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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the turkish president threatens to send troops to stop the violence and made a dramatic clearer between the lebanese on group has been locked on. this railed cross border strikes on sunday has left the region teacher ring on the edge of a full scale war. also a head on the program, former south african president jacobs, who met his reportedly expelled from the ruling a n. c e party after more than 60 years as a member that followed his uli form the opposition function, punishing parliamentary elections and that are really and cord tiers. a case investigating us support for terrorist groups in syria. the loss of its
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being filed by around $700.00 plaintiffs. relatives of stolen soldiers killed in the fight against extremists, the you're with our teacher national just after 8 pm here in moscow this monday. welcome to then use our western nations or warning against an escalation in the middle east as deadly lebanese is really exchanges rom pump. they're also calling on the citizens to avoid or leave lab, and on immediately coming after the is really cabinet authorized. a response to an alleged his bullet rocket strike up the weekend. meanwhile, the turkish presidents made his view clear. an odd piece in the region could be established. at least we must be very strong so we can prevent these
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well from doing this, the palestine. just like we ended got about, just like we end of libya, we can do the same thing to them. there is nothing stopping us from doing this. we must only be soon to take these steps. but i still live now to our correspondents in it, spend all yes and act in yes in morning to the tickets through these latest developments and the has bella is really sound of an old. so what response there is being to the at president of turkey direct morning, a good morning unit and well over the past 24 to 48 hours. we've seen tensions rise to a point where many of questions is this. finally, the tipping point? are we going to war? is this going to become a regional war? well, of course, many people throughout the world were questioning the remarks that were made by the
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church president on sunday. many people within the turkish republic were essentially oblivious to what was being discussed of outside of its borders. because what we understand based on that statement is there was some level of concern to misinterpretation. we also understand that the statement provided by the church president was of course a bit ambiguous, but looking at the statements that were provided over the course of the past 24 hours speaking to locals within and cut off. many suggest that what the church president referred to was not necessarily a direct intervention or boots on the ground in israel. but taking a look at the statements of like in colorado buttons in libya, the turkish forces were not directly involved in any of these conflicts. we understand that in colorado, for example, the turkish republican, its military provided logistical and military support to those. on the ground, we understand in libya, church, parliament essentially approved a mandate that would see turkish forces joined the campaign in libya as part of
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a un peacekeeping operation. so the directors president did not necessarily refer to an intervention. however, we understand that the israel is, were quite quick to react and assume that the directors present did actually mean boots on the ground, which is what really led to this general understanding that the church present was directly threatening as well. of course there was a bit of i'm be agree with either, but israel is also on the edge over the past 48 hours. it has been assessing attacks and its northern territories, particularly by his will law. and the attack on mission shows which resulted in the death of give or take about a dozen people and injuring a dozen more resulting and prompted a quick decision by these realities. we understand that the security cabinet was supposed to convene, they did the and on sundays, and they reacted in a way that's essentially provides us some sort of context in how they're going to proceed. this is what the reaction was president did when these ranting and raving again, he is a danger to the middle east. we wouldn't accept threats from
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a one of the dictates. the other one is going down the positive saddam hussein instructions to attack israel. he should just remember what happened there and how that ended of the v is rarely referred to the church. presidents and meetings that sit down with saying the ministry of foreign affairs of to that you also responded and kindly sense essentially said that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and would be that of adolf hitler. essentially referring to these really prime minister as a homicidal and genocidal maniac. and this is a bit of tit for tat, but we also understand that the israelis are currently also assessing how the idea of will be responding to the attacks carried out by his beloved course. as beloved denied these claims, suggesting it did not target most of the shops directly, but a military base near the israeli territories and the occupied uh, golden heights on. this is what the is really offices,
