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tv   Direct Impact  RT  July 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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social's festival of the that's the end of the other. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is some of what we're going to be talking about today to a paid off periods. these are these people to sit in their seats interior. that is what he says about. maybe that's it. yeah. what's interesting, the matter was fired, telling the truth about the iraq war drops another truth from about being that at yahoo and he's not alone by the way. this is direct impact. i am rick sanchez. hey, let's do this. the . so i was thinking this morning about what we were going to talk about, and i want to talk about something that you probably don't know much about. so let me just ask you, do you know what the during report is during report?
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you probably don't know, you're probably shaking your head right now knowing what, what, what, what does the durham afford? right? why would you, when the media probably gave it about 2 minutes worth of coverage, even though they gave the rush or gauge story about 2 years worth of non stop coverage? so here it is, john durham is this guy who was the prosecutor very well known, successful prosecutor who was assign a job of finding out if russia actually did interfere, which would be serious with us politics. right. and about a year ago, he finally put out his report that essentially detailed how the whole damn thing was a lie. there are some major takeaways from the report. so durham finds that one the f b. i didn't have sufficient information to open the case investigating from a less ties to russia. the bureau relied on raw on analyze uncorroborated intelligence, durham also criticizes vs. the inability to corroborate any of the infamous still
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da ca, which contained a series of salacious allegations about from and his possible ties to russia. the f . b. i operated with bias and different standards between trump and 2016 democratic presidential law. many hillary clinton. and finally, even though the report offers a scathing review of the guys conduct regarding the trump russia pro, it does not recommend any new charges against individuals. so there you have it after essentially demonizing unimed, tire country russia for doing something they did not do. you just turn, those are my words, right? that's on the kill as a report story. the day it came out something they did not do interfering in us politics. this report comes out and essentially says, oh each, sorry, it was all fake. it was a vague accusation. think investigation, essentially a fake news story, but it was pushed by the hillary clinton, a team or advisors who apparently were mad, but she lost the election. i would be to get it. and they also have
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a reputation of being very anti russia before they lost the the election. so this is a, this is a perfect opportunity to make up this story that works so well for them. right? that they get to make up a lie about brush while at the same time they're trying to make a copy of that, right. that story, that what about russia, trump and interference caused an i know it's an old story, but trust me, there's a reason i'm telling you this today. so the story is about trump and interference, and the media, the democrats, the corporate military establishment. and the neil neo cons had to create this story to put them in the collective mines of americans. and in the meantime, they go crazy with the story. they seem to be enjoying it. they went down as completely nonsensical rabbit hole, which was based on the following narrative. okay. now, this is what we're talking about. how dear any country, no less russia, interfere in america, interfere in our politics, and tell us who we can vote for,
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or what we can do. now, the reason i'm telling you that story is, here is the double standard. all random you should know there's those who attack israel will pay a very heavy price. that's what total victory means and we will settle for nothing less. talk about interfering and important. so you are the best guy. this guy that's and yeah, he picks up the phone, he tells congress he needs to come here and give a speech, but they need to apply to him. then he talks about killing and continuing to kill as many people as he wants to, for as long as he wants to. and they stay and got a lot of him. remember, the majority of americans don't like this guy in there against the massacre. he's conducting in gaza. that's official. go look it up. right. last time i checked it was all between 53 and 60 percent of americans don't like it. don't like what he's
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doing of gaza, but condo, or is this a piano? yeah. which is essentially like said, go ahead please interfere with our politics. all you want. you want you want to wherever you want. we got your back. you think? i'm kidding. you think? i'm kidding. when i say the congress told them we got your back. in fact, the but licking of nothing. yeah. who is so bad? so grow task. but the guy who is in charge of congress, right? the speaker of the house, he actually put out a statement saying that anybody who publicly disagrees with method. yeah. how would it be or where to do it is. so we did, we got it scheduled. it will be next week and it will be a big thing. and i want you to know that there's a number of democrats in the house who have said they're going to boycott the of in the yeah, yes. and um and, and then and then some others are going to protest, listen, we're going to have extra sergeant sit, arms on the floor. and if anybody gets out of hand to speak of the house or bang
