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tv   News  RT  July 28, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the the, the disturbing images, so it can wait on line off with the phase clash between 1000000 troops and a terrorist group left. and i need that the militants claim that among those captives all far enough fights as well as gearing off for a fight with 11 a with a minute cereals. i was expected this evening. i talked to the idea, hit multiple targets and it's no the nape of territory. also, i had the united states of america implemented such plan. we will consider ourselves free from the previous, the assume, unilateral motor authority and on the deployment of medium and shorter arrange strike weapons on russia's main page. a president, platinum appear to and problem it says a mirror,
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a response if washington color is through with plans to place fits with solves in germany by 2026. the now the bombshell report by american child a single hoss about turn or pull to now claims that joe find in was close to point the presidential race off diploma allies present when both the 25th amendments against him, including his all false rock obama. the quad as all the sundays. so what is the weekly all of the fixed stories at the cost of the $7.00 days? plus, of course we bring your latest developments to, to help you with us. we'll stop seeing this. our model is um, this is have a pool to the, to all of its man, have been killed and 10 up as wounded in a terrorist attack on its convoy on 1st day on the west africa nations. authorities
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also say that its troops and tongue let quit date as an estimate of 20 militants and destroy the large portion of the groups, minute tray equipment, the staff of the armed forces and forms the national opinion that on thursday, july 25th 2024 and now the an armed forces patrol in the team, the team area located 233 kilometers northeast of to dial in belgium and border on the target of an attack by terrace. some of the outskirts of the said locality, a strong reaction for the mighty and on forces made it possible to repel the attack and foot heavy losses on the terrace as well. the tower group claims to have, like i said, tap to a number of i saw this one among the members of the fall can f p m c group. now the videos proposals being taken off in the mall to most of the class. so several parties as one to some destroyed minute treat circles with smoke coming out from what i'll correspond to equal sign of joining me in the future. now with more
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details, i mean, it will, i think it's quite a complicated story. it's also coming tonight or near a couple of days off to it. so if you could just sort of took us through what we do now at the state. oh absolutely. we don't have too many official, too many official statements made on the story. but the that would rebel group, they are indeed claiming that they have destroyed a military convoy. that consisted of the molly and soldiers and vacuum advices as well. they have posted video online like the one that you're seeing right now. they are making this man who apparently, who could be a wagner fighter, they're making him cry out a lot, lot of this man as well. and so in general, they are saying that they, while they did destroy most of the convoy, they did manage to capture some of these men alive. again, just to give you a bit of context as to what's and where all of this is going on. that is happening is the newest, over the country of molly and what is going on down the tour it minority. they have
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been for decades. randy, they have been pushing towards an independence phase and they have late they, they have made a territorial claim within 3 countries. which is molly? oh jerry, news. yeah, this is where they want their independence state, which they cool as our hands. the reference to this is how they are being reference . this is where they want to stablish their independence stage. obviously this idea is not very popular with the the governments of said countries. there has been a piece of process that has been speed headed by the un. it recently. the pods and the fighting has intensified in the past week or so. the government forces, or the 1000000 government forces they have recently made a push towards the town of tons of a ton, which is a town on the border between molly and old jr. and it is significant because it's the only largest stronghold that these 2 are. i grapples hold in that region.
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so initially they made the push, the got closer to the town, but then reinforcements, the tour a great reinforcements came in. hundreds of them are probably hundreds of men. and they started to push back to the 1000000 government forces, which were intern reinforced, apparently by the wagner grew. that's when this new military conflict was sent in. and now the 2 are a come on this base and they show that they have completely destroyed it. footage suggests to show several vehicles, some of them of vehicles to load up and bound down. and from what we can gather from this footage, likely most of the wagner sizes and most of the modeling and soldiers, they didn't simply have enough time to even engage in come back. this is, this is how surprise this ambush was. i mean they're obviously a number of anti terrorist operations going on on the african continent,
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which obviously voc now isn't participating. does this operation in any way stand out to? absolutely, it does. absolutely. it does. first and foremost, this is the ambush of a scale that hasn't really, it's not really common for the tour. it fights is now make, don't mistake their experience probably because they have been fighting, you know, governments so within that parts of land since the colonial times. but mostly they'd be known to use small arms fire, the heaviest weapons to say, i know to use our p, jeez, maybe some more tests, but that is, that is not, that is not common for them. yet. in the footage, what we see look like is very well coordinate to the attack. again, we know that's another group. and so kind of affiliate, apparently they claim to have helped them and they claim to have a lot to this particular operation with the 2 or a grapples. but again, what we see that ok, several of you know, there's smoking vehicles of black fluids of smoking c rising back in the footage.
