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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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it's been wonderful yes, a couple of linear seats, east virginia, that the the 10 people are dead and dozens more injured in selling on the is really controlled and a lot of sites, ideas, claims has the law as behind the attack, while the militant group denies any involvement today it's has he vis drives that close the destruction. as you might see, the idea of had to scroll sheltering this place to palestinians in central dogs a killing 31 people that's according to the unclaimed help of ministry. and bearded man interest is parodying leonardo da vinci the last supper and what seems to be the porcelain of the apocalypse. the paras olympics opening ceremony is drawing laws. but for all the wrong reasons,
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the live in moscow you're watching are 2 international. i'm rachel ruble. we start with breaking news from the middle east, where the as really controlled goal on heights has been show the killing 10 people and wounding dozens more. is really foreign minister says hezbollah is responsible for the attack. there is no doubt that has blood crossed all red lines. we are facing an all out war. let's cross live now to our t correspondent. yes. and i can yes. and tell us what more, you know, a rachel, the attack which took place targeted a suburb along northeast and is wrong. it is in occupied golden heights. it's an area that has been contested by israel and syria collectively. but this attack, specifically, of course, according to statements provided by the idea of,
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suggests that a series of rockets targeted the town of money to shove. this is currently an area that is roughly 5 kilometers from the board, with lebanon, as well as 5 kilometers to the closest town in lebanon, which is well within striking range of has the last capabilities. we also understand that the idea of has issued a series of statements suggesting how it will respond to these attacks. let's my daughter's 6 bottle of van light to the whole world and claimed they did not carry out this attack. this is a lie. the idea if you score in the holding a situation of assessment and we will prepare for a response again, please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act this attack shows the true face of please bala at terrorist organization. the idea is also suggested that this attack is the single most devastating attack which
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has resulted in the deaths of civilians as rarely civilians, for the most part suggesting that their age range was mainly 10 and 20 years of age . but as beloved denies any responsibility for these attacks, it has the night taken part of attacks in march the shops. however, it has not denied the fact that it did carry at a serious series of attack against a military base near this southern town. this is what the chief spokesman of his will not have to say on that respect. we categorically didn't only the false claims made by some of the media outlets in various media platforms about targeting the town of my solutions. and we confirmed that we have no connection to the incident whatsoever. there were further statements provided by the lebanese government as well as us officials, the 11 east in term government suggests that it has no part in this attack that it is condemning as well as attacks and is calling for calm headed is for the most part us officials suggest that this attack is significant for
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a number of different reasons, suggesting, quote that what happened today could be the trigger we had been worried about and try to avoid for 10 months. essentially, us officials are suggesting that israel's response could trigger something that many i've been calling of the suggesting that would be the case for a very long time that the original war is another possibility and taking a look at what some of these really officials are suggesting that is definitely within the realm of possibilities. we understand that as well as minister of security was quoted as saying that the, this is what is the defense minister was more concerned in containing his belie in the region. whereas the minister of security has been calling out for war for a very long time. this is a quote that he presented in a statement suggesting, quote that the is really prime minister should, can be it's cabinets to take a decision on what to do and how to react to demanding what the security minister has been demanding for a long time. is bore in the north? no, no, the sentiments are shared among is really officials as well. we understand that the
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idea of has announced that it will react appropriately. of course, to what extent we don't necessarily understand. there are those that are in favor of all conflict, but it's easier said than done has the law is the largest non state military force in the entire world. we understand that his will mind his will have gone to war in the past before officially, at least on paper, we understand that he's real, can see a defeat and essentially withdrew from to loving these territories in the past. so be as what a group has been from the past and the time over the course of the past decade or so has resulted in a stronger group which will make is wheels offensive capabilities a lot more difficult. but that's not where the issues, and we understand that the spiritual drew's leader of these really communities came out and said that a country should be in a position to protect its civilians. um that this attack has crossed all red lines that sentiment is shared among many is really official, but that sentiment as well is shared among many is really to suggest and alleged that these really prime minister benjamin the thing i was more concerned and pro