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how to say with that respect about when the security cabinet will be meeting what decision will be coming out of that the, the meeting of the security cabinet has concluded. the members of the cabinet authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the matter and timing of the response against the has bullets earliest organization. of course, the tensions have not just been limited to that of israel or 11 or even in this case church here, but it seems that iran has also been brought into the fold in one way or another. we understand that the for ministry has issued statements that you run in for a ministry. spokes person says that the is really government or the scientists we're seeing that they refer to it is arrogant and is in one form, another prompting for the conflict. and if the reaction of tel aviv to the church president statements are a testament to that and to the testament to the is where the government's reaction over the course of the past year. that it is not taking into consideration any kind
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of peace or calm. but it is going to essentially further this conflict, and this was the reaction from the ronnie inside as well as even is our unique design industry gene is real, showing the ugliest face of a criminal gang. they are not a government, they are a gang of criminals. a gang of murderers, a gang of terrorists. so what was done at this given moment unit is that these rallies are on edge, and they are currently engaged in gaza. they are in one form or another engaged in the north with 11 east territories along it's border. it is essentially suggesting that it would be interested in providing are the front against to, to, and iran. and if it's rarely officials over the, over the past year is a testament to anything they suggest that they could tackle anything. and anyone, as long as they stand in its way. and these are terms that are essentially
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described as concerning because these really government seems that it is willing to go to war with anything. and anyone at this given moment as we speak right now, the is really cabinet meeting. and the security of each cabinet will, of course, can be to discuss on what kind of a road map would be appropriate, especially with respect to the attacks by hezbollah from the north. but while this is happening, of course, is really defense forces are intercepting drones and other rockets that are being thrown by the lebanese side for forwarding and a very tense escalation r t c. i'll send that and it and this involved. yes and thank you. well thing of the world studies faculty at the university of tier run side, but human brandy is of the view. the only reason israel's western partners are calling for de escalation is to prevent the defeat for prime minister and nothing else. there is no intention in washington to defuse the situation
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the except for the fact that there's really receive us losing the war. the americans know that that's in yahoo and the ruling. a group of people in israel, they are lose a and this is going to get worse for the is ready, the regime as time goes by. so they want, the escalation is on. it is only to help as well as people will not pull back if there's randy regime escalates as will i will kind of shit severely and may have the support of the whole region. and in particular, the access of resistance which will join the fight to protect slipping them to another headlines. stories for our south african president, john jacob zoom that has been expelled from the country's ruling a n c party. after 6 decades, as a member, according to local news reports, the 82 year old was found guilty of dicing its integrity by forming
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a rifle political party. the charge members found guilty of contravene rule $25.00 adults, 17 dot 17 dot for the a and c constitution. read with subsection to for purchasing the integrity or a few to the organization by acting in collaboration with the registered political party to with the account. so we says weight policy, which is not in alliance with the i n c in amount of country to the items, policies and objectives, a v i n. c lot for more lab speak to our correspondent in johannesburg. no. if you couldn't go and get to see you, there's been most of at speculation about string relationships between mystery. so in that, i'm president rom, oppose, and then the former strong showing in the national election for a rival function. so has this been coming as it has been coming here? and then because of this decision was made off the i'm assuming was found guilty of
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misconduct for his involvement with the mt. paul 2, which is not allied with the c, but the issue began on the 16th of december last year, when full of presidency was spoken at a public meeting of the intake party expressing this satisfaction with the ac. and now seeing his intention to vote for the mt party in between the 2040 licks as well as who am i said she would retain you? is you mean the simplest flights of becoming the lead off the empty party, the se, suspended him and suddenly saying that if he had a test it's integrity is his national executive comment to been initiated? disciplinary proceedings against the former president would submit to his suspension from the party. but in this case, as the code is who met was charged with 2 counts of misconduct with the primary charge of being a violation of a rules that prohibits members from acting on behalf of o collaborating with a political party. not in alliance with the easy,
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the former president had been found guilty of the 1st charge of concluding that to his actions from the 16th of december 2023. at prejudiced the interpret chief of the se and repute to the se, but collaborating with the empty party. the 2nd charge, which relates to his appearance of the empty pots. his list of public presented to him was dismissed. this marks a very significant rheumatism as long as the see ation with the se. if i may say they think that to him, so he needs a policy in the 19 fifties and his active involvement over several decades. but the spots oh, president's office is the victor is league. and so that's because his, this decision was long over to have a listen to this. we have veterans. i think it's long overdue. and because, and even remaining as a member of, in, in one. so the leader of the innkeeper to confuse is
