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tv   Going Underground  RT  July 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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that you have to be ready for war and sad things, i guess one of the things that we still when the war and things like that is completely unrealistic policy sizing. so when you're watching from brussel, even more than it was probably a year, a year ago when you're watching for brussels, boris, the story is the drum and the drum and the defense minister who is with johnny, the bridge counterpart of the other day, comparing food into hitler and, and does it tell me about boris victorious? actually, i mean, it is good showed as deputy chief of stuff. and what does he mean? i mean that alone as avoiding israel to the hilt in a, in a village genocide in this region. i thing you, i'm the wrong person, you're honest. i haven't lived in germany. and since 1978, you know, it was always busy. you went outside, i've never come back. now i come on in the 1st time back. i think the, uh, i don't understand a man actually i as you know, it's a policy. they pass you, which they are going to lose. they are going to lose because it is something that
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you will not be able to. they will not be able to maintain such a policy for a long time. i mean, you're saying that, but i don't know and we'll get back to the are being problem and but yeah, the russian goodness marguerite, the tele margarete system on. yeah. and of i t u i t use general release to the world lead conversations, a gentleman offices discussing the use of taurus, missiles target in russia. what's the reaction in new york in palm and been alone in the bundle stag or in june? i mean, the use of fuzzy a minute cool. i didn't know whether you listen to it, whether it's just talking about targeting missiles into russia. it's or yeah, of course it's somebody like, oh no. but uh, yeah, i mean, i mean that's a situation. i think if you haven't political lead, which is completely detached from, from reality reality in their own country reality around them. because i thing the, what happens in, in ukraine is not pretty sure is it, you know, with which direction it's going to go. and if you see the changes in the united
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states and things like this one, i think germany does something which is, is unexplainable from the, i just can't explain it. there was a connect, explain what happens in the european parliament z. you're saying it's pretty obvious that a zalinski is going to lose the war, but that's not reflected in the newspapers you're getting on the last of all, i mean, the last of all, i mean this, this is a type of thing. we now couldn't catch them to continue the war by people who, who don't have a son or daughter in the wall who don't have any coverage child coming back. i mean, i've seen was, was as nothing heroic about was, i've seen a lot of was in my life. there's nothing here really going the engine this never every night in it and be still saying that he can continue this war and time have it. we know against the restaurant, it will not happen. yeah, but i mean, the, the by the ministration says, is now was to station long range nuclear capable missiles at remedying at base a thousands. i mean, they already host thousands of us soldiers, obviously on germany, german land. i mean,
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what do you think would be western europeans? i'm thinking of all these huge developments. i mean, i mentioned britain earlier, they pledged 3000000000 pounds every yeah, way, more guns and ammunition. they're not listening to what you were saying about the hundreds of thousands of lives lost of men, women, and children and ukraine. you know, i have a sort of, i feel that 1st of all of the stationing of these attack themselves on jet them, territory would be, i think, in 2 years or some, i think it's actually a sign of weakness. it's not assigned a strengths. it's, you know, they, they feel they lose the war and they have not just strength of nato. they have for you to that, that all this public down to that routine wants to have coffee and berlin on the and off and so on. i see what these basically do, trying to defend why the i still have native because at the end of this war, nathan will be in a big crisis. and i think it would be more prices if you have a next president. that's carbon truck. mr. trump, nato is in big trouble for it's future. and yet, you know, it's oh,
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this seeing the defendants and we have to go big strategies. i think it's all the sign of weakness is of course, a dangerous one, but it's a sign of weakness. but you read the newspapers that come on your desk in brussels that has an m e p and what all of them will watch the tv, presumably, obviously television stations, newspapers, lots of them banned in western europe. what does it feel like they have your ideas in brussels knowing the in time media is presenting this as zalinski will when if very more weapons and more subsidies and more german tank sent to the front line. okay, so you just something about the european parliament because, you know, i'm here on the since what for days? i mean, it wasn't, it's it of course and stuff. the book, i was actually shocked and i've seen a lot of nasty things in my life,
