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tv   News  RT  July 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the breaking news on artsy disturbing images from africa where our sources confirm the presence of ukrainian mercenaries of wagner. p. m. c fighter, looking to show the evidence died in the recent clash is really security cabinet concludes this up to prime minister netanyahu and the as really defense minister as to how and when to strike has blocked. the decision is supposed to be a response to the deadly rocket strike on the is rarely control the goal on heights which they claim the lebanese army group committed to the united states of america implements such plans. we will consider ourselves free from the previous, the assumed, unilateral motor authority,
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him on the deployment of medium and short arrange strike weapons on russia. as navy, the president vladimir put and promises a mirror responsive washington to follow through with plans to place its missiles in germany by 2026 the coming to from our headquarters in moscow on rachel ruble. this is our t international. we start with breaking news. our 2 sources have confirmed with the presence of ukrainian mercenaries on the african continent, and the wagner pmc fighter preparing to share this evidence was recently killed in mali. a warning the following images are disturbing. a series of classes broke out. this past week between a level of separate us group and them all in army which has been collaborating with wagner. a group of fighters troops on both sides were killed and that's been
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confirmed by molly and the separate is and video circulating on line. so numerous bodies along side destroyed army vehicles with plumes of smoke rising from them. we got more details from our correspondence, it goes down a that we have received exclusive photographs from a source within the russian african mess and re community a policy. these pictures were meant to be published by one of the men traveling with that military convoy that was destroyed and apparently that man was killed during the ambush. but this is the photograph, and you can see the military patch here showing a ukrainian fried which is one of ukraine's national symbols and what it means. according to our sources. these pictures were obtained from one of the chests of the ukrainian military instructors who are right now operating is that part of africa and this is according to our source, is
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a direct link and it shows more prove that well, there has been some talk, some speculation that the ukranian instructors are training various factions in africa. this is something that was about to be published by one of the men traveling with that mother frequently, but he got killed still. this is something that he had a chance to share with our suicide before. well, he met his demise and he said, these images these pictures of a ponti, a ukranian man. there it is, the ukrainian pride in the patch there once again. so again, this is another piece of evidence so that the ukranian forces right now very present in africa and it is, goes very, it does go very much in line with what i've been hearing since the beginning of the, from my sources. again, within the russian african military community who have been telling me that the ukranian fights and some of the most elite men are being actively high that especially by the west and private military companies. and i know it might seem
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counterintuitive to you and to any observer given of how hard it is for ukraine, the in their, on their home. so right now, but still africa is a big battle ground between various proxy forces and ukraine is a and see one of them again, according to our source, what do you create in military instructors are doing that? they are basically teaching african fights as an african factions to fly f t v. drones to fly can be causing drones. and basically, all of these aspects that have become big and have exploded during the russia ukraine conflict. and it only makes sense why these western private clergy companies who are actively operating in africa, why they are hiring ukrainians, and not other no other nationals because these people, they have the most latest and most advanced understanding of the war of the future . this is not the only piece of evidence that has shown some links between ukraine
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and well, the tour i rebels into our a guy forces that was one post on twitter or that boy the attention of local analysts and will aspects of the region. it is a post by one of the tool reg rebel fights as in ukrainian novelist, a message to ukrainian brothers. do you, are you bringing browsers? we, the armed forces of the csp dpa, one to express our solely diety, with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured a significant number of wagner as mercenaries, and we'd like to hand over these captive to you as a sign of support. and so we diety, these gesture is intended to help you in your fight for justice and freedom. we hope that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties in our shared victory with all our supports, the csp, the armed forces. now one important detail to understand about this man is that while he's quite known on twitter, he is also known to be not within the chain of command of the tour, a good rebels and of the tory community. a path is just a, just a pair of boots on the ground,
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but it's not the 1st time that he has publicly reached out to the ukrainian authorities in their native language via twitter of police. the nowadays made a very sweet proposition to well work, something out about delivering are these captured, wagner fights is allegedly captured back. the fight is to ukraine and eager. is there anything about the approach the rebels used in this ambush that stands out to you? well, absolutely. i say absolutely yes, because the turing fight isn't, i mean, don't get me wrong. they are known for us in that region. in fact, they've been fighting governments all the waves since the colonial era. so they know the deserts of a know how to fight that, but still so far their operations have been very limited. if you look up the sort of ambush operations they have been actively engaged in, well, it's not so much. basically they have been mostly resorting to small loans, 5 that haven't been firing anything. have you been in p g and they have been very
