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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the the, today, it does have it strikes that close that destruction. as you might see, the idea of head to school sheltering this place, pallets and ends in central guys the killing 31 people. that's according to the enclave. health ministry, the bearded man in dresses parodying leonardo da vinci is the last supper and what seems to be the horsemen of the apocalypse terraces olympic opening ceremony is drawing lies that for all the wrong reasons we still be able to blend teachers, this euro atlantic security model has been proven a long time ago to have the main goal of ensuring the domination of the us and its allies over everyone else. and russia is foreign minister warns of the risks of the
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nato lead security system is making out an aussie on meeting and allowance. he added that the west is now also trying to impose locker based confrontation in the asia pacific region. the, you're watching our 2 international, i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. were covering the top new stories from around the worlds we. it starts with guys where 31 people have reportedly been killed in many more wounded in is really our strikes on the school turn. the field hospital in the central part of the enclave, the the, the. 2 local official say, i instance fired 3 rockets on the site and their last survivors had been taken to the nearby out of the hospital already under immense pressure is really army claims shows drug of hamas to so center almost 300 days of war. and does that have seen
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39000 people killed and over 90000 wounded those figures provided by the local house administrators local journalists from me on the horizon as this report from the side of the attack. now it is turning to assure is there a place for displaced palestinians from different parts of the territory? the writing though, in the western thoughts of deputy by the today, it had hebrew strikes is that close the destruction as you might see on the camera, destruction behind me and 2 parts, 2 or 3 blocks of the place itself and the leaving get money that's uh reports uh suggest is that there are $21.00 jews and dozens of those. and george, and this heavy, the offer up as early as strike on this particular at place and the drivers by the down. and since our guys, as the trip, as this is a part of many strikes,
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is that took good, a series of a strikes ok today. and the major area and saw the in the gaza strip. and the not time in the i'm a widow displaced from kansas city. my husband and father was killed in my daughters and i live in minister rock. today. i was summoned by a text message to my phone to come here and to get a monthly charity donation from turkey. when i arrived at the place, i was surprised at the whole area was hit by a firewall and it will stick up in the heck of the my sister lives near the school before her home was here. she was injured today i. she was and shelton at the school in the she's now at the l fox motors hospital the strike with sutton and keep this place people directly over there have like feet. so a number of services being provided for the low because you buy this shelter schools that to some say it belongs to the slide, charity and the good. what about a job and then center of the gaza strip. that's what it has been just to stay to
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advise us one and we have just the page reviewed. this is the situation in gaza and that's what happens and what zip code. and given by that down today, the number that this number is rising up about the mos on. so to $130.00 follow standards including women and children have been killed in this habits right. on this particular through a school and dozens of those have been injured. by me, i mean i read r t well terrified local and seek help for their wounded friends and families. hospitals and con eunice are suffering acute shortages and facing gradual ruin r t correspondence sais. the star key brings us this reports. i think he likes something model and this is not the 1st time that is really forces bumper school. if i'm at the city of there, all the law has just suffered a tragic and with the school damaged, particularly cereal. the whole idea of his lunch for me, cells onto the school,
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deal with an injury and a lot of civilians. around 31 died there, including children and women are bodies and more than a 100 injured people were taken to the nearest through honda and o. x a hospital, which is now facing in the cute shortage of resources necessary to save lives just by the time it all happened about 4000 displays. people have been leaving it. even features became a haven for those who lost her home. it didn't even have a time to run into is really forces decided to bump it as a pretext optimized base before posting. and milton's being there, despite everything is really army in aviation, continues to work and not only the school but also neighboring wants to include. and also lock school that is separate from aero bombardment twice and i was showing was through intensive at the sound of missiles and people yelling with deafening to everyone that women will fall into the ground, the ceiling for the lights and the school safety. we have seen signs and flashes coats isn't shot to the bodies lying all around people with screaming while the shilling continued, they both of us to us told them to climb up and seek refuge. we settle for rest. the 2 from rough uh we moved tail only to face all the same things wherever we go.
