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tv   News  RT  July 28, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news on our t disturbing images from africa where our sources confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries, wagner, p. n. c fighter looking to show the evidence died in the clash. israel is gearing up for a fight with levon on with administer, railroad, expected and this evening. that's after the idea of hit multiple targets in its northern neighbors territory. also ahead of the united states of america implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previous, the assumed, unilateral mode authority and on the deployment of medium and short the rain strike weapons on russia. as a navy day president vladimir put and promises a mirror,
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a responsive washington follows through his plan to place its missiles. in germany by 2026. the you're watching are to international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. were covering the top news stories from around the world and the week gone by. always start with breaking news are 2 sources confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries on the african continent, and the wagner p. m. c fighter. preparing to share this evidence was recently killed in molly. a warning these following images are disturbing. a series of classes broke out this past week between the local separatist group and the molly, an army which has been collaborating with wagner, group of fighters, a number of trips from both sides were killed. that's been confronted by molly and the separate us video circulating online show several bodies alongside destroyed
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army vehicles, with plumes of smoke rising from them. all right, let's discuss this now with r t correspond, it goes down off who's here with me in the studio. so 8, what's this evidence that archie got? well, absolutely. what we're about to show you is basically exclusive footage, or are they exclusive pictures that we extract that are probably from one of the chats that between the ukranian, the ukranian military instructor as well. all right, now, pricing in africa here you can see a ukrainian patch. this is a ukrainian, the national symbol. so it's the official insignia. and we have seen many, many of those military patches in the ukraine itself. while i was covering the conflict in the don't bass and the these photographs again, they haven't been published anywhere before. we got it from our own. she was in africa, which cannot, we cannot disclose for obvious reasons. and according to that source, again, this picture was taken and was obtained from one of the chat. so probably within the ukrainian military intelligence who are right now,
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heavily present in ukraine. this is, this is something that, in fact, very much goes in line with the information that i was getting from my own sources also within the russian military community in africa. because as they have been saying, essentially that since at least since the starts of this year, ukraine ukrainian messner years have been actively hired by western private military companies by private military contractors to provide training and assistance to various local military groups. again, africa, it's a multi faceted well platform for all sorts of groups of both radical and not show much. now here what you have, again, is the confirmation that we got ourselves out of uh, the ukranian troops, ukrainian military instructors providing training to apparently the tool reg rebels . and quite possibly,
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and quite likely of the military factions as well. this is not the only trace of ukrainian involvement in that part of africa in that region. on twitter, one of the 2 are a grumble's posted this in ukraine and have a look a message to ukrainian brothers. do you ukrainian brothers, we, the armed forces of the csp dpa, one to express our solely diety, with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured a significant number of wagner as mercenaries, and would like to hand over these captive to you as a sign of support. and so we dirty. these jester is intended to help you in your fight for justice and freedom. we hope that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties and our shared victory with all our supports, the csp, the armed forces. now this is the official statements, how over the of this tour, a group that indeed claim that they have managed to destroy this military convoy by the that was the that consisted of the molly fights,
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as of the molly army soldiers and the fighters with the wagner group and what public evidence has emerged on line? well indeed this, oh, so that's something that, that's something that many experts were well they were pointed to because while there is has to be no official confirmation of any official ties between the 2 or a gravel group and the ukranian officials, again, one of the 2 are a good rebel fight, as opposed to this in ukrainian on twitter hapless. deceased b gpa informs national and international opinion on the g with 3 days of intensify change from july, the 25th to july, the 7th. it's supposed to suppose the battalion of terrorists from the mall in ami accompanied by logs non, both most and that race from the russian involved in the militia. diffuse evolve is from them all in on forces banks and involved in the militia. well taken prisoner, you know, there you have it. now there have been 2 schools of fluid as to how the turing fights as a, as to how they managed to carry out an ambush of this scale. and basically,
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some have been saying that, well, it's just that the molly, me and the wagner forces embedded with them simply underestimated their opponents. that underestimated the opposition, which i have to say is very much north in the character of the wagner group. having worked with them extensively during their involvement in the ukraine at the same time, others pointed to, to this tweet, but you've just, you've just listened again. it's important to understand from what we know about this individual. he's just a regular fighter. he is not a come on to, he apparently doesn't hold any political weight, but this is not the 1st time that he's well if he's, it looks like he's trying to establish contact with the ukranian authorities and that he's communicating to them in the ukranian language on the here they, he has opened the suggest, is that some of the wagner fight as could be, as well, they could work something out, you know, about, you know, and somehow delivering and sending these captured wagner uh,
