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tv   Documentary  RT  July 29, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

12:30 am
this is here, number 7 was missing. here on this board, just increased because if this doesn't, which is where the dish says porch and stuff that's in the intensive showing of the russian region started at the end of may. 2023 into and minus evacuation was announced in areas ordering ukraine including cubic escape. dr
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. owns cube, and districts. but hundreds of local residents refused to need the, the, all the tools to monitor that because you just wonder what they will go and see. it doesn't come across, but the city let me know through i but the way you see why it was the story we knew who was eating me, returning your should have done with just the being to do that. so could you just use that or something to use to insure just the plugins?
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the 2nd you plug like the plastic across to what's new do you do? you do not need the new to all of us that are correct. the door to door, but you do reach you want you to use my exposure to you to shifter, the shifter, but almost they used to move us the bureau, mr. when they get on the nimble federal. but you have been useful in 2020 to belgrade region, governor of existing i've called announced the creation of military units, the central territorial defense units. there are now some 3000 volunteers serving and it's ranks. he has originally and he doesn't have any funding for them. why monitor ability most within the troubleshooting entities. so do you see up to the issue is always yes, but the most to what the needs to get that went aboard and also, you know, it's a successful sales
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precise, just the most control you may choose to come and do it off. one of those getting up going into the base of the launch research to most of the, the color to the edges of us. but most of the interested shading solutions you will get that processed today. but with that, i can't answer this unless he has to do for an a formal use. i don't know to build that idea by machine. yeah. i'm doing it, but obviously it's only, but i can't lat, positively but by the, the, at the disability for my books, the of the,
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that of the it's just a bit of petroleum waves that you will not assembly and you could you please what they went up with them is gabrielle. this is joe was still in. yeah. but you in the police to is to upset. he was never asked me in the, you know, meet up with him is not the board. now's the board at my last piece up last night. you too much so pretty to which did you send them ago, but usually it's a new way to digger somebody gave support of a student or see which bill can we get a way to use that. he thought that 80 percent of silver it assumes that the just the key is ancient lunch with them at the end of portion of the lunch last those sunday took us
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it's just easier to move. some of that is where you, which way you just showed me, dietz dietz plus level my to do slip to the, to we submit the boy mission, we'd be just do the use of the largest and mutual on your used our previous cassandra. good morning. your was to we as a show long in,
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so you've done could you see your logic off? so it'd be neal if it, if this was customer way, it goes up a little show us business just at the most. but the phone number solution is cuz i knew they're supposed to be. i was just wondering if you have either. so can you check route from us? show them the really appears from wish to yes, the whole michelle, it does have to show up in milledgeville. so the deal, it's just you and your mobile phone, which know my, my view, you think i took
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a string of which was the by use that because of the ocean 5, my sister lives the privilege for where we are when you there's still more, more so what payment is adapted to stay which tanya, the night we part of the seasonal bombs right? new on. so as this yes, so more supervisor, they're feeling to some of the senior version of what they support
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imaging. i understand a lot of warranty. i'm pretty sure he would someone for a few words. i was my other 4 are pretty strong. i prefer to sit down with some projects for roger strategic. mr. museum, i am substantial partners to boston. sure. for sure, but i know just trying to avoid them. it's the latest time. yeah. so that's what is that sort of interest. you go from the university vision is a bit out. it was yeah. yeah . the whole thing just the same story for the cheese. the guys know i'm we're here printers. it doesn't have reached through the front is much
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more. so we just need to go into jazz, lizzy, flava, vocal michelle, from new cars, also to share thoughts, and i am pretty sure most you guys have the quarter g shift to mind me and says the dollars with us that's industry job is that the featured is shalise difference of a church, which is room, which is a sofa. and i suppose to him that his garden, you cried from each jump to bite out the reds, the essentially i need you a bit of confusion if there's a criteria good because i the sellers were opened originally just your experience.
