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tv   News  RT  July 30, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the, the again, trying to impose on that as well a code itself. fascists and come to the resolution that academy opposition groups in venezuela flood vist rates to protest. nicholas maderos victory in the presidential elections flashing with police and burning posters with the leaders image. and also i had the riots are a storm and it's really military facility protesting against the detention of soldiers. that's the fact that of abusing a policy mean prisoner also had on the program. it's revealed
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a u. s. secret service culture sniper award and colleagues and part rooftop thread, 90 minutes before they attempted feeling donald trump warnings which were left on the heated bluffs. there are, you know, you said you position r t senior correspondent, witnesses at real time tank and thoughtful on the don't boss from the drawings. show me what happened. this all the, wherever you're watching this from around the world today. welcome to the global news run up on market more than 20 military officers have been injured in venice, we'll as post election on risk, which has occurred all across the country. according to the nation's defense ministry. the,
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the, this is not the 1st time we're facing with, with facing today. the again trying to impose and as well a code itself fascist and come to the resolution that it can take to the same countries and fashion spot, or a groups run by us imperialism that supported the self proclaimed presence. one way doing it in 2019 question in the electoral process and then as well uh well
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lets on time know about in 2019 the us alongside the lead mcgriff made off of it doesn't last in the american states supported opposition, accusations, but nicholas material had written the election, the year previous, washington was quick, the hill, his defeated rival won white though as a legitimate leader, clearing him into the president. now the e. u and the number of south american countries followed suit without witness will a separate months of violent flushes. between government, supporters and opposition groups, and i protest how the rough that once again after president my to rose re election victory this week. i, us lawmaker in fact, nature of publicly admitted washington attempts to incite mr. mcgill rose over throw 5 years ago. so we just have to be clear that our best, well, a policy over the last year and a half has been an unmitigated disaster. all we did was play all our cards on day one and it didn't work. and it's just been an embarrassing mistake after mistake.
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since 1st we thought that getting why go to declare and so present would be enough to topple of using then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of who in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the end and in 2024. washington is once again struggling to accept the result of the elections with us officials saying the outcome of the vote is boats concern. we applaud the venezuelan people for their participation in the presidential election and we commend their craters and commitment, democracy, democracy, in the face of the impression that adversity. we've seen the announcement from overnight, by the event as well, and elect oral representatives. and we have serious concerns that this result does not reflect the will end the votes of the venezuelan people. so the us planes
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subbing echoed by members of the lima group, argentina, costa rica, kind of my europe line. others have issued a statement demanding a review of the election results for venezuela, as recall. that's diplomats from 7 countries that earlier refused to recognize mr. mature rose, re election know across rick co director of the us midwestern marks institute. say it's members. i believe i group topic seth, so the majority of that is what it is or behind the incumbent, worse. i mean, look at who they are. they're, they're members of lima group, right? it's urgency. no, it's close to rico, panama, paraguay, etc. right. so i think it's quite obvious what they were trying to achieve, which is to undermine the will of the venezuelan people and get in power some sort of, you know, western bast puppet, that would get open to venezuela up more exploitation by the super
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national foretells. that control most the world finance or i should say, a shrinking remote, a world's finance with the rise of bricks and stuff like that was never going to work. they've been trying this sort of thing for years and years in bailey. they don't understand that the vintage way when people are behind mood door. they just don't in israel right wing writers have stormed an idea of military facility and the tension facility for palestinian prisoners. while protesters class with military police dozens mothers to break into the bait to lead base, the the 9 soldiers suspected of abusing a palestinian prisoner were interrogated on the base of the time. now they were
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earlier taking for questioning from another detention facility. it's really all positionally there. yeah. you are lump. it's as condense the mob violence and also cause the suck. right to win, members of the connected to join the demonstration. we are not on the brink of the abyss we are in the this old red lines were crossed today. if leave them, you know, who does not fly the ministers who participated in this fight and race today. he is not fit to represent the state of his ro, as well as those protesting including its really low on may 1st and ministers who gathered to defend the soldiers state had felt they were quote, doing their job labeled the detention as shameful. human rights activists of quite a different vision of events though of welcome the pro while far too late, these really minute tree finally recognized the content. no crime is committed by