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troops to ukraine. so uh there you have it, and at the same time, when you look again at this, um, when you look at this uh attack that they had carried out, it is quite uh, it is quite unusual for them. right ortiz, they got down on thank you. but the idea of carry it out air strikes against multiple targets in southern 11 on the locations can be seen here on the map. the is really military says fighter jets attacked hezbollah targets, including arms depots and quote, terrorist infrastructure. but reports coming from within 11 on say, residential areas were hit. the idea of a martin, my in southern lebanon was in retaliation for a rocket strike on the is really controllable on heights. on saturday that claimed, at least a dozen lives mainly from the drew's as no religious group. the
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victims are all said to be between 10 and 20 years old by accusations blaming has the last 11. these pro palestinian arms group has denied responsibility claiming the incident was caused by israel's own anti missile system. of an honest, traditional ally or ron has come forward to choose israel and using the recent goal on high subtract to distract attention from it. to quote primes in gaza settings for their 10 months of masculine and gaza in the massacre of posting and women and children, the apartheid regime of israel seats to deviate public opinion and world attention from the semester of crimes and palestine. with the fake scenario, any growing faction of design history team can lead to the broadening of the scope of instability and security. and the more in the region for once again ignited as race for further exchanges. a fire or a warning to as well with the form of this week. now cautioning against
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a new adventures and following these wells attack, the escalation broke out with his rage on his beloved targets in southern on sunday, which to be played. was the woods for these really occupying the hours of the depths of to the football season to his full hour, joe has been engaged in reciprocal strikes, would be installed specifically to strikes, chatting, worsley denied. it has absolutely nothing to do with the search. we categorically to know only the false claims made by some of the media outlets in various media platforms about targeting the town of my solutions. and we confirmed that we have no connection to the incident whatsoever. what remained on can this is this thing that i was waiting for. the exact, the work for me is where it was now. this is the prime minister,
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benjamin to coach for kids visit to the u. s. as it was for c as one of the largest attacks ever dr. honest, really so the has the lowest paid a heavy price. this is all out and live in a israel is now considering a new or extensive retaliatory strike is expected to do a range of a feasibility of such an operation. commodity mode where greatly increasing our residents for the next stage of fighting in the north where single to initially operating in the guys us treatments. we know how to stripe even very far from the state of israel. there will be more challenges and we will raise our readiness. when required, we will add strongly our duties to return the residence of the north, safely to their homes, the entire north gallery and in the golan heights. a full commitment thing now is concerns that a situation where its power went to a regional complex,
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where we are calling for maximum refrain from both sides. the united states has also urging de escalation here, despite its own ours plain historic role in the ongoing drum. we want to see is rarely so we want to see palestinians. we want to see lebanese live free from the threat of con is locked in violence and begins specifically with regard to the blue line is so important that we help diffuse, that conflicts not only prevented from escalating, prevent it from spreading, but to diffuse it because you have so many people in both countries in both israel 11 on who been displaced from their homes, also called for de escalation, but it's tone is waste with rags is re advice as well to conserve to potential consequences of its actually saying, quote, motional split, the stabilize the tire, we also criticized us support for israel archers,
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washington to tools and supplies to as well as sort of calling for peace. the continued russians could lead to offer c repercussions there ultimately in golf. israel itself independent expert on is really are relations will leave say on told us that in the absence of concrete evidence is really officials have been too quick to lay the blame. it has below his door a little bit as the defending the investigation. and as arguably, and as human as human, that there is a 80 investigation with the objectives and some of the objectives and the impartial that we would have to wait for the sharp clips to decide which side which that which side did that project kind of come from until then, the accusations and the point and then the game of phone 6 fingers would continue between that is it a physical however, it is worth mentioning to that is targeting civilians by us by law is not
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a repeat of the pattern. so again, it's all about the speculations. i'm thankful this is because there is no concrete of this. so again, it can be a mistake by f as well. if it's butler wants to play that game, or we can dive in a little bit deeper with the conspiracy theories and the claim that this is an inside job. just like october 7th, was an inside job, just to a facilitate and that will support for the war then in the lowest. we'll finish by law and reboot and has warned against what he calls a cold war era action us missile deployments in europe. the president said rush, it would be forced to respond with countermeasures during his address at the nations annual navy. they raised my duty to the if we had to get the statement by the american administration and the german government about plans to deploy
