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tv   Documentary  RT  July 28, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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are covering this and thankfully are out there showing what's really going on the streets. there's so many organizations that are scared to report. and the ones that are reporting obviously are getting silenced by mass media. so that's why we need to keep pushing this message forward and getting that information out there to make sure we stay industry and stay engaged and stay involved and put everybody on notice. well, there's, well just a few of the stories that we kept an eye on this week. so it is for more details reaction to them. video it is all about. and so not, you know, com. 70 was full. scores can be found. so to check it out and we hope season, the the,
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the chess willis. i am the, nobody's telling me that a humorous item. this was the 4 digits of yellow, but it's sort of still blue about some of the, from the umbrella data. so within the what it says, this woman hides her face and identity because of the nature of her job special she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us labs in ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we used to test biological weapons for the 1st step is that then they saying that she's the real quick. it was say, we shift anybody from the have to raise. expedite didn't exceed the shape, but the he in the she was up before the ukraine. you know me? retreated, glanced. i've tried to remove all materials and documents,
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but they failed. the only thing that i needed to send the record is not available to choose between users. so it looks like you called at the the cause of whom in a number of words. so for all the he, one word court, just spin interest go. i see a doing in the event of the investigators found evidence of operations with deadly viruses and paper with a test on a named patients. it's on known how many similar centers have been established in ukraine over the past ideas. the russian ministry found signs of them in almost all liberated major settlements, which new york c unit died in these for the 30th. so chad is showing the subscript wallace tab still. so we need to so that we originally called a few of the yearbook as anya from you. still pushing chest that we want to use it to a fund that we missed, each one and this one. sure. what else needs to be with the one that stood on the
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smear to like oaks on a many people around the world trying to find answers to the question. i'm created this network of bio weapons factories. ukraine has a biological research facilities for how long has it operated and how many deaths? is it responsible for the is my level home? come on, let me show you. show you around. hard to believe. but 20 years ago,
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this man, proud of his route guns, was a top international generalist. a former military officer. he came to georgia in 1991 on business to and ended up as advisor to president me file stuff is really entering george's top echelons of power. this is read called john persimmon. it's called karen loki, i think in russian in georgia. jeffrey silverman, his career, flourished until 2011, when he saw a story on george and tv, about a new us biological lab, open 70 kilometers from to b. c. individual galaxy of com, the bosses you bought appeals to new the losers as well. but if i just give us some photos really said i was when you've gotten the upstairs, know, is that about coming in to be the most of the novelty as an allow me to cosco some of the edits or the little bit of
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the silverman to sit down to find out what the borrower to is out to is very 1st finding shell to right behind me. there's a village near the airport where the workers for the repository used to working with the military barracks. and people were getting sick all the time. there was a thursday or from the lab, were living here for got sick to died. but what did they dialed? oh, they said food poisoning. oh yes, but they were there and the phone was coming out of their mouth. silverman lights alone. these experiments were ordered by military authorities in washington. i used to work with people my university that had connections with the lab. one was on the ministry of economic development. they were telling me how this project started,
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the u. s. navy fracture cruise, the logical lives, when silverman discovered who was behind the lab and its secret experiments. it over the cause many casualties, the public, they called for an immediate end to minute the agreements between georgia and the us. this program was not a agreement between georgia and the united states. it was, there was a one sided in position that they should do. this seems like because shortly off to these statements, old major us and european use agencies stop working with silverman and presidents august release administration site to him as well. i wrote some articles published them and local media. i gave interviews to georgia newspapers, and actually everybody jumped on me. the embassy wrote in
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their reports and press releases, as the silverman is not to be trusting the nasa to the truthfulness of his information is in question. despite the backlash, he continued investigating those who didn't want the us journalist to go public with his discoveries. we entered soon enough as a result of this, i've been kidnapped off the street. and if you look at the luger lab is basically the crown, the flagship, the crown 0 of a network of laboratories in smaller lives in armenia. as you be john center, asia, africa was that email local reveals while he's concealed behind the high walls of the bio center. oh shit 30. i don't know my bushes get the data on my own. they go
