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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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a more complex, multifaceted bit, let's stop without pleases. let's go part of the turkish president, threatening to enter the middle east conflict to help. yeah, i was in the comments come, i made a dramatic flair off on the levin on these really border between the idea from the pro palestinian as well as the lifting grip of the regent edges closer to a full scale war. also a head on the program this our former south african president, jacob zoom is reportedly expelled from the ruling and senior party. after more than 60 years of the members at policies and newly formed opposition function. finishing us from the 3rd in may's parliamentary elections as polling stations in venice, we liked close width in company. presidents like bureau declared the winner of the
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election. caracas ledges outside interference and the floating process doubts all ahead on more efficient. use our, the broadcasting 247 from the hearts of russian. this is your r t international. let's get to our top story. this monday the turkish president has spoken on how i peace in the middle east could be established. his remarks come, i made yet further escalation in the region of deadly lebanese is really exchanges ramp up. and the model is we must be very strong so that these real cannot strikes palestine just like we ended got about, just like we end of libya, we can do the same thing to them. there is nothing stopping us from doing this. we must only be solved to take these steps, president de,
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when these ranting and raving again, he is a danger to the middle east. we wouldn't accept threats from a one of the dictates the other one is going down the pulse of saddam hussein instructions to attack israel. he should just remember what happened there and how that ended. well, let's re tap water occurred over the weekend. the idea of car he died or strikes against multiple targets in southern lebanon overnight on sunday. now, according to the is really military fighter jet set, tucked his ball at targets, including arms, stores on foot, terrorist infrastructures. however, it reports coming from within that have been on say that residential areas where hit on video, shared online shows the scale of destruction while the barrage came in response to an attack on the is really controlled. golan heights area that i talk claimed 12 lives. all victims are said to be age between 10 and 20. despite the accusations it
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was to blame the lebanese pro palestinian. our group has bella has denied responsibility, claiming the incident was caused by israel zone on to miss file system. the is really tablets, by the way of the security cabinet held an emergency meeting on some day over the matter. that's what listen to the conclusion that was reached. the members of the cabinet authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the matter and timing of the response against it has bullets earliest organization as well. multiple states or warning over the risk of a full scale, middle east, or with some calling on their citizens to avoid or leave lab and on immediately or correspondent is done volt. yes. and that can takes us through what's behind the fierce reaction we just heard from impress, to the latest escalation. as we understand over the past 24 hours, there's been a bit of back and forth. tit for tat in one way or another. the statement provided
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by church president are the one on sunday, essentially insinuated that the turkish officials, whether that is by way of turkish armed forces or other means would in one form or another take part in establishing some sort of a peace deal or some sort of a, a cessation of hostilities, of course, the statement provided by the church present. elizabeth, ambiguous, and of course, objectively speaking did leave a lot for the human imagination. however, speaking to officials, it on color, they suggested that the church present did not necessarily refer to boots on the grounds or any true in any form of intervention. and with reference to libya and cut out. but we understand that the church on forces and one way or another, was involved in these campaigns, but not necessarily physically or by essentially sending boots on the ground. we understand that and cut out by the turkish military provided logistical support for our positive age on and, and may be a mandate was approved in turkish parliament by way of a un peacekeeping mission. so the church presidents reference did not necessarily
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insinuate that on could or would be interested in sending boots to the ground, but it appears that is real dead and rough uh, essentially accept that as a thread. of course, the reaction did not just essentially limit itself to that of israel. we understand that the statements coming out of tell a view suggests that they have their eyes set on iran as well. and it said on was quick to us essentially issue statements suggesting that it would essentially be dealing with these matters. and what that refers to is, of course, we understand that the are on a foreign ministry spokesperson said that the is really government or the design this regime as they refer to, is essentially held bends on provoking further conflict within the region. and that the is really, officials are not to be trusted to essentially prevents this all that war. however, we understand that the spiritual leader of the supreme leader of iran essentially had more to say on that. and he did not means his words in any way whatsoever. regime is our unique design is regina is really showing the ugliest face of