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but i was shocked by the language used. and that's 51. the deputies out of $700.00 voted for the war resolution. i mean, it was nothing else and the war at least resolution in award. it is already in it in the 3rd year in the sense. yeah. usually you have and resolution which sort of tried to find ways all of the assessing absolutely nothing. it speaks about that we have to continue the want to ukraine when civil war against pressure. so i shall be defeated. it speaks about the special quote that all the russian politicians have to be present at the to it. it speaks about brush up having to pay for all the costs it speak on in specially it's a set of shopping. normally it goes to asians and they cut down on all. but i mean, as you contact more lots of reality and touch strategy than just sort of resolution . because this resolution the, you basically have said good bye to participating in any solutions for your create more. and this is a very dangerous thing because it's of, on europe,
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in territory with the biggest organization in europe entirely in territory is led by unrealistic the months they can not possibly possibly reach, especially not europe. look at the front this week and not just the weekends. i mean, who else is there for me that maybe mrs. maloney, the attack is what's never through anything. i mean the do it be the most anything that will never never happen. and this end of the tune, obvious of war is unbelievable. and i'm here and then i going yes was a car doors and i see all this war rhetoric i, i, i, i'm just flabbergasted. and i can't say, i mean i've seen a lot of was and i know how to develop and i know how the negotiations go. it was in quietness, but we don't even the pride take with you since we have nothing. you are p s. basic . do you think good bye to is solution on its own? come come thing that i mean, you can't be crazy or then this means that lensky is that by president, very clear. i hope i'm about to accept the landscape. i present the looks. i didn't,
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you know i, i compare this to the ronny rock boy you know about to do was us and it was a is a ceasefire. the language for you see in the parliament i think is more aggressive than what i've experienced in the wrong is unbelievable. i mean, and i think if you have such a expressive language, it is usually people who don't have an idea of how to get out of something. a well neighborhood of nuclear weapons is always it by and by being more aggressive. but it, of course, the reality is what it is and in moss is a real thing. and the, and, and, and you won't change it because the change of language. and the so, you know, if you look at this one, i did do this when you look at this, when you have the public opinion in europe has, they don't reflect public opinion anymore because this resolution, you know, we know that the united states has basically say i mean, whatever you say about 5 and even then i think the effects basically said good bye
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to this. of all. i've seen the americans in enough to understand and the rock hawk creek easy davis draw from something they felt they couldn't win anymore. and, and of course we have the whole house, i mean it's just also what, lo, besides, i know it's not a good word. but i mean, nobody supports to europe is, is isolated, what's europe, it's 5 percent of the population, maybe 5 in the office and, and declining and be we still behaved. when we listen to the language of missiles from the line. we behave as, as we are great paula in the world and, you know, and we decided sanctions, everybody would shrink and say yes, as soon as we do what you want, it doesn't happen anymore. the world has changed to all these people. us live on the land. morales being replaced, i understand the foreign policy chief of the they may know, plan, be or contingency for. if washington decides, forget to lensky, it's over enough subsidy to take care of the notice already. i mean, we know that the united states is drawn from this war and it,
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i mean, i may like if you have a trump there and then these ice, you know, be i do it early and i think he's right. he will do it. and um, and he doesn't over our heads. and so the danger really, for europe is that we have an agreement on how to end the war in ukraine without any of all participation. and the result will be that we will have to pay the bill because it will be a very expensive end of or wherever you have a collapsed ukraine, very likely, wherever you have enough people fleeing still, there will be a lot of misery usually, you know, at the end of washing sings, developed much worse and during the war which keeps things from altogether. i mean the ending of a was that was easy, a terrible thing and it could cost us billions. we don't have, i mean, the gym government already announced that going to something that they will next year off their contribution to the ukraine. i mean, what does this one? i mean, it's a bit tre of, you know, that ukraine will not become involved. the european union,
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even though they will not become involved in a to this, this out, it's called as a question my view and the people you sit next to in that you are being a union building in these buildings with europe and union. i mean, do you think they are being brainwashed? they actually believe persian wants to invade mullin or do they, or are they being bribed somehow to the correct no, no, no, no, no the what so why did they think, i mean, do they think they do it and wants to invade, been in and brussels, the number of people, which i think are very serious, which i certainly believe that if you don't do, you know something people have putting into you said that's why these base speak about the 2 years. we have to be ready for war. and as all of its, uh yeah, this, i think a lot of people, i mean, i couldn't kind of, i mean, i've been home outside in my life like i, i'm so strong that people, as i know say this, and it's a completely unrealistic thing. you know, the, what interests me most have what i or the question i asked myself so often why is