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by sitting in the pinch on the youngest is getting most of the, the update. it was easy about finding the result. you know, the sooner the better. well, there's one more true you know, 100 to the, the, the, the new or just conjunction way. i set something up oh do show. busy it'll show the family fortune blossoms the center of the usually the busy central's us journalist, special christmas swami. as launched an investigation into pen to go into the bar trays around the world. she obtained sensational us government documents proving the existence of a network of bio labs and ukraine, similar to georgia's lucas center. the united states state department had a press release. that is no longer there, but we did archived this. it said that there were peaceful,
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biological laboratories in ukraine. to me, it's kind of strange that they put the words peaceful as if they were trying to deny something. normally you do not expect normal biological laboratories to be not peaceful. the general is joan dubin visited one such of the borrower tree was very safe, the waste of stores and basically they were sent to trials on, on suspension, launched in the investigation and shortly all to the u. s. government once again denied it's a board res, existed in ukraine. on march, the 10th 2022 pentagon press secretary john cubby, made a special statement on the mass of us, not developing bio logical or chemical weapons inside ukraine is not avenue. now
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people are starting to realize how disingenuous and untruthful the united states has been with a lot of these vile biological labs that have been in ukraine. they've been getting a lot of coverage there is. now i do have one i with this account. there was a laboratory biological laboratories, maybe car to you've you remember i told you that i have a whistle blower and car keys. and this whistle blower is the one that gave me a bunch of documents. it's interesting that he sends me this document here. institute a veterinary medicine of the national academy area. the academy of agrarian sciences donor department of defense of the united states of america beneficiary, the state committee of a veterinary medicine of ukraine. the connection between the arrival of us bio lab
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specialists and this uh, brakes of diseases that have been sweeping ukraine is wont general is the most curious about okay, and you're facing the whole. so if, if they me, you who are for 50.8 for the original resume, if it's a full list of, of the guns good for was when use moving a solution you hardly out mcgriff can you call? i have no voice, little cheaper, 3 is my, me i'm and then we some of our consider this shifting us, the belittle in the way to this young lady of with district that us the one the, this i'll special are giving you it and you must say put them to put him on the get the most, don't your cost blah. got this from the need to be snipping you money instead of going up my show today. so i am cause i was still within your which was but i stream using on that as your wife's and your cook book. i'm wishing that up when you, when you will. but it's also obsess local uh, jewelry the pool i'm working with the bullshit, scratched my. alexa decided to look into the weird strain that almost killed his
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child and hundreds of other ideas of residence. well, since 2010 us scientists have been secretly experimenting as a former soviet and see play against the tubes with cups shifting into the system. then you upload them both of them. cushion on some of the put me in the position of the billing these people about authority. i'm not uh, in a split in 5 months. i got the best price that i you might look good because there's no golf this company and i'm not, i just key americans to so i just go up but i to let them know. i used to put them all up with that. i should let me know what your date is, cuz even most of the 3 positions or the facility is currently the only one in ukraine enjoying buying a safety level. 3 states has effect corroborated by john duke and who assisted like say, elbow's investigations. but he tells me that they are cleaning up their website and he sends me some documents here and this document here,
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and he sends me the original links for them. you can see right here ukrainian research and type like institute. okay. located this one's in odessa, the donor department of defense, the united states, the beneficiary, the ministry of health of ukraine. forma, ukrainian intelligence office of us cd preserve shows documents proving the existence of secret us army programs in which dangerous pathogens were handled in ukraine. photo boat origin for the tax still with me is just the agreement that goes to putting the stairs to him. i don't know, could i even meet with christ or grass and which is the kind of both of them was saying this context. it's at least of their activities was supervised by former ukrainian health minister leon us approved a name that is in the secret files of the ukrainian intelligence service. according
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to the sewing machine, you know, gross means to stop on this a sharp piano for devaney. this little yellow, suppose i use, i used to dig in a cd club, but i put in a ticket to clean as this has done yet some time. $8050.00 and $4.00. but i do need to truly bone with you on a super own move to ukraine. in twenty's, i'd say in just a year before the kuta to that she was actively involved in the maple box. you live, live, watch, and you each i live, but i see study is simple cream. no kidding. you might be able to thomas with us. so yeah, because that has to be to be sure you have to pay to get this job. the russian state never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community invest in
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most all sense enough to progress be the one else calls. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the senior citizen. for the question, did you say a request which is the