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you see right now it looks like a very well coordinated attack, and it was very deadly on behalf of the, on the side of the opponents of the, of our enemies. it's very deadly. it's very effective, very, very efficient. and again, this, the sheer numbers, the amount of people that the claim to have killed the number of vehicles that they have. well, now it has been pretty much established. they've managed to destroy. this is very uncommon for, and this is not the, basically, this is nothing the pedigree really, this is not something, nothing the military pedigree to do something like that. i'm can i also to, i mean, the armed forces and for some national opinion been an accident occurred in the afternoon friday july 26th, 2024 and the city of to dog. indeed, shortly after taking off for routine mission a. m r 24 l. a carpenter belonging to the molly and armed forces,
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i encountered technical difficulties that force the crew to make an emergency landing in the large empty courtyard helicopter was damaged, but no casualties were 4 to either on the ground or among the occupants of their craft investigation was immediately opened to determine the exact circumstances and causes of this accident that the house to. so there you have a, this was a statement by the mountie in a stories about a helicopter, and they say it's a malfunction. but other reports may suggest that this is a helicopter that was supposed to provide cover for this military convoy against it . that's really it does blow up the scale of this ambush even further. because again, they the that there's only a handful of attempts that these 2 are grumbles, have made throughout the past decade or so. to shoot down a ball in targets here. well, at least some reports suggest that they succeeded. at least they managed to deal enough damage to it to just to make it turn around and blind, deep on the home front, basically leaving this home energy conflict without any aerial support and the full
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leaving it open to an ambush like this. so, i mean, obviously the modus operandi you're describing it with the tower group seems to be different from what we usually see as always put a stop begs the question, how was it able to conduct the operation out this kind of collaborative calling to see again, there's only speculation when it comes to this, when it comes to the answer to the question of how they did it. some many experts, they suggest that simply they underestimate that the, the underestimated the opponent, the, that the molly and sold isn't that the bag in a fight is the underestimate. the tour excites as they underestimated their alliance would be all kind of affiliated with a powerful and kind of silly to terry's group that aided them in that ambush. but there is a different theory floating around as well. see one of the faces with the apparently he's a known figure within the 2 a regret will force one of those fights has released a statement on twitter in ukrainian saying this have
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a message to ukranian brothers. do you, are you bringing browsers? we, the armed forces of the csp, the one to express our solely diety, with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured a significant number of wagner as mercenaries, and would like to hand over these captive to you as a sign of support. and so we dirty. this gesture is intended to help you in your fight for justice and freedom. we hope that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties and our shared victory with all our supports, the csp, the be armed forces. now again, this man, i'm, he's not a come on to, he is a probably, he's just a, maybe a pair of boots on the ground. but what we know for a fax in the, with my sources has my sources within the african military community. let's put it that way. i've been telling me for months now i've probably since the stuff of this year, plenty of ukrainian medicine res. they have been coming in to fill in the void that
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has been left by some of the european security services that have been, that have been that have had to pull that to pull out some, uh, west and the private military companies. they have been the hiring ukrainian messenger is given that many of them have the best like home, but expertise that is available right now in the world like akin to what wagner wagner fighters have. because both have been taught with the same sentence, which is of course, the culture to ukraine and which is the most advanced and the most uh, it's the, the conflict of the 21st century. they know all the latest when it comes to like military, military tactics and, and so when they have been flooding the area heavily, this is what i know from my sources on the ground. so this theory that turing fights has received at least some aid from let's said for an actors from a foreign military. you may be military, you train is the somebody who provided training for them and told them how to do
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that. this could be the very reason as to why as to why they have being able to carry out an ambush that really stands out compared to everything that they have been able to do up to this point and sound, well, very complicated territorial dispute with, since lots of threats as well, that was all tease equal sign of joining me. thank you. the idea of carried out as to ice, came from multiple targets in southern lebanon. the locations come to seeing right here on a month. what, according to the is right, the ministry of flights of jets attacked has blocked targets and kidding on stools unquote. terrorist been destructive, however, was coming from within lebanon, say the residential areas hit the idea of size. it's now getting ready for a potential flight and the move of is rowe with a ministerial vote over a potential ground operation. expect this evening. i'm not normally mode. we're
