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tv   News  RT  July 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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living here, the breaking news on our t disturbing images from africa where our source has confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries. wagner, p. m. c fighter. looking to show the evidence died in a recent clash. israel is gearing up for a fight with level non with administer, although expected this evening as after the idea of having multiple targets in its northern neighbors territory. and also at the united states of america implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previous to the assumed, unilateral motor authority and on the deployment of the medium and short the range strike weapons on rough as a navy day president vladimir put and promises a mirror responsive washington follows through his plans to places missiles in
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germany 2026 the live in moscow. you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble. we start with breaking news. our 2 sources confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries on the african continent. and the wagner p. m. c fighter preparing to show this evidence was recently killed in mali . a warning, the following images are disturbing a series of classes and broke out this past week between a local separatist group and the molly, an army which has been collaborating with wagner group fighters and trips from both sides were killed. that's been confirmed by molly, end of the separate is and video circulating online. sho, numerous bodies along side destroyed army vehicles with plumes of smoke rising from them. they got more details from our correspondent ers them that we have received
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exclusive photographs from a source within the russian african mercenary community. apache. these pictures were meant to be published by one of the men traveling with that military convoy that was destroyed and apparently that man was killed during the ambush. but this is the photograph, and you can see the military patch here showing a ukrainian pride, and which is one of ukraine's national symbols and what it means. according to our sources. these pictures were obtained from one of the chests of the ukrainian military instructors who are right now operating is that part of africa and this is according to our source, is a direct link and it shows more prove that well, there has been some talk, some speculation that the ukranian instructors are training various factions in africa. this is something that was about to be published by one of the men traveling without miller frequently,
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but he got killed still. this is something that he had a chance to share with our suicide before. well, he met his demise and the he said, these images, these pictures of a ponti, a ukranian man. there it is, the ukrainian pride in the patch there once again. so again, this is another piece of evidence so that the ukranian forces right now very present in africa and it is, goes very, it does go very much in line with what i've been hearing since the beginning of the, from my sources. again, within the russian african military community who have been telling me that the ukranian fights and some of the most elite men are being actively high that especially by the west and private military companies. and i know it might seem counterintuitive to you and to any observer given of how hard it is. uh for ukraine, the in their, on their home sort of right now. but still, africa is a big battle ground between various proxy forces and new cranes is apparently one of them. again, according to our source,
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what do you create in military instructors are doing that? they are basically teaching african fights as an african um, fractions to fly f t v. drones to fly can be causing drones. and basically, all of these aspects that have become big and have exploded during the russia ukraine conflict. and it only makes sense why these western private movie companies who are actively operating in africa, why they are hiring the ukrainians, and not other know other nationals because these people, they have the most latest and most advanced understanding of the war of the future . this is not the only piece of evidence that has shown some links between ukraine and well, the tour. i read those into our i guy forces that was one post on twitter or that boy the attention of local analysts and will aspects of the region. it is a post by one of the tool reg rebel fights as in ukraine and have a blessed a,
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a message to ukrainian brothers. do you ukrainian brothers? we, the armed forces of the csp dpa, one to express our solely diety, with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured the significant number of wagner has mercenaries and would like to hand over these captive to you as a sign of support. and so we dirty. this gesture is intended to help you in your fight for justice and freedom. we hope that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties and our shared victory with all our supports, the csp be armed forces. now one important detail to understand about this man is that while he's quite known on twitter, he is also known to be not within the chain of command of the tour, a good rebels and of the tory community apaches. just a, just a pair of boots on the ground, but it's not the 1st time that he has publicly reached out to the ukrainian authorities in their native language via twitter of police. then now he's made a very sweet proposition to well work,
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something out about delivering are these captured? wagner fights is allegedly captured back. the fight has to ukraine and eager. is there anything about the approach the rebels used in this ambush that stands out to you? well, absolutely, i say absolutely yes, because the tour advice isn't, i mean, don't get me wrong. they are known for us in that region. in fact, they've been fighting governments all the waves since the colonial era. so they know the deserts of a know how to fight that, but still so far their operations have been very limited. if you look up the sort of ambush operations they have been actively engaged in, well, it's not so much. basically they have been mostly resorting to small loans, 5 that haven't been firing anything heavier than an a p g. and they have been very rarely seen and well, just documented. there had been very few documented uses of like more to bring since by the tour. and so given, given the fact that they apparently were aided by an outside silly age on that
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particular ambush of the j named group. still this bush stands out and they do take pride in what they achieve that in their official statements have a listen. this is be gpa informs national and international opinion on the june of 3 days. so from time supply chain from july, the 25th to july, the 7th. it's false, as opposed the battalion of terrorists from them all. the ami accompanied by a large number of most of that race from the russian involved in the militia. the peace of office from them all in on forces ranks and evolved in the militia well taken prisoner. so they are proud to show off that they did manage to destroy a whole ministry convoy and they have not shied away from posting online. what they see is evidence that they did so, and frankly, it is very hard to dispute. and it's very hard to argue that this does not prove their point. does not prove the point of the 2 or rebels. the because you can see