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mysteriously this u. s. citizen. virtually on noon in the country, was appointed by the new authorities to a key post in the ministry of health. shortly optimize the pacific. we haven't used to them, but i think oceans have been the spelling of the time to present to us. the touching is still continues to hold on me to cause cause that i'm not going to look beautiful enough that you know levels us nissan a 100 totally. ok any that's fine. we have a simple arrows down to session. let me to come to class. copeland is because danielle can use the sweet same to you ready for the meter when a pleasure, all the new that shouldn't be able to use the phone,
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but i thought he could do it this time is no crating it or serious close. i used to drop off a new york place or so just give me the list of the machine for me to supervisor with you on a super rulings activities as ukraine's health minister can be. and from this led to from robot pope, director of the pentagon, d t r, a division fee also to expedite work on transferring ukrainian loves to the control of us specialist common steps to achieve our joint objective analysis of highly dangerous micro organisms and the consolidation in a single repository of the shovel, overall of the session, insidiousness humor for, and probably new and crime schemes to give me income. but again, i'm gonna be always 3 of those. those are pretty much the cream and you can see doing these, these kind of thing at some of periods, and then you realize there's still not from fish give us cabala, but the edge come,
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uh, well, i mean, it sounds good, but again, i'm just gonna let you put a soaker this the so you can good. awesome. cuz to frontier secure, bundled with me. musky. seeing that a bumble dyslexia. let me just stop again. let me just make a lot of good news. let me see though it isn't the see if it's in time as to what you're saying. yeah. what you miller view, i'm supposed to shop. but if i'm going to go out there was the front of mind that somebody's ti, nick will use you as a cool must illness boys, old laugh at. i'm going to no green here because i am, i guess, the forming strain you will get also the data, the worst company at the blue up it gives you must clearly show fox cut them. but the, almost the front of mind that said that was a while as, as i got his don't keep bugging around a knock out. well, more difficult to use that on some get this out the court order, but i get i went to show a center for controls of the blue. i didn't receive the see or the phone give it and the fish it allows kind of a new website. i was no great here. good us and uh,
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but i get how i mean, chief the, uh, connect to the email as the data, please put the effort to secure the data. i push for the resolution. i've been going off with all appointments to see is a buying in decent, but all of the companies are in less than 3 years, almost all of ukraine's main to biological research station. this came on to the pentagon, run the agencies control, guys, to be honest, approve. at this point, i should be assuming you start having this little agreement news venue me looked at . i'm still just professor pulling up, doing the libido earlier to do to move kind of products a, give me a sense at the bottom of each, the guns, the so you're sort of for me to get the 5 big chinese v as simple as to rosie your teeth and this includes these 3 has not completed the test itself, so they gave me a little bit of computers and you miles look across the board of the book and be able to use colors and know with g. but what do you mean is puts on the lowest pretty part all documents you do to the goos?
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enough on top of that as and that piece just lum boozy was a fix it on us could. could you show customers to make full shift because part of the sites stopping the church and my team was encouraging to me. they kind of thoughts if i must have to just go to the gun test signal, it's not for me to do that. so i'm school computer a. will we need to shop the patients me on the arms photo, a look beautiful. just the shows that the nation us again sides of the v for the month of fish. did you go on so sure what you mean v of those to say the only starter for me to get them could you know, the village give me a little bit of the news just abundance from a cadet. she's a 4th the that the by the so sure i did it to the computer of your look across what the city of the one you city where you may be able to stop him and show it to them for bethany
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a flight also you sure sort of can we can go, they got the email to dock. so usually most of the waiting up liam is when she get off. that's gotta meet him pony, but don't put any more than the buses and they will chest you. but i'm with you at the out of some sort. and it said you may have to out of school, your 4th grade and got the scale out of the age of 3 of the young opponents. any monies the more could be able to use collateral ease. the time you will not be in the witness will just your cost by out of me you of things we can get to the set of both and lots of venue movie up there. the simple $3.00 to $13.00 calculation is what about 20 d? along the people's gotten as low as they look, they always go idols a visual promising to switch it and it will put them not there should be management in the late 19 thirty's, the japanese army occupied hobbins on tokyo's orders for secret sense. it was opened to is such a new type of weapon deadly viruses for use against china on the soviet union. the
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desk went by weapons which has stated on humans, was code named unit 731. this is david gillis. it is a facility on the measurements, viewing pleasure with you and your little us that i should have done both of us that actually creates the large, a nice in the law. it should weigh in yet or understood when you're blocking the natalia, the laser, witness the terrible experiments the japanese military performed on civilians in occupied china during world war 2. the recording, those horrible events is not easy for the know of any of that desk camps. few survivors, the