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long his political career, fearing that is the prospect of peace or achieve that he will be detained and try before a judge. and this is a matter of great concern for many people within the region because over the past year or so, we have been discussing the prospect of further war, the war and guys of scrolling over to other areas and loving on is definitely one of those countries that is being added to the list. there is fear that this could spill over, essentially lose all control. and if the statement from us officials suggest anything as well as israel's cabinet and that prospect is more possible than not mutual. right. r t correspondent. yes. and i can yes and that thank you. well another saturday and the streets of tel aviv are once again filled with people protesting the government's policies on gaza and demanding as secure as a deal for the hostages return. the
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chance of no excuse can be heard, echoing across the massive rally and an ongoing call to action for netanyahu and his cabinets protest speakers. and for the former prime minister and family members of the captain's whose bodies were retrieved from dogs at this waist. organize a se, demonstrations will take part at a different locations throughout the country. meanwhile, the israeli prime ministers in washington asking the us congress for more weapons. let's cross now live to journalist a mirror or an expert on is rarely politics the mirror. first, the crisis in the price isn't there of alon golden heights, and then more anti government protest drive israel. and netanyahu isn't even in the countries on a trip to the us. how might the unfolding situation affect his reputation in standing a well rachel, of the entire trip to washington, which anytime you always try to describe as a great success,
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at least all right directly because he spoke to a joint session of congress, of course has been overtaken by these events of israel and the entire trip along with the meetings, we spread out and by then vice president barry's and former president trump. they now with seem completely insignificant and let them you all once again is shown to have no strategy because the issues are connected, the entire spectrum of what you described in these reports. this is all into connect to the ceasefire in the solving god. so the hostage release a good deal and the cease fire in the mold, which is really cool that got in months ago, if you could replace these firing the. so all of this looks like the policy which has collapsed entirely. the protests, uh,
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i mean i have drawn massive crowds angrily demanding that yahoo strike a deal for the return of the hostages after 5 captives died just this week. but at the same time, the prime minister is in washington requesting relief a weaponry and getting a standing ovation from, from lawmakers. is it unlikely that he is going to listen to these protesters where you know, the standing ovation is a pop of protocol pop of theater. the congress people do not necessarily listen to the speech. they uh, all of a spring to the feet, enthusiastically. se if they support everywhere, and then they go back to the business, they don't mind the guest. and actually within the hour he's leaving washington without getting one single ball, the one to approach it and by then and did ministration to release the delay the shipment. and instead got quite the beating on their
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trulia doors in his thoughts ways by them. and uh and terry, so he's coming back ways, use reputation in shutters. he already lost the support of the majority of these rallies, which is why the resist l. the election knows that if it goes to early elections, he will no longer be prime minister. so are, are those netanyahu's motives for prolong in the war just to stay in power as long as possible? i yes, but there is an added incentive on his box on december. the 2nd he is scheduled to testify any zone defense in his corruption trial, which has been going on for 4 and a half years ago. and all legal experts say that there should you take the sense
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he's position in the trial. he's going to be curious significantly. so he is going to try and get some lea bugging. but so that's really bugging. you must remain prime minister, you know, the to be by piece prime minister issue. it sounds upset, especially in words. i'm in israel, but up to now the drop those and the in thing that can y'all movement have not been able to generate the mentoring people that the room kicking out of the office. and the, this is probably going to be done, or at least attempted during the summer recess from august to october. while netanyahu is seeking more weapons from his western backers, his foreign minister says israel and has about are moving toward an all out war. is israel capable of maintaining 2 major land operations at the same time as well?