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a criminal gang. generally, they are not a government. they are a gang of criminals, a gang of murderers, a gang of terraces at this given moment that fire is being exchanged by the, his beloved forces. and these really forces along the border. and while that's happening, of course the is really defense forces is of course intercepting rockets as well as drones in the meantime. but one thing that does remain a constant is that the prospect of further conflict is definitely on the table. and it's something that everyone is worried about. okay, another story to bring you on a busy news, a some 80 percent of the votes helping counted in the venice will in presidential election. and it is incumbent president by general holding a solid majority. but it's being far from a straight forward ballad with caracas, accusing several lots in the american nations of interfering in the race. the bullet varying republic of venezuela denouncing the alerts the world about an
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operation of intervention against the electoral process. all right, to self determination and the self and to you of a homeland by group of foreign governments and powers. this group, a version of the infamous, defunct, and defeated lima group, which includes government officials from argentina, costa rica, ecuador, guatemala, panama, paraguay, peru, uruguayan, the dominican republic of those very same people who recognize the puppet in 2019, and tend to impose it today in 2024 for r t correspond to steve sweeney joins us now in the studio is to get to see you the elections. we need to point out. they've not officially concluded with the result as yet. but allegations of interference in the poll, they have been raised. what's caracas saying here? well, venezuela is highlighting for an intervention in a bit to undermine the elections. now it's a raised base. so the so called the mccrae, which was established back in 2017,
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precisely to overthrow the, the democratically elected board of evian government. then now it signed a declaration in the peruvian capital. fema heads the name and they agreed to support the sanctions placed on the individuals from the venezuelan government by peru, by other countries by the united states. of course, this group surprised surprises back by the united states. it is one of the supporting organizations and also offered a seat folder. that is why didn't opposition headed by what many describe as the us pops the one guy does, who, of course was recognized by many western government says that the gist of what president all but is why the despite having never won an election now the name of the group, well it was comprised many of these comfortable countries. many of the countries the well noted in the, in the state when we heard
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a certain kind of pop very quickly. companies like a origin, tina laughed following the election that mexico left following an election that perused threatened to leave the following the election of petro castillo. so these countries criticized things on his way to it when it's not much of a surprise, there's not supposed to be a president my bureau there at all. is there a, according to the united in states and other countries, you know, there are bach are as you, as you mentioned earlier, his, his previous opponent glide though, was supposed to take over. but, you know, the people decided that wasn't the case. so in this next election, has the us react it? well, unsurprisingly, it has reacted back in 2019. of course it recognized one guy though he was add mine . but he was rejected in the end, even by the opposition, who they called him a dream turned into a nightmare. now this time around the game, according to the man is waiting electrical commission. what we know, as we know, 2nd fall with around 80 percent of the votes counted,
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but due to it has won the game with more than 50 percent of the votes that us bought tons of the edwardo gonzalez as well. he's failed to secure the presidency. if i were to end what the us described is 25 years of socialism, but of course the united states has commented us secretary of state, honestly blinking, or he's commented saying that he's concerned over the we've seen the announcement just a short while ago by the venezuelan electoral commission, we have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes for the event is why don't people, it's critical that every vote the county shirley, and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay and the electoral authorities published the detail tabulation about the international community is watching this very closely
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and will respond accordingly. a sort of course the united states on surprisingly that i'm happy with the outcome of the vote because then my last but at least the pressure on venezuela has a long history. of course, the country has been placed under intense sanctions for refusing to bend to the will of, of washington. donald trump, the form of us president is reported to helping to tile to of launching a ground invasion. so i was supposed to do the former us national security advisor, john bolton. well, in his book these hiding the on guns inside the white house. now he said that that was a to a pulse to i would throw a throat mate do right. but we do know that in the fucking 2020, of course, that was organized by the silver coal. i most new group headed by former us marines . i was, they were cool red handed, coming across from colombia,