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american long range precision missile systems on the territory of germany from 2026 is noteworthy, important russian facilities of state and military administration of our administrative and industrial centers and defense infrastructure will be within the reach of this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold water welcoming the united states of america implements such plans. we will consider as the reading from the previous to the assumed unilateralism auditorium on the deployment of medium and short, the range strike weapons including increasing the capabilities of the coastal troops and all of our navy men. how old are they? the development of a number of such systems in the final stages yesterday to go over the 1st time since the cold war, washington is looking to install long range arms in germany. by 2026. the us plans to deploy numerous weapons such as are infamous tom. honda cruise missiles, with a range of 2500 kilometers, while german authorities have supported the move. moscow says this would threaten
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russia's largest european cities with president knowing that it would take less than 10 minutes from missile this time to reach the country. well, this kind of positioning of nuclear capable weapons was once banned under the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty signed by ronald reagan and make heil gorbachev in 1987. however, the us unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2019 accusing russia violations which moscow has denied. despite this, russia has continued to abide by the treaty as terms, but in june, president wars that moscow may resume the production of previously banned missile systems in response to washington's actions. alternative for germany, party member and former european m. p. good or back says the move is designed to show support for your trade without putting feet on the ground. and the signals that the error of this argument might be over in the west is run out of
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the meshes and to escalate this conflict. i mean, there's hardly anything list to sanction and they're ready providing military aids. they don't want to get involved with, with troops on the ground. so they have to think of something else that could be presented as increasing military pressure on russia. the principal reason is to be seen to be doing something, but to support you. crane that falls short of actually deploying the ground troops and us becoming a policy that to the conflict itself. and as the west sees, the conflict in ukraine as an example of russian russian was. it's rather late and
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a lot on satisfactorily discount tickets. preliminary moves in to ukraine is pretty much unimportant. so this is a signal that's the theater. out of this on the maybe over. so that's how i interpreted the all hands are on deck for rushes grand, maybe they parade over $200.00 military vessels were showcase that this year's event, including crews from china and india. crowds got the chance to see ships that patrol rushed as long maritime borders and woods take part in counter terror and combat operations. all that on st. peter's eating firms never river are correspondent. i'm on a test drive. also matters to get an up close and personal look at the multics, the speed, the country's naval cars. washer more sits maybe
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a day every year on the last sunday of july, celebrations are held in sea and ocean ports across the country. but the main event is always arrived here in saint petersburg, where peter, the greys ordered the 1st ever commemoration day after victory over the swedish fleet, back in 1714 the 320 years since their washing maybe have support and one major battles completed. numerous around the world cruises all the while recording, geographical, scientific, and technological discoveries. this is a corvette's boy, d. and back in 2017. it was voted as the best vessel of the baltic, things some most economical is our cheapest. from the point of both in the cutting throughout the region and belongs to the baltic sea, is it called vegetable she? boy k has twice been as twice shipped with this one texas. so this is a not c and no regency residency, wherever the baltic sea. with this on the tasks of special state importance such as
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the protection and defense of the knots dream, the name boy k. and in general, whole level sheeps on names for the vessels. and we are the success of a destroyer which sit in the northern plates. the very 1st boy gets up into pacifically to fight it in the russian japanese war. the people and the armed forces are united, and when people treat the navy with respect to the end, attention, the trays, the spirits of service. man, you see this power that will at the right moment. give a good kick in the teeth, to any advisory, whether it's victory vapor rays on the 9th of may or the may the day in russia. this 1st hand experience is absolutely incredible. from on call for of artsy, st. petersburg mishaps. just keep piling up at the paris olympics with the wrong national anthem being played during a basketball game between south sedan and a puerto rico, a south studies team player called the mistake disrespectful. the have to be better
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because this is the biggest stage and you know that south to down is playing. there's no way you can get that wrong, but playing a different than some, it's disrespectful. well, the slightest, let's cur occurred as the international olympic committee goes into damage control mode that says global outrage has been pouring in after the controversial opening ceremony. the i o. c has deleted online footage of the event and users on social media platform acts were quick to notice the olympics is now trying to memory whole last night's opening ceremony that included mockery of christians, grown man, exposing themselves in front of children. opened degeneracy. they removed the video on their youtube and are using dmca take downs to get rid of re posts, got hit with a dmca notice that locked my account for sharing the demonic opening to the 2024 olympics. they marked the loss of a while, a child stood in front of a widow with his knots hanging out the olympics of doing damage control. now,