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together, we're going to arrest people. if we have to do it, we're going to get the we're going to arrest people who may disagree with what the president of the united states, pardon me, the president of israel has to say. it's like he's saying and that's and yeah, who please come here, interfere in our politics. and if anybody gets on your way, we'll take care of them and make sure nobody hear from them or hear what they have to say. so much for democracy, right? this is our country, our beloved country. these are our leaders, right. so why is this incredible double standard happening here for a former us weapons inspector, scott ritter, who tried to warn us about a rock and was pulverized by the neo cons for doing it. has to say about the method . yeah. who's speech to a paid off it's, he's clear he's people to sit in their seats interior and he's paid them so well that the head of the guy who is the speaker of the house, mr. johnson is a threatened to arrest people and charge them,
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should they somehow disrupt the the, the base of the scripted scene that's going to take place. how is the wrong manila? is this not one of the most preposterous examples of a double standard that you have ever seen? well, i mean, it, i think it goes beyond double standard at this point. it's just how washington operates. rec. i mean, i've been here for over a decade now and i've seen it firsthand and i think more recently we can attribute the, the new information that's been brought to light to congressman thomas massey, of kentucky. when he was interviewed by tucker carlson on his independent on, on carlson's independent network, when he revealed that every member of congress accept him. so 434 members of congress have individual a pac handlers. you have to force is the largest lobbying group for israel in
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particular. it's a joint american is really lobbying group that does not have to register under farrah. they have, for years and years. i mean, all of the, the latter half of the 20th century are outright lobbying for the benefit of a different country. and they've never had to register under the for an agents registration act, which is mind boggling when you compare this to what you opened with, with an during report that shows all of that was big phony fake, lied running based from the hilary clinton campaign. it was a campaign hit job that kind of off to push this way out into the east or into the american east. those and most americans still believe that rick and yet they believe that israel is america's fund. yeah. so how do you, how do we square that? it's almost like one country is punished for interfering even though they didn't
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interfere. and the other one is really. busy good for interfering as much as they want. meanwhile, we're giving them a ton of money, which they're then using our money to buy our politicians to get. i mean, it's an yahoo, an audience and a standing ovation. this is crazy. i will say this though, to be fair. there is some semblance of democracy remaining because there were some elected officials who have spoken out. you mentioned thomas massey, he's one on the republican side. not afraid to tell the truth. on the left, there are people like bernie sanders and jerry, jerry and adler. by the way, both of these guys are jewish american. so let's take a listen to the best of my knowledge. however, tomorrow will be unique. in bridge, in 5 minutes to notes and yahoo to address a joint meeting of a congress. it will be the 1st time in american history that a war criminal has been given that all his political interest is to keep the word going as long as possible because he knows it. as soon as the word is over,
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it will have to face a condition of inquiry as to why he was a telling cutter to arm from us before the election. and why he uh um, ignored the warnings from the military of the c attack here on october 7th, which they had of weddings about a few hours earlier. and why you, for that matter, it took us 12 hours for tanks to come 60 miles from the west bank to the, to the keep with tim on the guys a border by the way, for those of you watching us millions of you, i know who watch the show regularly from all over the world. please understand that what you just saw there is not typical of us politics. those guys are out there right. making this point, the real fear is that after paying off the u. s. congress and getting their approval and that's and yeah, who will not continue his total war and engaged our country and the world in more wars as he wants to bomb 11 on bombing. yep. a young man and who knows where else
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with our money and our weapons, until it gets us into a war with iran and possibly the precipice of world war 3. while we're applauding. yay! keep going. do do doing it. by the way, his chief cheerleader also came out and finally spoke last night. he didn't look so good by the way. here's, here's a clip and press the button. when ben franklin was asked, you emerge from the account and make use of conventional i know where the founders to have given america monetary public frank and the response was republic. if you can keep it. i think he was trying to say franklin, but he said frank and i think he was trying to say constitutional convention. and instead of, pardon me, congress. and he said convention and he was reading this stuff off the teleprompter . manila i already said my piece about joe biden. i stopped looking