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soldiers against palestinians in the custody. this incident is one of many recent reports we centers, riley will start, sees regarding severe violence including sexual abuse. there have been many optimizations coming out over the past few months from where so low is really soldiers that them serve their planning. that is really soldiers habit of using palestinians. when i say accost city is of course i mean gardens, people who came out from the home, off the attack on october 7th, and other gardens that were caught up in operation sweeps. that is really army did . some of the accusations claim that the prisoners had their hands tied together so tightly, they lost blood flow and her hands had to be amputated after being in that position for many, many days. none of these acquisitions have been proven by many files and investigation have an open. what happened recently was that one of the prisoners was abused sexually. he was brought to the hospital in uh, in uh, um, in the south. and uh, they went in, the military police went in to not arrest, but the chain for questioning 8 is really sold. there's nothing soldiers or not ordinary soldiers,
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an age of $18.00 to $21.00. they are military reserves. people who are traditionally older, more mature, more responsible. so it's quite surprising that they were reserved soldiers. and when they went into the chain, them, uh, look out and they resisted being detained. the arrival of rioters and attempts to break into bases or serious unlawful behaviors bordering on energy, harming the i. d, f, the security of the state and the war effort. and i do know that the prime minister of israel and the present in israel and god himself, has condemned what they did of the military police. the military police have to do their job and investigate any claims of abuse. as one man took a break, another took a bullet in the aftermath of the assassination attempt. and donald trump, a most of the questions have emerged over secret service feelings. with the latest revelations, disclosing an agent responsible for protecting the nearby roof,
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where the gunman fired from wharton his colleagues of the visible spread before signing off, shift warning that was a party ignored by the security. someone follow the lead in smoking and talked to bell calls just so you know, i'm just letting you know because you seem to go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up the she sits into the direct rights in the picnic table, both 50 yards from the exit, as we learn more about the events of january, 13th and many americans are not happy with how it appears that the secret service failed on that day. newly released text messages reveal that a 100 minutes before donald trump spoke, a counter sniper signed off a full 90 minutes before the shooting. the would be assassin was reported as suspicion and being watched. photographs were being sent. he was clearly on their radar to loading the round building. we are in ag, i believe it is. i did see him with the re find a looking toward stage f y for information. if you want to notify secret service
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snipers to the couch, i lost sight of him also a banquet backpacks and next to it and ralph building that was not so you know, they call it in to come on and have a uniform. check it out. the kid was dead by 6, 11 pm local time, but before he lost his life, he almost killed president donald trump. now members of congress, grilled the secret service about exactly what happened. john raso was told that they had spotted him an hour beforehand, but lost track of them. he was identified as a candidate of suspicion because he had a range find as well as a back back. and this was open to now before the shooting actually occurred. so you would think over the course of that hour, you shouldn't the side of the individual. now the person who could have answered all the questions currently being raised with kimberly sheets on the head of the secret service, but she has stepped down and that only came after giving non answer after non
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answer about what really happened on july 13 was the head of the secret service, not giving answers publicly, many on acres had hopes for the upcoming congressional hearings, but even their c dodge questions and even tried to change the subject. okay. you say you're fully cooperating with this committee on july 15th, this committee sent you a list of demands of information that we wanted. has the secret service, provided this committee, a complete list of all law enforcement personnel that were there that day? yes. or no. have to get back to you on that. that is a no. have you provided all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee as we asked on july 15th yes or no. i would have to get back to you as a no, you're full of today. you're just being completely dishonest. type you provided on the miranda's within the secret service. i would have to get back to you. that is a know you are being just honest or lying like i just, you're being just honest here with this committee. these are important questions
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that the american people want answers to. and you're just, you're just dodging and talking around it in generalities. the api i now tells us that the 20 year old with the assassin made an ominous post in a web forum about video games on the internet before the fateful day. fox has learned to the senators, we're told you the old member briefing. the total of crooks wrote on a gaming platform called steam, july 13 will be my premier watch as it unfolds. so what does this negligence with the secret service to sleep at the wheel? the garage of revelation has many americans wondering if the fact that a 20 year old assassin was able to get so close to a former president in front running canada and take shots on the standard protections. failed. was really merely a coincidence. salem often archie, new york, or former c. i a and us state department donald, as laurie johnston say,
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said after looking at the evidence available, he's concluded someone in the secret service may have a lot of the assassination attempt to take place. once that information flows, letting you know, the suspect was identified a suspicious that information should have been communicated back to the command center. it's also known as a tactical operation center that would be mand, uh, the person in charge of the senior secret service official. they should have taken that and that should have been the threat should have been immediately analyzed and they should have gone out and then further investigated and not allowed donald trump to take the stage until they have resolve the issue. they didn't do any of that. i am now of the belief that some one or maybe more than one person and within secret service senior management was involved with allowing