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literally dozens of bodies by lying on the sand and several vehicles bound down from what looks like and 2 tanks weapons. again, this is something that the tura grumbles, have not really being well known to use extensively. this is not likely, this is nothing then military pedigree if you like. so this is a very large scale attack that has been carried out very, very professionally. the place and time was chosen almost perfectly if not to say floor listening. so what they did that it does bring this to bring them to another level and now whoever, whether it's the training that they had had before, or whether it's somebody else on the ground who was a mid the rank to help them, you know, carry out the subtract still, it does showcase that the turing fighters of the tour and rebels and now they're a very different breed of fights. and then when gun used to be and so well,
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it is not because they somehow evolve themselves. but from what we can understand and from all the evidence that we can see here, they are being actively helped. a former pentagon senior security policy analyst, michael maloof, joins me now to discuss this further. michael, as we just heard, there are reporting has shown you current in forces, our presence on the african continent. what's your reaction to that? what do you think they're trying to achieve their well, they're trying to, of the stem, whatever the advantages that russia itself may gain by expanding its own influence in that region. as you know, the russia is basically being asked by a number of those governments, including governments which have over throwing other governments. so that a lot of for, for,
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for assistance simply because that those many of those countries want to do away with the countries such as france, united states, which are traditional colonialists and, and occupier. and in the case, the united states, they are, you know, spreading their head gemini everywhere. the resources certainly are, are a key. the fact that, um, you have so many uh, some wagner, group of soldiers, p. m, sees or private military contractors dead. uh the target does not have uh, that kind of experience is your commented or pointed out. they are getting help now from ukrainian assistance of, of, of, of, of other private military contractors from, from ukraine which are going down there to assist them. their battle hardened. they have, uh, they have experience, they know they know the russian russians,
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they know their strategies, they know the equipment and this is their way also of trying to gain access to some of the resources and at the same time try to stymie rushing access to these resources, particularly gold gold that that whole sub saharan swap there is, is known for, for natural resources. it's rich in on develop natural resources. and now the number of these governments have asked, rushes to come in to help. uh, lock there has been down there for quite some time and particularly during the period when uh, when the previous commander was, was there per click, pray goshen, he, his people were operating in that in that entire area. and so they have experience as well. uh, they probably did not anticipate this kind of attack which was done clearly by more
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professional troops using better equipment and, and, and, and fire power capabilities. yeah, that leads us into my next question in terms of the tar egg ambushed on the military conroy. how organized does that appear to be from your expertise? well, it would seem to me that the, they probably had advisors or as the ukrainian p m. c is probably actually participated in the killing it and, and it, if for no other reason that to demonstrate to the, toward a resistance group to built to a legitimate government that uh, that they are um of how that, how to go about this. and then they will get training. this is amazed for ukraine. now this spread its own influence in that region in order to try and, and, and damp and rushing capabilities. at the same time,
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ukraine probably is getting resources and goals in the end exchange uh to help finance their war in the ukraine. so this, this is a very simply audit relationship. and, you know, as i commented to before, we went on air this, this is really off the radar, but there's a lot going on here that, that, that can really influence the balance of power. a lot of these lot of these groups, such as tori goes, was pointed out by your commentator, are tied into a more is as long as to groups and that entire area of the sub saharan continent and that whole swath is, is, is, is rife with the with these, with these groups and they, they come in large areas of territory and it's a breeding ground for isis, for outside. and this is one of the things to that the russians have been called in by these governments to try and, and deal with. but ukraine is, is not factual. it,
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uh, it, it seems to me, it is the fact that it has lined up with dogs. stymies, for example. they're not opposed to do a lining up. and the lion themselves with the, with the, with, with, with this a lot of scripts and i'm sure i'm sure it's done with the assistance of the see i michael, how do you think he of is even able to spare troops to fight in other countries because we know that ukraine is facing a lot of fighting forces in its own country as well. these are specialized forces. these are the guys who are trained, highly trained. all that they need in, in ukraine itself, is cannon fodder. and that's basically what they're getting through their mobilization efforts in ukraine. you just look that, you know, you just look at the caliber and track the lack of training of the people that are in there. you've got people who are uh well, you know,
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and even pregnant women the and now they want to up the age. i think the average age of the fighter in ukraine right now is in the forty's. oh, that's pretty high. normally it should be in the twenty's, right? and this is in the forty's and that probably expanded, but they're trying, you know, you craze trying to get even younger ones, lower in the, the draft age. but you know, they, they, they draft them, but then they don't give them any training. so these guys are probably p. m c's that they've hired and, and also have a fighting experience in, inside of ukraine and then our dispatch to do this. it's, it's a, as i said, it's a very murky world. it's, uh, you're going to see a plethora, a private military contractors that will be involved in and up for hire. and ukraine is getting a lot of money from the west. so they've got the funds to pay for these guys. i,