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at him as the commander in chief as the president of the united states. much, much less the leader of the free world these days. rec, so you know, i, i just, at this point see the, the human side and all i see is, is a defeated and feeble old man at this point. so it's hard for me to kind of late into him and be journalistically fair cause. but the human side of me just just sees this, but we are look, he, he has met privately with benjamin netanyahu, of despite the fact that that bite in refused or i don't know if he refused, but he did not go to the joint session and neither did comma harris, where nothing you all who gave that hour and a half long war hawking's speech as bernie sanders alluded to there. but at this point, i mean, there is no separation and no daylight between the joe biden administration and the nets and yahoo administration and their ongoing efforts in gaza. there's so much
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money being exchanged, left and right back and forth top to bottom. there's no more extracting the 2, the 2 countries are the us and israel are marching lock step in all the atrocities that we're witnessing and gaza. and it all has to do with money rec, all of it. yeah. and what a picture of the real president of the united states looking like, he's in the critical care unit of an old folks home. while the real president of the united states is giving a speech in congress and getting a round of applause for it. it's just a weird time to live in this world when we come back. thanks manila, when we come back, let's, let's talk a little more about that. those optics that i just described, right? we're going to discuss lebanon as well, with the journalist and political commentator, will have to who is one of the most prolific and courageous voices that is coming out of the region these days. she's going to join us here and just a little bit. don't go away the
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life from this day one been even the convention was being drafted in early 19th. the united states was very clear that differed not take any action that would affect it, its economy. they did not allow climate negotiations to make progress. and they did not take strong targets based on this fashion based on that as part of the emissions the kept dragging their feet and kemp and what the responsibility on china and india and other developing countries the the okay, welcome back on rick sanchez. and this has a direct impact on joining us now is layla how to. she's a communications ex expert sheet. she's a journalist. she's had a role in the government. and it's important to be able to talk to somebody like
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later to get a different perspective. especially on a day like uh today uh like i, i want to start with something i was just thinking about as i was here in manila talk. and it's, and it's almost like the, the optics of what happened in the world yesterday. and in the united states, specifically in the us congress. so here's how i see it. we have the president of the united states, right. and he is speaking to the country and he's doing so in congress while getting a rousing ovation from all the members of congress. he's determinative, he is forceful. he is vindictive. and the more he talks about war and killing the more applause he gets. and then we have the other guy, the guy named joe biden, who gives an 11 minutes page where he can barely pronounce most of the words that he's really not reading off of a teleprompter. did you ever think the world would come to this point? i never thought of it,
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even in my wildest dreams. i mean that's one point or another. do you have someone who do you didn't even expect for the last 11 minutes. see lots of 11 minutes, but we didn't understand the thinking where the fucking said and then you had somebody coming over and for feeding. and basically, i'm going to give them the best be offended affairs, a slanting part of the population in the us, because they think what she wants to say is, i think lawyers and basically your congress suffers to give him way to do that. and then come up for him. it doesn't make any sense to me, but then again, we live the and the world very basic. a reality is more uh why that's why the, than the fiction from point to the, to the, the, the opinion. i think in america and i just looked it up because i wanted to make sure i was right about this. the majority of americans don't like being at them yahoo. and they don't like what he's doing 53 percent. so. okay. in america, it's only 53 percent and our media only tells us he's a great man. he's doing great things, etc, etc. so that, that in and of itself is impressive. i think that you know,
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53 percent of americans are thinking for themselves. what's it like if you're a citizen of the world, looking at america and seeing what happened last night, that helped me as an american, understand how the rest of the world views us as well at the moment. so the meaning the for the past, the 2 years or so, the world has changed the way it looks at the us. they have looked respect to the us. they have at one point on others in discussing it as a 2nd. because at the moment it's a fair to sort of show business and some of the symptoms of the look at the way for your present. and just the last basically take the further popcorn and the rates for joe biden to come on the on screen, mississippi. and meshes works together and everybody just last of all, to the next day, even your media makes policy of their own president. and then basically you bring those over to the congress and you saw yesterday, uh what you call the the, the actual presence of the united states. they've been up in yeah, hold on. his last name is media cowski by the way. it's not something. yeah. how about to change that just to fit the agent over here in the end of the month,