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a lot of people dry. you managed to being more than 2000000 people in case of them to vote for in cape martin. and the, if you cannot afford really can afford to have people not in discipline and people to do as they wish. and so we're, we have veterans who are seeing that as soon as this matter is going through the, the better for us. and the better for us is that you or empty pots and spokesperson, someone knows a law, says they do not take the indices findings as a ruling. because zoom is legal team and tony hanging as he's representative when not finished with the to do would remember. and know that to zoom a has been called a d, stabilizing fee game of the country, even though he's the fox you the mt policy for the foot 14th a sage off the national vote. in the 1st election, it has ever contested, in case surprising, see off the vote was the prime factor in the is using it for me. it's already for the 1st time since the end of a party to meetings,
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to the formation off of the existing multi particularly the issue that we're faced with today. we do know that to the mt parts you had refused to join the coalition and has become the official position as the 3rd biggest party in parliament. many said the election enforced ha. populism, of amaze, impossible off of the country despite facing multiple reasons. back to was sentenced to prison between the $2.00 and $1.00 for contempt of court after refusing to testify at an inquiry into a legit corruption during his presidency. 10. yeah, from 2092 to 18. he's due to go and trial next year over separate corruption allegations of a pertaining to the time before he was president. but before the reported expulsion a few days offered the 2024 general election results, results were declared as who might himself said that she's policy presents an alternative to the stiff political options in the country. have a listen to this. i did send out
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a dentist that least put it back to contest other parties a and a very serious that is why i did so they come from this. they don't fight for the dom fighting kind of grouping. and i for, for my freedom in this country for freedom of black people so far, in this case, the former president has lots responded to his expulsion. and it is on see if he might simone to illegal case to challenge this decision. as he only is, has then done, but he does have $21.00 days to appeal to this outcomes. breaking down the story 1st from johannesburg ortiz to look for you today. thank you. was staying with this story because south african political strategist on legal rights activists. kim hel, her sees mister zoom, is expulsion of punishment for taking away votes from the n c. during the election
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. i think 1st the n c was correct. and expanding former president jacob seem a because take the key advantage of the constitution of the party by not only saying that he would not support the ac in the upcoming election wills eviction that we've just had. but that he also publicly endorsed and participated. and in fact, is leading up recently formed in k party, which actually sold a box, a 1800000 votes. moving from the n c to the new political formation that the presidency made is backing. so the agency is funded in the constitution and in many ways the decisions of june, i think though in some to some extent it's a punishment to the former police isn't taking a lot of agencies that way. because as you were with the agency for the 1st time
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this you did not with the majority vote and it's now had to force a coalition government with them for a very conservative watch and age parties of a d a. so i think it's both a section for financing the constitution. that's a political punishment for the former president to has a lot of support. arose international i 1st cortez convene for a 2nd session to address a lawsuit filed by the families of full in this law. make revolutionary guard corps members. the soldiers relatives are accusing the us of supporting terrorist groups that kill their loved ones in syria or to correspond into subject while the reports from tierra a put campaign officer. that's how people here describe us military activities and their children. the session brought together some sweet hundreds family members from different parts of it randi expressed their emotional and psychological dis
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rouse due to what they describe as the terrorist actions of the us government. uh, the family say you want support for tech who returns groups like i says, has been instrumental in perpetuating violence of the region, particularly in syria and iraq, are undermining legitimate governments and causing significant loss of life. the court presented a range of evidence indicating a strategic plan. by the way, us to back to or is factions in the region familiar are representing the families argued that us had designated syria as a new training ground for terrorist organizations like i so such as kind of american stories have repeatedly acknowledge the wants government's role in supporting terrorism, he cited as a prime example of the request made by former president oper, rock obama on june 26th, 2014. when you saw $500000000.00 from congress us, specifically for training syrian opposition forces, essentially
