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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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longer is just missiles on this to, to mister schultz. we know him well, probably for the is a simple, simplistic statements. and she's famous for making this simplistic statement so. but, well, where the problem lies, the problem is not. so unless you have the, the city, you mean several be intermediate that short the ridge missiles deployed in germany . this was not the reason for launching this special military operation that this was not what force the president do take the decision. so this was about removing the threats, the russian security which right created in your train. there are plans to, to deploy a natal middle tr bases that are including in the as of the same as the special mail truck duration was designed to protect the people in the last couple of guns people's republic. say, this spite gave his obligations and commitments upstairs under the mask agreements,
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the people face constant showings and the, the selling made. it intensified as much. and there was no way we could turn the blind eye to their please, to recognize that independence and not the switch to utilize the engage article. $51.00, know that you're in charge of their underwriters to collective self defense. as for intermediate and short, the range missiles of that couldn't be delivered to germany. by the way, no one asked the charles, where the germans, one, it was to host these kinds of a web browser. schoultz said that she was coming to the citizens to deploy these missiles in the german year. so she did not hide that. it was the united states which took says decision. but that was it. time and present. let's put in in
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december 20 is point $21.00 foot forward initiative is that sort of designed for this and the rooms to lower the level of the tension and to settle all the issues so by peaceful means and that nothing by having this agreement on the fact that you currently would not join later and ensuring mutual secure to get them to use them. russia and the guy that stays for us and may the had several additional discussions on these matters. in january 2022, i discussed this with the 2nd stage blinking in geneva. and there is no secret about the fact that he is clearly was that town. and there were no commitments regarding keeping the crane
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out of may to no one will, could guarantee this. that's all the united states couldn't do is uh to have a bargaining processor on introducing good tabs on the was this intermediate, the short range missiles that could be deployed along with the russian borders so. so the special military authoration did not change anything. and the war and the leashed against us through the steve as the rest of my proxy. all these efforts are designed to defeat the rush on the battlefield. and they have been 11, seeing that if russia wins in your brain, it will either go on to com, correct if the thought it made to tear instead of course, i'm exaggerating. of course, that's a new for the west to lose this. this would undermine the us dominance and some control over
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a certain nato countries in europe for you. so they are ultimately talking about preserving that a global dominance, the dominant positions that are losing right now, which enables them to live at someone others expense using these new colonial methods. he didn't come there sounds news preparatory through tonight, but i said with some of them, bit sca is much like pump out for me us that goes, it goes they would just forward so much from my kitchen packet of measures. so that could be used in ukraine. i don't think it would be advisable for me to comment on all of these ideas, considering the fact that the west now understands that the universities can she get us see, expecting russia to lose a no, you're a neutral is something that will never materialize. and we'll see that 0 else again,
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she is redeem or unable to achieve or anything. so that a lot of initiatives along these lines. i did not remember clearly what mike from kiddos suggested as for from you. i know that she suggested that instead of just giving money to the drain, she suggested using a land lease stream in order to receive a lot of stuff from a v t of a search history to, to get some money from them for many years to come so this is a business like approach, so i cannot come on to know these, but there's multiple proposals when we share something serious, serious proposals, as the president has said on multiple occasions where regulations is in gauge and on this conversation, taking into consideration of the out or galaxy on the ground instead of reality is the constitution. what has been amended to accordingly,
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it dimensions for regions. so the russian fed the regions which held referendums to join the russian federation fusion. and this is one of the core realities that have, will have to be taken into consideration, the other ones as well to the east, for example. that's what kind of tech savvy every gene in the center of unit that is about to exterminate the russian minority and was to cancel everything the russian. there is another element that you've given to me. so this, the reality of we cannot accept the this regime, not cisco web ex, clear those are not see a gen down to me a bunch of the new including the legislation into dogs and still encourage not says them as a practice. these are serious matters. i do understand that in europe, in many countries of the nazis as things are going through,
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revival, not only in germany, and we do remember the ship letter had the europe on his side when i talked to the soviet union just like napoleon in his time. concord house, so if you're a fan, you just put on all the people in these countries, the gods uniforms and were sent to fight against the russian empire. but he is. and for this reason, we have stated all positions for him on multiple occasions and present, puts in and asked about the target. so regarding collab, a statement of whether i shays radio or not already many times put just said it's not answering, these are recurring to questions. and tiring questions, i have to say that the landscape prohibitive give
