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tv   Documentary  RT  July 27, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

11:30 pm
sense that this is just all the cooperation between the diplomatic academy melissa, fresh and the formulations of students under the form industry of melisha. and so these, this would include exchanging experience in the training of diplomats and provided services, internship opportunities for, for students. we've discussed our expanding our cooperation on international platforms, including asking we've taken part of the events here allow us so that we have meetings with the public countries and then this part of attend. we also had a ministerial meetings as part of the eastern eastern summits and b as in for your security form. so this is
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a line of cooperation that is gaining and poor. this for us, including the initiative to shape, collect to secure the system. on the ration continent where as a and can play and increasing role as alicia will be president of the organization, we've agreed to hold special consultations to prepare for the next us as an event. we've talked about regional issues and problems with that unless you all right. lation countries as so many other. so for the students that are spoken as an islamic countries discussed, let's delete the middle east, the consulate,
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the situation, gaza. they've agreed on the need to the next seems cease fide to a soul, the pressing communitarian problems and the to proceed with the immediate set of tools on the coffee parameters on the creation of a palestinian state. you come from subsidies, malaysia, expressed interest in expanding installations with bricks. this is something we support and as the president said, what is ation? we will permit of this klein of engagement. we've also discussed the frame, and we are very grateful to our colleagues for their a weighted and unbiased position as stems from the understanding of the root causes of the crisis. which arose as a result of western actions to involve ukraine in a ne, to and to,
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to certain 10 until you rush as we say. so i invited my account to patch make a visit to the russian federation. and i expect that we will continue our dialogue in the future. so final, we have agreed upon consultations between the leaders of the ministries for a wide range of interests. i'm ready for you. questions. trust the question from best here from united states on are trying to me to settle you choose to use nation countries into the tree unit to will rush just cooperation and help them treat the maintain the solvency. well, yes. as of yesterday, i think the station summit i for the, for the, let's see, it has an opportunity to see for myself, had to belong to someone to take,
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bought the security for them as well. because you have a stabilizing factor for 200 solution terms of system juice to you to them that different standing up to the actions. sorry, extra regional countries are headed by the united states for pushing their military infrastructure. so they are pushing for the mother tries, ational based asia, the asia pacific union, the and they are introducing a new theater and settlements including this part of it was a project united states you came to australia but as well supply nuclear submarines controlled by the i a united states made an agreement with the south korea on this joint included tires. so there are many respects arising here
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in the, as i said yesterday, and told me to come so that it's where you put my accounts upon us. but i'm sure it's an issue and me see if i'm couple of it, they call it a simple joint mission where no nuclear states have the opportunity to send the military for training and screws it. that's for them to be trained to, to deliver and to use the weapons. and if there's a lamentable experience, is brett to southeast asia. but i don't think anyone will benefit from this. there will be more risks. and simple is the fact that the united states are trying to exacerbate the situation around korean peninsula at the time, one straight south china sea. and they are pushing countries in the region to look for
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a resolution funding of the south. since trying to see situation with badging diplomatically but rather trying to set the mind to the confrontational approach with ultimatums. so that's kind of the symbol of things. so once again, i'm not sure usually for getting back to what i started with, we have a weight to the approach and a very clear approach that is always assumes that we need to create platforms for conversation and the to agree with each other based on the balance of interest and disposition is always seemed respectfully and our friends at as in i think it as a closer to them nothing or what you most with on the united states and they to aggressive stance on the development of their presence in the region to hang up, so the russian 20 falls malaysia, have to discuss
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a few presidents initiative. so let me just place you on the creation of duration interest of the security system. should your colleagues? yes, we'll discuss that in the house. all right, yesterday and today from the us national restriction summit and the regional security for most of the company, we presented our approach to prison improvements, speech disease. when he met with the head of the diplomacy a spits even the somebody who's the owner approaches that the reason content, interest, they trusted developing confidence and well has lots of natural resources. it has a great technological potential as great opportunities in terms of developing infrastructure, transports, and logistics, and all these goals,
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given competitive advantages, certainly should be used to some of the so suddenly from actively use assess of the existing opportunities for the benefits of all of our countries and peoples the control, it can only try to print this process is open to old countries and organizations on the ration confidence as we see and is economic, social, and transport. and so infrastructure. so it was that is an important aspect. sometimes some of this is also something the front and center, you know, contacts with a, as in the, as seo and other organizations which we invite you to participate including the golf corporation council is just the ones that i have for another. let's put this corporations helps us shape what presidents has cooled,