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a court ping and framing proxy. terrorist under the guise of supporting the syrian opposition, he said i'd be a, was a trained $15000.00 insurgents in other countries who would then return to syria to confront the government of special real. i saw a mother of a, a fall in or do you see member also school count during the hearing or she pointed to statements made by john curry, the former us secretary of state regarding of the emergence of ice street reference an article from the new york times published on september 30th 2016, which are included excerpts from a conversation between curry and members of the syrian government. opposition in done discussions which took place in september 2016 during the winter, and on some weights. terry allegedly express regrets over congress's unwillingness to deployed forces to suppress the syrian government and to encourage opposition members to seek assistance from other military forces,
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further empowerment the plaintiff of off there cited a report from the independent and to our obama admitted that the 1st anti assigned rebels were trained by the ca, underscoring americas direct involvement and support for these terrace groups. of course, he said to process it has been actively competing. these terrorists on has incurred significant losses, including many military personnel throughout, says it's forces are present legitimately. and as their request of this syrian government, however, with the escalation of the gods, a conflict, we simply things have become more complicated leading to israel to target. several yvonne and advisors in the region expert say this law so it can pay the ground for leveraging international legal frameworks to see compensation they're wanting. government has also indicated that it will also turn to international bodies such as the international court of justice to present the case. i get move it, i started for the mileage. i mean, if we take a look at the american quotes,
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we see that they've made plaintiffs to seize all pass. so on here on an assets held in the united states as a means of causing a loss to the of a, in governments. we can adopt a similar reciprocal approach whenever acids belonging to the american governments or any american individuals or entities involved in the depths of your dining room illusion. they got cool codes force members are located, whether in the region or in the run they could be seized or allocated to the plaintiffs. the ball, like the mention of this legal proceedings, is even more significant extending beyond individual grievances. to highlight the persistent animosity between the iran and the us, the families involved told that their lawsuit will not only on or they're lost loved ones, but also shed light on the perceived as a systemic patterns of you want support for terrorism in the region. the 1st in the line of fire when duty calls, one of russia's elite special forces units directorate. a of the f s. be better
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known as alpha is marking it's 50th anniversary created back in the soviet union to country rising terrorism or on the world. the units couldn't imagine it would be thrown into action in most school itself. in 1993, i'm going to some of the most difficult special operations on home so you can sit down off reports. it's hard to overestimate the impact of this order has had on russia security. this document is the birth certificate for the alpha group created to tackle emissions, most delicate and deadly. mobile, as well as the alpha unit was folded on july 29th, 1974. i order of you are reflected mirror of a trunk drop off the head of the k g b. we will find it was created for 3 reasons. first, the olympics was supposed to be held in 1918, which, you know, what happened to the olympics is really athletes was subjected to a terrorist attack and everyone in the world was scanned. it might happen again. i
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don't government guarantee that we would hold the olympics properly. they guaranteed safety for the 2nd reason is that in many of our opponents countries, such units had already been created. the arrested k, g s g 9, navy seals and so on. i mean, i'm not listing all of them while we were behind in this regard. and the 3rd reason, there was a spree in the eighty's of, let's call it aerial terrorism. i think why a spree exactly. because those disciplines who did not perceive on government is desirable for them so to speak, tried to leave the soviet union at the time, it was difficult to leave the soviet union and they took one approach. hijacking airplanes with the loss was to us citizen was not soldiers, planes were crashing and probably there was a moral factor at play when 10 dissidence hijack a plane to a neighboring country. and then, sorry, tonya shaw state. these are the 3 main reasons that led to the creation of all units in new ways, a special force like that demanded
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a truly line. the haunted mindset from candidates willing to join it, go to the substitute nickel. when we were selecting employees, we always told them honestly, you are made of the same flesh and blood as we are. you are not super matter what kind it is possible that you may lose your life. but when we have them are for the most important quality for any health officer is probably self sacrifice. because the unit is about fighting terrorism. it's about freeing hostages. and it should be a matter of your choice of, in the most important thing is that you're not attracted by salary for, for opportunity. when a person expresses a desire to join, we usually go to their family and talk to close relatives to their wife. if they don't have a life, then with the mother or father who are you? this decision shouldn't be spontaneous or the family must be prepared for the challenges that may arise from this choice here for a variety. since its inception, alpha has had no time to be idle,