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a self to engage and talks in nebraska, you just sign an order 2 years ago prevents entertainment and she's supporting this but from holding talk to the russia. so, i mean, just for the sake of giving you an argument, taking shoes as well, but each of us and we sort of frame from talks led him to push him to the town. so of this, the executive order a but they still keep calling on a russia, people switch it to be constructive phone. would you mind use? it shows up as much as could do that. so the goal of this means capitalization as they understand this. this will never happen the actual achieve over the goal though the special meal trepidation of the last question. police from texas best again from does it because we still smell and seem to lucky enough is the best to today. it shows you have a meeting with the self clean for administer on your agenda who initiated this. this meeting came unexpected, for the executive venue for in mr. all south korea ask for this meeting that we had
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a few words, a brief conversation during yesterday's evening. reception and today ahead of the of the ministers of the east asia. some of us will kind of for you as well. i will listen what he has to say. if you ask for this meeting, probably he wants to say something, of course to him. i said for me, very openly what we believe about the situation with celsius minute and putting primarily the us maneuvers cities the around to of the korean peninsula to furnish the dpr k. and i've mentioned the, the agreement, the between the united states and the republic effect korea on the joint field trip planning. so this is a very serious step. uh,
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let me be honest here mostly to photo loop over the past the several years through to use the during events of the sky and south korean ministers then used to do and the predecessor of the current minister, whose witness to the child always the repressive meeting with the russian delegation, we have never rejected these proposals. she said softly at 1st platform. i said, you said your simon said the g 20 and sometimes the other participants to the lesson. participants do not want to take photos with us. thank you so much to everyone. is there, thank you so much. this is the end of this news conference. there we have the russian foreign minister wrapping up the q and a and before that some remarks made of the at east asia ministerial meeting, bringing together foreign ministers, the top diplomats of countries from around the world to meet with their at asian
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equivalence and culture parts as well, some very interesting remarks and made over the past half hour or so. and just he ended on that. and the same of being open to discussion saying that russia has always been open to that never rejected meetings, including and with one requested by sized korea at that briefing happening later with the circle of ralph. perhaps speaking on a member of putting a trip to at north korea and that the situation on the pending she lives. right? no, that is a expect it to be spoken about. but generally that was speaking about security in asia and how that area that the developing burgeoning region, how it affects at the globe at large. he said a very interesting comment. this is a quote. diplomacy has been replaced by ultimatums when it comes to the west power
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play, saying that his meetings with his at east asian con to parts, and particularly, he says it's dedicated to diplomacy. there's a big difference between the west and the global sites in what comes from meetings and talks with at, at countries from that region. he said that he's welcoming us see on which was a, it's been a busy few days by the way, for circular, for all 1st the have the see, i'm fine at leaders far in that and ministers meeting and then the east asian as well today said that a wealth comes off the ends, wide scope of partnerships, in contrast to the nato lens, all to the west, more time security combating transnational crime a whole lot of issues talked about. we'll delve into that in the coming hours that speech on tuesday, by surrogate that for off the foreign minister of russia in law,
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where the f c on at foreign ministers meetings are taking place today the last day as well. let's keep attention on the country because as you may well know, low, how's the tragic distinction opinion the most heavily bottom country in history with the devastating legacy of the vietnam war, leaving conflicts cluster munitions on mines, on its solely official overseeing the regulation of the mining nurses all makes loaded american weapons, still terrorized locals, especially the me phone support. the people who live in the village are scared of living in there every activity even inside their home or when they go outside to hunt or to farm. and they have no idea which area is safe, they have to survive each day up. and so in los this cars of the vietnam war still linger in the shape of an expert in bonds that process to that, to farmers,
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and will let communities despite being just a small country himself, east asia. it is noted as the, as the most heavily bumped country in the world's history. and there are those who still suffer from the american bombing campaign of the last century. children bright and dazzling the unexploded ordnance looks more like choice rather than lethal weapons. pain, uh, the bombs look like totally boulders they were shining with fancy colors. the children do not have any idea of what they are and play with them. that's why 60 percent of the victims are children. being at the national training center in v n t on, i am faced with appointment reminders off last tribble and passed these activities showcase the devastating legacy of american bombing campaigns during the vietnam war. a trail off on the load at the war and that nearly 5 decades ago. yet loss continues to deal with how it has affected daily lives. up