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often highly educated people who sit in these parliament and all the rest of it. why does it take this position? they must see that, that what is different than what they present it is and i have no only one onset to this one. and that is, and i, you know, i've left most of my life in this house. oh, what you call the number some countries the realize that it's that we live in what shots call that site and then the only not the site. and then the human, you know, at the time of change must have change. the dominance of the western world, which is mostly a wide world, is coming to an end. the nice thing, the specials and middle classes realize that this ukraine war, if it ends for them badly image, it looks at the us it, we also have long term impact on, on how they're seen in the unlikely most like a whole other shows. i use michael 100 and without stop you there. more from gemini
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as news r y going to connect alliance ibp and full when you and assistance equity general after this break the hello and welcome to cross the full horses. here we discussed some wheel in the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general pole boot. i arrived in asia with a goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the most funny, i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars and it's showing the list to the 10th
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of who they on the east, one of the most horrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent or somebody i know the question that you download, the philosophy followed there to do so. they put the national on socrates multiple villages with devastated on numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the movie a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey through africa. the traces general who with eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the continent. so my name is penny and i come from england and ask, i'm ready to find out more about the, the mission of willy. um on base grew up in, in the region,
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the welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with for me you in the systems equity general and president jim and member of your being problem and microphone to show them back. michael, we were talking about the cognitive dissonance of your fellow. i mean, piece in brussels. you know, it was only the other day that we had reports of $43.00 british special service, as i say, as may be. s. b, you killed by russia in odessa then in germany, this supposed to be this report on the north stream pipeline. we've had sy hersh who exposed to the us involvement in the and what did you make of jeremy refusing to really is north stream investigation results? and is that not a debates in the european parliament, the largest environmental catastrophe? manmade perhaps in history, in terms of methane emissions because of the node stream pipelines,
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applying energy to germany from russia. they are the few days on the nothing is about it. and if you think if you want to protect environment green deal, i mean, nothing is worse for the environment. and the ross and the even these new to over asians probably produce more c o 2. but the kids have all our cost of them diesel and no there isn't. is no, it is also one sign of the nice thing. it's fee a i thing really it is fee it essentially it's fee a to face reality. and the t is that the world has changed. it has not changed because of the ukraine more. but it, it create ukraine walks in the rates, the whole thing, you know. and then the bulk of its doctrine came in 92, you know, saying, you know, the united states as now the only superpower has to have is the responsibility, blah, blah, blah. and to, to, to bring on up to the world. it's not anymore. i mean, the united states is economically, technologically, politically,
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not anymore. so about maybe so, militarily about this interesting thing is this device all the strong military, they lose all the boss. and i know as quite the opposite, which i experience myself. yeah, i think the west is an if they did a situation and what do you see in these elections, in the united states, between trump and, and buying an icing, a symptoms off of a western world, which is actually losing out the losing. and the european union, as somebody from the line just doesn't want to realize that the need a different policy. you cannot become a super policy. she wants to, to have a huge state that you know where the ukraine and john john moved over and all the rest of the company becomes part of his is such a huge paula. and we want now to invest the military and have all and military and things. so i guess it won't happen. lucky. it won't happen. yeah, i mentioned,
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i mentioned 40 i, there's no, there's no resolution. i mean, just a $43.00 bridges, special services. it killed or wounded, not killed, but it's all a secret. and is the point that the, these people like us have on the land and getting their information from somewhere else to where you're getting your information from to have this vision of the world that they have. where are they getting their information? it is a new item or items and starts with oregon. but, you know, i've been all my life in these countries. i've seen so many was i have a different take on how that all works. you know? yeah, they always and these capital it's amazing that you know, this is what it is, but that like i can't explain any other way for me. it's a mystery a little bit. i think it's, it's great via that the losing the losing all dominance. i mean, look at the nato look at nato racing mix to so important for us a. but if you sit in india or in in cane, you know, i, south africa or, and latin america. what do you see?
