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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 29, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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wayne, $16000.00 insurgents in other countries who would then return to syria to confront the government of special assad mother of a fallen or do you see member also spoke out during the hearing or she pointed to statements made by john curry, the former us secretary of state regarding of the emergence of ice street reference an article from the new york times published on september 30th 2016, which are included excerpts from a conversation between curry and members of the syrian government. opposition in done discussions, which took place in september 2016 during the when general assembly curry allegedly expressed regrets over congress's unwillingness to deployed forces to suppress the syrian government. and to encourage opposition. members to seek assistance from other military forces, further empowerment the plaintiff law for their site is a report from the independent or obama admitted that the 1st anti assigned rebels were trained by the c. i a underscore and got americas direct involvement and
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support for these terrace groups. of course, he said to process it has been actively competing these terrorists and has incurred significant losses, including many military personality. one says its forces are present legitimately and as their request of the syrian government. however, with the escalation of the gods, a conflict, we simply things have become more complicated leading to a israel to target several, yvonne and advisors and then we address experts say this law so it can pay the ground for leveraging international legal frameworks to see compensation. they're wanting government has also indicated that it will also turn to international bodies such as the international court of justice to present the case. i get a little bit, i started for the mileage. i mean, if we take a look at the american quotes, we see that they've made plaintive to seize all pass on a routing and assets held in the united states as a means of causing a loss to the event in governments. so we can adopt
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a similar reciprocal approach whenever asked, as belonging to the american governments or any american individuals or entities involved in the depths of your dining room illusion. they got cool codes force members are located, whether in the region or in the run, they could be seized or allocated to the plaintiffs. symbolic the mention of this legal proceedings is even more significant extending beyond individual grievances to highlight. the persistent animosity between the iran and the us, the families involved to about their lawsuit will not only honor dirty last loved ones, but also shed light on what we perceive as a systemic pattern. if you want support for terrorism and the region is p as genuinely interested in a negotiated settlement in the ukraine conflict. and if so, will they actually be allowed to get run the table of russia? that's out for discussion next and a fresh episode of crossed off the
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hello and welcome to cross stuck on peter la bellevue. we discussed some real things. there was talk and maybe only talk you brain is interested in a negotiated into the counseling. what does drugs have to do with this? also what a harris administration take a different position on the golf, the genocide, to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, steve and guides and bell rate e as a research associates at build rates institute of european studies. and in lisbon we have alexander guerrero. he is an international legal analyst or a gentleman. prospect rolls in effect, that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciated. i start out with steve and, you know, it's interesting over the last i'd say 2 weeks. we've had a lot of different um,
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the noise being made. if people can call it that, we have a body can, andre, i'm void to t a. and so as he saying this more must come to an end. we had a big journal for the band doing um, being a real blow crowder going take care of going to moscow going to be using. and then to be son when he got back to europe. and then curiously, we have drums still say that he can end the war and the war before he is, you know, great if elected, we have precious a little information on that. and then we had some of the, like said mike on peo show up at the republican national convention, basically wanting the trail, doubled down, triple down, wide, triple down. completely at odds that went from seemingly his said, but, but there is something going on here. and i think it has to do with the american election, your thoughts exactly. it has to do with the american election, but also with the american drives strategy. because the right goes, cannot,
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they realized over wants to use that they can not lead to major wars or be behind the 2 major wars at the same time. so what we see with the possible trump return might be that they want to shut down the premium of the eastern european conflict for awhile and to complete the causal trace on nothing. yahoo has planned to conquer the middle east a to spread the war. uh so what is really important is the message that the napa was sent to the congress. it is also imposing more so dad to a lot of coverage than the did not very come, but still have the have she had a very warm welcome after 10 months of, of, of peeling but similarly, goes in some reluctance. so uh, i think the trump and the west in general, once a, a stalemate in your brain,
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which i don't think the directions are going to fall verdette. uh, so their whole game, i think in a way is based on uh, several completely false assumptions. they are behaving live role sheet brokers, assuming that surveys are going to happen for instance. assumption number one is that the russell was to negotiate. first of all, where i shall does not have we've room to negotiate because after may 20th, it does not recognize the last key as a legitimate president after the 28th of august, that the parliament to great also won't be able to enjoy the rest of the body to negotiate with so hoarding, i did it go see it with and why would they want to negotiate before the end of the goal? the bills that uh they have set. and so this is assumption number one that is based that it, or the one watts to the far from the racist thought that russia is going to
