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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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back with a brand new episode, one sided, and you'll then keep in touch my role as, as you'll need driven so expensive, new country. and that's on the channel thing on the ground tv on mobile, they'll come to us new and old episodes on going underground. the, the, i made it during math take flared up between the lebanese arm group has paula and israel, the turkish president residence to send troops to stop them. islands, cross border strikes on some day has left the region teacher ring on the edge of a full scale conflict. former south african president,
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jacob's whom it is reportedly expelled from the ruling, and the party oper more than 60 years. as a member that follows his newly formed opposition function finishing 3rd and mains parliamentary elections. disturbing images from molly where our chief source is how to confirm the presence of ukrainian mercy and raising of buckner pnc fighters seeking to share the evidence, wasn't killed. and their recent attack funded, they're really in court series, at case investigating us support for terrorist groups in syria, the law. so it's being filed by around $700.00 plaintiff's relatives of fallen. soldiers killed in the fight against pittsburgh the just after 9 am. this won't be here in moscow. thanks for starting the working with with us. let's give it to our top story. a western nations or warning against an
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escalation in the middle of a spouse. the response to an alleged his ball. the rock had struck at the weekend. meanwhile, the turkish presidents made his, you clear in hop piece in the region, could be established provoking this direct response to the user. we must be very strong so that these real can not strike palestine just like we ended got about. just like we end of libya, we can do the same thing to them. there is nothing stopping us from doing this. we must only be sold to take these steps, president de, when these ranting and raving again, he is a danger to the middle east. we wouldn't accept threats from a want to be dictates. the other one is going down the pos of saddam hussein instructions to attack israel. he should just remember what happened to the air and how that ended. well, that's across live now to it's done both where are corresponded. yes. and that can, is standing by to speak to us. first of all, yes, in quite
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a test. the exchange there are between it is real tirty a of the correct to you and, and to provide a little bit of context before we further elaborate. we understand over the past 24 hours, there's been a bit of back and forth tit for tat in one way or another. the statement provided by church president are the one on sunday, essentially and simulated that the turkish officials, whether that is by way of turkish armed forces or other means would in one form or another. take part in establishing some sort of a peace deal or some sort of a, a cessation of hostilities, of course, of the statement provided by the church present. it was a bit ambiguous and of course, objectively speaking did leave a lot for the human imagination. however, speaking to officials, it on color, they suggested that the church present did not necessarily refer to boots on the grounds or any true in any form of intervention. and with reference to libya and cut out. but we understand that the church on forces in one way or another,
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was involved in these campaigns, but not necessarily physically or by essentially sending boots on the ground. we understand that and cut by the turkish military provided logistical support for our positive age on and, and may be a mandate was approved in turkish parliament by way of a un peacekeeping mission. so the directors, presidents reference did not necessarily insinuate that on kind of would be interested in sending boots to the ground. but it appears that israel did refer essentially accept that as a threat. and it did double down suggesting that the church president was essentially his and is going to be the similar to that of sudden i'm saying the direction industry of foreign affairs essentially insinuated that the is really prime ministers and would come to an end just like that. update all fitly. so there has been tit for tat. and there of course, and one form another is no clue. level us are clear heading this or some sort of caution by way of israel. it's been like that for the past year. and the statement provided by the church president did not necessarily have thought that either or
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less and then tickets through the standoff then between cause blah and ad is real high. real is the escalation of a full scale. we're actually breaking out the well, for starters, the possibility is higher than ever. i understand that over the past year, we've been discussing the prospects of all that were within the region. but as every day goes by, the prospect looks more and more likely, which explains why these really officials reacted the way it did with respect to the remarks made by the church president. over the past 48 hours, we understand that the is really defense forces as well as territories within israel had been threatened by groups within the region, namely hezbollah. on saturday, a series of attacks by his belie century target mustache concerts, a territory and occupied golden heights. and it is an area of contents contention. but one thing that is important here is of course, these really did valid that they would pay a star that they,