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you see a military lions of the ex colonial powers operate the most of the lights. and you know, this is of course is contacting the con, stay on like this. yeah, but of course, joseph burrell, the foreign policy chief, said the rest of the world is a jungle compared to the god and of europe. and the easiest, a boy doesn't even know what to what john domain is. that means far as that may be, should be made happy if you have some force. he's being replaced by this estonian guy, a call us who said that the important thing here is the end of the russian federation for the whole of russian to be broken up. yeah, i have the wording of it is, i am guy. you know, i wanted to ask you some questions when it comes to, you know, if you have such a resolution, which say no negotiations, even the you all have to go for victory. and same time as mrs. cut us to present the european union in that phone policy. i mean, oh do you think is going to talk to us?
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nobody. yeah. not strong enough that the. yeah, it just happened overall i have. i mean, trump is a lot of negotiate this. china, them is us 3, i completely use this as we behave use this. ask is for cutting that as such a long political history so many think as so many for lots of us that the come to a point been reduced such as cindy's thing is this resolution. it's almost unbelievable for me. it is unbelievable. and you're going to try and speak and the european bottom and about that was they didn't give me any why. so i made a video saying, i'm good, angry on the what? oh no, i really did. you already did the okay, so to describe it to you, this is all the things you know, you cannot the talk here and that it is dominated this, this, you know, this parliament. and i think we have probably a big a chance to talk to the public because of public changes in the public is very of war. the public is very of, of
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a decline. and in the search for about being in that line of the purchasing power of the salaries and things like this one. this is where we have to talk the of the after have a change if, if people more people vote for us because we are the only piece spot, the real piece body, if you take it and he's right, right. making things, boy, in germany actually, almost, and all europe, i mean, we don't have something similar and in australia or in the netherlands to countries i know. and the on france, i mean, this is a, i think is all day, just a very important, very important, a new addition to the political scene. and i will do everything that we are successful because i think it's important for your kind of course to know what will be important to other working classes of your, of what will be economic impact of people like kaya call us, seeking the end of russia, of a sholtes allowing a nuclear capable misfire, a long range missiles in germany, continuation of the war through ukraine,
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up until maybe the november elections anyway. we'll see can long term economic impact of all of these decisions that to be made over the past couple of years in european capital steps the impact already. i mean, do you have an almost decline into purchasing power off of small salaries? you know, those people sitting like me in the parliament, they won't feel that because we get enormous amount of money. so if you have inflation via, you know, the industry is declining a via d industries rising for germany. it psychologically very important aspect. and you know, because also helps off from the natural resources. so you can get from is you already cut themselves off from the markets regarding markets in asia. if you have knowledge of traveling over the transatlantic, i mean this is not going to go well, i mean, look at this in the sections restaurant, scroll by 3.6 percent and jimmy is going to some of you can find the following. in the decline. i mean, you have to realize what they're doing is not going to cannot continue. it cannot
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continue. it must break as one day a while the rest of the world expands and as you say, west of your declines may be to recession, maybe it's in slump. i don't know cook's cook's the books that in front. we've seen gains from the left and you all look better, show spotty and the offers. in germany we've seen the rise of the f. b. will it will it be to the rise of fascism in western europe? this economic decline will. will there be more progressive forces that will benefit from this economic decline caused by the war and ukraine? restricted onto this crushing x cross? i don't know. i don't thing that frustrates my battery in germany. it was never frustrating. it wasn't natalia and thing. i mean, neo nazi isn't. i don't thing has, i know, i don't think that the go that far, but people vote for poppies which have more extreme solutions because they are so upset by the, by the stop this politics now. and that is going to continue. and i think what we
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hope from the vs v that'd be, can harvest on this one from a policy which is maybe more on, on reasoning and social responsibility and things like this one more defending democracy. my issue today uh and uh, press release also about democracy in this problem. and so i think that if he can be successful and if he can know when also the local elections and industry driven states, that would be a very good site. and also for the rest of europe, that's a, it's a market for pete poppies which actually talk more like songs next. uh you said that the roster of violates of the un charter. and it's a reaction to uh, from vacation. uh, they say obviously from the nato powers in the eastern ukraine. but now you seem to be saying that it is your opinion power. is that a breaking we spiritual?