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and they've taught 2 toilets for all you would do. and in still, by the, as the president of, and his white of course, that's on file. but lincoln is right in one respect. he says, the international community all watching very close the now by the international community. of course they have not means us allies, but there are a whole range, hundreds of delegates from across the world. but in venezuela, who in caracas and other cities across the country now observing those elections, i've spoken to a number of those this morning and they've described no irregularities. they've said the vote is fat, free and transparent. they will have causing time prepare that own electron report, which of course the us uh will ignore. now the us is worth noting that the vendors waited in elections are very difficult to manipulate. they operate the electronic voting system. this means that, you know, bottle rigging and the such like is, is very, very difficult, but you don't need to take my word for it. but listen to the words of former us president jimmy carter who described it as one of the most sick show and safe
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function systems in the world. just further afield in from the u. s. reaction. how we heard at and from other countries about their view on the ballot. well, again, this is no surprise the, the responses across the world have for them by speeding to, to come from okay. us allies who have a code. well, honestly, blinking to the said they've raised that concerns over the vote to cause they want to see the throat with my daughter. oh indeed, installation of a western friend, the puppet government, and that there are others who respect the bonnet, respect the outcome, and they've congratulated. but do right. but one of the us on i, in the region argentina, appears to a cold for the event is why didn't on forces to carry out to couldn't dictate or mate do room out argentina is not going to recognize another fraud and hopes that the armed forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will
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freedom advances in latin america. now this was one of the problems in the original attempt to to i was trying to do right before the before the covered election was that the vendors why didn't on forces? well, they remained loyal to the president, they remained loyal to the phone of abbey and revolution that we saw this again in the refusal of the vendors waited on forces to shake hands with one of the opposition leaders as she came to the pony station to caused by the pilots, but for now the will of the people who is being sent a bright page on the streets of character as well. washington continues to look at the ways it looks like. present material has one a nother term. steve sweeney. archie correspond taking it through, i think steve, well that's down into some of the points that steve was bringing up there because we can cross live to. so i thought african politician and former member of the national assembly them but go the mr. go to, you're most welcome. we've just been leading all their criticism,
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all the elections in venezuela for multiple most of the western nations. but observers, in caracas and other cities, independence women say, well, hold on, we don't quite see that. it was peaceful that it was large, they transport and so your view on the allegations coming in international, i think little much say for letting me in since we observed the election. so i'm a fast problem. we've been competing right up to 14 d until now it has been just a little industry and it indicates the ellipse of process base, better types buttons and what to types. so we as yet to not know. ready and if not been told what other specifics that they may because of the process are concerned about, i've just read the statements for them to solve the kind of silva comp a which excited indicated that they have not seen any issues with the elections
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such as fight that the convictions have been handled well, and if we just oppose that be what a until the blinking a was save, utilize the double standards and you were created, continue to define a america in our lives, in relation to how the to a country and what those accusations are coming with the appendix stats and millions of people are accused of leaving that as well in the last number of years because they couldn't get employment. acceptor, these are the claims being made. what, what do you feel when you hear that accusation being made? that present material cannot keep his is citizens within the nation. well look, let's, let's take a simple example says the landscaping ukraine, menial sophie cravens, left ukraine as well as he is and opposition parties is jail or position active is
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quote elections, but continued to percentage in the west and continue to support the americans in used cars and latuda venezuela, a victim of cool emitting consumption. that is for citizens to leave the country and then you'll come around and use grades. and my daughter was looking, keeping his citizens in his being his own country. it's just to put police in double spend. that's it. doesn't make sense, something else we're hearing caracas. say that's a group of lots in american countries of interfered in the elections. that's a very serious charge at. would you be surprised, though, if it is fine to have happened the to mean legs? the new a c. m. the lima group, it's a group of american vessels soon. do anything that's committed, casee. i mean if you look at the statement by clinton, it's almost 6 to give it to your, to supplement us. and let's,