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this assassination attempt to take place. and that it was that this was a sinister deliberate act. this is not just an accident, yet, this was something that was planned supported. and to that extent, that's why the secret service very few fail to provide the do all the check. he made it, they needed to do and failed to provide all the resources that the trump security details requests the pentacle. and it has a nice the allocation of to military aid packages for ukraine, totaling more than one and a half $1000000000.00. significant loss is among ukranian soldiers draft dodging a mazda immigration have caused a significant shortfall of mon power in its army. ortiz, senior correspondent, with us custody, of whose being tracking developments on the front line with his an armor to sold by
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the 20th motorized rifle division. on the ukrainian position on it's after me, a column of russian tags keeping distance streams past. this is a major sold. they are to tear apart a kilometer of ukrainian defenses. i'm not sure if i should take it by the fact that our job is to neutralize these 3 lines to force the enemy out there. my alpha is doing it according to our intelligence there, an empty tank weapon there. and here comes the main thrust of what tanks as expected, brave a gorgeous of you, creating an artillery and drones ukrainians. know that if they guess it's a firing range, damage would be devastating over trash but but yeah. so the, the spice of tar and lots, and we saw the russian tags reach the destination and losing more than
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a 100 shelves that you create in defenses upfront. and from the re, uh there are, you know, the tax charge, the same for you said you positions it upfront, that is a kid over towards these tags. and then the other is like why we use the pools of hoops. tags, cards are sold by raj, these most of us. what you played in tubes survive. this will be in new shape to fight back once the a. so troops attack of the lease is it because the bachelor for ukraine, the knobs here a german made leopards tank stands abundant, but also costly. the med keeps
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a key. the field is increasingly its troops. the 2 years ago, they would likely have food to the last. now they run more often than not feasible. morales, lack of training announcing losses compound ukraine's troubles. for example, shorts to transfer. we're fighting, drafted troops. they don't know where to go. what to do most surrender. once we get to them and the firefight begins the last month at most half an hour, drafted troops have little motivation to flights. while the veteran troops, those who are left, simply exhausted. why did you surrender? we held our position for 40 days without water. we drank from the swamp. there was no way to treat your commanders a band and you, they did. they told us they would get ourselves and they didn't. increasingly,
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this new one to replace them with terrific losses as well as draft dodging and emigration stopped. ukraine's army of mine power made this believe that t, as we'll see, results to draw, seeing the you've those aged 18 to 25. and that's the, we've covered 2 losses who likely deprive the country of an economic and demographic future more, i guess the of the, from nobody far less than a screeching. well uh, so you creating an army servers and when were reportedly significant loss says men across the country are continuing to hide from us, forced mobilization, a good, let him go, let him go to ukraine for solar recruitment. the following things of men is not slowing down with drafton forces routinely seen using brute force the sand
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recruits the watts locally as in me binders or intense fossil ground areas. and as you creating officials say they won't be using drop laws until the conflict is over . people are increasingly resisting the measures. one form of protests, testing cars, driven by military personnel, enforcing mobilization, being torched. you can say some of those incidents. sure you're on social media. meanwhile, a commander of an empty tank battalion was caught on camera giving orders to shoot on the spot. those who set fire to vehicles to hang up or welcome and you know, but that one has the battalion commander with agreement from the top leadership, the line and what time, loss and comb with community and a verbal order. i give the goal head to my flight, just the event of detection of these villains. these creatures capital punishment should be applied on the spot. and such thing should be set an example. your
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opinion has sent 1500000 euro in revenues lifted from russia's fruit was enough. it's in the u. t. f. 90 percent of the assistance is earmarked for weapons on munition and or defense systems. long gary and prime minister has taken aim at brussels for on question the following. u. s. foreign policy. a sound when equally voted your pay and politics is collapsed. europe has given up on protecting its own interest. europe today, photos the us democratic parties, political interests, and does nothing else. well, another round of you fight club has broken out. you could say this time between hungry and poland. so how did it all kick off? well, or bon laid into poland during the speech at one of these summer universities that political parties in various european countries tend to have to kind of rally the troops before they all head back to the political school yard in september. and in
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that address or bond pretty much suggested that poland was doing washington's bidding, and basically serving as its primary flatulence catcher in europe, you could say and helping america to beat germany on the blow. busy playing field as a result of obsessing over, spitting it to russia. he also suggested that with poland essentially putting all the covers to itself. it was also shifting the balance of power in europe from the traditional paris berlin access to one that actually involves poland and its baltic and scandinavian neighbors, london, and t as well. that did the trick polish and hon. berry and officials responded by basically taking it into the parking lot. in public view. polls are conducting hypocritical policies. they criticize us for our relations with the russians,