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and soon transcended its initial purpose. in 1993 russia found it so rolling towards the civil war and made a severe constitutional crisis. suppose his opponents of then president yeltsin plunged most to into violence. the nation watched in tara as tanks, dismantled the parliament. when all failed the president, some of the alpha group as the last resort, the orders were to say to the building and crushed the rebellion with office reputation alone achieved what tank fire couldn't last the 3 if you go to the 1993. remember, the late boris yeltsin ordered us to storm the parliament building our office or colonel alex hi. i went out there with a white flag. he said guys, we're from alpha and we've received an order, we will follow it. so you know, once coming back whistles ronnie coffins, the internal affairs minister was inside. he knew what house it was,
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and i understand he told his people, who would that resistance is futile. off the 20 minutes, everyone came out. so we all healthy. oh, so the background rush of face the most pop, eric flu kitchen, terrorist attacked into cost. did you whole towns see it is passports alpha king to their age and the most dire of the times? it's every to and if there's one attack that stands out, that would be this long, 2004. that was always, you can see it and i see the response to that is, doesn't mean here. we need to get the cooks cool. we start seeing these are the was usually so that will take it from just a veteran. spanish color pretends because that's, that's the residency, the new student keep zone and very cool move. and also group veteran still vividly
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remembers the moment he got the cool dia while shooting your from car. i was driving right after the opening day assembly on september. first. we had taken my kids to school and then i went about my business. at that moment, i got a call from my boss. we had just returned from a trip. so we had some days off for recovery and rest, which meant i didn't have to go. if i had prioritized my health, maybe i wouldn't have gone with you, but i asked my boss what was happening. he said it was up to me since i was on a break. but if i decided to go, because we were flying out immediately as we had been alerted and i asked again what had happened. he responded, you don't know, didn't you see the news? while driving, i usually listen to music, not the news. he told me a school had been captured in best long. what choice did i have a pretty, you know, i only had one choice. i said, i'm flying with you for your for, for you and, you know force was prepared for the task at hand. then alpha group, but
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a hostage situation with over a 1000 people. most of them children trapped inside a bomb written school presented a challenge like no other. we provide you listed in your role of care. we conducted training exercises. well, some groups had similar mock up, but our group did not have such a mock up here in our groups task involved the gymnasium or so. the initial objective was the gymnasium, and we were supposed to storm in with 2 armored personnel carriers and entered the gym as quickly as possible to divert the attention of the terrorist. and then all the other groups were supposed to enter afterwards. after we had begun combat operations, but it turned out a bit differently. we made certain decisions. we prepared everything. what time made its adjustments? why did those guys died? because they saw that there was shooting literally children being executed. we have children, we imagined our own children in place of those children, which we had just celebrated september the 1st ourselves. so this determination for
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combined with indignation and anger, practical professional kind of anger, took over whether they were killing children. but from their point of view, they are not killing children city. they are trying to maintain the safety zone. they have built for themselves. but considering that there had been explosions, their plans changed completely. they had no intention of dying. they had several suicide bombers there. i am convinced they plan together every one the entire crowd as many people as possible in that gym and leave them to the suicide bombers. it's pointless to talk to suicide bombers. we were told that we should continue the rescue operation. but how could we proceed when the shooting had already started? when it began spontaneously? when we entered this became clear, and it also became clear to the terrorists that their lives would end today. because events took place that got out of their control. as i understand it, the plan they had to sell it part. where does all this hatred come from? i assume,
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and the desire to destroy as many people mainly children as possible. do you understand what the issue is? that's the point of the situation. and our guys of course shield of them check you've been checking this by the way to fluctuate during the operation. and drake home of was injured and almost mowed down by a machine gun or something he loves off now as a minor detail for you. i needed to reach the group already inside the school. so i tried for the last i thought they'd covered some distance and established some kind of safe zone. but when i saw they were shooting at us, i realized we had no cover. the armored personnel carriers that were supposed to help had gone in the other direction. yeah. i rushed over. turn the seas around. position them for cover and only then did i think to ask what was going on. i climbed through a window and saw my colleague who was commanding the 1st assault grew a little while he was wounded and shouting, don't go in or they'll kill you. despite his warnings and i tried going through the


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