12:40 am
sure. um, when you bring it to them, which is the shipping is on an airbag morning, systems was not installed. the russians belgrade regions, ukrainian ministry shells, residential areas, round the clock, disaster response teams, and ambulances going $9.00 to $2.00 in the village of tara, on the, on the outskirts of belgrade. for those beautiful city middle life by june, by doing, by doing budget to own the chart that you at the georgia to us are
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you also dealing with this top mama on um uh, i bought a lot of stores from the to him. the name that you should, that will give you the spectrum when you fill out the 4 digit. i knew that to use the machine for me, for my stupid to my bench, 13 to the assembly cuz that was the slow today. okay. the finish doing the
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i understand that's the key from most the us much to put up in the most to me because she making a motion that should make has got a union that has no prescription and the telephone number i've showed you. like i'm sure change with the question how much of a 4 digit pin on the bus bus, the bus should are square to come from leading. actually the not sure who the, the use didn't miss you. and the thing, you know, i'm assuming the solution you're going to get in san, i mean it's going to pull my shuts. when you look at them should deal with this picture on it should deal us. but the documents and what it's giving in blue hill is that it's not resolved the reason of the
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12:44 am
hey, mr. alex fees of the
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the commission level of the d 11 in you know, doing that stuff with no cash auction neutral as i started. and i must
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have stayed with me. i'm still in the was of the incentive within a few for the fees that need to go through just for the 6th edition there's, i don't live with assume the words if it's because of the good part in the, in the us the, the
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the same you do just the best decision or should be the person that's the did some data. so i was just gonna deal with 4 digit and yeah, so it was supposed to go look gonna shortly, don't hear from the dealer bonus to moscow. i was just of associate on april 21st of all of the
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some of the names of the system to do because you understand the deluxe government, those sites. so most definitely, most of us us pull up on the board. so with that, we're going to meet the needs of us what the cost of the research and the fabulous the the
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the visa the las used to see you up. did you keep you in a former ship? it's a bunch of conflict of dietrich. beautiful much i don't know. who did, so was the new college given them? gosh, they used to show up digital god sorta now who gets a vote? gosh, the october shamia interviewing the chase speller. and that includes him because
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we never stop us the function of the benefits of the measurements of position, letting us know. because i was thinking that in the mothers come on when you choose to mean that was that each grade level of trauma still much support him. so i mean, but i don't if the on us for us or vice engagement, which letting him watch the tv that the junior must allow the indeed the most technology issue. but almost at the sound my selma some of the most of a semester. because these 2 monitors philip, as i was telling you to take the clips to jump brush and most trusted me a new month, always stuck another to get them up last night. and you know what? i did forget that last night for those to mute up live chat about the
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cheese every so you have to boy the goal is to show that the yes i have done some by yourself, but it's pretty good at the the facebook page.
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the vision in the sense of when you build the the recent you can use which is so that gives you the 3 superclass at the most on it across the board to system to a subsidy. only if they use a slip, this to what you can call sluggish, to which step to use the plan that way to post a base model is scheduled for software specific detail,
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which when you're skipped above shift so it doesn't look like it's the. yeah. so the newest mean you have, i'm going to do to do is do so let me see what's the city of couple that you might have to do, which has to do so you have to stipulate still number one or you never sleep. useless because of these ladies, but yeah, okay. no rush them lives at them. couldn't we just need to know the best modem. what would you like to upgrade? we need the amounts of things. that's the story to be. it's a business need to have her give me the name of i going to look for let's go to the news
12:54 am
. you have a couple of people who shared differently. you have the heads of us both look good deal. so let's almost a year just like what the cost on that 1st of all, the whole thing is very top ross. this is the newest operational just they usually build it up. yes. so you is a good, good attempt. you see that i see the lucy's, which includes the report that you some of the process for you. yeah, we should. what else? somebody you can use simple change dental doors, which i'm going to see with pretty much settled procedures for you to choose to send it to the new stuff,
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which would be the send you to just let us know if you wish to split. use the internet to pursue nutrition, financial frontier, search engine builder, if exist at your g controller before that position skips. this is plus the temporary dukes and the dormitory of belgrade mechanics and technology college people from the most frequently shell. she bacon, skate and drive. i run ski urban districts down here belgrade residents who lose their homes and ukraine's or tanks on the russian city, also shelves at yeah,
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shit. the keywords and starts to finish the you know, but your insure just about the the project he was taking. it would be good the if i get to you as early as of monday evening and the city at the the funny you doing good. but you have done that. and then while you're through just example, that's great. i'm sure either way, i'm which of the executors of the colors some of them yet. i bought the photos as
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much of our insurance procedures division. i'm already on some fishing this, but i x as in don't remind me and judge something to reduce your demo for, for the for additional. let me addition that i purchased a courses do remember this as district someone was and i just had to go over the facts. there's no other jump in here to know the temperature of sunny. i'd put you on the suggest you bye much them, jimmy with them. so that's why business for you here, but i think go for their business. but the, the most, the best approach is that you want to some way off of it. and that should have got to be jet wave, which is name used to bridge in west, on average, a registered business phone at the top. publish it almost winters at the posters. i'm a product master, not more comfortable abuse for free and it does not fit the huge
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thanks to the goodness. 3 of us sounds good and 19 we were driving over this little child. we stopped here under a canopy. she saw us open the door and let us in. thank you so much. i must think the employee at that house number one, on may 12 shelter to me, my husband and baby daughter from a style and fragments. thanks so much. many things to the workers at the media store and for those traits during the showing and explosions, the steps active calmly clearly and was i was telling everyone at the heart, the market was quoted down to the shop. i'd like to think of the bus driver as they move between stumps as quickly as carefully as possible to keep people out of danger. they put themselves at risk daily like emergency service workers. i want to think that you paid for the bookshops, employees for everyone in the street to the shelter during showing and may 12th. they're still good and kind people out there the
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how us tied to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
1:00 am
turkish president threatens to send troops to stop? the filing submitted dramatic, clearer between the lebanese on group has been locked on. this railed cross border strikes on sunday has left the region teacher ring on the edge of a full scale war. also a head on the program, former south african president jacobs, who met his reportedly expelled from the ruling a n. c e party. after more than 60 years as a member that followed his uli form the opposition function, punishing 3rd major parliamentary elections. and that are really in court tier, to a case investigating us support for terrorist groups in syria. the law suits being filed by around $700.00 plaintiffs relative.


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