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rarely seen and uh, well, just documented. there had been very few documented uses of like more to bring stairs by the tour. and so given, given the fact that they apparently were aided by an outside silly 8 on that particular ambush of the j named group. still, this bush stands out and they do take pride in what the chief, the, in their official statements have a list of the csp. gpa informs national and international opinion on the june of free days. so from time supply chain from july, the 25th to july, the 7th. it's fullest. as opposed the battalion of terrorists from them all. the in ami, accompanied by a large number of most in that race from the ross involved in the militia. the piece of august, from them all in on forces, ranks and involved in the militia, well taken prisoner. so they are proud to show off that they did manage to destroy a whole ministry convoy. and they have not shied away from hosting online. what
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they see is evidence that they did so, and frankly, it is very hard to dispute. and it's very hard to argue that this does not prove their point. does not prove the point of the 2 or rebels that because you can see a literally dozens of bodies by lying on the sand and several vehicles bound down from what looks like and 2 tanks weapons. again, this is something that the tour a rebels have not really being well known to use extensively. this is not like you, this is nothing the military pedigree if you like. so this is a very large scale attack that has been carried out very, very professionally. the place and time was chosen almost perfectly if not to say flawlessly. so what they did that it does bring this to bring them to another level . and now whoever, whether it's the training that they had had before, or whether it's somebody else on the ground who was a mid the rings to help them,
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you know, carry out this attack. still, it does showcase that the turing fighters of the tour and rebels, and now they're a very different breed of, of those fights. and then when done, they used to be and so well, it is not because they somehow evolved themselves. but from what we can understand them from all the evidence that we can see here, they are being actively helped. the former pentagon senior security policy analyst, michael maloof, told us that an exchange for a key of self in west africa. it gets resources to finance the war effort with russia. resources certainly are, are, are a key. the fact that, um, you have so many uh, wagner groups, uh, soldiers rpms, sees, are private military contractors dead. uh,
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the tory does not have that kind of experience. they are getting help now from ukrainian assistance of, of, of, of other private military contractors from, from ukraine, which are going down there to assist them. their battle hardy, they have that they have experience, they know they know the russian russians, they know their strategies, they know the equipment. and at the same time, ukraine probably is getting resources and goals in the, in exchange to help finance their war in the ukraine. so this, this is a very symbiotic relationship, that whole sub saharan swap. there is, is known for, for natural resources. it's rich in on develop natural resources the manner and timing of israel's response against has, well, i will be decided by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister,
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that's the conclusion, the security cabinet reached edits, emergency meeting on sunday. the meeting of the security cabinet has concluded, the members of the cabinet authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the matter and timing of the response against the has bullet service organization. to this decision comes amid ideas, airstrikes against multiple targets in southern level, non locations of which can be seen right here on the map. the is really military says it's fighter jets attack to hezbollah targets, including arms depots, and quotes terrorist infrastructure. but reports coming from within lab and on se, residential areas, we're head, the idea of fund boardman in southern lebanon, was in retaliation for our rocket strike on the is really controlled a goal on heights on saturday. that claimed, at least a dozen lives mainly from the drew's s. no religious groups of the,
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the for the victims are all said to be between 10 and 20 years old. despite the accusations, blaming has the lebanese pro palestinian arms group has denied responsibility. timing, the incident was caused by israel's own anti missile system. and on traditional ally or ron has come forward to choose as real of using the recent goal on heights attached to distract attention from its close primes in does after 10 months of masculine, in gaza, in the massacre of post in women and children, the apartheid regime of israel seems to deviate public opinion and world attention from this mess of crimes in palestine with the fig scenario. any room faction of design history and can lead to the broadening of the scope of instability and security. and the more in the region for once again ignited as fiscal law rates for further exchanges. a fire has issue this morning to as well with the form of this week. now cautioning to guess
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a new adventures and following these wells attack all the breakouts, with stripe on his beloved targets in southern. but on sunday, which toby's play was the woods for these really occupied the hours of 12 children football attributes. these to his full uh, with your husband engaged in reciprocal strikes with the id uh specific latest drawer. i kinda work late tonight in the hallway. it has absolutely nothing to do with the search. we categorically denali the false claims made by some of the media outlets and various media platforms about targeting the town of mash solutions. and we confirmed that we have no connection to the incident whatsoever. was really official for going on to this, this, this thing that i was waiting for. these are the work for me as well as now. this
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is the prime minister benjamin to cut short case visit to the u. s. as it was for c, as one of the largest attacks ever, the doctor has the lowest, paid a heavy price. this is all loud and live in israel is now considering a new or extensive retaliatory strike is expected to do these ability of such an operation. i don't know my, the middle where greatly increasing our readiness for the next stage of fighting in the north where simultaneously operating in the guise of treatment. we know how to stripe even very far from the state of israel. there will be more challenges and we will raise our readiness. when required, we will act strongly our duties to return the residence of the north, safely to their homes, the entire north gallery and in the golan heights, a full commitment in those concerns. that a situation where its power went to a regional complex,