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this is bravado, of course uh, had these ro, being attacked on land, not only by uh, hillary rockets um and drones is ro would have, uh, defensive beach. so even if it meant uh, 2 or $34.00 fronts. but this is not the case. um, if its by law has uh, capped uh, each part of the door wide limited and a 02 and uh each side drives to contain the action to military targets. but the us an incident such as 2 days, when a civilian tile or village has been hit, whether intentionally or not. this is of course, pushing is rallies to react. and the real question is, what will be if is ballast response to be is riley response. if chris by law
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following whatever is ro, does it piece by law, then besides to let it go, there will be no war. there are experts who say israel's goal is to involve the us directly in the conflict, but given the us naval presence in the region and it's supplying of arms to israel, is that to splitting hairs? is us already directly involved in this? this conflict was there, take as well. you, we are always equating israel. we've done. yeah, this is not the case that i go ahead. he's own personal and political wings. but while the other members of these rarely decision making the experts or the council are more moderate, they do not want to expend a war. and they definitely, i'm not trying to get the united states involved because they know that there they will not be able to do it. and that, uh, this will probably push the united states to cuts. a lot of its, uh,
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ties with it as well. so only let them know and uh, he's uh, extreme right. we ministers have, uh, any such ideas. so please, when you say, you know, it shouldn't, then you know, when you say israel, it's almost totally different. mm hm. hypothetically, though, should israel launched a massive invasion until 11 on what reaction would you expect from other countries in the region and from global powers? so the question you should be uh, what would be the aim of such uh, uh, an innovation. just getting into the long chink beds off the rockets. uh we do is ro, literally to good because uh because by law hes uh, 200000 rockets. deep uh in the mountains. um and uh he until end of july. but no, nothing says fairly close to the boulder um is road besides to raise
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the to innovate, but to raise up the probable aim would be to get hold of some 7 to 10 kilometers up a security zone. so that, that will be no commander rates in 2 ways, road and more modest aim here, but even death up to now has not been decided. i'm here despite the opposition that we're seeing with these protests a pull by and is really news channel recently determined. the most citizens would still vote for netanyahu over a national unity, turban and dance, or, or opposition leader. yeah, you're on a p a. i mean, explain that to us. you don't agree. well, i got these a balls. i do not accurately reflect what really happened in connective collections. there are no direct elections for brian minister. well, the, the most recent fold. i'm following the speech in washington,
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which many uninformed these riley's source and the german baseball tried to see who is a better suited to be prime minister in the opinion of these rallies. and lucky god was that the nathaniel had 33 percent. and some of these rivals, uh, 32 of 30. it was a new significance. uh. yeah. but the uh, the election. so going to be between policies and then the phone call visions. and in that respect, nathan, you know, he's uh, in the great disadvantage as easily good puppy. and it is not even set them that should that be early elections that can, you know, we leave recruit. all right, we're gonna leave it there are journalists and expert on his rarely politics and mirror or, and i'm here. thank you rachel, thank you. and earlier today i'm central guys that 31 people have
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a portal they've been killed and many more wounded in is rarely airstrikes on a school turned a field hospital. wow. 6 2 for officials say id have transpired, 3 rockets on the site in there. oh blah. survivors have been taken to the nearby. ok. so hospital already under immense pressure is really army claims to have struck the home us control center almost 300 days of warren doesn't have seen. 39000 people killed in over 90000 wounded. those figures provided by the local health ministry. local journalist from yamaha or you send us this report from the site of the attack. and now it says turning to i show, is there a place for displaced palestinians from different parts of the territory, right? in the, in the western thoughts of deputy, by the today it had a heap is dry,
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is that close the destruction as you might see on the camera, destruction behind me and 2 parts or 3 blocks of the race itself and the leaving get money that's uh, reports uh, suggest is that there are 2 ones, jude and dozens, others, and george and vis. heavy at opera as early as strike on this particular at place. and the delivery by the down and center does as the trip. as this is a part of many strikes, is that okay, a series of a strikes ok today and the major area and saw the and it goes us rep and then that's how i'm in the i'm a widow displaced from god's a city. my husband and father was killed in my daughters and i live in minister rock today. i was summoned by a text message to my phone to come here and to get a monthly charity donation from turkey. when i arrived at the place from i was surprised at the whole area was hit by