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and i'm very kind of position become go against what blinking said. so it is a real problem that he has paid out. if you could imagine, to look, for example, i mean, it is led by an extreme right. we. ringback who is functioning the country to america? it madura on the other hand, is seen as someone who's fighting for so they need t as i'm t a imperialist. so the americans were only be seduced by the outcome of the season . want to lose it is basically what the wheels different is when people east west creek to see you today. thank you for your time and your thoughts. so i thought for can politician and former member of the national assembly st, but got a the no r t sources have confirmed the presence of ukrainian mercenaries on the african continent. wagner, pnc fighter, preparing to show that the evidence was recently killed in mali. a warning the
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following images or disturbing a series of flashes broke out over the past week between a local separatist group on the molly an army which has been working alongside wagner for fighters. video is circulating a line show numerous bodies lying alongside, destroyed on a vehicle with lumens of smoke rising from the buckner p. m. c has issued a statement saying the militants use heavy weaponry in the attack, including drugs. on july 25th, the militants. again, inside the musicians bas, thanks for the coordinated actions of their chest, a personnel, and mother and military personnel. the attempt of attack was repelled over the next 2 days. the radicals increase the number of mazda attacks using heavy weapons, jones and suicide vehicles, which result in losses, football, b, and c, and mullens soldiers. the last of the round from the proved group was received on july 27th. at 1710. the 3 of us left,
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we're continuing to fight for my colleagues. rachel rudo on eager said enough talk through watson, merging a bike, ukrainian involvement in the deadly attack. in bali. we have received exclusive photographs from a source within the russian african mercenary community apache. these pictures were meant to be published by one of the men traveling with that military convoy that was destroyed and apparently that man was killed during the ambush. but this is the photograph, and you can see the military patch here showing a ukrainian pride, and which is one of ukraine's national symbols and what it means. according to our source. these pictures were obtained from one of the chests of the ukrainian military instructors who are right now operating is that part of africa and this is according to our source, is a direct link and it shows me approve that. well,
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there has been some talk, some speculation that the ukranian instructors are training various factions in africa. this is something that was about to be published by one of the men traveling with that ministry quantity, but he got killed still. this is something that he had a chance to share with our suicide before. well, he met his demise and he said, these images these pictures of a patio ukrainian man. there it is, the ukrainian pride in the patch there once again. so again, this is another piece of evidence that the ukranian forces uh right now very presents in africa and it is, goes very, it does go very much in line with what i've been hearing since the beginning of the, from my sources. again, within the russian african military community who have been telling me that the ukranian fights and some of the most elite men are being actively high that especially by the west and private military companies. and i know it might seem counterintuitive to you and to any observer given to how hard it is for ukraine,
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the in their, on their home. so right now, but still africa is a big battle ground between various proxy forces and ukraine is a, the one of them, again, according to our source, what do you create in military instructors? are doing that? they are basically teaching african fights as an african um, fractions to fly f t v. drones to fly coming kazi, drones. and basically all of these aspects that have become big and have exploded during the russia ukraine conflict. and it only makes sense why these west and private ministry companies was actively all pricing in africa, why they are hiring the ukrainians, and not the other, the other nationals. because these people, they have the most latest, the most advanced understanding of the war of the future. this is not the only piece of evidence that has shown some links between ukraine and well the toward rebels into our
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a guy forces. there was one post on twitter or that draw the attention of local analysts and will aspects of the region. it is opposed by one of the 2 reg rebel fights as in ukrainian novelist message to ukrainian brothers. do you ukrainian brothers? we, the armed forces of the csp, the one to express our solely diety, with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured a significant number of wagner's mercenaries, and would like to hand over these captive to you as a sign of support. and so we dirty. these jester is intended to help you in your fight for justice and freedom. we hope that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties in our shared victory with all our support, the csp, the be armed forces. now one important detail to understand about this man is that while he's quite known on twitter, he is also known to be not within the chain of command of the tour, a good rebels and of the tory community. a pathway is just a, just a pair of boots on the ground, but it's not the 1st time that he has publicly reached out to the ukrainian