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he brought his own circus with him. if you look at this, he brought an example out of every single $334.00 circular, but he kind of puts his hands on. he brought people from a few if you have just to talk to the black community. and he brought basically people from the business, the site that the think there's not all the stuff. i think the truth is with them. but suffice it to work with is i just, i'm just trying to insinuate that the muslims and the been a society actually likes it and worse for it on defensive. this is not true. and then he wrote in this different theme and the dusky knows. so the white people who are part of the suckers and basically also they live and find you as part part of the community. but if you look at the larger picture, the whole world has been totally focused against this month. everybody is going to have, it won't come and then the i j issue, it's basically something like self as it is. but like vision decision, i guess these people the outside as far as i guess him and his at the generals army generals, and they've called that's quite his name for the 1st time. and it's
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a notion, of course there's to save it as readers are committing genocide against the policy new. mm hm. the only been those you and ones are the congress and the the was on purpose because they get paid by like, as i said. and that medicaid population who are part of them are dubious because of what the media shows them have the products, but the sides are being applied. yeah, but this is there. it is a good thing, but it, but even though it's in yeah. how, how far will this blind and crazy uh, support that my government officials, not my country. my country is a great country and its people are great people, but the people in washington who are all on the take and are corrupt, are making these decisions. i just wanna make sure we're, we're straight about that. how far do you fear that they will go and they are collusion. and there's support a baby and it's and yahoo because it seems to be when he's done killing palestinians. and there's no palestinians left to kill, he's going to then move to yemen, and he's going to move to obviously, you know,
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the situation with lab and on and, and who knows how long before we're in a full lot war with iran. i mean, and this is not me saying this, this is a lot of geo political minds who have come together and said they're very concerned about this. about this concept. i mean, you have, in this type of maniac over here running the show for on behalf of your own country and your businesses have something can, the congress has not stopping him. it's up to the people of the united states to stop him by. you're basically both enjoyed and the idea is that the media is not showing them the whole picture best the suck parts. so the population who are not always under just basically going on protests, what they're doing is trying to tell the rest of the americans that there's a genocide happening over here. we are possibly in thing on the doors of that's a word or 3 that starts from the phones because of this month, but i'm just don't over here. now until when you're on the lation would continue to accept the good politicians that didn't buy the nose and from one more to another
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from you know, all the way up to me now and lie about the reasons why they're going into that for i don't know yeah, yeah, you have to something, i mean, those are your people, but that was a well actually it's, it's no, it's not. it's not about my people layla. it's about my colleagues in the media as you probably know, i'm sure you look me up. i was the anchor and cnn and was fired for being critical of the thing that we're talking about now. because i told the truth, i worked at fox news. i worked at nbc, i've even worked at univision and hispanic television and i've learned that now more than ever, the members of the media even down to be not just the editors, but the actual talking heads are in collusion with the forces who are bringing these things about the ones or hey, jada is to start off with the roster. and for some reason, of course, i mean like, think about this with you about this and multiply it by, by this be working with all these entities and, you know, them from inside the outside, you know, how they are, they do, you know,
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the agendas, the sub part is that they play the zoom and zoom out game, whatever they want to show you that basically be the success of speech of the congress. they will only show you parts of the congress. that's clubbing for him. benny do they show you? basically the ones that are discussing with him and they don't want him. and the thoughts part is that the media is also playing them to the other game. basically, they're claiming that the democrats have worked, or they basically board call to this session, right. and i wasn't a discussion with other me the other than i had to explain to them that the democrats didn't go into a or basically to that speech, not to because they are against the genocide, but because they have given up. and you know, the democrats have been trying to the place to be nothing, you know, how, with many guns, but basically the parent, minnesota. yes, true. and it's really entity the only ones to actually get about this genocide for the saw part of should have play to actually have a profit saying you're gonna watch him. and then you're committing genocide. and basically did bernie sanders, who had called him a once in a often the and this guy basically is