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bile to the white gods from capitol hill and brussels and then to whatever they like. and please, so that is one thing. what we hear constantly from people in the west is that the, the current flight of division is going to be the future border of 800 or sorry, the south korea kind of a supplement. where did they get this story from? so 10 that is there is one thing. uh, we will see what happens because i'm sure there's a lot of tension in into us, not maybe a about the growth strategy, but about how to do that because you have for american dudley. yeah, that means coordinated. yeah. russia, china, north korea, and he run, uh, and you have the american, uh, military as a potential. okay. can watch really if there's a delete this war. so i, i honestly don't know what really the one thing one thing is for sure is,
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is that the, the client state. let me throw this the alexander now the client state ukraine sees the, the, the real possibility that there will be a change of power in, in the white house, at least, maybe not in the bureaucracy. and that they're, they want to hedge their bets. i mean they're, they're obviously see themselves in a very, very weak position. would you look at the news about the financial situation that it isn't giving enough coverage? and the west means ukraine is broke. i mean, in bad we broke and that there is no. um, you know, you can, you know, you can have the interest from a russian ass that's, you know, 1300000000 here, 1400000000. that's not going to change their financial situation in new grade. but it's, it's really interesting to me, is it because of the potential change of administration? you have people that are saying this is biden's ward with wind it down and then you
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have like people like my mike from day oh that, oh, this is really what we, we want to go back to a reagan foreign policy. there's a lot of different things going on at the same time. what are your thoughts exactly? so 1st let me and let me remember once again that to bring is not only broke financially is world politically even drastically is no longer a southern states for a see some time ago. and at the present moment it is more than a failed state. it almost looks like somalia is the same style, but in europe, so it's not no more, no longer a matter all financially plus or shape. it has nothing to do with it. it has at the present only to do with the future of a country. and what country are we going to have in the matter up to 3 years? so what your brain are we going to have if any. so this shouldn't be the point to be discussed presently. then at the same time, i think that we should focus on the very specific aspects of american politics.
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because as we all know, the president of the united states has limited powers. g, bad as he realized a lot on the congress. and i believe that it was due to this that mike on bail came to public to give this guy the interview. started with the blood pressure pressure in donald trump. but at the same time, we remember sam some of the donald trump speech, little as 6 to 7 months ago. she was defending and supporting the decision of a land lease to you break. now he wants to put and then to this. but what kind of and this you want to put to, we know that she can approve. she can adopt several executive orders. but no more than that. you will need the support of the congress to make the best any kind of plan or project for you bring in war presently, which i have to remember. it's a long term war in your brain since 2014. so it's not the only concerning the rest yet. this plan must cover at the same time, aspects, all,
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all the spring and resistance, which is presently no longer, luckily active. but this way too strong, in order to evolve gimme zalinski against the wall and makes seem at least accept any kind of peace deal in the west. just steps aside, leaving your brain alone. so no longer, your brain has enough power to have a word to have a say on this, dobbs like so i don't think, i just think they've had this, let's say, for a very long time. it, you know, steven the, the, the variable or people like to say the 800 pound gorilla in the corner is quite visible in, in people, in the west, in policy makers ignore it, rushes already presented numerous times. it's a starting point for negotiations. no big deal with the the lead me obviously the ukrainians are unhappy about him. it's wilcox, their patrons and the west are not happy about it, but it is a starting point and that is
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a way this conflict can come to an end. but until up until the west recognizes the terms and conditions of starting negotiate next, this is up in this is denny day. go ahead steve. but for us, it doesn't have any incentive to believe that the west is going to stick to any word or any deal because they have missed one and these 2 and then the number the grew by that. but i mean, every thing, all the are, all the body arsenal was out there. and uh, i mean its starting with the deal that the, uh, the general go, which the son of the lost it for with the way that the western countries are the last it for less of by 4 hours. so i don't think the dresser is really motivated at this point where he's has a really huge leverage in the conflict. what i don't get is this
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discrepancy between what the west wants and what it can do. what the collective data, let's say was that what do you happen to have kids can do. so maybe co um let's say, uh, change in washington from by the to, from, from that across the republicans is to uh, to have a fresh start. but i can say in this ongoing global war i have said, yeah, did you meet with stephen? i, i think i agree with you in the fresh start. let me throw this alexandra. now the press start should be read, framing this conflict completely. and that we naming is pan european security architecture that, that's actually a base saving measure as well. if you think about, it's like how do we, okay, we can all disagree and how we got here, but we were at the end, we have an in game where everybody has the indivisibility of security. i know
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that's a hard sell for western politicians because they don't even know what the word indivisible, in indivisibility of security means. but i think that is a starting point or alexandria. it shows me but this, please remember that we have the so called rules based order. one that you about, according to western concepts and ideal of use means that whatever washington says it must be followed by all other western european countries. so it shouldn't be any visibility, it also shouldn't be to prevail, the brief people celebrating the quality. this is not only a customary paysimple and it does this. the law is also enshrined in to shut that off the united nation. so therefore, i think that all this should be taken as an, as a starting point. but when we listen to the speech is of course live on that lie. and even during this week, suggesting that you want to harass them to sell into the, to deliver all the money from russian assets to,