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when the lavar tree beginning over ations maternity was due, a 7, she remembers black smoke billowing from the chimney above the building day and night, the incinerated victim, so it died during the run this experiments think of a swat up somebody else video users are going to d a show to each so when you 1st of all of the new shows, you got it efficient material. the museum exhibits reminded her again of those terrible moments from her childhood and of the fear of becoming one of the test subjects, the japanese scientist selected from the local population. that was the issue of because of my beloved video and they need a medium in the lab. be surely is going to be, is you or is it, is it, is it what is what really got some interesting thoughts to share an interesting sure through just a little but mine. yeah. or middle kirkland submitted mil at the pool. it's not the
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smart date. they are supposed to these couple days, so i'm not sure yet they, but i should come through be really, really easy for me to just mute. it's daniel craig deals. what you do is we have to resist stealing states and if you're doing good, so if you keep the photos, keep it just left abuse and you go to japanese. scientists working under general shiro issues combined, worked out how microscopic viruses could become weapons of mass destruction. behind unit 73 one's bob, while they created, posted in bones filled with infected insects, capable of spreading fatal disease to thousands of people around them. on mobile is typically on level i'm with uh, a girl. no, it doesn't matter what the kids will move, it goes to the ball. most of somebody believes you unless you get the chance to get to them. in a short as many a trauma, tubes of the,
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the demick spread, unit 731 scientists disposed infected insects of a chinese cities. one of these experiments killed more than 3000 people initiation in provence before world war 2. there was a military unit, and it was led by this scientist called is she. and in the course of their research base, figured out how to use a flea or sometimes a different kind of insect as a delivery mechanism. and they could insect the insect or a fleet with a kind of virus or a bacteria. and it could be then delivered to head out a large area of the japan surrender unit 73 ones don't. as in general, issued liberal to the united states where they collaborated with former german
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military. don't us. so it carried out some of the research on non c concentration come prisoners. we know that the u. s. government definitely received this technology from imperial japan in exchange for letting these scientists go and not trained them for their war crimes. and the reason, of course, these biological laboratories appeared is because they wanted to sabotage socialist or communist, basically any country that did not tow the line for their imperial conquests. the war criminals, new home was the secret to us, telling me biological weapon center at fort detrick's, maryland. before due to accept the summit, sticking up with the spelling words in front of the crew of started literally on to the door, she shoved. you've got the most can be, well, i don't think it was i fit sir solutions through. i am the collaboration between
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the us army and killer scientists. according to chinese journalists, would produce results less than 5 years of to the end of world war 2. during the 1950 korean war, the radio message date is february. the 22nd 1952 from china sing was state news agency as our frontline corresponded and reported from january 28th to february. the 17th the us address as well. plains systematically dispos stover, korea on 2 positions and in the rear. large quantities of bacteria and various poisonous insects on january the 28th, se davinci own enemy aircraft dispos, 3 species of insects never before observed on the korean peninsula. but to me, if it's on my way to see new stuff here, i need it because the that, those tiny thing for my team that i'm going to port, how does that i'm with you? please wants to,
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in the company in the component of the village square. it was in the south side of this group has to emotional kind each to no, no issues as well, which is do you need from us, you know, and used to solve. i don't want to seduce dentist. okay. or something to know that i'm going to do it. so it's good for, for the new f as is coming in from today. yeah. and obviously you might on, if someone physical us up to multiple mission, we quoted this for them to complete the vision for time. the jim and john list on this rub up. this started for districts history and the experiments carried out. but specialists in go to model have new s d i live on an annual image, different this behind of understaffed and dynamics permits you visit us in vickers definitely interesting indeed to us often next often to a game of the or the
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of wanted to come here since i was 12, when my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me. but then i came and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier in life than i am here in law. so i've only lived here a few months. but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay who worked as a chef and now raises goats and mix cheese in the countryside series. like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i. us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safe for land tire life then living here
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the, the idea has multiple locations in southern lebanon, overnights, quartering an attack on me is rarely controlled. golden heights said, claimed to 12 knights will side ahead of the united states of america implements such plans. we will consider ourselves free from the previous, the assumed, unilateral mode authority and on the deployment of the medium and short arrange strike weapons on russia. as many things a president vladimir appeared to him, promises a mirror responsive, washington follows through with times to play system. it solves in germany type 25th, but it just says that the now the bombshell report by american john, let's see, mill hops the veteran's up to to now plays the job. i didn't lose clues.


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