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that has the level pay a heavy price. and that would only happen as long as the is really prime minister, as cabinet came to a decision. we understand that they met on sunday. and as part of that meeting, the reaction has been that along the lines of that these really prime minister will just to essentially determine the timing as well as the manner of the reaction and in more detail. this is what they had to say. unit. the members of the cabinet authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the matter and timing of the response. i guess that has bullet service organization of the of course the reaction did not just uh, essentially limit itself to that of israel. we understand that the statements coming out of 10 of you suggests that they have their eyes set on iran as well. and it said on was quick to is essentially issue statements suggesting that it would essentially be dealing with these matters. and what that refers to is, of course, we understand that the wrong a foreign ministry, spokes person said that the is really government or the design this regime as they
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refer to, is essentially help ends on provoking further conflict within the region. and that the is really, officials are not to be trusted to essentially prevents this all that war. however, we understand that the spiritual leader of the supreme leader of iran essentially had more to say on that. and he did not means his words in any way whatsoever. regime is our unit design history. g. e's real showing the ugliest face of a criminal gang. generally, they are not a government. they are a gang of criminals, a gang of murderers, a gang of terrorists. the past 24 hours has also resulted in a number of differences or developments on the field as well. since the attack on saturday, israel vowed to ensure that his beloved pay a heavy price, we understand that certain has a lot and affiliated groups within lebanon. and syria withdrew from sort certain positions along the border with israel to an extent for walking away from further
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conflict in one way or another. but it also means that the israelis are also hell bent on ensuring that his will look does pay the price. so it's going to be interesting to see how these developments on the field further develop. but what we understand at this point, while these 2 sides are exchanging and fire, the israeli defense forces are intercepting rockets and drones that are being fired from his beloved from them. and he's territory and the prospects of all that were well, not just be limited to that of living on. but there's also the threat that serial may be involved as well, by way of israel. the is, it was also threatening turn to us and to, to run at this given moment. so it is definitely precarious. and it's going to be interesting to see how that develops here. yeah. talking us through the tensions and the big one apps that are t e s. and that can live from a simple site to yes. but the thing with this story, because the dean of the world studies faculty at the university of to around side mohammed around the is of the view. the only reason israel's western partners are calling for the escalation is to prevent the defeats for prime minister. nothing.
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yeah, there's no intention in washington to defuse the situation except for the fact that is really, really was losing the war. the americans know that nothing yahoo and the ruling. a group of people in israel, they are losing and this is going to get worse for him is reading the regime as time goes by. so they want, the escalation is on. it is only to help as well as people will not pull back. if the is randy regime escalates has will, i will kind of shit severely and they have the support of the whole region. and in particular, the access of resistance which will join the fights to protects loving them. okay, now their story to bring you to a former south african president, jacob zoom has been expelled from the countries ruling
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a n c party after 6 decades as a member, according to local news reports, the 82 year old is fun. guilty, afraid to dicing its integrity by forming arrival political party. the charged members found guilty of contravene in v a n. c constitution suppressor dissing, the integrity you will reputed the organization by acting in collaboration with the registered political party to with the um, counter we says weight policy, which is not in the lines with the a and c in amount of country to the things, policies and objectives of v i n c. last speak to our correspondent in johannesburg . military you can go at to see you. there's been most of at speculation about string relationships between mystery. so in that i'm president rom, oppose. and then the former strong showing in the national election for a rival function. so has this been coming zoom that was charged with 2 counts of misconduct with the primary charge of being a violation of a rules that prohibits members from acting on behalf or collaborating with
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a political party not in alliance with the see. the former president had been found guilty of this is charge of concluding that to his actions from the 16th of december 2023. at prejudiced the interpret chief of the se and reputed is he by collaborating with the empty party. the 2nd charge, which relates to his appearance of the empty pots, his list of public presented to him was dismissed. this marks a very significant movement isn't as long association with the se, if i may say the things that to him. so in the policy, the 19 fifties and his active involvement over several decades. but the spot to the president's office is the victor is league i. so that's because his, this decision was long over to we have veterans. i think it's long overdue. because then even remaining as a member of a, the, and also the leader of the innkeeper. to confuse this