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because sponsors are pulling out millions of going to boy called olympics. basically everyone on the x has received dmca notices today from the olympics. even though every clip posted on my account was under the 22nd guideline for sporting events. the olympics are forcing them to be removed. well, just to remind you, the ceremony, soft bearded man for aid in dresses a transgender at last supper depiction and the horsemen of the apocalypse, racing down the san catholic leaders in france and around the world have condemned the performance calling it a mockery of christianity. despite the global outcry, the head of the parents olympic games organizing committee says the event delivered quotes a lot of messages. i wonder if it's smoke because all of us we are very happy indeed . it was a very beautiful ceremony which brought together exactly what we had dreamed of. we proposed a completely unique ceremony. the 1st in history taking place outside a ceremony with a lot of das city, with a lot of messages with some nice surprises. so i'm very happy,
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it was magnificent. we've managed to do something incredible, something on the dishes, we've managed to put our country in the limelight, something we're very proud of. and i mean, there was also a lively discussion among our guests about the controversy. they pointed out that even some liberal media outlets were confuses that what was being offered up this is it these crazy? so for, for nation, it's a, it's a nice of to all the questions around the world. what do they want to do to that? it's part of the, this, the construction of the individual, these, the structure of nation, state, these destruction of finally be all those of 5 years. that's actually the scary. it is, it will do this uh, this twice. they should the states and but sure to know it does become bad to loved ones. countries. i'm not alone this many people like this because we assume that these, these know this aside to be watching new of these as being opposed upon us. this ceremony is indeed a reflection. ready the values of the routing,
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it leaks updates profoundly shocking for that very reason that even liberal media, like the british go up to you and it has a rather sort of rolled the eyebrows and, and said that this was basically a rather pay a bit of a failure, it was a cheap fame. yeah. why is it absolutely every why, why the images, you know, you're showing again the, the famous loss of that scene. so there was no new morality a tool in this. but i'm pretty certain that most of friends looks at this and just shakes it's hiding, obviously displeased. not necessarily, and, and go, some people will be angry, but it looks land displaced. this is the, they both, you met them on the other things of a metropolitan. the leak, which is totally disconnected from the rest of the country. did barranca obama work behind the scenes to ensure joe biden wouldn't run for president again? well yes, at least according to the bombshell expose a from filter prize winning journalist seymour hersh. the claims of biden's former
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allies thought to get the ailing president swapped out for pamela harris and had of november's election. one of the more notable but unconfirmed findings reveals that the threat to invoke a constitutional amendment is what ultimately made up biden's mind to quit the race . by saturday, july 20th full of the president, the rec obama was deeply involved. and that was told that he would place a cold to bite and was not clear with a binding had been exam. and don't just what happened to him in las vegas on sunday morning, the official told me with the approval of pelosi and schuman a bomb, a cold bite, and off to breakfast and said, here's the deal. we have campbell is approval to invoke the 25th amendment. the amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties. the official who has decades of experience in fundraising tells me that the bomb or emotion is the strong man throughout the negotiations. he had an agenda and he wanted to seek it through to the end,
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and he wanted to have control over who would be elected us documentary filmmaker sandstone says the people within the american establishment races, you have more questions over just who is the real decision maker in washington, a purchase hers has main points. are that the media, the, the administration has not done its job. right. they, they kind of glossed over and hid the fact that i know people back in 2020 actually even the, during the debates with trump. and there, after you know, even in 21, we're already saying bite in the showing signs of dementia. remember up to the point a fundraiser in hollywood, where you have clooney enjoy julie roberts and, and bite and just seems to freeze on stage. he looked like he was lost, he was waiting for someone in obama came over and escorted him off the stage, which we've seen throughout and see, you know, the last year so that he needs to be escorted, he seems, lost hockey stumbled, read all these things that are clear so that what,
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who is really running things again, it doesn't mean that, that, that bite and i know has no cognitive ability, but not certainly brings into question who has been running and making decisions in visiting ministration. there's a difference between withdrawing from the election in november and going for another 4 years and being forced out of office right now in july, right, or august that's. that's a difference. and i think whatever biden's cognitive abilities, he has to recognize that it would be a tremendous embarrassment if his administrator shouldn't. has that his, his government hasn't been in a bear with me enough. it would be a real stain to be the 1st president rushed out of office by 24th amendment. all right, well just stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more in just over 30 minutes time. in the meantime, be sure to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and
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the russian states never as tight as i'm wondering the most sense community. most all sense of the speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on process to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the political should they be safe even closer to the
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