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until today, 270000000 of cluster munitions were dropped on loss between 196421973 . that was called a secret war, laid united states, as it was never at war with the country officials. what's not a secret is that washington spent $17000000.00 per day to drop new bonds and only $61000000.00 in total to help the country cope with the legacy they left the non pollutant on. it also affects the economy, because so many locations in los arkansas, unaided with an exploded bombs to enhance, have yet typically are needed. so when it comes to improving the infrastructure in laos and this requires clear in spite of the mining progress, it's allows it's taking longer than other countries to ensure that the land is safe for development. cleanup efforts are underway, but it is hard to do it on their own, and it welcomes all hands to help the country create a safe place for the people to live in,
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rush or contribute it to we had with separate teams putting their lives at risk to wipe out these, that remains in regions such as the quality come side, cn, coal long and calmer, one law as national regulatory or toward t noticed that more than 1000000 expos. if objects were neutralized by the russian sappers, saving the lives of many more lotions around the area, what's more russia is the only 4 and countries that regular and $0.80 person now to dig into loss of ground. to meet the store, if there's something you don't know, i would like to note that quite recently, at the end of march, the 6th phase of humanitarian demining work was completed by the detachment of the international mind action center, which is the armed forces of the russian federation booming, and it must be said that russians sappers are not only helping to clear the countries territory of unexploded ordnance store, but are also helping to conduct training for the ocean service men. and are also providing special demining equipment free of charge,
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a pass that russia will continue to follow in the future. the same message is also delivered by the loft, the false arms. it is undeniable that the joint efforts have reached significant results. not only for the villagers, but also the allow set. first visuals chimes and low contacts with the washer in humanitarian demining throughout the countries. i'm book a neat, well hoping to in parallel training for samples of allow people's army as being conducted to improve the knowledge and skills in solving the mining tasks. as a result, the joint works the favorable conditions have been created for further clearance of contaminated territory and the safety of the populations daily life has been insured, like which contributes to the socio economic development of the republic. laws is one of the most impacted countries by the vietnam war to dissipate these, do you mind me efforts are crucial because until all land has cleared,
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these bombs dropped by america will continue to endanger lives and put at risk the future of the law. people know the story to bring you to a former us president donald trump has met with as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it is the 1st meeting between the 2 since mr. trump left viewable office more than 3 years ago. for the face to face was held and so the former american leader is more a lago, a state in florida. it comes on the heels of mister netanyahu's address to congress in washington, on meetings with 12 officials out the white house. these really pm expressed hope for a continued support states like, well, trump for not escalation in the middle east, may leave the word closer to a global, comfortable major worth of them, at least. and maybe you're closer to the
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2nd people. thank you very much. i will after those talks with nothing, yahoo donald trump took to the stage of the believers. summit's a major evangelical christian events also taking place in south florida in a speech less than over an hour. he reaffirm full backing frigid. so i met today was b, b. net, yahoo! and i will tell you i kept my promise recognizes josie, total capital and opened the american embassy and jerusalem was a big deal and got it built. i never even said i was going to do it. i mean, the fact is i've done more for israel by far than any of the presidents, not even 12. i will support israel's right to win. is war on terror or you have to support a set of wins that finish it off. let me just contrast that with what's happening
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in dallas itself. hospitals are overwhelmed with the influx of patients. this is the latest footage of the palestine red present. transporting victims found under rebel to i'll officer hospital, one of the few medical facilities still operating in the region of the civilian death. total continues to rise and it'd be as really operation from last night of the current us probably as president for another attending benjamin netanyahu. his address and congress. by contrast, kamala harris step, is your linda back. and it's great hour of need. 2 days ago, she refused to attend the speech and congress of the prime minister visitors. she said, oh, i can't make it. there was just a small group of people, but they couldn't make it because that's her original thought. that's where she comes from. she doesn't like jewish people. she doesn't like israel. that's the way it is. and that's the way it's always going to be. she's not
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going to change well at the same time as those remarks were made, come of the hardest herself was proclaiming her false fruit and support for the palestinian people in a speech on the suffering of god. she said she wouldn't be silent about the race situation unfolding in the end. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering. and i will not be silent. well, how is this remark came after a crowd of pro palestinian demonstrators in houston, criticized parked with the incumbent v p. receives pumping funding from major is
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really lobbying groups such as a puck and has repeatedly spoken out on behalf of the nation. following her recent rep for this isn't all the israel, pamela harris, his husband is doug m. hoff joined the call with jewish american photos to assure that that should his wife with november's election, she would support let me just make this clear. uh, vice president harris has been and will be a strong support of israel. as i secure a democratic and your state and she will always ensure that israel and defend itself here. that's who complet harris is like the best on congressional district. hopefully, new york city, jose vega say it's horace's words and gals are just an attempt to win books. and this is clearly it's an election play. tamala harris doesn't actually care about palestine or the palestinian. she cares about what is it that's going to make her stand out from joe biden, because this is all about the election,