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greatly increasing our residents for the next stage of fighting in the north, where single to initially operating in the causes creeping. we know how to stripe even very far from the state of israel. there will be more challenges and we raise our readiness when required. we will add strongly on our duties to return the residence of the north, safely to their homes in the entire north gallery and in the golan heights, a full commitment in the idea of 3, some barrels. and the southern lebanon came in response to an attack on me is where a controlled colon heights, the times at least a 1000 lives, mainly from the true is estimate of religious square. the victims of the attacks all sent to the age between 10 and 20. despite occupations that wants to play the lebanese pro palestinian onto your pest block has denied
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responsibility, claiming the incident was caused by his rouse own on team. this whole system. prime minister nest me off who has promised to respond according loans and mailed it to a small children who are playing socket and all of us will ultimately we embrace the families, embrace the entire drew's community in these difficult time, which is also our days a go time i have decided to speed up, i'll return to israel. i will immediately address the security cabinets. i can say that the state of israel will not let dispatch in silence the attack which took place targeted a suburb along northeast and is all it is in occupied golden heights. it's an area that has been contested by israel and syria collectively. but this attacks, specifically, of course, according to statements provided by the idea of, suggests that a series of rockets targeted the town of money to shop. this is currently an area that is roughly 5 kilometers on the board with lebanon,
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as well as 5 kilometers to the closest town in lebanon, which is well within striking range of heads will last capabilities. we also understand that the idea of has issued a series of statements suggesting how we will respond to these attacks. the strategy, national tragedy was closed because of 6 above the 3rd. we're going to zation this fired a rocket here to this field. our forensic team has made it clear this rocket was a rocket cold fall like one it is meant you factored dana wrong. it is delivered to his bottle. please bala is the only 3rd guns ation 11 on that home. fall like one. and we will act to defend the citizens of israel. the idea of also suggested the this attack is the single most devastating attack which has resulted in the deaths of civilians is rarely civilians. for the most part,
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suggesting that their age range was mainly 10 and 20 years of age, but as well as denies any responsibility for these attacks, it has denied taking part of attacks in march the shops. however, it has not denied the fact that it did carry a serious series of attack against a military base near this southern town. we categorically didn't only the full claims made by some of the media outlets and various media platforms about targeting the town of mass solutions. and we confirmed that we have no connection to the incident whatsoever. there were further statements provided by the lebanese government, as well as us officials. the lebanese interim government suggests that it has no part in this attack that is condemning as well as attacks. i'm just calling for com headed us for the most part of us. officials suggest that this attack is significant for a number of different reasons, suggesting quotes that will happen today could be the trigger we had been worried about and try to avoid for 10 months. we understand that as well as ministry of
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security was quoted as saying that the, this is what the defense minister was more concerned in containing his belonging the region. whereas the minister of security has been calling out for more for a very long time. this is a quote that he presented in a statement suggesting, quote, that the is really prime minister should, can be it's cabinets to take a decision on what to do and how to react to demanding what the security minister has been demanding for a long time. is more in the north now spiritual drew's leader above these really communities came out and said that a country should be in a position to protect it's a civilians on that. this attack has crossed all red light. that sentiment is shared among many is really officials. but that sentiment as well is shared among many is really as to suggest and alleged that these really prime minister benjamin that's in you. i was more concerned and prolong his political career, fearing that is the prospect of peace or achieve that he will be detained. and tried before a judge over the past year or so we have been discussing the prospect of further