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the great, so you ration partnership in the material sense? so in addition to developing economy and extracting your capitalizing on the competitive advantages. so please me when the eastern part of your res. ringback shared with me that that is upset, the video is facing attempts to minutes rise, the region and the tools introduce elements of confrontation. it's very important to see how security can be insured in a way that would minimize as risks and since and, and disregard. we've remembered, oh is the experience, concepts from features because of where we're finished and the basis was the concept of here, atlantic security. but ultimately, in the atlantic model, you use, somebody sends nato, but it is only going to prove that the promotion of your atlantic models binds the
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western countries all the consisted in trying to subjugate everything. the united states have been successful, they have dominated the west. they to reports to washington 100 percent, and the o. c. e is almost fully privatized as well. and this model is not acceptable to us. and to the majority of other countries, we want to model security that would be based on the quality of the principle of indivisible security. when no country on the continent with strength and security at the expense of others. this was the principle proclaimed to somebody that the found the founding of the a c e, but with the west ignored it and so does it. it. and now there is no indivisible security in the world. frantic region, 3 boxes. so this is
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a different level. we realize that it's a slow process. we need some for some preparations. we need to organize the forums and exchange views. but this process is underway. last or 10 minutes. we have the 1st generation security conference both in many countries from the pope's soviet space. and then from asia, we had it before a minister hungry there. it is a spell of this year. it will be a 2nd assisting for some reason conference in this, in misconduct over that. with expanded participation. we will consistently promote this with a better option pottis' because great interest to that academic, somebody being quality, television was not the right you to my it's kind of upset. i kept know that there was an escalation,
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the middle east this night or it could have already gone to strike on a school experience with the d t. the going towards children and teenagers. most of the stuff it is true is the pointing fingers that live in on the line is you more than you choosing israel? how probable is it that a full scale war is on us and what can be done to stop for the blood should? well, so far, we're not seeing any prospects that this flood should fall soon and comfortable, but the prime minister netanyahu as a set amount of books i'm just responding to, calls for seats 5, that she will not stop until a mouse is destroyed completely. under my opinion, and it is also the opinion of many of my colleagues it is unrealistic to fully destroy an organization that has existed and that has
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a sufficient capabilities and even support including them based on the quote particularly speech, we condemn the old terrorist actions taken by any entity, like we condemned to the terrace attacked by her last and it's on the valence and israel on the 7th of october last year. but the response by israel has been is not acceptable because it is in great violation of international humanitarian law dependents. essentially collective punishment, which is when you're not bound by is national conventions is a collective punishment of people use these phenomena. i am closely monitoring still mostly you know, the attempts by some countries the smoking to prepare there is compromised
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proposals that include a dissertation of violence. step wise matter, considering the fact that israel excuse is not willing to enact to the median 65 egypt guitar and others holding meetings with this role. i'm going to send the police to and so i don't think it is a concept, right? start the palestinians themselves or locked in bold and the contacts which should have ultimately shape that effect. pretend and disregard. we will continue to promote the restoration of palestinian unity. we had a useful meeting in the late february and early march, the old publishing infections. what present kind of recently are a chinese colleagues gather to be represented as a very promising and movements like in law school. they had a declaration, but this process is not over yet. and i am convinced that it's not a, for
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a long term resolution to be possible for the situation in the middle east. need to make sure that the members of lucian's, of the creation of a palestinian state or implemented as soon as possible. and this is impossible without restoring a good single kind of story so that people can determine the forms in which they can agree jesus to organize the life of the people as part of a silver and state eclipse. so far this go has, sadly, not been very close, but we need to continue our efforts and disregard for the students. for the blood show that is happening is a tragedy of the posting of people like 40000 civilians have died in the 10 months . this is
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a terrible figure. most of them are women and children. we must have been spending more time, a representative from the other c representative from the minister of foreign affairs on the middle east in sacrament, letting you know that i'm a suffering call from a swarm of shelves for very simply in israel. and he talks to, or is rarely come to pass this together with the error message that you sent the relevant signals. and we will continue our efforts, such as i've said, you should efforts have no t o t or any results to stop the blood ship. but we must continue to try to do a position to move us between uh nothing initial bicycle listed off or off. we usually see you in the national shots of the season countries at as in the events like and bass. what were in malaysia, you know, what does your show to represent today? where is it from?