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what she's doing right then the problem with bite and still being the president, while kamala harris has the vice president and also campaigning from the bite vice presidency. is that anything that the president does is she's going to have to answer for as well. and so this is kind of a ploy here. busy or where her words don't actually mean anything because she's still the vice president. while bite is still the president of the authority. although to be fair, we know by that isn't really making any decisions because of his mental status and his cognitive abilities. somebody else is making the decisions in the white house. so really what she's saying is in consequential, and it's just a way to try and win over the voters who might not want to vote democrat this year because of the ongoing genocide and palestine in gaza. i think people who are pro palestinian are seeing right through what she's saying, as just you know, pondering lies and promises that won't be kept. because we know by didn't,
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could make one phone call right now to net and yahoo and just say, hey, you need to stop this or we're pulling the funding. this is what ronald reagan did in the eighty's and it worked. there's nothing stopping by didn't or even kamala harris for making that call. now the, the russian ministry of defense says release fresh video showing su, $25.00 fighter jets in action. the aircraft target you printing and military personnel sites with own guided missiles. after completing the task, one of the su $25.00 is fine. it's the point fleur performed to punch or a heat seeking surface to our or, or to where you know, the polish foreign minister has offered the phil key of shrinking military ranks with ukranian refugees who fled the country. but all the slaves, sikorsky said pullin, can train new recruits in the youth and then send them to the front line. a miracle could i order placed it doesn't seem as we, as european countries need to help to. there are hundreds of thousands of potential
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recruits obliged to defend their homeland in e u countries, and poland is in the vanguard of helping ukraine to prepare these people for military service. let's take a closer look at how you create this, trying to show up recruitment internally in this latest video from the black sea port, city of odessa construction officer, drugs them on right off the street. the would be recruit whoever apart the mileage to get away. also in the odessa region, customs officers quotes over a dozen people trying to flee the country. officials say each month paid up to $10000.00 to try and get started. being americans are listening, voice, and mileage is the refugees who will be sent home from poland public equal chance to survive. i mean, if they decide to do that, there's really nothing stopping them aside from maybe some of these ukrainian refugees filing the lawsuit before the european court of human rights. and that will drag for years at best a maybe see can emergency injunction. i mean,
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last year is basically the only re, re course they have left because if they're sent home, their chances of dying in battle are almost, i mean, guaranteed. even with extensive training, we've seen what happened last year during the so called granite counter offensive all of these units that were trained in the us by the americans and europeans for months they got slaughtered. so border barely trained constructs going to do any better now. and so we've already had cases all across europe of these asylum seekers who have committed crimes, people were done affordable things and would get deported for these crimes. and their filing appeals to the court saying, oh no, but if i go back to my whole country, i will get jailed, executed whatever. and the court so like, you know, we, we can't support you. yes, you are criminal. yes, you are violent criminal. yes, you belong in jail, but we can't afford to to. i don't know. i've gotta stand wherever. why wouldn't the ukrainians refugees living in europe have done nothing wrong?
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be said to certain death. that's absurd. they have every right to try to seek relief. i think they're trying to terrify these ukrainians into voluntarily enlisting in, in these training games rather than wait to be rounded up on the streets of poland as they have been on the streets of ukraine. the boy sent mileage rounding. busy the program, but stay with us because it's almost time for a weekend visit to the whistle blower studio. find out who? former c i a agent and program hoss. john curry aucker was talking to today after the shortest the break. oh, the the russian states never. i've side as i'm sort of the most sense community best most i'll
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send send the send the 65 with this new speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube said this was the question. did you say even twist, which is the
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the a jury in south florida has held that chiquita brands, the purveyors of chiquita bananas is liable for 8 killings carried out by a right wing paramilitary group for the company help to finance and afford open and growing region of columbia during that countries, decades long,
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civil conflict. the jury ordered chiquita to page $38300000.00 to $16.00 family members of farmers and other civilians were killed in separate incidents by the so called united self defense forces of columbia, a right wing paramilitary group that chiquita bank rolled from 1997 to 2004, the companies still faces hundreds of similar lawsuits, of course, across america. but this is the 1st one that has resulted in a jury verdict. company said that it would appeal, it did not say, however, how it would could reconcile the fact that the united self defense forces of columbia, which the state department list as a foreign terrorist group educated brands entered into an agreement whereby the company transferred $1700000.00 to the terrorist, john kerry. aku welcome to the whistle blowers the .


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