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shilling follows. we believe that god will help us to ensure this trial. i'm not in any undoubtedly. it's not very comfortable for displace bellas senior living. this seems idea of has district nearly 80 percent of course central houses and other buildings here. one of our report even says that is really forces and we also don't significant damage to hundreds of you and the agencies and facilities around 60 percent of all schools in gauze are now either damaged or complete or rated at the top. so this medic ortiz this earlier my colleagues ask in taylor discussed to this error strike with the editor in chief of ry all you who was born in there. all the law. a stop shop to, to hear this views i was born and that, but i most of my brothers and that relatives living that i doubt with completing the displays to some of the problem. but i saw some of them from gaza. so now that i the, you know, gave them a new chapter of that,
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is there any genocide and god bless them. they told them that they didn't buy. that is i see a place you can go there. i knew, but i thought i knew you guys. ok, and what happened now there is no safe place in the whole of god. this is i mentioned the prison to the scene and people also his threat and his speech in front of the congress and watches. but i'm really, i'm really shocked. i try to reach my brothers my sisters, my nephew as my relatives, and all the to see whether they are still alive or not. as is often the case is role conduct to strike. and then it says, we were targeting the terrorist this time as well. has claimed exactly that it was the site of the patient of a how nice come on center. i mean, how legitimate justification to find not to be i'm not very simply because you know, this is, i know this thing, this could be just cool. you know, i think this is a very, very simple school. this is not the base of leadership of come up and does not have
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all, you know, those, you know about 85 percent 90 percent of the building and go to the web destroyed web build these own, these people. all these facts have been big amounts, of course, the outcome of all our bases will come up again and when they see that it is very big, you know, it's a very big light of. so there are using these kinds of pain, say that it is a base for how about and or as a to cues to justify the must have got the genocide again, that doesn't people. so it is, if it is a lot honest because the don't to say that it is how much is it that is that a me lose all the time? i'm, i'm not, i'm not, but the people a lot of kids from how much it has to be and it is to the, it is over to the oh and to be in our relative, those people actually, you know, us be used as a sacrifice for those that amy and lies, i'm there as a to choose to continue with the genocide and doesn't fit. the olympus
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has fallen bearded man and dresses a mock last supper, and the horsemen of the apocalypse, racing down this in front of the attempt at an innovative and modern olympic games . opening ceremony did not go down well with the public. as ortiz, steve sweeney now explains. just before the opening of the lympics pipe, frances um, the vatican sport association with like hold on fleets to holland is the great social power of sport, t and night. people made a time of good calling global tensions and conflict. but the opening ceremony, while it's cool was a huge backlash among christian christian groups who horrified the depiction of the law, separate the cause of power, the of the famous pricing by doing all the davinci. and now it's being described as a carnival of the grotesque gonna pay to me. all of work is i'm some of even dump. did the i'm t cries olympics one american pastor. well, he's a,
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went online to express his views, france, whose culture and i mean the honoring of, of the individual and of human rights. and freedom is grounded very much in christianity, felt the right thing to do was to mock the christian faith. you know a question, i would suppose we all know the answer to it. would they ever dared mock as well? i'm in a similar way, but never dreamed of mocking in this, in this gross, you know, public way a scene from the, from the cry. and i say we, we all know the answer, the not one of the participants in, not opening several mean footage. start connecting online appear to have his genitals on display wall. children was standing in front of him. now the bishop of phones. he's also reacted. he said that the opening ceremony was a mockery. he said it made a mockery of christianity chinese uh television site television, that they was stunned into silence during the broad carlswell 8 on mosque and other
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social media use as well. uh, they went online to vent. there and, and 1st ration it looks like the leads that organize this worship. satan, they're not even pretending anymore. the new smirks movie looks scary. i just turned on the olympic opening ceremony and it's like, i've entered some kind of hellish fever dream. what is happening? the smirk, the family don't ever talk about. well, i think we can only imagine the time, the asset, the money that obviously went into this huge display. so for the organizes probably a bit disappointing the reaction any responds, well of course there's a lot of work that goes into these opening services. a huge, a spectacle was bought, the organizes and the directors of the powers a lympics, every money. i'm putting openings that were many, well, they seem to me, believe us to this back passion. they insist that it went very well on