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and they themselves conduct business with russia through intermediaries. i've never seen such a pop prosy. we do not do business with russia and like prime minister, l bon, who is on the margins of international society, both in the european union and the to, i don't really understand why hungry wants to remain a member of, you know, as ations that it doesn't like so much if you don't want to be a member of a club, you can always leave. the reaction proves the proverb which says nothing hurts like to choose. the current police government is criticizing us for importing oil from russia, which is absolutely necessary for the functioning of the country. but if you look carefully at the list of clients of one of the largest russian oil companies, you will definitely find both there. so these traded barbs are really ramping out. poland is now pretty of everything that you can think of pretty much like hey, didn't mock the dog a month ago? didn't take out the garbage. when i asked you saw you looking at that girl at the mall? by the way, do you not remember that? yeah,
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the girl at the mall is apparently russia because the polish parliament's european affairs rep is now getting in on the action and publicly posting on social media a letter that he and his counterparts from other european countries road to hungry just a few days ago, saying that or bon was quote impeding piece for ukraine with this piece emissions going, this is the last the puts in, trump, nato, china, azerbaijan. meanwhile, poland is loading up on american weapons for peace, of course, which is kind of like loading up on birth control or virginity, or bon also tor, into germany, accusing it of lacking curiosity over how ignored stream got blown up. and europe's cheap rushing gas supply along with it was the remaining silent on the blow up of the north stream. even germany is raising no voice against a, a power. the american influence terror acts as home their own assets. and we say nothing, no investigation. we don't want to clear the facts,
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so questionnaire legally dislike of the miracles want topping held by denmark. we didn't ask the right way. this is nothing more than an active submission. all right, so poland, foreign minister rather slides sikorsky god in on this pile up. he said the hungry is quote, irritating, everyone else in europe, we're talking to hear about the same die right, a slab sikorsky who actually wrote on twitter quote, thanks to usa with a picture of the blown up north stream pipeline in the immediate wake of that attack and more recently proposed to the you for an affairs officials that were supposed to be meeting and hungry at the end of august as a result of hungry hosting, the rotating you presidency, that maybe they should just be needing up into yes. yeah,
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that's what provocative at all big mystery why or bon might be upset and taking off the blogs in public. seems like these guys have been playing footsie under the table for quite a while. we're just starting to see the results of that now. okay, something else to tell you by today slovakia will hold the diesel fuel supplies to ukraine. if t a does not restore the transit of russian or prime minister roberts feet so that the issue won't force a change in process law. those foreign policy. ok, so can i ask you to be scared or pieces? who could i, you know, if the transit of russian oil 3 crane will not be restored, soon, slow enough will no longer continue its supply of oil to ukraine, which covers one pence of ukrainian consumption. i will say very openly the one the problem with the cranium. transit of russian oil cannot change your stance on more in ukraine. well both slovakia and hungry have been hit hard by
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t of decision to sanction rushes, a new core pipeline, a move which has cut off energy supplies to eastern e u members a home during official call. the move block meal, a claim on a to blog numbers, and lensky has rejected. the you impose sanctions on russian oil in 2022, but a lot exemptions for us, the buck you hungry and the czech republic. we spoke to former slip back in prime ministry young turn, of course key, who stays the us following the lead from overseas in its quest to her. most of that is the geo political back to between west and the russia and the west wood likes to damage of russia. and every thing is group for the west that is damaging a, the russia or in this bill. countries that are cool, but i didn't read,
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so i shot this are going to be doing is to lock you in on the end and the commission process would be good to go on and guess the about. we do not know what the next steps i'll do. you would have been permission and guys out to counters, but this is optional policy of europe in union. and or in other words, the policy of european union that it has nothing with defending the interest of europe in union boundaries. but it is a policy that is completely dependent on the wishes of view. and i. ready know, i finally built by the soviet union in the late eighty's,
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mid top pop hospital in low is set to undergo and much needed full upgrade over 30 years on with russian financing. the project will improve facilities and equipment, expand medical capabilities for personnel and patient artie. correspondence, rebecca, nothing to pooler can tell us more about why it's so pushing a loss to face a significant challenges in addressing how equity issues and a central health services the russian government investment in the mid pop hospital is set to operate facilities, an enhanced medical compatibility the program demonstrates a commitment to provide better care for patients across the region while tackling health care difficulties. one step at a time, spending at the center of the capital sloth is to meet the pop hospital. the name means friendship. in loud describing the relationship between russia and loss. in december 2021,
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the russian government announced the resumption of their univision project. admit that pop hospital by 2020 to the russian government allocated 12000000 u. s. dollar through to you and ops to find the project. with this one to 36 year old hospital ames to undergo a major phase lift, the plan is to create a more modern appearance and also improve facilities, including those we have the russian meet equipment. in term of treatment and the can enhance their skew of our maybe cost up to training by a russian expert additional the we knew more than facility and it kicked me in the config didn't. that's our service. you'll be off. uh hi courtney


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