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war the war and guys are spilling over to other areas and live in on is definitely one of those countries that is being added to the list. there is fear that this could spill over and essentially lose all control. and if the statement from us officials suggest anything as well as israel's cabinets and that prospect is more possible than not. meanwhile, evidence traditional i, iran has come out and it will be a tap on the card and heights, a fence, flag operation, bias ro, design to distract from its quite crimes in gaza after 10 months of masculine and gaza in the massacre of posting in women and children, the apartheid regime of israel seeks to deviate public opinion and world attention from semester of crimes and palestine with the fixed scenario and a growing faction of design a stream can lead to the broadening of the scope of instability and security. and the more and the region independent that spot on is really our relations. what do you say? i told us that in the absence of concrete evidence is really officials really have
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been too quick today. the play has been as feet as simple as the defensive investigation. and arguably, and as human as human, the phase of the investigation will be objective and some objective and the impartial it. we would have to wait for the shop plans to decide which side which that which side did that the project kind of come from. until the end of the accusations and the point, and then the game of the pointing fingers would continue between that is it a physical however, it is worth mentioning to that is targeting civilians by us by law is not a repeat of the pattern. so again, it's all about the speculations. i'm thankful this is because there is no concrete evidence. so again, it can be a mistake. but if it's the, if, if it's butler wants to play that game, or we can dive in and look
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a bit deeper with the conspiracy theories and the claim that this is an inside job . just like october 7th, was an inside job just to a facilitate and that will support for the award been in the lowest? well 1st butler i'm not in my parents and a has one of the things one has called a po, cold war era action. us missile deployments in europe, the president said that russia would be forced to respond with counter meshes during his address at the nations ano, nathan day parade is my duty to the states, but by the american administration. when again, the german government was about plans to deploy american long range precision missile systems on the territory of germany from 2026 is noteworthy, important russian facilities of state and military administration of our administrative and industrial centers and defense infrastructure will be within the reach of this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold water welcoming
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the united states of america implements such plans. we will consider ourselves freeze from the previous the assumed unilateralism auditorium on the deployment of medium and short. the range strike weapons including increasing the capabilities of the coastal troops and all of our navy hello. today. the development of a number of such systems in the final stages yesterday, it was the 1st time since the cold for washington. israel came to install long range, arms in germany, and by 2026. the us promised to play numerous weapons such as the info, list, thomas at christmas, all with a range. you can see that 2500 kilometers. while javan and socrates have supported this move must go, says it would threaten russia's largest european cities with president pits and nursing. that's such a missile could actually reach the country in under 10 minutes. while this kind of positioning alternate to the capable of weapons was actually one's bound onto the
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intermediate range and it kind of forces treat to the side by ronald rafe. and then on me, how to control fuck in 1987. however, you can see here the us unit actually withdrew from the agreement back in 2019 a case in russia on violations which moscow was denied. but despite the asparsa has continued to abide, why the treat is tons them into present person who owns that. actually, most of them may resume the production of previously bond missile systems in response to washington. his actions humbug, problem member martin's also believes about it as move to host american weapons really does put all of your risk as, as more political doesn't make any safer. it makes sense or somebody else. it makes the yoke to be cracked until they come in locally are, or a conventional wall battlefields. more and more generally got them. i chose relation of the interest of the population, which one's peace and peaceful relations. and all were you including russia,
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as in the, was lives i, we are including china. so the government in the moment is trying to bring forward to offline a position inside of the nato, inside your europe central powers and the natal. so it does steps to follow on maybe here the rest american government's interest in the romance and that is not good for germany as a states. no, this isn't a quote for the safety all of the nation. it's only a political geostrategic to step, to get to the strongest call in central europe and military lies as about. badges, nothing good if you look strategically, um, it has to make you tell them you have to learn from history in history. always that the escalation and diplomatic, all kinds of us has been in the famed all populations in the central european