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a fixed amount because of all this, we are very happy indeed. it was a very beautiful ceremony which brought together exactly what we had dreamed of. we proposed a completely unique ceremony. the 1st in history taking place outside a ceremony with a lot of odd das city, with a lot of messages with some nice surprises. so i'm very happy, it was magnificent. we've managed to do something incredible, something on the dishes, we've managed to put our country in the limelight, something we're very proud of and well, now it's expected that the organizers and the directors are going to say something like this. but it's not a view that seems to be university shed, and it means many one thing, what the closing ceremony will look like. that is something to wait for with bates . it's a breath, but cultural sort of hot topics aside whether any of the control of these political or blogs. well, there's a lot to come to hear about the, the, despite the olympics only being a day old. now the international olympic attempt to commit to the iris the now it's been forced to apologize often to introduce sounds to me in last week says noah 3
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and of course the 2 companies still technically one of the items the cheapest set to meet with the south korean president who's a sort of shore and says that mistakes aren't, this doesn't happen again. last night, the bean media reports of that statement. so we made it very clear from the i see an operational mistake was made. we can only apologize in a, in an evening of so many moving parts. uh, that mistake was amazing. we apologize to uh, to people from the republic of korea for that, for that error. now this isn't the only mistake that is being made. the olympic flag itself was it was flown upside down during the opening ceremony, perhaps a symbolic of the shunt baltic opening. now a fool not sure. just ahead of the opening of the games was abandoned for 2 hours off for a pitch invasion. offer like a garage. so the uh the match was postponed for 2 hours. it was leased onto the go was dropped off. uh, the longest v, a all decision in history,
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the origin to the end comp also was bo go with that before the uh before that much . but on top of that, um, a volleyball player despite being convicted and sentenced to 4 years in prison for raping a 12 year old child. well, he's been allowed to participate in the games representing the netherlands. well, i mean, you mentioned that dr. suite has precedence even before the games kicked off. obviously because of his check could pause to put it nicely did raise a lot of questions, mainly about the games. just kind of pick and choose approach when it comes to morality. who's allowed in? who's not. yes, of course, and this is a very hot topic. now, the inclusion all is well in the powers of the big test. proved incredibly comfortable and i'm, i'm so i'm surprised is a gleick of $40000.00 men women and children and 80 helping massacred in gaza on store that is still continuing while the gains are carrying on it's being deemed by the international justice to be opposable genocide. the international criminal
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court, the court issued arrest warrants for benjamin netanyahu, the ids writing a prime minister. now one of the is ready to expand it is now on social media. he's posted an image of payment pricing on a missile that was then sent to gall. and the same from, from me to goals and now stop by participation has prompted international our wage must protest therapy and palestinian flag displayed inside the stadiums. a group of people holding up a sign saying free palestine. but if i was a inclusion mountain palace in russia has been bombed from the island pick something, which is obviously that 2 charges of hypocrisy. now, why has russia being bombed? well, as well hasn't well, the lots as well is back to the hill by the west side. in particular, the united states leaving the i see open to charges of double standards, but also i politicize ation. now this shouldn't come as much of
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a surprise video to make openings. everybody's have quite cheating history, which might be a suffice as i'm the 1st major i'm putting all the more than the lympics really. was it nazi? generally back in 1936. now this was a bit to white boston show up, support for not going to meet was totally into a film by the director. let me research down the flight and the limbic flight for this was aimed at that time of linking nazi jim. these avian deals to greek civilization. this was the classic phase of school pushing the politicize ation and beaten pics has a long history on it seems to be happening once more today. as the games descends into foss. earlier we spoke with angelo juliano, a financial consultants based in asia. he says performances like these are the western relates, attempt to add undermining traditional family values and to the concept of a nation state. or one of the most critical parts was uh this, uh, this last step uh, they ashy stage less sofa which was uh,
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where you had the participants way old and you'd be key from it because you'd be t card or shall i say 2nd. and i think this is a, this isn't these crazy. so proof of nation. it's a, it's a nice of to all the questions around the world. what do they want to do to that? it's part of the, this, the construction of the individual, these destruction of nation, state, these destruction of finally be all those of 5 years. that's actually we should cherish it is, it won't do this uh, this why they shouldn't states. and by truth is no, it does become bad to love once country. so a lot of people in the west we are they lodge silent majority which, which has be silenced. and i think i'm white by voicing these that i want to actually seek a lot of islands to russia. it's, it's, it's, i'm not alone this many people like this because we are seeing that this is not