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a lot of people i design menage to being more than 2000000 people in case of them to work for and get by to the end. if you cannot afford really can you, i for, to have people not in discipline and people to do as they wish. and so we're, we have veterans who i'm seeing that as soon as this matter is going through the, the better for us. and the better for at u. m. k pots, as spokesperson, someone knows a lot, a says they did not take the indices findings as a ruling because zoom is legal team and tony hanging as he's representative when not finished. with that, you would remember and know that to zoom a has been called a d stabilizing fee game, the country, even though he's the policy, the m p policy for the foot 14 percent of the national vote. in the 1st election, it has ever contested, in case surprising, see off the vote, which was the prime factor in the, in the news, the from the charge you for the 1st time since the end of a party, to meetings,
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to the formation off of the existing multi particularly issue that we're faced with today. we do know that to the empty pots he had refused to join the coalition, and has become the official position as the 3rd biggest party in parliament before the report it exposed in a few days after the 2024 general election results, results were displayed as who might himself said that she's policy presents an alternative to the stiff political options in the country. i did set up a dentist that leased and put it back to contest to apply to a and a very serious. that is why i did so i come from the slave, don't fight for the dom fighting kind of grouping. and i for, for my freedom and this kind of do for freedom of let people in this case, the full of prison has lots responded to his expulsion. and it is on see if he
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might simone to illegal case to challenge this decision. as the only is the has and done, but he does have $21.00 days to appeal to this outcome. r t sources have confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries on the african continent. wagner pnc fighter, preparing to sure that the evidence was recently killed in mali. a warning, the following images are disturbing. a series of flashes broke college over the past week between a local separatist group on the mount e. an army which has been working alongside wagner with fighters. troops from both sides were killed. that's being confirmed by both bama co. i'm the separatist video is circulating on line show numerous bodies lying along side destroyed army vehicles with plumes of smoke rising from my colleagues racial rouble on equal or shut down off of talk through what's known earlier. we have received exclusive
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photographs from a source within the russian african mercenary community apache. these pictures were meant to be published by one of the men traveling with that military convoy that was destroyed and apparently that man was killed during the ambush. but this is the photograph, and you can see the military patch here showing a ukrainian pride in which is one of ukraine's national symbols and what it means. according to our sources. these pictures were obtained from one of the chests of the ukrainian military instructors who are right now operating is that part of africa and this is according to our source, is a direct link and it shows me approve that. well, there has been some talk, some speculations that the ukrainian instructors are training various factions in africa. this is something that was about to be published by one of the men
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traveling without another frequency, but he got killed still. this is something that he had a chance to share with our suicide before. well, he met his demise and he said, these images, these pictures then are being actively high that especially by the west and private mill that she companies. and i know it might seem counterintuitive to you and to any observer given to how hard it is for ukraine, the in their, on their home. so right now, but still africa is a big battle ground between various proxy forces and ukraine is apparently one of them. again, according to our suicide, what do you create in military instructors are doing that? they are basically teaching african fights as an african um, fractions to fly f t v. drones to fly coming kazi, drones. and basically all of these aspects that have become big and have exploded during the russia ukraine conflicts. and it only makes sense why these western private clergy companies who are actively all pricing in africa,
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why they are hiring the ukrainians, and not the other, the other nationals. because these people, they have the most latest. and the most advanced understanding of the war of the future. this is not the only piece of evidence that has shown some links between ukraine and well, the tour i read those into are the forces that was one post on twitter or that drew the attention of local analysts and will aspects of the region. it is opposed by one of the tool reg rebel fights as in ukrainian novelist message to ukrainian brothers. do you ukrainian brothers, we, the armed forces of the csp, dp, one to express our solely diety, with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured a significant number of wagner's mercenaries, and with like to hand over these captives to you as a sign of support. and so we diety, these jester is intended to help you in your fight for justice and freedom. we hope
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that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties and our shared victory with all our support, the csp, the be armed forces. now one important detail to understand about this man is that while he's quite known on twitter, he is also known to be not within the chain of command of the 2 or a good rebels and of the tory community. a pathway is just a, just a pair of boots on the ground, but it's not the 1st time that he has publicly reached out to the ukrainian authorities in their native language via twitter at least. and now he's made a very sweet proposition to well work. something out about delivering are these captured wagner sizes allegedly captured back? the fight is to ukraine and eager. is there anything about the approach the rebels used in this ambush that stands out to you? well, absolutely. i say absolutely yes. because the tour advice isn't, i mean, don't get me wrong. they are known for us in that region. in fact, they've been fighting governments all the waves since the colonial era. so they
