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tv   Documentary  RT  July 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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the, the past 2 months high school diploma who handles life and all it is the
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my brother through he was sudden to helping afresh a low drums and some charge almost by fire side system. so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, you can see the slides is constantly yes. this like somebody's walk into drive and pass all lights on right around. look at it. really don't have the whole time life to be doing that. right. is a part of life really? is a said none of the time people, we also have a lot of people are in gaze with they affiliated with games because i mean i live next to you and my we grew up together. so i'm of course i'm your friends. but then people see day and say like, oh so you must be one of those. never save around a group of guys like it could be a group, a rough guys. why over there that look like thinking kill us at any moment. but they know who the police officers, and i feel equally a scare. me more what?
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i'm edward. i can't call nobody on the right. okay. the police bagley's only kind of the police. these gang in chicago is like when you get pulled over the police, you really think your life is over the port over they as by the federal in the car and hesitate to reach by d because everything is going to be excused when opposite. oh, you can restore, we're not going to suit. he laughed about around in a city, pardon me, side. moving just even to police and you want to make a joke about it. i'm going to shoot you. i will search you have up the,
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which one of the old so i go to where you i couldn't find a ride. the grand . oh, i see. okay. the,
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the way to know it, filming, they were filming what are the parameters of different wages and waiting for them to do a rap song for us. so, so we are going to see it for i get someone, you know, the rest of their barriers. i refuse issue, sorry, yeah, okay, nice money and shoes and some of the face, they tell me what they gotta do. the 3 people that's on the district and the one that we just say,
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i'm just saying what they gotta do it out of the by any, any does anything like that? not trying. and then i finally got side of my back. i'm leaving the small boxes. no guns, no guns on it. obviously we found out a gun plaza. he took all of the stuff on the market, distracted every day. how we live or how to police through the neighborhood like out. and they'll say like he was telling me to also tell why he could have put a pistol on him. again, what's amazing me it's, i want to say they stand for some, what we call our dataset. and the, you know, as we,
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i can talk about the gang members along the way. we think that the ancient days were, can you say a poor thing. the appraisal for may block is little mac and live days. they talking about something, they making sense. you know, some people just say, as they call number of the low hers is a stop put into the music. so once you start putting that herd in that filling in a day, you know, it was zane, so they got that genuine her last day and music that, that, that home, the, one of the things i'm doing right now is trying to reveal the things that we
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destroyed in the neighborhood. and one thing is bringing out people together in awareness. half of our neighbors, family members know something about what's going on there, whether it's out to us and talk to the police. so that's a good way to stop defiance. cuz if i could find out what's going on and stop it before somebody gets shot on her, then we went to the reason why a lot of times on the phone is because nobody license please don't care about . see the pin to some business. when are you trying to do it? just get us locked up? no, the gas serve and protect on a on the car while they do is patrol the what's wrong with it?
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yeah. for the shooting the video since there's no knowing the thing about the boy. well, i'll probably just be down at like 1015 minutes, not down. and i do want to some, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the color. yeah, i'm going to be down at about 1015 minutes to promote that down. love a this is my son. alba. von junior, his friends, they came and told me, i need to come around here cause my son been an accidental bad accident. i know that was the last time i get the talking last saw coming to have it kind of life. is it a shot at us? they thought we was coming through the gang ways to retaliate on them and we would just come into the new account or we like. they shot 2 people. one um uh his um was
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broken 2 places and the lady was shot in a bucks. and the guys that was with me was mad, cause i refused to let them retaliate even after that the the gangs are so so internally,
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so for me to god there and to him with its squares in the past before social media, a gang might have disrespected somebody now, what would be perceived by most people? it's just a personal meal. slap that somebody that's immediately retaliated by social media. everyone knows about it immediately. and there's already in motion that someone is going to pay for that. what happens is that somebody who lives in their neighbor was just walk in a block away. they have no idea that's going on. and so all of a sudden what they thought was there was no relations going out in the neighborhood . well, 2 months ago it became an issue, and now what was otherwise going to be an average walk, a block away from their house is now going to be something where they very well can be shot and killed the . this is my 2nd saw that was killed is 35 land is that
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a friend's name with they assume to be real close. his friend we is brother, was killed somehow some way on facebook. they got the talking about each other, the colors and they brought us. so they kept going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth last time. now with this begging my brother say you disrespecting, my brother, my brother was key or just like your brother was keel. so late on that day he called my son. the land is on the phone. maybe it was set up his rent as low as california was right here and back up and i was, well, the main name is oh man, that was walking towards his friend that he thought was this for inside of may. and the other guy sat him as well,
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and then as so girlfriend saw them through mo, test, and then one, no one, no drugs and one even though with no games. one, no one, no girl was a, was the 2030. why is the most powerful lobby in washington dc, the n? all right, because the n r a gets all their money from the gun manufacturers. the number one consumer of guns in america right now is the legal consumer, any legal gun? so if you cut that consumer away, what's your do is they're cutting significant business away. now, gun manufacturers also are one of the largest investors in privatizing prison so they can make money on guns and making money on people being locked up. you know,