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to support your branyon military efforts. i don't think that we are getting any, any place like that in the meantime, because they just want to pursue their just want to feed the war machine. and when do we, in the same time, listen to the democrats to democratic parties, the alternative to which allegedly should be kamala, 1st, she likes galleries and then she likes idea elegy, she's changing her opinion, depending on where the ball. but alexander, is that the perfect the vessel for the deep state? i mean, she's there waiting, edited all my goodness, the boy sheet. okay. with milk or is alright settlement. i'm going to jump in here . we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our to special events and we'll and stay with our team the,
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the, the welcome make across that time peter live out here we discuss the wheel. it's all right, let's go back to steve. it come over harrison so that he is the big name and the news right now. um, uh, i think this is really interesting how quickly everyone's forgotten, joe biden. that'll be something for the history books to discuss. okay. the reason why i wanted to talk about, you know, she made these and she met with the benjamin netanyahu. this really prime minister when he was on is a man american tour that was cut short. um and um, you know, she said that she will not remain silent, which it, oh wow, really hit the bare with the bid sent, you know, a shock waves of around the eco system of those that who's a support of israel and it's genocidal conflict in gaza but,
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you know, it's, it's really interesting to me is a, you know, virtue signaling isn't going to do the trick here. ok. i mean, so much of american politics is about that. but there are, there are a number of people and you know, it could be 2 or 34 percent of the electorate, but that could make the difference in an election. they're not on teams genocide. so kamala harris, as we mentioned, the 1st part of the program, you know, lacking careers, were lacking in knowledge. but if that the isn't going to get to her, isn't going to get her the votes that she needs this, but it that way go head to be or exactly or her whole campaign looks to me. you mean, judging by the 1st video that we've seen, it looks like a big piano. coca cola company as it's, it's very core press it. it's a, it's a, it's, it's all in virtue, singling and then the language that she uses. she said that she knows the type of
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guy, the trump is. i mean, what is that suppose to mean it is that he's really uh, is really interesting. i mean, because the democratic party has a big, i would say ideological problem and is going to do some soul searching. i think, even after this election, because a large portion of its, especially young boulders are completely, i guess the, the simplest of boards supporting it. i wouldn't say only he's real, but specifically that the knack was policies which are quite harsh, and even betty guns would say suicide over these relative stakes. so i think that her campaign and what would she do if, if she ever got elected, which i really doubt are 2 completely different things. and the very fact that uh, at the end of the day she met with the knack who is speaking volumes. so i think
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the, the main problem here for the americans is how to assert the dominant position that they are losing, that they are not hiring anymore. and how to lead to, or, uh, perhaps in the future, 3 major complex uh, the same time. so what they are maybe want to do, i, i to be able to say this from the beginning is the ball is one so that they could accelerate the, the other bile. so they'll know how is that possible? because even if, let's say israel escalates with lab or no, uh, possibly with the ron and the other icons sees uh, added the america, a gallery coast. where is the, in the game to this gulf that we even know solely looking at the numbers. uh, what is to come out of it? and i think that the, the, the answer to this question that doesn't have um and neither of the but that one se campbell, i think, you know,
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you had seen that it's really interesting. is it i agree with you, i mean, if there is no strategy here, there are a lot of tactics involved, but there's no strategy and that's why it's flailing. how and when we look at the kind of like the new grade and obviously the sample american backing of israel's genocide will campaign in gaza. oh, alexander, i mean, that's the fact that, that someone like kamala harris would say that, you know, um, she, she wants to, she expresses empathy tube for what's happening to the palestinians. but that is actually an active cowardice because you know, you'll be the chief executive, the united states as enormous power when it comes to it's supportive and individual country like israel. but she won't exercise it. okay. and it's very easy even saying that she will not be silent, shows an admission a big will. she might talk about it, but policy isn't going to change this. so think we're the bottle this, you know,
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appear to be for one simple reason is that kamala harris is part of the, by the ministration or the last 4 years, the have been totally supportive of israel along all these years. what has so then we change, besides the fact that now she needs to present to the public, the different speech. she must left forget that in united states it's all about the donors don't. for a gas would buckle joe by the door. the don't, there's only they would take the whole don't mind and don't forget to buckle the news saying don't there is no longer support to buy than dollars are asked and you one buy them to step down. so it's all about any leads. and at the same time, forget national goals, we have to focus on the swing states, and presently kamala is losing beat time. all those falls in the spring state. so it comes up only to these elements. she needs to present to the probably a totally different speech. don't also forget that kamala is speaking popular among