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this a psyche. we watching you of these as being opposed upon us. the nato is bringing confrontation to the asia pacific. that was the russian foreign minister. as warning, as he spoke to the media on the final day of the us, the on ministerial meeting in laos are to take care of who's going off, has more from the nation's capital in quite an eventful 3 days for 4 minutes to elaborate off here and allow us were followed wide quite a substantial media conference before and minnesota talked to both about regional issues and global issues as well. speaking about the i see on region and even though russia is not a member of the association, the 2 do have quite a longstanding and special partnership. missed collaborative says that cooperation between the 2 is going great. trade is on the rise and has already reached pre pandemic levels. and the most important issues is uh, security and elaborate does say that russia and i see on are completely on the same page when it comes to the understanding all for the structure of the security in
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the region. and to be full support. the idea of a unilateral on divided security collaborative says that the principles of inclusivity and openness tool are among the ground stones on which i see on has been built for decades. but now he says that he sees certain western forces, specifically the united states. great britain and the european union trying to go against these principles, introducing blocks into the organization. however, of says that this may lead to certain threats, pursuits a deal to use as of the brand new community centrally. if nato comes here, the alliance will bring with all the dfcs of the euro, atlantic security system embodied in nato itself. and in the o c, this euro atlantic security model has been proven a long time ago to have the main goal of ensuring the domination of the us and its allies over everyone else. today's west can and is not ready to neither listen nor hear, nor negotiate with diplomacy as
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a tool for states to deal with each other has been replaced in the west by ultimatums demands and punishment of those who don't comply by illegitimate unilateral sanctions. so we wouldn't want all of that to come to the asia pacific region. in our talks with c and member states, we felt they understand the risks and they have to protect the principles that the architecture of the regional secure already that has been created over decades is based on now speaking on a wider scale lab rope also talks about european security and was a special military operation in ukraine. i was finally able to ask him a question, given the current possibility of germany hosting us intermediate range from this house on its territory. and that we sent the statements by german chancellor schultz saying that the russia ended at special meet with reparation and ukraine. then germany would not host these missiles in his reply. certainly elaborate said that the initial reasons for russia's special meet with re operation in ukraine. go
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far beyond any missiles posted in the germany and other european states problem, but then you still still, the problem is not in the deployment of once prohibited intermediate range missile systems to be shown. it's not the reason for the special military operation, and it's not what made the president to make such a decision. it was made to eliminate threats to russia's security created in ukraine, or nato bases were being plan, including on the as obviously insurance. and the special military operation was also started to protect the population of didn't ask, move guns people's republics that were constantly coming under strikes in spite of cubes, obligations under the mask agreements. those strikes, intensified from day to day. as for the intermediate range missiles schultz wasn't even asked whether germans want them to be placed. he just said that he welcomes the us decision to place those muscles. so he didn't hide, that the decision was made by the us a young back in december 2021. vladimir putin came up with initiatives to these
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tensions. they included ukraine, not joining nato and mutual security guarantees. when you put in january of 2022, i discussed that initiative was state secretary blinking in geneva. and he told me very clearly that nobody would give russian any guarantee of ukraine, not joining nato, which of all the russian initiatives, the best thing the west could do, as he said, is to discuss a quantity kept on us intermediate range. missiles placed around rochester as blanks, so the special military operation changed nothing. here. shorts and the plans were and still are in place. well, in all its been quite a busy 3 days for the russian foreign minister here in laos, who's been on the concept meetings roughly every 3040 minutes meeting with other foreign ministers with other delegations, and members of i see on and not only them either one on one or in white or formats, it only goes to show that both actually on as an organization and southeast asia in general, are getting more and more political and economic influence in the multiple are world. but this is a nation louse,
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has the tragic distinction of being the most heavily palmed country in history. with countless cluster munitions and mines left following the devastating war and neighboring vietnam. and option official ever seeing the regulation of the mining says unexploded american weapons continue to terrorize locals, especially the young to me. once upon the people who live in the village are scared of living in their every activity, even inside their home. or when they go outside to hans or to farm team, they have no idea which area is safe. they have to survive each day up. and so in los this cars of the vietnam war still lingered in the shape of an expert in guns that process that to farmers and will their communities despite being just a small country in southeast asia. it is noted as the, as the most heavily bumped country in the world's history. and there are those who still suffer from the american bombing campaign of the last century. children