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america's based on the dollar, the light from the, the one been, even the convention was being drafted in early 19th. the united states was very clear that they could not take any action that would affect it. it's economy that they're not allowed upon with negotiations to make progress. and they did not take strong targets based on this fashion based on that as part of the emissions that all the kids that i can defeat and kemp and what the responsibility on china and india and other developing countries. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the stuff for the summer shift towards opportunities such as you deal with the machine should that should do this vehicle? is it the economic model? have us dealing with them? it's different experiments you if it doesn't take her to testify this thing. so we can say ok juvenile is then you must sort of deal on each student to california each developing bio chemical weapons inside, you know which one cheaper to use? the white glove service cost,
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but he's because of the same as your state the the very best of your self and others is an act of love. those people who seek to deprive us of our rights and self defense us, the more they need us the most. we know not what they do. it is a historical fact. every time a society has been stripped of its right of self defense, a mass casualty event has occurred in its been and imposed a business. that is the government that has all the governments of these
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communities are of the societies that house committed the atrocities for you guys with who are right on where they took away your guns. the wireless affairs continuously. every day in our cities is the only country i think over this advanced industrial nation, i think over this happens to happen in japan. does not happen in england last lot of miles. so high up here. so it is like, is more access to guns out here and then like other places it's like the government say like no the putting it out in
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a level where we get it from you. not knowing overseas and making them all that. so the government actually is putting them out here and that's what it's all about, is access to guns. to hide the facts, nobody's going to find out why this is happening and they can be misled into taking that fixed cost control. it does not work. it does work, it just has to be national more people get filtered, englewood, on the 4th of july, holiday weekend and the others and the being outside make us easy. tar. yes, that's a problem. that is a problem because at the same time we feel each other, just like you don't see any black people doing school shootings doing. you see all why people or somebody, you know, they are raising all buyers. i'm bringing up everybody's stuff. will you go
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directly to our records are going to each other? this is why, why do we have the, why? the excuse me, black people a each other so we don't kill each other. it doesn't make sense to me and i needed to go to record. they got no built in my madison getting some food somebody for another star soon a lot of people want to arrive in this place and another heat is always on the car
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. so put in our lab tons of their car stopped at the hood of my car and we like, they show this so we, we've been down. i get all the way though. oh, i'm getting sales is thinking about it again. as i'm going down, i noticed the car and to actually see somebody have gone back like this. but all i hear is pop, pop. i guess the gun is, you know, bringing his hand back. and also seeing the, i guess a fire that comes out of the gun, we call the police, i'm on the phone with 911 screaming i have never been so happy to hear. i'll leave the here with where my phone was. it was about 5 hold 5 below
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the . 7 the street, the, i guess fire might involved and can't really see your head is one jarvis his desires to he's now consider the parent whose loss of child the gum line that's and that's how you released the parents all the time to last it truly i finished the wedding here i'm in the 2nd. see somebody told me joseph and shot i literally ran out down the stairs, out the church and there he was lying there. there's no way i'm going to come in some people standing around there and you know, there is my son who i've seen 3 hours earlier and he's fine. and now he's waiting on the street bleeding. and then the,
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i'm gonna scan them and get into the hospital and get his lane into bed. he couldn't speak yet, but he read my hand and holding the hand, i'm talking me shaking his head. and then the next morning i got a call. he didn't make it, i was angry, i was angry at guy that was angry at society. i was angered over did this. i was angry, the my son, a dive and all this anger had to process this for me before i could talk to anybody else. i just, it don't even leave me alone is leave me alone in my room. just let me have this conversation with myself and with god and russell to say, what do i do now?
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the farthest leg has organized a lot of protests in the past. certainly down to dan ryan is the most rad is the main highway in and out as cargo. so this is going to make a lot of people, man, the key is making history to close down the day around with the select
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the . all right, so this is his daughter, everybody remembers the model. the love that he's been working on my sister's lay for years
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day i cannot find them, no money putting on my boss to the wireless of the
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system, another crime scene. another one allows others, could have been a doctor, a nurse could have been the next president, but we can't keep losing people out here. now gotta have more awareness about what's going on out here. all this jones, the chair to the account,
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there's no question the the the go to to go to
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the the the 19 sixty's were a turning point in africa. struggle for liberation. however, in the south of the continental european races decided for a long v agony of colonialism. these 1965, the white minority, unilaterally declared the state of rhodesia states authorities pursued the policy
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of racial segregation. the indigenous population was deprived of real political rights and subject them merciless economic exploitation ever getting bait variance with the support of the soviet union and china oppose the splinter of the colonial system. a coalition of pro western countries took the side of ro, dcf, the gorillas carried out bold raids from the territory of zambia and mozambique, and inflicted painful blows on the races. as the situation worse than the road easy, an army turned to chemical and biological websites. the races boys in the water and food and planted contaminated medicines on the gorillas. these caused an epidemic of cholera and anthrax and led to masturbate to ality. however, the attempts to break down the africans resistance were futile. the white minority relief was due in 1979. it could be delayed a year later, free elections warehouse instead of racist road. the just the state of zimbabwe
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appeared on the world map and became a true, vast yes. of the ideas of man african is a the a jury in south florida has held that chiquita brands, the purveyors of chiquita bananas is liable for 8 killings. carried out by a right wing paramilitary group, put the cup many help to finance in a fertile banana growing region of columbia during that countries decades long, civil conflict, the jury ordered chiquita to pay 38.3 $1000000.00 to $16.00 family members of farmers and other civilians were killed in separate incidents by the so called united self defense forces of columbia, a right wing paramilitary group that shaquita bank rolled from 1997 to 2004. the companies still faces. hundreds of similar lawsuits, of course,


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