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you know, i'm, i'm really curious as a former pentagon official, what, what you think the reaction is among the military circles there in the us. and they're not surprised. they've seen this coming for quite some time. they're probably, as i said, they're probably through the, through the agencies intelligent services here in the west. they're probably involved assisting the ukrainians. and because we play both sides, the us as a group has a relationship with isis, an outside of they've had it for years. we saw that we saw that going back to the o. but during the obama administration, and we had the likes of, uh, uh, a general uh uh, general michael flynn warning of it. but the bomb administration about their, their use of these are these forces to spread the sunni doctrine. and this is what's happening down here. it's just it's, it's just, they're just relocating to another region of the world which happens to be ripe for
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this kind of strife. and this is what we're seeing and it's uh, and it's, it's, i'm sure there's a lot of money being uh, being exchanged. and certainly ukrainians can gain from the resources and they will, they will also be able to do what they can to try and stop the russian the influence into that region. all right, michael, move forward. kind of gotten senior security policy analyst. michael, thank you. my pleasure. thank you, rachel. the idea of turn out air strikes against the multiple targets and the southern lebanon, the locations can be seen here on the map. the is really military says it's a fighter, jets attacked hezbollah targets, including arms depots and the quote to terrorist infrastructure. but reports coming from with in level non se residential areas where hits the idea from bar mentioned southern level non was in retaliation for a rocket strike on the is rarely controllable on heights. on saturday, that claims,
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at least at the fives, mainly from the drew's s. no religious group. the victims are all set to be between 10 and 20 years old at the slight accusations. blaming has the last 11 ease pro palestinian arms group has denied responsibility. timing, the incident was paused by israel's own anti missile system of the nonce traditional ally. iran has come forward to choose israel of using the recent goal on heights attacks to distract attention from its fluids. crimes in gaza after 10 months of masculine and gaza in the mask of boasting and women and children, the apartheid regime of israel seems to deviate public opinion and world attention from semester of crimes and palestine. with the fig scenario means room faction of design history team can lead to the broadening of the scope of instability and
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security. and the more in the region are once again ignited as this football race for further exchanges a fire, or it was issued a strong warning to as well with the form of this. we now cautioning to guess a new adventures and the following, as well as the attack. the escalation broke out with is really try con hezbollah targets and southern on sunday, which to be played. was the woods house. for sure, most of these really occupied the results of the depths of 12 children of football attributes. these 2 has full uh, woodshop, engaged reciprocal strikes would be ideal and solid ality was regarding this specific latest drive. categorically denied any hallway. it has absolutely nothing to do with lease that we categorically didn't only the false claims made by some of the media outlets in various media platforms about targeting
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the town of mashed oceans. and we confirmed that we have no connection to the incident whatsoever. what remained on can this is the thing that i was waiting for the exact the work front as well is now this is the prime minister, benjamin to coach for kids visit to the was it was for c as of the largest attacks ever to dr. honest, really, so the more that has the lowest paid a heavy price. this is all out and live in a israel is now considering a new or extensive retaliatory sign is expected to do these ability of such an operation. i don't know my, the middle where greatly increasing our readiness for the next stage of fighting in the north where simultaneously operating in the guise of treatment. we know how to stripe even very far from the state of israel. they'll be more challenges,
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and we will raise our readiness. when required, we will add strongly our duties to return the residence of the north, safely to their homes, the entire north gallery, and then to go on heights a full commitment. and now is concerned that a situation where it's possible it to a regional complex where we are calling for maximum refrain from both sides. the united states has also urging de escalation here, despite its all plain historic role in the ongoing drama we want to see, is rarely so we want to see policy means we want to see lebanese live free from the threat of conflict and violence, and begins specifically with regard to the blue line, it's so important that we help diffuse, that conflicts not only prevented from escalating, prevent it from spreading, but to diffuse it because you have so many people in both countries in both israel 11 on who been displaced from their homes. also called for de escalation,
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but its tone is raised with rags. for him is re advice as well to concert the potential consequences of its actions saying, quote, motional splitting the stabilize the entire week before. also criticized us support for israel archers, washington to tools and supplies to, as well as sort of calling for peace. the continued russians could lead to offer c repercussions their ultimately in golf israel itself, toronto university professor siad mahonnan, mirandi explains that the only reason is rails western partners are calling for the escalation is to prevent the idea of further defeat. there is no intention in washington to defuse the situation except for the fact that is really ridiculous. losing the war, the americans know that nothing yahoo and the ruling group of
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people in israel, they are losing and this is going to get worse on the is reading the regime as time goes by. so they want, the escalation is on. it is only to health as well as people will not pull back. if the is randy regime escalates has will, i will kind of shit severely and they have the support of the whole region. and in particular, the access of resistance which will join the fight to protect level the former south african president, jacob zoom a has been officially expelled from the ruling amc party. he was found guilty of part of this thing, its integrity by forming a rival political party. assume a has 21 days to play this case before the national disciplinary committee of appeal. but the president of the and c veterans league in south africa has said the decision was long overdue. zoom of us hold for the parties, disciplinary committee after publicly endorsing, and taking over the m a. m type tea party ahead of the main general elections.