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know the deserts, they know how to fight that, but still so far their operations have been very limited. if you look up the sort of ambush operations they have been actively engaged in, well, it's not so much. basically they have been mostly resorting to small loans, 5 that haven't been firing anything. have you ever been in the p g and do they have been very rarely seen and uh, well, just documented that had been very few documented uses of like more to as instance by the tour. and so, given, given the fact that they apparently were aided by an outside affiliate in that particular ambush of the j named group. still this ambush stands out and they do take pride in what the achieved the in their official statements have listened. deceased wp, the impulse national and international opinion of the german 3 days of intense flights a from july, the 25th to july. the 7th is full. so suppose the battalion of towers from them all
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. the ami accompanied by logs non, both, most in that race from the russian involved in the militia. the peace of others from them all in on forces, ranks and involved in the militia, well taken prisoner. so they are proud to show off that they did manage to destroy a whole ministry convoy and they have not shied away from hosting online. what they see is evidence that they did so, and frankly, it is very hard to dispute. and it's very hard to argue that this does not prove their point. does not prove the point of the 2 or a rebels. the because you can see a literally dozens of bodies, they're lying on the sand and several vehicles bound down from what looks like and 2 tanks weapons. again, this is something that the tour a rebels have not really being well known to use extensively. this is not like you, this is not in the military pedigree, if you like, it does showcase that the turing fight has the 2 or a grapples. now is there
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a very different breed of fight to then when then they use to be and so well, it is not because they somehow evolved themselves. but from what we can understand . and from all the evidence that we can see here, they are being actively helped. the washington is set to upgrade its military command in japan and will not shy away from using nuclear weapons if necessary. i reaffirm the united states commitment to defend japan with a full range of our capabilities. and that includes nuclear capabilities. we are reinforcing our combined ability to deter and respond to go courses behavior in the, in the pacific and beyond. our decision to move in this direction is not based upon any threat from china. it's based on our, our desire in our, our ability to work closer together and to be more effective.
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we'll just ahead all of those remarks during a meeting between the 2 nations defense and foreign ministers. the us delegation said it's main concern is quote, chinese coercive behavior. and beijing is cooperation with russia. washington plans on revamping its military command in japan, including setting up a miller tried hate to in tokyo, which will allow greater capability to employ the over $50000.00 us troops currently stationed in the east asian country for which i live. know it by far and the 1st on security, unless collins charles, you keep from the university of malaya, in qual, i'm per, you're most welcome. does. expanding the u. s. military presence help as us officials claim maintaining peace in the region as well. we can see that dies menu in preparation for war because we can see how the
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current and us presence board. we talk with you in japan. i know has based on spending the best we can see how the, the, the greatest, the biggest us business income office is up for you. and the 50000 us loops stations are bad and i'm guess be knowledge of what would be provided, you know, across strategy in japan as well. so is more of the, you know, implementing your best efforts to strength is capacities we have seen, i'll do by nashville. so, you know, meet their history, most toledo, strategies defense in the spending and focusing abilities. and this is a preparation of all future war and publish it the want to because of got in, don't self, you know, company in china and, you know, helping allies to come to a tree, parole track according to the will be from the gene drawing and bustle and this is of us, you know, and i don't know you all to be for both the us, the reassurance of japan as well as, you know, you know, a welcome showing those of, well so, so this is, you know, a cartoonish of useful mental scenes that shouldn't be beside me, not seal, and use a real different defense, you know,
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mechanisms in the region from the score, from office, from the court to, to reach minus and different. but i think it shouldn't be a long tradition unless as well. so this is part of the continuous effort to, as well as embodied as well as so some strategies move by the us to the present. ok, mistakes that will be gm possible. and also what is the message clear? because speaking to japanese officials, the american defense secretary said that washington is concerned about china. quote, engaging in course of behavior in the region, but later added that bolstering the us military presence in the region is not connected with beijing in any way. so it does appear that message is a little bit hop how's or where does the truth really live in? well, china is always be the main picture and the august 3 of different loan, so it might be colors. the rest of the 3 is for the new care. f always has to be no budget in mind, but of course we have to be like that what's go?