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bright and dazzling the unexploded ordnance looks more like choice rather than lethal weapons. pain, uh, the bombs look like totally bolt their shiny, with fancy colors. the children do not have any idea of what they are and play with them. that's why 60 percent of the victims are children. being at the national training center in v n t on, i am faced with appointment reminders off last tribble and past these activities showcase the devastating legacy of american bombing campaigns during the vietnam war. a trail off on the load at the war and that nearly 5 decades ago. yet last continues to deal with how it has affected daily lives. up until today, 270000000 of cluster munitions were dropped on loss between 196421973 . that was called
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a secret war by the united states as it was never at war with the country officials . what's not a secret is that washington spent $17000000.00 per day to drop the bonds and only $61000000.00 in total to help the country with the legacy, the less. yep. done. pollutant done. it also affects the economy, because so many locations in los arkansas, unaided with an exploded bombs to enhance, have yet typically are needed. so when it comes to improving the infrastructure in laos and for this requires clear in spite of the mining problem, right? if it's allows, it's taking longer than other countries to ensure that the land is safe for development. the cleanup efforts are underway, but it is hard to do it on their own, and it welcomes all hands to help the country create a safe place for the people to live in, rush or contribute it to we had with separate teams putting their lives at risk to wipe our visa remains in regions such as folly come sight. seeing coal long and calmer, one last national regulatory or toward
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t noticed that more than 1000000 expos. if objects were neutralized by the russian sappers, saving the lives of many more lotions around the area, what's more russia is the only 4 and countries that regular and $0.80 person now to dig into loss of ground control to meet the store. if there's something you don't know, i would like to note that quite recently at the end of march, the 6th phase of humanitarian demining world. but it was completed by the detachment of the international online action center, which is so the armed forces of the russian federation booming. and it must be said that russians sappers are not only helping to clear the countries territory on exploded or the store, but are also helping to conduct training for leo service. please give something are also providing special demining equipment free of charge, a pass that russia will continue to follow in the future. the same message is also delivered by the loft the 4th time. it is undeniable that the joint efforts have reached significant nissan, not only for the villagers,
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but also to allow separates. this will try and low contact with the washer issue. managerial mining throughout the country probably will need will help, but in parallel training for samples of the mouth, people's ami, low as being conducted to inform them that knowledge and skills in solving moody 19 tasks. as a result, the joint works labor visions are being created, disclose the clear and sort of contaminated territory and the safety of the population. on the 29 i've gotten as man on sure. like gosh, can affiliates, the socio economic development that public law is one of the most impacted countries by the vietnam war to dissipate these, the, my efforts are crucial because until all land is cleared, these bombs dropped by america will continue to endanger lives and put at risk the future often allow people otherwise, the navy has arrived at to fanfare in cuba with the training vessels small need for
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us to enter the port of savannah as the russian ship to enter the port. slaves were heard from the vessel. gibbons responded in kind with a welcome from the fortress and advantage harbor the russian embassy on the caribbean. islands says the sailors are expected to attend a wide program of events during their extra sizes. this is the 2nd visit. the navy has paid to cuba this year. all right, this news is just coming in from prime minister. netanyahu is office reporting that 9 people, including children, had been killed in more than 30 injured in shelling. and the goal on heights which are under is really control. rockets fell on a stadium in the village of mazda all sums idea of says the attack came from lebanese territory, while the militant group has blah has denied responsibility. all right, well do stay with archie international have next been going on around absent or time to fix this ahmed. all know the co founder of we are not number to discuss
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this how isabelle killed 21 members of his direct family as part of his dentist had a warrant on the the i'm action or can see welcome back to going underground, broke out single around the world from you a this week you guys are. wall coordinates, have benjamin netanyahu receive here as welcome in the us congress, but just outside the capital building. thousands protested the us enabled, genocidal war and garza and the complicity of joe biden find the fullest. of course, his re election bid just weeks before the democratic national convention in august . but just before netanyahu addressed these rail lovely bankrolled politicians in
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washington, the b gene declaration resided in china by 14. by this time factions including a mazda in front of uniting the resistance in nature, a nation of israel. joining me is a man who knows the reality of a legal u. k. u. s. u armed occupation, 1st hand born in 1994 and the are all about gaza. hockman they'll know cuz in june of a 2 decades of israel's aggression, the murder of his brother, i'm and in 2014, drove him to tell his story and create. we are not numbers a platform amplifying god's invoices. he joins me now from london. thank you so much for coming on the show just before he gets in then. yeah, whose address this week and the other issue is just remind this one. israel has done to your family well, is there a husband, somebody somebody wants it has been doing for the past 76 years. so the policy and people have been massacring the palestinians, ethnically cleansed and bummed in.


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