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a firewall and i think i've been heck of the my sister lives near the school before her home was here. she was injured today. i. she's been sheltering at the school. she's now at the o clock, some waters hospital struck with sutton and keep this place people directly over there has a fee. so a number of services being provided for the low because here by this shelter schools that to some say it belongs to the law had charity. and uh yeah. what about a job and then center of the gaza strip? that's what has been just the state advise us one and we have just interviewed. this is a situation in gaza and that's what happens and what zip codes and deborah's, by the down today, the number the this number is rising up about the mos on. so c, 130 follow sidney is including women and children have been killed in this habit strike on this particular through school. and dozens of those have been injured by
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me. i mean, i read r t, the bearded man in dresses a mock last supper, and a horseman of the apocalypse, racing down the sem frances attempt at an innovative and modern olympic games opening ceremony did not go down well with the public, as ortiz, steve sweeney. now explains just before the opening of the lympics pipe, frances um, the vatican sport association with i told them plates to harness the great social power of a sport to unite people. i made a time of good calling global tensions and conflict. but the opening ceremony, while it's cool, was a huge part of shipments. christian christian grew too hard to find the depiction of the law supper, of course, of power. the of the fight was pacing by the an auto davinci. and now it's being described as a carnival of the grotesque gonna pay to me. all the work is i'm some of even dropped it. the i'm t cries olympics one american pastor. well,
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he went online to express his views, france, whose culture and i mean the honoring of, of the individual and of, of human rights. and a freedom is grounded very much in christianity. felt the right thing to do was to mock the christian faith. you know, a question, i would suppose we all know the answer to it when they ever dared mock as well. i'm in a similar way. would they ever dreamed of mocking and this in this gross, you know, public way a scene from the, from the cry. and i say we, we all know the answer, the now one of the participants in the opening several mean footage start connecting online appear to have is jenise was on display while children was standing in front of them. now the bishop of phones, he's also reacted. he said that the opening ceremony was a mockery. he said it made a mockery of christianity, chinese television state television. they was stunned into silence during the broad
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carswell 8 on mosque and other social media use as well. uh, they went online to vent their anger and frustration. it looks like the leads that organize this worship. satan, they're not even pretending anymore. the new smirks movie looks scary. just turned on the olympic opening ceremony. and it's like, i've entered some kind of hellish fever dream. what is happening? the smurfs, the family don't ever talk about. well, i think we can only imagine the time, the asset, the money that obviously went into this huge display. so for the organizes appropriate, but disappointing the reaction, any response? well, of course there's a lot of work that goes into these opening services. a huge a spectacle was bought, the organizes and the directors of the progress. uh, let me take sacramento and putting openings that were many, well they seem to me believe us to this back passion, they insist that it went very well on a fixed amount because of all this,
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we are very happy indeed. it was a very beautiful ceremony which brought together exactly what we had dreamed of. we proposed a completely unique ceremony. the 1st in history taking place outside a ceremony with a lot of audacity with a lot of messages with some nice surprises. so i'm very happy, it was magnificent. we've managed to do something incredible, something on the dishes, we've managed to put our country in the limelight, something we're very proud of. well, now it's expected that the organizers and the directors are going to say something like this, but it's not a view that seems to be university shed. and it means many wondering what the closing ceremony will look like. that is something to wait for with states. it's a breath, but cultural a sort of hot topics aside whether any of the control this, these political blogs. well, there's a lot to cover today about the, the, despite the olympics only being a day old. now the international olympic impact commit to the i is the now it's
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been forced to apologize, offer to introduce sounds to me and oscillates as north korea. and of course, the 2 countries still technically one of the items the cheat is set to meet with the south korean president who's a sort assurance he's that mistakes on this doesn't happen again last night, the bean media reports of that statement. so we made it very clear from the i see an operational mistake was made. we can only apologize in an evening of so many moving paul of the that mistake was made and we apologize to 2 people from the republic of korea for that, for that era. now this isn't the only mistake that is being made. the olympic flag itself was it was flown upside down during the opening ceremony, perhaps a symbolic of the shunt baltic opening. now, a full might show just ahead of the opening of the games was abandoned for 2 hours off for a pitch invasion offer like a glorious of the at the much was postponed for 2 hours. it was reached onto the go,
