they feel is what they feel is real, the support of so that seems really meant them for the to take up the we do to get to know most of them in here. what are you doing that mostly we didn't look at as a group, any new companies, us, the richard, the,
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the but in the hope was sticking him with douglas. the birth of increase, just go to the political summerstone is the next one, schedule stood things unique, unlimited. you know, somebody owns somewhere in your signature by your state and go to wishing you didn't know what it is. i used to converse that on the last name, it in piece gives you good. but additional southern piece going to the media. you're still believe you didn't really just don't to go to say, don't wish that to me directly with the media because i said in the play from you and your billing media bill and other such i could actually was signal so that i see it. but it's you on what the lewisville in the function is metal, and that's what i have the most of us do. some style more or less, i'm up to dealing as good as them the condition of the what's the good thing and also being an issue to them that are saying that in piece group, they need to cut them choice beside in that way. and that, that epsis we will not fall into the trap of the chief argument that this would be the politicization of support going against the olympic delta, which requires political neutrality. thomas bus,
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president of the international olympic committee, which we used to just send in fairly, super useful know the most at the so much to build a new a spot, assuming that you're not going to engage bunch of discussion in the pollution. i would actually sweep, i did say a get they will cut yet or will it that it's not with me, but they just the us to get them does just duck them cuz dollars. but news of the sport took a truck initially because i just got done with this, but it's even in the studio that he did some it took me back to the much worse. so yeah, was to go for difficult. so let's go through this. when we have to do this, go sincerely apologize of those those. but the look at the is a problem of the motors that we were building it in the thing much was going through a gloved, let's say the decision. uh uh, the same way, but the scope of the say, let's just say that was the something you put bush emotional, a pro, somebody in his business because she was most was to but not there's on the
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a. yeah. but then i need me to pull the she's conf. logo of those shows that to me it was most my look most of the list of them. one of them should the keys go to accept. it goes don't scope, but it's in the upper and then they'll charge you to go. it was because of the after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the main bay 3 arctic organization led by o g man listed heavy losses on the french. the invaders were and raged. according
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to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful bathing. these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of being these women. as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of nights, rock murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being food, almost 12000 french soldiers and officers, including the commander general the categories. and his command staff were captured . the can visualization of a huge garrison at a demoralizing effect in europe. the french lat vietnam. but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the americans are times where a waiting vietnam,
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again the high acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what could i please or do you have the state department? the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the
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some wisdom athletes, a voice then support for this board outside politics principle among them is the swedish alpine skia daniella, the bug always defend fleets and their rights. politics and boats should always be separate due and criticized the o. c. and it's february decision, according to the un neutral flags in the absence of and some this means that sport is bigger than national buddhist, and could contribute to world peace opinion of why back to time olympic champion
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blast and you're not save. i'm not charlie. naturalists as well, and look at them which no one else per scores. my joe, am i? you know if she's on board la, section of the board to come on just on the 6 i told you prefer the searching yours to come on being with me. so that i'm supposed to, i'm, i'm just talking to somebody and they told him that you are strongly bas blog and just give them a new page in the, in the for team is level and they start to use and us not us, intuitive me, some of the program would think that are senior. i'm just not a lot of things that spanish them. i tries to, you know, fiddle, what should it to look, show me and use them your 1st as just so send me your best thoughts. i put them in the mean book ship with the modern and i promise my, you mean you will see some of the rest of the which has to live outside of pneumonia with new things. that's something you have to support. some of the fees going austin yet there's invalid, and the store comes at that price and the course of the time structure. so i'm
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gonna say, i don't know if i engine a $1000.00, just new color spoken to the both the customer. but this is a new at the applicant does. so ritual election, you need to stop by a shape, but you just get, you're letting him loose that you said get through the supports, then you lash the sacraments and then we'll just do this for no, not saying no slice than you know, because i'm supposed to but i still do that, but definitely still moving. yep. so let's put this. who do, i mean, you know, also the name of some of the most of the new used to what i see it was to the family, the use to which that's a good idea. that mode for a computer because you'd like just those to play or something. no of it, we won't. so she's not going through some of the land. you mean pretty much. delores, that's processing mutual books in the go with the most santa hills mission to open to the declare ones position in the coming climates takes a lot of coverage,
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but a person is determined by that actions say get cut eoc and went to guns. what tension is in the, on the front line is very close. he met no of his chest players, conducted a single obtaining his game sessions and asked them about their future plans. this turned out not so much as tutorial, but a lesson in college and hope so i said back to english professional is the shock with 90 to mean. yep. and these are the most of them. yes. on those to me a little bit beside it will be in school related specifically unless the modem or a motion, which is good to go based on stilts and will come up with something. clicking on the, on the most of the menu, only these, most of them i'll be almost good. you know? yeah. anybody else with the deal? the
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okay, can did you have this a saw from god? cuz the way when you start talking, if you start talking that bird do it again, i'll tell you right now, that bird is racist. list of action that the suspect cause i'm talking to is quiet. now she's start talking about burgle at times you i'm leaving, i'm going home. now they're based on steering to me. maybe seeing it to me. it goes to that's the way i'm on a 1000 miles the moment seats. uh huh. i have a question which fits here. perfect. the question is the, did you have any cultural challenges in russia? no, i never did. like i said, it's not my 1st rodeo guy will be rule buggy. i it is. especially when i went to the risk we, i just, oh, every time i go, i've got to take a picture because i'm making my own calendar up. every time i came to visit russia,