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be you in charge only. you enjoyed it. by outlawing negotiations, a r i c. then you haven't read this, this thing probably, you know, i'm, i'm, i'm saying, of course, that, that in an amazing or another country is a brain breach of the, of the you and shot that. but you know, this is, and it'd be, you know, but that's a you and try that as much more because you're in charge as 1st of all saying that the strength negotiate. and they refuse to negotiate, to the run up to the more and the b, b, y, cause of the negotiation and peace negotiation between russia and ukraine. and also now you say, even in a document like this, a resolution that you will not neg, issued or even say the bottom isaac probation that i thing that this resolution is actually also a breach of the you and shot that because into you and shot the old member states agreed that they wanted to prevent more to limit the war by negotiating peace. and if you go ahead, have a resolution like this one. having a vicious me, it's a, a,
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a most defeating another country. and it seems to be the same. you don't negotiate and then strongly not in line visit you and shop. so it, the child is more complicated than just simply that the saying that blush out the violator to you and shot, or there's much more threats. and you are an assistant secretary general at the united nations. doesn't that hold any weight or power in the european parliament with your colleagues? a? yeah, i'm to new. yeah, i, i, i will get more. i'll talk also to everybody. you know, i'm, i'm not, you know, i, but you know, i'm day that, you know, started to be stopped on the 16th of july. so don't ask me how this is all going to happen. and the 1st thing last is resolution, which i saw from absolute destruction, shopping shopping. i also got not trucking because of rush out trucking because of the future of europe itself are more concerns about europe than about russia. what's going to happen to us if he, if he continues such policies?
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michael wanted to show them back. thank you. thank you. thanks a lot. i and that's it for the show continued condolences, meanwhile to those very by u. k. u. s. u, i'm genocide here in west asia, i will be back with a brand new episode, one sided angel. then keep in touch my role as social media, if it's on sense of your country and that's on the channel thing on the ground tv on rumble, they'll come to us new and old episodes on going on the ground. the little girl is sure, and usually this on the line, the more interested in this split change or changing the let them know most. i've timble it to be able to, to look for the end of the
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was a sham, but i see it was a shame, but i see you look on my games with a see i yeah, this you should be able to hold any more than with your number showed that was missing here on this quarter. present it with that group number. i need to list the documents for sort of anything in particular, please do you have a single condition that's cuz the upstairs are wish i'm a product with that. i'm not wake up with this one, chest for chills. it's the stuff that's in the russian states. never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. not getting
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all sense enough. the assistance of the case of 95 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the everything had changed with our daughter. she was completely when they came back and they told jamie your daughter is having
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a diabetic ketoacidosis. i was miserable. i just felt sick and nauseous, and hardest cancer. diabetic prefer entourage that affects every part of it organises. measuring american diabetes association is that the american diabetes association has been bought all by the millions of dollars that the pharmacy to corp c. as in every year, i wasn't given a specific diet i just told to inject and test. so i wish i could go back and change the governing bodies, but these recommendations forces physicians to live within those guidelines for fear of reprisals. people have not been told the full truth on how to manage the diabetes and what, what the consequences are funding low carbohydrate diet. there was
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a multiple $1000000000.00. they found the corporations that were go bankrupt on the hello and welcome to cross stuck on peter lavelle. you'll be discussing real things, there was talk and maybe only talk you brain is interested in a negotiated into the counseling. what does drugs have to do with this? also, what a harris administration take a different position on the gaza genocide. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, steven guides in belgrade. he is a research associate at build rates, institute of european studies, and in lisbon. we have alexander guerrero. he is an international legal analyst or a gentleman, cross that rules and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. i.


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