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the for american billy communities. so she needs to bring something completely different because she knows she has been part of the problem. over the last 4 years, she supported blindly, all the solutions brought by the, by the restriction she is the, by the in administration. so we can forget that this change of his speech. i believe that the press should put some pressure on her, at least to ask her what kind of solution this to support. because coming to all these things, i want you to like manner. you're, you're here, you're thinking lights of lawyer. okay. you are okay. i guess the, but i've already watched the media coverage here out. this is such a told him about, it's unbelievable. i said after the, the democratic 2 against the body. i just said buckle up and embrace spray impact. you're going to see the greatest make over in such a short amount of time in a, in history and we're seeing it or right now. okay. like i said,
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i'd say it's remarkable how joe buying this has been disappeared. i mean, he's got the book today and we have a new administration, but some income, but it's really amazing what they're doing. okay. but they have his alexander pointed out, you know, it's basically michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania and the gear he and then with the in those states themselves, it's certainly congressional districts. that's where she has a huge problem. and that's what the make over challenge is all about. go ahead and see if it exactly. i mean, the whole procedure of getting go from by the into harris was completely and then we'll grab it. and then we'll credit the procedure because previously buys didn't got the new labs or all of that. and then the unified, the, sorry, uh, support of the democratic party. and then all of a sudden, uh, they own get scandalized and realized after 4 years that he is indeed they might dementia. and uh,
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they realize that only during the debates. uh, but this probably was the worst, let's say, uh, that was the worst appearance of bite. and in general, i mean, she had some really good moments before the debate. and it seems all decided that they are because they were coordinated indeed efforts to, to get came off of the picture and put harris, which um, i mean, we can bill to have and try to figure out several z or is why is that? and whether there is a new consensus about that, the trump $2.00. uh that should, uh, you know, make this fresh starts uh, when with the, with the complex re be, i tried to appease the ra, shows. uh and i tried to, but then there's also, and the 2nd full pulse is i'm trying to and with that is that russia,
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if it's samples or whatever piece that was the, what was the saddle for? it will not help you, ron russia has already signed and he's already coordinated in the files way they're brought with syria, with north korea, which side with the in the potentially the audi stone and many other players in the me. but we only use describing, you know, what you're describing in, you know, a talked about this on this program before is a, we've been told that we were on the, on the verge of a 3rd world war. i would posit to both of you were already in the 3rd world war. exactly. tell me very started. yeah, exactly. we are and does. there were more. and then the, the, the only question is how to frame it, how to sell it. and what was good about trump is that, is she is she was, she was always a good salesman. so why don't he's talking points is that if i,
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when i will stop the 3rd world war, what he's saying is i will settle a deal with russia and focus on other parts. because the major problems from economy to the global security are not going to be settled with one piece deal. i think that the best well the right cuz i can't achieve at this moment, but i don't think they have the rationale or the this whole powerhouse wants to has any incentive to do that is to move to the historical example of the call sir, to break powers of game officers and the polio on moore's. but unfortunately, i don't see niger aside in the american olives, they said political heart power spectrum rooting for him, increasing even, you know, that's one of the major ongoing motifs of this program is having rationality and be
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because the, the global solve understands geo politics. the, the west is a pure, a t test and that's why it doesn't work. alexander is steven is absolutely right. it's, i mean, you know, i don't want to be try to anything, but we, can we look for a win win here? no, the west will not allow that. they will not be good for ideological reasons. alexander, personal, if they want to collapse of pressure and on all the beloved that's present play is on the same side as russia. they have a mentality of funding to which they have to prevail. they want to double think of pollution from russia and it's spell eyes as simple as this. they don't want to leave the in the peacefully, the peaceful way along with russia and all other countries. they want to prevail, they want to impose their ideals, or they want to impose their principles. it sadly is as simple as simple as this they, they don't know how to lead along with any other different spaces along with other
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cultures. they don't know how to do it. that's why they are so allergic to the wording black at the blue, realistic world also to a model mindful arity is what they actually they do support, they will be able to in closing here, america 1st means whatever you want it to mean in the united states. and that for most people means mortgage. ever the gentleman, that's all the time we have bought a thing like guessing, lisbon in belgrade. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us. here are the see you next time remembered prospect thoughts the the what is part of the,
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the employee was posted isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without cases. let's go out of the a hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. several opinions that he won't get anywhere else to give it. please do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way
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the fit target president threatening to enter the middle east conflict to help gals in the comments. comment made a dramatic flared off between the idea on the pro tell us, getting his ball that militant group of the region, it just closer to full scale multi coming up on the program. former south african president jacob do not, is reported the expel from the ruling amc party oper more than 60 years as a member at follow days and uniformed opposition faction finishing 3rd in may, parliamentary elections. disturbing images from molly were r t sources have confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries. buckner, p. n. c fighter seeking to sure the evidence was killed in a recent.


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