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where we are calling for maximum refrain from both sides. the united states has also urging de escalation here, despite its all plain historic role in the ongoing drama we want to see is rarely so we want to see palestinians. we want to see lebanese live free from the threat of conflict and violence. and begin specifically with regard to the blue line is so important that we help diffuse, that conflicts not only prevented from escalating, prevent it from spreading, but to diffuse it because you have so many people in both countries in both israel and whether or not who been displaced from their homes and also called for de escalation, but its tone is waste with rags. for him is re advice as well to concert the potential consequences of its actions. things quotes, any source, most good destabilize the entire winter. diesel come on with also criticized us
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support for israel archers, washington to tools and supplies to as well as sort of calling for peace. the continued russians could lead to offer c repercussions that ultimately think office we have itself to ron university professor aside. mohammed miranda explains that the only reason israel is western partners are calling for the escalation is to prevent the idea of further defeat. there's only 10 to washington to defuse the situation without except for the fact that is really, really was losing the war. the americans know that nothing yahoo and the ruling, a group of people in israel, they are losing and this is going to get worse for it is ready to receive as time goes by. so they want, the escalation is on. it is only to help as well as people will not pull back. if the is randy regime escalates has will,
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i will kind of shit severely. and they have the support of the whole region. and in particular, the access of resistance which will join the fight to protect lovely. now the former south african president, jacob's duma has been officially expelled from the ruling amc party. he was found guilty of prejudice thing its integrity by forming a rival political party. the zooming has 21 days to play this case before the national disciplinary committee of appeal. but the president of the amc veterans league in south africa has said the decision was long overdue general was hauled before the parties. disciplinary committee after publicly endorsing and taking over the m k. p party had of the main general elections. economic justice advocate in africa came holler says zoom is expulsion is punishment for taking away votes from the amc during the election. i think 1st the n c was correct and expanding former president jacob c ma because take the key advantage of the constitution of
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the party. but not only saying that he would not support the h. c in the upcoming election wolf eviction that we've just had. but that he also publicly endorsed and participated in fact, is leading up recently formed into a party, which actually sold a box, a 1800000 votes. moving from the n c to the new political formation that the presidency made is backing. so the ac is funded in the constitution and in many ways the decisions of june, i think so in some, to some extent it's a punishment to the former president for taking a lot of agencies to wait. because as you were with the agency for the 1st time this year does not mean the majority vote and it's now had to force
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a coalition government with them for a very conservative watch and age parties of a d a. so i think it's both a sanction for financing the constitution. that's a political punishment for the, for the president to has a lot of support. lot of repeating has warned against for the cause of cold war era action us missile deployments in europe. the president said russia would be forced to respond with counter measures during his address that the nation's annual navy, they parade a legit duty if we had to get the statement by the american administration and the german government about plans to deploy american long range precision missile systems on the territory of germany from 2026 is noteworthy, important russian facilities of state and military administration of our administrative and industrial centers and defense infrastructure wouldn't be within the reach of this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold war. if the united states of america implements such plans,
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we will consider ourselves reading from the previous in the assumed unilateralism auditorium on the deployment of medium and shorter range strike wetlands. including increasing the capabilities of the coastal troops and all of our navy women. how old and you are they the development of a number of such systems in the final stages yesterday. for the 1st time since the cold war, washington has looked when looking to install long range arms in germany by 2026 us plans to deploy numerous weapons, such as their infamous tomahawk cruise missiles, with a range of 2500 kilometers. while german authorities have supported the move, moscow says this would threaten russia's largest european cities with the president, knowing that it would take less than 10 minutes for a missile of this type to reach the country. but this kind of positioning of nuclear capable weapons was once a bands under the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty signed by ronald reagan and my pal gorbachev. in 1987, whoever the us unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2019 accusing rest of
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violations. which moscow has denied, but despite this pressure has continued to abide by the trees terms that in june, president put in warrens that moscow may resume the production of previously bad missile systems in response to washington's actions. alternative for germany, party member and former european m. p gunner back says the move is designed to show support for ukraine without putting feet on the ground and signals that the error of this argument might be over in the west is run out to the measures and to escalate this conflict. i mean, there's hardly anything less to sanction, and there were the providing military aid. they don't want to get involved with, with troops on the ground. so they have to think of something else