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economic justice advocate in africa, compiler says zoom is expulsion is punishment for taking away boats from the amc during the election. the i think 1st the n c was correct. and expanding former president jacob, see man, because take the key advantage of the constitution of the party by not only saying that he would not support the ac me upcoming election wells eviction that we've just had. but that he also public key endorsed and participated. and in fact is leading up to more recently formed m k party, which actually sold a box 1800000 volts. moving from the amc to the new political formation that to present to me is backing. so the ac is funded in the constitution and in many ways the decisions of june. i think though in some to some extent it's a punishment to the former police isn't taking
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a lot of ncc we because as you were with the agency for the 1st time this year does not when the majority vote and it's now had to force a coalition government with them form a very conservative watch and age parties of a d. a. so i think it's both a section for financing the constitution. that's a political punishment for the former president to has a lot of support that are put in has warned against what he calls a cold war era action us missile deployments in europe. the president said russia would be forced to respond with counter measures during his address at the nations annual and navy day parade. like you need to do if we had to get the statement by the american administration and the german government about plans to deploy american long range precision missile systems on the territory of germany from 2026
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is noteworthy, important russian facilities of state and military administration. of our administrative and industrial centers and defense infrastructure will be within the reach of this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold war. if the united states of america implements such plans, we will consider ourselves 3 from the previous the assumed unilateralism auditorium on the deployment of medium and shorter range strike weapons. including increasing the capabilities of the coastal troops and all of our navy. how old are they? the development of a number of such systems in the final stages. the issue for the 1st time since the cold war washington has looked, looking to install long range arms in germany by 2026. the us plans to deploy numerous weapons, such as their incidents tomahawk cruise missiles, with a range of 2500 kilometers on german authorities, have supported them. as moscow says, this would threaten russia's largest european cities with president,
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noting that it would take less than 10 minutes for a missile on this type to reach the country. well, this kind of positioning of nuclear capable weapons was once a band under the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty signed by ronald reagan and the title barbara job and 1987, wherever the us unilaterally withdrew from the agreements in 2019 it's using russia of violations which moscow has denied despite the specialized can into abide by the treaties terms. but in june president warner that moscow may resume the production of previously banned missile systems in response to washington's actions. alternative for germany party member and former european m, p. gunner back says, the move is designed to show support for ukraine without putting feet on the ground . and signals that the error of this argument might be over in the west is run out of the measures and to escalate this conflict. i mean, there's hardly anything less to sanction and they're ready providing military
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age. they don't want to get involved with group, with troops on the ground. so they have to think of something else that could be presented as increasing military pressure on russia. the principal reason is to be seen to be doing something, but to support you. crane that falls short of actually deploying a ground troops and us be coming up a policy at to the conflict itself. and as the west sees, the conflict in ukraine as an example of russian regression was, it's rather late and at rod on satisfactorily discount tickets.
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preliminary moves in to ukraine is pretty much unimportant. so this is a signal that the theater out of to solve them. it may be over, so that's how i interpreted right to stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes. in the meantime. be sure to visit our website, r t dot com for the very latest i can use. the in the,
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in 1960, the americans launched the huge bellwether operation. documents most of the, of the reading found that way online. the us army chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the dugway proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques designed to permit the quantity of evaluation of into a logical munitions. these tests form the basis for developing offensive biological weapons. no withstanding that in april 1972, the us britain and the soviet union signed a convention strictly prohibiting such developments and many ca, seamless money and support this sudden you've come against people. village come with us in the model of the new associates, the put the she or say she can wait for the use of the billing, scalable authority of tickets. the full may end, an easy unhealthily.


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