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was chopped off the longest v i r. decision in history. the origin to the in comp also was burger with that before that before that much. but on top of that, i'm a volleyball player despite being convicted and sentenced to 4 years in prison for raping a 12 year old child. well, he's been allowed to participate in the games representing the netherlands. well, i mean, you mentioned that dr. suite has precedence even before the games kicked off. obviously because of his check could pause to put it nicely did raise a lot of questions, mainly about the games is kind of pick and choose approach when it comes to morality. who's allowed in, who's know it's yes of course, and this is a very hot topic now, the inclusion of as well in the power as it then picks has proved, incredibly comfortable and i'm on pods, on surprisingly, given $40000.00 men women and children and 80 helping massacred in gaza on store that is still continuing, while the games are carrying on its being deemed by the international court of
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justice to be opposable genocide, the international criminal court has of course, issued a rest once the benjamin netanyahu, the ins, right? prime minister. now one of the is right the totes bev is now on social media. he's posted an image of him writing on a missile that was then sent to gall, this thing from, from me to college. and now the participation has prompted. international outrage must pro to serve in palestinian flags displayed inside the stadiums. a group of people holding up a sign saying free part of this time. but if i was a inclusion by comparison, russia has been found from the island pick something, which is obviously that 2 charges of hip hop per se. now, why has real shipping band while as well, has been, well the lots on as well is back to the hill by the west side in particular to the united states, leaving the i see open to charges of double standards, but it will say politicize ation. now this shouldn't come as much of
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a surprise video to make openings. everybody's have quite shooting history, which might be a surprise to some, the 1st major opening all of the more than the let me pick sweetie. was it nazi germany, back in 1936. now this was a bit to whitewash and show up. support for not to meet was turned into a film by the director. let me research down on the flying the olympic flame. well, this was aimed at that time of linking nazi jim. these avian ideals to greek civilization. this was a classic case of school watching. the police, ization of eden pitts has a long history on it seems to be happening once more today. as the games descends into foss, only spoke with pastor martin, cynthia, uganda, and pastor pro family leader and a straight nation founder who shared his views on the opening ceremony and said, western relates are trying to impose new values on society, you know macro and the rates at this morning saying this is france
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10, i'm like, no, that's not friends. that's the worst. oh, maybe what france was. we expect culture. we expect we think about tyree's. we think about the effects are what we think about love. we think about the many ways and think because it's almost a queen is the french revolution. we think about many great things, which 1st of all this, before, oh, it happens man. even in the coming was called, i believe, which will be in the united states. this is the kind of ritual we're going to have in every other upcoming event because the worst um, uh, institutions of our, a big culture. unfortunately, they want to use the to impose this,
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this unfortunate lifestyle. and this is what task decadence on the rest of the world. i think it's an outrage. this is not the general public views. this is the elite, the elite in firms, just as in the ways desktop to power in western countries. we are seeing this very small crate of, uh, elite world culture, the political power and the using the political power to impose a cultural change. but what they've been posting is culture the carry, the imposing transgender resume. that is imposing insults to the whole ease to this, our pride separate hallie or the last part. it's not only a free show in paris, unfortunately it's closer frictional and international diplomacy. and really, this is sad, even though it goes on the very nice terms of human rights. and right,
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so inclusive it see it's not is just the friction europe has failed in the the waste is found in what's called rites of passage or socialization. unable to train the young people on what needs to be done well for each who and unfortunately, because of that, they continuously allow the young people to experiment with different kinds of, hey, i think i'm a boy here. i think i'm a girl. now when they make you a hero, they make a funeral out of this uh, very companies and mind states, and then they celebrate them. it's this idea of, hey, you may be a freak, but we will celebrate. you will make you look very good. you may have.


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