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a jewish representative of the people in the congress. and he actually called leaving us in the, i'm about almost, we didn't say anything. actually, most of them actually have voted for the for, for giving arms and the funding for this radius of one point to another, to support them with this ongoing genocide. what about the gulf states in the era world? what about the saudi arabia's and the cutters, and the jordans and the egypt uh, and loving on. i mean are, are, are, are those leaders? are those countries doing enough to push back? i almost get the sense that they're not, but i'm not an expert. i leave it to you. all right? so as you know, basically there are uh, the other account to use the, the house normalized price with this rate is that include some of the gcc countries, not all of them. they not that i'm, it's for example, they have great size, but it is reduced by heading as well. so that'd be on. so no, they refused to normal as far as on some of that, as soon as i get to it to state solution. that's what the stipulation, once you agree to that we would normally size would be what should be me is basically in principle,
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they have no problem with normalizing parts of the visit this month, so long that the pricing is good. the on state as well. and when it comes to the one i have to send you, i mean it's one of the very few colleges, anybody's numbers fighting on behalf of everybody else. because this is continue to occupy the venue for that series. and we have, it is this stuff that's very well on very what stands and is really disputed. and that's basically, it's not only has below, but we also have 6 functions under the system. but it could basically had a cuz i'm in the session. that's a, that's a from d and others. so when it comes to the moment of doing it spark, that's fine. i think it's important that brought us the news i was trying to pressure is really music to start with. swore when it comes to god. we said, i'm ready cuz this is have sent me the certificate for them to actually try to convince what it needs to stop fighting on behalf of the boston youth and the base of awesome businesses to cease fire and, and also we're not going to stop the extra ones, and i'm to know that as soon as i'm done because i'm trying to push the button over adults when it comes to other countries. i mean human is doing a phenomenal job. mean they have the least least arms. yeah. army yeah. they have
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been doing good something, but nobody else could. they said in the face of this rate is they actually must have some all the way and hit the the in the heart. they must have been on his way to smite for what's connected people and goes about some point of it. and the, basically the guns that, you know, because as well the, the sinews, i mean, they don't, that's what our, under my section is that on what this on the side because of that has been on their speech for the past 15 years. and there's so basically making 2, but they come to the golf 5th up states and jump and muslim states. 57 of them. they're doing nothing. yeah. sign of yeah that's, that's my part. nothing. silence. and that's a sad point. i'll said, well, you know, thank you so much, we appreciate your time. i look forward to talking to you again, your a great person to talk to. you have a very important voice that needs to be heard. and my appreciation to you. thank you so much for your time. i thank you for your medicare for hosting you have no,
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thank you, fax, our show so much. thanks to all of you. remember to always look outside your own box chooses. we like to say they don't live in boxes that ask you got to look, you've got to find i'm rick sanchez. will be looking for you next to the the
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water is part of the leg.
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isn't it? polly would posted isn't the deep su of us in that in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collisions. desktop product. as they are probably her, my little story. okay. the model girl that you no problem seem to them out of the know the things arguments yeah, side of the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess on my list that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang chicago is like, you'd be a photo that police. you really think your life as another crime, say another this could have been
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a doctor or nurse could have been the next president. ok, keep losing that people out here the is it possible to get lost in time? well, come to come check the and see for yourself. here's several unique ethnic groups are remaining in their own bubble of sorts surrounded by these beautiful landscapes . we've come to see how the natives of rushes, far, far east to lives and preserve the entrance to this.


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