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and i'm going to have every photo tell you right through december 12 photos of when i came to the red square. kevin, when you uh, took russian citizenship. didn't take it. mm hm. is it true? right? yeah. uh, we're criticized for your friends and friends. oh, nobody criticize me. who is like the guy, you know, use like there's nothing flow and you can say about how people can make up their own propaganda as you want. but i have my own 2 eyes, and i have my own to is the best buy. definitely something missing at the site now. oh games can they actually can, which is the, what was this come inside is put them on the demo, but do it. the fans can, i wouldn't, i would see an email with a leasing of us knew it was cuz of veneration and association was created as guarantors of athletes rights have become very selective and whose rights they
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defend. caleb here, it's about the same as the for the machine and they're both nearly stored and it doesn't mean you're going to skip list and you can explain you left so it doesn't do an issue. yeah, that's like a kid that was up mentioned low in a couple of sneaks. the one you gave me the 2nd month. i mean, it was, he made a bunch of buttons and it's nice little it took the door and it's going to bring him was able to cook is what there was to keep the human name. you should lashania trust multimeter with go, fluid, disclose this is considered to be in and you put it on spoken language to show that there was always something of following dismissal with frank, vaguely, no opportunity to compete in international competitions. russian athletes and the coaches focused on work within the country that calgary reaching, you know, just send you deal with which email. yeah. with them go to the wisdom some of the real quick. yeah. i see it should come up that i see full deadline illusion even look you up when you lunch detention and but even for me up there she's cuz you
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know, it's what's coming down with what is the story from you that this put together that was gonna say, is it the money a lot? yeah, i think i'm moving with those because mothers and those are the most yes, even though you're good enough. but to me that was the but there's not a lot of these little good sports fan. i totally don't want to should that was a new life is nashua. did you wanna hear that? i'm going to forward you to him with so in the morning these go with them to get the most mileage. the big less union that you're gonna have to and you'd be a little slower than that, but i what a lot of shifts, but it's me enough and you can really do is a fluid you more than just. but if you have any meetings, there's nothing that i get that you just give me the shift is race them, it's got to explore the black shoot game. you're nickel with the machine. yeah. here's what's your soonest website. oh,
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just needs to ensure that those to where i decide to scale a process for you mean what conflict 30. so i was let go, but often you problem with is these rentals that also were weird. since school fulcher must have to live with pregnant girls listing we must have because the baby she wasn't at the show finishing the steps was still moving. it increased you using a pc or go to the degree to the bumps the mobile things i resume of them as well as way a system of got those tips. and that's really sleep in that to leslie loosely, but it's been a little bit as the additional the noticed nothing and let me just spell it. we could do that in the streaming the quick one as well, but any other book? sure. but it still leaves the doors that i showed his phones the way to see that because of this was the email but got done, which with last night this touch still got about us. we still cover up by use you still have coverage. it's of samsung. we're still the 3 zip to shoes and goshen
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spacing it though, and establishing a blessing us the commission. that old man in peacekeeping. he says you must do it in such a delay in your sport. the police is an ice cap lifting those. maybe that's thing. and they said it's not mine, it's approximately mobile to stay at this tennessee. then jason, so he's probably just the medical gloss of the hill. but it said that in most, almost by book summit on this bhaskar thoughts, then you are seascapes, but it's me on the other chest. if that is not mine, you stuck on. i missed and that was nice, but it's even, that's pretty leaves. what do you think is going to happen to russian support like is this restriction? so we'll go on, we'll go on for like st. in other time. yes. do we think it's why so? russia is not alone. russia is align with other countries as well. because like i said, it's not the whole world against russia. spilt remains the rush of a symbol of peace, friendship,
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unity and honest competition. over the time spent on the sanctions sporting ties between russia and china have strengthened the countries of asia, south america, and africa, pursuing interested in mutual cooperation. oh, much eats in russian minutes. the response is steps, tulsa, oklahoma, some of the television. i still am i and i'm most not as well. so i'm a police telling me the abilities, cuz most of them were interested in the money suggesting there was too much less consultation is with, with the on thing is with a significant issue of the shuttle co cobra who we just think of because you don't want to keep of a child's drains and for any country to exclude any child from any way in the world, destroyed their dreams. you're going to guess a god given gifts less the get country less for get persons. you're going to get some guy. this is something you're not supposed to do. the
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smell of ours makes living in the waiting piece because of the senior. you have to quit them, avoid the sports, but the so was for the need to just because the size but even then to do good of the church, which is the skills i suppose for the fights. say that minus the full and beat with if i'd be of the steel city is compression. does it yesterday to city as plus lexi? i'm supposed to be showing you that never submitted nimble. of course you got the high television, not sports regardless. talk you rushing phone, you know as more than that, of course you want to space. i see the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most on screen and the best i can
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i'll send, send up the send the 6595 and speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t smooth net keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say even closer to the old wanted to come here since i was 121. my grandfather told me that his mom came
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from russia that we were i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around. i was gonna see if it was for me, but then i came and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier than i am here in most of the i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay who worked as a chef and now raises gods and makes cheese in the countryside series. like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b, i us, embassies, and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safer atlanta, higher life than living here the
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little get i sure. and usually this on the line you more interested in the split change of changing the let them know gospel. tim will actually need to look for the end of the was a shame, but i see it was a shame, but i see up with all my games with a see. yeah, that you should be able to stuff are going to need more than what's here member. so there is missing here on there's going to need to listen to us to much prefer them anything in particular, please do give us the increase now because the stairs i wish a successful professional my product with them. now wake up with this one chessboard shields. if the stump that's in
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the other, i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is some of what we're going to be talking about today to a paid off. it's these are these people to sit in their seats interior that is what he says about. maybe that to me. yeah. what's interesting the matter was fired, telling the truth about the iraq war drops another truth, bob about being that, that yahoo and he's not alone by the way. this is direct impact. i am rick sanchez . hey, let's do this. the . so i was thinking this morning about what we were going to talk about, and i want to talk about something that you probably don't know much about. so let me just ask you, do you know what the during report is? the.


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