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well, you can take a guess. i am in malaysia currently in my codes. so as you've mentioned, the presiding country is always trying to add some national colors and do when we parted ways with the to go with my account to products and be in town on for pete aust. whether i would be comfortable if we failed to use the tools wearing a legion national shirts for something i agreed we are pulling people and this is also a pleasant thing to do. so if we don't have any further questions, the press conference will be concluded. thank you. the
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show you live in to the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously, is to place a trust rather than fear the job. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with him in the most protects his phone existence was on the lease of the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community
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best ingles, all sense and the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians, putting a split, the archie smith. net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the student services for the question, did you see a request, a the,
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the man or the literally set, but a center for sponsor, for as long as setting peace to commit to a bid. the combined the percentage soon, i need to return your defensive read it,
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which is that it would be due to the cbs, cbs criteria to that issue. now clips was going to deal with a village and looked into. yeah, you just put it into more real quick, keep the private and look at the with them. so you wouldn't even the name in the doctor's office or any of us mostly to prose media, say doing this stuff. the one you upside with me, at least the persistence, but some of those you, me to the 50 scare. you put the blades is a pretty soon the pretty part of the plane was used to born in the religious usually between the theme and the key to the video to be the most is to look for to the media to the customer present. that's the height is almost to go, the medicaid keeps it, but often doesn't display the version of the charlotte woods. this compresses your less than grasping position with this much less of police agreement without leaving your seat is continue. if you really go into the,
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the, the, the
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the, the mileage and the success of the model to show because the last time they took over the summer and it was on the bill, it's a new go up with a new move from which some of this the little gods using it for us. do something at the sun. most of the rooms to some of the things you must pick with was always stuff. i did the meals that the gold on the you know,
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the attendant blue column. so kind of show, but as soon as i'm sure you're still going to see the pressure level of the right from this day one been even begun mentioned was being drafted in early 19th. the united states was very clear that not take any action that quick effect to its economy. they did not allow climate negotiations to make progress. and they did not take strong targets based on this fashion based on that as part of the emissions. but other than that, i can defeat a camp and put the responsibility on china and india and other developing countries . the
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in the late 18 ninety's, french soldiers led by general people who like arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the funny, i mean, the circumstance issues around the cars. and just showing the list to the content, the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the confident. what are some of the, i know the question, richard dental. hey, i'm philosophy followed there. to do so, they put the lecture on multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the choices, general good ice,
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blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the continent. so my name is penny and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about me than this is awfully. and basically i've been in the region the because they already a cps because they kept the store i visited and then use familiar email here, which is great if in to the urls the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style. 4 years of creating an excess of the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes 10 prisons really well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest,
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the leading enrollment i couldn't lift in school. i'm assuming people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people, went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the shift did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snider stuff. so the youngest, i mean you know what the found in disease forced labor to which it by the word is formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you that, that it's a deep, it almost human off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test, a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more when you've got here, you know, one or 2. so you to speak. it's not even a good idea. yeah. for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do it, but this is danielle. i was in the middle of the,
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the the, the 1st 3rd of the 19th century was marked by the aggressive expansion of the united states. the american sought to seize as much territory for settlement as possible. ignoring the sovereignty of the neighboring states and the interests of the indigenous peoples in 1845, washington announced the annexation of mexican texas. and in march, 1846 american troops invaded mexico. however, mexico itself did not have enough means to effectively confront the enemy. besides, it was being torn apart by internal conflicts. the americans manage to turn the died of the war in their favor. in september 18, 47, the u. s. army captured mexico city. mexico was forced to assign
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a humiliating peace treaty according to wait to get lost 55 percent of its territory. vieques agent of the lands to the united states, selected terrible consequences, bloodshed, genocide was committed against the indians in california. during the 1st half and 3 of the american ruled, the number of the indigenous people in the region decrease from 150216000 people. slavery which had been abolished in mexico long before the united states attacked was restored on the occupied territories. this will later become one of the reasons for the civil war in the united states themselves. nations like individuals are punished for their transgressions. we got our punishment. american president ulysses grant rode about the consequences of aggression against mexico several decades later.
12:00 am
the, the chess willis, i was the, nobody's telling me that the human was part of this was the 4 digits of bill about authority. and still there are some of it from the resort within the number of what it says. this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job special she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us lives in ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we use to test biological weapons play. the 1st step is that then they saying that she's the real quick. it was say we shift anybody on the have to escalate to expedite, didn't.


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