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that could be presented as increasing military pressure on russia. the principal reason is to be seen to be doing something, but to support ukraine, that falls short of actually deploying a ground troops, and that's becoming a policy to the conflict itself. and as the west sees, the conflict in ukraine as an example of russian regression was. it's a ready late and a lot on satisfactorily discount tickets. preliminary moves in to ukraine is pretty much unimportant. so this is a signal that's the theater of this on the maybe over the so that's how i interpreted the mishaps. just keep piling up as
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a paras olympics with the wrong national anthem being played during a basketball game between sa sedan and puerto rico, a sausage and east employer called the mistake of disrespectful. the have to be better because this is the biggest stage and you know that south to down is playing . there's no way you can get that wrong, but playing a different than some, it's disrespectful. it's the latest glitch occurred as the international olympic committee goes into damage control mode that says global outreach has been pouring in after the controversial opening ceremony. the i o. c has deleted the online footage of the event end users on social media platform ex. were quick to notice you lympics is now trying to memory whole last night's opening ceremony that included mockery of christians, grown man, exposing themselves in front of children. opened degeneracy. they removed the video on their youtube and are using dmca take downs to get rid of re posts, got hit with
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a dmca notice that locked my account for sharing the demonic opening to the 2024 olympics. they marked the loss of a while, a child stood in front of a widow with his knots hanging out the olympics of doing damage control. now, because sponsors are pulling out millions of going to boy called olympics. basically, everyone on the x has received dmca notices today from the olympics. even though every clip posted on my account was under the 22nd guideline for sporting events. the olympics are forcing them to be removed. the ceremonies of bearded men, parade, and dresses. a transgender last supper depiction and a horseman of the apocalypse, racing down the sun. catholic leaders in france and around the world have condemned the before performance, calling it a mockery of christianity. despite the global outcry, the head of the parents of the big games organizing committee, since event delivered, quote, a loss of messages on a fixed amount because of this, we are very happy indeed. it was a very beautiful ceremony which brought together exactly what we had dreamed of. we
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proposed a completely unique ceremony. the 1st in history taking place outside a ceremony with a lot of old das city, with a lot of messages with some nice surprises. so i'm very happy, it was magnificent. we've managed to do something incredible, something on the dishes, we've managed to put our country in the limelight, something we are very proud of. and so there was also a lively discussion among our guests about that controversy that pointed out that even some liberal media outlets were confused as to what was offered up. isn't these crazy? so for, for nation, it's a, it's a nice of to all the questions around the world. what did they want to do to that? it's part of the, this, the construction of the individual, these, the structure of nation, the state, these destruction of finally be all those the 5 years. that's actually we should cherish. it won't do this uh, this why they shouldn't state then, but sure it is. no, it does become bad to loved ones,
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countries. i'm not to know this many people like this because we are seeing that this is not the society we watching you of these as being opposed upon us. this ceremony is indeed a reflection of the values of the routing it leaks. and it's profoundly shocking for that very reason and even liberal media like the british go up to you and it has a rather sort of rolled the eyebrows and, and said that this was basically a rather pay a bit of a failure. it was a cheap phase. yeah. why is it absolutely every why, why then the normal images, you know, you're trying, you're getting the, the famous loss of that scene. so there was no new morality a tool in it. but i'm pretty certain that most from looks at this and just shake sits hiding absolute disbelief. not necessarily and, and go some people will be angry, but it literally in disbelief. this is the they both you met them on the other things of a metropolitan. the lead, which is totally disconnected from the rest of the country. right, well, that's a look at the news for now. be sure to visit our website ortiz. com for the very
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latest breaking news. and i think by the of the 1937 militaristic, japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. the dies, the city of nursing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied time, z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks,
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the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. so c r e. my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. they competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to gail, $100.00 chinese with us or this month, various competition was widely rewarded in the japanese press. the non seeing massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army, in the non seeing operation, freeze yasu eco, a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american
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administration. the i wanted to come here since i was 121 my grandfather and told me, and his mom came from russia and i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me that like it, maybe i'll look at some properties come back in a few more years after i'm retired and then just finish out life in russia. but then i came and then i was like, i remember when i go home, that's how i felt about rush. i love it. i love it so much here that i don't even want to leave. i just want to travel around rush, i have no desire to go to any other country. the i've never been here in rush,
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so the i've only lived here a few months. but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here. like jay who worked as a chef and now raises godes. and it makes cheese in the country side. like judge who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f b. i like an american family. that recently moved to russia with 6 children the year. we are happy to be here. this is my friend joe. a few months ago he immigrated to russia with his large family. now i'm on the way to visit him. i want to find out why he decided to move here and how he likes it in russia from the how you doing?


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