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authorities in their native language via twitter of police. then now he's made a very sweet the proposition to well word something out about delivering are these captured? wagner fights is allegedly captured back. the fight is to ukraine. you can see a literally dozens of bodies by lying on the sand and several vehicles bound down from what looks like and 2 tanks weapons. again, this is something that the turing rebels have not really being well known to use extensively. this is not like you, this is not in the military pedigree, if you like, it does showcase that the turing fight as the 2 or a grapples. now they're a very different breed of fights, and then when then they use to be and so well it is not because they somehow evolved themselves. but from what we can understand them from all the evidence that
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we can see here. they are being actively helped from johannesburg loose the abraham executive, secretary of the african legacy foundation on the former libyan government spokesperson joined us for further discussion. you are most welcome. wagner, p. n. c sees the, the militant use drones and heavy weapons in the attack. now that would be unusual for molly and in storage, and does that appear to me they did have outside help in the result in europe you, i don't think we have to speculate about this. anyone following the affairs of the saw how the region of africa knows very well that in the last few years, the french g 5 s force command and the african american commands in africa has increased the operations significantly in this
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region to protect the political and economic interests and the reason what is different at these last few days is the inclusion of ukraine and the confidence. see the west always likes to use its agents. in slave armies. 25, there was was white. and unfortunately, they have use ukraine to wage. an existence should war against russia. i'm get ukraine involved in conflicts as far away as maggie and even to that. so i do believe, and i am quite certain about this that nato advanced technology was used in this. i talked with ukrainian direct, held on the ground. i actually, if you go back on the internet and watch my videos from more than 14 years
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ago, 2011. then afterwards i have warned against this very scenario. especially i alluded to the fact that the rebel f make a terrorist groups and for some reason we're funded and unchanged by nato in the south. a flip. yeah. in 2011. as a matter of fact, nature itself admitted to it, saying that this was a necessary step. 2 of us, so that the big event which is for them, of course, can that get that the flip? yes, so they supported according to them. i, i less that even to get rid of, i big even though this doesn't even, is wreaking havoc in the south region. preventing might be nice job shop and working a facile from getting the control their natural resources. especially go phosphate
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and other non important exports of the region. so there is no doubt from america using you crate to intervene. and this has reason to head russia and its relationship with the governments of these that have been lucian. any countries can i put the point to if you crane 6 to oppose in russia? russia enough for k will have to form alliances with militants and tear risk groups as most who works with official governments in the region. not how come key of squared about the circle with their western backers who defend, as you well know, ukraine continually us democratic. well this is the irish is ukraine and it's, and the crania nation. it's a very existence and a interest. it lies in having peace for good neighborly relationships with russia. the what, what joins your brain was with russia is very powerful,
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very deep in history and state. the west is using ukraine at to go against its own interest. and of course, they are using the huge with discords of democracy, peace, human rights that they use iraq in libya, syria, so my, the gun is that even and lots in america and the west dealings with terrorist groups is nothing new. we oh, no, got they funded that supported the hashes and the most meg service to groups and syria in iraq. afghanistan, i'm in the south region and when ukraine comes into this equation, it has to play by the rules laid down by the west. so they don't come to a scene that is completely new, i'm being stopped and they come to a game that has to be played by the west for decades. i'll. so you claim merely
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joins the west and deals with the terrorist groups that the west advises them to deal with. as always, it's good to see you and hear from you this abraham executive secretary of the african legacy foundation. think think well a lot. is there a lot for not, but if you'd like to delve deeper into any of those stories, me, i suggest r t dot com as a solid starting point, good by the the just in the supply chain need to change the.


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