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states and the pain of the people in russia in the table, people live. and i think the general government's has to look back. i think continue on get back to the politics of already some of the video on the so if you escalation politics, which has friendship and multiple interest in the center all the possibilities the little hands are on tact sources. grands nathan tay parade over 200 minute treat best souls with showcase that this he has offended in treating chris from china and india. crowd spelt the chance to see shit patrol washington's known maritime borders and which take part in town to terra and come back operations today. let me know if that was on some interest. bob's new thoughts with on all correspond to writing costs are of those are managed to get enough place and possible. look at
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them full to sleep, considered to be the countries naples from comp washer mor sits maybe a day every year on the last sunday of july, celebrations are held in sea and ocean ports across the country, but the main event is always arrived here in saint petersburg, where peter the great ordered the 1st ever commemoration day after victory over the swedish fleet, back in 1714. in the 320 years since the washing maybe has fought and won. major battles. read numerous around the world. cruises all the while recording, geographical, scientific, and technological discoveries. this is a corvette's boy, d, and back in 2017. it was voted as the best vessel of the baltic, things some most economical is our cheapest from the point of both east in the cutting throughout the region and belongs to the baltic sea mushroom. is it called vegetable she? boy k has twice been as twice shipped with this one exercise in the north sea. and
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now we just see the residency, wherever the baltic sea. with this all the tasks of special state importance such as the protection and defense of the not to stream. the name boy k, as in general hold level ships on names for the vessels. and we are the success of a destroyer which sit in the northern plates. the very 1st boy gets up into pacifically to fight it in the russian japanese war. the people and the armed forces are united, and when people treat the navy with respect to the owner and attention as the traders the spirits of service, man, you see this power that will at the right moment. give a good kick in the teeth, to any advisory, whether it's victor, it's a parade on the 9th of may or the nave. it's a in russia. this 1st hand experience is absolutely incredible, from on call for of r t st. petersburg. and finally, did for us on the wall behind the scenes to ensure that job i didn't, which is run for president. again,
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yes. at least according to the bottom show expos, a from pulitzer prize winning john the single harsh he claims biden's food, the allies full to get veiling president swapped out what kind of the harris i had of november's election. one of the more noticeable, bought unconfirmed findings reveals the threat to invoke a constitutional amendment is what ultimately made up find his mind to quit the race. by saturday, july 20th full of president, the rec obama was deeply involved and it was told that he would place a cold to bite. and it was not clear with a bind and had been exam and don't just what happened to him in las vegas on sunday morning, the official told me with the approval of pelosi and she met a bomb, a cold bind's enough to breakfast and said, here's the deal we have, campbell is approval to invoke the 25th amendment. the amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties. the official who has decades of
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experience in fundraising tells me that the bomb or emotion is the strong man throughout the negotiations. he had an agenda and he wanted to see get through to the end. and he wanted to have control over who would be elected us not to mention filmmaker. so start and says the upheaval within the american establishment really raises. yeah, move questions about just who is the real decision maker in washington to purchase the hers? his main points are that the media, the, the administration has not done its job. right. they, they kind of glossed over and hid the fact that i know people back in 2020 actually even during the debates with trump. and there, after, you know, even in 21, we're already saying buying the showing signs of dementia. remember up to the point of fund raiser and hollywood where you have clooney and george, julie roberts and, and biden just seems to freeze on stage. you looked like he was lost,
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he was waiting for someone in obama came over and escorted him off the stage, which we've seen throughout and see, you know, the last year so that he needs to be escorted. he seems lost. he's stumbled, read all these things that are clear. so at what, who is really running things again, it doesn't mean that, that, that bite and i know has no cognitive ability. but that certainly brings him to the question who has been running and then making decisions in visiting ministration. there's a difference between withdrawing from the election in november and going for another 4 years and being forced out of office right now in july, right or august. that's, that's a difference. and i think whatever biden's cognitive abilities, he has to recognize that it would be a tremendous embarrassment if his administration has that his, his government hasn't been in a bear with me enough. it would be the real stain to be the 1st president rushed out of office by 25th amendment. all that is all around off of the way it's big
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stories about on a more on, on to, to come up next to it as well. enjoy the the .


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