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well, so comes with the big deal we have seen called the different of each most updates on the dry operations of tennessee, the fibers and yeah, laptop. so these have costs, you know, a depo readiness on, on, on know, washington site, s one s a plus, you know, read the fios on the side of something in japan. so especially a bunch of banner, you can see that the, however, that is why i put the narrative that washington's principal treats the retest agent to the east has always been the teachings. so call us and be able to see that be gentle costs. also send you a message before the election single grab up off in on the so called distance integer investigation of you know, assuming to allow us to be patient or a lice. give us new message of hope and reassurance. get you guys come out or you said you cut out to get the messages coming from cypress present. yeah, you could argue that it's combative though because lloyd austin also promised washington would protect upon by any means, including the use of nuclear weapons. if it came to that,
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what are the actually protecting japan from on is that the rhetoric is not appropriate. well, you know, what do you think is be that, you know, could be that on the narrative get, you know, feel now is creating the belligerent. really need variables and that the mean in focus has always been project funds came. so, you know, buddies are an extra so you know, we solve testing and all that. and i know having is just to satisfy the presence of us of having you know, to do and has these rules based all the beginning also as a message if i want. so so this and because sco calculated to introduce full spectrum, well, if you're not going to beat that, are the fast mechanisms get the good to spend the rest involving all different options on a daily liquidity. okay. and i know, and of course, the narrative that the us will come to diesel for thought of an icy japan. and taiwan was become that, you know, i, and you know, by china. so this also says new message to dawn, patient the read yes,
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between southeast asia nations. what no more pro to live. you know, as i am, you've just gone invested in process known as the momentum in the beach and it will be best. nothing else must be defined. russia, for example, ups and downs policies. a washington would not want to be left behind. dumps of petra induced on the both of the street based on this by trying to find frustrated to be we appreciate your time today. collins shawn, you, kate, firm, the 1st strategy and security expert at the university. i'm currently looking for a thank you. thank you. the rooms international, a 1st cortez convincing for a 2nd session to address a lawsuit filed by the families of full in this law mich revolution. regard core members, the soldiers relatives are accusing the us of supporting terrorist groups that killed their loved ones in syria or t correspondent use of july. the reports from tierra, a campaign of terror. that's how people here describe us military activities and
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their way during the session brought together some sweet hundreds family members from different parts of the ronda express. their emotional and psychological distress due to what they describe as the terrorist actions of the us government. uh, the family say you want support for tech who returns groups like isis has been instrumental in perpetuating violence of the region, particularly in syria and iraq, are undermining legitimate governments and causing significant loss of life. the court presented a range of evidence indicating a strategic plan by the west to back tourist factions in the region. familiar are representing the families argued that us had designated syria as a new training ground for terrorist organizations, like isis and a kind of american or stories have repeatedly acknowledge the wants government's role in supporting terrorism. he cited as a prime example of the request made by former president of iraq obama on june 26th,
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2014. when you saw $500000000.00 from congress us specifically for training, syrian opposition forces, essentially a court ping and framing proxy terrorists under the guise of supporting the syrian opposition. he said, i'd be a, was a trained $15000.00 insurgents in other countries who would then return to syria to confront the government of special assad mother of a fallen or do you see member also spoke out during the hearing or she pointed to statements made by john curry, the former us secretary of state regarding of the emergence of iceland street reference an article from the new york times published on september 30th 2016, which are included excerpts from a conversation between curry and members of the syrian government. opposition in done discussions, which took place in september 2016 during the winter on some weights. terry allegedly express regret over congress's unwillingness to deployed forces to
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suppress the syrian government, and to encourage opposition. members to seek assistance from other military forces, further empowerment the plaintiff of off. there cited a report from the independent or obama admitted that the 1st anti assigned rebels worth.


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